def get_model(idx, dir): # grid properties nlay = 3 nrow = 6 ncol = 6 delr = 100.0 delc = 100.0 top = 300.0 botm = [200.0, 100.0, 0.0] # hydraulic properties hk = 1.0 vk = 1.0 # Set the idomain of the parent model in order to # define where the child model will be located idomain = np.ones((nlay, nrow, ncol), dtype=int) idomain[:, 2:4, 2:4] = 0 ncpp = 1 ncppl = [1, 1, 1] lgr = Lgr(nlay, nrow, ncol, delr, delc, top, botm, idomain, ncpp, ncppl) name = ex[idx] # build MODFLOW 6 files # create simulation sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(sim_name=name, version="mf6", exe_name="mf6", sim_ws=dir) # create tdis package tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim, nper=2, perioddata=[(1.0, 1, 1.0), (1.0, 1, 1.0)]) # create gwf model gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=namea, save_flows=True) # create iterative model solution and register the gwf model with it ims = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms(sim, outer_dvclose=1e-9, inner_dvclose=1.0e-9) # dis dis = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis( gwf, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm, idomain=idomain, ) # initial conditions ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf, pname="ic", strt=top) # node property flow npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf(gwf, save_specific_discharge=True, icelltype=0, k=hk, k33=vk) # chd chdspd = [] for k in range(nlay): for i in range(nrow): chdspd.append([(k, i, 0), 1.0]) chdspd.append([(k, i, ncol - 1), 6.0]) chd = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfchd(gwf, stress_period_data=chdspd) # output control oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( gwf, pname="oc", budget_filerecord="{}.cbc".format(namea), head_filerecord="{}.hds".format(namea), headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")], saverecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")], printrecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")], ) # create child gwf model cgwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=nameb, save_flows=True) cnlay, cnrow, cncol = lgr.get_shape() cdelr, cdelc = lgr.get_delr_delc() ctop, cbotm = lgr.get_top_botm() xorigin, yorigin = lgr.get_lower_left() cidomain = lgr.get_idomain() cdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis( cgwf, nlay=cnlay, nrow=cnrow, ncol=cncol, delr=cdelr, delc=cdelc, top=ctop, botm=cbotm, idomain=cidomain, xorigin=xorigin, yorigin=yorigin, ) cic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(cgwf, pname="ic", strt=top) cnpf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf(cgwf, save_specific_discharge=True, icelltype=0, k=hk, k33=vk) oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( cgwf, pname="oc", budget_filerecord="{}.cbc".format(nameb), head_filerecord="{}.hds".format(nameb), headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")], saverecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")], printrecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")], ) # exchange information exchangedata = lgr.get_exchange_data(angldegx=True, cdist=True) nexg = len(exchangedata) gwfe = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfgwf( sim, exgtype="gwf6-gwf6", exgmnamea="a", exgmnameb="b", nexg=nexg, auxiliary=[("angldegx", "cdist")], exchangedata=exchangedata, ) return sim
def test_lgrutil(): nlayp = 5 nrowp = 5 ncolp = 5 delrp = 100.0 delcp = 100.0 topp = 100.0 botmp = [-100, -200, -300, -400, -500] idomainp = np.ones((nlayp, nrowp, ncolp), dtype=int) idomainp[0:2, 1:4, 1:4] = 0 ncpp = 3 ncppl = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0] lgr = Lgr( nlayp, nrowp, ncolp, delrp, delcp, topp, botmp, idomainp, ncpp=ncpp, ncppl=ncppl, xllp=100.0, yllp=100.0, ) # child shape assert lgr.get_shape() == (2, 9, 9), "child shape is not (2, 9, 9)" # child delr/delc delr, delc = lgr.get_delr_delc() assert np.allclose(delr, delrp / ncpp), "child delr not correct" assert np.allclose(delc, delcp / ncpp), "child delc not correct" # child idomain idomain = lgr.get_idomain() assert idomain.min() == idomain.max() == 1 assert idomain.shape == (2, 9, 9) # replicated parent array ap = np.arange(nrowp * ncolp).reshape((nrowp, ncolp)) ac = lgr.get_replicated_parent_array(ap) assert ac[0, 0] == 