def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start): """ Obtain message chain for user in a channel. """ # Open database to get info for error testing database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member = database.get_account_info(token) # Error checking if not channel: raise InputError('Channel does not exist') if channel_member['permissions'] != OWNER_PERMISSIONS: if channel_member['u_id'] not in channel['members_id']: raise AccessError('Not a member in the channel') if start >= len(channel['messages']) and start != 0: raise InputError('Non-existent message') result = {} result['start'] = start # Use slicing and try statement to slice list of messages if start + 50 > len(channel['messages']): result['end'] = -1 else: result['end'] = start + 50 result['messages'] = channel['messages'][start:start + 50] return result
def message_send(token, channel_id, message): """ Send message in channel. """ # Raise error if message is too long if len(message) > 1000: raise InputError('Message over 1000 words') database = DataBase() user_id = database.get_account_info(token)['u_id'] channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) # Raise error is user_id is not part of channel. if user_id not in channel['members_id']: raise AccessError('Not a channel member') # Create message_id channel_id_str = str(NO_CHANNELS - channel_id) message_id = channel_id_str + str(channel['no_sent_messages']).zfill(5) message_id += str(user_id) message_id = int(message_id) # Create message_dict dt = timestamp = int(dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) message_dict = {} message_dict['message_id'] = message_id message_dict['u_id'] = user_id message_dict['message'] = message message_dict['time_created'] = timestamp message_dict['reacts'] = [{'react_id': 1, 'u_ids': [], 'is_this_user_reacted': False}] message_dict['is_pinned'] = False channel['messages'] = [message_dict] + channel['messages'] channel['no_sent_messages'] += 1 database.close() return { 'message_id': message_id, }
def test_standup_active_ends_and_sends_message(standup_init): standup_start(standup_init[0]['token'], standup_init[2], 10) standup_send(standup_init[0]['token'], standup_init[2], "heyo") standup_send(standup_init[0]['token'], standup_init[2], "heyo0000") time.sleep(11) # Not active result = standup_active(standup_init[0]['token'], standup_init[2]) assert not result['is_active'] database = DataBase() messages = database.get_channel_info(standup_init[2])['messages'] assert messages[0]
def test_channel_leave_remote(url, channel_init): ''' test_channel_leave_remote ''''{url}channel/leave', json={ 'token': channel_init[1]['token'], 'channel_id': channel_init[2] }) database = DataBase() assert channel_init[1]['u_id'] not in database.get_channel_info( channel_init[2])['members_id']
def test_channel_removeowner_remote(url, channel_init): ''' test_channel_removeowner_remote ''''{url}channel/removeowner', json={ 'token': channel_init[0]['token'], 'channel_id': channel_init[2], 'u_id': channel_init[0]['u_id'] }) database = DataBase() assert channel_init[0]['u_id'] not in database.get_channel_info( channel_init[2])['owners_id']
def test_channel_join_remote(url, channel_init): ''' test_channel_join_remote ''' test_channel_public_id = channels_create(channel_init[0]['token'], f"test_public{UNIQUE_ID}", True)'{url}channel/join', json={ 'token': channel_init[1]['token'], 'channel_id': test_channel_public_id['channel_id'] }) database = DataBase() assert channel_init[1]['u_id'] in database.get_channel_info( test_channel_public_id['channel_id'])['members_id']
def test_channel_details_remote(channel_init, url): ''' test_channel_details_remote ''' query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'token': channel_init[0]['token'], 'channel_id': channel_init[2] }) #print(f'{url}channel/details?{query_string}') print(f'{url}channel/details?{query_string}') response = requests.get(f'{url}channel/details?{query_string}') print(response.text) payload = response.json() database = DataBase() assert database.get_channel_info( channel_init[2])['name'] == payload['name']
def channel_leave(token, channel_id): """ Remove user from channel with valid token. """ # Get info from database for error checking database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member = database.get_account_info(token) # Error checking if not channel: raise InputError('Channel does not exist') if channel_member['permissions'] != OWNER_PERMISSIONS: if channel_member['u_id'] not in channel['members_id']: raise AccessError('Not a member in the channel') # Change database channel['members_id'].remove(channel_member['u_id']) database.close() return {}
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id): """ Remove the ownwer of channel with user with valid channel ownership. """ # Get info for error checking database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member = database.get_account_info(token) # Check for errors if not channel or u_id not in channel['owners_id']: raise InputError('Channel does not exist or user is not an owner') if (channel_member['u_id'] not in channel['owners_id'] and channel_member['permissions'] != OWNER_PERMISSIONS): raise AccessError('Not an owner of this channel') # Update database channel['owners_id'].remove(u_id) database.close() return {}
