コード例 #1
ファイル: set_model_option.py プロジェクト: nicjhan/auscom
def set_ice_timestep(experiment, timestep):

    nml = FortranNamelist(input_ice % (experiment))
    nml.set_value('coupling_nml', 'dt_cice', timestep)

    nml = FortranNamelist(cice_in % (experiment))

    # Read in the current timestep and runtime, needed to calculate new runtime (in units of timestep). 
    (dt, _, _) = nml.get_value('setup_nml', 'dt')
    (npt, _, _) =  nml.get_value('setup_nml', 'npt')
    runtime = int(dt)*int(npt)
    new_npt = runtime // int(timestep)

    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'dt', timestep)
    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'npt', new_npt)
コード例 #2
ファイル: set_timesteps.py プロジェクト: nicjhan/cm-tools
def set_ice_timestep(exp, timestep):

    nml = FortranNamelist(input_ice.format(exp))
    nml.set_value('coupling_nml', 'dt_cice', timestep)

    nml = FortranNamelist(cice_in.format(exp))

    # Read in the current timestep and runtime, needed to calculate new runtime
    # (in units of timestep). 
    (dt, _, _) = nml.get_value('setup_nml', 'dt')
    (npt, _, _) =  nml.get_value('setup_nml', 'npt')
    runtime = int(dt)*int(npt)
    new_npt = runtime // int(timestep)

    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'dt', timestep)
    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'npt', new_npt)

    nc = Namcouple(namcouple.format(exp), 'access')
コード例 #3
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: nicjhan/auscom
def set_next_startdate(exp_dir, init_date, prev_start_date, runtime_per_submit, submit_num, newrun, model):
    Tell the models when to start by modifying the input namelists.

    runtime_per_submit is in months.

    if prev_start_date is None:
        start_date = init_date
        prev_end_date = add_months_to_date(prev_start_date, runtime_per_submit)
        start_date = prev_end_date

    end_date = add_months_to_date(start_date, runtime_per_submit)

    assert(init_date.day == 1)
    assert((prev_start_date is None) or prev_start_date.day == 1)
    assert(start_date.day == 1)

    days_since_start = ndays_between_dates(init_date, start_date, model == 'access')
    days_this_run = ndays_between_dates(start_date, end_date, model == 'access')

    # init_date is the start date of the experiment. 
    init_str = date_to_str(init_date)
    run_str = date_to_str(start_date)

    atm_rundir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'ATM_RUNDIR')

    # Atmos.
    if model == 'auscom': 
        nml = FortranNamelist(os.path.join(atm_rundir, 'input_atm.nml'))
        # The start of the experiment.
        nml.set_value('coupling', 'init_date', init_str)
        # The start of the run.
        nml.set_value('coupling', 'inidate', run_str)
        nml.set_value('coupling', 'truntime0', days_since_start*86400)
        nml.set_value('coupling', 'runtime', days_this_run*86400)
        # Changes for the UM. 
        nml = FortranNamelist(os.path.join(atm_rundir, 'tmp_ctrl', 'CNTLALL'))
        # Run length
        nml.set_value('NLSTCALL', 'RUN_TARGET_END', '0, 0, %s, 0, 0, 0' % days_this_run)
        # Resubmit increement
        nml.set_value('NLSTCALL', 'RUN_RESUBMIT_INC', '0, 0, %s, 0, 0, 0' % days_this_run)
        # Start time
        nml.set_value('NLSTCALL', 'MODEL_BASIS_TIME', '%s, %s, %s, 0, 0, 0' % (run_str[0:4], run_str[4:6], run_str[6:8]))
        nml.set_value('NLSTCALL', 'ANCIL_REFTIME', '%s, %s, %s, 0, 0, 0' % (run_str[0:4], run_str[4:6], run_str[6:8]))

        nml = FortranNamelist(os.path.join(atm_rundir, 'tmp_ctrl', 'SIZES'))
        nml.set_value('STSHCOMP', 'RUN_TARGET_END', '0, 0, %s, 0, 0, 0' % days_this_run)

        def dump_times_string(start_date, num_dumps):
            Create a string for the dump times.
            Presently we dump each month. 

            assert(start_date.day == 1 and ((start_date.month + num_dumps - 1) <= 12))

            str = ''
            total_days = 0
            for m in range(num_dumps):

                _, days = calendar.monthrange(start_date.year, start_date.month + m)
                total_days += days
                str += '{0},'.format(total_days*48)

            str += '0,' * (160 - num_dumps)

            return str

        nml = FortranNamelist(os.path.join(atm_rundir, 'tmp_ctrl', 'CNTLGEN'))
        nml.set_value('NLSTCGEN', 'DUMPTIMESim', dump_times_string(start_date, runtime_per_submit))

    # Ice
    ice_rundir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'ICE_RUNDIR')
    nml = FortranNamelist(os.path.join(ice_rundir, 'cice_in.nml'))
    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'year_init', start_date.year)
    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'runtype', '\'initial\'') if newrun else nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'runtype', '\'continue\'')
    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'restart', '.false.') if newrun else nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'restart', '.true.')
    (dt, _, _) = nml.get_value('setup_nml', 'dt')
    assert(days_this_run*86400 % int(dt) == 0)
    nml.set_value('setup_nml', 'npt', (days_this_run*86400) // int(dt))
    nml = FortranNamelist(os.path.join(ice_rundir, 'input_ice.nml'))
    nml.set_value('coupling_nml', 'init_date', init_str)
    nml.set_value('coupling_nml', 'inidate', run_str)
    nml.set_value('coupling_nml', 'runtime0', days_since_start*86400)
    nml.set_value('coupling_nml', 'runtime', days_this_run*86400)
    nml.set_value('coupling_nml', 'jobnum', submit_num)

    # Ocean
    ocn_rundir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'OCN_RUNDIR')
    nml = FortranNamelist(os.path.join(ocn_rundir, 'input.nml'))
    nml.set_value('ocean_solo_nml', 'years', runtime_per_submit // 12)
    nml.set_value('ocean_solo_nml', 'months', runtime_per_submit % 12)
    nml.set_value('ocean_solo_nml', 'days', 0)
    nml.set_value('ocean_solo_nml', 'hours', 0)
    nml.set_value('ocean_solo_nml', 'minutes', 0)
    nml.set_value('ocean_solo_nml', 'seconds', 0)
    # This date_init value is read from RESTART/ocean_solo.res if it exists. 
    nml.set_value('ocean_solo_nml', 'date_init', str(start_date.year).zfill(4) + ',' + str(start_date.month).zfill(2) + ',01,0,0,0')

    # Oasis namcouple
    for r in [atm_rundir, ice_rundir, ocn_rundir]:
        nc = Namcouple(os.path.join(r, 'namcouple'), model)
        # FIXME: there is a bug in the models, an extra timestep is made at the end of a month. 
        # This then causes an assertion failure in oasis. For the time being just increase the 
        # oasis max by one day. 
        nc.set_runtime((days_this_run + 1)*86400)

    return (start_date, end_date)