def data_collection(): rawDataPath = '../../Data/' derivedDataPath = '../../DataOutput/' forecastVar = 'conc' iceType = 'extent' hemStr = 'N' siiVersion = 'v3.0' startYr = 1990 forecastYr = 2010 startMonth = 2 stopMonth = 11 regionMask = np.load(derivedDataPath + 'Regions/regionMaskA100km') numFeat = 18 numSamples = (forecastYr - startYr) * (stopMonth + 1 - startMonth) #data collection #start off with just the summer months and without ice thickness feat = [] groundTruth = [] for year in range(startYr, forecastYr): for index, month in enumerate(range(startMonth, stopMonth + 1)): _, extent = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, month, year, year, iceType, siiVersion, hemStr) groundTruth.append(extent[0]) #set month to array sample = np.zeros(numFeat) sample[0] = (month - 1) #gridded months are actually indexed at 0 #divide by 100 to put in the same magnitude as the other values sample[1] = ff.get_pmas_month(rawDataPath, year, month - 1)) #set region features to array iceConc = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, month, array(year), hemStr) for regInd in range(16): regionData = regionData[iceConc.mask == True] = 0 #get rid of nan desiredRegion = regionMask == regInd sample[regInd + 2] = np.multiply(regionData, desiredRegion)) #sample[regInd+1] =, desiredRegion)) feat.append(sample) feat = np.reshape(feat, (numSamples, numFeat)) groundTruth = np.reshape(groundTruth, (numSamples, 1)) return feat, groundTruth
region = 0 hemStr = 'N' anomObs = 1 rawDataPath = '../../Data/' derivedDataPath = '../../DataOutput/' yrForecast = 2015 randSeedNum = 50 #thick, forecastThickMean = ff.get_ice_thickness(rawDataPath, startYr, yrForecast, forecastMonth) yrsTrain, extentTrain = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, predMonth, startYr, yrForecast - 1, icetype=iceType, version=siiVersion, hemStr=hemStr) extentDetrendTrain, lineTrain = ff.get_varDT(yrsTrain, extentTrain) varTrain = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, forecastMonth, yrsTrain, hemStr) varForecast = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, forecastMonth, array(yrForecast), hemStr) years, extentYr = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, predMonth, yrForecast, yrForecast, icetype=iceType,
def main(endYear, fmonth, pmonth): rawDataPath = '../../Data/' derivedDataPath = '../../DataOutput/' saveDataPath = derivedDataPath + '/Arctic/' figPath = '../../Figures/' + '/Arctic/Predictions/' fvars = ['conc'] iceType = 'extent' hemStr = 'N' siiVersion = 'v3.0' startYear = 1980 startYearP = 1990 #endYear=2017 weight = 1 region = 0 varStrsOut = ''.join(fvars) forecastVarsM = np.array([]).reshape(0, 7) for year in range(startYearP, endYear + 1): outStr = 'forecastDump' + iceType + varStrsOut + 'fm' + str( fmonth) + 'pm' + str(pmonth) + 'R' + str(region) + str( startYear) + str(year) + 'W' + str(weight) + 'SII' + siiVersion forecastVars = load(saveDataPath + outStr) forecastVarsM = np.vstack([forecastVarsM, forecastVars]) years, extent = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, pmonth, startYear, year, icetype=iceType, version=siiVersion, hemStr=hemStr) yearsP = np.arange(startYearP, endYear + 1) """Plot forecast data """ rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 2 rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 2 rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = .5 rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = .5 rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = .5 rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8 rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 8 rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 8 rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 8 rcParams['font.size'] = 7 rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Arial']}) fig = figure(figsize=(3.5, 2.2)) ax1 = subplot(1, 1, 1) im1 = plot(years, extent, 'k') #im2 = plot(Years[start_year_pred-start_year:], lineT[start_year_pred-start_year:]+ExtentG, 'r') #im3 = plot(years[-1], extent[-1], marker='o', markersize=2, color='k') im3 = plot(yearsP, forecastVarsM[:, 2], marker='x', markersize=1, alpha=0.5, color='k') im3 = plot(yearsP, forecastVarsM[:, 3], marker='o', markersize=1, alpha=0.5, color='r') ax1.errorbar(yearsP, forecastVarsM[:, 3], yerr=forecastVarsM[:, 6], color='r', fmt='', linestyle='', alpha=0.5, lw=0.6, capsize=0.5, zorder=2) im3 = plot(yearsP[-1], forecastVarsM[-1, 2], marker='x', markersize=2, color='k') im3 = plot(yearsP[-1], forecastVarsM[-1, 3], marker='o', markersize=2, color='r') ax1.errorbar(yearsP[-1], forecastVarsM[-1, 3], yerr=forecastVarsM[-1, 6], color='r', fmt='', linestyle='', lw=0.6, capsize=0.5, zorder=2) #errorbar(YearsP, array(lineTP)+array(ExtentG) , yerr=prederror, color='r',fmt='',linestyle='',lw=0.4,capsize=0.5, zorder = 2) #if (np.isfinite(forecastVars[4])): #ax1.errorbar(yearsP, extentPredAbs , yerr=[1.96*x for x in perr], color='r',fmt='',linestyle='',lw=0.3,capsize=0.5, zorder = 2) forecastStr = '%.2f' % (forecastVarsM[-1, 3]) linearStr = '%.2f' % (forecastVarsM[-1, 2]) observedStr = '%.2f' % (extent[-1]) ax1.annotate('Year: ' + str(year) + '\nObserved: ' + observedStr + r' M km$^2$' + '\nTrend: ' + linearStr + r' M km$^2$', xy=(0.7, 1.02), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') ax1.annotate('\nForecast: ' + forecastStr + r' M km$^2$', xy=(0.7, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction', color='r', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') ax1.annotate('June forecasts of September sea ice', fontsize=5, xy=(0.02, 0.02), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom') ax1.set_ylabel(iceType + r' (Million km$^2$)') #ax1.set_xlabel('Years') ax1.set_xlim(1980, 2020) ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(1980, 2021, 10)) ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(1980, 2021, 5), minor=True) #ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.set_ylim(3, 8) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.tight_layout() #subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.90, bottom=0.17, top=0.96, hspace=0) savefig(figPath + '/forecast' + outStr + 'multi.png', dpi=300) close(fig)
def main(year, fmonth, pmonth, fvars=['conc'], iceType='extent', hemStr='N', siiVersion='v3.0', startYear=1979, weight=1, region=0, numYearsReq=5, plotForecast=1, plotSkill=1, outSkill=1, outLine=1, outWeights=1): """ Main sea ice forecast script. Can be run here (and looped ) Args: startYear=1980 # Start of forecast training endYear=2018 # End of forecast fmonth=11 #6=June, 9=Sep # Forecast month pmonth=2 #9=SEP # Predicted month fvars: forecast variables (e.g. 'conc'). Need to be in brackets. weight: Spatially weighting the data (1=True) iceType: Ice type being forecast ('extent' or 'area') hemStr: Hemipshere (N or S) siiVersion: version of the NSIDC sea ice index (if used as the observed ice state) startYear: Start year of training data (default = 1980) region: Region being forecast (0 is pan Arctic/Antartctic) #0 implies pan-Arctic or Antarctic #2 Weddell Sea #3 Indian Ocean #4 Pacific Ocean #5 Ross Sea #6 Amundsen/BHausen Sea #A Alaskan numYearsReq: (defaul 5) Number of years required in a grid cell for it to count towards the training data plotSkill: =1 for plotting the skill outSkill: =1 far saving the skill values outLine: =1 for saving the forecast time series outWeights: =1 for saving the weightings Returns: A dumped Python array including the folowing variables: Observed ice extent Observed detrended ice extent from linear trend persistence (LTP) LTP extent Absolute forecast of sea ice extent (added LTP) Detrended (forecast) ice extent from LTP Forecast anomaly from observed Estimated forecast error (1 SD) """ repoPath = '/Users/aapetty/GitRepos/GitHub/SeaIcePrediction/' rawDataPath = repoPath + '/Data/' derivedDataPath = repoPath + '/DataOutput/' if (hemStr == 'S'): saveDataPath = derivedDataPath + '/Antarctic/' figPath = repoPath + '/Figures/Antarctic/YearlyPredictions/' elif (hemStr == 'N'): saveDataPath = derivedDataPath + '/Arctic/' figPath = repoPath + '/Figures/Arctic/YearlyPredictions/' if (region == 'A'): saveDataPath = derivedDataPath + '/Alaska/' figPath = repoPath + '/Figures/Alaska/YearlyPredictions/' print('Forecast year:', year) print('Forecast data month:', fmonth, 'Predicted month:', pmonth) print('Variables:', fvars) print('Hemisphere:', hemStr) print('Ice type predicted', iceType) print('Weighted:', weight) varStrsOut = ''.join(fvars) outStr = 'forecastDump' + iceType + varStrsOut + 'fm' + str( fmonth) + 'pm' + str(pmonth) + 'R' + str(region) + str( startYear) + str(year) + 'W' + str(weight) + 'SII' + siiVersion if (year < 2018): anomObsT = 1 else: anomObsT = 0 forecastVals = ff.CalcForecastMultiVar(rawDataPath, derivedDataPath, year, startYear, fvars, fmonth, pmonth=pmonth, region=region, anomObs=anomObsT, numYearsReq=numYearsReq, weight=weight, outWeights=outWeights, icetype=iceType, hemStr=hemStr, siiVersion=siiVersion) print('Observed ice state:', forecastVals[0]) print('Linear trend presistence:', forecastVals[2]) print('Forecast ice state:', forecastVals[3]) print('Detrended observed ice state :', forecastVals[1]) print('Detrended observed ice state :', forecastVals[4]) print('Forecast anomaly :', forecastVals[5]) array(forecastVals).dump(saveDataPath + outStr) if (plotForecast == 1): if (region == 0): years, extent = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, pmonth, startYear, year, icetype=iceType, version=siiVersion, hemStr=hemStr) ff.plotForecastOneYear(figPath, years, extent, year, forecastVals, outStr, iceType, minval=2, maxval=8) elif (region == 'A'): poleStr = 'A' extent = loadtxt(derivedDataPath + '/Extent/' + 'ice_' + iceType + '_M' + str(pmonth) + 'R' + str(region) + '_' + str(startYear) + '2017' + poleStr) extent = extent[0:year - startYear + 1] years = np.arange(startYear, startYear + size(extent), 1) ff.plotForecastOneYear(figPath, years, extent, year, forecastVals, outStr, iceType, minval=0, maxval=2)
def main(endYear, fmonth, pmonth, fvars=['conc'], iceType='extent', hemStr='N', siiVersion='v3.0', startYear=1979, minval=3, maxval=8, region=0): monthStrs=['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September'] textStr=monthStrs[fmonth-1]+' forecasts of '+monthStrs[pmonth-1]+' Arctic sea ice '+iceType repoPath='/Users/aapetty/GitRepos/GitHub/SeaIcePrediction/' rawDataPath = repoPath+'/Data/' derivedDataPath = repoPath+'/DataOutput/' if (hemStr=='S'): saveDataPath=derivedDataPath+'/Antarctic/' figPath=repoPath+'/Figures/Forecasts/' elif (region=='A'): saveDataPath=derivedDataPath+'/Alaska/' figPath=repoPath+'/Figures/Forecasts/' else: saveDataPath=derivedDataPath+'/Arctic/' figPath=repoPath+'/Figures/Forecasts/' startYearP=1990 #endYear=2017 weight=1 varStrsOut=''.join(fvars) forecastVarsM=np.array([]).reshape(0,7) for year in range(startYearP, endYear+1): outStr='forecastDump'+iceType+varStrsOut+'fm'+str(fmonth)+'pm'+str(pmonth)+'R'+str(region)+str(startYear)+str(year)+'W'+str(weight)+'SII'+siiVersion forecastVars=load(saveDataPath+outStr) forecastVarsM=np.vstack([forecastVarsM, forecastVars]) if (region==0): years, extent = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, pmonth, startYear, year, icetype=iceType, version=siiVersion, hemStr=hemStr) elif (region=='A'): poleStr='A' extent=loadtxt(derivedDataPath+'/Extent/'+'ice_'+iceType+'_M'+str(pmonth)+'R'+str(region)+'_'+str(startYear)+'2017'+poleStr) #extent=extent[0:year-startYear+1] years=np.arange(startYear, 2017+1, 1) yearsP=np.arange(startYearP, endYear+1) #extentyr, extentObsDT, extTrendP, extentForrAbs, extentForrDT, anom, prstd[0] print ('Prediction int:', forecastVars[-1]) skill = '%.2f' %(1 - (ff.rms(forecastVarsM[0:-1, 5]))/(ff.rms(forecastVarsM[0:-1, 1]))) """Plot forecast data """ rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 2 rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 2 rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = .5 rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = .5 rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = .5 rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8 rcParams['xtick.labelsize']=8 rcParams['ytick.labelsize']=8 