def train_autoencoder(cross_epoch=0, data_index=None, brain_map=None, cut_shape=None, data_type=['MCIc', 'MCInc'], pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches=512 * 5 + 1, test_size=6): keras.backend.clear_session() batch_size = 100 if cut_shape == None: brain_map = [212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218] cut_shape = [100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0] mask = nib.load( '/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri/fMRI-deeping-learning/BN_Atlas_246_3mm.nii') mask = mask.get_fdata() #获取截取的sMRI大小 for x in brain_map: tmp = np.where(mask == x) for i in range(3): cut_shape[2 * i] = min(cut_shape[2 * i], np.min(tmp[i])) cut_shape[2 * i + 1] = max(cut_shape[2 * i + 1], np.max(tmp[i])) print(cut_shape) # xyz = 32 logs_path = os.path.join(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir, 'train_' + str(cross_epoch)) if os.path.isdir(logs_path): shutil.rmtree(logs_path) os.makedirs(logs_path) model = Autoencoder() dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=data_index, dir=pre_dir, batch_mode='random', varbass=cfg.varbass) model.fit_generator( dataset.get_smri_batch(cut_shape, batch_size, _batch_mode='oversampling', _mode='train'), steps_per_epoch=8, epochs=num_batches, callbacks=[keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=logs_path)]) if not os.path.exists(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir) filepath = os.path.join(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir, 'train_' + str(cross_epoch) + '.h5') # for i in range(10): # test_model = keras.Model(inputs=model.layers[0].input,outputs = model.layers[i].output) # # print(i) # del model # model = keras.models.load_model(filepath) return filepath
def emsemble(cross_epoch = 0,data_index=None,cut_shape=None,data_type=['MCIc','MCInc'],pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches = 256*5,voxnet_point=None,test_size = 6,brain_map=[217],f_handle = None): # tf.reset_default_graph() keras.backend.clear_session() dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=data_index, varbass=False, dir=pre_dir) # xyz = 32 # input_shape = [None, xyz, xyz, xyz, 1] # voxnet = VoxNet(input_shape=input_shape, voxnet_type='cut') true_shape = [] for x in range(0, len(cut_shape), 2): true_shape.append(cut_shape[x + 1] - cut_shape[x] + 1) # with tf.Session() as sess: # # voxnet.npz_saver.restore(sess,voxnet_point) #加载模型 model = keras.models.load_model(voxnet_point) print('train_acc') train_fmri_evaluation = evaluation() train_smri_evaluation = evaluation() train_iter = iter(dataset.get_fmri('train')).__next__ for i in range(100): img,label,_ = train_iter() predict,y_true = get_label(model,img,label,cut_shape,true_shape) predict = np.argmax(predict,axis=1) train_smri_evaluation += evaluation(y_predict=predict,y_true=y_true) if i %10 == 0 and i > 0: print(train_smri_evaluation) y_predict = ensemble_label(predict,2) train_fmri_evaluation += evaluation(y_predict = [y_predict],y_true=[label]) print(train_fmri_evaluation) print('test_acc') test_fmri_evaluation = evaluation() test_smri_evaluation = evaluation() test_iter = iter(dataset.get_fmri('test')).__next__ for i in range(test_size): img, label,filename = test_iter() predict, y_true = get_label(model, img, label, cut_shape, true_shape) predict = np.argmax(predict,axis=1) test_smri_evaluation_one = evaluation(y_predict=predict, y_true=y_true) test_smri_evaluation += test_smri_evaluation_one print(test_smri_evaluation_one) print(test_smri_evaluation) y_predict = ensemble_label(predict,2) test_fmri_evaluation += evaluation(y_predict=[y_predict], y_true=[label]) print(y_predict,label,test_fmri_evaluation) # if y_predict != label: # print(filename) # f_handle.write(filename+'\n') if f_handle: f_handle.write('ensemble train:\n') f_handle.write(str(train_fmri_evaluation) + '\n') f_handle.write('ensemble test:\n') f_handle.write(str(test_fmri_evaluation) + '\n') return test_fmri_evaluation
def svm_emsemble(cross_epoch = 0,data_index=None,cut_shape=None,data_type=['MCIc','MCInc'],pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches = 256*5,voxnet_point=None,test_size = 6,brain_map=[217],f_handle = None): keras.backend.clear_session() dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=data_index, varbass=False, dir=pre_dir) true_shape = [] for x in range(0, len(cut_shape), 2): true_shape.append(cut_shape[x + 1] - cut_shape[x] + 1) # 加载模型 model = keras.models.load_model(voxnet_point) layer_name = 'CNN_fc2' model = keras.Model(inputs=model.layers[0].input, outputs=model.get_layer(layer_name).output) #加载模型 train_len = 0 for i in data_type: train_len += len(data_index[i]['train']) # print('train_acc') # train_fmri_evaluation = evaluation() # train_smri_evaluation = evaluation() train_iter = iter(dataset.get_fmri('train')).__next__ train_one_len = [0] #训练数据 train_data = -1 train_label = -1 for i in range(train_len): img, label, _ = train_iter() predict, y_true = get_label(model, img, label, cut_shape, true_shape) if isinstance(train_data,int): train_data = predict train_label = y_true else: train_data = np.vstack((train_data,predict)) train_label = np.hstack((train_label,y_true)) train_one_len.append(train_one_len[-1]+predict.shape[0]) # train_smri_evaluation += evaluation(y_predict=predict, y_true=y_true) # y_predict = ensemble_label(predict, 2) # train_fmri_evaluation += evaluation(y_predict=[y_predict], y_true=[label]) # print(train_fmri_evaluation) clf = svm.SVC(C=1.0,kernel='rbf',gamma='auto'),train_label) train_evaluation = evaluation() for i in range(1,len(train_one_len),1): predict = clf.predict(train_data[train_one_len[i-1]:train_one_len[i]]) # print(predict) y_predict = ensemble_label(predict, 2) y_true = train_label[train_one_len[i-1]] train_evaluation += evaluation(y_predict=[y_predict], y_true=[y_true]) # predict = clf.predict(train_data) # train_evaluation = evaluation(y_true = train_label,y_predict = predict) print('svm ensemble train:') print(train_evaluation) test_evaluation = evaluation() # test_smri_evaluation = evaluation() print('svm ensemble test') test_iter = iter(dataset.get_fmri('test')).