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id): """ Add channel ownwers for user with valid channel ownership. """ # Get info for error checking database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member = database.get_account_info(token) # Error checking if not channel or u_id in channel['owners_id']: raise InputError('Channel does not exist or user is not an owner') if channel_member['permissions'] != OWNER_PERMISSIONS: if channel_member['u_id'] not in channel['owners_id']: raise AccessError('Not an owner of the channel') # Update database channel['owners_id'].append(u_id) database.close() return {}
def channel_join(token, channel_id): """ Add valid user to channel. """ # Get info from database for error checking database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) joining_member = database.get_account_info(token) # Error checking if not channel: raise InputError('Channel does not exist') if joining_member['permissions'] != OWNER_PERMISSIONS: if not channel['is_public']: raise AccessError('Channel is private') # Update database channel['members_id'].append(joining_member['u_id']) database.close() return {}
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id): """ Invite registered users to channels. """ # Open database and gather channel info and member info database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member = database.get_account_info(token) add_member = database.get_info_from_id(u_id) # Error testing if not channel or not add_member: raise InputError('Channel doesn\'t exist or member doesn\'t exist') if channel_member['permissions'] != OWNER_PERMISSIONS: if channel_member['u_id'] not in channel['members_id']: raise AccessError('Not a member in the channel') # Update database channel['members_id'].append(u_id) database.close() return {}
def message_remove(token, message_id): """ Remove message in channel """ database = DataBase() user_id = database.get_account_info(token)['u_id'] channel_id = str(message_id) channel_id = NO_CHANNELS - int(channel_id[0:5]) channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_msgs = database.get_channel_messages(channel_id) message_user_id = int(str(message_id)[10:]) # Check users allowed to delete messages if user_id not in channel['owners_id'] and user_id != message_user_id: raise AccessError('Not a member of channel') # Check if message exists to delete in list message_index = find_message_index(message_id, channel_msgs) channel_msgs.pop(message_index) database.close() return {}
def channel_details(token, channel_id): """ Obtain channel details from database with a valid token. """ # Open database amd gather important channel info for error checking database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member = database.get_account_info(token) # Error checking if not channel: raise InputError('Channel does not exist') if channel_member['permissions'] != OWNER_PERMISSIONS: if channel_member['u_id'] not in channel['members_id']: raise AccessError('Not a member in the channel') result = {} result['name'] = channel['name'] result['owner_members'] = make_user_list(channel['owners_id']) result['all_members'] = make_user_list(channel['members_id']) return result
def message_unpin(token, message_id): """ Unpin messages. """ database = DataBase() channel_id = str(message_id) channel_id = NO_CHANNELS - int(channel_id[0:5]) channel_msgs = database.get_channel_messages(channel_id) message_index = find_message_index(message_id, channel_msgs) # Error checking msg = channel_msgs[message_index] channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member_id = database.get_account_info(token)['u_id'] if channel_member_id not in channel['members_id']: raise AccessError('Not a member in the channel') if not msg['is_pinned']: raise InputError('Message is already unpinnned') # Unpin messages channel_msgs[message_index]['is_pinned'] = False database.close() return {}
def message_edit(token, message_id, message): """ Edit messages or delete them. """ # Get channel which message_id attaches itself too database = DataBase() user_id = database.get_account_info(token)['u_id'] channel_id = str(message_id) channel_id = NO_CHANNELS - int(channel_id[0:5]) channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) message_user_id = int(str(message_id)[10:]) message_index = find_message_index(message_id, channel['messages']) # Error handling if user_id not in channel['owners_id'] and user_id != message_user_id: raise AccessError('Not member of channel') # Edit or delete message if message: channel['messages'][message_index]['message'] = message else: channel['messages'].pop(message_index) database.close() return {}
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent): ''' Send message at set time Time_sent can be both integer and timestring ''' #Error checking database = DataBase() channel = database.get_channel_info(channel_id) channel_member = database.get_account_info(token) if not channel or len(message) > 1000 or time_sent < 0: raise InputError if channel_member['u_id'] not in channel['members_id']: raise AccessError('Not a member in the channel') #Implementation with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as exe: def sleep_for(secs): time.sleep(secs) return 1 exe.submit(sleep_for, time_sent) future = exe.submit(message_send, token, channel_id, message) return_val = future.result() return return_val