def index(): """ main page with map and all pins """ m = folium.Map(location=[20, 0], zoom_start=3) points = db_pg.select_map_data() nicknames = db_pg.select_nicknames() # MarkerCluster(locations=points, popups=nicknames).add_to(m) for i in range(len(points)): tooltip_ = Tooltip(nicknames[i], permanent=True) if nicknames[i] is None: Marker(points[i]).add_to(m) else: Marker(points[i], tooltip=tooltip_).add_to(m) map_html = m._repr_html_() if request.method == 'POST': # TODO: add new point to map in a different color - red or so location = request.form['location'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] try: decoded_location = geolocator.geocode(location) db_pg.insert_into_data(location, decoded_location.latitude, decoded_location.longitude, nickname) # MarkerCluster(locations=[[decoded_location.latitude, decoded_location.longitude]]).add_to(m) # map_html = m._repr_html_() flash('location successfully added') print('new location: ', location, ', ', decoded_location.latitude, ', ', decoded_location.longitude, ', ', datetime.utcnow()) except AttributeError: flash('location not found, try again') print('location not found') return redirect(url_for('index')) return render_template('base.html', map_=map_html)
def test_feature_group(self): """Test FeatureGroup.""" map = folium.Map() feature_group = FeatureGroup() feature_group.add_children(Marker([45, -30], popup=Popup('-30'))) feature_group.add_children(Marker([45, 30], popup=Popup('30'))) map.add_children(feature_group) map.add_children( map._repr_html_()
def test_feature_group(self): """Test FeatureGroup.""" map = folium.Map() feature_group = FeatureGroup() feature_group.add_child(Marker([45, -30], popup=Popup('-30'))) feature_group.add_child(Marker([45, 30], popup=Popup('30'))) map.add_child(feature_group) map.add_child( map._repr_html_() bounds = map.get_bounds() assert bounds == [[45, -30], [45, 30]], bounds
def __init__(self, locations=None, popups=None, icons=None, name=None, overlay=True, control=True, show=True, icon_create_function=None, options=None, **kwargs): if options is not None: kwargs.update(options) # options argument is legacy super(MarkerCluster, self).__init__(name=name, overlay=overlay, control=control, show=show) self._name = 'MarkerCluster' if locations is not None: locations = validate_locations(locations) for i, location in enumerate(locations): self.add_child( Marker(location, popup=popups and popups[i], icon=icons and icons[i])) self.options = parse_options(**kwargs) if icon_create_function is not None: assert isinstance(icon_create_function, str) self.icon_create_function = icon_create_function
def __init__(self, locations=None, popups=None, icons=None, name=None, overlay=True, control=True, show=True, icon_create_function=None, options=None): super(MarkerCluster, self).__init__(name=name, overlay=overlay, control=control, show=show) self._name = 'MarkerCluster' if locations is not None: if popups is None: popups = [None] * len(locations) if icons is None: icons = [None] * len(locations) for location, popup, icon in zip(locations, popups, icons): p = popup if self._validate(popup, Popup) else Popup(popup) i = icon if self._validate(icon, Icon) else Icon(icon) self.add_child(Marker(location, popup=p, icon=i)) options = {} if options is None else options self.options = json.dumps(options, sort_keys=True, indent=2) if icon_create_function is not None: assert isinstance(icon_create_function, str) self.icon_create_function = icon_create_function
def __init__(self, locations, popups=None, icons=None): super(MarkerCluster, self).__init__() self._name = 'MarkerCluster' if popups is None: popups = [None] * len(locations) if icons is None: icons = [None] * len(locations) for location, popup, icon in zip(locations, popups, icons): if popup is None or isinstance(popup, Popup): p = popup else: p = Popup(popup) if icon is None or isinstance(icon, Icon): i = icon else: i = Icon(icon) self.add_child(Marker(location, popup=p, icon=i)) self._template = Template(u""" {% macro script(this, kwargs) %} var {{this.get_name()}} = L.markerClusterGroup(); {{this._parent.get_name()}}.addLayer({{this.get_name()}}); {% endmacro %} """)
