コード例 #1
ファイル: qchemio.py プロジェクト: leucinw/forcebalance-1.3.2
def QChem_Dielectric_Energy(fnm,wq):
    QCIn = Molecule(fnm)
    for i in range(QCIn.na):
        # Q-Chem crashes if it doesn't recognize the chemical element
        if QCIn.Data['elem'][i] in ['M','L']:
            QCIn.Data['elem'][i] = 'He'
    digits = len(str(QCIn.ns))
    for i in range(QCIn.ns):
        sdir = "%%0%ii" % digits % i
        queue_up(wq,"qchem40 qchem.in qchem.out",input_files=["qchem.in"],output_files=["qchem.out"],verbose=False)
    PCM_Energies = []
    for i in range(QCIn.ns):
        sdir = "%%0%ii" % digits % i
        for line in open("qchem.out"):
            if "PCM electrostatic energy" in line:
    return np.array(PCM_Energies) * 2625.5
コード例 #2
ファイル: filecnv.py プロジェクト: JNapoli/forcebalance
def main():
    M = Molecule(argv[1])
    tempfnm = argv[3] if len(argv) >= 4 else None    
    if tempfnm != None:
    print M.Data.keys()
コード例 #3
ファイル: qchemio.py プロジェクト: rmcgibbo/forcebalance
def QChem_Dielectric_Energy(fnm,wq):
    QCIn = Molecule(fnm)
    for i in range(QCIn.na):
        # Q-Chem crashes if it doesn't recognize the chemical element
        if QCIn.Data['elem'][i] in ['M','L']:
            QCIn.Data['elem'][i] = 'He'
    digits = len(str(QCIn.ns))
    for i in range(QCIn.ns):
        sdir = "%%0%ii" % digits % i
        queue_up(wq,"qchem40 qchem.in qchem.out",input_files=["qchem.in"],output_files=["qchem.out"],verbose=False)
    PCM_Energies = []
    for i in range(QCIn.ns):
        sdir = "%%0%ii" % digits % i
        for line in open("qchem.out"):
            if "PCM electrostatic energy" in line:
    return np.array(PCM_Energies) * 2625.5
コード例 #4
 def write_fb_target_abinitio(self, records):
     """ Write a list of {'energy': xxx, 'molecule': xxx, 'name': xxx} records into a new target folder """
     # prepare folder for writing
     target_name = 'abinitio_bond_angles'
     target_folder = os.path.join(self.out_folder, target_name)
     # load data into a fb Molecule
     out_m = Molecule()
     out_m.elem = self.m.elem.copy()
     out_m.xyzs = []
     out_m.qm_energies = []
     out_m.comms = []
     for record in records:
         qcmol = record['molecule']
         energy = record['energy']
         name = record.get('name', 'created by FBTargetBuilder')
         m = self.qc_molecule_to_fb_molecule(qcmol)
         assert m.elem == out_m.elem, 'Elements list of resulting qcmol is not consistent with self.m'
         # append geometry
         # append energy
         # append name
     # write output
         f"Writing {len(records)} frames into targets/abinitio_bond_angles/traj.xyz"
         f"Writing {len(records)} frames into targets/abinitio_bond_angles/qdata.txt"
コード例 #5
def main():
    M = Molecule(argv[1])
    tempfnm = argv[3] if len(argv) >= 4 else None
    if tempfnm != None:
    print M.Data.keys()
コード例 #6
def write_torsion_target(procedure, target_name, removing_unreal=False):
    Fetch data from a QCArchive procedure and write as a ForceBalance Target folder

    procedure: qcfractal.interface.orm.torsiondrive_orm.TorsionDriveORM
        An object that represents a computation

    target_name: string
        Folder name to write the ForceBalance target

    removing_unreal: bool, default False
        If true, remove the atoms that are not "real"
    # check if the target folder name exists
    if os.path.exists(target_name):
        raise RuntimeError(f"Target folder {target_name} already exists")
    # form a Molecule object from the first torsion grid data
    grid_molecules = procedure.final_molecules()
    grid_energies = procedure.final_energies()
    data = next(iter(grid_molecules.values()))
    elem = data['symbols']
    bonds = [(b[0], b[1]) for b in data['connectivity']]
    # remove the "unreal" atoms?
    removing_unreal = removing_unreal and (not all(data['real']))
    if removing_unreal:
        elem = [e for e, f in zip(elem, data['real']) if f is True]
        bonds = [(b[0], b[1]) for b in bonds
                 if data['real'][b[0]] and data['real'][b[1]]]
    # form the Molecule object
    m = Molecule()
    m.Data = {
        'elem': elem,
        'bonds': bonds,
        'name': data['name'],
        'xyzs': [],
        'qm_energies': [],
        'comms': []
    # load all frames
    for grid_id, data in grid_molecules.items():
        geo = np.array(data['geometry']).reshape(-1, 3) * bohr2ang
        if removing_unreal:
            geo = geo[data['real']]
        energy = grid_energies[grid_id]
        m.Data['comms'].append(f'{data["name"]} at torsion grid {grid_id}')
    # write the data
コード例 #7
ファイル: tinkerio.py プロジェクト: rmcgibbo/forcebalance
 def prepare_temp_directory(self, options, tgt_opts):
     abstempdir = os.path.join(self.root,self.tempdir)
     if self.FF.rigid_water:
         self.optprog = "optrigid"
         self.optprog = "optimize"
     # Link the necessary programs into the temporary directory
     # Link the run parameter file
     # The master file might be unneeded??
     for sysname,sysopt in self.sys_opts.items():
         if self.FF.rigid_water:
             # Make every water molecule rigid
             # WARNING: Hard coded values here!
             M = Molecule(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, sysopt['geometry']),ftype="tinker")
             for a in range(0, len(M.xyzs[0]), 3):
                 flex = M.xyzs[0]
                 wat = flex[a:a+3]
                 com = wat.mean(0)
                 wat -= com
                 o  = wat[0]
                 h1 = wat[1]
                 h2 = wat[2]
                 r1 = h1 - o
                 r2 = h2 - o
                 r1 /= Np.linalg.norm(r1)
                 r2 /= Np.linalg.norm(r2)
                 # Obtain unit vectors.
                 ex = r1 + r2
                 ey = r1 - r2
                 ex /= Np.linalg.norm(ex)
                 ey /= Np.linalg.norm(ey)
                 Bond = 0.9572
                 Ang = Np.pi * 104.52 / 2 / 180
                 cosx = Np.cos(Ang)
                 cosy = Np.sin(Ang)
                 h1 = o + Bond*ex*cosx + Bond*ey*cosy
                 h2 = o + Bond*ex*cosx - Bond*ey*cosy
                 rig = Np.array([o, h1, h2]) + com
                 M.xyzs[0][a:a+3] = rig
             M = Molecule(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, sysopt['geometry']),ftype="tinker")
             if 'select' in sysopt:
                 atomselect = Np.array(uncommadash(sysopt['select']))
                 #atomselect = eval("Np.arange(M.na)"+sysopt['select'])
                 M = M.atom_select(atomselect)
コード例 #8
def main():
    M = Molecule(opts.coords)
    if len(M.molecules) != 1:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Input coordinates must be a single contiguous molecule')
    if opts.phi1 == None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'phi1 (the first quartet of atoms) must be provided')
    xyzout = []
    commout = []
    xyzcsh = []
    commcsh = []
    if opts.phi2 != None:  # Two dimensional scan
        for inc1 in range(0, 360, opts.scan):
            for inc2 in range(0, 360, opts.scan):
                xyzrot, clash = get_rotated_xyz(M, [opts.phi1, opts.phi2],
                                                [inc1, inc2])
                print(inc1, inc2, "Clash" if clash else "Ok")
                comm = "Dihedrals %s, %s set to %i, %i" % (str(
                    opts.phi1), str(opts.phi2), inc1, inc2)
                if clash:
    else:  # One dimensional scan
        for inc1 in range(0, 360, opts.scan):
            xyzrot, clash = get_rotated_xyz(M, [opts.phi1], [inc1])
            print(inc1, "Clash" if clash else "Ok")
            comm = "Dihedral %s set to %i" % (str(opts.phi1), inc1)
            if clash:
    if len(xyzout) > 0:
        M.xyzs = xyzout
        M.comms = commout
            os.path.splitext(opts.coords)[0] + "_out" +
    if len(xyzcsh) > 0:
        M.xyzs = xyzcsh
        M.comms = commcsh
            os.path.splitext(opts.coords)[0] + "_clash" +
コード例 #9
 def calc_new(self, coords, dirname):
     if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname)
     Gro = Molecule("conf.gro")
     Gro.xyzs[0] = coords.reshape(-1, 3) * 0.529
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     shutil.copy2("topol.top", dirname)
     shutil.copy2("shot.mdp", dirname)
     G = GMX(coords="coords.gro", gmx_top="topol.top", gmx_mdp="shot.mdp")
     EF = G.energy_force()
     Energy = EF[0, 0] / eqcgmx
     Gradient = EF[0, 1:] / fqcgmx
     return Energy, Gradient
コード例 #10
ファイル: aa_to_crm_ua.py プロジェクト: kmckiern/scripts
def main():
    # create molecule
    m = Molecule(opts.xyz_file)
    # write to pdb
    # read into mdtraj
    p = mdtraj.load(tf)
    # get list of hydrogens to remove
    c_ndx = [i.index for i in p.topology.atoms if i.name in c_strip]
    tail_atms = [y for (x, y) in m.Data['bonds'] if x in c_ndx]
    tail_h = [i for i in tail_atms if i not in c_ndx]
    # throw out some hydrogens
    atoms_to_keep = [b.index for b in p.topology.atoms if b.index not in tail_h]
    # hella circular 
    x = Molecule(op)
コード例 #11
ファイル: dscan.py プロジェクト: leeping/forcebalance
def main():
    M = Molecule(opts.coords)
    if len(M.molecules) != 1:
        raise RuntimeError('Input coordinates must be a single contiguous molecule')
    if opts.phi1 == None:
        raise RuntimeError('phi1 (the first quartet of atoms) must be provided')
    xyzout = []
    commout = []
    xyzcsh = []
    commcsh = []
    if opts.phi2 != None: # Two dimensional scan
        for inc1 in range(0, 360, opts.scan):
            for inc2 in range(0, 360, opts.scan):
                xyzrot, clash = get_rotated_xyz(M, [opts.phi1, opts.phi2], [inc1, inc2])
                print(inc1, inc2, "Clash" if clash else "Ok")
                comm = "Dihedrals %s, %s set to %i, %i" % (str(opts.phi1), str(opts.phi2), inc1, inc2)
                if clash: 
    else: # One dimensional scan
        for inc1 in range(0, 360, opts.scan):
            xyzrot, clash = get_rotated_xyz(M, [opts.phi1], [inc1])
            print(inc1, "Clash" if clash else "Ok")
            comm = "Dihedral %s set to %i" % (str(opts.phi1), inc1)
            if clash: 
    if len(xyzout) > 0:
        M.xyzs = xyzout
        M.comms = commout
    if len(xyzcsh) > 0:
        M.xyzs = xyzcsh
        M.comms = commcsh
コード例 #12
def write_molecule_files(molecule, name, test_ff=None):
    qcjson_mol = molecule.dict(encoding='json')
    oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcjson_mol)
    # write the mol2 file and xyz file
    for ext in ['xyz', 'mol2']:
        oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, oemol)
    success = True
    err_msg = ""
    # test if bonds changed
    bond_set = {(a, b) for a, b, v in molecule.connectivity}
    if not check_connectivity(bond_set, f'{name}.mol2'):
        success = False
        err_msg = "Bonds changed after rebuild"
        if not os.path.exists('../err_bonds_changed'):
        shutil.move(f'{name}.mol2', f'../err_bonds_changed/{name}.mol2')
    # test if can be created by the test_ff
    if success == True and test_ff != None:
        from openforcefield.topology import Molecule as Off_Molecule
        from openforcefield.topology import Topology as Off_Topology
            off_molecule = Off_Molecule.from_file(f'{name}.mol2')
            off_topology = Off_Topology.from_molecules(off_molecule)
        except Exception as e:
            success = False
            err_msg = str(e)
            if not os.path.exists('../error_mol2s'):
            shutil.move(f'{name}.mol2', f'../error_mol2s/{name}.mol2')
    if success == True:
        # use ForceBalance Molecule to generate pdb file
        # because the oechem.OEWriteMolecule will mess up with atom indices
        fbmol = Molecule(f'{name}.mol2')
    return success, err_msg
def write_molecule_files(molecule_data_list):
    molecule, e0 = molecule_data_list[0]
    qcjson_mol = molecule.dict(encoding='json')
    oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcjson_mol)
    # write the mol2 file using oechem
    oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, oemol)
    # write the pdb file using ForceBalance Molecule
    fbmol = Molecule(f'input.mol2')
    # write xyz file using a new ForceBalance Molecule object
    m = Molecule()
    m.elem = [Elements[i] for i in molecule.atomic_numbers]
    m.xyzs = []
    m.qm_energies = []
    for mol, e in molecule_data_list:
        m.xyzs.append(mol.geometry * bohr2ang)
    # write qdata.txt file with coords and energies
コード例 #14
ファイル: anifrq.py プロジェクト: Mingchenchen/forcebalance
import os, sys, re
import numpy as np
from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule
from forcebalance.readfrq import read_frq_psi

# Psi4 output file.
psiout = sys.argv[1]

# Mode number, starting from 1.
modenum = int(sys.argv[2])

frqs, modes, elem, xyz = read_frq_psi(psiout)

M = Molecule()
M.elem = elem[:]
M.xyzs = []

xmode = modes[modenum - 1]
xmode /= (np.linalg.norm(xmode)/np.sqrt(M.na))
xmode *= 0.3 # Reasonable vibrational amplitude

spac = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
disp = np.concatenate((spac, spac[::-1][1:], -1*spac[1:], -1*spac[::-1][1:-1]))

for i in disp:

M.comms = ['Vibrational Mode %i Frequency %.3f Displacement %.3f' % (modenum, frqs[modenum-1], disp[i]*(np.linalg.norm(xmode)/np.sqrt(M.na))) for i in range(len(M))]

M.write(os.path.splitext(psiout)[0]+'.mode%03i.xyz' % modenum)
def gen_tid_calculated_molecules_list(torsiondrive_data,

    # gen dictionary with keys, including all tids in the input forcefield
    ff_torsion_param_list = forcefield.get_parameter_handler(

    tid_calculated_molecules_list = {}
    molecules_list_dict_from_td = defaultdict = {}
    for torsion_param in ff_torsion_param_list:
        tid_calculated_molecules_list[torsion_param.id] = []
    if os.path.exists('tmp'):
    for entry_index, td_data in torsiondrive_data.items():
        # pick a single initial molecule
        qcmol = td_data['initial_molecules'][0]

        # write input.mol2 file
        qcjson_mol = qcmol.dict(encoding='json')
        oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcjson_mol)
        oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, oemol)
        # test mol2 file
        success, msg, molecule_labels = test_ff_mol2(forcefield, 'input.mol2')
        if not success:
            if verbose == True:
                    'Error occured while testing input.mol2. Excluded in tid_calculated_molecules_list. '
        # check if the torsion scan contains one or more conformers forming strong internal H bonds
        if success:
            # write conf.pdb file
            fbmol = FBMolecule(f'input.mol2')
            # list of grid ids sorted
            sorted_grid_ids = sorted(td_data['final_molecules'].keys())
            # write scan.xyz
            target_mol = FBMolecule()
            target_mol.elem = fbmol.elem
            target_mol.xyzs = []
            target_mol.qm_energies = []
            target_mol.qm_grads = []
            for grid_id in sorted_grid_ids:
                grid_qc_mol = td_data['final_molecules'][grid_id]
                # convert geometry unit Bohr -> Angstrom
                geo = grid_qc_mol.geometry * 0.529177
                # add energy and gradient

            no_hbonds = check_Hbond(scan_fnm='scan.xyz', top_fnm='input.mol2')
            if not no_hbonds:
                if verbose == True:
                        'Internal hydrogen bond detacted. Excluded in tid_calculated_molecules_list. '
                success = False
        if success:
            mol_index = td_data['attributes']["canonical_isomeric_smiles"]
            indices = td_data['keywords']['dihedrals'][0]
            tid = molecule_labels['ProperTorsions'][tuple(indices)].id

            # qcschema_molecules = [qcmol.dict(encoding='json') for qcmol in td_data['initial_molecules']]
                'mol_index': mol_index,
                'indices': indices

            qcschema_molecules = []
            for qcmol in td_data['initial_molecules']:
                j_dict = qcmol.dict(encoding='json')
                qcschema_molecule = {
                    'symbols': j_dict['symbols'],
                    'geometry': j_dict['geometry'],
                    'connectivity': j_dict['connectivity'],
                    'molecular_charge': j_dict['molecular_charge'],
                    'molecular_multiplicity': j_dict['molecular_multiplicity']

            molecules_list_dict_from_td[mol_index] = qcschema_molecules
    print("\n## Available torsion scans from QCArchive ##\n" + '-' * 90)
    print(f"{'idx':<7} {'tid':7s}  {'Number of torsion scans'}")
    for idx, (tid, molecules_list) in enumerate(
        if len(molecules_list) > 0:
            print(f'{idx:<7} {tid:7s}  {len(molecules_list)}')
    print('-' * 90)
    return tid_calculated_molecules_list, molecules_list_dict_from_td
コード例 #16
ファイル: filecnv.py プロジェクト: yudongqiu/forcebalance
def main():
    topfnm = argv[3] if len(argv) >= 4 else None
    M = Molecule(argv[1], top=topfnm)
コード例 #17
def GenerateBox(pdbin, pdbout, box, nmol, tries):
    Call genbox. (Confirmed working with Gromacs version 4.6.7 and 5.1.4).
    Mainly checks whether genbox ran correctly.
    pdbin : str
        Name of input PDB file containing a single molecule.
    pdbout : str
        Name of output PDB file containing solvent box.
    box : float
        Solvent box size, should be determined previously.
    nmol : int
        Number of molecules to go into the solvent box
    tries : int
        Parameter for genbox to try inserting each molecule (tries) times

        If successful, produces "pdbout" containing solvent box.
    if which('gmx'):
        gmxcmd = 'gmx insert-molecules'
    elif which('genbox'):
        gmxcmd = 'genbox'
        raise RuntimeError(
            'gmx and/or genbox not in PATH. Please source Gromacs environment variables.'

    fout = open('genbox.out', 'w')
    ferr = open('genbox.err', 'w')
        '%s -ci %s -o genbox.pdb -box %.3f %.3f %.3f -nmol %i -try %i' %
        (gmxcmd, pdbin, box, box, box, nmol, tries),
    t0 = time.time()
    print("Running %s to create a solvent box..." % gmxcmd)
    print("Time elapsed: % .3f seconds" % (time.time() - t0))
    nmol_out = 0
    for line in open('genbox.err').readlines():
        if 'Output configuration contains' in line:
            nmol_out = int(line.split()[-2])
    if nmol_out == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('genbox failed to produce an output configuration')
    elif nmol_out != nmol:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'genbox failed to create a box with %i molecules (actual %i); '
            'please retry with increased box size or number of tries' %
            (nmol, nmol_out))
        # genbox throws away the CONECT records in the PDB, this operation adds them back.
        M1 = Molecule(pdbin, build_topology=False)
        M = Molecule('genbox.pdb', build_topology=False)
        solventbox_bonds = []
        # Loop over the number of molecules in the solvent box
        for i in range(nmol):
            for j in M1.bonds:
                # Add the bonds for molecule number "i" in the solvent box
                solventbox_bonds.append((j[0] + i * M1.na, j[1] + i * M1.na))
        M.bonds = solventbox_bonds
            "-=# Output #=- Created %s containing solvent box with %i molecules and length %.3f"
            % (pdbout, nmol, box))
コード例 #18
ファイル: read-esp.py プロジェクト: leeping/forcebalance
            elif len(espxyz) > 0:
                # After reading in a block of ESPs, don't read any more.
                ESPMode = -1 
        if line.strip().startswith("Geometry (in Angstrom)"):
            XMode = 1
            EMode = len(elem) == 0
        if 'Electrostatic Potential' in line.strip() and ESPMode == 0:
            ESPMode = 1
    if len(xyzs) == 0:
        raise Exception('%s has length zero' % psiout)
    return xyzs, elem, espxyz, espval

xyzs, elem, espxyz, espval = read_psi_xyzesp(sys.argv[1])

M = Molecule()
M.xyzs = xyzs
M.elem = elem
M.write('%s.xyz' % os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0])

EM = Molecule()
EM.xyzs = [np.array(espxyz) * 0.52917721092]
EM.elem = ['H' for i in range(len(espxyz))]
EM.write('%s.espx' % os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0], ftype="xyz")

M.qm_espxyzs = EM.xyzs
M.qm_espvals = [np.array(espval)]

np.savetxt('%s.esp' % os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0], espval)
コード例 #19
ファイル: anifrq.py プロジェクト: leeping/forcebalance
from forcebalance.readfrq import read_frq_gen

# Frequency output file.
fout = sys.argv[1]

# Mode number, starting from 1.
modenum = int(sys.argv[2])

if modenum == 0:
    raise RuntimeError("Start mode number from one, please")

frqs, modes, intens, elem, xyz = read_frq_gen(fout)

M = Molecule()
M.elem = elem[:]
M.xyzs = []

xmode = modes[modenum - 1]
xmode /= (np.linalg.norm(xmode)/np.sqrt(M.na))
xmode *= 0.3 # Reasonable vibrational amplitude

spac = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
disp = np.concatenate((spac, spac[::-1][1:], -1*spac[1:], -1*spac[::-1][1:-1]))

for i in disp:

M.comms = ['Vibrational Mode %i Frequency %.3f Displacement %.3f' % (modenum, frqs[modenum-1], disp[i]*(np.linalg.norm(xmode)/np.sqrt(M.na))) for i in range(len(M))]

M.write(os.path.splitext(fout)[0]+'.mode%03i.xyz' % modenum)
コード例 #20
from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule
from forcebalance.nifty import _exec
import os

if "CORES_PER_WORKER" in os.environ and int(os.environ["CORES_PER_WORKER"]) > 1:
    np=" -np %i" % int(os.environ["CORES_PER_WORKER"])

