コード例 #1
def __get_ispl_poss(action_tuple_list, model, fluent_tuple_list):
	#feature_list = Util.get
	ispl_fluent_list = ['%s%s'%(f,'_'.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list]
	fluent_list = ['%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list]
	ispl_action_list = ['%s%s'%(a,'_'.join(para_list)) for a, para_list in action_tuple_list]
	action_list = ['%s(%s)'%(a,','.join(para_list)) for a, para_list in action_tuple_list]

	pred_fluent_list = ['%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list \
				if f in context_operator.get_predicates()]

	action_poss_list = [ atomic_regress.poss_or_ssa(action) for action in action_list ]
	#print '\n    '.join(action_poss_list)
	action_poss_list = [ Formula.transform_entailment(poss) for poss in action_poss_list ]
	action_poss_list = [ ____add_env(poss, fluent_list) for poss in action_poss_list ]
	action_poss_list = [ Formula.grounding(poss, model) for poss in action_poss_list ]

	action_poss_list = [ ____ispl_simplify(poss, 'state') for poss in action_poss_list]
	action_poss_list = [ ____to_ispl_preds(poss, pred_fluent_list) for poss in action_poss_list ]
	action_poss_list = [ ____to_ispl_vars(poss, fluent_list, ispl_fluent_list) for poss in action_poss_list]
	action_poss_list = [ ____to_ispl_logic(poss) for poss in action_poss_list]
	action_poss_list = [ "%s:{%s};"%(poss, ispl_action_list[e]) for e, poss in enumerate(action_poss_list) if poss !='false']
	#return '\n    '.join(action_poss_list)
	return action_poss_list
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_statistic.py プロジェクト: Rydra/rftg-tracker
def test_formula_expressions_can_be_parsed():
    formula = parser.expr(
        'base_value * MULTIPLIER + STAMINA // 3 - SPEED // 5 + ENHANCERS'
    value = eval(formula, {}, {
        'base_value': 3,
        'MULTIPLIER': 1,
        'STAMINA': 3,
        'SPEED': 10,
        'ENHANCERS': 3
    assert value == 5

    # expr = NumExpr('base_value * MULTIPLIER + STAMINA / 3 - SPEED / 5 + ENHANCERS')

    variables = {
        'base_value': 3,
        'MULTIPLIER': 1,
        'STAMINA': 3,
        'SPEED': 10,
        'ENHANCERS': 3,
        'BANANAS': 8

    formula = Formula(
        'base_value * MULTIPLIER + STAMINA // 3 - SPEED // 5 + ENHANCERS')
    assert formula.evaluate(variables) == 5
コード例 #3
def __get_ispl_formula(formula, model, fluent_tuple_list):
	#print formula
	ispl_fluent_list = ['%s%s'%(f,'_'.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list]
	fluent_list = ['%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list]
	pred_fluent_list = ['%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list \
			if f in context_operator.get_predicates()]

	formula = Formula.transform_entailment(formula)
	formula = ____add_env(formula, fluent_list)
	#print formula
	formula = Formula.grounding(formula, model)
	#print formula
	formula = ____ispl_simplify(formula, 'Environment.Action')
	#print formula
	formula = ____to_ispl_preds(formula, pred_fluent_list)
	#print formula
	#formula = ____add_env(formula, fluent_list)
	#print formula
	formula = Util.endecode_string(formula, fluent_list, ispl_fluent_list)
	#print formula
	formula = ____to_ispl_logic(formula)
	#print formula
	return formula
コード例 #4
def is_stable_or_dead(protocol, valuation, disabled):
    # Dead?
    dead = True

    for t in protocol.transitions:
        p, q = tuple(t.pre)

        if (not t.silent() and (t.pre not in disabled)
                and (valuation[Var(p)] is not False)
                and (valuation[Var(q)] is not False)):
            dead = False

    if dead:
        return True

    # Stable?
    V = protocol.states - valuation.absent_states()
    out = {protocol.output(q) for q in V}

    if len(out) > 1:
        return False
        x = out.pop()
        R = set()

        for t in protocol.transitions:
            for q in t.post:
                if protocol.output(q) != x:

        formula = Formula(valuation, disabled)

        return formula.implies_all_absent_tautology_check(R)
コード例 #5
    def test_formula_set_params(self):
        f = Formula()

        f({'a': 2, 'b': 5})

        self.assertEqual(f('a'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(f.get_param('b'), 5)
コード例 #6
def stratify(factor, variable):
    """ Create a new variable, stratified by the levels of a Factor.

