コード例 #1
def insert_provider(provider):
    """Insert the given provider into the database.

        provider (Provider): The provider model.

        ObjectId: The inserted provider id

        ValueError: If an invalid provider type is specified

    # We validate in case the provider was created outside our create_provider method.
    values = set(item.value for item in ProviderClass)
    if not provider.provider_class in values:
        raise errors.ValidationError('Unregistered provider class specified')

    provider.created = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    provider.modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # All was good, create the mapper and insert, errors will bubble up
    mapper = mappers.Providers()
    return mapper.insert(provider)
コード例 #2
def validate_job_compute_provider(job_map, request_handler, validate_provider=False):
    """Verify that the user can set compute_provider_id, if provided.

    Checks if compute_provider_id is set in job_map, and if so verifies that
    the user has the correct permissions.

        str: The compute_provider_id if specified, otherwise None

        APIPermissionException: If a non-admin user attempts to override provider
        APIValidataionException: If validate_provider is true and the provider either
            doesn't exist, or is not a compute provider
    compute_provider_id = job_map.get('compute_provider_id')
    if compute_provider_id:
        if not request_handler.user_is_admin:
            raise errors.PermissionError('Only admin can override job provider!')
        if validate_provider:
                validate_provider_class(compute_provider_id, 'compute')
            except errors.ResourceNotFound:
                raise errors.ValidationError('Provider id is not a regsitered provider on this system')

    return compute_provider_id
コード例 #3
def update_provider(provider_id, doc):
    """Update the given provider instance, with fields from doc.

        provider_id (ObjectId|str): The provider id
        doc (dict): The update fields

        APINotFoundException: If the provider does not exist.
        APIValidationException: If the update would result in an invalid provider
            configuration, or an invalid field was specified
            (e.g. attempt to change provider type)
    mapper = mappers.Providers()
    current_provider = mapper.get(provider_id)

    if not current_provider:
        raise errors.ResourceNotFound(provider_id,
                                      'Provider {path} not found!')

    # NOTE: We do NOT permit updating provider class or type
    if 'provider_class' in doc:
        raise errors.ValidationError('Cannot change provider class!')

    if 'provider_type' in doc:
        raise errors.ValidationError('Cannot change provider type!')

    if 'label' in doc:
        current_provider.label = doc['label']
    # If we do it this way we can only ever update keys not delete them
    if 'config' in doc:
        current_provider.config = doc['config']
        #for key in doc['config']:
        #    current_provider.config[key] = doc['config'][key]
    current_provider.modifed = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    if 'creds' in doc:
        # Do full validation if the creds are changed to confirm they are correct
        provider = create_provider(current_provider.provider_class,
                                   current_provider.config, doc['creds'],

    mapper.patch(provider_id, current_provider)
コード例 #4
def validate_provider_class(provider_id, provider_class):
    """Validate that the given provider exists, and has the given class.

        provider_id (str): The provider id
        provider_class (str|ProviderClass): The provider class

        APIValidationException: If the provider either doesn't exist or is not of the specified class.
    provider_class = ProviderClass(provider_class).value
    mapper = mappers.Providers()
    result = mapper.get(provider_id)

    if not result:
        raise errors.ResourceNotFound(provider_id,
                                      'Provider {path} does not exist')
    if result.provider_class != provider_class:
        raise errors.ValidationError(
            'Provider {} is not a {} provider!'.format(provider_id,
コード例 #5
def validate_provider_updates(container, provider_ids, is_admin):
    """Validate an update (or setting) of provider ids.

    Allows setting or changing a compute provider on the container as long
    as the user is an admin and the provider exists.

    Allows setting the storage provider on the container as long as:
    1. User is a site admin
    2. The provider exists
    3. A provider isn't already set

    Setting either provider to the current value is a no-op and doesn't
    trigger authorization errors.

