import numpy as np import os from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label from forkan.common.config_manager import ConfigManager from forkan.datasets import load_dataset from forkan.common.utils import create_dir """ For every position of object 1, the activation heatmaps for every position of obejct 2 are computed and saved as an image. Positions where objects overlap are assigned -1 as activation. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) save_path = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.keras/forkan/figures/duo_heat/' create_dir(save_path) cm = ConfigManager() model = cm.restore_model('vae-duo', with_dataset=False) dataset = load_dataset('translation') # we only want the training set x_train = dataset[0] # get image size image_size = x_train.shape[1] # reshape for better indexing x_train = np.reshape(x_train, [3, 32, 32, image_size, image_size]) i = 0
'level': logging.DEBUG } }, root={ 'handlers': ['h'], 'level': logging.DEBUG, }, ) # config for coloredlogs field_styles = coloredlogs.DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES fmt = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-8s] %(name)-4s %(message)s' datefmt = '%H:%M' # surpress matplotlib debug bloat logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.WARNING) dictConfig(logging_config) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) coloredlogs.install(level='DEBUG', fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt) for d in [weights_path, dataset_path, figure_path]: create_dir(d) # set numpy seed if fixed_seed: import numpy as np np.random.seed(0) logger.critical("Starting in fixed seed mode!")
# center sphere cr.arc(0, 0, 1, 0, 2 * np.pi) cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) cr.fill() # reshape, delete fourth (alpha) channel, greyscale and normalise return np.expand_dims( np.frombuffer(surf.get_data(), np.uint8).reshape( [w, h, 4])[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114]), -1) / 255 i = 0 for _ in range(reps): for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, theta_res): frame = _render_pendulum(theta) frames[i] = frame i += 1 print('dumping file') np.savez_compressed('{}/pendulum-visual-uniform.npz'.format(dataset_path), data=frames) print('storing some pngs') create_dir('{}/pendulum-uniform/'.format(dataset_path)) for n, f in enumerate(frames[40:60, ...]): scipy.misc.imsave( '{}/pendulum-uniform/frame{}.png'.format(dataset_path, n), np.squeeze(f)) print('done')
def _finalize_init(self): """ Call this at the end of childs __init__ to setup tensorboard and handle saved checkpoints """ # init variables # launch debug session if self.debug: self.sess = tf_debug.TensorBoardDebugWrapperSession(self.sess, "localhost:6064") # create tensorboard summaries if self.use_tensorboard: # clean previous runs or add new one if not self.clean_tensorboard_runs: rename_latest_run(self.tensorboard_dir) else: clean_dir(self.tensorboard_dir) # if there is a directory suffix given, it will be included before the run number in the filename tb_dir_suffix = '' if self.tensorboard_suffix is None else '-{}'.format(self.tensorboard_suffix) self.tensorboard_dir = '{}/run{}-latest'.format(self.tensorboard_dir, tb_dir_suffix) # call child method to do preparations self._setup_tensorboard() # this operation can be run in a tensorflow session and will return all summaries # created above. self.merge_op = tf.summary.merge_all() self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.tensorboard_dir, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) # flag indicating whether this instance is completely trained self.is_trained = False # if this instance is working with checkpoints, we'll check whether # one is already there. if so, we continue training from that checkpoint, # i.e. load the saved weights into target and online network. if self.use_checkpoints: # remove old weights if needed and not already trained until the end if self.clean_previous_weights:'Cleaning weights ...') if os.path.isfile('{}/done'.format(self.checkpoint_dir)): self.logger.critical('Successfully trained weights shall be deleted under \n\n' '{}/done\n\n' 'This is most likely a misconfiguration. Either delete the done-file' ' or the weights themselves manually.'.format(self.checkpoint_dir)) clean_dir(self.checkpoint_dir) # be sure that the directory exits create_dir(self.checkpoint_dir) # Saver objects handles writing and reading protobuf weight files self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.all_variables()) # file handle for writing episode summaries self.csvlog = open('{}/progress.csv'.format(self.checkpoint_dir), 'a') # write headline if file is empty if os.stat('{}/progress.csv'.format(self.checkpoint_dir)).st_size == 0: self.csvlog.write('episode, epsilon, reward\n') # load already saved weights self._load()