__next__ for i in range(test_size): img, label, filename = test_iter() predict, y_true = get_label(model, img, label, cut_shape, true_shape) # test_smri_evaluation_one = evaluation(y_predict=predict, y_true=y_true) # test_smri_evaluation += test_smri_evaluation_one # print(test_smri_evaluation_one) # print(test_smri_evaluation) predict = clf.predict(predict) y_predict = ensemble_label(predict, 2) test_evaluation += evaluation(y_predict=[y_predict], y_true=[label]) print(y_predict, label, test_evaluation) # if y_predict != label: # print(filename) # f_handle.write(filename+'\n') if f_handle: f_handle.write('svm ensemble train:\n') f_handle.write(str(train_evaluation)+'\n') f_handle.write('svm ensemble test:\n') f_handle.write(str(test_evaluation)+'\n') return test_evaluation
def main(data_index=None, cut_shape=None, data_type=['MCIc', 'MCInc'], pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches=256 * 5, voxnet_point=None, test_size=6, brain_map=[217]): # fr = open(cfg.output, 'w') tf.reset_default_graph() time_dim = 80 # 挑选时间片个数 batch_size = 8 dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=data_index, varbass=False, dir=pre_dir) #SVM index ######################### svm_index = {} train_len = 0 test_len = 0 for d_type in data_type: t_dir = os.path.join(pre_dir, d_type) t_len = os.listdir(t_dir) t_len = len(t_len) train_index = list(range(t_len)) test_index = data_index[d_type]['test'] for x in test_index: train_index.remove(x) _index = {'train': train_index, 'test': test_index} train_len += len(train_index) test_len += len(test_index) svm_index[d_type] = _index print(train_len) print(test_len) print(svm_index) svm_dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=svm_index, varbass=False, dir=pre_dir) ########################## xyz = 32 input_shape = [None, xyz, xyz, xyz, 1] # for i in range(3): # input_shape.append(cut_shape[2 * i + 1] + 1 - cut_shape[2 * i]) # input_shape.append(1) # print(input_shape) voxnet = VoxNet(input_shape=input_shape, voxnet_type='cut') FCNs = Classifier_FCN(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, time_dim, 50]), nb_classes=2) data_value = [[1], [1]] # 创建数据 p = dict() # placeholders p['labels'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2]) p['data_value'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [2, 1]) p['Weight'] = tf.matmul(p['labels'], p['data_value']) p['cross_loss'] = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=FCNs[-2], labels=p['labels']) p['Weight'] = tf.reshape(p['Weight'], [-1]) p['x_loss'] = tf.multiply(p['Weight'], p['cross_loss']) p['loss'] = tf.reduce_mean(p['x_loss']) p['l2_loss'] = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(w) for w in FCNs.kernels]) p['prediction'] = tf.argmax(FCNs[-1], 1) p['y_true'] = tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1) p['correct_prediction'] = tf.equal(p['prediction'], p['y_true']) p['accuracy'] = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(p['correct_prediction'], tf.float32)) p['learning_rate'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): p['train'] = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(p['learning_rate'], epsilon=1e-3).minimize(p['loss']) p['weights_decay'] = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( p['learning_rate']).minimize(p['l2_loss']) # p['test_error'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # 超参数设置 initial_learning_rate = 0.01 min_learning_rate = 0.000001 learning_rate_decay_limit = 0.0001 num_batches_per_epoch = len(dataset.train) / float(batch_size) learning_decay = 10 * num_batches_per_epoch weights_decay_after = 5 * num_batches_per_epoch checkpoint_num = 0 learning_step = 0 min_loss = 1e308 if voxnet_point: cfg.voxnet_checkpoint = voxnet_point accuracy_filename = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, 'accuracies.txt') if not os.path.isdir(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir) if not os.path.exists(accuracy_filename): with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write('') with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(str(brain_map) + '\n') #返回值 test_evaluation = evaluation() with tf.Session() as session: voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.voxnet_checkpoint) #voxnet赋值 input_shape[0] = 1 voxnet_data = np.ones(input_shape, np.float32) input_shape[0] = -1 for batch_index in range(num_batches): start = time.time() # learning_rate = max(min_learning_rate, # initial_learning_rate * 0.5 ** (learning_step / learning_decay)) learning_rate = 0.0001 learning_step += 1 if batch_index > weights_decay_after and batch_index % 256 == 0:['weights_decay'], feed_dict=feed_dict) voxs, labels = dataset.train.oversampling.get_time_batch( session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=batch_size) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, voxnet[0]: voxnet_data, voxnet.keep_prob: 1.0, FCNs.keep_prob: 0.7, p['labels']: labels, p['learning_rate']: learning_rate, True, p['data_value']: data_value }['train'], feed_dict=feed_dict) if batch_index and batch_index % 32 == 0: print("{} batch: {}".format(, batch_index)) print('learning rate: {}'.format(learning_rate)) # fr.write("{} batch: {}".format(, batch_index)) # fr.write('learning rate: {}'.format(learning_rate)) feed_dict[] = False loss =['loss'], feed_dict=feed_dict) print('loss: {}'.format(loss)) if (batch_index and loss > 1.5 * min_loss and learning_rate > learning_rate_decay_limit): min_loss = loss learning_step *= 1.2 print("decreasing learning rate...") min_loss = min(loss, min_loss) if batch_index and batch_index % 16 == 0: num_accuracy_batches = 20 