_exec("touch opt.xyz")
_exec("touch energy.txt")
_exec("rm -f qchem.out.prev")
_exec("touch qchem.out.prev")
qcin = Molecule("qchem.in", ftype="qcin")
_exec("qchem42 %s qchem.in qchem.out &> qchem.err" % np)

def special_criterion():
    mk = 0
    mx = 0
    Cnvgd = {}
    for ln, line in enumerate(open("qchem.out").readlines()):
        if "Maximum optimization cycles reached" in line:
            mx = 1
        if "Maximum     Tolerance    Cnvgd?" in line:
            mk = ln
        if mk > 0 and ln > mk and ln <= mk+3:
            s = line.split()
                Cnvgd[s[0]] = float(s[-3])
コード例 #21
def make_fb_targets():
    result_mol_folders = [
        os.path.join(results_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(results_folder)
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(results_folder, f))
        f"\nLoading data from {len(result_mol_folders)} result folders under {results_folder}"
    # output folder
    if os.path.exists(out_folder):
    target_names = []
    for mol_folder in result_mol_folders:
        mol_name = os.path.basename(mol_folder)
        # the name of the molecules should be consistent with the mol_folder
        mol_file = os.path.join(molecules_folder, mol_name + '.mol2')
        molecule = Molecule(mol_file)
        # find all torsion data
        finished_scans = []
        for f in os.listdir(mol_folder):
            name, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
            if ext == '.xyz':
        if len(finished_scans) == 0:
            print(f'No finished scans found in {mol_folder}')
        # output target name
        target_name = 'td_' + mol_name
        # make target folder
        this_target_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, target_name)
        # read data from each finished scans
        target_mol = Molecule()
        target_mol.elem = molecule.elem
        target_mol.xyzs = []
        target_mol.qm_energies = []
        target_mol.qm_grads = []
        for f in finished_scans:
            xyz_file = os.path.join(mol_folder, f + '.xyz')
            m = Molecule(xyz_file)
            target_mol.xyzs += m.xyzs
            # read energy from comment line
            energies = [float(comm.split()[-1]) for comm in m.comms]
            target_mol.qm_energies += energies
            # read gradient
            grad_file = os.path.join(mol_folder, f + '.gradxyz')
            grads = read_gradxyz(grad_file)
            target_mol.qm_grads += grads
        # write qdata.txt
        target_mol.write(os.path.join(this_target_folder, 'qdata.txt'))
        # write scan.xyz
        target_mol.write(os.path.join(this_target_folder, 'scan.xyz'))
        # write pdb
        molecule.write(os.path.join(this_target_folder, 'conf.pdb'))
        # copy mol2 file
        shutil.copyfile(mol_file, os.path.join(this_target_folder,
        # write a note
        with open(os.path.join(this_target_folder, 'notes.txt'), 'w') as fnote:
                "Notes: This target is made by make_fb_targets.py, using data from\n"
            fnote.write(mol_file + '\n')
            for f in finished_scans:
                xyz_file = os.path.join(mol_folder, f + '.xyz')
                grad_file = os.path.join(mol_folder, f + '.gradxyz')
                fnote.write(xyz_file + '\n')
                fnote.write(grad_file + '\n')
    # write a target.in file for use in ForceBalance input
    with open(os.path.join(out_folder, 'targets.in'), 'w') as fout:
        for tname in target_names:
            fout.write(target_str.format(name=tname) + '\n')
    print(f"Targets generation finished!")
        f"You can copy contents in {os.path.join(out_folder, 'targets.in')} to your ForceBalance input file."
コード例 #22
class Lipid(Target):
    """ Subclass of Target for lipid property matching."""

    def __init__(self,options,tgt_opts,forcefield):
        # Initialize base class
        # Weight of the density
        # Weight of the thermal expansion coefficient
        # Weight of the isothermal compressibility
        # Weight of the isobaric heat capacity
        # Weight of the dielectric constant
        # Weight of the area per lipid
        # Weight of the bilayer isothermal compressibility
        # Weight of the deuterium order parameter
        # Normalize the property contributions to the objective function
        # Optionally pause on the zeroth step
        # Number of time steps in the lipid "equilibration" run
        # Number of time steps in the lipid "production" run
        # Number of time steps in the gas "equilibration" run
        # Number of time steps in the gas "production" run
        # Cutoff for nonbonded interactions in the liquid
        if tgt_opts['nonbonded_cutoff'] is not None:
        # Cutoff for vdW interactions if different from other nonbonded interactions
        if tgt_opts['vdw_cutoff'] is not None:
        # Time step length (in fs) for the lipid production run
        # Time interval (in ps) for writing coordinates
        # Time step length (in fs) for the gas production run
        # Time interval (in ps) for writing coordinates
        # Minimize the energy prior to running any dynamics
        # Isolated dipole (debye) for analytic self-polarization correction.
        # Molecular polarizability (ang**3) for analytic self-polarization correction.
        # Set up the simulation object for self-polarization correction.
        self.do_self_pol = (self.self_pol_mu0 > 0.0 and self.self_pol_alpha > 0.0)
        # Enable anisotropic periodic box
        # Whether to save trajectories (0 = never, 1 = delete after good step, 2 = keep all)

        #     Variables which are set here     #
        # List of trajectory files that may be deleted if self.save_traj == 1.
        self.last_traj = []
        # Extra files to be copied back at the end of a run.
        self.extra_output = []
        # Read the reference data
        # Read in lipid starting coordinates.
        if 'n_ic' in self.RefData:
            # Linked IC folder into the temp-directory.
            self.nptfiles += ["IC"]
            # Store IC frames in a dictionary.
            self.lipid_mols = OrderedDict()
            self.lipid_mols_new = OrderedDict()
            for pt in self.PhasePoints:
                pt_label = "IC/%sK-%s%s" % (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, pt_label, self.lipid_coords)):
                    raise RuntimeError("Initial condition files don't exist; please provide IC directory")
                # Create molecule object for each IC.
                all_ic = Molecule(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, pt_label, self.lipid_coords))
                self.lipid_mols[pt] = []
                n_uniq_ic = int(self.RefData['n_ic'][pt])
                if n_uniq_ic > len(all_ic):
                    raise RuntimeError("Number of frames in initial conditions .gro file is less than the number of parallel simulations requested in data.csv")
                # Index ICs by pressure and temperature in a dictionary.
                for ic in range(n_uniq_ic):
            # Read in lipid starting coordinates.
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, self.lipid_coords)): 
                logger.error("%s doesn't exist; please provide lipid_coords option\n" % self.lipid_coords)
                raise RuntimeError
            self.lipid_mol = Molecule(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, self.lipid_coords), toppbc=True)
            # Extra files to be linked into the temp-directory.
            self.nptfiles += [self.lipid_coords]
        # Scripts to be copied from the ForceBalance installation directory.
        self.scripts += ['npt_lipid.py']
        # Prepare the temporary directory.
        # Build keyword dictionary to pass to engine.
        if self.do_self_pol:
            del self.gas_engine_args['name']
            # Create engine object for gas molecule to do the polarization correction.
            self.gas_engine = self.engine_(target=self, mol=self.gas_mol, name="selfpol", **self.gas_engine_args)
        # Don't read indicate.log when calling meta_indicate()
        self.read_indicate = False
        self.write_indicate = False
        # Don't read objective.p when calling meta_get()
        self.read_objective = False
        #          UNDER DEVELOPMENT           #
        # Put stuff here that I'm not sure about. :)
        np.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=100)
        ## Saved force field mvals for all iterations
        self.SavedMVal = {}
        ## Saved trajectories for all iterations and all temperatures
        self.SavedTraj = defaultdict(dict)
        ## Evaluated energies for all trajectories (i.e. all iterations and all temperatures), using all mvals
        self.MBarEnergy = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(dict))

    def prepare_temp_directory(self):
        """ Prepare the temporary directory by copying in important files. """
        abstempdir = os.path.join(self.root,self.tempdir)
        for f in self.nptfiles:
            LinkFile(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, f), os.path.join(abstempdir, f))
        for f in self.scripts:

    def read_data(self):
        # Read the 'data.csv' file. The file should contain guidelines.
        with open(os.path.join(self.tgtdir,'data.csv'),'rU') as f: R0 = list(csv.reader(f))
        # All comments are erased.
        R1 = [[sub('#.*$','',word) for word in line] for line in R0 if len(line[0]) > 0 and line[0][0] != "#"]
        # All empty lines are deleted and words are converted to lowercase.
        R = [[wrd.lower() for wrd in line] for line in R1 if any([len(wrd) for wrd in line]) > 0]
        global_opts = OrderedDict()
        found_headings = False
        known_vars = ['mbar','rho','hvap','alpha','kappa','cp','eps0','cvib_intra',
                      'cvib_inter','cni','devib_intra','devib_inter', 'al', 'scd', 'n_ic', 'lkappa']
        self.RefData = OrderedDict()
        for line in R:
            if line[0] == "global":
                # Global options are mainly denominators for the different observables.
                if isfloat(line[2]):
                    global_opts[line[1]] = float(line[2])
                elif line[2].lower() == 'false':
                    global_opts[line[1]] = False
                elif line[2].lower() == 'true':
                    global_opts[line[1]] = True
            elif not found_headings:
                found_headings = True
                headings = line
                if len(set(headings)) != len(headings):
                    logger.error('Column headings in data.csv must be unique\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
                if 'p' not in headings:
                    logger.error('There must be a pressure column heading labeled by "p" in data.csv\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
                if 't' not in headings:
                    logger.error('There must be a temperature column heading labeled by "t" in data.csv\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
            elif found_headings:
                    # Temperatures are in kelvin.
                    t     = [float(val) for head, val in zip(headings,line) if head == 't'][0]
                    # For convenience, users may input the pressure in atmosphere or bar.
                    pval  = [float(val.split()[0]) for head, val in zip(headings,line) if head == 'p'][0]
                    punit = [val.split()[1] if len(val.split()) >= 1 else "atm" for head, val in zip(headings,line) if head == 'p'][0]
                    unrec = set([punit]).difference(['atm','bar']) 
                    if len(unrec) > 0:
                        logger.error('The pressure unit %s is not recognized, please use bar or atm\n' % unrec[0])
                        raise RuntimeError
                    # This line actually reads the reference data and inserts it into the RefData dictionary of dictionaries.
                    for head, val in zip(headings,line):
                        if head == 't' or head == 'p' : continue
                        if isfloat(val):
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = float(val.strip())
                        elif val.lower() == 'true':
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = True
                        elif val.lower() == 'false':
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = False
                        elif head == 'scd':
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = np.array(map(float, val.split()))
                    logger.error(line + '\n')
                    logger.error('Encountered an error reading this line!\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
                logger.error(line + '\n')
                logger.error('I did not recognize this line!\n')
                raise RuntimeError
        # Check the reference data table for validity.
        default_denoms = defaultdict(int)
        PhasePoints = None
        for head in self.RefData:
            if head == 'n_ic':
            if head not in known_vars+[i+"_wt" for i in known_vars]:
                # Only hard-coded properties may be recognized.
                logger.error("The column heading %s is not recognized in data.csv\n" % head)
                raise RuntimeError
            if head in known_vars:
                if head+"_wt" not in self.RefData:
                    # If the phase-point weights are not specified in the reference data file, initialize them all to one.
                    self.RefData[head+"_wt"] = OrderedDict([(key, 1.0) for key in self.RefData[head]])
                wts = np.array(self.RefData[head+"_wt"].values())
                dat = np.array(self.RefData[head].values())
                # S_cd specifies an array of averages (one for each tail node).  Find avg over axis 0.
                avg = np.average(dat, weights=wts, axis=0)
                if len(wts) > 1:
                    # If there is more than one data point, then the default denominator is the
                    # standard deviation of the experimental values.
                    if head == 'scd':
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.average(np.sqrt(np.dot(wts, (dat-avg)**2)/wts.sum()))
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.sqrt(np.dot(wts, (dat-avg)**2)/wts.sum())
                    # If there is only one data point, then the denominator is just the single
                    # data point itself.
                    if head == 'scd':
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.average(np.sqrt(np.abs(dat[0])))
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(dat[0]))
            self.PhasePoints = self.RefData[head].keys()
            # This prints out all of the reference data.
            # printcool_dictionary(self.RefData[head],head)
        # Create labels for the directories.
        self.Labels = ["%.2fK-%.1f%s" % i for i in self.PhasePoints]
        logger.debug("global_opts:\n%s\n" % str(global_opts))
        logger.debug("default_denoms:\n%s\n" % str(default_denoms))
        for opt in global_opts:
            if "_denom" in opt:
                # Record entries from the global_opts dictionary so they can be retrieved from other methods.

    def check_files(self, there):
        there = os.path.abspath(there)
        havepts = 0
        if all([i in os.listdir(there) for i in self.Labels]):
            for d in os.listdir(there):
                if d in self.Labels:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(there, d, 'npt_result.p')):
                        havepts += 1
        if (float(havepts)/len(self.Labels)) > 0.75:
            return 1
            return 0
    def npt_simulation(self, temperature, pressure, simnum):
        """ Submit a NPT simulation to the Work Queue. """
        wq = getWorkQueue()
        if not os.path.exists('npt_result.p'):
            self.last_traj += [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), i) for i in self.extra_output]
            self.lipid_mol[simnum%len(self.lipid_mol)].write(self.lipid_coords, ftype='tinker' if self.engname == 'tinker' else None)
            cmdstr = '%s python npt_lipid.py %s %.3f %.3f' % (self.nptpfx, self.engname, temperature, pressure)
            if wq is None:
                logger.info("Running condensed phase simulation locally.\n")
                logger.info("You may tail -f %s/npt.out in another terminal window\n" % os.getcwd())
                _exec(cmdstr, copy_stderr=True, outfnm='npt.out')
                queue_up(wq, command = cmdstr+' &> npt.out',
                         input_files = self.nptfiles + self.scripts + ['forcebalance.p'],
                         output_files = ['npt_result.p', 'npt.out'] + self.extra_output, tgt=self)

    def polarization_correction(self,mvals):
        d = self.gas_engine.get_multipole_moments(optimize=True)['dipole']
        if not in_fd():
            logger.info("The molecular dipole moment is % .3f debye\n" % np.linalg.norm(d))
        # Taken from the original OpenMM interface code, this is how we calculate the conversion factor.
        # dd2 = ((np.linalg.norm(d)-self.self_pol_mu0)*debye)**2
        # eps0 = 8.854187817620e-12 * coulomb**2 / newton / meter**2
        # epol = 0.5*dd2/(self.self_pol_alpha*angstrom**3*4*np.pi*eps0)/(kilojoule_per_mole/AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA)
        # In [2]: eps0 = 8.854187817620e-12 * coulomb**2 / newton / meter**2
        # In [7]: 1.0 * debye ** 2 / (1.0 * angstrom**3*4*np.pi*eps0) / (kilojoule_per_mole/AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA)
        # Out[7]: 60.240179789402056
        convert = 60.240179789402056
        dd2 = (np.linalg.norm(d)-self.self_pol_mu0)**2
        epol = 0.5*convert*dd2/self.self_pol_alpha
        return epol

    def indicate(self): 
        AGrad = hasattr(self, 'Gp')
        PrintDict = OrderedDict()
        def print_item(key, heading, physunit):
            if self.Xp[key] > 0:
                printcool_dictionary(self.Pp[key], title='%s %s%s\nTemperature  Pressure  Reference  Calculated +- Stdev     Delta    Weight    Term   ' % 
                                     (self.name, heading, " (%s) " % physunit if physunit else ""), bold=True, color=4, keywidth=15)
                bar = printcool("%s objective function: % .3f%s" % (heading, self.Xp[key], ", Derivative:" if AGrad else ""))
                if AGrad:
                PrintDict[heading] = "% 10.5f % 8.3f % 14.5e" % (self.Xp[key], self.Wp[key], self.Xp[key]*self.Wp[key])

        print_item("Rho", "Density", "kg m^-3")
        print_item("Alpha", "Thermal Expansion Coefficient", "10^-4 K^-1")
        print_item("Kappa", "Isothermal Compressibility", "10^-6 bar^-1")
        print_item("Cp", "Isobaric Heat Capacity", "cal mol^-1 K^-1")
        print_item("Eps0", "Dielectric Constant", None)
        print_item("Al", "Average Area per Lipid", "nm^2")
        print_item("Scd", "Deuterium Order Parameter", None)
        print_item("LKappa", "Bilayer Isothermal Compressibility", "mN/m")

        PrintDict['Total'] = "% 10s % 8s % 14.5e" % ("","",self.Objective)

        Title = "%s Condensed Phase Properties:\n %-20s %40s" % (self.name, "Property Name", "Residual x Weight = Contribution")

    def objective_term(self, points, expname, calc, err, grad, name="Quantity", SubAverage=False):
        if expname in self.RefData:
            exp = self.RefData[expname]
            Weights = self.RefData[expname+"_wt"]
            Denom = getattr(self,expname+"_denom")
            # If the reference data doesn't exist then return nothing.
            return 0.0, np.zeros(self.FF.np), np.zeros((self.FF.np,self.FF.np)), None
        Sum = sum(Weights.values())
        for i in Weights:
            Weights[i] /= Sum
        logger.info("Weights have been renormalized to " + str(sum(Weights.values())) + "\n")
        # Use least-squares or hyperbolic (experimental) objective.
        LeastSquares = True

        logger.info("Physical quantity %s uses denominator = % .4f\n" % (name, Denom))
        if not LeastSquares:
            # If using a hyperbolic functional form
            # we still want the contribution to the 
            # objective function to be the same when
            # Delta = Denom.
            Denom /= 3 ** 0.5
        Objective = 0.0
        Gradient = np.zeros(self.FF.np)
        Hessian = np.zeros((self.FF.np,self.FF.np))
        Objs = {}
        GradMap = []
        avgCalc = 0.0
        avgExp  = 0.0
        avgGrad = np.zeros(self.FF.np)
        for i, PT in enumerate(points):
            avgCalc += Weights[PT]*calc[PT]
            avgExp  += Weights[PT]*exp[PT]
            avgGrad += Weights[PT]*grad[PT]
        for i, PT in enumerate(points):
            if SubAverage:
                G = grad[PT]-avgGrad
                Delta = calc[PT] - exp[PT] - avgCalc + avgExp
                G = grad[PT]
                Delta = calc[PT] - exp[PT]
            if hasattr(Delta, "__len__"):
                Delta = np.average(Delta)
            if LeastSquares:
                # Least-squares objective function.
                ThisObj = Weights[PT] * Delta ** 2 / Denom**2
                Objs[PT] = ThisObj
                ThisGrad = 2.0 * Weights[PT] * Delta * G / Denom**2
                Objective += ThisObj
                Gradient += ThisGrad
                # Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian.
                Hessian += 2.0 * Weights[PT] * (np.outer(G, G)) / Denom**2
                # L1-like objective function.
                D = Denom
                S = Delta**2 + D**2
                ThisObj  = Weights[PT] * (S**0.5-D) / Denom
                ThisGrad = Weights[PT] * (Delta/S**0.5) * G / Denom
                ThisHess = Weights[PT] * (1/S**0.5-Delta**2/S**1.5) * np.outer(G,G) / Denom
                Objs[PT] = ThisObj
                Objective += ThisObj
                Gradient += ThisGrad
                Hessian += ThisHess
        GradMapPrint = [["#PhasePoint"] + self.FF.plist]
        for PT, g in zip(points,GradMap):
            GradMapPrint.append([' %8.2f %8.1f %3s' % PT] + ["% 9.3e" % i for i in g])
        o = wopen('gradient_%s.dat' % name)
        for line in GradMapPrint:
            print >> o, ' '.join(line)
        Delta = np.array([calc[PT] - exp[PT] for PT in points])
        delt = {PT : r for PT, r in zip(points,Delta)}
        if expname == 'scd': 
            print_out = OrderedDict([('    %8.2f %8.1f %3s' % PT, '\n %s' % (' '.join('\t \t \t %9.6f    %9.6f +- %-7.6f % 7.6f \n' % F for F in zip(exp[PT], calc[PT], flat(err[PT]), delt[PT])))) for PT in calc])
            print_out = OrderedDict([('    %8.2f %8.1f %3s' % PT, "%9.3f    %9.3f +- %-7.3f % 7.3f % 9.5f % 9.5f" % (exp[PT],calc[PT],err[PT],delt[PT],Weights[PT],Objs[PT])) for PT in calc])

        return Objective, Gradient, Hessian, print_out

    def submit_jobs(self, mvals, AGrad=True, AHess=True):
        # This routine is called by Objective.stage() will run before "get".
        # It submits the jobs to the Work Queue and the stage() function will wait for jobs to complete.
        # First dump the force field to a pickle file

        # Give the user an opportunity to copy over data from a previous (perhaps failed) run.
        if (not self.evaluated) and self.manual:
            warn_press_key("Now's our chance to fill the temp directory up with data!\n(Considering using 'read' or 'continue' for better checkpointing)", timeout=7200)

        # If self.save_traj == 1, delete the trajectory files from a previous good optimization step.
        if self.evaluated and self.goodstep and self.save_traj < 2:
            for fn in self.last_traj:
                if os.path.exists(fn):
        self.last_traj = []

        # Set up and run the NPT simulations.
        snum = 0
        for label, pt in zip(self.Labels, self.PhasePoints):
            T = pt[0]
            P = pt[1]
            Punit = pt[2]
            if Punit == 'bar':
                P *= 1.0 / 1.01325
            if not os.path.exists(label):
                if 'n_ic' in self.RefData:
                    n_uniq_ic = int(self.RefData['n_ic'][pt])
                    # Loop over parallel trajectories.
                    for trj in range(n_uniq_ic):
                        rel_trj = "trj_%i" % trj
                        # Create directories for each parallel simulation.
                        if not os.path.exists(rel_trj):
                            # Pull each simulation molecule from the lipid_mols dictionary.
                            # lipid_mols is a dictionary of paths to either the initial 
                            # geometry files, or the geometries from the final frame of the 
                            # previous iteration.
                            self.lipid_mol = self.lipid_mols[pt][trj]
                            if not self.lipid_coords in self.nptfiles:
                                self.nptfiles += [self.lipid_coords]
                snum += 1

    def get(self, mvals, AGrad=True, AHess=True):
        Fitting of lipid bulk properties.  This is the current major
        direction of development for ForceBalance.  Basically, fitting
        the QM energies / forces alone does not always give us the
        best simulation behavior.  In many cases it makes more sense
        to try and reproduce some experimentally known data as well.

        In order to reproduce experimentally known data, we need to
        run a simulation and compare the simulation result to
        experiment.  The main challenge here is that the simulations
        are computationally intensive (i.e. they require energy and
        force evaluations), and furthermore the results are noisy.  We
        need to run the simulations automatically and remotely
        (i.e. on clusters) and a good way to calculate the derivatives
        of the simulation results with respect to the parameter values.

        This function contains some experimentally known values of the
        density and enthalpy of vaporization (Hvap) of lipid water.
        It launches the density and Hvap calculations on the cluster,
        and gathers the results / derivatives.  The actual calculation
        of results / derivatives is done in a separate file.

        After the results come back, they are gathered together to form
        an objective function.