import logging import numpy as np import scipy from forkan import dataset_path from forkan.common.utils import create_dir from forkan.datasets import load_atari_normalized logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'loading dataset ...') data = load_atari_normalized('breakout-small')'done loading') np.random.seed(0) idxs = [5, 6, 7, 305711, 244444] rand_frames = data[idxs] print('dumping file') np.savez_compressed('{}/breakout-eval.npz'.format(dataset_path), data=rand_frames) print('storing some pngs') create_dir('{}/breakout-eval/'.format(dataset_path)) for n, f in enumerate(rand_frames[:, ...]): scipy.misc.imsave('{}/breakout-eval/frame{}.png'.format(dataset_path, n), np.squeeze(f)) print('done')
def classify_ball(ds_path, name_prefix, mlp_neurons=16, val_split=0.2, batch_size=128, epochs=100): K.set_session(tf.Session()) dataset_prefix = 'ball_latents_' ds = np.load(f'{dataset_path}{ds_path}.npz') home = os.environ['HOME'] orgs = ds['originals'] poss = ds['ball_positions'] dt ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') model_name = f'{name_prefix}-N{mlp_neurons}-{ds_path}-{dt}' model_save_path = f'{model_path}classify-ball/{model_name}' create_dir(model_save_path) csv = CSVLogger( f'{model_save_path}/progress.csv', *[ 'timestamp', 'nbatch', 'mae_train', 'mse_train', 'mae_test', 'mse_test' ]) if name_prefix == 'VAE': lats = ds['vae_latents'] elif name_prefix == 'RETRAIN': lats = ds['latents'] else: print(f'name {name_prefix} unknown!') print(0) model = Sequential([ Dense(mlp_neurons, activation='relu', input_shape=(lats.shape[-1], )), Dense(mlp_neurons, activation='relu'), Dense(poss.shape[-1], activation='sigmoid') ]) model.compile(optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01), loss='mse', metrics=['mae']) sess = K.get_session() idxes = np.arange(lats.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(idxes) split_idx = int(lats.shape[0] * (1 - val_split)) def draw_predicted_balls(imgs, locations, real_loc): imgs = imgs.copy() for n, img in enumerate(imgs): for j in [-1, 0, 1]: for i in [-1, 0, 1]: x, y = np.clip(int((locations[n, 0] * 210) + j), 0, 209), np.clip( int((locations[n, 1] * 160) + i), 0, 159) img[x, y] = [0, 200, 200] x, y = np.clip(int((real_loc[n, 0] * 210) + j), 0, 209), np.clip( int((real_loc[n, 1] * 160) + i), 0, 159) img[x, y] = [200, 0, 200] return np.asarray(imgs, dtype=np.uint8) class TBCB(Callback): def __init__(self, m, ovo): self.mse_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name='mse-train') self.mae_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name='mae-train') self.val_mse_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name='mse-test') self.val_mae_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name='mae-test') self.im_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, (1, 210 * 3, 160 * 5, 3), name='pred-ball-pos-ph') tr_sum = [] tr_sum.append( scalar_summary('mse-train', self.mse_ph, scope='train')) tr_sum.append( scalar_summary('mae-train', self.mae_ph, scope='train')) te_sum = [] te_sum.append( scalar_summary('mse-test', self.val_mse_ph, scope='test')) te_sum.append( scalar_summary('mae-test', self.val_mae_ph, scope='test')) self.im_sum = tf.summary.image('pred-ball-pos', self.im_ph) self.mtr_sum = tf.summary.merge(tr_sum) self.mte_sum = tf.summary.merge(te_sum) self.fw = tf.summary.FileWriter(f'{home}/ball/{model_name}', graph=sess.graph) self.ovo = ovo self.step = 0 self.m = m def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}): self.step += 1 mse_t = logs['loss'] mae_t = logs['mean_absolute_error'] # this is usually only given on epoch end. may that resolution suffices? val_mse_t, val_mae_t = self.m.evaluate(x=self.validation_data[0], y=self.validation_data[1]) su, se = [self.mtr_sum, self.mte_sum], feed_dict={ self.mse_ph: mse_t, self.mae_ph: mae_t, self.val_mse_ph: val_mse_t, self.val_mae_ph: val_mae_t, }) csv.writeline(, self.step, mae_t, mse_t, val_mae_t, val_mse_t, ) self.fw.add_summary(su, self.step) self.fw.add_summary(se, self.step) def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): test_idxes = np.random.choice(self.validation_data[0].shape[0] - 1, 15, replace=False) predicted_locations = model.predict( self.validation_data[0][test_idxes]) imgs = draw_predicted_balls(self.ovo[test_idxes], predicted_locations, self.validation_data[1][test_idxes]) r1 = np.concatenate(imgs[0:5], axis=1) r2 = np.concatenate(imgs[5:10], axis=1) r3 = np.concatenate(imgs[10:15], axis=1) img_mat = np.concatenate([r1, r2, r3], axis=0) img_sum =, feed_dict={self.im_ph: [img_mat]}) self.fw.add_summary(img_sum, self.step)[idxes][:split_idx], poss[idxes][:split_idx], epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(lats[idxes][split_idx:], poss[idxes][split_idx:]), callbacks=[TBCB(model, orgs[idxes][split_idx:])]) model.save_weights(f'{model_save_path}/weights.h5') csv.flush() del csv return None