    Side-effect: This will convert any IDs in the provider_ids parameter to ObjectIds.

        container (dict): The current container (or empty if it doesn't exist)
        provider_ids (dict): The provider ids to update.
        is_admin (bool): Whether or not the user is a site administrator

        APIPermissionException: If the user is unautorized to make the change.
        APIValidationException: If the user attempted an invalid transition.
        APINotFoundException: If the given storage provider does not exist.
    # Early return for empty provider_ids object
    if not provider_ids:

    # First check if this is a change
    updates = {}
    current_provider_ids = container.get('providers') or {}

    for provider_class in ('compute', 'storage'):
        updates[provider_class] = False
        if provider_class in provider_ids:
            # Ensure ObjectId
            provider_ids[provider_class] = bson.ObjectId(
            current_id = current_provider_ids.get(provider_class)

            if current_id != provider_ids[provider_class]:
                if current_id:
                    raise errors.ValidationError(
                        'Cannot change {} provider once set!'.format(
                # Its only an update if current is set
                updates[provider_class] = True

    if (updates['storage'] or updates['compute']) and not is_admin:
        raise errors.PermissionError('Changing providers requires site-admin!')

    # Verify that provider exists and is the correct type
    for provider_class in ('compute', 'storage'):
        if not updates[provider_class]:
        provider = get_provider(provider_ids[provider_class])

        if provider.provider_class != ProviderClass(provider_class).value:
            raise errors.ValidationError('Invalid provider class: {}'.format(
コード例 #6
 def validate(self):
     # Only empty configuration is valid
     if self.config:
         raise errors.ValidationError(
             'Static Compute should have NO configuration!')
コード例 #7
    def enqueue_job(job_map, origin, perm_check_uid=None):
        Using a payload for a proposed job, creates and returns (but does not insert)
        a Job object. This preperation includes:
          - confirms gear exists
          - validates config against gear manifest
          - creating file reference objects for inputs
            - if given a perm_check_uid, method will check if user has proper access to inputs
          - confirming inputs exist
          - creating container reference object for destination
          - preparing file contexts
          - job api key generation, if requested


        # gear and config manifest check
        gear_id = job_map.get('gear_id')
        if not gear_id:
            raise errors.InputValidationException('Job must specify gear')

        gear = get_gear(gear_id)

        # Invalid disables a gear from running entirely.
        # https://github.com/flywheel-io/gears/tree/master/spec#reserved-custom-keys
        if gear.get('gear', {}).get('custom', {}).get('flywheel', {}).get('invalid', False):
            raise errors.InputValidationException('Gear marked as invalid, will not run!')

        config_ = job_map.get('config', {})
        validate_gear_config(gear, config_)

        # Translate maps to FileReferences
        inputs = {}
        for x in job_map.get('inputs', {}).keys():

            # Ensure input is in gear manifest
            if x not in gear['gear']['inputs']:
                raise errors.InputValidationException('Job input {} is not listed in gear manifest'.format(x))

            input_map = job_map['inputs'][x]

            if gear['gear']['inputs'][x]['base'] == 'file':
                    inputs[x] = create_filereference_from_dictionary(input_map)
                except KeyError:
                    raise errors.InputValidationException('Input {} does not have a properly formatted file reference.'.format(x))
                inputs[x] = input_map

        # Add job tags, config, attempt number, and/or previous job ID, if present
        tags            = job_map.get('tags', [])
        attempt         = job_map.get('attempt', 1)
        previous_job_id = job_map.get('previous_job_id', None)
        batch           = job_map.get('batch', None) # A batch id if this job is part of a batch run
        label           = job_map.get('label', "")

        # Add destination container, or select one
        destination = None
        if job_map.get('destination', None) is not None:
            destination = create_containerreference_from_dictionary(job_map['destination'])
            destination = None
            for key in inputs.keys():
                if isinstance(inputs[key], FileReference):
                    destination = create_containerreference_from_filereference(inputs[key])

            if not destination:
                raise errors.InputValidationException('Must specify destination if gear has no inputs.')
            elif destination.type == 'analysis':
                raise errors.InputValidationException('Cannot use analysis for destination of a job, container was inferred.')