train_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.train.random_sampling.get_time_batch( session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=batch_size) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, voxnet[0]: voxnet_data, voxnet.keep_prob: 1.0, FCNs.keep_prob: 1.0, p['labels']: labels, False } predictions, y_true = [p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) train_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) print('training accuracy \n' + str(train_evaluation)) num_accuracy_batches = test_size test_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.test.random_sampling.get_time_batch( session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=batch_size) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, voxnet[0]: voxnet_data, voxnet.keep_prob: 1.0, FCNs.keep_prob: 1.0, p['labels']: labels, False } predictions, y_true = [p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) test_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) print(test_evaluation) print('test accuracy \n' + str(test_evaluation)) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write('checkpoint_num:' + str(checkpoint_num) + ':\n') f.write('train:\n' + str(train_evaluation) + '\n') f.write('test:\n' + str(test_evaluation) + '\n') if batch_index % 64 or train_evaluation.ACC >= 0.8 == 0: ######SVM分类器#################### svm_feature = np.zeros((train_len + test_len, 128)) svm_label = np.zeros(train_len + test_len) for x in range(train_len): voxs, labels = svm_dataset.train.random_sampling.get_time_batch( session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=1) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, voxnet[0]: voxnet_data, voxnet.keep_prob: 1.0, FCNs.keep_prob: 1.0, p['labels']: labels, False } feature, y_true = [FCNs['gap'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) feature = np.reshape(feature, [1, 128]) svm_feature[x] = feature # print(svm_feature[x]) svm_label[x] = y_true for x in range(test_len): voxs, labels = svm_dataset.test.random_sampling.get_time_batch( session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=1) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, voxnet[0]: voxnet_data, voxnet.keep_prob: 1.0, FCNs.keep_prob: 1.0, p['labels']: labels, False } feature, y_true = [FCNs['gap'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) feature = np.reshape(feature, [1, 128]) svm_feature[train_len + x] = feature svm_label[train_len + x] = y_true # print(svm_feature[0:train_len]) # print(svm_label[0:train_len]) clf = svm.SVC(C=1.0, kernel='rbf', gamma='auto')[0:train_len], svm_label[0:train_len]) predictions = clf.predict(svm_feature) svm_train_evaluation = evaluation( y_true=svm_label[:train_len], y_predict=predictions[:train_len]) svm_test_evaluation = evaluation( y_true=svm_label[train_len:], y_predict=predictions[train_len:]) print('svm_train:\n' + str(svm_train_evaluation)) print('svm_test:\n' + str(svm_test_evaluation)) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write('svm_train:\n' + str(svm_train_evaluation) + '\n') f.write('svm_test:\n' + str(svm_test_evaluation) + '\n') ################################################# # fr.write('test accuracy: {}'.format(test_accuracy)) if batch_index % 128 == 0 or train_evaluation.ACC >= 0.85: print('saving checkpoint {}...'.format(checkpoint_num)) filename = 'cx-{}.npz'.format(checkpoint_num) filename = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, filename), filename) print('checkpoint saved!') checkpoint_num += 1 if train_evaluation.ACC >= 0.85: break end = time.time() print('time:', (end - start) / 60) return test_evaluation
def syn_train(*argv): input_weight = [2, 1, 1, 1] data_value = [[1.0], [1.0]] time_dim = 80 # 挑选时间片个数 batch_size = 8 brain_map = [217, 218, 219] cut_shape = [100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0] mask = nib.load( '/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri/fMRI-deeping-learning/BN_Atlas_246_3mm.nii') mask = mask.get_fdata() # 获取截取的sMRI大小 for x in brain_map: tmp = np.where(mask == x) for i in range(3): cut_shape[2 * i] = min(cut_shape[2 * i], np.min(tmp[i])) cut_shape[2 * i + 1] = max(cut_shape[2 * i + 1], np.max(tmp[i])) print(brain_map, cut_shape) dataset = fMRI_data(['AD', 'NC'], dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', batch_mode='random', varbass=cfg.varbass) input_shape = [None, 32, 32, 32, 1] # for i in range(3): # input_shape.append(cut_shape[2 * i + 1] + 1 - cut_shape[2 * i]) # input_shape.append(1) print(input_shape) # input_shape=[40,2,2,2,1] voxnet = VoxNet(input_shape=input_shape, voxnet_type='all_conv') FCN_input = tf.reshape(voxnet['gap'], (-1, time_dim, 128)) print(FCN_input) FCNs = Classifier_FCN(FCN_input, nb_classes=2) # 创建数据 p = dict() # placeholders p['labels'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2]) p['data_value'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [2, 1]) p['input_pw'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None]) #预测权值 p['Weight'] = tf.matmul(p['labels'], p['data_value']) p['cross_loss'] = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=FCNs[-2], labels=p['labels']) p['Weight'] = tf.reshape(p['Weight'], [-1]) p['x_loss'] = tf.multiply(p['Weight'], p['cross_loss']) p['loss'] = tf.reduce_mean(p['x_loss']) p['l2_loss'] = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(w) for w in FCNs.kernels]) # 预测时进行集成 p['p_w'] = tf.reshape(p['input_pw'], [-1, 1]) p['sum_w'] = tf.reduce_sum(p['p_w']) p['test_prediction'] = tf.cast(tf.argmax(FCNs[-1], 1), tf.float32) p['test_prediction'] = tf.reshape(p['test_prediction'], [-1, 4]) p['test_prediction'] = tf.matmul(p['test_prediction'], p['p_w']) p['test_prediction'] = tf.round(tf.divide(p['test_prediction'], p['sum_w'])) p['prediction'] = tf.argmax(FCNs[-1], 