6 assert ac[-1, -1] == 18 # child top/bottom topc, botmc = lgr.get_top_botm() assert topc.shape == (9, 9) assert botmc.shape == (2, 9, 9) assert topc.min() == topc.max() == 100.0 errmsg = "{} /= {}".format(botmc[:, 0, 0], np.array(botmp[:2])) assert np.allclose(botmc[:, 0, 0], np.array(botmp[:2])), errmsg # exchange data exchange_data = lgr.get_exchange_data(angldegx=True, cdist=True) ans1 = [ (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0), 1, 50.0, 16.666666666666668, 33.333333333333336, 0.0, 354.33819375782156, ] errmsg = "{} /= {}".format(ans1, exchange_data[0]) assert exchange_data[0] == ans1, errmsg ans2 = [ (2, 3, 3), (1, 8, 8), 0, 50.0, 50, 1111.1111111111113, 180.0, 100.0, ] errmsg = "{} /= {}".format(ans2, exchange_data[-1]) assert exchange_data[-1] == ans2, errmsg errmsg = "exchanges should be 71 horizontal plus 81 vertical" assert len(exchange_data) == 72 + 81, errmsg # list of parent cells connected to a child cell assert lgr.get_parent_connections(0, 0, 0) == [ ((0, 1, 0), -1), ((0, 0, 1), 2), ] assert lgr.get_parent_connections(1, 8, 8) == [ ((1, 3, 4), 1), ((1, 4, 3), -2), ((2, 3, 3), -3), ] return
def test_lgrutil(): nlayp = 5 nrowp = 5 ncolp = 5 delrp = 100. delcp = 100. topp = 100. botmp = [-100, -200, -300, -400, -500] idomainp = np.ones((nlayp, nrowp, ncolp), idomainp[0:2, 1:4, 1:4] = 0 ncpp = 3 ncppl = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0] lgr = Lgr(nlayp, nrowp, ncolp, delrp, delcp, topp, botmp, idomainp, ncpp=ncpp, ncppl=ncppl, xllp=100., yllp=100.) # child shape assert lgr.get_shape() == (2, 9, 9), 'child shape is not (2, 9, 9)' # child delr/delc delr, delc = lgr.get_delr_delc() assert np.allclose(delr, delrp / ncpp), 'child delr not correct' assert np.allclose(delc, delcp / ncpp), 'child delc not correct' # child idomain idomain = lgr.get_idomain() assert idomain.min() == idomain.max() == 1 assert idomain.shape == (2, 9, 9) # replicated parent array ap = np.arange(nrowp * ncolp).reshape((nrowp, ncolp)) ac = lgr.get_replicated_parent_array(ap) assert ac[0, 0] == 6 assert ac[-1, -1] == 18 # top/bottom top, botm = lgr.get_top_botm() assert top.shape == (9, 9) assert botm.shape == (2, 9, 9) assert top.min() == top.max() == 100. assert botm.min() == botm.max() == 0. # exchange data exchange_data = lgr.get_exchange_data(angldegx=True, cdist=True) ans1 = [(0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0), 1, 50.0, 16.666666666666668, 33.333333333333336, 0.0, 354.33819375782156] ans2 = [(1, 4, 3), (1, 8, 8), 1, 50.0, 16.666666666666668, 33.333333333333336, 90.0, 354.3381937578216] assert exchange_data[0] == ans1 assert exchange_data[-1] == ans2 assert len(exchange_data) == 72 # list of parent cells connected to a child cell assert lgr.get_parent_connections(0, 0, 0) == [((0, 1, 0), -1), ((0, 0, 1), 2)] assert lgr.get_parent_connections(1, 8, 8) == [((1, 3, 4), 1), ((1, 4, 3), -2)] return
def build_model(sim_name, silent=False): if config.buildModel: # Instantiate the MODFLOW 6 simulation name = "lgr" gwfname = "gwf-" + name sim_ws = os.path.join(ws, sim_name) sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation( sim_name=sim_name, version="mf6", sim_ws=sim_ws, exe_name=mf6exe, continue_=True, ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 time discretization tdis_rc = [] for i in range(len(perlen)): tdis_rc.append((perlen[i], nstp[i], tsmult[i])) flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim, nper=nper, perioddata=tdis_rc, time_units=time_units) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 groundwater flow model gwfname = gwfname + "-parent" gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf( sim, modelname=gwfname, save_flows=True, newtonoptions="newton", model_nam_file="{}.nam".format(gwfname), ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 solver for flow model imsgwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms( sim, print_option="SUMMARY", outer_dvclose=hclose, outer_maximum=nouter, under_relaxation="NONE", inner_maximum=ninner, inner_dvclose=hclose, rcloserecord=rclose, linear_acceleration="BICGSTAB", scaling_method="NONE", reordering_method="NONE", relaxation_factor=relax, filename="{}.ims".format(gwfname), ) sim.register_ims_package(imsgwf, []) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 