        # Get parents from destination, also checks that destination exists
        destination_container = destination.get()

        # Permission check
        if perm_check_uid:
            for x in inputs:
                if hasattr(inputs[x], 'check_access'):
                    inputs[x].check_access(perm_check_uid, 'ro')
            destination.check_access(perm_check_uid, 'rw', cont=destination_container)

        # Config options are stored on the job object under the "config" key
        config_ = {
            'config': fill_gear_default_values(gear, config_),
            'inputs': { },
            'destination': {
                'type': destination.type,
                'id': destination.id,

        # Implementation notes: with regard to sending the gear file information, we have two options:
        # 1) Send the file object as it existed when you enqueued the job
        # 2) Send the file object as it existed when the job was started
        # Option #2 is possibly more convenient - it's more up to date - but the only file modifications after a job is enqueued would be from
        # A) a gear finishing, and updating the file object
        # B) a user editing the file object
        # You can count on neither occurring before a job starts, because the queue is not globally FIFO.
        # So option #2 is potentially more convenient, but unintuitive and prone to user confusion.

        input_file_count = 0
        input_file_size_bytes = 0

        related_containers = set()
        add_related_containers(related_containers, destination_container)

        file_inputs = []

        for x in inputs:
            input_type = gear['gear']['inputs'][x]['base']
            if input_type == 'file':

                input_container = inputs[x].get()
                add_related_containers(related_containers, input_container)
                obj = inputs[x].get_file(container=input_container)
                cr = create_containerreference_from_filereference(inputs[x])

                # Whitelist file fields passed to gear to those that are scientific-relevant
                whitelisted_keys = ['info', 'tags', 'measurements', 'classification', 'mimetype', 'type', 'modality', 'size']
                obj_projection = { key: obj.get(key) for key in whitelisted_keys }

                input_file_count += 1
                input_file_size_bytes += obj.get('size', 0)

                # recreate `measurements` list on object
                # Can be removed when `classification` key has been adopted everywhere

                if not obj_projection.get('measurements', None):
                    obj_projection['measurements'] = []
                if obj_projection.get('classification'):
                    for v in obj_projection['classification'].itervalues():

                config_['inputs'][x] = {
                    'base': 'file',
                    'hierarchy': cr.__dict__,
                    'location': {
                        'name': obj['name'],
                        'path': '/flywheel/v0/input/' + x + '/' + obj['name'],
                    'object': obj_projection,
            elif input_type == 'context':
                config_['inputs'][x] = inputs[x]
                # Note: API key inputs should not be passed as input
                raise Exception('Non-file input base type')

        # Populate any context inputs for the gear
        resolve_context_inputs(config_, gear, destination.type, destination.id, perm_check_uid)

        # Populate parents (including destination)
        parents = destination_container.get('parents', {})
        parents[destination.type] = bson.ObjectId(destination.id)

        # Determine compute provider, if not provided
        compute_provider_id = job_map.get('compute_provider_id')
        if compute_provider_id is None:
            compute_provider_id = providers.get_compute_provider_id_for_job(gear, destination_container, file_inputs)
            # If compute provider is still undetermined, then we need to raise
            if compute_provider_id is None:
                raise errors.APIPreconditionFailed('Cannot determine compute provider for job. '
                    'gear={}, destination.id={}'.format(gear['_id'], destination.id))
            # Validate the provided compute provider
                providers.validate_provider_class(compute_provider_id, 'compute')
            except flywheel_errors.ResourceNotFound:
                raise flywheel_errors.ValidationError('Provider id is not valid')

        # Initialize profile
        profile = {
            'total_input_files': input_file_count,
            'total_input_size_bytes': input_file_size_bytes

        release_version = config.get_release_version()
        if release_version:
            profile['versions'] = { 'core': release_version }

        gear_name = gear['gear']['name']

        if gear_name not in tags:

        job = Job(gear, inputs, destination=destination, tags=tags, config_=config_, attempt=attempt,
            previous_job_id=previous_job_id, origin=origin, batch=batch, parents=parents, profile=profile,
            related_container_ids=list(related_containers), label=label, compute_provider_id=compute_provider_id)

        return job