def homepage(request): """ Homepage of the website. """ latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) if request.user.is_authenticated(): # if search if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.search_form(request.POST or None) if form.is_valid(): search_word = request.POST['search_word'] photo_list = dbControl.get_photos_of_tag(search_word) else: pass # not search, get photos may be interested in else: search_word = '' photo_list = dbControl.get_interested_photos(email=email) # not login else: search_word = '' photo_list = dbControl.get_latest_photos() return_dict = {'photo_list': photo_list, 'search_word': search_word, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list, 'user_Email': email} return render(request, u'index.html', return_dict)
def GET(self): q = web.input() t = template.env.get_template('search.html') f = search_form() try: if q.query: results = [] user_list = [] query = q.query.split(' ') for i in User.all(): x = util.strip_private_data(i) if x is not None: user_list.append(x) for p in user_list: for i in query: if i in dict(p).values(): results.append(p) return t.render( title='Find who you\'re looking for!', form=f, results=results if results else None, )) else: web.debug('q.query doesn\'t exist and it didn\'t thow an exception!') raise Warning('Odd, huh?') except: return t.render( title='Find who you\'re looking for!', form=f, ))
def search(request): """ Get search_word from the search form and check it, then redirects to view 'tag'. """ form = forms.search_form(request.GET or None) photo_list = [] search_word = '' if form.is_valid(): search_word = request.GET['search_word'] return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('tag', args=[search_word]))
def search(request): searched = False profiles = {} numProfiles = 0 userId = 0 n = '' if request.method == 'POST': form = search_form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): n = form.cleaned_data.get('name') all_profiles = userProfile.objects.all() profiles = all_profiles.filter(username=n) if len(profiles) != 0: numProfiles = len(profiles) searched = True request.session['from_method'] = 'search' request.session['search_for'] = n else: print form.errors else: form = search_form() return render(request, 'kerbie/search.html', {'form': form, 'username':n, 'searched':searched, 'numProfiles': numProfiles})
def search(request): if request.method=='GET': form=search_form(request.POST) qr=request.GET.get('q','') if qr!='': try: g=(Q(Location__icontains=qr)| Q(Name__icontains=qr)) #Q(Discription__icontains=qr)) results = place_details.objects.filter(g) if list(results)==[]: result2='No results found' except: result2='No results found' return render(request,'search_results.html',locals())
def search(): form = search_form() if request.method == "POST": if form.validate() == False: return render_template("home.html", form=form) else: appurl = # getting the application page via the url ua = UserAgent() headers = {"User-Agent": ua.random} try: page = requests.get(appurl, headers=headers, timeout=15, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh: return render_template('display_search_results.html', error="Http Error: " + errh) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as errc: return render_template('display_search_results.html', error="Connection Error :" + errc) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as errt: return render_template('display_search_results.html', error="Timeout Error :" + errt) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: return render_template('display_search_results.html', error="OOps: ERROR :" + err) # getting the html code to be parsed using Soup html = page.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="html.parser") # retrieving app info using xpath try: root = lxml.html.fromstring(page.content) app_name = root.xpath( '//*[@id="mas-title"]/div/span/text()')[0] app_version = root.xpath( './/*[@id="masTechnicalDetails-btf"]/div[2]/span[2]/text()' )[0] app_changelog = root.xpath( '//*[@id="mas-latest-updates"]/ul/li/span/text()')[0] except (IndexError, ValueError): err_msg = "No App info is found. please try with a different URL. Example:" return render_template('display_search_results.html', error=err_msg) # retrieving release date info using soup try: info_table = soup.find('table', id='productDetailsTable') row = info_table.findAll("li") app_original_release_date = row[1].getText().strip( row[1].find("b").getText()) except Exception as e: err_msg = "No App info is found. please try with a different URL. Example:" return render_template('display_search_results.html', error=err_msg) return render_template("display_search_results.html", name=app_name, version=app_version, changelog=app_changelog, release_date=app_original_release_date) elif request.method == 'GET': return render_template('home.html', form=form)