1) p['y_true'] = tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1) p['correct_prediction'] = tf.equal(p['prediction'], p['y_true']) p['accuracy'] = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(p['correct_prediction'], tf.float32)) p['learning_rate'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): p['train'] = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(p['learning_rate'], epsilon=1e-3).minimize(p['loss']) p['weights_decay'] = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( p['learning_rate']).minimize(p['l2_loss']) # p['test_error'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # 超参数设置 num_batches = 2147483647 initial_learning_rate = 0.01 min_learning_rate = 0.0001 learning_rate_decay_limit = 0.0001 num_batches_per_epoch = len(dataset.train) / float(batch_size) learning_decay = 10 * num_batches_per_epoch weights_decay_after = 5 * num_batches_per_epoch checkpoint_num = cfg.checkpoint_start_num learning_step = 0 min_loss = 1e308 accuracy_filename = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, 'accuracies.txt') if not os.path.isdir(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir) if not os.path.exists(accuracy_filename): with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write('') with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(str(brain_map) + '\n') with tf.Session() as session: if cfg.istraining: voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.voxnet_checkpoint) FCNs.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.fcn_checkpoint) #voxnet赋值 for batch_index in range(num_batches): start = time.time() learning_rate = max( min_learning_rate, initial_learning_rate * 0.8**(learning_step / learning_decay)) learning_step += 1 if batch_index > weights_decay_after and batch_index % 256 == 0:['weights_decay'], feed_dict=feed_dict) voxs, labels = dataset.train.oversampling.get_fmri_brain( cut_shape, batch_size, time_dim) # voxs = np.zeros(input_shape) # labels = np.zeros((8,2)) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, p['learning_rate']: learning_rate, True, True, p['data_value']: data_value } # print(voxs.shape,labels.shape)['train'], feed_dict=feed_dict) if batch_index and batch_index % 32 == 0: print("{} batch: {}".format(, batch_index)) print('learning rate: {}'.format(learning_rate)) # fr.write("{} batch: {}".format(, batch_index)) # fr.write('learning rate: {}'.format(learning_rate)) feed_dict[] = False loss =['loss'], feed_dict=feed_dict) print('loss: {}'.format(loss)) if (batch_index and loss > 1.5 * min_loss and learning_rate > learning_rate_decay_limit): min_loss = loss learning_step *= 1.2 print("decreasing learning rate...") min_loss = min(loss, min_loss) if batch_index and batch_index % 16 == 0: num_accuracy_batches = 20 train_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.train.random_sampling.get_fmri_brain( cut_shape, 5, time_dim) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False, False, p['input_pw']: input_weight } predictions, y_true = [p['test_prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) train_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) print(train_evaluation) print('train accuracy \n' + str(train_evaluation)) num_accuracy_batches = 27 test_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.test.random_sampling.get_fmri_brain( cut_shape, 1, time_dim) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False, False, p['input_pw']: input_weight } predictions, y_true = [p['test_prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) test_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) print(test_evaluation) print('test accuracy \n' + str(test_evaluation)) # fr.write('test accuracy: {}'.format(test_accuracy)) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(str(checkpoint_num) + ':\n') f.write(str(train_evaluation) + '\n') f.write(str(test_evaluation) + '\n') if batch_index % 256 == 0: print('saving checkpoint {}...'.format(checkpoint_num)) filename = 'voxnet-{}.npz'.format(checkpoint_num) filename = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, filename), filename) filename = 'fcn-{}.npz'.format(checkpoint_num) filename = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, filename), filename) print('checkpoint saved!') checkpoint_num += 1 end = time.time() print('time:', (end - start) / 60)
def main(data_index=None, brain_map=[218], data_type=['MCIc', 'MCInc'], pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches=512 * 5 + 1, test_size=6): tf.reset_default_graph() dataset = fMRI_data(data_index=data_index, data_type=data_type, varbass=False, dir=pre_dir) # 超参数设置 num_batches = num_batches batch_size = 16 initial_learning_rate = 0.0001 min_learning_rate = 0.000001 learning_rate_decay_limit = 0.0001 num_batches_per_epoch = len(dataset.train) / float(batch_size) learning_decay = 10 * num_batches_per_epoch weights_decay_after = 5 * num_batches_per_epoch feature_index = brain_map data_value = [[1.0], [1.0]] checkpoint_num = 0 learning_step = 0 min_loss = 1e308 time_dim = 80 varbass = True #模型框架 mask = nib.load( '/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri/fMRI-deeping-learning/BN_Atlas_246_3mm.nii') mask = mask.get_fdata() f_len = 0 for i in feature_index: f_len += len(np.where(mask == i)[0]) FCNs = Classifier_FCN(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, time_dim, 25]), nb_classes=2) # 创建数据 p = dict() # placeholders p['labels'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2]) p['data_value'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [2, 1]) p['Weight'] = tf.matmul(p['labels'], p['data_value']) p['cross_loss'] = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=FCNs[-2], labels=p['labels']) p['Weight'] = tf.reshape(p['Weight'], [-1]) p['x_loss'] = tf.multiply(p['Weight'], p['cross_loss']) p['loss'] = tf.reduce_mean(p['x_loss']) p['l2_loss'] = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(w) for w in FCNs.kernels]) p['prediction'] = tf.argmax(FCNs[-1], 1) p['y_true'] = tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1) p['correct_prediction'] = tf.equal(tf.argmax(FCNs[-1], 1), tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1)) p['accuracy'] = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(p['correct_prediction'], tf.float32)) p['learning_rate'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): p['train'] = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.00001, epsilon=1e-3).minimize(p['loss']) p['weights_decay'] = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.0001).minimize( p['l2_loss']) accuracy_filename = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, 'accuracies.txt') if not os.path.isdir(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(str(feature_index)) with tf.Session() as session: # voxnet_data = np.ones([1,61,73,61,1],np.float32) for batch_index in range(num_batches): # learning_rate = max(min_learning_rate, # initial_learning_rate * 0.5 ** (learning_step / learning_decay)) learning_step += 1 if batch_index > weights_decay_after and batch_index % 256 == 0:['weights_decay'], feed_dict=feed_dict) voxs, labels = dataset.train.oversampling.get_brain_batch( mask, batch_size=batch_size, time_dim=time_dim, feature_index=feature_index) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, True, p['data_value']: data_value } Weight, cross_loss, x_loss, _ = [p['Weight'], p['cross_loss'], p['x_loss'], p['train']], feed_dict=feed_dict) # print("Weight\n",Weight) # print("cross_loss\n",cross_loss) # print("x_loss\n",x_loss) if batch_index and batch_index % 64 == 0: print("{} batch: {}".format(, batch_index)) # print('learning rate: {}'.format(learning_rate)) feed_dict[] = False loss =['loss'], feed_dict=feed_dict) print('loss: {}'.format(loss)) # if (batch_index and loss > 1.5 * min_loss and # learning_rate > learning_rate_decay_limit): # min_loss = loss # learning_step *= 1.2 # print("decreasing learning rate...") # min_loss = min(loss, min_loss) if batch_index and batch_index % 64 == 0: num_accuracy_batches = 50 train_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.train.random_sampling.get_brain_batch( mask, batch_size=batch_size, time_dim=time_dim, feature_index=feature_index) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False } start_time = time.time() predictions, y_true = [p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) train_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) end_time = time.time() print('total time: %f' % ((end_time - start_time) / 60)) print(train_evaluation) print('training accuracy \n' + str(train_evaluation)) # num_accuracy_batches = 10 print('loss: {}'.format(loss)) num_accuracy_batches = test_size test_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.test.random_sampling.get_brain_batch( mask, batch_size=1, time_dim=time_dim, feature_index=feature_index) feed_dict = { FCNs[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False } y_true, prediction = [p['y_true'], p['prediction']], feed_dict=feed_dict) test_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=prediction) # print(y_true, prediction) print(test_evaluation) print('test accuracy \n' + str(test_evaluation)) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(str(checkpoint_num) + ':\n') f.write(str(train_evaluation) + '\n') f.write(str(test_evaluation) + '\n') # fr.write('test accuracy: {}'.format(test_accuracy)) if batch_index % 1024 == 0: print('saving checkpoint {}...'.format(checkpoint_num)) filename = 'cx-{}.npz'.format(checkpoint_num) filename = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, filename), filename) print('checkpoint saved!') checkpoint_num += 1 if train_evaluation.ACC > 0.95 and batch_index % 1024 == 0: break return test_evaluation
def main(*argv): dataset = fMRI_data(['MCIc', 'MCInc'], dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data/MRI_data/217', batch_mode='random', varbass=True) voxnet = VoxNet() #数据权值 data_value = [[1], [1]] #创建数据 p = dict() # placeholders p['labels'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2]) p['data_value'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [2, 1]) p['Weight'] = tf.matmul(p['labels'], p['data_value']) p['cross_loss'] = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=voxnet[-2], labels=p['labels']) p['Weight'] = tf.reshape(p['Weight'], [-1]) p['x_loss'] = tf.multiply(p['Weight'], p['cross_loss']) p['loss'] = tf.reduce_mean(p['x_loss']) p['l2_loss'] = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(w) for w in voxnet.kernels]) p['prediction'] = tf.argmax(voxnet[-1], 1) p['y_true'] = tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1) p['correct_prediction'] = tf.equal(tf.argmax(voxnet[-1], 1), tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1)) p['accuracy'] = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(p['correct_prediction'], tf.float32)) p['learning_rate'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): p['train'] = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(p['learning_rate'], epsilon=1e-3).minimize(p['loss']) p['weights_decay'] = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( p['learning_rate']).minimize(p['l2_loss']) # Hyperparameters num_batches = 2147483647 batch_size = 16 initial_learning_rate = 0.01 min_learning_rate = 0.00001 learning_rate_decay_limit = 0.0001 num_batches_per_epoch = len(dataset.train) / float(batch_size) learning_decay = 10 * num_batches_per_epoch weights_decay_after = 5 * num_batches_per_epoch checkpoint_num = 0 learning_step = 0 min_loss = 1e308 accuracy_filename = os.path.join(cfg.checkpoint_dir, 'accuracies.txt') if not os.path.isdir(cfg.checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(cfg.checkpoint_dir) with open(accuracy_filename, 'w') as f: f.write('') with tf.Session() as session: if cfg.istraining: voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir) for batch_index in range(num_batches): learning_rate = max( min_learning_rate, initial_learning_rate * 0.5**(learning_step / learning_decay)) learning_step += 1 if batch_index > weights_decay_after and batch_index % 256 == 