frames = np.zeros((int(TOTAL_FRAMES), 84, 84)) model, env = main(args, just_return=True) obs = env.reset()'generating frames') for step in tqdm(range(int(TOTAL_FRAMES))): actions, _, _, _ = model.step(obs) img = np.asarray(np.squeeze(obs[..., -1]) / 255, dtype=np.float32) frames[step, ...] = img obs, _, done, _ = env.step(actions) done = done.any() if isinstance(done, np.ndarray) else done if done: obs = env.reset()'dumping file') name = args[1].replace('NoFrameskip', '').lower().split('-')[0] np.savez_compressed('{}/{}-normalized.npz'.format(dataset_path, name), data=frames)'storing some example pngs for {}'.format(name)) create_dir('{}/{}/'.format(dataset_path, name)) for n, f in enumerate(frames[40:60, ...]): scipy.misc.imsave('{}/{}/frame{}.png'.format(dataset_path, name, n), np.squeeze(f))'done')
def train(self, dataset, batch_size=32, num_episodes=30, print_freq=10): num_samples = len(dataset) assert np.max(dataset) <= 1, 'provide normalized dataset!' # some sanity checks dataset = self._preprocess_batch(dataset)'Training on {} samples for {} episodes.'.format( num_samples, num_episodes)) tstart = time.time() nb = 1 im_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=np.multiply((1, ) + self.input_shape[1:], [1, 3, 2, 1])) im_sum = tf.summary.image('img', im_ph) # rollout N episodes for ep in range(num_episodes): # shuffle dataset np.random.shuffle(dataset) for n, idx in enumerate(np.arange(0, num_samples, batch_size)): bps = max(int(nb / (time.time() - tstart)), 1) x = dataset[idx:min(idx + batch_size, num_samples), ...] _, loss, re_loss, kl_losses = [self.train_op, self.vae_loss, self.re_loss, self.kl_loss], feed_dict={self._input: x}) # mean losses re_loss = np.mean(re_loss) kl_loss = self.beta * np.sum(kl_losses) if self.tb: fd = { self._input: x, self.rel_ph: re_loss, self.kll_ph: kl_loss, self.bps_ph: bps, self.ep_ph: ep, } for i, kph in enumerate(self.klls_ph): fd.update({kph: kl_losses[i]}) suma =, feed_dict=fd) self.writer.add_summary(suma, nb) # increase batch counter nb += 1 self.csv.writeline(, ep, nb, re_loss, kl_loss, *kl_losses) if n % print_freq == 0 and print_freq is not -1: if self.tb: du = x[np.random.choice(x.shape[0], 3)] reca = self.reconstruct(du) hori = [] for o in range(3): hori.append( np.concatenate((du[o], reca[o]), axis=1)) fin = np.concatenate(hori, axis=0) isu = im_sum, feed_dict={im_ph: np.expand_dims(fin, axis=0)}) self.writer.add_summary(isu, nb) self.writer.flush() total_batches = (num_samples // batch_size) * num_episodes perc = ((nb) / max(total_batches, 1)) * 100 steps2go = total_batches - nb secs2go = steps2go / bps min2go = secs2go / 60 hrs = int(min2go // 60) mins = int(min2go) % 60 tab = tabulate([ ['name', f'{}-b{self.beta}'], ['episode', ep], ['batch', n], ['bps', bps], ['rec-loss', re_loss], ['kl-loss', kl_loss], ['ETA', '{}h {}min'.format(hrs, mins)], ['done', '{}%'.format(int(perc))], ]) print('\n{}'.format(tab)) self._save() newest = '{}/{}/'.format(self.parent_dir,'done training!\ncopying files to {}'.format(newest)) # create, clean & copy create_dir(newest) clean_dir(newest, with_files=True) copytree(self.savepath, newest) # as reference, we leave a file containing the foldername of the just copied model with open('{}from'.format(newest), 'a') as fi: fi.write('{}\n'.format(self.savepath.split('/')[-2]))
def __init__(self, input_shape=None, name='default', network='atari', latent_dim=20, beta=1.0, lr=1e-4, zeta=1.0, load_from=None, session=None, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer, with_opt=True, tensorboard=False): if input_shape is None: assert load_from is not None, 'input shape need to be given if no model is loaded' self.log = logging.getLogger('vae') if load_from is None: # fresh vae # take care of correct input dim: (BATCH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, CHANNELS) # add channel dim if not provided if len(input_shape) == 2: input_shape = input_shape + (1, ) self.latent_dim = latent_dim = network self.beta = beta = name self.zeta = zeta = lr # add batch dim self.input_shape = (None, ) + input_shape self.savename = '{}-b{}-z{}-lat{}-lr{}-{}'.format( name, beta, zeta, latent_dim, lr,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')) self.parent_dir = '{}vae-{}'.format(model_path, network) self.savepath = '{}vae-{}/{}/'.format(model_path, network, self.savename) create_dir(self.savepath)'storing files under {}'.format(self.savepath)) params = locals() params.pop('self') params.pop('optimizer') params.pop('session') with open('{}/params.json'.format(self.savepath), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(params, outfile) else: # load old parameter self.savename = load_from self.parent_dir = '{}vae-{}'.format(model_path, network) self.savepath = '{}vae-{}/{}/'.format(model_path, network, self.savename)'loading model and parameters from {}'.format( self.savepath)) try: with open('{}/params.json'.format(self.savepath), 'r') as infile: params = json.load(infile) for k, v in params.