        @param[in] mvals Mathematical parameter values
        @param[in] AGrad Switch to turn on analytic gradient
        @param[in] AHess Switch to turn on analytic Hessian
        @return Answer Contribution to the objective function

        mbar_verbose = False

        Answer = {}

        Results = {}
        Points = []  # These are the phase points for which data exists.
        BPoints = [] # These are the phase points for which we are doing MBAR for the condensed phase.
        tt = 0
        for label, PT in zip(self.Labels, self.PhasePoints):
            if 'n_ic' in self.RefData:
                self.lipid_mols[PT] = [Molecule(last_frame) for last_frame in self.lipid_mols[PT]]
                n_uniq_ic = int(self.RefData['n_ic'][PT])
                for ic in range(n_uniq_ic):
                    if os.path.exists('./%s/trj_%s/npt_result.p' % (label, ic)):
                        # Read in each each parallel simulation's data, and concatenate each property time series.
                        ts = lp_load('./%s/trj_%s/npt_result.p' % (label, ic))
                        if ic == 0:
                            ts_concat = list(ts)
                            for d_arr in range(len(ts)):
                                if isinstance(ts[d_arr], np.ndarray):
                                    # Gradients need a unique append format.
                                    if d_arr == 5:
                                        ts_concat[d_arr] = np.append(ts_concat[d_arr], ts[d_arr], axis = 1)
                                        ts_concat[d_arr] = np.append(ts_concat[d_arr], ts[d_arr], axis = 0)
                                if isinstance(ts_concat[d_arr], list):
                                    ts_concat[d_arr] = [np.append(ts_concat[d_arr][i], ts[d_arr][i], axis = 1) for i in range(len(ts_concat[d_arr]))]
                        # Write concatenated time series to a pickle file.
                        if ic == (int(n_uniq_ic) - 1):
                            lp_dump((ts_concat), './%s/npt_result.p' % label)
            if os.path.exists('./%s/npt_result.p' % label):
                logger.info('Reading information from ./%s/npt_result.p\n' % label)
                Results[tt] = lp_load('./%s/npt_result.p' % label)
                tt += 1
                logger.warning('The file ./%s/npt_result.p does not exist so we cannot read it\n' % label)
                # for obs in self.RefData:
                #     del self.RefData[obs][PT]
        if len(Points) == 0:
            logger.error('The lipid simulations have terminated with \x1b[1;91mno readable data\x1b[0m - this is a problem!\n')
            raise RuntimeError

        # Assign variable names to all the stuff in npt_result.p
        Rhos, Vols, Potentials, Energies, Dips, Grads, GDips, \
            Rho_errs, Alpha_errs, Kappa_errs, Cp_errs, Eps0_errs, NMols, Als, Al_errs, Scds, Scd_errs, LKappa_errs = ([Results[t][i] for t in range(len(Points))] for i in range(18))
        # Determine the number of molecules
        if len(set(NMols)) != 1:
            logger.error('The above list should only contain one number - the number of molecules\n')
            raise RuntimeError
            NMol = list(set(NMols))[0]
        R  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Rhos))))
        V  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Vols))))
        E  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Energies))))
        Dx = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(d[:,0] for d in Dips))))
        Dy = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(d[:,1] for d in Dips))))
        Dz = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(d[:,2] for d in Dips))))
        G  = np.hstack(tuple(Grads))
        GDx = np.hstack(tuple(gd[0] for gd in GDips))
        GDy = np.hstack(tuple(gd[1] for gd in GDips))
        GDz = np.hstack(tuple(gd[2] for gd in GDips))
        A  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Als))))
        S  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Scds))))

        Rho_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Rho_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Rho_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Alpha_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Alpha_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Alpha_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Kappa_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Kappa_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Kappa_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Cp_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Cp_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Cp_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Eps0_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Eps0_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Eps0_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Al_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Al_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Al_std  = OrderedDict([])
        LKappa_calc = OrderedDict([])
        LKappa_grad = OrderedDict([])
        LKappa_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Scd_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Scd_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Scd_std  = OrderedDict([])

        # The unit that converts atmospheres * nm**3 into kj/mol :)
        # Run MBAR using the total energies. Required for estimates that use the kinetic energy.
        BSims = len(BPoints)
        Shots = len(Energies[0])
        Shots_m = [len(i) for i in Energies]
        N_k = np.ones(BSims)*Shots
        # Use the value of the energy for snapshot t from simulation k at potential m
        U_kln = np.zeros([BSims,BSims,Shots])
        for m, PT in enumerate(BPoints):
            T = PT[0]
            P = PT[1] / 1.01325 if PT[2] == 'bar' else PT[1]
            beta = 1. / (kb * T)
            for k in range(BSims):
                # The correct Boltzmann factors include PV.
                # Note that because the Boltzmann factors are computed from the conditions at simulation "m",
                # the pV terms must be rescaled to the pressure at simulation "m".
                kk = Points.index(BPoints[k])
                U_kln[k, m, :]   = Energies[kk] + P*Vols[kk]*pvkj
                U_kln[k, m, :]  *= beta
        W1 = None
        if len(BPoints) > 1:
            logger.info("Running MBAR analysis on %i states...\n" % len(BPoints))
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U_kln, N_k, verbose=mbar_verbose, relative_tolerance=5.0e-8)
            W1 = mbar.getWeights()
        elif len(BPoints) == 1:
            W1 = np.ones((BPoints*Shots,BPoints))
            W1 /= BPoints*Shots
        def fill_weights(weights, phase_points, mbar_points, snapshots):
            """ Fill in the weight matrix with MBAR weights where MBAR was run, 
            and equal weights otherwise. """
            new_weights = np.zeros([len(phase_points)*snapshots,len(phase_points)])
            for m, PT in enumerate(phase_points):
                if PT in mbar_points:
                    mm = mbar_points.index(PT)
                    for kk, PT1 in enumerate(mbar_points):
                        k = phase_points.index(PT1)
                        logger.debug("Will fill W2[%i:%i,%i] with W1[%i:%i,%i]\n" % (k*snapshots,k*snapshots+snapshots,m,kk*snapshots,kk*snapshots+snapshots,mm))
                        new_weights[k*snapshots:(k+1)*snapshots,m] = weights[kk*snapshots:(kk+1)*snapshots,mm]
                    logger.debug("Will fill W2[%i:%i,%i] with equal weights\n" % (m*snapshots,(m+1)*snapshots,m))
                    new_weights[m*snapshots:(m+1)*snapshots,m] = 1.0/snapshots
            return new_weights
        W2 = fill_weights(W1, Points, BPoints, Shots)

        if self.do_self_pol:
            EPol = self.polarization_correction(mvals)
            GEPol = np.array([(f12d3p(fdwrap(self.polarization_correction, mvals, p), h = self.h, f0 = EPol)[0] if p in self.pgrad else 0.0) for p in range(self.FF.np)])
            bar = printcool("Self-polarization correction to \nenthalpy of vaporization is % .3f kJ/mol%s" % (EPol, ", Derivative:" if AGrad else ""))
            if AGrad:
        for i, PT in enumerate(Points):
            T = PT[0]
            P = PT[1] / 1.01325 if PT[2] == 'bar' else PT[1]
            PV = P*V*pvkj
            H = E + PV
            # The weights that we want are the last ones.
            W = flat(W2[:,i])
            C = weight_info(W, PT, np.ones(len(Points))*Shots, verbose=mbar_verbose)
            Gbar = flat(np.mat(G)*col(W))
            mBeta = -1/kb/T
            Beta  = 1/kb/T
            kT    = kb*T
            # Define some things to make the analytic derivatives easier.
            def avg(vec):
                return np.dot(W,vec)
            def covde(vec):
                return flat(np.mat(G)*col(W*vec)) - avg(vec)*Gbar
            def deprod(vec):
                return flat(np.mat(G)*col(W*vec))
            ## Density.
            Rho_calc[PT]   = np.dot(W,R)
            Rho_grad[PT]   = mBeta*(flat(np.mat(G)*col(W*R)) - np.dot(W,R)*Gbar)
            ## Ignore enthalpy.
            ## Thermal expansion coefficient.
            Alpha_calc[PT] = 1e4 * (avg(H*V)-avg(H)*avg(V))/avg(V)/(kT*T)
            GAlpha1 = -1 * Beta * deprod(H*V) * avg(V) / avg(V)**2
            GAlpha2 = +1 * Beta * avg(H*V) * deprod(V) / avg(V)**2
            GAlpha3 = deprod(V)/avg(V) - Gbar
            GAlpha4 = Beta * covde(H)
            Alpha_grad[PT] = 1e4 * (GAlpha1 + GAlpha2 + GAlpha3 + GAlpha4)/(kT*T)
            ## Isothermal compressibility.
            bar_unit = 0.06022141793 * 1e6
            Kappa_calc[PT] = bar_unit / kT * (avg(V**2)-avg(V)**2)/avg(V)
            GKappa1 = +1 * Beta**2 * avg(V**2) * deprod(V) / avg(V)**2
            GKappa2 = -1 * Beta**2 * avg(V) * deprod(V**2) / avg(V)**2
            GKappa3 = +1 * Beta**2 * covde(V)
            Kappa_grad[PT] = bar_unit*(GKappa1 + GKappa2 + GKappa3)
            ## Isobaric heat capacity.
            Cp_calc[PT] = 1000/(4.184*NMol*kT*T) * (avg(H**2) - avg(H)**2)
            if hasattr(self,'use_cvib_intra') and self.use_cvib_intra:
                logger.debug("Adding " + str(self.RefData['devib_intra'][PT]) + " to the heat capacity\n")
                Cp_calc[PT] += self.RefData['devib_intra'][PT]
            if hasattr(self,'use_cvib_inter') and self.use_cvib_inter:
                logger.debug("Adding " + str(self.RefData['devib_inter'][PT]) + " to the heat capacity\n")
                Cp_calc[PT] += self.RefData['devib_inter'][PT]
            GCp1 = 2*covde(H) * 1000 / 4.184 / (NMol*kT*T)
            GCp2 = mBeta*covde(H**2) * 1000 / 4.184 / (NMol*kT*T)
            GCp3 = 2*Beta*avg(H)*covde(H) * 1000 / 4.184 / (NMol*kT*T)
            Cp_grad[PT] = GCp1 + GCp2 + GCp3
            ## Static dielectric constant.
            prefactor = 30.348705333964077
            D2 = avg(Dx**2)+avg(Dy**2)+avg(Dz**2)-avg(Dx)**2-avg(Dy)**2-avg(Dz)**2
            Eps0_calc[PT] = 1.0 + prefactor*(D2/avg(V))/T
            GD2  = 2*(flat(np.mat(GDx)*col(W*Dx)) - avg(Dx)*flat(np.mat(GDx)*col(W))) - Beta*(covde(Dx**2) - 2*avg(Dx)*covde(Dx))
            GD2 += 2*(flat(np.mat(GDy)*col(W*Dy)) - avg(Dy)*flat(np.mat(GDy)*col(W))) - Beta*(covde(Dy**2) - 2*avg(Dy)*covde(Dy))
            GD2 += 2*(flat(np.mat(GDz)*col(W*Dz)) - avg(Dz)*flat(np.mat(GDz)*col(W))) - Beta*(covde(Dz**2) - 2*avg(Dz)*covde(Dz))
            Eps0_grad[PT] = prefactor*(GD2/avg(V) - mBeta*covde(V)*D2/avg(V)**2)/T
            ## Average area per lipid
            Al_calc[PT]   = np.dot(W,A)
            Al_grad[PT]   = mBeta*(flat(np.mat(G)*col(W*A)) - np.dot(W,A)*Gbar)
            ## Bilayer Isothermal compressibility.
            A_m2 = A * 1e-18
            kbT = 1.3806488e-23 * T
            LKappa_calc[PT] = (1e3 * 2 * kbT / 128) * (avg(A_m2) / (avg(A_m2**2)-avg(A_m2)**2))
            al_avg = avg(A_m2)
            al_sq_avg = avg(A_m2**2)
            al_avg_sq = al_avg**2
            al_var = al_sq_avg - al_avg_sq
            GLKappa1 = covde(A_m2) / al_var
            GLKappa2 = (al_avg / al_var**2) * (covde(A_m2**2) - (2 * al_avg * covde(A)))
            LKappa_grad[PT] = (1e3 * 2 * kbT / 128) * (GLKappa1 - GLKappa2)
            ## Deuterium order parameter
            Scd_calc[PT]   = np.dot(W,S)
            Scd_grad[PT]   = mBeta * (flat(np.average(np.mat(G) * (S * W[:, np.newaxis]), axis = 1)) - np.average(np.average(S * W[:, np.newaxis], axis = 0), axis = 0) * Gbar) 
            ## Estimation of errors.
            Rho_std[PT]    = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Rho_errs)**2))
            Alpha_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Alpha_errs)**2)) * 1e4
            Kappa_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Kappa_errs)**2)) * 1e6
            Cp_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Cp_errs)**2))
            Eps0_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Eps0_errs)**2))
            Al_std[PT]    = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Al_errs)**2))
            Scd_std[PT]    = np.sqrt(sum(np.mat(C**2) * np.array(Scd_errs)**2))
            LKappa_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(LKappa_errs)**2)) * 1e6

        # Get contributions to the objective function
        X_Rho, G_Rho, H_Rho, RhoPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'rho', Rho_calc, Rho_std, Rho_grad, name="Density")
        X_Alpha, G_Alpha, H_Alpha, AlphaPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'alpha', Alpha_calc, Alpha_std, Alpha_grad, name="Thermal Expansion")
        X_Kappa, G_Kappa, H_Kappa, KappaPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'kappa', Kappa_calc, Kappa_std, Kappa_grad, name="Compressibility")
        X_Cp, G_Cp, H_Cp, CpPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'cp', Cp_calc, Cp_std, Cp_grad, name="Heat Capacity")
        X_Eps0, G_Eps0, H_Eps0, Eps0Print = self.objective_term(Points, 'eps0', Eps0_calc, Eps0_std, Eps0_grad, name="Dielectric Constant")
        X_Al, G_Al, H_Al, AlPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'al', Al_calc, Al_std, Al_grad, name="Avg Area per Lipid")
        X_Scd, G_Scd, H_Scd, ScdPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'scd', Scd_calc, Scd_std, Scd_grad, name="Deuterium Order Parameter")
        X_LKappa, G_LKappa, H_LKappa, LKappaPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'lkappa', LKappa_calc, LKappa_std, LKappa_grad, name="Bilayer Compressibility")

        Gradient = np.zeros(self.FF.np)
        Hessian = np.zeros((self.FF.np,self.FF.np))

        if X_Rho == 0: self.w_rho = 0.0
        if X_Alpha == 0: self.w_alpha = 0.0
        if X_Kappa == 0: self.w_kappa = 0.0
        if X_Cp == 0: self.w_cp = 0.0
        if X_Eps0 == 0: self.w_eps0 = 0.0
        if X_Al == 0: self.w_al = 0.0
        if X_Scd == 0: self.w_scd = 0.0
        if X_LKappa == 0: self.w_lkappa = 0.0

        if self.w_normalize:
            w_tot = self.w_rho + self.w_alpha + self.w_kappa + self.w_cp + self.w_eps0 + self.w_al + self.w_scd + self.w_lkappa
            w_tot = 1.0
        w_1 = self.w_rho / w_tot
        w_3 = self.w_alpha / w_tot
        w_4 = self.w_kappa / w_tot
        w_5 = self.w_cp / w_tot
        w_6 = self.w_eps0 / w_tot
        w_7 = self.w_al / w_tot
        w_8 = self.w_scd / w_tot
        w_9 = self.w_lkappa / w_tot

        Objective    = w_1 * X_Rho + w_3 * X_Alpha + w_4 * X_Kappa + w_5 * X_Cp + w_6 * X_Eps0 + w_7 * X_Al + w_8 * X_Scd + w_9 * X_LKappa
        if AGrad:
            Gradient = w_1 * G_Rho + w_3 * G_Alpha + w_4 * G_Kappa + w_5 * G_Cp + w_6 * G_Eps0 + w_7 * G_Al + w_8 * G_Scd + w_9 * G_LKappa
        if AHess:
            Hessian  = w_1 * H_Rho + w_3 * H_Alpha + w_4 * H_Kappa + w_5 * H_Cp + w_6 * H_Eps0 + w_7 * H_Al + w_8 * H_Scd + w_9 * H_LKappa

        if not in_fd():
            self.Xp = {"Rho" : X_Rho, "Alpha" : X_Alpha, 
                           "Kappa" : X_Kappa, "Cp" : X_Cp, "Eps0" : X_Eps0, "Al" : X_Al, "Scd" : X_Scd, "LKappa" : X_LKappa}
            self.Wp = {"Rho" : w_1, "Alpha" : w_3, 
                           "Kappa" : w_4, "Cp" : w_5, "Eps0" : w_6, "Al" : w_7, "Scd" : w_8, "LKappa" : w_9}
            self.Pp = {"Rho" : RhoPrint, "Alpha" : AlphaPrint, 
                           "Kappa" : KappaPrint, "Cp" : CpPrint, "Eps0" : Eps0Print, "Al" : AlPrint, "Scd" : ScdPrint, "LKappa": LKappaPrint}
            if AGrad:
                self.Gp = {"Rho" : G_Rho, "Alpha" : G_Alpha, 
                               "Kappa" : G_Kappa, "Cp" : G_Cp, "Eps0" : G_Eps0, "Al" : G_Al, "Scd" : G_Scd, "LKappa" : G_LKappa}
            self.Objective = Objective

        Answer = {'X':Objective, 'G':Gradient, 'H':Hessian}
        return Answer
コード例 #23
ファイル: tinkerio.py プロジェクト: albaugh/forcebalance
class TINKER(Engine):

    """ Engine for carrying out general purpose TINKER calculations. """

    def __init__(self, name="tinker", **kwargs):
        ## Keyword args that aren't in this list are filtered out.
        self.valkwd = ['tinker_key', 'tinkerpath', 'tinker_prm']
        self.warn_vn = False
        super(TINKER,self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)

    def setopts(self, **kwargs):
        """ Called by __init__ ; Set TINKER-specific options. """

        ## The directory containing TINKER executables (e.g. dynamic)
        if 'tinkerpath' in kwargs:
            self.tinkerpath = kwargs['tinkerpath']
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tinkerpath,"dynamic")):
                warn_press_key("The 'dynamic' executable indicated by %s doesn't exist! (Check tinkerpath)" \
                                   % os.path.join(self.tinkerpath,"dynamic"))
            warn_once("The 'tinkerpath' option was not specified; using default.")
            if which('mdrun') == '':
                warn_press_key("Please add TINKER executables to the PATH or specify tinkerpath.")
            self.tinkerpath = which('dynamic')

    def readsrc(self, **kwargs):

        """ Called by __init__ ; read files from the source directory. """

        self.key = onefile(kwargs.get('tinker_key'), 'key')
        self.prm = onefile(kwargs.get('tinker_prm'), 'prm')
        if 'mol' in kwargs:
            self.mol = kwargs['mol']
            crdfile = onefile(kwargs.get('coords'), 'arc', err=True)
            self.mol = Molecule(crdfile)

    def calltinker(self, command, stdin=None, print_to_screen=False, print_command=False, **kwargs):

        """ Call TINKER; prepend the tinkerpath to calling the TINKER program. """

        csplit = command.split()
        # Sometimes the engine changes dirs and the key goes missing, so we link it.
        if "%s.key" % self.name in csplit and not os.path.exists("%s.key" % self.name):
            LinkFile(self.abskey, "%s.key" % self.name)
        prog = os.path.join(self.tinkerpath, csplit[0])
        csplit[0] = prog
        o = _exec(' '.join(csplit), stdin=stdin, print_to_screen=print_to_screen, print_command=print_command, rbytes=1024, **kwargs)
        # Determine the TINKER version number.
        for line in o[:10]:
            if "Version" in line:
                vw = line.split()[2]
                if len(vw.split('.')) <= 2:
                    vn = float(vw)
                    vn = float(vw.split('.')[:2])
                vn_need = 6.3
                    if vn < vn_need:
                        if self.warn_vn: 
                            warn_press_key("ForceBalance requires TINKER %.1f - unexpected behavior with older versions!" % vn_need)
                        self.warn_vn = True
                    logger.error("Unable to determine TINKER version number!\n")
                    raise RuntimeError
        for line in o[-10:]:
            # Catch exceptions since TINKER does not have exit status.
            if "TINKER is Unable to Continue" in line:
                for l in o:
                    logger.error("%s\n" % l)
                logger.error("TINKER may have crashed! (See above output)\nThe command was: %s\nThe directory was: %s\n" % (' '.join(csplit), os.getcwd()))
                raise RuntimeError
        for line in o:
            if 'D+' in line:
                warn_press_key("TINKER returned a very large floating point number! (See above line; will give error on parse)")
        return o

    def prepare(self, pbc=False, **kwargs):

        """ Called by __init__ ; prepare the temp directory and figure out the topology. """

        # Call TINKER but do nothing to figure out the version number.
        o = self.calltinker("dynamic", persist=1, print_error=False)

        self.rigid = False

        ## Attempt to set some TINKER options.
        tk_chk = []
        tk_opts = OrderedDict([("digits", "10"), ("archive", "")])
        tk_defs = OrderedDict()
        prmtmp = False

        if hasattr(self,'FF'):
            if not os.path.exists(self.FF.tinkerprm):
                # If the parameter files don't already exist, create them for the purpose of
                # preparing the engine, but then delete them afterward.
                prmtmp = True
            if self.FF.rigid_water:
                tk_opts["rattle"] = "water"
                self.rigid = True
            if self.FF.amoeba_pol == 'mutual':
                tk_opts['polarization'] = 'mutual'
                if self.FF.amoeba_eps != None:
                    tk_opts['polar-eps'] = str(self.FF.amoeba_eps)
                    tk_defs['polar-eps'] = '1e-6'
            elif self.FF.amoeba_pol == 'direct':
                tk_opts['polarization'] = 'direct'
                warn_press_key("Using TINKER without explicitly specifying AMOEBA settings. Are you sure?")
            self.prm = self.FF.tinkerprm
            prmfnm = self.FF.tinkerprm
        elif self.prm:
            prmfnm = self.prm
            prmfnm = None

