def plot_RGB(geotif, rgb_bands=[1,2,3], file_extension='jpg', dpi=150, figsize=(10,10)): """ Calculates a RGB image (True color composite) based on red, greed, and blue bands. :param geotif: geotif file containning one band with NDVI values :param file_extension: format of the output graphic. default='png' :param rgb_bands: order of bands storing red, green and blue values default=[1,2,3] :result str: path to graphic file """ from numpy import dstack gdal.UseExceptions() ds = gdal.Open(geotif) data = ds.ReadAsArray() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() proj = ds.GetProjection() inproj = osr.SpatialReference() inproj.ImportFromWkt(proj) projcs = inproj.GetAuthorityCode('PROJCS') projection = ccrs.epsg(projcs) # print(projection) subplot_kw = dict(projection=projection) fig, ax = plt.subplots( subplot_kw=subplot_kw) extent = (gt[0], gt[0] + ds.RasterXSize * gt[1], gt[3] + ds.RasterYSize * gt[5], gt[3]) red = ds.GetRasterBand(rgb_bands[0]) green = ds.GetRasterBand(rgb_bands[1]) blue = ds.GetRasterBand(rgb_bands[2]) # band 1 PSSCINE4Band blue img_r = red.ReadAsArray(0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize) img_g = green.ReadAsArray(0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize) img_b = blue.ReadAsArray(0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize) # rgb = dstack((data[0, :, :], data[1, :, :], data[2, :, :])) rgb = dstack([img_r, img_g, img_b]) img = ax.imshow(rgb, extent=extent, origin='upper', transform=projection) # img = ax.imshow(rgb.transpose((1, 2, 0)), extent=extent, # origin='upper') ax.gridlines(color='lightgrey', linestyle='-') # ax.set_xticks() tcc_plot = vs.fig2plot(fig, dpi=dpi, figsize=figsize, file_extension='jpg') plt.close() ds = None return tcc_plot
def _handler(self, request, response): from tempfile import mkstemp tic = init_process_logger('log.txt') response.outputs['output_log'].file = 'log.txt''Start process') response.update_status('Execution started at : {}'.format(tic), 1) ###################################### # Read inputs ###################################### try: resource = archiveextract( resource=rename_complexinputs(request.inputs['resource']))[0] fmts = [ for e in request.inputs['fmt']] title = request.inputs['title'][0].data except Exception as e: msg = 'Failed to read input parameter {}'.format(e) LOGGER.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) response.update_status('Input parameters ingested', 2) try: fig = map_spatial_analog(resource, title=title) output = [] for fmt in fmts: output.append(fig2plot(fig, fmt)) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to create figure: {}".format(e) LOGGER.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) finally: plt.close() if len(fmts) == 1: output = output[0] else: output = archive(output) response.outputs['output_figure'].file = output response.update_status("done", 100) return response
def plot_products(products, extend=[10, 20, 5, 15]): """ plot the products extends of the search result :param products: output of sentinel api search :return graphic: map of extents """ import numpy as np from matplotlib.patches import Polygon import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from cartopy import config as cartopy_config import cartopy.feature as cfeature from cartopy.util import add_cyclic_point import re fig = plt.figure(dpi=90, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') projection = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = plt.axes(projection=projection) ax.set_extent(extend) ax.stock_img() ax.coastlines() ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS) pat = re.compile(r'''(-*\d+\.\d+ -*\d+\.\d+);*''') for key in products.keys(): polygon = str(products[key]['footprint']) # s = 'POLYGON ((15.71888453311329 9.045763865974665,15.7018748825589 8.97110837227606,15.66795226563288 8.822558900399137,15.639498612331632 8.69721920092792,15.63428409805786 8.674303514900869,15.600477269179995 8.525798537094156,15.566734239298787 8.377334323160321,15.53315342410745 8.228822837291709,15.499521168391912 8.080353481086165,15.493321895031096 8.052970059354971,14.999818486685434 8.053569047879877,14.999818016115439 9.046743365203026,15.71888453311329 9.045763865974665))' matches = pat.findall(polygon) if matches: xy = np.array([map(float, m.split()) for m in matches]) ax.add_patch(mpatches.Polygon(xy, closed=True, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), alpha=0.4)) # color='coral' # ccrs.Geodetic() ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True,) img = vs.fig2plot(fig, output_dir='.') return img
def plot_ndvi(geotif, file_extension='jpg', dpi=150, figsize=(10,10)): """ plots a NDVI image :param geotif: geotif file containning one band with NDVI values :param file_extension: format of the output graphic. default='png' :result str: path to graphic file """ # gdal.UseExceptions() norm = vs.MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0) ds = gdal.Open(geotif) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() proj = ds.GetProjection() inproj = osr.SpatialReference() inproj.ImportFromWkt(proj) projcs = inproj.GetAuthorityCode('PROJCS') projection = ccrs.epsg(projcs) # print("Projection: %s " % projection) subplot_kw = dict(projection=projection) fig, ax = plt.subplots( subplot_kw=subplot_kw) extent = (gt[0], gt[0] + ds.RasterXSize * gt[1], gt[3] + ds.RasterYSize * gt[5], gt[3]) bnd1 = ds.GetRasterBand(1) data = bnd1.ReadAsArray(0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize) # buf_xsize=ds.RasterXSize/10, buf_ysize=ds.RasterYSize/10, img_ndvi = ax.imshow(data, extent=extent,origin='upper', norm=norm, vmin=-1, vmax=1,, transform=projection) # img_ndvi = ax.imshow(data, extent=extent, # [:3, :, :].transpose((1, 2, 0)) # origin='upper',norm=norm, vmin=-1, vmax=1, plt.title('NDVI') plt.colorbar(img_ndvi) ax.gridlines() #draw_labels=True, ndvi_plot = vs.fig2plot(fig, output_dir='.', file_extension=file_extension, dpi=dpi, figsize=figsize) return ndvi_plot # ndvi_plot
extent=extent, origin='upper', norm=norm, vmin=-1, vmax=1, # img_ndvi = ax.imshow(data, extent=extent, transform=projection, # [:3, :, :].transpose((1, 2, 0)) # origin='upper',norm=norm, vmin=-1, vmax=1, plt.title('NDVI') plt.colorbar(img_ndvi) ax.gridlines() #draw_labels=True, from flyingpigeon import visualisation as vs ndvi_plot = vs.fig2plot(fig, output_dir='.') # # # from osgeo import gdal, osr # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # from flyingpigeon import visualisation as vs # # gdal.UseExceptions() # # fname = '/home/nils/data/ndvi_SENTINE2ogmvEh.tif' # # ds = gdal.Open(fname) # # data = ds.ReadAsArray() # gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() # proj = ds.GetProjection()
ax.add_patch( mpatches.Polygon(xy + 2, closed=True, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='coral', alpha=0.6)) # ccrs.Geodetic() ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, ) # # # ax.add_patch(polygon) from flyingpigeon import visualisation as vs img = vs.fig2plot(fig, output_dir='/home/nils/data') print img # xy = np.array([[14.091911258909906, 8.141018593002007], # [15.088597794983281, 8.142024478978072], # [15.088393218629665, 7.14880742704817], # [14.09400773070998, 7.147925563681057], # [14.091911258909906, 8.141018593002007]]) # # # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # patches = [] # num_polygons = 5 # num_sides = 5