def __init__(self, locations=None, popups=None, icons=None, name=None, overlay=True, control=True, show=True, icon_create_function=None): super(MarkerCluster, self).__init__(name=name, overlay=overlay, control=control, show=show) if locations is not None: if popups is None: popups = [None]*len(locations) if icons is None: icons = [None]*len(locations) for location, popup, icon in zip(locations, popups, icons): p = popup if popup is None or isinstance(popup, Popup) else Popup(popup) # noqa i = icon if icon is None or isinstance(icon, Icon) else Icon(icon) # noqa self.add_child(Marker(location, popup=p, icon=i)) self._name = 'MarkerCluster' self._icon_create_function = icon_create_function.strip() if icon_create_function else '' # noqa self._template = Template(u""" {% macro script(this, kwargs) %} var {{this.get_name()}} = L.markerClusterGroup({ {% if this._icon_create_function %} iconCreateFunction: {{this._icon_create_function}} {% endif %} }); {{this._parent.get_name()}}.addLayer({{this.get_name()}}); {% endmacro %} """)
def __init__(self, locations=None, popups=None, icons=None, name=None, overlay=True, control=True, show=True, icon_create_function=None): super(MarkerCluster, self).__init__(name=name, overlay=overlay, control=control, show=show) if locations is not None: if popups is None: popups = [None] * len(locations) if icons is None: icons = [None] * len(locations) for location, popup, icon in zip(locations, popups, icons): p = popup if popup is None or isinstance( popup, Popup) else Popup(popup) # noqa i = icon if icon is None or isinstance(icon, Icon) else Icon( icon) # noqa self.add_child(Marker(location, popup=p, icon=i)) self._name = 'MarkerCluster' self._icon_create_function = icon_create_function.strip( ) if icon_create_function else '' # noqa
def __init__(self, locations=None, popups=None, icons=None, name=None, overlay=True, control=True, show=True, icon_create_function=None, options=None, **kwargs): if options is not None: kwargs.update(options) # options argument is legacy super(MarkerCluster, self).__init__(name=name, overlay=overlay, control=control, show=show) self._name = 'MarkerCluster' if locations is not None: if popups is None: popups = [None] * len(locations) if icons is None: icons = [None] * len(locations) for location, popup, icon in zip(locations, popups, icons): p = popup if self._validate(popup, Popup) else Popup(popup) i = icon if self._validate(icon, Icon) else Icon(icon) self.add_child(Marker(location, popup=p, icon=i)) self.options = parse_options(**kwargs) if icon_create_function is not None: assert isinstance(icon_create_function, str) self.icon_create_function = icon_create_function
def _add_label_icon(my_map, position, text, color, icon, icon_color): html = folium.Html(text, script=True) Marker(location=position, popup=Popup(html, True, 200, False, True), icon=folium.Icon(icon=icon, color=color, icon_color=icon_color, prefix='fa')).add_to(my_map) return my_map
def __init__(self, locations, popups=None, icons=None): """Creates a MarkerCluster plugin to append into a map with Map.add_children. Parameters ---------- locations: list of list or array of shape (n,2). Data points of the form [[lat, lng]]. popups: list of length n. Popup for each marker. icons: list of length n. Icon for each marker. """ super(MarkerCluster, self).__init__() self._name = 'MarkerCluster' if popups is None: popups = [None] * len(locations) if icons is None: icons = [None] * len(locations) for location, popup, icon in zip(locations, popups, icons): if popup is None or isinstance(popup, Popup): p = popup else: p = Popup(popup) if icon is None or isinstance(icon, Icon): i = icon else: i = Icon(icon) self.add_children(Marker(location, popup=p, icon=i)) self._template = Template(u""" {% macro script(this, kwargs) %} var {{this.get_name()}} = L.markerClusterGroup(); {{this._parent.get_name()}}.addLayer({{this.get_name()}}); {% endmacro %} """)
