コード例 #1
def test_dispatch_execute_user_error_non_recov(mock_write_to_file, mock_upload_dir, mock_get_data, mock_load_proto):
    # Just leave these here, mock them out so nothing happens
    mock_get_data.return_value = True
    mock_upload_dir.return_value = True

    def t1(a: int) -> str:
        # Should be interpreted as a non-recoverable user error
        raise ValueError(f"some exception {a}")

    ctx = context_manager.FlyteContext.current_context()
    with context_manager.FlyteContextManager.with_context(
    ) as ctx:
        input_literal_map = TypeEngine.dict_to_literal_map(ctx, {"a": 5})
        mock_load_proto.return_value = input_literal_map.to_flyte_idl()

        files = OrderedDict()
        mock_write_to_file.side_effect = get_output_collector(files)
        # See comment in test_dispatch_execute_ignore for why we need to decorate
        system_entry_point(_dispatch_execute)(ctx, t1, "inputs path", "outputs prefix")
        assert len(files) == 1

        # Exception should've caused an error file
        k = list(files.keys())[0]
        assert "error.pb" in k

        v = list(files.values())[0]
        ed = error_models.ErrorDocument.from_flyte_idl(v)
        assert ed.error.kind == error_models.ContainerError.Kind.NON_RECOVERABLE
        assert "some exception 5" in ed.error.message
        assert ed.error.origin == execution_models.ExecutionError.ErrorKind.USER
コード例 #2
def test_dispatch_execute_system_error(mock_write_to_file, mock_upload_dir, mock_get_data, mock_load_proto):
    # Just leave these here, mock them out so nothing happens
    mock_get_data.return_value = True
    mock_upload_dir.return_value = True

    ctx = context_manager.FlyteContext.current_context()
    with context_manager.FlyteContextManager.with_context(
    ) as ctx:
        input_literal_map = TypeEngine.dict_to_literal_map(ctx, {"a": 5})
        mock_load_proto.return_value = input_literal_map.to_flyte_idl()

        python_task = mock.MagicMock()
        python_task.dispatch_execute.side_effect = Exception("some system exception")

        files = OrderedDict()
        mock_write_to_file.side_effect = get_output_collector(files)
        # See comment in test_dispatch_execute_ignore for why we need to decorate
        system_entry_point(_dispatch_execute)(ctx, python_task, "inputs path", "outputs prefix")
        assert len(files) == 1

        # Exception should've caused an error file
        k = list(files.keys())[0]
        assert "error.pb" in k

        v = list(files.values())[0]
        ed = error_models.ErrorDocument.from_flyte_idl(v)
        # System errors default to recoverable
        assert ed.error.kind == error_models.ContainerError.Kind.RECOVERABLE
        assert "some system exception" in ed.error.message
        assert ed.error.origin == execution_models.ExecutionError.ErrorKind.SYSTEM
コード例 #3
def test_dispatch_execute_normal(mock_write_to_file, mock_upload_dir, mock_get_data, mock_load_proto):
    # Just leave these here, mock them out so nothing happens
    mock_get_data.return_value = True
    mock_upload_dir.return_value = True

    def t1(a: int) -> str:
        return f"string is: {a}"

    ctx = context_manager.FlyteContext.current_context()
    with context_manager.FlyteContextManager.with_context(
    ) as ctx:
        input_literal_map = TypeEngine.dict_to_literal_map(ctx, {"a": 5})
        mock_load_proto.return_value = input_literal_map.to_flyte_idl()

        files = OrderedDict()
        mock_write_to_file.side_effect = get_output_collector(files)
        # See comment in test_dispatch_execute_ignore for why we need to decorate
        system_entry_point(_dispatch_execute)(ctx, t1, "inputs path", "outputs prefix")
        assert len(files) == 1

        # A successful run should've written an outputs file.
        k = list(files.keys())[0]
        assert "outputs.pb" in k

        v = list(files.values())[0]
        lm = _literal_models.LiteralMap.from_flyte_idl(v)
        assert lm.literals["o0"].scalar.primitive.string_value == "string is: 5"
コード例 #4
def test_dispatch_execute_ignore(mock_write_to_file, mock_upload_dir, mock_get_data, mock_load_proto):
    # Just leave these here, mock them out so nothing happens
    mock_get_data.return_value = True
    mock_upload_dir.return_value = True
    ctx = context_manager.FlyteContext.current_context()

    # IgnoreOutputs
    with context_manager.FlyteContextManager.with_context(
    ) as ctx:
        python_task = mock.MagicMock()
        python_task.dispatch_execute.side_effect = IgnoreOutputs()

        empty_literal_map = _literal_models.LiteralMap({}).to_flyte_idl()
        mock_load_proto.return_value = empty_literal_map