        # Periodic boundary conditions may come from the TINKER .key file.
        keypbc = False
        minbox = 1e10
        if self.key:
            for line in open(os.path.join(self.srcdir, self.key)).readlines():
                s = line.split()
                if len(s) > 0 and s[0].lower() == 'a-axis':
                    keypbc = True
                    minbox = float(s[1])
                if len(s) > 0 and s[0].lower() == 'b-axis' and float(s[1]) < minbox:
                    minbox = float(s[1])
                if len(s) > 0 and s[0].lower() == 'c-axis' and float(s[1]) < minbox:
                    minbox = float(s[1])
            if keypbc and (not pbc):
                warn_once("Deleting PBC options from the .key file.")
                tk_opts['a-axis'] = None
                tk_opts['b-axis'] = None
                tk_opts['c-axis'] = None
                tk_opts['alpha'] = None
                tk_opts['beta'] = None
                tk_opts['gamma'] = None
        if pbc:
            if (not keypbc) and 'boxes' not in self.mol.Data:
                logger.error("Periodic boundary conditions require either (1) a-axis to be in the .key file or (b) boxes to be in the coordinate file.\n")
                raise RuntimeError
        self.pbc = pbc
        if pbc:
            tk_opts['ewald'] = ''
            if minbox <= 10:
                warn_press_key("Periodic box is set to less than 10 Angstroms across")
            # TINKER likes to use up to 7.0 Angstrom for PME cutoffs
            rpme = 0.05*(float(int(minbox - 1))) if minbox <= 15 else 7.0
            tk_defs['ewald-cutoff'] = "%f" % rpme
            # TINKER likes to use up to 9.0 Angstrom for vdW cutoffs
            rvdw = 0.05*(float(int(minbox - 1))) if minbox <= 19 else 9.0
            tk_defs['vdw-cutoff'] = "%f" % rvdw
            if (minbox*0.5 - rpme) > 2.5 and (minbox*0.5 - rvdw) > 2.5:
                tk_defs['neighbor-list'] = ''
            elif (minbox*0.5 - rpme) > 2.5:
                tk_defs['mpole-list'] = ''
            tk_opts['ewald'] = None
            tk_opts['ewald-cutoff'] = None
            tk_opts['vdw-cutoff'] = None
            # This seems to have no effect on the kinetic energy.
            # tk_opts['remove-inertia'] = '0'

        write_key("%s.key" % self.name, tk_opts, os.path.join(self.srcdir, self.key) if self.key else None, tk_defs, verbose=False, prmfnm=prmfnm)
        self.abskey = os.path.abspath("%s.key")

        self.mol[0].write(os.path.join("%s.xyz" % self.name), ftype="tinker")

        ## If the coordinates do not come with TINKER suffixes then throw an error.

        ## Call analyze to read information needed to build the atom lists.
        o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz P,C" % (self.name), stdin="ALL")

        ## Parse the output of analyze.
        mode = 0
        self.AtomMask = []
        self.AtomLists = defaultdict(list)
        ptype_dict = {'atom': 'A', 'vsite': 'D'}
        G = nx.Graph()
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if len(s) == 0: continue
            if "Atom Type Definition Parameters" in line:
                mode = 1
            if mode == 1:
                if isint(s[0]): mode = 2
            if mode == 2:
                if isint(s[0]):
                    mass = float(s[5])
                    if mass < 1.0:
                        # Particles with mass less than one count as virtual sites.
                    self.AtomMask.append(mass >= 1.0)
                    mode = 0
            if "List of 1-2 Connected Atomic Interactions" in line:
                mode = 3
            if mode == 3:
                if isint(s[0]): mode = 4
            if mode == 4:
                if isint(s[0]):
                    a = int(s[0])
                    b = int(s[1])
                    G.add_edge(a, b)
                else: mode = 0
        # Use networkx to figure out a list of molecule numbers.
        if len(G.nodes()) > 0:
            # The following code only works in TINKER 6.2
            gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)
            tmols = [gs[i] for i in np.argsort(np.array([min(g.nodes()) for g in gs]))]
            mnodes = [m.nodes() for m in tmols]
            self.AtomLists['MoleculeNumber'] = [[i+1 in m for m in mnodes].index(1) for i in range(self.mol.na)]
            grouped = [i.L() for i in self.mol.molecules]
            self.AtomLists['MoleculeNumber'] = [[i in g for g in grouped].index(1) for i in range(self.mol.na)]
        if prmtmp:
            for f in self.FF.fnms: 

    def optimize(self, shot=0, method="newton", crit=1e-4):

        """ Optimize the geometry and align the optimized geometry to the starting geometry. """

        if os.path.exists('%s.xyz_2' % self.name):
            os.unlink('%s.xyz_2' % self.name)

        self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")

        if method == "newton":
            if self.rigid: optprog = "optrigid"
            else: optprog = "optimize"
        elif method == "bfgs":
            if self.rigid: optprog = "minrigid"
            else: optprog = "minimize"

        o = self.calltinker("%s %s.xyz %f" % (optprog, self.name, crit))
        # Silently align the optimized geometry.
        M12 = Molecule("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker") + Molecule("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        if not self.pbc:
        M12[1].write("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        rmsd = M12.ref_rmsd(0)[1]
        cnvgd = 0
        mode = 0
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if len(s) == 0: continue
            if "Optimally Conditioned Variable Metric Optimization" in line: mode = 1
            if "Limited Memory BFGS Quasi-Newton Optimization" in line: mode = 1
            if mode == 1 and isint(s[0]): mode = 2
            if mode == 2:
                if isint(s[0]): E = float(s[1])
                else: mode = 0
            if "Normal Termination" in line:
                cnvgd = 1
        if not cnvgd:
            for line in o:
                logger.info(str(line) + '\n')
            logger.info("The minimization did not converge in the geometry optimization - printout is above.\n")
        return E, rmsd

    def evaluate_(self, xyzin, force=False, dipole=False):

        Utility function for computing energy, and (optionally) forces and dipoles using TINKER. 
        xyzin: TINKER .xyz file name.
        force: Switch for calculating the force.
        dipole: Switch for calculating the dipole.

        Result: Dictionary containing energies, forces and/or dipoles.

        Result = OrderedDict()
        # If we want the dipoles (or just energies), analyze is the way to go.
        if dipole or (not force):
            oanl = self.calltinker("analyze %s -k %s" % (xyzin, self.name), stdin="G,E,M", print_to_screen=False)
            # Read potential energy and dipole from file.
            eanl = []
            dip = []
            for line in oanl:
                s = line.split()
                if 'Total Potential Energy : ' in line:
                    eanl.append(float(s[4]) * 4.184)
                if dipole:
                    if 'Dipole X,Y,Z-Components :' in line:
                        dip.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(-3,0)])
            Result["Energy"] = np.array(eanl)
            Result["Dipole"] = np.array(dip)
        # If we want forces, then we need to call testgrad.
        if force:
            E = []
            F = []
            Fi = []
            o = self.calltinker("testgrad %s -k %s y n n" % (xyzin, self.name))
            i = 0
            ReadFrc = 0
            for line in o:
                s = line.split()
                if "Total Potential Energy" in line:
                    E.append(float(s[4]) * 4.184)
                if "Cartesian Gradient Breakdown over Individual Atoms" in line:
                    ReadFrc = 1
                if ReadFrc and len(s) == 6 and all([s[0] == 'Anlyt',isint(s[1]),isfloat(s[2]),isfloat(s[3]),isfloat(s[4]),isfloat(s[5])]):
                    ReadFrc = 2
                    if self.AtomMask[i]:
                        Fi += [-1 * float(j) * 4.184 * 10 for j in s[2:5]]
                    i += 1
                if ReadFrc == 2 and len(s) < 6:
                    ReadFrc = 0
                    Fi = []
                    i = 0
            Result["Energy"] = np.array(E)
            Result["Force"] = np.array(F)
        return Result

    def energy_force_one(self, shot):

        """ Computes the energy and force using TINKER for one snapshot. """

        self.mol[shot].write("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        Result = self.evaluate_("%s.xyz" % self.name, force=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1,1), Result["Force"]))

    def energy(self):

        """ Computes the energy using TINKER over a trajectory. """

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory') : 
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s.xyz" % self.name
            self.mol.write(x, ftype="tinker")
        return self.evaluate_(x)["Energy"]

    def energy_force(self):

        """ Computes the energy and force using TINKER over a trajectory. """

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory') : 
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s.xyz" % self.name
            self.mol.write(x, ftype="tinker")
        Result = self.evaluate_(x, force=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1,1), Result["Force"]))

    def energy_dipole(self):

        """ Computes the energy and dipole using TINKER over a trajectory. """

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory') : 
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s.xyz" % self.name
            self.mol.write(x, ftype="tinker")
        Result = self.evaluate_(x, dipole=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1,1), Result["Dipole"]))

    def normal_modes(self, shot=0, optimize=True):
        # This line actually runs TINKER
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz_2 a" % (self.name))
            warn_once("Asking for normal modes without geometry optimization?")
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz a" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.  The vibrational frequencies are ordered.
        # The six modes with frequencies closest to zero are ignored
        readev = False
        calc_eigvals = []
        calc_eigvecs = []
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Vibrational Normal Mode" in line:
                freq = float(s[-2])
                readev = False
            elif "Atom" in line and "Delta X" in line:
                readev = True
            elif readev and len(s) == 4 and all([isint(s[0]), isfloat(s[1]), isfloat(s[2]), isfloat(s[3])]):
                calc_eigvecs[-1].append([float(i) for i in s[1:]])
        calc_eigvals = np.array(calc_eigvals)
        calc_eigvecs = np.array(calc_eigvecs)
        # Sort by frequency absolute value and discard the six that are closest to zero
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        # Sort again by frequency
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        return calc_eigvals, calc_eigvecs

    def multipole_moments(self, shot=0, optimize=True, polarizability=False):

        """ Return the multipole moments of the 1st snapshot in Debye and Buckingham units. """
        # This line actually runs TINKER
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz_2 M" % (self.name))
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz M" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.
        qn = -1
        ln = 0
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Dipole X,Y,Z-Components" in line:
                dipole_dict = OrderedDict(zip(['x','y','z'], [float(i) for i in s[-3:]]))
            elif "Quadrupole Moment Tensor" in line:
                qn = ln
                quadrupole_dict = OrderedDict([('xx',float(s[-3]))])
            elif qn > 0 and ln == qn + 1:
                quadrupole_dict['xy'] = float(s[-3])
                quadrupole_dict['yy'] = float(s[-2])
            elif qn > 0 and ln == qn + 2:
                quadrupole_dict['xz'] = float(s[-3])
                quadrupole_dict['yz'] = float(s[-2])
                quadrupole_dict['zz'] = float(s[-1])
            ln += 1

        calc_moments = OrderedDict([('dipole', dipole_dict), ('quadrupole', quadrupole_dict)])

        if polarizability:
            if optimize:
                o = self.calltinker("polarize %s.xyz_2" % (self.name))
                o = self.calltinker("polarize %s.xyz" % (self.name))
            # Read the TINKER output.
            pn = -1
            ln = 0
            polarizability_dict = OrderedDict()
            for line in o:
                s = line.split()
                if "Molecular Polarizability Tensor" in line:
                    pn = ln
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 2:
                    polarizability_dict['xx'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yx'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zx'] = float(s[-1])
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 3:
                    polarizability_dict['xy'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yy'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zy'] = float(s[-1])
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 4:
                    polarizability_dict['xz'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yz'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zz'] = float(s[-1])
                ln += 1
            calc_moments['polarizability'] = polarizability_dict
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        print polarizability
        print calc_moments
        return calc_moments

    def energy_rmsd(self, shot=0, optimize=True):

        """ Calculate energy of the selected structure (optionally minimize and return the minimized energy and RMSD). In kcal/mol. """

        rmsd = 0.0
        # This line actually runs TINKER
        # xyzfnm = sysname+".xyz"
        if optimize:
            E_, rmsd = self.optimize(shot)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz_2 E" % self.name)
            # Two equivalent ways to get the RMSD, here for reference.
            # M1 = Molecule("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            # M2 = Molecule("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            # M1 += M2
            # rmsd = M1.ref_rmsd(0)[1]
            # oo = self.calltinker("superpose %s.xyz %s.xyz_2 1 y u n 0" % (self.name, self.name))
            # for line in oo:
            #     if "Root Mean Square Distance" in line:
            #         rmsd = float(line.split()[-1])
            os.system("rm %s.xyz_2" % self.name)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz E" % self.name)
        # Read the TINKER output. 
        E = None
        for line in o:
            if "Total Potential Energy" in line:
                E = float(line.split()[-2].replace('D','e'))
        if E == None:
            logger.error("Total potential energy wasn't encountered when calling analyze!\n")
            raise RuntimeError
        if optimize and abs(E-E_) > 0.1:
            warn_press_key("Energy from optimize and analyze aren't the same (%.3f vs. %.3f)" % (E, E_))
        return E, rmsd

    def interaction_energy(self, fraga, fragb):
        """ Calculate the interaction energy for two fragments. """

        self.A = TINKER(name="A", mol=self.mol.atom_select(fraga), tinker_key="%s.key" % self.name, tinkerpath=self.tinkerpath)
        self.B = TINKER(name="B", mol=self.mol.atom_select(fragb), tinker_key="%s.key" % self.name, tinkerpath=self.tinkerpath)

        # Interaction energy needs to be in kcal/mol.
        return (self.energy() - self.A.energy() - self.B.energy()) / 4.184

    def molecular_dynamics(self, nsteps, timestep, temperature=None, pressure=None, nequil=0, nsave=1000, minimize=True, anisotropic=False, threads=1, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        Method for running a molecular dynamics simulation.  

        Required arguments:
        nsteps      = (int)   Number of total time steps
        timestep    = (float) Time step in FEMTOSECONDS
        temperature = (float) Temperature control (Kelvin)
        pressure    = (float) Pressure control (atmospheres)
        nequil      = (int)   Number of additional time steps at the beginning for equilibration
        nsave       = (int)   Step interval for saving and printing data
        minimize    = (bool)  Perform an energy minimization prior to dynamics
        threads     = (int)   Specify how many OpenMP threads to use

        Returns simulation data:
        Rhos        = (array)     Density in kilogram m^-3
        Potentials  = (array)     Potential energies
        Kinetics    = (array)     Kinetic energies
        Volumes     = (array)     Box volumes
        Dips        = (3xN array) Dipole moments
        EComps      = (dict)      Energy components

        md_defs = OrderedDict()
        md_opts = OrderedDict()
        # Print out averages only at the end.
        md_opts["printout"] = nsave
        md_opts["openmp-threads"] = threads
        # Langevin dynamics for temperature control.
        if temperature != None:
            md_defs["integrator"] = "stochastic"
            md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
            md_opts["thermostat"] = None
        # Periodic boundary conditions.
        if self.pbc:
            md_opts["vdw-correction"] = ''
            if temperature != None and pressure != None: 
                md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
                md_defs["thermostat"] = "bussi"
                md_defs["barostat"] = "montecarlo"
                if anisotropic:
                    md_opts["aniso-pressure"] = ''
            elif pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because temperature is turned off.")
            if pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because pbc is set to False.")
            # Use stochastic dynamics for the gas phase molecule.
            # If we use the regular integrators it may miss
            # six degrees of freedom in calculating the kinetic energy.
            md_opts["barostat"] = None

        eq_opts = deepcopy(md_opts)
        if self.pbc and temperature != None and pressure != None: 
            eq_opts["integrator"] = "beeman"
            eq_opts["thermostat"] = "bussi"
            eq_opts["barostat"] = "berendsen"

        if minimize:
            if verbose: logger.info("Minimizing the energy...")
            self.optimize(method="bfgs", crit=1)
            os.system("mv %s.xyz_2 %s.xyz" % (self.name, self.name))
            if verbose: logger.info("Done\n")

        # Run equilibration.
        if nequil > 0:
            write_key("%s-eq.key" % self.name, eq_opts, "%s.key" % self.name, md_defs)
            if verbose: printcool("Running equilibration dynamics", color=0)
            if self.pbc and pressure != None:
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 4 %f %f" % (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep, float(nsave*timestep)/1000, 
                                                                          temperature, pressure), print_to_screen=verbose)
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 2 %f" % (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep, float(nsave*timestep)/1000,
                                                                       temperature), print_to_screen=verbose)
            os.system("rm -f %s.arc" % (self.name))

        # Run production.
        if verbose: printcool("Running production dynamics", color=0)
        write_key("%s-md.key" % self.name, md_opts, "%s.key" % self.name, md_defs)
        if self.pbc and pressure != None:
            odyn = self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 4 %f %f" % (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep, float(nsave*timestep/1000), 
                                                                             temperature, pressure), print_to_screen=verbose)
            odyn = self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 2 %f" % (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep, float(nsave*timestep/1000), 
                                                                          temperature), print_to_screen=verbose)
        # Gather information.
        os.system("mv %s.arc %s-md.arc" % (self.name, self.name))
        self.md_trajectory = "%s-md.arc" % self.name
        edyn = []
        kdyn = []
        temps = []
        for line in odyn:
            s = line.split()
            if 'Current Potential' in line:
            if 'Current Kinetic' in line:
            if len(s) > 0 and s[0] == 'Temperature' and s[2] == 'Kelvin':

        # Potential and kinetic energies converted to kJ/mol.
        edyn = np.array(edyn) * 4.184
        kdyn = np.array(kdyn) * 4.184
        temps = np.array(temps)
        if verbose: logger.info("Post-processing to get the dipole moments\n")
        oanl = self.calltinker("analyze %s-md.arc" % self.name, stdin="G,E,M", print_to_screen=False)

        # Read potential energy and dipole from file.
        eanl = []
        dip = []
        mass = 0.0
        ecomp = OrderedDict()
        havekeys = set()
        first_shot = True
        for ln, line in enumerate(oanl):
            strip = line.strip()
            s = line.split()
            if 'Total System Mass' in line:
                mass = float(s[-1])
            if 'Total Potential Energy : ' in line:
            if 'Dipole X,Y,Z-Components :' in line:
                dip.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(-3,0)])
            if first_shot:
                for key in eckeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2])*4.184]
                        if key in havekeys:
                            first_shot = False
                for key in havekeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2])*4.184]
        for key in ecomp:
            ecomp[key] = np.array(ecomp[key])
        ecomp["Potential Energy"] = edyn
        ecomp["Kinetic Energy"] = kdyn
        ecomp["Temperature"] = temps
        ecomp["Total Energy"] = edyn+kdyn

        # Energies in kilojoules per mole
        eanl = np.array(eanl) * 4.184
        # Dipole moments in debye
        dip = np.array(dip)
        # Volume of simulation boxes in cubic nanometers
        # Conversion factor derived from the following:
        # In [22]: 1.0 * gram / mole / (1.0 * nanometer)**3 / AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA / (kilogram/meter**3)
        # Out[22]: 1.6605387831627252
        conv = 1.6605387831627252
        if self.pbc:
            vol = np.array([BuildLatticeFromLengthsAngles(*[float(j) for j in line.split()]).V \
                                for line in open("%s-md.arc" % self.name).readlines() \
                                if (len(line.split()) == 6 and isfloat(line.split()[1]) \
                                        and all([isfloat(i) for i in line.split()[:6]]))]) / 1000
            rho = conv * mass / vol
            vol = None
            rho = None
        prop_return = OrderedDict()
        prop_return.update({'Rhos': rho, 'Potentials': edyn, 'Kinetics': kdyn, 'Volumes': vol, 'Dips': dip, 'Ecomps': ecomp})
        return prop_return
コード例 #24
class AMBER(Engine):
    """ Engine for carrying out general purpose AMBER calculations. """
    def __init__(self, name="amber", **kwargs):
        ## Keyword args that aren't in this list are filtered out.
        self.valkwd = ['amberhome', 'pdb', 'mol2', 'frcmod', 'leapcmd']
        super(AMBER, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)

    def setopts(self, **kwargs):
        """ Called by __init__ ; Set AMBER-specific options. """

        ## The directory containing TINKER executables (e.g. dynamic)
        if 'amberhome' in kwargs:
            self.amberhome = kwargs['amberhome']
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.amberhome, "sander")):
                warn_press_key("The 'sander' executable indicated by %s doesn't exist! (Check amberhome)" \
                                   % os.path.join(self.amberhome,"sander"))
                "The 'amberhome' option was not specified; using default.")
            if which('sander') == '':
                    "Please add AMBER executables to the PATH or specify amberhome."
            self.amberhome = os.path.split(which('sander'))[0]

        with wopen('.quit.leap') as f:
            print >> f, 'quit'

        # AMBER search path
        self.spath = []
        for line in self.callamber('tleap -f .quit.leap'):
            if 'Adding' in line and 'to search path' in line:

    def readsrc(self, **kwargs):
        """ Called by __init__ ; read files from the source directory. """

        self.leapcmd = onefile(kwargs.get('leapcmd'), 'leap', err=True)
        self.absleap = os.path.abspath(self.leapcmd)

        # Name of the molecule, currently just call it a default name.
        self.mname = 'molecule'

        if 'mol' in kwargs:
            self.mol = kwargs['mol']
        elif 'coords' in kwargs:
            crdfile = onefile(kwargs.get('coords'), None, err=True)
            self.mol = Molecule(crdfile, build_topology=False)

        # AMBER has certain PDB requirements, so we will absolutely require one.
        needpdb = True
        # if hasattr(self, 'mol') and all([i in self.mol.Data.keys() for i in ["chain", "atomname", "resid", "resname", "elem"]]):
        #     needpdb = False

        # Determine the PDB file name.
        # If 'pdb' is provided to Engine initialization, it will be used to
        # copy over topology information (chain, atomname etc.).  If mol/coords
        # is not provided, then it will also provide the coordinates.
        pdbfnm = onefile(kwargs.get('pdb'),
                         'pdb' if needpdb else None,
        if pdbfnm != None:
            mpdb = Molecule(pdbfnm, build_topology=False)
            if hasattr(self, 'mol'):
                for i in ["chain", "atomname", "resid", "resname", "elem"]:
                    self.mol.Data[i] = mpdb.Data[i]
                self.mol = copy.deepcopy(mpdb)
        self.abspdb = os.path.abspath(pdbfnm)

        # Write the PDB that AMBER is going to read in.
        # This may or may not be identical to the one used to initialize the engine.
        # self.mol.write('%s.pdb' % self.name)
        # self.abspdb = os.path.abspath('%s.pdb' % self.name)

    def callamber(self,
        """ Call TINKER; prepend the amberhome to calling the TINKER program. """

        csplit = command.split()
        # Sometimes the engine changes dirs and the inpcrd/prmtop go missing, so we link it.
        # Prepend the AMBER path to the program call.
        prog = os.path.join(self.amberhome, "bin", csplit[0])
        csplit[0] = prog
        # No need to catch exceptions since failed AMBER calculations will return nonzero exit status.
        o = _exec(' '.join(csplit),
        return o

    def leap(self, name=None, delcheck=False):
        if not os.path.exists(self.leapcmd):
            LinkFile(self.absleap, self.leapcmd)
        pdb = os.path.basename(self.abspdb)
        if not os.path.exists(pdb):
            LinkFile(self.abspdb, pdb)
        if name == None: name = self.name
        self.callamber("tleap -f %s_" % self.leapcmd)

    def prepare(self, pbc=False, **kwargs):
        """ Called by __init__ ; prepare the temp directory and figure out the topology. """

        if hasattr(self, 'FF'):
            if not (os.path.exists(self.FF.amber_frcmod)
                    and os.path.exists(self.FF.amber_mol2)):
                # If the parameter files don't already exist, create them for the purpose of
                # preparing the engine, but then delete them afterward.
                prmtmp = True
            # Currently force field object only allows one mol2 and frcmod file although this can be lifted.
            self.mol2 = [self.FF.amber_mol2]
            self.frcmod = [self.FF.amber_frcmod]
            if 'mol2' in kwargs:
                    "FF object is provided, which overrides mol2 keyword argument"
                raise RuntimeError
            if 'frcmod' in kwargs:
                    "FF object is provided, which overrides frcmod keyword argument"
                raise RuntimeError
            prmtmp = False
            self.mol2 = listfiles(kwargs.get('mol2'), 'mol2', err=True)
            self.frcmod = listfiles(kwargs.get('frcmod'), 'frcmod', err=True)

