def testAuthenticateOAuth(self): """ L{OAuthConsumerAPI.authenticate} returns the L{User} when passed valid L{OAuthCredentials}. In the case of OAuth Echo, and in the case of this test, a consumer makes a request using a token that grants it access to act on behalf of a particular user. """ UserAPI().create([(u'consumer', u'password', u'Consumer', u'*****@*****.**')]) UserAPI().create([(u'user', u'secret', u'User', u'*****@*****.**')]) consumer = getUser(u'consumer') user = getUser(u'user') api = OAuthConsumerAPI() api.register(consumer, secret='abyOTsAfo9MVN0qz') token = api.getAccessToken(consumer, user) timestamp = 1314976811 headers = {'header1': 'foo'} arguments = 'argument1=bar' signature = 'Sno1ocDhYv9vwJnEJATE3cmUvSo=' nonce = 'nonce' credentials = OAuthCredentials( '', consumer.username, token.encrypt(), 'HMAC-SHA1', signature, timestamp, nonce, 'GET', u'', headers, arguments) self.assertIdentical(user, api.authenticate(credentials))
def testAuthenticateOAuth2(self): """ L{OAuthConsumerAPI.authenticate} returns the L{User} when passed valid L{OAuth2Credentials}. In the case of OAuth Echo, and in the case of this test, a consumer makes a request using a token that grants it access to act on behalf of a particular user. """ UserAPI().create([(u'consumer', u'password', u'Consumer', u'*****@*****.**')]) UserAPI().create([(u'user', u'secret', u'User', u'*****@*****.**')]) consumer = getUser(u'consumer') user = getUser(u'user') api = OAuthConsumerAPI() api.register(consumer, secret='abyOTsAfo9MVN0qz') token = api.getAccessToken(consumer, user) credentials = OAuth2Credentials(u'consumer', u'secret1', token.encrypt()) self.assertIdentical(user, api.authenticate(credentials))