        # The system_entry_point decorator does different thing based on whether or not it's the
        # first time it's called. Using it here to mimic the fact that _dispatch_execute is
        # called by _execute_task, which also has a system_entry_point
        system_entry_point(_dispatch_execute)(ctx, python_task, "inputs path", "outputs prefix")
        assert mock_write_to_file.call_count == 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: entrypoint.py プロジェクト: flyteorg/flytekit
def _dispatch_execute(
    ctx: FlyteContext,
    task_def: PythonTask,
    inputs_path: str,
    output_prefix: str,
    Dispatches execute to PythonTask
        Step1: Download inputs and load into a literal map
        Step2: Invoke task - dispatch_execute
            a: [Optional] Record outputs to output_prefix
            b: OR if IgnoreOutputs is raised, then ignore uploading outputs
            c: OR if an unhandled exception is retrieved - record it as an errors.pb
    output_file_dict = {}
    logger.debug(f"Starting _dispatch_execute for {task_def.name}")
        # Step1
        local_inputs_file = os.path.join(ctx.execution_state.working_dir, "inputs.pb")
        ctx.file_access.get_data(inputs_path, local_inputs_file)
        input_proto = utils.load_proto_from_file(_literals_pb2.LiteralMap, local_inputs_file)
        idl_input_literals = _literal_models.LiteralMap.from_flyte_idl(input_proto)

        # Step2
        # Decorate the dispatch execute function before calling it, this wraps all exceptions into one
        # of the FlyteScopedExceptions
        outputs = _scoped_exceptions.system_entry_point(task_def.dispatch_execute)(ctx, idl_input_literals)
        # Step3a
        if isinstance(outputs, VoidPromise):
            logger.warning("Task produces no outputs")
            output_file_dict = {_constants.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME: _literal_models.LiteralMap(literals={})}
        elif isinstance(outputs, _literal_models.LiteralMap):
            output_file_dict = {_constants.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME: outputs}
        elif isinstance(outputs, _dynamic_job.DynamicJobSpec):
            output_file_dict = {_constants.FUTURES_FILE_NAME: outputs}
            logger.error(f"SystemError: received unknown outputs from task {outputs}")
            output_file_dict[_constants.ERROR_FILE_NAME] = _error_models.ErrorDocument(
                    f"Type of output received not handled {type(outputs)} outputs: {outputs}",

    # Handle user-scoped errors
    except _scoped_exceptions.FlyteScopedUserException as e:
        if isinstance(e.value, IgnoreOutputs):
            logger.warning(f"User-scoped IgnoreOutputs received! Outputs.pb will not be uploaded. reason {e}!!")
        output_file_dict[_constants.ERROR_FILE_NAME] = _error_models.ErrorDocument(
                e.error_code, e.verbose_message, e.kind, _execution_models.ExecutionError.ErrorKind.USER
        logger.error("!! Begin User Error Captured by Flyte !!")
        logger.error("!! End Error Captured by Flyte !!")

    # Handle system-scoped errors
    except _scoped_exceptions.FlyteScopedSystemException as e:
        if isinstance(e.value, IgnoreOutputs):
            logger.warning(f"System-scoped IgnoreOutputs received! Outputs.pb will not be uploaded. reason {e}!!")
        output_file_dict[_constants.ERROR_FILE_NAME] = _error_models.ErrorDocument(
                e.error_code, e.verbose_message, e.kind, _execution_models.ExecutionError.ErrorKind.SYSTEM
        logger.error("!! Begin System Error Captured by Flyte !!")
        logger.error("!! End Error Captured by Flyte !!")

    # Interpret all other exceptions (some of which may be caused by the code in the try block outside of
    # dispatch_execute) as recoverable system exceptions.
    except Exception as e:
        # Step 3c
        exc_str = _traceback.format_exc()
        output_file_dict[_constants.ERROR_FILE_NAME] = _error_models.ErrorDocument(
        logger.error(f"Exception when executing task {task_def.name or task_def.id.name}, reason {str(e)}")
        logger.error("!! Begin Unknown System Error Captured by Flyte !!")
        logger.error("!! End Error Captured by Flyte !!")

    for k, v in output_file_dict.items():
        utils.write_proto_to_file(v.to_flyte_idl(), os.path.join(ctx.execution_state.engine_dir, k))

    ctx.file_access.put_data(ctx.execution_state.engine_dir, output_prefix, is_multipart=True)
    logger.info(f"Engine folder written successfully to the output prefix {output_prefix}")
    logger.debug("Finished _dispatch_execute")