コード例 #1
def test_ttcompile_ttf_to_woff2(tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", "TestTTF.ttx")
    outwoff2 = tmpdir.join("TestTTF.woff2")
    options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    options.flavor = "woff2"
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outwoff2), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outwoff2.check(file=True)
    # confirm that it is valid TTF file, can instantiate a TTFont, has expected OpenType tables
    ttf = TTFont(str(outwoff2))
    # DSIG should not be included from original ttx as per woff2 spec (https://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF2/spec/)
    assert "DSIG" not in ttf
    expected_tables = (
        "cvt ",
    for table in expected_tables:
        assert table in ttf
コード例 #2
def test_ttcompile_timestamp_calcs(inpath, outpath1, outpath2, tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", inpath)
    outttf1 = tmpdir.join(outpath1)
    outttf2 = tmpdir.join(outpath2)
    options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    # build with default options = do not recalculate timestamp
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outttf1), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outttf1.check(file=True)
    # confirm that timestamp is same as modified time on ttx file
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(inttx)
    epochtime = timestampSinceEpoch(mtime)
    ttf = TTFont(str(outttf1))
    assert ttf["head"].modified == epochtime

    # reset options to recalculate the timestamp and compile new font
    options.recalcTimestamp = True
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outttf2), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outttf2.check(file=True)
    # confirm that timestamp is more recent than modified time on ttx file
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(inttx)
    epochtime = timestampSinceEpoch(mtime)
    ttf = TTFont(str(outttf2))
    assert ttf["head"].modified > epochtime
コード例 #3
ファイル: ttx_test.py プロジェクト: MrBrezina/fonttools
def test_ttcompile_timestamp_calcs(inpath, outpath1, outpath2, tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", inpath)
    outttf1 = tmpdir.join(outpath1)
    outttf2 = tmpdir.join(outpath2)
    options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    # build with default options = do not recalculate timestamp
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outttf1), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outttf1.check(file=True)
    # confirm that timestamp is same as modified time on ttx file
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(inttx)
    epochtime = timestampSinceEpoch(mtime)
    ttf = TTFont(str(outttf1))
    assert ttf["head"].modified == epochtime

    # reset options to recalculate the timestamp and compile new font
    options.recalcTimestamp = True
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outttf2), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outttf2.check(file=True)
    # confirm that timestamp is more recent than modified time on ttx file
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(inttx)
    epochtime = timestampSinceEpoch(mtime)
    ttf = TTFont(str(outttf2))
    assert ttf["head"].modified > epochtime
コード例 #4
def test_ttcompile_ttf_to_woff_with_zopfli(tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", "TestTTF.ttx")
    outwoff = tmpdir.join("TestTTF.woff")
    options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    options.flavor = "woff"
    options.useZopfli = True
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outwoff), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outwoff.check(file=True)
    # confirm that it is valid TTF file, can instantiate a TTFont, has expected OpenType tables
    ttf = TTFont(str(outwoff))
    expected_tables = (
        "cvt ",
    for table in expected_tables:
        assert table in ttf
コード例 #5
ファイル: ttx_test.py プロジェクト: MrBrezina/fonttools
def test_ttcompile_ttf_to_woff2(tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", "TestTTF.ttx")
    outwoff2 = tmpdir.join("TestTTF.woff2")
    options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    options.flavor = "woff2"
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outwoff2), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outwoff2.check(file=True)
    # confirm that it is valid TTF file, can instantiate a TTFont, has expected OpenType tables
    ttf = TTFont(str(outwoff2))
    # DSIG should not be included from original ttx as per woff2 spec (https://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF2/spec/)
    assert "DSIG" not in ttf
    expected_tables = (
        "cvt ",
    for table in expected_tables:
        assert table in ttf
コード例 #6
ファイル: ttx_test.py プロジェクト: MrBrezina/fonttools
def test_ttcompile_ttf_to_woff_with_zopfli(tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", "TestTTF.ttx")
    outwoff = tmpdir.join("TestTTF.woff")
    options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    options.flavor = "woff"
    options.useZopfli = True
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outwoff), options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outwoff.check(file=True)
    # confirm that it is valid TTF file, can instantiate a TTFont, has expected OpenType tables
    ttf = TTFont(str(outwoff))
    expected_tables = (
        "cvt ",
    for table in expected_tables:
        assert table in ttf
コード例 #7
ファイル: roundTrip.py プロジェクト: edwin-oetelaar/KiBuzzard
def roundTrip(ttFile1, options, report):
	fn = os.path.basename(ttFile1)
	xmlFile1 = tempfile.mktemp(".%s.ttx1" % fn)
	ttFile2 = tempfile.mktemp(".%s" % fn)
	xmlFile2 = tempfile.mktemp(".%s.ttx2" % fn)
		ttx.ttDump(ttFile1, xmlFile1, options)
		if options.onlyTables or options.skipTables:
			options.mergeFile = ttFile1
		ttx.ttCompile(xmlFile1, ttFile2, options)
		options.mergeFile = None
		ttx.ttDump(ttFile2, xmlFile2, options)
		diffcmd = 'diff -U2 -I ".*modified value\|checkSumAdjustment.*" "%s" "%s"' % (xmlFile1, xmlFile2)
		output = os.popen(diffcmd, "r", 1)
		lines = []
		while True:
			line = output.readline()
			if not line:
		if lines:
			report.write("  \"%s\" differs after round tripping\n" % ttFile1)
			print("(TTX files are the same)")
		for tmpFile in (xmlFile1, ttFile2, xmlFile2):
			if os.path.exists(tmpFile):
コード例 #8
def obfuscate(s):
    global tree, names
    if tree is None:
        tree = ET.parse('DejaVuSansMono_cmap.ttx')
        for c in tree.getroot().find('cmap/cmap_format_12').findall('map'):
            code = int(c.attrib['code'], 16)
            if 0x21 <= code <= 0x7e:
                names.append((code, c.attrib['name']))
    for c in tree.getroot().find('cmap/cmap_format_12').findall('map'):
        code = int(c.attrib['code'], 16)
        if 0x21 <= code <= 0x7e:
            c.attrib['name'] = names[code - 0x21][1]