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # add batch dim self.input_shape = (None, ) + tuple(self.input_shape) except Exception as e: self.log.critical('loading {}/params.json failed!\n{}'.format( self.savepath, e)) exit(0) # store number of channels self.num_channels = self.input_shape[-1] self.tb = tensorboard with tf.variable_scope('input-ph'): self._input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=self.input_shape, name='input') """ TF Graph setup """ self.mus, self.logvars, self.z, self._output = \ build_network(self._input, self.input_shape, latent_dim=self.latent_dim, print('\n') """ Loss """ # Loss # Reconstruction loss self.re_loss = K.binary_crossentropy(K.flatten(self._input), K.flatten(self._output)) self.re_loss *= self.input_shape[1]**2 # dont square, use correct dims self.re_loss *= self.zeta # define kullback leibler divergence self.kl_loss = 1 + self.logvars - K.square(self.mus) - K.exp( self.logvars) self.kl_loss = -0.5 * K.mean(self.kl_loss, axis=0) self.vae_loss = K.mean(self.re_loss + self.beta * K.sum(self.kl_loss)) # create optimizer if with_opt: self.train_op = optimizer( self.vae_loss) """ TF setup """ self.s = session if session is not None else tf.Session() tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=self.s) # Saver objects handles writing and reading protobuf weight files self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.all_variables()) if load_from is not None:'restoring graph ... ') self.saver.restore(self.s, '{}'.format(self.savepath))'done!')'VAE has parameters:') print_dict(params, lo=self.log) if self.tb: self._tensorboard_setup() csv_header = ['date', '#episode', '#batch', 'rec-loss', 'kl-loss'] +\ ['z{}-kl'.format(i) for i in range(self.latent_dim)] self.csv = CSVLogger('{}/progress.csv'.format(self.savepath), *csv_header)
def __init__(self, rlpath, input_shape, network='pendulum', latent_dim=20, beta=1.0, k=5, init_from=None, with_attrs=False, sess=None, scaled_re_loss=True): self.log = logging.getLogger('vae') self.input_shape = (None, ) + input_shape self.scaled_re_loss = scaled_re_loss self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.with_attrs = with_attrs self.init_from = init_from = network self.beta = beta self.k = k self.savepath = f'{rlpath}/vae/'.replace('//', '/') create_dir(self.savepath)'storing files under {}'.format(self.savepath)) params = locals() params.pop('self') params.pop('sess') if not self.with_attrs: with open(f'{self.savepath}/params.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(params, outfile) else:'load_base_weights() needs to be called!') with tf.variable_scope('vae', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): self.X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=( None, k, ) + self.input_shape[1:], name='stacked-vae-input') """ TF setup """ self.s = sess assert self.s is not None, 'you need to pass a tf.Session()' """ TF Graph setup """ self.mus = [] self.logvars = [] self.z = [] self.Xhat = [] for i in range(self.k): m, lv, z, xh = \ build_network(self.X[:, i, ...], self.input_shape, latent_dim=self.latent_dim, self.mus.append(m) self.logvars.append(lv) self.z.append(z) self.Xhat.append(xh) print('\n') self.U = tf.concat(self.mus, axis=1) # Saver objects handles writing and reading protobuf weight files self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.trainable_variables( scope='vae')) if init_from: self._load_base_weights() """ Losses """ # Loss # Reconstruction loss rels = [] for i in range(self.k): from tensorflow.contrib.layers import flatten inp, outp = flatten(self.X[:, i, ...]), flatten(self.Xhat[i]) xent = K.binary_crossentropy(inp, outp) if self.scaled_re_loss: xent *= (self.input_shape[1]**2) rels.append(xent) self.re_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack(rels), axis=0) # define kullback leibler divergence kls = [] for i in range(self.k): kls.append(-0.5 * K.mean( (1 + self.logvars[i] - K.square(self.mus[i]) - K.exp(self.logvars[i])), axis=0)) self.kl_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack(kls), axis=0) self.vae_loss = K.mean(self.re_loss + self.beta * K.sum(self.kl_loss))'VAE has parameters:') print_dict(params, lo=self.log)