def make_map(layer_geojson=None, points=None, circles=None, polyline=None, goal_line=None, margin=0, thermal_layer=False, waypoint_layer=False, extra_tracks=None, airspace_layer=None, bbox=None): if points is None: points = [] if bbox: location = bbox_centre(bbox) else: location = [45, 10] folium_map = folium.Map(location=location, zoom_start=13, tiles="Stamen Terrain", width='100%', height='75%') # folium.LayerControl().add_to(folium_map) '''Define map borders''' # at this stage a track (layer_geojason has bbox inside, # otherwise (plotting wpts, airspace, task) we can use the bbox variable if bbox: folium_map.fit_bounds(bounds=bbox, max_zoom=13) if layer_geojson: '''Define map borders''' if layer_geojson["bbox"]: bbox = layer_geojson["bbox"] folium_map.fit_bounds(bounds=bbox, max_zoom=13) """Design track""" if layer_geojson["geojson"]: track = layer_geojson['geojson']['tracklog'] folium.GeoJson(track, name='Flight', style_function=track_style_function).add_to(folium_map) if extra_tracks: extra_track_style_function = lambda colour: ( lambda x: {'color': colour if x['properties']['Track'] == 'Pre_Goal' else 'grey'}) for extra_track in extra_tracks: colour = extra_track['colour'] folium.GeoJson(extra_track['track'], name=extra_track['name'], style_function=extra_track_style_function(colour)).add_to(folium_map) if thermal_layer: thermals = layer_geojson['geojson']['thermals'] thermal_group = FeatureGroup(name='Thermals', show=False) for t in thermals: # icon = Icon(color='blue', icon_color='black', icon='sync-alt', angle=0, prefix='fas') icon = CustomIcon('/app/airscore/static/img/thermal.png') thermal_group.add_child(Marker([t[1], t[0]], icon=icon, popup=Popup(t[2]))) folium_map.add_child(thermal_group) if waypoint_layer: waypoints = layer_geojson['geojson']['waypoint_achieved'] waypoint_group = FeatureGroup(name='Waypoints Taken', show=False) for w in waypoints: waypoint_group.add_child(Marker([w[1], w[0]], popup=Popup(w[5]))) folium_map.add_child(waypoint_group) """Design cylinders""" if circles: for c in circles: """create design based on type""" if c['type'] == 'launch': col = '#996633' elif c['type'] == 'speed': col = '#00cc00' elif c['type'] == 'endspeed': col = '#cc3333' elif c['type'] == 'restricted': col = '#ff0000' else: col = '#3186cc' popup = folium.Popup(f"<b>{c['name']}</b><br>Radius: {str(c['radius_label'])} m.", max_width=300) folium.Circle( location=(c['latitude'], c['longitude']), radius=0.0 + c['radius'], popup=popup, color=col, weight=2, opacity=0.8, fill=True, fill_opacity=0.2, fill_color=col ).add_to(folium_map) """Plot tolerance cylinders""" if margin: for c in circles: """create two circles based on tolerance value""" folium.Circle( location=(c['latitude'], c['longitude']), radius=0.0 + c['radius'] * (1 + margin), popup=None, color="#44cc44", weight=0.75, opacity=0.8, fill=False ).add_to(folium_map) folium.Circle( location=(c['latitude'], c['longitude']), radius=0.0 + c['radius'] * (1 - margin), popup=None, color="#44cc44", weight=0.75, opacity=0.8, fill=False ).add_to(folium_map) """Plot waypoints""" if points: for p in points: folium.Marker( location=[p['latitude'], p['longitude']], popup=p['name'], icon=folium.features.DivIcon( icon_size=(20, 20), icon_anchor=(0, 0), html='<div class="waypoint-label">%s</div>' % p['name'], ) ).add_to(folium_map) """Design optimised route""" if polyline: folium.PolyLine( locations=polyline, weight=1.5, opacity=0.75, color='#2176bc' ).add_to(folium_map) if goal_line: folium.PolyLine( locations=goal_line, weight=1.5, opacity=0.75, color='#800000' ).add_to(folium_map) if airspace_layer: for space in airspace_layer: space.add_to(folium_map) # path where to save the map #'templates/map.html') folium.LayerControl().add_to(folium_map) folium.plugins.Fullscreen().add_to(folium_map) folium.plugins.MeasureControl().add_to(folium_map) return folium_map
def test_marker_valid_location(): m = Map() marker = Marker() marker.add_to(m) with pytest.raises(ValueError): m.render()
def make_map(layer_geojson=None, points=None, circles=None, polyline=None, goal_line=None, margin=0, thermal_layer=False, show_thermal=False, waypoint_layer=False, show_waypoint=False, extra_tracks=None, airspace_layer=None, show_airspace=False, infringements=None, bbox=None, trackpoints=None): """Gets elements and layers from Flask, and returns map object""" '''creates layers''' if points is None: points = [] if bbox: location = bbox_centre(bbox) else: location = [45, 10] folium_map = folium.Map(location=location, position='relative', zoom_start=13, tiles="Stamen Terrain", max_bounds=True, min_zoom=5, prefer_canvas=True) # folium.LayerControl().add_to(folium_map) '''Define map