    with TmpFile() as scrambled_ttx, TmpFile() as scrambled_ttf:
        tree.write(scrambled_ttx.name, xml_declaration=True)
        ttx.ttCompile(scrambled_ttx.name, scrambled_ttf.name,
                      ttx.Options([('-m', 'DejaVuSansMono.ttf')], 1))
        text = html.escape(scramble(s, names))
        return subprocess.check_output(
            ['python', 'obfuscate.py', text, scrambled_ttf.name])
コード例 #9
def test_ttcompile_otf_compile_default(tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", "TestOTF.ttx")
    # outotf = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "TestOTF.otf")
    outotf = tmpdir.join("TestOTF.ttx")
    default_options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outotf), default_options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outotf.check(file=True)
    # confirm that it is valid OTF file, can instantiate a TTFont, has expected OpenType tables
    ttf = TTFont(str(outotf))
    expected_tables = (
        "CFF ",
    for table in expected_tables:
        assert table in ttf
コード例 #10
ファイル: ttx_test.py プロジェクト: MrBrezina/fonttools
def test_ttcompile_otf_compile_default(tmpdir):
    inttx = os.path.join("Tests", "ttx", "data", "TestOTF.ttx")
    # outotf = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "TestOTF.otf")
    outotf = tmpdir.join("TestOTF.ttx")
    default_options = ttx.Options([], 1)
    ttx.ttCompile(inttx, str(outotf), default_options)
    # confirm that font was built
    assert outotf.check(file=True)
    # confirm that it is valid OTF file, can instantiate a TTFont, has expected OpenType tables
    ttf = TTFont(str(outotf))
    expected_tables = (
        "CFF ",
    for table in expected_tables:
        assert table in ttf
コード例 #11
# Generates ttf, woff, and woff2 fonts from ttx source.

import sys

from fontTools import subset
from fontTools import ttx
from fontTools.ttLib import sfnt

# Arguments
TTX = sys.argv[1]

# Files
TTF = TTX.replace(".ttx", ".ttf")
WOFF = TTX.replace(".ttx", ".woff")
WOFF2 = TTX.replace(".ttx", ".woff2")

# Make ttf
ttx.ttCompile(TTX, TTF, ttx.Options([], 1))

# Make woff
for w in (WOFF, WOFF2):
        TTF, "--glyphs=*", "--notdef-glyph", "--notdef-outline",
        "--no-name-legacy", "--no-glyph-names", "--no-legacy-cmap",
        "--no-symbol-cmap", "--no-recalc-bounds", "--no-recalc-timestamp",
        "--canonical-order", "--prune-unicode-ranges",
        "--no-recalc-average-width", "--with-zopfli",
        "--flavor=" + w.split(".")[-1], "--output-file=" + w