        # Figure out the topology information.
        o = self.callamber("rdparm %s.prmtop" % self.name,

        # Once we do this, we don't need the prmtop and inpcrd anymore
        os.unlink("%s.inpcrd" % self.name)
        os.unlink("%s.prmtop" % self.name)

        mode = 'None'
        self.AtomLists = defaultdict(list)
        G = nx.Graph()
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if 'Atom' in line:
                mode = 'Atom'
            elif 'Bond' in line:
                mode = 'Bond'
            elif 'RDPARM MENU' in line:
            elif 'EXITING' in line:
            elif len(s) == 0:
            elif mode == 'Atom':
                # Based on parsing lines like these:
   327:  HA   -0.01462  1.0 (  23:HIP )  H1    E   
   328:  CB   -0.33212 12.0 (  23:HIP )  CT    3   
   329:  HB2   0.10773  1.0 (  23:HIP )  HC    E   
   330:  HB3   0.10773  1.0 (  23:HIP )  HC    E   
   331:  CG    0.18240 12.0 (  23:HIP )  CC    B   
                # Based on variable width fields.
                atom_number = int(line.split(':')[0])
                atom_name = line.split()[1]
                atom_charge = float(line.split()[2])
                atom_mass = float(line.split()[3])
                rnn = line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(':')
                residue_number = int(rnn[0])
                residue_name = rnn[1]
                atom_type = line.split(')')[1].split()[0]
                # Not sure if this works
            elif mode == 'Bond':
                a, b = (int(i)
                        for i in (line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',')))
                G.add_edge(a, b)

        self.AtomMask = [a == 'A' for a in self.AtomLists['ParticleType']]

        # Use networkx to figure out a list of molecule numbers.
        # gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)
        # tmols = [gs[i] for i in np.argsort(np.array([min(g.nodes()) for g in gs]))]
        # mnodes = [m.nodes() for m in tmols]
        # self.AtomLists['MoleculeNumber'] = [[i+1 in m for m in mnodes].index(1) for i in range(self.mol.na)]

        ## Write out the trajectory coordinates to a .mdcrd file.

        # I also need to write the trajectory
        if 'boxes' in self.mol.Data.keys():
                "Writing %s-all.crd file with no periodic box information" %
            del self.mol.Data['boxes']

        if hasattr(self, 'target') and hasattr(self.target, 'shots'):
            self.qmatoms = target.qmatoms
            self.mol.write("%s-all.crd" % self.name,
            self.qmatoms = self.mol.na
            self.mol.write("%s-all.crd" % self.name, ftype="mdcrd")

        if prmtmp:
            for f in self.FF.fnms:

    def evaluate_(self, crdin, force=False):
        Utility function for computing energy and forces using AMBER. 
        crdin: AMBER .mdcrd file name.
        force: Switch for parsing the force. (Currently it always calculates the forces.)

        Result: Dictionary containing energies (and optionally) forces.

        force_mdin = """Loop over conformations and compute energy and force (use ioutfnm=1 for netcdf, ntb=0 for no box)
imin = 5, ntb = 0, cut=9, nstlim = 0, nsnb = 0
do_debugf = 1, dumpfrc = 1
        with wopen("%s-force.mdin" % self.name) as f:
            print >> f, force_mdin

        ## This line actually runs AMBER.
            "sander -i %s-force.mdin -o %s-force.mdout -p %s.prmtop -c %s.inpcrd -y %s -O"
            % (self.name, self.name, self.name, self.name, crdin))
        ParseMode = 0
        Result = {}
        Energies = []
        Forces = []
        Force = []
        for line in open('forcedump.dat'):
            line = line.strip()
            sline = line.split()
            if ParseMode == 1:
                if len(sline) == 1 and isfloat(sline[0]):
                    Energies.append(float(sline[0]) * 4.184)
                    ParseMode = 0
            if ParseMode == 2:
                if len(sline) == 3 and all(
                        isfloat(sline[i]) for i in range(3)):
                    Force += [float(sline[i]) * 4.184 * 10 for i in range(3)]
                if len(Force) == 3 * self.qmatoms:
                    Force = []
                    ParseMode = 0
            if line == '0 START of Energies':
                ParseMode = 1
            elif line == '1 Total Force':
                ParseMode = 2

        Result["Energy"] = np.array(Energies[1:])
        Result["Force"] = np.array(Forces[1:])
        return Result

    def energy_force_one(self, shot):
        """ Computes the energy and force using TINKER for one snapshot. """

        self.mol[shot].write("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        Result = self.evaluate_("%s.xyz" % self.name, force=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1, 1), Result["Force"]))

    def energy(self):
        """ Computes the energy using TINKER over a trajectory. """

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory'):
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s-all.crd" % self.name
            self.mol.write(x, ftype="tinker")
        return self.evaluate_(x)["Energy"]

    def energy_force(self):
        """ Computes the energy and force using AMBER over a trajectory. """

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory'):
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s-all.crd" % self.name
        Result = self.evaluate_(x, force=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1, 1), Result["Force"]))

    def energy_dipole(self):
        """ Computes the energy and dipole using TINKER over a trajectory. """

            'Dipole moments are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory'):
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s.xyz" % self.name
            self.mol.write(x, ftype="tinker")
        Result = self.evaluate_(x, dipole=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1, 1), Result["Dipole"]))

    def optimize(self, shot=0, method="newton", crit=1e-4):
        """ Optimize the geometry and align the optimized geometry to the starting geometry. """

            'Geometry optimizations are not yet implemented in AMBER interface'
        raise NotImplementedError

        # Code from tinkerio.py
        if os.path.exists('%s.xyz_2' % self.name):
            os.unlink('%s.xyz_2' % self.name)
        self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        if method == "newton":
            if self.rigid: optprog = "optrigid"
            else: optprog = "optimize"
        elif method == "bfgs":
            if self.rigid: optprog = "minrigid"
            else: optprog = "minimize"
        o = self.calltinker("%s %s.xyz %f" % (optprog, self.name, crit))
        # Silently align the optimized geometry.
        M12 = Molecule("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker") + Molecule(
            "%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        if not self.pbc:
        M12[1].write("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        rmsd = M12.ref_rmsd(0)[1]
        cnvgd = 0
        mode = 0
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if len(s) == 0: continue
            if "Optimally Conditioned Variable Metric Optimization" in line:
                mode = 1
            if "Limited Memory BFGS Quasi-Newton Optimization" in line:
                mode = 1
            if mode == 1 and isint(s[0]): mode = 2
            if mode == 2:
                if isint(s[0]): E = float(s[1])
                else: mode = 0
            if "Normal Termination" in line:
                cnvgd = 1
        if not cnvgd:
            for line in o:
                logger.info(str(line) + '\n')
                "The minimization did not converge in the geometry optimization - printout is above.\n"
        return E, rmsd

    def normal_modes(self, shot=0, optimize=True):

        logger.error('Normal modes are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        # Copied from tinkerio.py
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz_2 a" % (self.name))
            warn_once("Asking for normal modes without geometry optimization?")
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz a" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.  The vibrational frequencies are ordered.
        # The six modes with frequencies closest to zero are ignored
        readev = False
        calc_eigvals = []
        calc_eigvecs = []
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Vibrational Normal Mode" in line:
                freq = float(s[-2])
                readev = False
            elif "Atom" in line and "Delta X" in line:
                readev = True
            elif readev and len(s) == 4 and all(
                calc_eigvecs[-1].append([float(i) for i in s[1:]])
        calc_eigvals = np.array(calc_eigvals)
        calc_eigvecs = np.array(calc_eigvecs)
        # Sort by frequency absolute value and discard the six that are closest to zero
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        # Sort again by frequency
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        return calc_eigvals, calc_eigvecs

    def multipole_moments(self, shot=0, optimize=True, polarizability=False):

            'Multipole moments are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError
        """ Return the multipole moments of the 1st snapshot in Debye and Buckingham units. """
        # This line actually runs TINKER
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz_2 M" % (self.name))
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz M" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.
        qn = -1
        ln = 0
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Dipole X,Y,Z-Components" in line:
                dipole_dict = OrderedDict(
                    zip(['x', 'y', 'z'], [float(i) for i in s[-3:]]))
            elif "Quadrupole Moment Tensor" in line:
                qn = ln
                quadrupole_dict = OrderedDict([('xx', float(s[-3]))])
            elif qn > 0 and ln == qn + 1:
                quadrupole_dict['xy'] = float(s[-3])
                quadrupole_dict['yy'] = float(s[-2])
            elif qn > 0 and ln == qn + 2:
                quadrupole_dict['xz'] = float(s[-3])
                quadrupole_dict['yz'] = float(s[-2])
                quadrupole_dict['zz'] = float(s[-1])
            ln += 1
        calc_moments = OrderedDict([('dipole', dipole_dict),
                                    ('quadrupole', quadrupole_dict)])
        if polarizability:
            if optimize:
                o = self.calltinker("polarize %s.xyz_2" % (self.name))
                o = self.calltinker("polarize %s.xyz" % (self.name))
            # Read the TINKER output.
            pn = -1
            ln = 0
            polarizability_dict = OrderedDict()
            for line in o:
                s = line.split()
                if "Total Polarizability Tensor" in line:
                    pn = ln
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 2:
                    polarizability_dict['xx'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yx'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zx'] = float(s[-1])
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 3:
                    polarizability_dict['xy'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yy'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zy'] = float(s[-1])
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 4:
                    polarizability_dict['xz'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yz'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zz'] = float(s[-1])
                ln += 1
            calc_moments['polarizability'] = polarizability_dict
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        return calc_moments

    def energy_rmsd(self, shot=0, optimize=True):
        """ Calculate energy of the selected structure (optionally minimize and return the minimized energy and RMSD). In kcal/mol. """

            'Geometry optimization is not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        rmsd = 0.0
        # This line actually runs TINKER
        # xyzfnm = sysname+".xyz"
        if optimize:
            E_, rmsd = self.optimize(shot)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz_2 E" % self.name)
            # Two equivalent ways to get the RMSD, here for reference.
            # M1 = Molecule("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            # M2 = Molecule("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            # M1 += M2
            # rmsd = M1.ref_rmsd(0)[1]
            # oo = self.calltinker("superpose %s.xyz %s.xyz_2 1 y u n 0" % (self.name, self.name))
            # for line in oo:
            #     if "Root Mean Square Distance" in line:
            #         rmsd = float(line.split()[-1])
            os.system("rm %s.xyz_2" % self.name)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz E" % self.name)
        # Read the TINKER output.
        E = None
        for line in o:
            if "Total Potential Energy" in line:
                E = float(line.split()[-2].replace('D', 'e'))
        if E == None:
                "Total potential energy wasn't encountered when calling analyze!\n"
            raise RuntimeError
        if optimize and abs(E - E_) > 0.1:
                "Energy from optimize and analyze aren't the same (%.3f vs. %.3f)"
                % (E, E_))
        return E, rmsd

    def interaction_energy(self, fraga, fragb):
        """ Calculate the interaction energy for two fragments. """

            'Interaction energy is not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError
        self.A = TINKER(name="A",
                        tinker_key="%s.key" % self.name,
        self.B = TINKER(name="B",
                        tinker_key="%s.key" % self.name,

        # Interaction energy needs to be in kcal/mol.
        return (self.energy() - self.A.energy() - self.B.energy()) / 4.184

    def molecular_dynamics(self,
        Method for running a molecular dynamics simulation.  

        Required arguments:
        nsteps      = (int)   Number of total time steps
        timestep    = (float) Time step in FEMTOSECONDS
        temperature = (float) Temperature control (Kelvin)
        pressure    = (float) Pressure control (atmospheres)
        nequil      = (int)   Number of additional time steps at the beginning for equilibration
        nsave       = (int)   Step interval for saving and printing data
        minimize    = (bool)  Perform an energy minimization prior to dynamics
        threads     = (int)   Specify how many OpenMP threads to use

        Returns simulation data:
        Rhos        = (array)     Density in kilogram m^-3
        Potentials  = (array)     Potential energies
        Kinetics    = (array)     Kinetic energies
        Volumes     = (array)     Box volumes
        Dips        = (3xN array) Dipole moments
        EComps      = (dict)      Energy components

            'Molecular dynamics not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        md_defs = OrderedDict()
        md_opts = OrderedDict()
        # Print out averages only at the end.
        md_opts["printout"] = nsave
        md_opts["openmp-threads"] = threads
        # Langevin dynamics for temperature control.
        if temperature != None:
            md_defs["integrator"] = "stochastic"
            md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
            md_opts["thermostat"] = None
        # Periodic boundary conditions.
        if self.pbc:
            md_opts["vdw-correction"] = ''
            if temperature != None and pressure != None:
                md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
                md_defs["thermostat"] = "bussi"
                md_defs["barostat"] = "montecarlo"
                if anisotropic:
                    md_opts["aniso-pressure"] = ''
            elif pressure != None:
                    "Pressure is ignored because temperature is turned off.")
            if pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because pbc is set to False.")
            # Use stochastic dynamics for the gas phase molecule.
            # If we use the regular integrators it may miss
            # six degrees of freedom in calculating the kinetic energy.
            md_opts["barostat"] = None

        eq_opts = deepcopy(md_opts)
        if self.pbc and temperature != None and pressure != None:
            eq_opts["integrator"] = "beeman"
            eq_opts["thermostat"] = "bussi"
            eq_opts["barostat"] = "berendsen"

        if minimize:
            if verbose: logger.info("Minimizing the energy...")
            self.optimize(method="bfgs", crit=1)
            os.system("mv %s.xyz_2 %s.xyz" % (self.name, self.name))
            if verbose: logger.info("Done\n")

        # Run equilibration.
        if nequil > 0:
            write_key("%s-eq.key" % self.name, eq_opts, "%s.key" % self.name,
            if verbose: printcool("Running equilibration dynamics", color=0)
            if self.pbc and pressure != None:
                    "dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 4 %f %f" %
                    (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep,
                     float(nsave * timestep) / 1000, temperature, pressure),
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 2 %f" %
                                (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep,
                                 float(nsave * timestep) / 1000, temperature),
            os.system("rm -f %s.arc" % (self.name))

        # Run production.
        if verbose: printcool("Running production dynamics", color=0)
        write_key("%s-md.key" % self.name, md_opts, "%s.key" % self.name,
        if self.pbc and pressure != None:
            odyn = self.calltinker(
                "dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 4 %f %f" %
                (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep,
                 float(nsave * timestep / 1000), temperature, pressure),
            odyn = self.calltinker(
                "dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 2 %f" %
                (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep,
                 float(nsave * timestep / 1000), temperature),

        # Gather information.
        os.system("mv %s.arc %s-md.arc" % (self.name, self.name))
        self.md_trajectory = "%s-md.arc" % self.name
        edyn = []
        kdyn = []
        temps = []
        for line in odyn:
            s = line.split()
            if 'Current Potential' in line:
            if 'Current Kinetic' in line:
            if len(s) > 0 and s[0] == 'Temperature' and s[2] == 'Kelvin':

        # Potential and kinetic energies converted to kJ/mol.
        edyn = np.array(edyn) * 4.184
        kdyn = np.array(kdyn) * 4.184
        temps = np.array(temps)

        if verbose: logger.info("Post-processing to get the dipole moments\n")
        oanl = self.calltinker("analyze %s-md.arc" % self.name,

        # Read potential energy and dipole from file.
        eanl = []
        dip = []
        mass = 0.0
        ecomp = OrderedDict()
        havekeys = set()
        first_shot = True
        for ln, line in enumerate(oanl):
            strip = line.strip()
            s = line.split()
            if 'Total System Mass' in line:
                mass = float(s[-1])
            if 'Total Potential Energy : ' in line:
            if 'Dipole X,Y,Z-Components :' in line:
                dip.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(-3, 0)])
            if first_shot:
                for key in eckeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key].append(float(s[-2]) * 4.184)
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2]) * 4.184]
                        if key in havekeys:
                            first_shot = False
                for key in havekeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key].append(float(s[-2]) * 4.184)
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2]) * 4.184]
        for key in ecomp:
            ecomp[key] = np.array(ecomp[key])
        ecomp["Potential Energy"] = edyn
        ecomp["Kinetic Energy"] = kdyn
        ecomp["Temperature"] = temps
        ecomp["Total Energy"] = edyn + kdyn

        # Energies in kilojoules per mole
        eanl = np.array(eanl) * 4.184
        # Dipole moments in debye
        dip = np.array(dip)
        # Volume of simulation boxes in cubic nanometers
        # Conversion factor derived from the following:
        # In [22]: 1.0 * gram / mole / (1.0 * nanometer)**3 / AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA / (kilogram/meter**3)
        # Out[22]: 1.6605387831627252
        conv = 1.6605387831627252
        if self.pbc:
            vol = np.array([BuildLatticeFromLengthsAngles(*[float(j) for j in line.split()]).V \
                                for line in open("%s-md.arc" % self.name).readlines() \
                                if (len(line.split()) == 6 and isfloat(line.split()[1]) \
                                        and all([isfloat(i) for i in line.split()[:6]]))]) / 1000
            rho = conv * mass / vol
            vol = None
            rho = None
        prop_return = OrderedDict()
            'Rhos': rho,
            'Potentials': edyn,
            'Kinetics': kdyn,
            'Volumes': vol,
            'Dips': dip,
            'Ecomps': ecomp
        return prop_return
コード例 #25
def make_torsiondrive_target(dataset_name, torsiondrive_data, test_ff=None):
    Make a folder of ForceBalance targets from the torsiondrive data
    target_name_prefix = 'td_' + dataset_name.replace(' ', '_')
    # create new targets folder
    if os.path.exists('targets'):
    # write each entry as an individual target
    target_idx = 0
    n_targets = len(torsiondrive_data)
    idx_fmt_string = get_int_fmt_string(n_targets)
    target_names = []
    print(f"Generating {n_targets} targets")
    for entry_index, td_data in torsiondrive_data.items():
        # pick a single initial molecule
        qcmol = td_data['initial_molecules'][0]
        # get mol_formula
        mol_formula = qcmol.get_molecular_formula()
        # create target folder
        target_idx_str = idx_fmt_string.format(target_idx)
        target_name = f"{target_name_prefix}_{target_idx_str}_{mol_formula}"
        print(f"{target_idx}: {target_name}")
        # write a note
        with open('note.txt', 'w') as notefile:
                f'Target generated from dataset {dataset_name}, entry {entry_index}'
        # write input.mol2 file
        qcjson_mol = qcmol.dict(encoding='json')
        oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcjson_mol)
        oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, oemol)
        # test mol2 file
        success = True
        if test_ff != None:
            success, msg, molecule_labels = test_ff_mol2(test_ff, 'input.mol2')
        if not success:
            if not os.path.exists('../error_mol2s'):
            shutil.move(f'input.mol2', f'../error_mol2s/{target_name}.mol2')
            with open(f'../error_mol2s/{target_name}_error.txt',
                      'w') as notefile:
                notefile.write(f'{dataset_name}\ntarget_name {target_name}\n')
                    f'entry {entry_index}\ntd_keywords {td_data["keywords"]}\n'
                notefile.write(f'error message:\n{msg}')
            # remove this folder
            # write conf.pdb file
            fbmol = Molecule(f'input.mol2')
            # list of grid ids sorted
            sorted_grid_ids = sorted(td_data['final_molecules'].keys())
            # write scan.xyz and qdata.txt files
            target_mol = Molecule()
            target_mol.elem = fbmol.elem
            target_mol.xyzs = []
            target_mol.qm_energies = []
            target_mol.qm_grads = []
            for grid_id in sorted_grid_ids:
                grid_qc_mol = td_data['final_molecules'][grid_id]
                # convert geometry unit Bohr -> Angstrom
                geo = grid_qc_mol.geometry * 0.529177
                # add energy and gradient
            # check if the torsion scan contains one or more conformers forming strong internal H bonds
            no_hbonds, hbonds = screening_Hbond(mol2_fnm='input.mol2',
            if no_hbonds != True:
                msg = 'One or more internal H bonds exist.'
                if not os.path.exists('../error_mol2s'):
                with open(f'../error_mol2s/{target_name}_error.txt',
                          'w') as notefile:
                        f'{dataset_name}\ntarget_name {target_name}\n')
                        f'entry {entry_index}\ntd_keywords {td_data["keywords"]}\n'
                    notefile.write(f'error message:\n{msg}')
                # remove this folder
                # pick metadata to write into the metadata.json file
                metadata = copy.deepcopy(td_data['keywords'])
                metadata['dataset_name'] = dataset_name
                metadata['entry_label'] = entry_index
                metadata['canonical_smiles'] = td_data['attributes'].get(
                    'canonical_smiles', 'unknown')
                metadata['torsion_grid_ids'] = sorted_grid_ids
                # find SMIRKs for torsion being scaned if test_ff is provided
                if test_ff:
                    metadata['smirks'] = []
                    metadata['smirks_ids'] = []
                    for torsion_indices in td_data['keywords']['dihedrals']:
                        param = molecule_labels['ProperTorsions'][tuple(
                with open('metadata.json', 'w') as jsonfile:
                    json.dump(metadata, jsonfile, indent=2)
                # finish this target
        target_idx += 1

    # write targets.{dataset_name}.in file
    target_in_fnm = f"targets.{dataset_name.replace(' ', '_')}.in"
    with open(target_in_fnm, 'w') as outfile:
        for target_name in target_names:
    print(f"Successfull generated {len(target_names)} targets.")
        f"You can copy contents in {target_in_fnm} to your ForceBalance input file."
コード例 #26
ファイル: filecnv.py プロジェクト: falagara/forcebalance
def main():
    topfnm = argv[3] if len(argv) >= 4 else None
    M = Molecule(argv[1], top=topfnm)
コード例 #27
ファイル: anifrq.py プロジェクト: mesoniat/forcebalance
# Psi4 output file.
psiout = sys.argv[1]

# Mode number, starting from 1.
modenum = int(sys.argv[2])

frqs, modes, elem, xyz = read_frq_psi(psiout)

