def clean_database(): # with neo4j.BatchTransaction() as tx: statements = [ 'MATCH (n)', 'WITH n', 'LIMIT {limit}', 'OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-(x)', 'DELETE r, n' ] query = neo4j.Query('\n'.join(statements), [neo4j.Parameter('limit', 10000)]) tx = neo4j.Transaction() while tx.execute(query): tx = neo4j.Transaction() tx.execute(query) tx.commit() statements = ['MATCH (n)', 'WITH n', 'LIMIT {limit}', 'DELETE n'] query = neo4j.Query('\n'.join(statements), [neo4j.Parameter('limit', 10000)]) tx = neo4j.Transaction() while tx.execute(query): tx = neo4j.Transaction() tx.commit()
def five(): msg = PATTERNS[5] print(msg) statements = [ 'MATCH (poi :`Person`)<-[:REGISTERED_TO]-(poiPhone :`PhoneNumber`)-[call :CONTACTED]->' '(repPhone :`PhoneNumber` {{number: {{repNumber}}}})', 'WHERE call.weekday = {{weekday}}', 'WITH poi, COUNT(call) AS numberOfCalls', 'MATCH (poi)-[:TOOK]->(flight :`Flight`)-[:TO]-(:`City`)-[:IN]->(country :`Country`)' 'WHERE IN {{countries}} AND flight.timestamp >= {{startDate}} AND flight.timestamp < {{endDate}}', 'WITH poi', 'MATCH (poi)-[employment :EMPLOYEE_AT]->(company: `Company` {{name: {{companyName}} }})', 'WHERE employment.since < {{activitiesStartPeriod}} OR employment.until > {{activitiesStartPeriod}}', 'WITH DISTINCT employment, poi, company', 'RETURN as subjectName, AS ID, employment.since AS since, employment.until AS until' ] statement = '\n'.join(statements).format() print(statement) query = neo4j.Query( statement, [ neo4j.Parameter('repNumber', '+911-123-987-468'), neo4j.Parameter('weekday', 2), neo4j.Parameter('countries', ['Japan', 'UK']), neo4j.Parameter('companyName', 'WT Enterprises'), neo4j.Parameter('startDate', datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1).timestamp()), neo4j.Parameter('endDate', datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 31).timestamp()), neo4j.Parameter('activitiesStartPeriod', datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1).timestamp()) ] ) start = time.time()*1000 with neo4j.Transaction() as tx: rs = tx.execute(query) if rs: print('\t', ['Name', 'ID', 'Since', 'Until']) for row in rs: print( '\t', [ row[0], row[1], datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(row[2]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(row[3]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ] ) else: print('\t', 'No matching patterns found') end = time.time()*1000 print('Took {0:.2f}ms'.format(end-start))
def one(): # find the top 20 people that took more than 1 flight between Jan & Jun 2014, to any destination. # Order results by number of flights to each country msg = PATTERNS[1] print(msg) statements = [ 'MATCH (person :`Person`)-[:TOOK]->(flight :`Flight`)-[:TO]-(:`City`)-[:IN]->(country :`Country`)', 'WHERE flight.timestamp >= {{startDate}} AND flight.timestamp < {{endDate}}', 'WITH AS person, COUNT(flight) AS n, AS destination', 'WHERE n > {{count}}', 'RETURN person, n, destination', 'ORDER BY n DESC', 'LIMIT {{limit}}' ] statement = '\n'.join(statements).format() print(statement) start_date = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1) end_date = datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30) params = [ neo4j.Parameter('startDate', start_date.timestamp()), neo4j.Parameter('endDate', end_date.timestamp()), neo4j.Parameter('count', 1), neo4j.Parameter('limit', 20) ] query = neo4j.Query(statement, params) start = time.time()*1000 with neo4j.Transaction() as tx: rs = tx.execute(query) if rs: print('\t', ['Person', 'No. Flights', 'Destination']) for row in rs: print('\t', row) else: print('\t', 'No matching patterns found') end = time.time()*1000 print('Took {0:.2f}ms'.format(end-start))
def four(): # among the people that called the representative, find those that have flown in or out of # one of enterprise XYZ offices in Japan, or the UK msg = PATTERNS[4] print(msg) statements = [ 'MATCH (poi :`Person`)<-[:REGISTERED_TO]-(poiPhone :`PhoneNumber`)-[call :CONTACTED]->' '(repPhone :`PhoneNumber` {{number: {{repNumber}}}})', 'WHERE call.weekday = {{weekday}}', 'WITH poi, COUNT(call) AS numberOfCalls', 'MATCH (poi)-[:TOOK]->(flight :`Flight`)-[:TO]-(:`City`)-[:IN]->(country :`Country`)', 'WHERE IN {{countries}} AND flight.timestamp >= {{startDate}} AND flight.timestamp < {{endDate}}', 'RETURN as subjectName, AS ID, COUNT(flight) AS flights, AS country' ] statement = '\n'.join(statements).format() print(statement) query = neo4j.Query( statement, [ neo4j.Parameter('repNumber', '+911-123-987-468'), neo4j.Parameter('weekday', 2), neo4j.Parameter('countries', ['Japan', 'UK']), neo4j.Parameter('startDate', datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1).timestamp()), neo4j.Parameter('endDate', datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 31).timestamp()) ] ) start = time.time()*1000 with neo4j.Transaction() as tx: rs = tx.execute(query) if rs: print('\t', ['Name', 'ID', 'No. of Flights']) for row in rs: print('\t', row) else: print('\t', 'No matching patterns found') end = time.time()*1000 print('Took {0:.2f}ms'.format(end-start))
def three(): # find a phone number that has made calls on between 6pm and 10pm to the representative msg = PATTERNS[3] print(msg) statements = [ 'MATCH (poi)<-[:REGISTERED_TO]-(poiPhone :`PhoneNumber`)-[call :CONTACTED]->' '(repPhone :`PhoneNumber` {{number: {{repNumber}}}})', 'WHERE call.weekday = {{weekday}}', 'RETURN AS subjectName, COUNT(call) AS numberOfCalls' ] # AND call.hour >= {{startInterval}} AND call.hour <= {{endInterval}} statement = '\n'.join(statements).format() print(statement) query = neo4j.Query( statement, [ neo4j.Parameter('repNumber', '+911-123-987-468'), neo4j.Parameter('weekday', 2) ] ) start = time.time()*1000 with neo4j.Transaction() as tx: rs = tx.execute(query) if rs: print('\t', ['Subject\'s Name', 'No. Calls']) for row in rs: print('\t', row) else: print('\t', 'No matching patterns found') end = time.time()*1000 print('Took {0:.2f}ms'.format(end-start))