discretization package dis = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis( gwf, nlay=nlayp, nrow=nrowp, ncol=ncolp, delr=delrp, delc=delcp, top=topp, botm=botmp, idomain=idomainp, filename="{}.dis".format(gwfname), ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 initial conditions package for flow model strt = [topp - 0.25, topp - 0.25, topp - 0.25] ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf, strt=strt, filename="{}.ic".format(gwfname)) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 node-property flow package npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf( gwf, save_flows=False, alternative_cell_averaging="AMT-LMK", icelltype=icelltype, k=k11, k33=k33, save_specific_discharge=False, filename="{}.npf".format(gwfname), ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 output control package for flow model oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( gwf, budget_filerecord="{}.bud".format(gwfname), head_filerecord="{}.hds".format(gwfname), headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")], saverecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], printrecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 constant head package rowList = np.arange(0, nrowp).tolist() layList = np.arange(0, nlayp).tolist() chdspd_left = [] chdspd_right = [] # Loop through rows, the left & right sides will appear in separate, # dedicated packages hd_left = 49.75 hd_right = 44.75 for l in layList: for r in rowList: # first, do left side of model chdspd_left.append([(l, r, 0), hd_left]) # finally, do right side of model chdspd_right.append([(l, r, ncolp - 1), hd_right]) chdspd = {0: chdspd_left} chd1 = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfchd.ModflowGwfchd( gwf, maxbound=len(chdspd), stress_period_data=chdspd, save_flows=False, pname="CHD-1", filename="{}.chd1.chd".format(gwfname), ) chdspd = {0: chdspd_right} chd2 = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfchd.ModflowGwfchd( gwf, maxbound=len(chdspd), stress_period_data=chdspd, save_flows=False, pname="CHD-2", filename="{}.chd2.chd".format(gwfname), ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 Parent model's SFR package sfr = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfsfr( gwf, print_stage=False, print_flows=False, budget_filerecord=gwfname + ".sfr.bud", save_flows=True, mover=True, pname="SFR-parent", unit_conversion=86400.0, boundnames=False, nreaches=len(connsp), packagedata=pkdat, connectiondata=connsp, perioddata=sfrspd, filename="{}.sfr".format(gwfname), ) # ------------------------------- # Now pivoting to the child grid # ------------------------------- # Leverage flopy's "Lgr" class; was imported at start of script ncpp = 3 ncppl = [3, 3, 0] lgr = Lgr( nlayp, nrowp, ncolp, delrp, delcp, topp, botmp, idomainp, ncpp=ncpp, ncppl=ncppl, xllp=0.0, yllp=0.0, ) # Get child grid info: delrc, delcc = lgr.get_delr_delc() idomainc = lgr.get_idomain() # child idomain topc, botmc = lgr.get_top_botm() # top/bottom of child grid # Instantiate MODFLOW 6 child gwf model gwfnamec = "gwf-" + name + "-child" gwfc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf( sim, modelname=gwfnamec, save_flows=True, newtonoptions="newton", model_nam_file="{}.nam".format(gwfnamec), ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 discretization package for the child model child_dis_shp = lgr.get_shape() nlayc = child_dis_shp[0] nrowc = child_dis_shp[1] ncolc = child_dis_shp[2] disc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis( gwfc, nlay=nlayc, nrow=nrowc, ncol=ncolc, delr=delrc, delc=delcc, top=topc, botm=botmc, idomain=idomainc, filename="{}.dis".format(gwfnamec), ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 initial conditions package for child model strtc = [ topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, ] icc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwfc, strt=strtc, filename="{}.ic".format(gwfnamec)) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 node property flow package for child model icelltypec = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] npfc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf( gwfc, save_flows=False, alternative_cell_averaging="AMT-LMK", icelltype=icelltypec, k=k11, k33=k33, save_specific_discharge=False, filename="{}.npf".format(gwfnamec), ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 output control package for the child model occ = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( gwfc, budget_filerecord="{}.bud".format(gwfnamec), head_filerecord="{}.hds".format(gwfnamec), headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")], saverecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], printrecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], ) # Instantiating MODFLOW 6 Streamflow routing package for child model sfrc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfsfr( gwfc, print_stage=False, print_flows=False, budget_filerecord=gwfnamec + ".sfr.bud", save_flows=True, mover=True, pname="SFR-child", unit_conversion=86400.00, boundnames=False, nreaches=len(connsc), packagedata=pkdatc, connectiondata=connsc, perioddata=sfrspdc, filename="{}.sfr".format(gwfnamec), ) # Retrieve exchange data using Lgr class functionality exchange_data = lgr.get_exchange_data() # Establish MODFLOW 6 GWF-GWF exchange gwfgwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfgwf( sim, exgtype="GWF6-GWF6", print_flows=True, print_input=True, exgmnamea=gwfname, exgmnameb=gwfnamec, nexg=len(exchange_data), exchangedata=exchange_data, mvr_filerecord="{}.mvr".format(name), pname="EXG-1", filename="{}.exg".format(name), ) # Instantiate MVR package mvrpack = [[gwfname, "SFR-parent"], [gwfnamec, "SFR-child"]] maxpackages = len(mvrpack) # Set up static SFR-to-SFR connections that remain fixed for entire simulation static_mvrperioddata = [ # don't forget to use 0-based values [ mvrpack[0][0], mvrpack[0][1], 7, mvrpack[1][0], mvrpack[1][1], 0, "FACTOR", 1.0, ], [ mvrpack[1][0], mvrpack[1][1], 88, mvrpack[0][0], mvrpack[0][1], 8, "FACTOR", 1, ], ] mvrspd = {0: static_mvrperioddata} maxmvr = 2 mvr = flopy.mf6.ModflowMvr( sim, modelnames=True, maxmvr=maxmvr, print_flows=True, maxpackages=maxpackages, packages=mvrpack, perioddata=mvrspd, filename="{}.mvr".format(name), ) return sim return None
def instantiate_base_simulation(scen_nam, gwfname, gwfnamec): # All pckgs between 3 test models the same except for parent model SFR input # static model data scen_ws = ws + "-" + scen_nam sim_workspaces.append(scen_ws) gwf_names.append(gwfname) sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation( sim_name=name, version="mf6", exe_name=mf6exe, sim_ws=scen_ws, continue_=False, ) # Instantiate time discretization package tdis_rc = [] for i in range(len(perlen)): tdis_rc.append((perlen[i], nstp[i], tsmult[i])) tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim, time_units="DAYS", nper=nper, perioddata=tdis_rc) # Instantiate the gwf model (parent model) gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf( sim, modelname=gwfname, save_flows=True, newtonoptions="NEWTON", model_nam_file="{}.nam".format(gwfname), ) # Create iterative model solution and register the gwf model with it imsgwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms( sim, print_option="SUMMARY", outer_dvclose=hclose, outer_maximum=nouter, under_relaxation="NONE", inner_maximum=ninner, inner_dvclose=hclose, rcloserecord=rclose, linear_acceleration="BICGSTAB", scaling_method="NONE", reordering_method="NONE", relaxation_factor=relax, filename="{}.ims".format(gwfname), ) sim.register_ims_package(imsgwf, []) # Instantiate the discretization package dis = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis( gwf, nlay=nlayp, nrow=nrowp, ncol=ncolp, delr=delrp, delc=delcp, top=topp, botm=botmp, idomain=idomainp, filename="{}.dis".format(gwfname), ) # Instantiate initial conditions package strt = [topp - 0.25, topp - 0.25, topp - 0.25] ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf, strt=strt, filename="{}.ic".format(gwfname)) # Instantiate node property flow package npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf( gwf, save_flows=False, alternative_cell_averaging="AMT-LMK", icelltype=icelltype, k=hk, k33=k33, save_specific_discharge=False, filename="{}.npf".format(gwfname), ) # output control oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( gwf, budget_filerecord="{}.bud".format(gwfname), head_filerecord="{}.hds".format(gwfname), headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")], saverecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], printrecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], ) # Instantiate