M = Molecule()
M.elem = elem[:]
M.xyzs = []

xmode = modes[modenum - 1]
xmode /= np.linalg.norm(xmode) / np.sqrt(M.na)
xmode *= 0.3  # Reasonable vibrational amplitude

spac = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
disp = np.concatenate((spac, spac[::-1][1:], -1 * spac[1:], -1 * spac[::-1][1:-1]))

for i in disp:
    M.xyzs.append(xyz + i * xmode)

M.comms = [
    "Vibrational Mode %i Frequency %.3f Displacement %.3f"
    % (modenum, frqs[modenum - 1], disp[i] * (np.linalg.norm(xmode) / np.sqrt(M.na)))
    for i in range(len(M))

M.write(os.path.splitext(psiout)[0] + ".mode%03i.xyz" % modenum)
コード例 #28
#!/usr/bin/env python

from builtins import range
from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule
import os, sys

# Load in the Gromacs .gro file to be converted to TINKER format.
M = Molecule(sys.argv[1])

# Build the line suffix for the TINKER format.
tinkersuf = []
for i in range(M.na):
    if i%3==0:
        tinkersuf.append("%5i %5i %5i" % (1, i+2, i+3))
        tinkersuf.append("%5i %5i" % (2, i-i%3+1))
M.tinkersuf = tinkersuf

# Delete the periodic box.
del M.Data['boxes']

# Write the TINKER output format.
M.write(os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0]+'.xyz', ftype='tinker')
コード例 #29
def make_vib_freq_target(dataset_name, hessian_data, test_ff=None):
    Make a folder of ForceBalance targets from the torsiondrive data
    target_name_prefix = 'vibfreq_' + dataset_name.replace(' ', '_')
    # create new targets folder
    if os.path.exists('targets'):
    # write each entry as an individual target
    target_idx = 0
    n_targets = len(hessian_data)
    idx_fmt_string = get_int_fmt_string(n_targets)
    target_names = []
    print(f"Generating {n_targets} targets")
    for entry_index, data in hessian_data.items():
        # get formula for the molecule
        qcmol = data['molecule']
        # get mol_formula
        mol_formula = qcmol.get_molecular_formula()
        # create target folder
        target_idx_str = idx_fmt_string.format(target_idx)
        target_name = f"{target_name_prefix}_{target_idx_str}_{mol_formula}"
        print(f"{target_idx_str}: {target_name:70s} - ", end='')
        # write a note
        with open('note.txt', 'w') as notefile:
                f'Target generated from dataset {dataset_name}, entry {entry_index}'
        # write input.mol2 file
        qcjson_mol = qcmol.dict(encoding='json')
        oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcjson_mol)
        oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, oemol)
        # test mol2 file
        success = True
        # test if bonds changed
        if not check_connectivity('input.mol2'):
            success = False
            msg = "Bonds changed after rebuild"
        if success and test_ff != None:
            success, msg, molecule_labels = test_ff_mol2(test_ff, 'input.mol2')
        if not success:
            if not os.path.exists('../error_mol2s'):
            shutil.move(f'input.mol2', f'../error_mol2s/{target_name}.mol2')
            with open(f'../error_mol2s/{target_name}_error.txt',
                      'w') as notefile:
                notefile.write(f'{dataset_name}\ntarget_name {target_name}\n')
                notefile.write(f'entry {entry_index}\n')
                notefile.write(f'error message:\n{msg}')
            # remove this folder
            print("Error: " + msg.replace('\n', ';'))
            # write conf.pdb file
            fbmol = Molecule(f'input.mol2')
            # write vdata.txt for this target
            create_vdata_txt('conf.pdb', data)
            # finish this target
        target_idx += 1
    # write targets.{dataset_name}.in file
    target_in_fnm = f"targets.{dataset_name.replace(' ', '_')}.in"
    with open(target_in_fnm, 'w') as outfile:
        for target_name in target_names:
    print(f"Successfull generated {len(target_names)} targets.")
        f"You can copy contents in {target_in_fnm} to your ForceBalance input file."
コード例 #30
ファイル: amberio.py プロジェクト: albaugh/forcebalance
class AMBER(Engine):

    """ Engine for carrying out general purpose AMBER calculations. """

    def __init__(self, name="amber", **kwargs):
        ## Keyword args that aren't in this list are filtered out.
        self.valkwd = ['amberhome', 'pdb', 'mol2', 'frcmod', 'leapcmd']
        super(AMBER,self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)

    def setopts(self, **kwargs):
        """ Called by __init__ ; Set AMBER-specific options. """

        ## The directory containing TINKER executables (e.g. dynamic)
        if 'amberhome' in kwargs:
            self.amberhome = kwargs['amberhome']
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.amberhome,"sander")):
                warn_press_key("The 'sander' executable indicated by %s doesn't exist! (Check amberhome)" \
                                   % os.path.join(self.amberhome,"sander"))
            warn_once("The 'amberhome' option was not specified; using default.")
            if which('sander') == '':
                warn_press_key("Please add AMBER executables to the PATH or specify amberhome.")
            self.amberhome = os.path.split(which('sander'))[0]
        with wopen('.quit.leap') as f:
            print >> f, 'quit'

        # AMBER search path
        self.spath = []
        for line in self.callamber('tleap -f .quit.leap'):
            if 'Adding' in line and 'to search path' in line:

    def readsrc(self, **kwargs):

        """ Called by __init__ ; read files from the source directory. """

        self.leapcmd = onefile(kwargs.get('leapcmd'), 'leap', err=True)
        self.absleap = os.path.abspath(self.leapcmd)

        # Name of the molecule, currently just call it a default name.
        self.mname = 'molecule'

        if 'mol' in kwargs:
            self.mol = kwargs['mol']
        elif 'coords' in kwargs:
            crdfile = onefile(kwargs.get('coords'), None, err=True)
            self.mol = Molecule(crdfile, build_topology=False)

        # AMBER has certain PDB requirements, so we will absolutely require one.
        needpdb = True
        # if hasattr(self, 'mol') and all([i in self.mol.Data.keys() for i in ["chain", "atomname", "resid", "resname", "elem"]]):
        #     needpdb = False

        # Determine the PDB file name.
        # If 'pdb' is provided to Engine initialization, it will be used to 
        # copy over topology information (chain, atomname etc.).  If mol/coords
        # is not provided, then it will also provide the coordinates.
        pdbfnm = onefile(kwargs.get('pdb'), 'pdb' if needpdb else None, err=needpdb)
        if pdbfnm != None:
            mpdb = Molecule(pdbfnm, build_topology=False)
            if hasattr(self, 'mol'):
                for i in ["chain", "atomname", "resid", "resname", "elem"]:
                    self.mol.Data[i] = mpdb.Data[i]
                self.mol = copy.deepcopy(mpdb)
        self.abspdb = os.path.abspath(pdbfnm)

        # Write the PDB that AMBER is going to read in.
        # This may or may not be identical to the one used to initialize the engine.
        # self.mol.write('%s.pdb' % self.name)
        # self.abspdb = os.path.abspath('%s.pdb' % self.name)

    def callamber(self, command, stdin=None, print_to_screen=False, print_command=False, **kwargs):

        """ Call TINKER; prepend the amberhome to calling the TINKER program. """

        csplit = command.split()
        # Sometimes the engine changes dirs and the inpcrd/prmtop go missing, so we link it.
        # Prepend the AMBER path to the program call.
        prog = os.path.join(self.amberhome, "bin", csplit[0])
        csplit[0] = prog
        # No need to catch exceptions since failed AMBER calculations will return nonzero exit status.
        o = _exec(' '.join(csplit), stdin=stdin, print_to_screen=print_to_screen, print_command=print_command, rbytes=1024, **kwargs)
        return o

    def leap(self, name=None, delcheck=False):
        if not os.path.exists(self.leapcmd):
            LinkFile(self.absleap, self.leapcmd)
        pdb = os.path.basename(self.abspdb)
        if not os.path.exists(pdb):
            LinkFile(self.abspdb, pdb)
        if name == None: name = self.name
        write_leap(self.leapcmd, mol2=self.mol2, frcmod=self.frcmod, pdb=pdb, prefix=name, spath=self.spath, delcheck=delcheck)
        self.callamber("tleap -f %s_" % self.leapcmd)

    def prepare(self, pbc=False, **kwargs):

        """ Called by __init__ ; prepare the temp directory and figure out the topology. """

        if hasattr(self,'FF'):
            if not (os.path.exists(self.FF.amber_frcmod) and os.path.exists(self.FF.amber_mol2)):
                # If the parameter files don't already exist, create them for the purpose of
                # preparing the engine, but then delete them afterward.
                prmtmp = True
            # Currently force field object only allows one mol2 and frcmod file although this can be lifted.
            self.mol2 = [self.FF.amber_mol2]
            self.frcmod = [self.FF.amber_frcmod]
            if 'mol2' in kwargs:
                logger.error("FF object is provided, which overrides mol2 keyword argument")
                raise RuntimeError
            if 'frcmod' in kwargs:
                logger.error("FF object is provided, which overrides frcmod keyword argument")
                raise RuntimeError
            prmtmp = False
            self.mol2 = listfiles(kwargs.get('mol2'), 'mol2', err=True)
            self.frcmod = listfiles(kwargs.get('frcmod'), 'frcmod', err=True)

        # Figure out the topology information.
        o = self.callamber("rdparm %s.prmtop" % self.name, 
                           persist=True, print_error=False)

        # Once we do this, we don't need the prmtop and inpcrd anymore
        os.unlink("%s.inpcrd" % self.name)
        os.unlink("%s.prmtop" % self.name)

        mode = 'None'
        self.AtomLists = defaultdict(list)
        G = nx.Graph()
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if 'Atom' in line:
                mode = 'Atom'
            elif 'Bond' in line:
                mode = 'Bond'
            elif 'RDPARM MENU' in line:
            elif 'EXITING' in line:
            elif len(s) == 0:
            elif mode == 'Atom':
                # Based on parsing lines like these:
   327:  HA   -0.01462  1.0 (  23:HIP )  H1    E   
   328:  CB   -0.33212 12.0 (  23:HIP )  CT    3   
   329:  HB2   0.10773  1.0 (  23:HIP )  HC    E   
   330:  HB3   0.10773  1.0 (  23:HIP )  HC    E   
   331:  CG    0.18240 12.0 (  23:HIP )  CC    B   
                # Based on variable width fields.
                atom_number = int(line.split(':')[0])
                atom_name = line.split()[1]
                atom_charge = float(line.split()[2])
                atom_mass = float(line.split()[3])
                rnn = line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(':')
                residue_number = int(rnn[0])
                residue_name = rnn[1]
                atom_type = line.split(')')[1].split()[0]
                # Not sure if this works
            elif mode == 'Bond':
                a, b = (int(i) for i in (line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',')))
                G.add_edge(a, b)

        self.AtomMask = [a == 'A' for a in self.AtomLists['ParticleType']]

        # Use networkx to figure out a list of molecule numbers.
        # gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)
        # tmols = [gs[i] for i in np.argsort(np.array([min(g.nodes()) for g in gs]))]
        # mnodes = [m.nodes() for m in tmols]
        # self.AtomLists['MoleculeNumber'] = [[i+1 in m for m in mnodes].index(1) for i in range(self.mol.na)]

        ## Write out the trajectory coordinates to a .mdcrd file.

        # I also need to write the trajectory
        if 'boxes' in self.mol.Data.keys():
            warn_press_key("Writing %s-all.crd file with no periodic box information" % self.name)
            del self.mol.Data['boxes']

        if hasattr(self, 'target') and hasattr(self.target,'shots'):
            self.qmatoms = target.qmatoms
            self.mol.write("%s-all.crd" % self.name, select=range(self.target.shots), ftype="mdcrd")
            self.qmatoms = self.mol.na
            self.mol.write("%s-all.crd" % self.name, ftype="mdcrd")

        if prmtmp:
            for f in self.FF.fnms: 

    def evaluate_(self, crdin, force=False):

        Utility function for computing energy and forces using AMBER. 
        crdin: AMBER .mdcrd file name.
        force: Switch for parsing the force. (Currently it always calculates the forces.)

        Result: Dictionary containing energies (and optionally) forces.

        force_mdin="""Loop over conformations and compute energy and force (use ioutfnm=1 for netcdf, ntb=0 for no box)
imin = 5, ntb = 0, cut=9, nstlim = 0, nsnb = 0
do_debugf = 1, dumpfrc = 1
        with wopen("%s-force.mdin" % self.name) as f:
            print >> f, force_mdin

        ## This line actually runs AMBER.
        self.callamber("sander -i %s-force.mdin -o %s-force.mdout -p %s.prmtop -c %s.inpcrd -y %s -O" % 
                       (self.name, self.name, self.name, self.name, crdin))
        ParseMode = 0
        Result = {}
        Energies = []
        Forces = []
        Force = []
        for line in open('forcedump.dat'):
            line = line.strip()
            sline = line.split()
            if ParseMode == 1:
                if len(sline) == 1 and isfloat(sline[0]):
                    Energies.append(float(sline[0]) * 4.184)
                    ParseMode = 0
            if ParseMode == 2:
                if len(sline) == 3 and all(isfloat(sline[i]) for i in range(3)):
                    Force += [float(sline[i]) * 4.184 * 10 for i in range(3)]
                if len(Force) == 3*self.qmatoms:
                    Force = []
                    ParseMode = 0
            if line == '0 START of Energies':
                ParseMode = 1
            elif line == '1 Total Force':
                ParseMode = 2

        Result["Energy"] = np.array(Energies[1:])
        Result["Force"] = np.array(Forces[1:])
        return Result

    def energy_force_one(self, shot):

        """ Computes the energy and force using TINKER for one snapshot. """

        self.mol[shot].write("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        Result = self.evaluate_("%s.xyz" % self.name, force=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1,1), Result["Force"]))

    def energy(self):

        """ Computes the energy using TINKER over a trajectory. """

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory') : 
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s-all.crd" % self.name
            self.mol.write(x, ftype="tinker")
        return self.evaluate_(x)["Energy"]

    def energy_force(self):

        """ Computes the energy and force using AMBER over a trajectory. """

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory') : 
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s-all.crd" % self.name
        Result = self.evaluate_(x, force=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1,1), Result["Force"]))

    def energy_dipole(self):

        """ Computes the energy and dipole using TINKER over a trajectory. """

        logger.error('Dipole moments are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        if hasattr(self, 'md_trajectory') : 
            x = self.md_trajectory
            x = "%s.xyz" % self.name
            self.mol.write(x, ftype="tinker")
        Result = self.evaluate_(x, dipole=True)
        return np.hstack((Result["Energy"].reshape(-1,1), Result["Dipole"]))

    def optimize(self, shot=0, method="newton", crit=1e-4):

        """ Optimize the geometry and align the optimized geometry to the starting geometry. """

        logger.error('Geometry optimizations are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError
        # Code from tinkerio.py
        if os.path.exists('%s.xyz_2' % self.name):
            os.unlink('%s.xyz_2' % self.name)
        self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        if method == "newton":
            if self.rigid: optprog = "optrigid"
            else: optprog = "optimize"
        elif method == "bfgs":
            if self.rigid: optprog = "minrigid"
            else: optprog = "minimize"
        o = self.calltinker("%s %s.xyz %f" % (optprog, self.name, crit))
        # Silently align the optimized geometry.
        M12 = Molecule("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker") + Molecule("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        if not self.pbc:
        M12[1].write("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
        rmsd = M12.ref_rmsd(0)[1]
        cnvgd = 0
        mode = 0
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if len(s) == 0: continue
            if "Optimally Conditioned Variable Metric Optimization" in line: mode = 1
            if "Limited Memory BFGS Quasi-Newton Optimization" in line: mode = 1
            if mode == 1 and isint(s[0]): mode = 2
            if mode == 2:
                if isint(s[0]): E = float(s[1])
                else: mode = 0
            if "Normal Termination" in line:
                cnvgd = 1
        if not cnvgd:
            for line in o:
                logger.info(str(line) + '\n')
            logger.info("The minimization did not converge in the geometry optimization - printout is above.\n")
        return E, rmsd

    def normal_modes(self, shot=0, optimize=True):

        logger.error('Normal modes are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        # Copied from tinkerio.py
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz_2 a" % (self.name))
            warn_once("Asking for normal modes without geometry optimization?")
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("vibrate %s.xyz a" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.  The vibrational frequencies are ordered.
        # The six modes with frequencies closest to zero are ignored
        readev = False
        calc_eigvals = []
        calc_eigvecs = []
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Vibrational Normal Mode" in line:
                freq = float(s[-2])
                readev = False
            elif "Atom" in line and "Delta X" in line:
                readev = True
            elif readev and len(s) == 4 and all([isint(s[0]), isfloat(s[1]), isfloat(s[2]), isfloat(s[3])]):
                calc_eigvecs[-1].append([float(i) for i in s[1:]])
        calc_eigvals = np.array(calc_eigvals)
        calc_eigvecs = np.array(calc_eigvecs)
        # Sort by frequency absolute value and discard the six that are closest to zero
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(np.abs(calc_eigvals))][6:]
        # Sort again by frequency
        calc_eigvecs = calc_eigvecs[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        calc_eigvals = calc_eigvals[np.argsort(calc_eigvals)]
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        return calc_eigvals, calc_eigvecs

    def multipole_moments(self, shot=0, optimize=True, polarizability=False):

        logger.error('Multipole moments are not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        """ Return the multipole moments of the 1st snapshot in Debye and Buckingham units. """
        # This line actually runs TINKER
        if optimize:
            self.optimize(shot, crit=1e-6)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz_2 M" % (self.name))
            self.mol[shot].write('%s.xyz' % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz M" % (self.name))
        # Read the TINKER output.
        qn = -1
        ln = 0
        for line in o:
            s = line.split()
            if "Dipole X,Y,Z-Components" in line:
                dipole_dict = OrderedDict(zip(['x','y','z'], [float(i) for i in s[-3:]]))
            elif "Quadrupole Moment Tensor" in line:
                qn = ln
                quadrupole_dict = OrderedDict([('xx',float(s[-3]))])
            elif qn > 0 and ln == qn + 1:
                quadrupole_dict['xy'] = float(s[-3])
                quadrupole_dict['yy'] = float(s[-2])
            elif qn > 0 and ln == qn + 2:
                quadrupole_dict['xz'] = float(s[-3])
                quadrupole_dict['yz'] = float(s[-2])
                quadrupole_dict['zz'] = float(s[-1])
            ln += 1
        calc_moments = OrderedDict([('dipole', dipole_dict), ('quadrupole', quadrupole_dict)])
        if polarizability:
            if optimize:
                o = self.calltinker("polarize %s.xyz_2" % (self.name))
                o = self.calltinker("polarize %s.xyz" % (self.name))
            # Read the TINKER output.
            pn = -1
            ln = 0
            polarizability_dict = OrderedDict()
            for line in o:
                s = line.split()
                if "Total Polarizability Tensor" in line:
                    pn = ln
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 2:
                    polarizability_dict['xx'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yx'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zx'] = float(s[-1])
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 3:
                    polarizability_dict['xy'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yy'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zy'] = float(s[-1])
                elif pn > 0 and ln == pn + 4:
                    polarizability_dict['xz'] = float(s[-3])
                    polarizability_dict['yz'] = float(s[-2])
                    polarizability_dict['zz'] = float(s[-1])
                ln += 1
            calc_moments['polarizability'] = polarizability_dict
        os.system("rm -rf *.xyz_* *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
        return calc_moments

    def energy_rmsd(self, shot=0, optimize=True):

        """ Calculate energy of the selected structure (optionally minimize and return the minimized energy and RMSD). In kcal/mol. """

        logger.error('Geometry optimization is not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        rmsd = 0.0
        # This line actually runs TINKER
        # xyzfnm = sysname+".xyz"
        if optimize:
            E_, rmsd = self.optimize(shot)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz_2 E" % self.name)
            # Two equivalent ways to get the RMSD, here for reference.
            # M1 = Molecule("%s.xyz" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            # M2 = Molecule("%s.xyz_2" % self.name, ftype="tinker")
            # M1 += M2
            # rmsd = M1.ref_rmsd(0)[1]
            # oo = self.calltinker("superpose %s.xyz %s.xyz_2 1 y u n 0" % (self.name, self.name))
            # for line in oo:
            #     if "Root Mean Square Distance" in line:
            #         rmsd = float(line.split()[-1])
            os.system("rm %s.xyz_2" % self.name)
            o = self.calltinker("analyze %s.xyz E" % self.name)
        # Read the TINKER output. 
        E = None
        for line in o:
            if "Total Potential Energy" in line:
                E = float(line.split()[-2].replace('D','e'))
        if E == None:
            logger.error("Total potential energy wasn't encountered when calling analyze!\n")
            raise RuntimeError
        if optimize and abs(E-E_) > 0.1:
            warn_press_key("Energy from optimize and analyze aren't the same (%.3f vs. %.3f)" % (E, E_))
        return E, rmsd

    def interaction_energy(self, fraga, fragb):
        """ Calculate the interaction energy for two fragments. """

        logger.error('Interaction energy is not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError
        self.A = TINKER(name="A", mol=self.mol.atom_select(fraga), tinker_key="%s.key" % self.name, tinkerpath=self.tinkerpath)
        self.B = TINKER(name="B", mol=self.mol.atom_select(fragb), tinker_key="%s.key" % self.name, tinkerpath=self.tinkerpath)

        # Interaction energy needs to be in kcal/mol.
        return (self.energy() - self.A.energy() - self.B.energy()) / 4.184

    def molecular_dynamics(self, nsteps, timestep, temperature=None, pressure=None, nequil=0, nsave=1000, minimize=True, anisotropic=False, threads=1, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        Method for running a molecular dynamics simulation.  