rcParams['legend.fontsize']=8 rcParams['font.size']=7 rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Arial']}) fig = figure(figsize=(4.,2.2)) ax1=subplot(1, 1, 1) im1 = plot(years, extent, 'k') #im2 = plot(Years[start_year_pred-start_year:], lineT[start_year_pred-start_year:]+ExtentG, 'r') #im3 = plot(years[-1], extent[-1], marker='o', markersize=2, color='k') im3 = plot(yearsP, forecastVarsM[:, 2], marker='x', markersize=1, alpha=0.5, color='k') im3 = plot(yearsP, forecastVarsM[:, 3], marker='o', markersize=1, alpha=0.5, color='r') #ax1.errorbar(yearsP, forecastVarsM[:, 3] , yerr=forecastVarsM[:, 6], color='r',fmt='',linestyle='',alpha=0.5, lw=0.6,capsize=0.5, zorder = 2) im3 = plot(yearsP[-1], forecastVarsM[-1, 2], marker='x', markersize=2, color='k') im3 = plot(yearsP[-1], forecastVarsM[-1, 3], marker='o', markersize=2, color='r') ax1.errorbar(yearsP[-1], forecastVarsM[-1, 3] , yerr=forecastVarsM[-1, 6], color='r',fmt='',linestyle='',lw=0.6,capsize=0.5, zorder = 2) #errorbar(YearsP, array(lineTP)+array(ExtentG) , yerr=prederror, color='r',fmt='',linestyle='',lw=0.4,capsize=0.5, zorder = 2) #if (np.isfinite(forecastVars[4])): #ax1.errorbar(yearsP, extentPredAbs , yerr=[1.96*x for x in perr], color='r',fmt='',linestyle='',lw=0.3,capsize=0.5, zorder = 2) forecastStr='%.2f' %(forecastVarsM[-1, 3]) linearStr='%.2f' %(forecastVarsM[-1, 2]) #observedStr='%.2f' %(extent[-1]) ax1.annotate('Year: '+str(year)+'\nLinear trend forecast: '+linearStr+r' M km$^2$', xy=(0.8, 1.02), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') ax1.annotate('NASA GSFC forecast: '+forecastStr+r' M km$^2$', xy=(0.8, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', color='r', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') #ax1.annotate('Year: '+str(year)+'\nObserved: '+observedStr+r' M km$^2$'+'\nTrend: '+linearStr+r' M km$^2$', # xy=(1., 1.02), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') #ax1.annotate(, # xy=(0.8, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction', color='r', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') #ax1.annotate('NASA GSFC forecast: '+forecastStr+r' M km$^2$'+'\nSkill:'+skill, # xy=(0.8, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction', color='r', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') ax1.annotate(textStr, fontsize=5, xy=(0.02, 0.02), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom') ax1.set_ylabel('Ice '+iceType+r' (Million km$^2$)') #ax1.set_xlabel('Years') ax1.set_xlim(1980, 2020) ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(1980, 2021, 10)) ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(1980, 2021, 5), minor=True) #ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.set_ylim(minval, maxval-0.1) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(minval, maxval, 1)) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax1.yaxis.grid(which='major', linestyle='-', linewidth='0.1', color='k') #plt.tight_layout() #subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.90, bottom=0.17, top=0.96, hspace=0) subplots_adjust(left=0.11, right=0.74, bottom=0.1, top=0.96, hspace=0) savefig(figPath+'/'+outStr+hemStr+'multi.png', dpi=300) savefig(figPath+'/'+outStr+hemStr+'multi.jpg', dpi=300) close(fig)
#set region features to array iceConc = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, month, array(year), hemStr) for regInd in range(16): regionData = regionData[iceConc.mask == True] = 0 #get rid of nan desiredRegion = regionMask == regInd sample[regInd + 2] = 100 *, desiredRegion)) sample = np.reshape(sample, (1, -1)) feat = pcaConc.transform(sample) #feat=sample _, extent = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, fmonth, year, year, iceType, siiVersion, hemStr) gTruth = extent[0] #Ensemble Model run output = mlpConc.predict(feat) #THIS OUTPUT REPRESENTS SEA ICE FOR JULY debug = output #Testing out penalizing small features as inaccuracies for i in range(np.size(output)): if (output[0][i] < 0.09): output[0][i] = 0 debug[0][i] = 0 month = month + 1 sample = np.zeros(numFeat)