constant head package rowList = np.arange(0, nrowp).tolist() layList = np.arange(0, nlayp).tolist() chdspd_left = [] chdspd_right = [] # Loop through rows, the left & right sides will appear in separate, # dedicated packages hd_left = 49.75 hd_right = 44.75 for l in layList: for r in rowList: # first, do left side of model chdspd_left.append([(l, r, 0), hd_left]) # finally, do right side of model chdspd_right.append([(l, r, ncolp - 1), hd_right]) chdspd = {0: chdspd_left} chd1 = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfchd.ModflowGwfchd( gwf, maxbound=len(chdspd), stress_period_data=chdspd, save_flows=False, pname="CHD-1", filename="{}.chd1.chd".format(gwfname), ) chdspd = {0: chdspd_right} chd2 = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfchd.ModflowGwfchd( gwf, maxbound=len(chdspd), stress_period_data=chdspd, save_flows=False, pname="CHD-2", filename="{}.chd2.chd".format(gwfname), ) welspd_mf6 = [] # [(layer, row, column), flow] welspd_mf6.append([(3 - 1, 8 - 1, 10 - 1), -5.0]) wel_mf6_spd = {0: welspd_mf6} maxbound = len(welspd_mf6) wel = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel( gwf, print_input=False, print_flows=True, maxbound=maxbound, mover=True, auto_flow_reduce=0.1, stress_period_data=wel_mf6_spd, # wel_spd established in the MVR setup boundnames=False, save_flows=True, pname="WEL-1", filename="{}.wel".format(gwfname), ) # --------------------------- # Now work on the child grid # --------------------------- ncpp = 3 ncppl = [3, 3, 0] lgr = Lgr( nlayp, nrowp, ncolp, delrp, delcp, topp, botmp, idomainp, ncpp=ncpp, ncppl=ncppl, xllp=0.0, yllp=0.0, ) # Get child grid info: delrc, delcc = lgr.get_delr_delc() idomainc = lgr.get_idomain() # child idomain topc, botmc = lgr.get_top_botm() # top/bottom of child grid # Instantiate the gwf model (child model) gwfc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf( sim, modelname=gwfnamec, save_flows=True, newtonoptions="NEWTON", model_nam_file="{}.nam".format(gwfnamec), ) # Instantiate the discretization package child_dis_shp = lgr.get_shape() nlayc = child_dis_shp[0] nrowc = child_dis_shp[1] ncolc = child_dis_shp[2] disc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis( gwfc, nlay=nlayc, nrow=nrowc, ncol=ncolc, delr=delrc, delc=delcc, top=topc, botm=botmc, idomain=idomainc, filename="{}.dis".format(gwfnamec), ) # Instantiate initial conditions package strtc = [ topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, topc - 0.25, ] icc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwfc, strt=strtc, filename="{}.ic".format(gwfnamec)) # Instantiate node property flow package icelltypec = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] npfc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf( gwfc, save_flows=False, alternative_cell_averaging="AMT-LMK", icelltype=icelltypec, k=hk, k33=k33, save_specific_discharge=False, filename="{}.npf".format(gwfnamec), ) # output control occ = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( gwfc, budget_filerecord="{}.bud".format(gwfnamec), head_filerecord="{}.hds".format(gwfnamec), headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")], saverecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], printrecord=[("HEAD", "LAST"), ("BUDGET", "LAST")], ) welspd_mf6c = [] # [(layer, row, column), flow] welspd_mf6c.append([(6 - 1, 4 - 1, 9 - 1), -10.0]) wel_mf6_spdc = {0: welspd_mf6c} maxboundc = len(welspd_mf6c) welc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel( gwfc, print_input=False, print_flows=True, maxbound=maxboundc, mover=True, auto_flow_reduce=0.1, stress_period_data=wel_mf6_spdc, # wel_spd established in the MVR setup boundnames=False, save_flows=True, pname="WEL-2", filename="{}.wel".format(gwfnamec), ) # exchange data exchange_data = lgr.get_exchange_data() # Establish GWF-GWF exchange gwfgwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfgwf( sim, exgtype="GWF6-GWF6", print_flows=True, print_input=True, exgmnamea=gwfname, exgmnameb=gwfnamec, nexg=len(exchange_data), exchangedata=exchange_data, mvr_filerecord="{}.mvr".format(name), pname="EXG-1", filename="{}.exg".format(name), ) return sim, gwf, gwfc