        Required arguments:
        nsteps      = (int)   Number of total time steps
        timestep    = (float) Time step in FEMTOSECONDS
        temperature = (float) Temperature control (Kelvin)
        pressure    = (float) Pressure control (atmospheres)
        nequil      = (int)   Number of additional time steps at the beginning for equilibration
        nsave       = (int)   Step interval for saving and printing data
        minimize    = (bool)  Perform an energy minimization prior to dynamics
        threads     = (int)   Specify how many OpenMP threads to use

        Returns simulation data:
        Rhos        = (array)     Density in kilogram m^-3
        Potentials  = (array)     Potential energies
        Kinetics    = (array)     Kinetic energies
        Volumes     = (array)     Box volumes
        Dips        = (3xN array) Dipole moments
        EComps      = (dict)      Energy components

        logger.error('Molecular dynamics not yet implemented in AMBER interface')
        raise NotImplementedError

        md_defs = OrderedDict()
        md_opts = OrderedDict()
        # Print out averages only at the end.
        md_opts["printout"] = nsave
        md_opts["openmp-threads"] = threads
        # Langevin dynamics for temperature control.
        if temperature != None:
            md_defs["integrator"] = "stochastic"
            md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
            md_opts["thermostat"] = None
        # Periodic boundary conditions.
        if self.pbc:
            md_opts["vdw-correction"] = ''
            if temperature != None and pressure != None: 
                md_defs["integrator"] = "beeman"
                md_defs["thermostat"] = "bussi"
                md_defs["barostat"] = "montecarlo"
                if anisotropic:
                    md_opts["aniso-pressure"] = ''
            elif pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because temperature is turned off.")
            if pressure != None:
                warn_once("Pressure is ignored because pbc is set to False.")
            # Use stochastic dynamics for the gas phase molecule.
            # If we use the regular integrators it may miss
            # six degrees of freedom in calculating the kinetic energy.
            md_opts["barostat"] = None

        eq_opts = deepcopy(md_opts)
        if self.pbc and temperature != None and pressure != None: 
            eq_opts["integrator"] = "beeman"
            eq_opts["thermostat"] = "bussi"
            eq_opts["barostat"] = "berendsen"

        if minimize:
            if verbose: logger.info("Minimizing the energy...")
            self.optimize(method="bfgs", crit=1)
            os.system("mv %s.xyz_2 %s.xyz" % (self.name, self.name))
            if verbose: logger.info("Done\n")

        # Run equilibration.
        if nequil > 0:
            write_key("%s-eq.key" % self.name, eq_opts, "%s.key" % self.name, md_defs)
            if verbose: printcool("Running equilibration dynamics", color=0)
            if self.pbc and pressure != None:
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 4 %f %f" % (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep, float(nsave*timestep)/1000, 
                                                                          temperature, pressure), print_to_screen=verbose)
                self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-eq %i %f %f 2 %f" % (self.name, self.name, nequil, timestep, float(nsave*timestep)/1000,
                                                                       temperature), print_to_screen=verbose)
            os.system("rm -f %s.arc" % (self.name))

        # Run production.
        if verbose: printcool("Running production dynamics", color=0)
        write_key("%s-md.key" % self.name, md_opts, "%s.key" % self.name, md_defs)
        if self.pbc and pressure != None:
            odyn = self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 4 %f %f" % (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep, float(nsave*timestep/1000), 
                                                                             temperature, pressure), print_to_screen=verbose)
            odyn = self.calltinker("dynamic %s -k %s-md %i %f %f 2 %f" % (self.name, self.name, nsteps, timestep, float(nsave*timestep/1000), 
                                                                          temperature), print_to_screen=verbose)
        # Gather information.
        os.system("mv %s.arc %s-md.arc" % (self.name, self.name))
        self.md_trajectory = "%s-md.arc" % self.name
        edyn = []
        kdyn = []
        temps = []
        for line in odyn:
            s = line.split()
            if 'Current Potential' in line:
            if 'Current Kinetic' in line:
            if len(s) > 0 and s[0] == 'Temperature' and s[2] == 'Kelvin':

        # Potential and kinetic energies converted to kJ/mol.
        edyn = np.array(edyn) * 4.184
        kdyn = np.array(kdyn) * 4.184
        temps = np.array(temps)
        if verbose: logger.info("Post-processing to get the dipole moments\n")
        oanl = self.calltinker("analyze %s-md.arc" % self.name, stdin="G,E,M", print_to_screen=False)

        # Read potential energy and dipole from file.
        eanl = []
        dip = []
        mass = 0.0
        ecomp = OrderedDict()
        havekeys = set()
        first_shot = True
        for ln, line in enumerate(oanl):
            strip = line.strip()
            s = line.split()
            if 'Total System Mass' in line:
                mass = float(s[-1])
            if 'Total Potential Energy : ' in line:
            if 'Dipole X,Y,Z-Components :' in line:
                dip.append([float(s[i]) for i in range(-3,0)])
            if first_shot:
                for key in eckeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2])*4.184]
                        if key in havekeys:
                            first_shot = False
                for key in havekeys:
                    if strip.startswith(key):
                        if key in ecomp:
                            ecomp[key] = [float(s[-2])*4.184]
        for key in ecomp:
            ecomp[key] = np.array(ecomp[key])
        ecomp["Potential Energy"] = edyn
        ecomp["Kinetic Energy"] = kdyn
        ecomp["Temperature"] = temps
        ecomp["Total Energy"] = edyn+kdyn

        # Energies in kilojoules per mole
        eanl = np.array(eanl) * 4.184
        # Dipole moments in debye
        dip = np.array(dip)
        # Volume of simulation boxes in cubic nanometers
        # Conversion factor derived from the following:
        # In [22]: 1.0 * gram / mole / (1.0 * nanometer)**3 / AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA / (kilogram/meter**3)
        # Out[22]: 1.6605387831627252
        conv = 1.6605387831627252
        if self.pbc:
            vol = np.array([BuildLatticeFromLengthsAngles(*[float(j) for j in line.split()]).V \
                                for line in open("%s-md.arc" % self.name).readlines() \
                                if (len(line.split()) == 6 and isfloat(line.split()[1]) \
                                        and all([isfloat(i) for i in line.split()[:6]]))]) / 1000
            rho = conv * mass / vol
            vol = None
            rho = None
        prop_return = OrderedDict()
        prop_return.update({'Rhos': rho, 'Potentials': edyn, 'Kinetics': kdyn, 'Volumes': vol, 'Dips': dip, 'Ecomps': ecomp})
        return prop_return
コード例 #31
ファイル: lipid.py プロジェクト: leeping/forcebalance
class Lipid(Target):
    """ Subclass of Target for lipid property matching."""

    def __init__(self,options,tgt_opts,forcefield):
        # Initialize base class
        # Weight of the density
        # Weight of the thermal expansion coefficient
        # Weight of the isothermal compressibility
        # Weight of the isobaric heat capacity
        # Weight of the dielectric constant
        # Weight of the area per lipid
        # Weight of the bilayer isothermal compressibility
        # Weight of the deuterium order parameter
        # Normalize the property contributions to the objective function
        # Optionally pause on the zeroth step
        # Number of time steps in the lipid "equilibration" run
        # Number of time steps in the lipid "production" run
        # Number of time steps in the gas "equilibration" run
        # Number of time steps in the gas "production" run
        # Cutoff for nonbonded interactions in the liquid
        if tgt_opts['nonbonded_cutoff'] is not None:
        # Cutoff for vdW interactions if different from other nonbonded interactions
        if tgt_opts['vdw_cutoff'] is not None:
        # Time step length (in fs) for the lipid production run
        # Time interval (in ps) for writing coordinates
        # Time step length (in fs) for the gas production run
        # Time interval (in ps) for writing coordinates
        # Minimize the energy prior to running any dynamics
        # Isolated dipole (debye) for analytic self-polarization correction.
        # Molecular polarizability (ang**3) for analytic self-polarization correction.
        # Set up the simulation object for self-polarization correction.
        self.do_self_pol = (self.self_pol_mu0 > 0.0 and self.self_pol_alpha > 0.0)
        # Enable anisotropic periodic box
        # Whether to save trajectories (0 = never, 1 = delete after good step, 2 = keep all)

        #     Variables which are set here     #
        ## LPW 2018-02-11: This is set to True if the target calculates
        ## a single-point property over several existing snapshots.
        self.loop_over_snapshots = False
        # List of trajectory files that may be deleted if self.save_traj == 1.
        self.last_traj = []
        # Extra files to be copied back at the end of a run.
        self.extra_output = []
        # Read the reference data
        # Read in lipid starting coordinates.
        if 'n_ic' in self.RefData:
            # Linked IC folder into the temp-directory.
            self.nptfiles += ["IC"]
            # Store IC frames in a dictionary.
            self.lipid_mols = OrderedDict()
            self.lipid_mols_new = OrderedDict()
            for pt in self.PhasePoints:
                pt_label = "IC/%sK-%s%s" % (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, pt_label, self.lipid_coords)):
                    raise RuntimeError("Initial condition files don't exist; please provide IC directory")
                # Create molecule object for each IC.
                all_ic = Molecule(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, pt_label, self.lipid_coords))
                self.lipid_mols[pt] = []
                n_uniq_ic = int(self.RefData['n_ic'][pt])
                if n_uniq_ic > len(all_ic):
                    raise RuntimeError("Number of frames in initial conditions .gro file is less than the number of parallel simulations requested in data.csv")
                # Index ICs by pressure and temperature in a dictionary.
                for ic in range(n_uniq_ic):
            # Read in lipid starting coordinates.
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, self.lipid_coords)): 
                logger.error("%s doesn't exist; please provide lipid_coords option\n" % self.lipid_coords)
                raise RuntimeError
            self.lipid_mol = Molecule(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, self.lipid_coords), toppbc=True)
            # Extra files to be linked into the temp-directory.
            self.nptfiles += [self.lipid_coords]
        # Scripts to be copied from the ForceBalance installation directory.
        self.scripts += ['npt_lipid.py']
        # Prepare the temporary directory.
        # Build keyword dictionary to pass to engine.
        if self.do_self_pol:
            del self.gas_engine_args['name']
            # Create engine object for gas molecule to do the polarization correction.
            self.gas_engine = self.engine_(target=self, mol=self.gas_mol, name="selfpol", **self.gas_engine_args)
        # Don't read indicate.log when calling meta_indicate()
        self.read_indicate = False
        self.write_indicate = False
        # Don't read objective.p when calling meta_get()
        self.read_objective = False
        #          UNDER DEVELOPMENT           #
        # Put stuff here that I'm not sure about. :)
        np.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=100)
        ## Saved force field mvals for all iterations
        self.SavedMVal = {}
        ## Saved trajectories for all iterations and all temperatures
        self.SavedTraj = defaultdict(dict)
        ## Evaluated energies for all trajectories (i.e. all iterations and all temperatures), using all mvals
        self.MBarEnergy = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(dict))

    def prepare_temp_directory(self):
        """ Prepare the temporary directory by copying in important files. """
        abstempdir = os.path.join(self.root,self.tempdir)
        for f in self.nptfiles:
            LinkFile(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir, f), os.path.join(abstempdir, f))
        for f in self.scripts:

    def read_data(self):
        # Read the 'data.csv' file. The file should contain guidelines.
        with open(os.path.join(self.tgtdir,'data.csv'),'rU') as f: R0 = list(csv.reader(f))
        # All comments are erased.
        R1 = [[sub('#.*$','',word) for word in line] for line in R0 if len(line[0]) > 0 and line[0][0] != "#"]
        # All empty lines are deleted and words are converted to lowercase.
        R = [[wrd.lower() for wrd in line] for line in R1 if any([len(wrd) for wrd in line]) > 0]
        global_opts = OrderedDict()
        found_headings = False
        known_vars = ['mbar','rho','hvap','alpha','kappa','cp','eps0','cvib_intra',
                      'cvib_inter','cni','devib_intra','devib_inter', 'al', 'scd', 'n_ic', 'lkappa']
        self.RefData = OrderedDict()
        for line in R:
            if line[0] == "global":
                # Global options are mainly denominators for the different observables.
                if isfloat(line[2]):
                    global_opts[line[1]] = float(line[2])
                elif line[2].lower() == 'false':
                    global_opts[line[1]] = False
                elif line[2].lower() == 'true':
                    global_opts[line[1]] = True
            elif not found_headings:
                found_headings = True
                headings = line
                if len(set(headings)) != len(headings):
                    logger.error('Column headings in data.csv must be unique\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
                if 'p' not in headings:
                    logger.error('There must be a pressure column heading labeled by "p" in data.csv\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
                if 't' not in headings:
                    logger.error('There must be a temperature column heading labeled by "t" in data.csv\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
            elif found_headings:
                    # Temperatures are in kelvin.
                    t     = [float(val) for head, val in zip(headings,line) if head == 't'][0]
                    # For convenience, users may input the pressure in atmosphere or bar.
                    pval  = [float(val.split()[0]) for head, val in zip(headings,line) if head == 'p'][0]
                    punit = [val.split()[1] if len(val.split()) >= 1 else "atm" for head, val in zip(headings,line) if head == 'p'][0]
                    unrec = set([punit]).difference(['atm','bar']) 
                    if len(unrec) > 0:
                        logger.error('The pressure unit %s is not recognized, please use bar or atm\n' % unrec[0])
                        raise RuntimeError
                    # This line actually reads the reference data and inserts it into the RefData dictionary of dictionaries.
                    for head, val in zip(headings,line):
                        if head == 't' or head == 'p' : continue
                        if isfloat(val):
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = float(val.strip())
                        elif val.lower() == 'true':
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = True
                        elif val.lower() == 'false':
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = False
                        elif head == 'scd':
                            self.RefData.setdefault(head,OrderedDict([]))[(t,pval,punit)] = np.array(list(map(float, val.split())))
                    logger.error(line + '\n')
                    logger.error('Encountered an error reading this line!\n')
                    raise RuntimeError
                logger.error(line + '\n')
                logger.error('I did not recognize this line!\n')
                raise RuntimeError
        # Check the reference data table for validity.
        default_denoms = defaultdict(int)
        PhasePoints = None
        RefData_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.RefData)
        for head in self.RefData:
            if head == 'n_ic':
            if head not in known_vars+[i+"_wt" for i in known_vars]:
                # Only hard-coded properties may be recognized.
                logger.error("The column heading %s is not recognized in data.csv\n" % head)
                raise RuntimeError
            if head in known_vars:
                if head+"_wt" not in self.RefData:
                    # If the phase-point weights are not specified in the reference data file, initialize them all to one.
                    RefData_copy[head+"_wt"] = OrderedDict([(key, 1.0) for key in self.RefData[head]])
                wts = np.array(list(RefData_copy[head+"_wt"].values()))
                dat = np.array(list(self.RefData[head].values()))
                # S_cd specifies an array of averages (one for each tail node).  Find avg over axis 0.
                avg = np.average(dat, weights=wts, axis=0)
                if len(wts) > 1:
                    # If there is more than one data point, then the default denominator is the
                    # standard deviation of the experimental values.
                    if head == 'scd':
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.average(np.sqrt(np.dot(wts, (dat-avg)**2)/wts.sum()))
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.sqrt(np.dot(wts, (dat-avg)**2)/wts.sum())
                    # If there is only one data point, then the denominator is just the single
                    # data point itself.
                    if head == 'scd':
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.average(np.sqrt(np.abs(dat[0])))
                        default_denoms[head+"_denom"] = np.sqrt(np.abs(dat[0]))
            self.PhasePoints = list(self.RefData[head].keys())
            # This prints out all of the reference data.
            # printcool_dictionary(self.RefData[head],head)
        self.RefData = RefData_copy
        # Create labels for the directories.
        self.Labels = ["%.2fK-%.1f%s" % i for i in self.PhasePoints]
        logger.debug("global_opts:\n%s\n" % str(global_opts))
        logger.debug("default_denoms:\n%s\n" % str(default_denoms))
        for opt in global_opts:
            if "_denom" in opt:
                # Record entries from the global_opts dictionary so they can be retrieved from other methods.

    def check_files(self, there):
        there = os.path.abspath(there)
        havepts = 0
        if all([i in os.listdir(there) for i in self.Labels]):
            for d in os.listdir(there):
                if d in self.Labels:
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(there, d, 'npt_result.p')):
                        havepts += 1
        if (float(havepts)/len(self.Labels)) > 0.75:
            return 1
            return 0
    def npt_simulation(self, temperature, pressure, simnum):
        """ Submit a NPT simulation to the Work Queue. """
        wq = getWorkQueue()
        if not os.path.exists('npt_result.p'):
            self.last_traj += [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), i) for i in self.extra_output]
            self.lipid_mol[simnum%len(self.lipid_mol)].write(self.lipid_coords, ftype='tinker' if self.engname == 'tinker' else None)
            cmdstr = '%s python npt_lipid.py %s %.3f %.3f' % (self.nptpfx, self.engname, temperature, pressure)
            if wq is None:
                logger.info("Running condensed phase simulation locally.\n")
                logger.info("You may tail -f %s/npt.out in another terminal window\n" % os.getcwd())
                _exec(cmdstr, copy_stderr=True, outfnm='npt.out')
                queue_up(wq, command = cmdstr+' &> npt.out',
                         input_files = self.nptfiles + self.scripts + ['forcebalance.p'],
                         output_files = ['npt_result.p', 'npt.out'] + self.extra_output, tgt=self)

    def polarization_correction(self,mvals):
        d = self.gas_engine.get_multipole_moments(optimize=True)['dipole']
        if not in_fd():
            logger.info("The molecular dipole moment is % .3f debye\n" % np.linalg.norm(d))
        # Taken from the original OpenMM interface code, this is how we calculate the conversion factor.
        # dd2 = ((np.linalg.norm(d)-self.self_pol_mu0)*debye)**2
        # eps0 = 8.854187817620e-12 * coulomb**2 / newton / meter**2
        # epol = 0.5*dd2/(self.self_pol_alpha*angstrom**3*4*np.pi*eps0)/(kilojoule_per_mole/AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA)
        # In [2]: eps0 = 8.854187817620e-12 * coulomb**2 / newton / meter**2
        # In [7]: 1.0 * debye ** 2 / (1.0 * angstrom**3*4*np.pi*eps0) / (kilojoule_per_mole/AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA)
        # Out[7]: 60.240179789402056
        convert = 60.240179789402056
        dd2 = (np.linalg.norm(d)-self.self_pol_mu0)**2
        epol = 0.5*convert*dd2/self.self_pol_alpha
        return epol

    def indicate(self): 
        AGrad = hasattr(self, 'Gp')
        PrintDict = OrderedDict()
        def print_item(key, heading, physunit):
            if self.Xp[key] > 0:
                printcool_dictionary(self.Pp[key], title='%s %s%s\nTemperature  Pressure  Reference  Calculated +- Stdev     Delta    Weight    Term   ' % 
                                     (self.name, heading, " (%s) " % physunit if physunit else ""), bold=True, color=4, keywidth=15)
                bar = printcool("%s objective function: % .3f%s" % (heading, self.Xp[key], ", Derivative:" if AGrad else ""))
                if AGrad:
                PrintDict[heading] = "% 10.5f % 8.3f % 14.5e" % (self.Xp[key], self.Wp[key], self.Xp[key]*self.Wp[key])

        print_item("Rho", "Density", "kg m^-3")
        print_item("Alpha", "Thermal Expansion Coefficient", "10^-4 K^-1")
        print_item("Kappa", "Isothermal Compressibility", "10^-6 bar^-1")
        print_item("Cp", "Isobaric Heat Capacity", "cal mol^-1 K^-1")
        print_item("Eps0", "Dielectric Constant", None)
        print_item("Al", "Average Area per Lipid", "nm^2")
        print_item("Scd", "Deuterium Order Parameter", None)
        print_item("LKappa", "Bilayer Isothermal Compressibility", "mN/m")

        PrintDict['Total'] = "% 10s % 8s % 14.5e" % ("","",self.Objective)

        Title = "%s Condensed Phase Properties:\n %-20s %40s" % (self.name, "Property Name", "Residual x Weight = Contribution")

    def objective_term(self, points, expname, calc, err, grad, name="Quantity", SubAverage=False):
        if expname in self.RefData:
            exp = self.RefData[expname]
            Weights = self.RefData[expname+"_wt"]
            Denom = getattr(self,expname+"_denom")
            # If the reference data doesn't exist then return nothing.
            return 0.0, np.zeros(self.FF.np), np.zeros((self.FF.np,self.FF.np)), None
        Sum = sum(Weights.values())
        for i in Weights:
            Weights[i] /= Sum
        logger.info("Weights have been renormalized to " + str(sum(Weights.values())) + "\n")
        # Use least-squares or hyperbolic (experimental) objective.
        LeastSquares = True

        logger.info("Physical quantity %s uses denominator = % .4f\n" % (name, Denom))
        if not LeastSquares:
            # If using a hyperbolic functional form
            # we still want the contribution to the 
            # objective function to be the same when
            # Delta = Denom.
            Denom /= 3 ** 0.5
        Objective = 0.0
        Gradient = np.zeros(self.FF.np)
        Hessian = np.zeros((self.FF.np,self.FF.np))
        Objs = {}
        GradMap = []
        avgCalc = 0.0
        avgExp  = 0.0
        avgGrad = np.zeros(self.FF.np)
        for i, PT in enumerate(points):
            avgCalc += Weights[PT]*calc[PT]
            avgExp  += Weights[PT]*exp[PT]
            avgGrad += Weights[PT]*grad[PT]
        for i, PT in enumerate(points):
            if SubAverage:
                G = grad[PT]-avgGrad
                Delta = calc[PT] - exp[PT] - avgCalc + avgExp
                G = grad[PT]
                Delta = calc[PT] - exp[PT]
            if hasattr(Delta, "__len__"):
                Delta = np.average(Delta)
            if LeastSquares:
                # Least-squares objective function.
                ThisObj = Weights[PT] * Delta ** 2 / Denom**2
                Objs[PT] = ThisObj
                ThisGrad = 2.0 * Weights[PT] * Delta * G / Denom**2
                Objective += ThisObj
                Gradient += ThisGrad
                # Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian.
                Hessian += 2.0 * Weights[PT] * (np.outer(G, G)) / Denom**2
                # L1-like objective function.
                D = Denom
                S = Delta**2 + D**2
                ThisObj  = Weights[PT] * (S**0.5-D) / Denom
                ThisGrad = Weights[PT] * (Delta/S**0.5) * G / Denom
                ThisHess = Weights[PT] * (1/S**0.5-Delta**2/S**1.5) * np.outer(G,G) / Denom
                Objs[PT] = ThisObj
                Objective += ThisObj
                Gradient += ThisGrad
                Hessian += ThisHess
        GradMapPrint = [["#PhasePoint"] + self.FF.plist]
        for PT, g in zip(points,GradMap):
            GradMapPrint.append([' %8.2f %8.1f %3s' % PT] + ["% 9.3e" % i for i in g])
        o = wopen('gradient_%s.dat' % name)
        for line in GradMapPrint:
            print(' '.join(line), file=o)
        Delta = np.array([calc[PT] - exp[PT] for PT in points])
        delt = {PT : r for PT, r in zip(points,Delta)}
        if expname == 'scd': 
            print_out = OrderedDict([('    %8.2f %8.1f %3s' % PT, '\n %s' % (' '.join('\t \t \t %9.6f    %9.6f +- %-7.6f % 7.6f \n' % F for F in zip(exp[PT], calc[PT], flat(err[PT]), delt[PT])))) for PT in calc])
            print_out = OrderedDict([('    %8.2f %8.1f %3s' % PT, "%9.3f    %9.3f +- %-7.3f % 7.3f % 9.5f % 9.5f" % (exp[PT],calc[PT],err[PT],delt[PT],Weights[PT],Objs[PT])) for PT in calc])

        return Objective, Gradient, Hessian, print_out

    def submit_jobs(self, mvals, AGrad=True, AHess=True):
        # This routine is called by Objective.stage() will run before "get".
        # It submits the jobs to the Work Queue and the stage() function will wait for jobs to complete.
        # First dump the force field to a pickle file

        # Give the user an opportunity to copy over data from a previous (perhaps failed) run.
        if (not self.evaluated) and self.manual:
            warn_press_key("Now's our chance to fill the temp directory up with data!\n(Considering using 'read' or 'continue' for better checkpointing)", timeout=7200)

        # If self.save_traj == 1, delete the trajectory files from a previous good optimization step.
        if self.evaluated and self.goodstep and self.save_traj < 2:
            for fn in self.last_traj:
                if os.path.exists(fn):
        self.last_traj = []

        # Set up and run the NPT simulations.
        snum = 0
        for label, pt in zip(self.Labels, self.PhasePoints):
            T = pt[0]
            P = pt[1]
            Punit = pt[2]
            if Punit == 'bar':
                P *= 1.0 / 1.01325
            if not os.path.exists(label):
                if 'n_ic' in self.RefData:
                    n_uniq_ic = int(self.RefData['n_ic'][pt])
                    # Loop over parallel trajectories.
                    for trj in range(n_uniq_ic):
                        rel_trj = "trj_%i" % trj
                        # Create directories for each parallel simulation.
                        if not os.path.exists(rel_trj):
                            # Pull each simulation molecule from the lipid_mols dictionary.
                            # lipid_mols is a dictionary of paths to either the initial 
                            # geometry files, or the geometries from the final frame of the 
                            # previous iteration.
                            self.lipid_mol = self.lipid_mols[pt][trj]
                            if not self.lipid_coords in self.nptfiles:
                                self.nptfiles += [self.lipid_coords]
                snum += 1

    def get(self, mvals, AGrad=True, AHess=True):
        Fitting of lipid bulk properties.  This is the current major
        direction of development for ForceBalance.  Basically, fitting
        the QM energies / forces alone does not always give us the
        best simulation behavior.  In many cases it makes more sense
        to try and reproduce some experimentally known data as well.

