コード例 #1
    def test_convert_markup_without_html2text(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = u'''Look at [[this page|Some Page]]

More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]

Our website is [[http://sf.net]].

'[[Escaped Tag]]

[External link to the wiki page](https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Page)

[External link](https://github.com/a/b/issues/1)'''

        result = u'''<p>Look at [[this page|Some Page]]</p>
<p>More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]</p>
<p>Our website is [[http://sf.net]].</p>
<p>'[[Escaped Tag]]</p>
<p>[External link to the wiki page](https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Page)</p>
<p>[External link](https://github.com/a/b/issues/1)</p>'''

        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.textile').strip(), result)
コード例 #2
    def test_convert_markup_without_html2text(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = '''Look at [[this page|Some Page]]

More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]

Our website is [[http://domain.net]].

'[[Escaped Tag]]

[External link to the wiki page](https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Page)

[External link](https://github.com/a/b/issues/1)'''

        result = '''<p>Look at [[this page|Some Page]]</p>
<p>More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]</p>
<p>Our website is [[http://domain.net]].</p>
<p>\u2018[[Escaped Tag]]</p>
<p>[External link to the wiki page](https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Page)</p>
<p>[External link](https://github.com/a/b/issues/1)</p>'''

        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.textile').strip(), result)
コード例 #3
    def test_convert_markup_with_mediawiki2markdown(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = '''
''Al'fredas 235 BC''
== See also ==
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/AgentSpring-running-instructions-for-d13n-model Test1]
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/AgentSpring-conventions Test2]
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/AgentSpring-Q&A Test3]
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Extensions Test4]'''

        result = '''_Al'fredas 235 BC_

## See also

  * [Test1](/p/test/wiki/AgentSpring running instructions for d13n model)
  * [Test2](/p/test/wiki/AgentSpring conventions)
  * [Test3](/p/test/wiki/AgentSpring Q&A)
  * [Test4](/p/test/wiki/Extensions)


        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.mediawiki'), result)
コード例 #4
    def test_convert_markup_with_mediawiki2markdown(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = u'''
''Al'fredas 235 BC''
== See also ==
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/AgentSpring-running-instructions-for-d13n-model Test1]
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/AgentSpring-conventions Test2]
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/AgentSpring-Q&A Test3]
* [https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Extensions Test4]'''

        result = u'''_Al'fredas 235 BC_

## See also

  * [Test1](/p/test/wiki/AgentSpring running instructions for d13n model)
  * [Test2](/p/test/wiki/AgentSpring conventions)
  * [Test3](/p/test/wiki/AgentSpring Q&A)
  * [Test4](/p/test/wiki/Extensions)

        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.mediawiki'), result)
コード例 #5
 def test_convert_textile_special_tag(self):
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     f = importer.convert_markup
     source = u'*[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]*'
     assert_equal(f(source, 't.textile').strip(), u'**[this checklist](Troubleshooting)**')
コード例 #6
 def test_convert_textile_special_tag_without_html2text(self):
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     f = importer.convert_markup
     source = u'*[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]*'
     result = u'<p><strong>[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]</strong></p>'
     assert_equal(f(source, 't.textile').strip(), result)
コード例 #7
 def test_convert_textile_special_tag_without_html2text(self):
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     f = importer.convert_markup
     source = '*[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]*'
     result = '<p><strong>[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]</strong></p>'
     assert_equal(f(source, 't.textile').strip(), result)
コード例 #8
 def test_convert_textile_special_tag(self):
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     f = importer.convert_markup
     source = '*[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]*'
     assert_equal(f(source, 't.textile').strip(),
                  '**[this checklist](Troubleshooting)**')
コード例 #9
 def test_convert_markup_with_amp_in_links(self):
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     f = importer.convert_markup
     source = '[[Ticks & Leeches]]'
     result = '[Ticks & Leeches]'
     # markdown should be untouched
     assert_equal(f(source, 'test.rst').strip(), result)
コード例 #10
 def test_convert_markup_with_amp_in_links(self):
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     f = importer.convert_markup
     source = u'[[Ticks & Leeches]]'
     result = u'[Ticks & Leeches]'
     # markdown should be untouched
     assert_equal(f(source, 'test.rst').strip(), result)
コード例 #11
 def test_with_history(self, render, upsert):
     self.commit2.stats.files = {"Home.rst": self.blob1}
     self.commit2.tree = {"Home.rst": self.blob1}
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer._set_available_pages = Mock()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.config.options = {}
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     importer.rewrite_links = Mock(return_value='')
     assert_equal(upsert.call_args_list, [call('Home')])
     assert_equal(render.call_args_list, [call('Home.rst', u'# test message')])
コード例 #12
 def test_with_history(self, render, upsert):
     self.commit2.stats.files = {"Home.rst": self.blob1}
     self.commit2.tree = {"Home.rst": self.blob1}
     importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
     importer._set_available_pages = Mock()
     importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
     importer.app = Mock()
     importer.app.config.options = {}
     importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
     importer.rewrite_links = Mock(return_value='')
     assert_equal(upsert.call_args_list, [call('Home')])
                  [call('Home.rst', '# test message')])
コード例 #13
    def test_without_history(self, render, upsert):
        self.commit2.tree.blobs = [self.blob2, self.blob3]
        upsert.text = Mock()
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.config.options = {}
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        importer.rewrite_links = Mock(return_value='')
        assert_equal(upsert.call_args_list, [call('Home2'), call('Home3')])

        assert_equal(render.call_args_list, [
            call('Home2.creole', u'**test message**'),
            call('Home3.rest', u'test message')])
コード例 #14
    def test_without_history(self, render, upsert):
        self.commit2.tree.blobs = [self.blob2, self.blob3]
        upsert.text = Mock()
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.config.options = {}
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        importer.rewrite_links = Mock(return_value='')
        assert_equal(upsert.call_args_list, [call('Home2'), call('Home3')])

        assert_equal(render.call_args_list, [
            call('Home2.creole', '**test message**'),
            call('Home3.rest', 'test message')])
コード例 #15
    def test_convert_markup_textile(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup

        # check if lists converting works properly
        source = '''There are good reasons for this:

  # Duplicate libraries regularly break builds
  # Subtle bugs emerge with duplicate libraries, and to a lesser extent, duplicate tools
  # We want you to try harder to make your formula work with what OS X comes with
        result = '''There are good reasons for this:

  1. Duplicate libraries regularly break builds
  2. Subtle bugs emerge with duplicate libraries, and to a lesser extent, duplicate tools
  3. We want you to try harder to make your formula work with what OS X comes with


        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.textile'), result)

        # textile-style links converts normal
        source = '*"Textile":Troubleshooting*'
        result = '**[Textile](Troubleshooting)**\n\n'
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test2.textile'), result)

        # links with formatting converts normal in textile now
        source = '''*[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]*

some text and *[[Tips n' Tricks]]*

        result = '''**[this checklist](Troubleshooting)**

some text and **[Tips n\u2019 Tricks]**


        assert_equal(f(source, 'test3.textile'), result)
コード例 #16
    def test_convert_markup(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        importer.github_markdown_converter = GitHubMarkdownConverter(
            'user', 'proj')
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = u'''Look at [[this page|Some Page]]

More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]

Our website is [[http://domain.net]].

'[[Escaped Tag]]


ticket #1

#1 header

sha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'''
        result = u'''Look at [this page](Some Page)

More info at: [MoreInfo] [Even More Info]

Our website is <http://domain.net>.

[[Escaped Tag]]


ticket [#1]

[#1] header

sha [aaaaaa]'''
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.md').strip(), result)

        assert_equal(f(u'h1. Hello', 't.textile').strip(), u'# Hello')
コード例 #17
    def test_convert_markup(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        importer.github_markdown_converter = GitHubMarkdownConverter(
            'user', 'proj')
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = '''Look at [[this page|Some Page]]

More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]

Our website is [[http://domain.net]].

'[[Escaped Tag]]


ticket #1

#1 header

sha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'''
        result = '''Look at [this page](Some Page)

More info at: [MoreInfo] [Even More Info]

Our website is <http://domain.net>.

[[Escaped Tag]]


ticket [#1]

[#1] header

sha [aaaaaa]'''
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.md').strip(), result)

        assert_equal(f('h1. Hello', 't.textile').strip(), '# Hello')
コード例 #18
    def test_convert_markup_textile(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup

        # check if lists converting works properly
        source = u'''There are good reasons for this:

  # Duplicate libraries regularly break builds
  # Subtle bugs emerge with duplicate libraries, and to a lesser extent, duplicate tools
  # We want you to try harder to make your formula work with what OS X comes with
        result = u'''There are good reasons for this:

  1. Duplicate libraries regularly break builds
  2. Subtle bugs emerge with duplicate libraries, and to a lesser extent, duplicate tools
  3. We want you to try harder to make your formula work with what OS X comes with

        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.textile'), result)

        # textile-style links converts normal
        source = '*"Textile":Troubleshooting*'
        result = '**[Textile](Troubleshooting)**\n'
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test2.textile'), result)

        # links with formatting converts normal in textile now
        source = u'''*[[this checklist|Troubleshooting]]*

some text and *[[Tips n' Tricks]]*

        result = u'''**[this checklist](Troubleshooting)**

some text and **[Tips n' Tricks]**

        assert_equal(f(source, 'test3.textile'), result)
コード例 #19
    def test_convert_markup(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = u'''Look at [[this page|Some Page]]

More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]

Our website is [[http://sf.net]].

'[[Escaped Tag]]

[External link to the wiki page](https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Page)

[External link](https://github.com/a/b/issues/1)'''

        # markdown should be untouched
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.md'), source)

        assert_equal(f(u'h1. Hello', 't.textile').strip(), u'# Hello')
コード例 #20
    def test_convert_textile_no_leading_tabs(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = '''h1. Header 1

Some text 1.

h2. Header 2

See [[Page]]'''

        result = '''# Header 1

Some text 1.

## Header 2

See [Page]'''
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.textile').strip(), result)
コード例 #21
    def test_convert_markup(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = u'''Look at [[this page|Some Page]]

More info at: [[MoreInfo]] [[Even More Info]]

Our website is [[http://sf.net]].

'[[Escaped Tag]]

[External link to the wiki page](https://github.com/a/b/wiki/Page)

[External link](https://github.com/a/b/issues/1)'''

        # markdown should be untouched
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.md'), source)

        assert_equal(f(u'h1. Hello', 't.textile').strip(), u'# Hello')
コード例 #22
    def test_convert_textile_no_leading_tabs(self):
        importer = GitHubWikiImporter()
        importer.github_wiki_url = 'https://github.com/a/b/wiki'
        importer.app = Mock()
        importer.app.url = '/p/test/wiki/'
        f = importer.convert_markup
        source = u'''h1. Header 1

Some text 1.

h2. Header 2

See [[Page]]'''

        result = u'''# Header 1

Some text 1.

## Header 2

See [Page]'''
        assert_equal(f(source, 'test.textile').strip(), result)