borders''' # at this stage a track (layer_geojason has bbox inside, # otherwise (plotting wpts, airspace, task) we can use the bbox variable if bbox: folium_map.fit_bounds(bounds=bbox, max_zoom=13) if layer_geojson: '''Define map borders''' if layer_geojson["bbox"]: bbox = layer_geojson["bbox"] folium_map.fit_bounds(bounds=bbox, max_zoom=13) """Design track""" if layer_geojson["geojson"]: track = layer_geojson['geojson']['tracklog'] folium.GeoJson( track, name='Flight', style_function=track_style_function).add_to(folium_map) if extra_tracks: extra_track_style_function = lambda colour: (lambda x: { 'color': colour if x['properties']['Track'] == 'Pre_Goal' else 'grey' }) for extra_track in extra_tracks: colour = extra_track['colour'] folium.GeoJson(extra_track['track'], name=extra_track['name'], style_function=extra_track_style_function( colour)).add_to(folium_map) if thermal_layer: thermals = layer_geojson['geojson']['thermals'] thermal_group = FeatureGroup(name='Thermals', show=show_thermal) for t in thermals: # icon = Icon(color='blue', icon_color='black', icon='sync-alt', angle=0, prefix='fas') icon = CustomIcon('/app/airscore/static/img/thermal.png') thermal_group.add_child( Marker([t[1], t[0]], icon=icon, popup=Popup(t[2]))) folium_map.add_child(thermal_group) if waypoint_layer: waypoints = layer_geojson['geojson']['waypoint_achieved'] waypoint_group = FeatureGroup(name='Waypoints Taken', show=show_waypoint) for w in waypoints: waypoint_group.add_child( Marker([w[1], w[0]], popup=Popup(w[6], max_width=300))) folium_map.add_child(waypoint_group) """Design cylinders""" if circles: for c in circles: """create design based on type""" if c['type'] == 'launch': col = '#996633' elif c['type'] == 'speed': col = '#00cc00' elif c['type'] == 'endspeed': col = '#cc3333' elif c['type'] == 'restricted': col = '#ff0000' else: col = '#3186cc' popup = folium.Popup( f"<b>{c['name']}</b><br>Radius: {str(c['radius_label'])} m.", max_width=300) folium.Circle(location=(c['latitude'], c['longitude']), radius=0.0 + c['radius'], popup=popup, color=col, weight=2, opacity=0.8, fill=True, fill_opacity=0.2, fill_color=col).add_to(folium_map) """Plot tolerance cylinders""" if margin: for c in circles: """create two circles based on tolerance value""" folium.Circle(location=(c['latitude'], c['longitude']), radius=0.0 + c['radius'] * (1 + margin), popup=None, color="#44cc44", weight=0.75, opacity=0.8, fill=False).add_to(folium_map) folium.Circle(location=(c['latitude'], c['longitude']), radius=0.0 + c['radius'] * (1 - margin), popup=None, color="#44cc44", weight=0.75, opacity=0.8, fill=False).add_to(folium_map) """Plot waypoints""" if points: for p in points: folium.Marker(location=[p['latitude'], p['longitude']], popup=p['name'], icon=folium.features.DivIcon( icon_size=(20, 20), icon_anchor=(0, 0), html='<div class="waypoint-label">%s</div>' % p['name'], )).add_to(folium_map) """Design optimised route""" if polyline: folium.PolyLine(locations=polyline, weight=1.5, opacity=0.75, color='#2176bc').add_to(folium_map) if goal_line: folium.PolyLine(locations=goal_line, weight=1.5, opacity=0.75, color='#800000').add_to(folium_map) if airspace_layer: airspace_group = FeatureGroup(name='Airspaces', show=show_airspace) for space in airspace_layer: airspace_group.add_child(space) if infringements: for i in infringements: popup = folium.Popup( f"<b>{i[3]}</b><br>{i[5]}. separation: {i[4]} m. <br>" f"{i[7]} - alt. {i[2]} m.", max_width=300) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="times", prefix='fa') airspace_group.add_child( Marker([i[1], i[0]], icon=icon, popup=popup)) folium_map.add_child(airspace_group) if trackpoints: trackpoints_group = FeatureGroup(name='Trackpoints', show=True) for i in trackpoints: tooltip = folium.Tooltip( f"Time UTC: <b>{i[5]}</b> Local Time: <b>{i[6]}</b><br>" f"lat: <b>{round(i[1], 4)}</b> lon: <b>{round(i[0], 4)}</b><br>" f"GPS alt: <b>{int(i[4])} m.</b> ISA Press alt: <b>{int(i[3])} m.</b>" ) trackpoints_group.add_child( folium.CircleMarker((i[1], i[0]), radius=1, tooltip=tooltip)) folium_map.add_child(trackpoints_group) folium.LayerControl().add_to(folium_map) folium.plugins.Fullscreen().add_to(folium_map) folium.plugins.MeasureControl().add_to(folium_map) return folium_map