        In order to reproduce experimentally known data, we need to
        run a simulation and compare the simulation result to
        experiment.  The main challenge here is that the simulations
        are computationally intensive (i.e. they require energy and
        force evaluations), and furthermore the results are noisy.  We
        need to run the simulations automatically and remotely
        (i.e. on clusters) and a good way to calculate the derivatives
        of the simulation results with respect to the parameter values.

        This function contains some experimentally known values of the
        density and enthalpy of vaporization (Hvap) of lipid water.
        It launches the density and Hvap calculations on the cluster,
        and gathers the results / derivatives.  The actual calculation
        of results / derivatives is done in a separate file.

        After the results come back, they are gathered together to form
        an objective function.

        @param[in] mvals Mathematical parameter values
        @param[in] AGrad Switch to turn on analytic gradient
        @param[in] AHess Switch to turn on analytic Hessian
        @return Answer Contribution to the objective function

        mbar_verbose = False

        Answer = {}

        Results = {}
        Points = []  # These are the phase points for which data exists.
        BPoints = [] # These are the phase points for which we are doing MBAR for the condensed phase.
        tt = 0
        for label, PT in zip(self.Labels, self.PhasePoints):
            if 'n_ic' in self.RefData:
                self.lipid_mols[PT] = [Molecule(last_frame) for last_frame in self.lipid_mols[PT]]
                n_uniq_ic = int(self.RefData['n_ic'][PT])
                for ic in range(n_uniq_ic):
                    if os.path.exists('./%s/trj_%s/npt_result.p' % (label, ic)):
                        # Read in each each parallel simulation's data, and concatenate each property time series.
                        ts = lp_load('./%s/trj_%s/npt_result.p' % (label, ic))
                        if ic == 0:
                            ts_concat = list(ts)
                            for d_arr in range(len(ts)):
                                if isinstance(ts[d_arr], np.ndarray):
                                    # Gradients need a unique append format.
                                    if d_arr == 5:
                                        ts_concat[d_arr] = np.append(ts_concat[d_arr], ts[d_arr], axis = 1)
                                        ts_concat[d_arr] = np.append(ts_concat[d_arr], ts[d_arr], axis = 0)
                                if isinstance(ts_concat[d_arr], list):
                                    ts_concat[d_arr] = [np.append(ts_concat[d_arr][i], ts[d_arr][i], axis = 1) for i in range(len(ts_concat[d_arr]))]
                        # Write concatenated time series to a pickle file.
                        if ic == (int(n_uniq_ic) - 1):
                            lp_dump((ts_concat), './%s/npt_result.p' % label)
            if os.path.exists('./%s/npt_result.p' % label):
                logger.info('Reading information from ./%s/npt_result.p\n' % label)
                Results[tt] = lp_load('./%s/npt_result.p' % label)
                tt += 1
                logger.warning('The file ./%s/npt_result.p does not exist so we cannot read it\n' % label)
                # for obs in self.RefData:
                #     del self.RefData[obs][PT]
        if len(Points) == 0:
            logger.error('The lipid simulations have terminated with \x1b[1;91mno readable data\x1b[0m - this is a problem!\n')
            raise RuntimeError

        # Assign variable names to all the stuff in npt_result.p
        Rhos, Vols, Potentials, Energies, Dips, Grads, GDips, \
            Rho_errs, Alpha_errs, Kappa_errs, Cp_errs, Eps0_errs, NMols, Als, Al_errs, Scds, Scd_errs, LKappa_errs = ([Results[t][i] for t in range(len(Points))] for i in range(18))
        # Determine the number of molecules
        if len(set(NMols)) != 1:
            logger.error('The above list should only contain one number - the number of molecules\n')
            raise RuntimeError
            NMol = list(set(NMols))[0]
        R  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Rhos))))
        V  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Vols))))
        E  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Energies))))
        Dx = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(d[:,0] for d in Dips))))
        Dy = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(d[:,1] for d in Dips))))
        Dz = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(d[:,2] for d in Dips))))
        G  = np.hstack(tuple(Grads))
        GDx = np.hstack(tuple(gd[0] for gd in GDips))
        GDy = np.hstack(tuple(gd[1] for gd in GDips))
        GDz = np.hstack(tuple(gd[2] for gd in GDips))
        A  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Als))))
        S  = np.array(list(itertools.chain(*list(Scds))))

        Rho_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Rho_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Rho_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Alpha_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Alpha_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Alpha_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Kappa_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Kappa_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Kappa_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Cp_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Cp_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Cp_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Eps0_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Eps0_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Eps0_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Al_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Al_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Al_std  = OrderedDict([])
        LKappa_calc = OrderedDict([])
        LKappa_grad = OrderedDict([])
        LKappa_std  = OrderedDict([])
        Scd_calc = OrderedDict([])
        Scd_grad = OrderedDict([])
        Scd_std  = OrderedDict([])

        # The unit that converts atmospheres * nm**3 into kj/mol :)
        # Run MBAR using the total energies. Required for estimates that use the kinetic energy.
        BSims = len(BPoints)
        Shots = len(Energies[0])
        Shots_m = [len(i) for i in Energies]
        N_k = np.ones(BSims)*Shots
        # Use the value of the energy for snapshot t from simulation k at potential m
        U_kln = np.zeros([BSims,BSims,Shots])
        for m, PT in enumerate(BPoints):
            T = PT[0]
            P = PT[1] / 1.01325 if PT[2] == 'bar' else PT[1]
            beta = 1. / (kb * T)
            for k in range(BSims):
                # The correct Boltzmann factors include PV.
                # Note that because the Boltzmann factors are computed from the conditions at simulation "m",
                # the pV terms must be rescaled to the pressure at simulation "m".
                kk = Points.index(BPoints[k])
                U_kln[k, m, :]   = Energies[kk] + P*Vols[kk]*pvkj
                U_kln[k, m, :]  *= beta
        W1 = None
        if len(BPoints) > 1:
            logger.info("Running MBAR analysis on %i states...\n" % len(BPoints))
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U_kln, N_k, verbose=mbar_verbose, relative_tolerance=5.0e-8)
            W1 = mbar.getWeights()
        elif len(BPoints) == 1:
            W1 = np.ones((BPoints*Shots,BPoints))
            W1 /= BPoints*Shots
        def fill_weights(weights, phase_points, mbar_points, snapshots):
            """ Fill in the weight matrix with MBAR weights where MBAR was run, 
            and equal weights otherwise. """
            new_weights = np.zeros([len(phase_points)*snapshots,len(phase_points)])
            for m, PT in enumerate(phase_points):
                if PT in mbar_points:
                    mm = mbar_points.index(PT)
                    for kk, PT1 in enumerate(mbar_points):
                        k = phase_points.index(PT1)
                        logger.debug("Will fill W2[%i:%i,%i] with W1[%i:%i,%i]\n" % (k*snapshots,k*snapshots+snapshots,m,kk*snapshots,kk*snapshots+snapshots,mm))
                        new_weights[k*snapshots:(k+1)*snapshots,m] = weights[kk*snapshots:(kk+1)*snapshots,mm]
                    logger.debug("Will fill W2[%i:%i,%i] with equal weights\n" % (m*snapshots,(m+1)*snapshots,m))
                    new_weights[m*snapshots:(m+1)*snapshots,m] = 1.0/snapshots
            return new_weights
        W2 = fill_weights(W1, Points, BPoints, Shots)

        if self.do_self_pol:
            EPol = self.polarization_correction(mvals)
            GEPol = np.array([(f12d3p(fdwrap(self.polarization_correction, mvals, p), h = self.h, f0 = EPol)[0] if p in self.pgrad else 0.0) for p in range(self.FF.np)])
            bar = printcool("Self-polarization correction to \nenthalpy of vaporization is % .3f kJ/mol%s" % (EPol, ", Derivative:" if AGrad else ""))
            if AGrad:
        for i, PT in enumerate(Points):
            T = PT[0]
            P = PT[1] / 1.01325 if PT[2] == 'bar' else PT[1]
            PV = P*V*pvkj
            H = E + PV
            # The weights that we want are the last ones.
            W = flat(W2[:,i])
            C = weight_info(W, PT, np.ones(len(Points), dtype=int)*Shots, verbose=mbar_verbose)
            Gbar = flat(np.dot(G,col(W)))
            mBeta = -1/kb/T
            Beta  = 1/kb/T
            kT    = kb*T
            # Define some things to make the analytic derivatives easier.
            def avg(vec):
                return np.dot(W,vec)
            def covde(vec):
                return flat(np.dot(G,col(W*vec))) - avg(vec)*Gbar
            def deprod(vec):
                return flat(np.dot(G,col(W*vec)))
            ## Density.
            Rho_calc[PT]   = np.dot(W,R)
            Rho_grad[PT]   = mBeta*(flat(np.dot(G,col(W*R))) - np.dot(W,R)*Gbar)
            ## Ignore enthalpy.
            ## Thermal expansion coefficient.
            Alpha_calc[PT] = 1e4 * (avg(H*V)-avg(H)*avg(V))/avg(V)/(kT*T)
            GAlpha1 = -1 * Beta * deprod(H*V) * avg(V) / avg(V)**2
            GAlpha2 = +1 * Beta * avg(H*V) * deprod(V) / avg(V)**2
            GAlpha3 = deprod(V)/avg(V) - Gbar
            GAlpha4 = Beta * covde(H)
            Alpha_grad[PT] = 1e4 * (GAlpha1 + GAlpha2 + GAlpha3 + GAlpha4)/(kT*T)
            ## Isothermal compressibility.
            bar_unit = 0.06022141793 * 1e6
            Kappa_calc[PT] = bar_unit / kT * (avg(V**2)-avg(V)**2)/avg(V)
            GKappa1 = +1 * Beta**2 * avg(V**2) * deprod(V) / avg(V)**2
            GKappa2 = -1 * Beta**2 * avg(V) * deprod(V**2) / avg(V)**2
            GKappa3 = +1 * Beta**2 * covde(V)
            Kappa_grad[PT] = bar_unit*(GKappa1 + GKappa2 + GKappa3)
            ## Isobaric heat capacity.
            Cp_calc[PT] = 1000/(4.184*NMol*kT*T) * (avg(H**2) - avg(H)**2)
            if hasattr(self,'use_cvib_intra') and self.use_cvib_intra:
                logger.debug("Adding " + str(self.RefData['devib_intra'][PT]) + " to the heat capacity\n")
                Cp_calc[PT] += self.RefData['devib_intra'][PT]
            if hasattr(self,'use_cvib_inter') and self.use_cvib_inter:
                logger.debug("Adding " + str(self.RefData['devib_inter'][PT]) + " to the heat capacity\n")
                Cp_calc[PT] += self.RefData['devib_inter'][PT]
            GCp1 = 2*covde(H) * 1000 / 4.184 / (NMol*kT*T)
            GCp2 = mBeta*covde(H**2) * 1000 / 4.184 / (NMol*kT*T)
            GCp3 = 2*Beta*avg(H)*covde(H) * 1000 / 4.184 / (NMol*kT*T)
            Cp_grad[PT] = GCp1 + GCp2 + GCp3
            ## Static dielectric constant.
            prefactor = 30.348705333964077
            D2 = avg(Dx**2)+avg(Dy**2)+avg(Dz**2)-avg(Dx)**2-avg(Dy)**2-avg(Dz)**2
            Eps0_calc[PT] = 1.0 + prefactor*(D2/avg(V))/T
            GD2  = 2*(flat(np.dot(GDx,col(W*Dx))) - avg(Dx)*flat(np.dot(GDx,col(W)))) - Beta*(covde(Dx**2) - 2*avg(Dx)*covde(Dx))
            GD2 += 2*(flat(np.dot(GDy,col(W*Dy))) - avg(Dy)*flat(np.dot(GDy,col(W)))) - Beta*(covde(Dy**2) - 2*avg(Dy)*covde(Dy))
            GD2 += 2*(flat(np.dot(GDz,col(W*Dz))) - avg(Dz)*flat(np.dot(GDz,col(W)))) - Beta*(covde(Dz**2) - 2*avg(Dz)*covde(Dz))
            Eps0_grad[PT] = prefactor*(GD2/avg(V) - mBeta*covde(V)*D2/avg(V)**2)/T
            ## Average area per lipid
            Al_calc[PT]   = np.dot(W,A)
            Al_grad[PT]   = mBeta*(flat(np.dot(G,col(W*A))) - np.dot(W,A)*Gbar)
            ## Bilayer Isothermal compressibility.
            A_m2 = A * 1e-18
            kbT = 1.3806488e-23 * T
            LKappa_calc[PT] = (1e3 * 2 * kbT / 128) * (avg(A_m2) / (avg(A_m2**2)-avg(A_m2)**2))
            al_avg = avg(A_m2)
            al_sq_avg = avg(A_m2**2)
            al_avg_sq = al_avg**2
            al_var = al_sq_avg - al_avg_sq
            GLKappa1 = covde(A_m2) / al_var
            GLKappa2 = (al_avg / al_var**2) * (covde(A_m2**2) - (2 * al_avg * covde(A)))
            LKappa_grad[PT] = (1e3 * 2 * kbT / 128) * (GLKappa1 - GLKappa2)
            ## Deuterium order parameter
            Scd_calc[PT]   = np.dot(W,S)
            # LPW: In case I did not do the conversion correctly, the line of code previously here was:
            # Scd_grad[PT]   = mBeta * (flat(np.average(np.mat(G) * (S * W[:, np.newaxis]), axis = 1)) - np.average(np.average(S * W[:, np.newaxis], axis = 0), axis = 0) * Gbar) 
            Scd_grad[PT]   = mBeta * (flat(np.average(np.dot(G, (S * W[:, np.newaxis])), axis = 1)) - np.average(np.average(S * W[:, np.newaxis], axis = 0), axis = 0) * Gbar) 
            ## Estimation of errors.
            Rho_std[PT]    = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Rho_errs)**2))
            Alpha_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Alpha_errs)**2)) * 1e4
            Kappa_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Kappa_errs)**2)) * 1e6
            Cp_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Cp_errs)**2))
            Eps0_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Eps0_errs)**2))
            Al_std[PT]    = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(Al_errs)**2))
            # LPW: In case I did not do the conversion correctly, the line of code previously here was:
            # Scd_std[PT]    = np.sqrt(sum(np.mat(C**2) * np.array(Scd_errs)**2))
            Scd_std[PT]    = np.sqrt(sum(np.dot(row(C**2), np.array(Scd_errs)**2)))
            LKappa_std[PT]   = np.sqrt(sum(C**2 * np.array(LKappa_errs)**2)) * 1e6

        # Get contributions to the objective function
        X_Rho, G_Rho, H_Rho, RhoPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'rho', Rho_calc, Rho_std, Rho_grad, name="Density")
        X_Alpha, G_Alpha, H_Alpha, AlphaPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'alpha', Alpha_calc, Alpha_std, Alpha_grad, name="Thermal Expansion")
        X_Kappa, G_Kappa, H_Kappa, KappaPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'kappa', Kappa_calc, Kappa_std, Kappa_grad, name="Compressibility")
        X_Cp, G_Cp, H_Cp, CpPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'cp', Cp_calc, Cp_std, Cp_grad, name="Heat Capacity")
        X_Eps0, G_Eps0, H_Eps0, Eps0Print = self.objective_term(Points, 'eps0', Eps0_calc, Eps0_std, Eps0_grad, name="Dielectric Constant")
        X_Al, G_Al, H_Al, AlPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'al', Al_calc, Al_std, Al_grad, name="Avg Area per Lipid")
        X_Scd, G_Scd, H_Scd, ScdPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'scd', Scd_calc, Scd_std, Scd_grad, name="Deuterium Order Parameter")
        X_LKappa, G_LKappa, H_LKappa, LKappaPrint = self.objective_term(Points, 'lkappa', LKappa_calc, LKappa_std, LKappa_grad, name="Bilayer Compressibility")

        Gradient = np.zeros(self.FF.np)
        Hessian = np.zeros((self.FF.np,self.FF.np))

        if X_Rho == 0: self.w_rho = 0.0
        if X_Alpha == 0: self.w_alpha = 0.0
        if X_Kappa == 0: self.w_kappa = 0.0
        if X_Cp == 0: self.w_cp = 0.0
        if X_Eps0 == 0: self.w_eps0 = 0.0
        if X_Al == 0: self.w_al = 0.0
        if X_Scd == 0: self.w_scd = 0.0
        if X_LKappa == 0: self.w_lkappa = 0.0

        if self.w_normalize:
            w_tot = self.w_rho + self.w_alpha + self.w_kappa + self.w_cp + self.w_eps0 + self.w_al + self.w_scd + self.w_lkappa
            w_tot = 1.0
        w_1 = self.w_rho / w_tot
        w_3 = self.w_alpha / w_tot
        w_4 = self.w_kappa / w_tot
        w_5 = self.w_cp / w_tot
        w_6 = self.w_eps0 / w_tot
        w_7 = self.w_al / w_tot
        w_8 = self.w_scd / w_tot
        w_9 = self.w_lkappa / w_tot

        Objective    = w_1 * X_Rho + w_3 * X_Alpha + w_4 * X_Kappa + w_5 * X_Cp + w_6 * X_Eps0 + w_7 * X_Al + w_8 * X_Scd + w_9 * X_LKappa
        if AGrad:
            Gradient = w_1 * G_Rho + w_3 * G_Alpha + w_4 * G_Kappa + w_5 * G_Cp + w_6 * G_Eps0 + w_7 * G_Al + w_8 * G_Scd + w_9 * G_LKappa
        if AHess:
            Hessian  = w_1 * H_Rho + w_3 * H_Alpha + w_4 * H_Kappa + w_5 * H_Cp + w_6 * H_Eps0 + w_7 * H_Al + w_8 * H_Scd + w_9 * H_LKappa

        if not in_fd():
            self.Xp = {"Rho" : X_Rho, "Alpha" : X_Alpha, 
                           "Kappa" : X_Kappa, "Cp" : X_Cp, "Eps0" : X_Eps0, "Al" : X_Al, "Scd" : X_Scd, "LKappa" : X_LKappa}
            self.Wp = {"Rho" : w_1, "Alpha" : w_3, 
                           "Kappa" : w_4, "Cp" : w_5, "Eps0" : w_6, "Al" : w_7, "Scd" : w_8, "LKappa" : w_9}
            self.Pp = {"Rho" : RhoPrint, "Alpha" : AlphaPrint, 
                           "Kappa" : KappaPrint, "Cp" : CpPrint, "Eps0" : Eps0Print, "Al" : AlPrint, "Scd" : ScdPrint, "LKappa": LKappaPrint}
            if AGrad:
                self.Gp = {"Rho" : G_Rho, "Alpha" : G_Alpha, 
                               "Kappa" : G_Kappa, "Cp" : G_Cp, "Eps0" : G_Eps0, "Al" : G_Al, "Scd" : G_Scd, "LKappa" : G_LKappa}
            self.Objective = Objective

        Answer = {'X':Objective, 'G':Gradient, 'H':Hessian}
        return Answer
コード例 #32
from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule
from forcebalance.nifty import _exec
import os

np = ""
if "CORES_PER_WORKER" in os.environ and int(
        os.environ["CORES_PER_WORKER"]) > 1:
    np = " -np %i" % int(os.environ["CORES_PER_WORKER"])

_exec("touch opt.xyz")
_exec("touch energy.txt")
_exec("rm -f qchem.out.prev")
_exec("touch qchem.out.prev")
qcin = Molecule("qchem.in", ftype="qcin")
qcin.edit_qcrems({'geom_opt_max_cycles': '100'})
_exec("qchem42 %s qchem.in qchem.out &> qchem.err" % np)

def special_criterion():
    mk = 0
    mx = 0
    Cnvgd = {}
    for ln, line in enumerate(open("qchem.out").readlines()):
        if "Maximum optimization cycles reached" in line:
            mx = 1
        if "Maximum     Tolerance    Cnvgd?" in line:
            mk = ln
        if mk > 0 and ln > mk and ln <= mk + 3:
            s = line.split()
コード例 #33
            elif len(espxyz) > 0:
                # After reading in a block of ESPs, don't read any more.
                ESPMode = -1
        if line.strip().startswith("Geometry (in Angstrom)"):
            XMode = 1
            EMode = len(elem) == 0
        if 'Electrostatic Potential' in line.strip() and ESPMode == 0:
            ESPMode = 1
    if len(xyzs) == 0:
        raise Exception('%s has length zero' % psiout)
    return xyzs, elem, espxyz, espval

xyzs, elem, espxyz, espval = read_psi_xyzesp(sys.argv[1])

M = Molecule()
M.xyzs = xyzs
M.elem = elem
M.write('%s.xyz' % os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0])

EM = Molecule()
EM.xyzs = [np.array(espxyz) * 0.52917721092]
EM.elem = ['H' for i in range(len(espxyz))]
EM.write('%s.espx' % os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0], ftype="xyz")

M.qm_espxyzs = EM.xyzs
M.qm_espvals = [np.array(espval)]

np.savetxt('%s.esp' % os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0], espval)