0:['weights_decay'], feed_dict=feed_dict) voxs, labels = dataset.train.get_batch(batch_size) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, p['learning_rate']: learning_rate, True, p['data_value']: data_value }['train'], feed_dict=feed_dict) if batch_index and batch_index % 512 == 0: print("{} batch: {}".format(, batch_index)) print('learning rate: {}'.format(learning_rate)) feed_dict[] = False loss =['loss'], feed_dict=feed_dict) print('loss: {}'.format(loss)) if (batch_index and loss > 1.5 * min_loss and learning_rate > learning_rate_decay_limit): min_loss = loss learning_step *= 1.2 print("decreasing learning rate...") min_loss = min(loss, min_loss) if batch_index and batch_index % 128 == 0: num_accuracy_batches = 30 total_accuracy = 0 for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.train.get_batch(batch_size) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False } total_accuracy +=['accuracy'], feed_dict=feed_dict) training_accuracy = total_accuracy / num_accuracy_batches print('training accuracy: {}'.format(training_accuracy)) num_accuracy_batches = 90 total_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.test.get_batch(batch_size) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False } predictions, y_true = [p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) total_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) # print(y_true, predictions) print(total_evaluation) test_evaluation = total_evaluation / num_accuracy_batches print('test accuracy \n' + str(test_evaluation)) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(' '.join( map(str, (checkpoint_num, training_accuracy, test_evaluation))) + '\n') if batch_index % 2048 == 0: print('saving checkpoint {}...'.format(checkpoint_num)) filename = 'cx-{}.npz'.format(checkpoint_num) filename = os.path.join(cfg.checkpoint_dir, filename), filename) print('checkpoint saved!') checkpoint_num += 1
def main(cross_epoch=0, data_index=None, brain_map=None, cut_shape=None, data_type=['MCIc', 'MCInc'], pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches=512 * 5 + 1, test_size=6): tf.reset_default_graph() if cut_shape == None: brain_map = [212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218] cut_shape = [100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0] mask = nib.load( '/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri/fMRI-deeping-learning/BN_Atlas_246_3mm.nii') mask = mask.get_fdata() #获取截取的sMRI大小 for x in brain_map: tmp = np.where(mask == x) for i in range(3): cut_shape[2 * i] = min(cut_shape[2 * i], np.min(tmp[i])) cut_shape[2 * i + 1] = max(cut_shape[2 * i + 1], np.max(tmp[i])) print(cut_shape) xyz = 32 dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=data_index, dir=pre_dir, batch_mode='random', varbass=cfg.varbass) voxnet = VoxNet(input_shape=[None, xyz, xyz, xyz, 1], voxnet_type='cut') #数据权值 data_value = [[1], [1]] #创建数据 p = dict() # placeholders p['labels'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2]) p['data_value'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [2, 1]) p['Weight'] = tf.matmul(p['labels'], p['data_value']) p['cross_loss'] = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=voxnet[-2], labels=p['labels']) p['Weight'] = tf.reshape(p['Weight'], [-1]) p['x_loss'] = tf.multiply(p['Weight'], p['cross_loss']) p['loss'] = tf.reduce_mean(p['x_loss']) p['l2_loss'] = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(w) for w in voxnet.kernels]) p['loss'] = p['loss'] + 0.0001 * p['l2_loss'] p['prediction'] = tf.argmax(voxnet[-1], 1) p['y_true'] = tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1) p['correct_prediction'] = tf.equal(tf.argmax(voxnet[-1], 1), tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1)) p['accuracy'] = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(p['correct_prediction'], tf.float32)) p['learning_rate'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): p['train'] = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(p['learning_rate'], epsilon=1e-3).minimize(p['loss']) p['weights_decay'] = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( p['learning_rate']).minimize(p['l2_loss']) # Hyperparameters batch_size = 50 initial_learning_rate = 0.0001 min_learning_rate = 0.00001 learning_rate_decay_limit = 0.0001 num_batches_per_epoch = len(dataset.train) / batch_size learning_decay = 10 * num_batches_per_epoch weights_decay_after = 5 * num_batches_per_epoch checkpoint_num = 0 learning_step = 0 min_loss = 1e308 wait = 0 paitence = 10 accuracy_filename = os.path.join(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir, 'accuracies.txt') if not os.path.isdir(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(str(brain_map) + '\n') filename = "" with tf.Session() as session: if cfg.istraining: voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.voxnet_checkpoint) for batch_index in range(num_batches): # learning_rate = max(min_learning_rate, # initial_learning_rate * 0.8 ** (learning_step / learning_decay)) learning_rate = 0.0001 learning_step += 1 # if batch_index > weights_decay_after and batch_index % 256 == 0: #['weights_decay'], feed_dict=feed_dict) voxs, labels = dataset.train.oversampling.get_smri_batch( cut_shape, batch_size) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, voxnet.keep_prob: 0.3, p['learning_rate']: learning_rate, True, p['data_value']: data_value, }['train'], feed_dict=feed_dict) if batch_index and batch_index % 512 == 0: print("{} batch: {}".format(, batch_index)) print('learning rate: {}'.format(learning_rate)) feed_dict[] = False loss =['loss'], feed_dict=feed_dict) print('loss: {}'.format(loss)) if (batch_index and loss > 1.5 * min_loss and learning_rate > learning_rate_decay_limit): min_loss = loss learning_step *= 1.2 print("decreasing learning rate...") min_loss = min(loss, min_loss) if batch_index and batch_index % 128 == 0: num_accuracy_batches = 30 # train_accuracy = 0 training_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.train.random_sampling.get_smri_batch( cut_shape, batch_size) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False, voxnet.keep_prob: 1.0 } start_time = time.time() predictions, y_true = [p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) training_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) end_time = time.time() print('total time: %f' % ((end_time - start_time) / 60)) print(training_evaluation) # training_accuracy = total_accuracy / num_accuracy_batgetches print('training accuracy \n' + str(training_evaluation)) num_accuracy_batches = test_size test_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.test.random_sampling.get_smri_batch( cut_shape, batch_size) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False, voxnet.keep_prob: 1.0 } predictions, y_true = [p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) test_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) # print(y_true, predictions) print(test_evaluation) print('test accuracy \n' + str(test_evaluation)) with open(accuracy_filename, 'a') as f: f.write(str(checkpoint_num) + ':\n') f.write(str(training_evaluation) + '\n') f.write(str(test_evaluation) + '\n') if training_evaluation.ACC >= 0.95: wait += 1 if wait >= paitence: filename = 'cx-{}.npz'.format(cross_epoch) filename = os.path.join(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir, filename), filename) print('checkpoint saved!') return filename else: wait = 0 # if batch_index % 1024 == 0 or training_evaluation.ACC >= 0.9: # print('saving checkpoint {}...'.format(checkpoint_num)) # filename = 'cx-{}.npz'.format(checkpoint_num) # filename = os.path.join(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir,filename) #, filename) # print('checkpoint saved!') # checkpoint_num += 1 # if training_evaluation.ACC >= 0.9: # break filename = 'cx-{}.npz'.format(cross_epoch) filename = os.path.join(cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir, filename), filename) print('checkpoint saved!') return filename
def main(*argv): data_value = [[1.0], [1.0]] time_dim = 80 # 挑选时间片个数 batch_size = 8 brain_map = [219] cut_shape = [100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0] mask = nib.load( '/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri/fMRI-deeping-learning/BN_Atlas_246_3mm.nii') mask = mask.get_fdata() # 获取截取的sMRI大小 for x in brain_map: tmp = np.where(mask == x) for i in range(3): cut_shape[2 * i] = min(cut_shape[2 * i], np.min(tmp[i])) cut_shape[2 * i + 1] = max(cut_shape[2 * i + 1], np.max(tmp[i])) print(cut_shape) dataset = fMRI_data(['AD', 'NC'], dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', batch_mode='random', varbass=cfg.varbass) input_shape = [time_dim * batch_size] for i in range(3): input_shape.append(cut_shape[2 * i + 1] + 1 - cut_shape[2 * i]) input_shape.append(1) print(input_shape) # input_shape=[40,2,2,2,1] voxnet = VoxNet(input_shape=input_shape, voxnet_type='cut') FCN_input = tf.reshape(voxnet['gap'], (-1, time_dim, 128)) print(FCN_input) FCNs = Classifier_FCN(FCN_input, nb_classes=2) # 创建数据 p = dict() # placeholders p['labels'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2]) p['prediction'] = tf.argmax(FCNs[-1], 1) p['y_true'] = tf.argmax(p['labels'], 1) # p['test_error'] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # 超参数设置 num_batches = 2147483647 initial_learning_rate = 0.01 min_learning_rate = 0.0001 learning_rate_decay_limit = 0.0001 num_batches_per_epoch = len(dataset.train) / float(batch_size) learning_decay = 10 * num_batches_per_epoch weights_decay_after = 5 * num_batches_per_epoch checkpoint_num = 0 learning_step = 0 min_loss = 1e308 accuracy_filename = os.path.join(cfg.checkpoint_dir, 'accuracies.txt') with tf.Session() as session: voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir) FCNs.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir) # voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, cfg.voxnet_checkpoint_dir) #voxnet赋值 num_accuracy_batches = 90 total_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.train.random_sampling.get_fmri_brain( cut_shape, batch_size, time_dim) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False, False } predictions, y_true =[p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) total_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) print(total_evaluation) print('train accuracy \n' + str(total_evaluation)) num_accuracy_batches = 15 total_evaluation = evaluation() for x in range(num_accuracy_batches): voxs, labels = dataset.test.random_sampling.get_fmri_brain( cut_shape, batch_size, time_dim) feed_dict = { voxnet[0]: voxs, p['labels']: labels, False, False } predictions, y_true =[p['prediction'], p['y_true']], feed_dict=feed_dict) total_evaluation += evaluation(y_true=y_true, y_predict=predictions) print(total_evaluation) print('test accuracy \n' + str(total_evaluation))
def train_GRUs(cross_epoch=0, data_index=None, cut_shape=None, data_type=['MCIc', 'MCInc'], pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches=256 * 5, voxnet_point=None, test_size=6, brain_map=[217], f_handle=None): #清除keras后台数据 keras.backend.clear_session() # #####超参########## time_dim = 80 batch_size = 50 g1 = tf.Graph() g2 = tf.Graph() # keras.optimizers.Adam() # ##################### # #加载模型# xyz = 32 # input_shape = [xyz, xyz, xyz, 1] # inputs = keras.layers.Input(input_shape) # _3D_CNN = keras.models.load_model(voxnet_point) auto = keras.models.load_model(voxnet_point) # _3D_CNN.predict(np.zeros([1,32,32,32,1]),1) # for i in _3D_CNN.layers: # print( layer_name = 'feature' feature_generator = keras.Model(inputs=auto.layers[0].input, outputs=auto.get_layer(layer_name).output) # feature_generator = keras.Model(inputs=_3D_CNN.layers[0].input, outputs=_3D_CNN.get_layer(layer_name).output) # sample = np.zeros([1, xyz, xyz, xyz, 1]) # y = feature_generator.predict_on_batch(sample) # print(y) dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=data_index, varbass=False, dir=pre_dir, model=feature_generator, cut_shape=cut_shape) grus = GRUs(input_shape=[time_dim, 100], nb_class=2) # feature_generator = keras.Sequential() # feature_generator.get_layer() # voxnet = VoxNet(input_shape=input_shape, voxnet_type='cut') # with tf.Session() as session: # # voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, voxnet_point) logs_path = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, 'train_' + str(cross_epoch)) if os.path.isdir(logs_path): shutil.rmtree(logs_path) grus.fit_generator( dataset.get_time_batch(cut_shape=cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=batch_size, _batch_mode='oversampling', _mode='train'), steps_per_epoch=8, epochs=num_batches, validation_data=dataset.get_time_batch(cut_shape=cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=1, _batch_mode='random', _mode='test', flag=1), validation_steps=test_size, callbacks=[ toolbox.EarlyStoppingByACC('acc', 0.90, patience=10), keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=logs_path) ]) # 预测 #构造循环迭代器,顺序不打乱的 train_iter = iter( dataset.get_time_batch(cut_shape=cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=1, _batch_mode='random', _mode='train', flag=1)) test_iter = iter( dataset.get_time_batch(cut_shape=cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=1, _batch_mode='random', _mode='test', flag=1)) # for i in range(num_batches / 16): # fcn.fit_generator(dataset.train.oversampling.get_time_batch(session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, # batch_size=batch_size), steps_per_epoch=8, # epochs=num_batches) test_evaluation = evaluation.evaluation() print('test evaluation:') for i in range(test_size): vosx, onehot = test_iter.__next__() prediction = grus.predict_on_batch(vosx) test_evaluation += evaluation.evaluation(y_true=np.argmax(onehot, axis=1), y_predict=np.argmax( prediction, axis=1)) print(test_evaluation) train_len = 0 for i in data_type: train_len += len(data_index[i]['train']) # train_evaluation = evaluation.evaluation() # for i in range(train_len): # vosx, onehot = train_iter.__next__() # prediction = grus.predict_on_batch(vosx) # train_evaluation += evaluation.evaluation(y_true=np.argmax(onehot, axis=1), # y_predict=np.argmax(prediction, axis=1)) # print(train_evaluation) # 利用svm作为最后的分类器 # print('svm evaluation:') # # 构造数据集 # #BGRU特征提取模型 # BGRU_feature = keras.Model(inputs=grus.get_layer('BGRU_input').input,outputs=grus.get_layer('fc_1').output) # train_data = -1 # train_label = -1 # for i in range(train_len): # vosx,onehot = train_iter.__next__() # feature = BGRU_feature.predict_on_batch(vosx) # y_true = np.argmax(onehot,axis=1) # if isinstance(train_data,int): # train_data = feature # train_label = y_true # else: # train_data = np.vstack((train_data,feature)) # train_label = np.hstack((train_label,y_true)) # clf = svm.SVC(C=1.0,kernel='rbf',gamma='auto') #,train_label) # predict = clf.predict(train_data) # svm_train = evaluation.evaluation(y_true=train_label,y_predict=predict) # print('svm_train:') # print(svm_train) # # test_data = -1 # test_label = -1 # for i in range(test_size): # vosx,onehot = test_iter.__next__() # feature = BGRU_feature.predict_on_batch(vosx) # y_true = np.argmax(onehot,axis=1) # if isinstance(test_data,int): # test_data = feature # test_label = y_true # else: # test_data = np.vstack((test_data,feature)) # test_label = np.hstack((test_label,y_true)) # predict = clf.predict(test_data) # svm_test = evaluation.evaluation(y_true=test_label, y_predict=predict) # print('svm_test:') # print(svm_test) if f_handle: # f_handle.write('svm_train:\n') # f_handle.write(str(svm_train)+'\n') # f_handle.write('svm_test:\n') # f_handle.write(str(svm_test)+'\n') # f_handle.write('train_evaluation\n') # f_handle.write(str(train_evaluation) + '\n') f_handle.write('test_evaluation\n') f_handle.write(str(test_evaluation) + '\n') if not os.path.exists(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir) filepath = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, 'train_' + str(cross_epoch) + '.h5') return test_evaluation, evaluation.evaluation()
def train_fcn(cross_epoch=0, data_index=None, cut_shape=None, data_type=['MCIc', 'MCInc'], pre_dir='/home/anzeng/rhb/fmri_data', num_batches=256 * 5, voxnet_point=None, test_size=6, brain_map=[217]): tf.reset_default_graph() #####超参########## time_dim = 20 batch_size = 8 ##################### dataset = fMRI_data(data_type, data_index=data_index, varbass=False, dir=pre_dir) fcn = FCNs() input_shape = [None, 32, 32, 32, 1] voxnet = VoxNet(input_shape=input_shape, voxnet_type='cut') with tf.Session() as session: voxnet.npz_saver.restore(session, voxnet_point) fcn.fit_generator( dataset.get_time_batch(session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=batch_size, _batch_mode='oversampling', _mode='train'), steps_per_epoch=8, epochs=num_batches, validation_data=dataset.test.random_sampling.get_time_batch( session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=1, _batch_mode='random', _mode='test'), validation_steps=test_size, callbacks=[toolbox.EarlyStoppingByACC('loss', 0.3, patience=10)]) #预测 data_iter = iter( dataset.test.random_sampling.get_time_batch(session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, batch_size=1)) # for i in range(num_batches / 16): # fcn.fit_generator(dataset.train.oversampling.get_time_batch(session, voxnet, cut_shape, time_dim=time_dim, # batch_size=batch_size), steps_per_epoch=8, # epochs=num_batches) test_evaluation = evaluation.evaluation() for i in range(test_size): vosx, onehot = data_iter.__next__() prediction = fcn.predict_on_batch(vosx) test_evaluation += evaluation.evaluation(y_true=np.argmax(onehot, axis=1), y_predict=np.argmax( prediction, axis=1)) print(test_evaluation) filepath = os.path.join(cfg.fcn_checkpoint_dir, 'train_' + str(cross_epoch) + '.h5') return test_evaluation