    variable : str or a simple sympy expression whose string representation
        are all lower or upper case letters, i.e. it can be interpreted
        as a name

    formula : Formula
        Formula whose mean has one parameter named _variable%d, for each
        level in factor.levels

    >>> f = Factor('a', ['x','y'])
    >>> sf = f.stratify('theta')
    >>> sf.mean
    _theta0*a_x + _theta1*a_y
    if not set(str(variable)).issubset(lowercase + uppercase + '0123456789'):
        raise ValueError('variable should be interpretable as a '
                         'name and not have anything but digits '
                         'and letters')
    variable = sympy.sympify(variable)
    f = Formula(factor.formula.terms, char=variable)
    f.name = factor.name
    return f
コード例 #7
ファイル: pept_comp.py プロジェクト: jcraigblain/pept_pol
	def __init__(self, residue_dict, derivative):
		self.residue_dict = residue_dict
		self.derivative = derivative
		formula = Formula(derivative.form())
		for residue, count in residue_dict.iteritems():
		self.formula = formula
コード例 #8
ファイル: terms.py プロジェクト: fperez/formula
    def stratify(self, variable):
        """ Create a new variable, stratified by the levels of a Factor.

        variable : str or a simple sympy expression whose string representation
            are all lower or upper case letters, i.e. it can be interpreted
            as a name

        formula : Formula
            Formula whose mean has one parameter named variable%d, for each
            level in self.levels
        >>> f = Factor('a', ['x','y'])
        >>> sf = f.stratify('theta')
        >>> sf.mean
        _theta0*a_x + _theta1*a_y
        if not set(str(variable)).issubset(lowercase +
                                           uppercase + '0123456789'):
            raise ValueError('variable should be interpretable as a '
                             'name and not have anything but digits '
                             'and numbers')
        variable = sympy.sympify(variable)
        f = Formula(self.formula.terms, char=variable)
        f.name = self.name
        return f
コード例 #9
ファイル: calc.py プロジェクト: yachtless/h3_homework
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        self.master = master
        self.controls_layout = list()
        self.result_flag = False
        self.text_layout = [[], ['AC', '+/-', '%', '/'], ['7', '8', '9', 'X'],
                            ['4', '5', '6', '-'], ['1', '2', '3', '+'],
                            ['0', None, ',', '=']]
        self.callbacks_layout = [
                self._bttn_AC, self._bttn_unary_minus, self._bttn_percent,
            [self._bttn_7, self._bttn_8, self._bttn_9, self._bttn_multiply],
            [self._bttn_4, self._bttn_5, self._bttn_6, self._bttn_minus],
            [self._bttn_1, self._bttn_2, self._bttn_3, self._bttn_plus],
            [self._bttn_0, None, self._bttn_decimal, self._bttn_equals],
        self.display_stringvar = tk.StringVar()
        self.formula = Formula()

コード例 #10
def is_very_fast(protocol, valuation, disabled):
    graph, vertices, edges = transformation_graph(protocol, valuation,
    components, _, is_bottom = label_components(graph, attractors=True)

    U = {q for q in vertices if not is_bottom[components[vertices[q]]]}
    formula = Formula(valuation, disabled)

    for t in protocol.transitions:
        p, q = tuple(t.pre)
        p_, q_ = tuple(t.post)

        if (p in vertices and q in vertices and p_ in vertices
                and q_ in vertices and len({p, q, p_, q_} & U) > 0):
            if ((components[vertices[p]] != components[vertices[p_]])
                    and (components[vertices[p]] != components[vertices[q_]])
                    and (components[vertices[q]] != components[vertices[p_]])
                    and (components[vertices[q]] != components[vertices[q_]])):
            elif formula.implies_all_absent_tautology_check({t.pre}):
                return False

    return True
コード例 #11
ファイル: toCnfTest.py プロジェクト: omachelova/lpi-1
    def formulaVars(self, f: Formula) -> Set[str]:
        """ List variables in formula f.

        This depends on correct implementation of subf() and Variable.name.
        if isinstance(f, Variable):
            return set([f.name()])
        return set.union(set(), *(self.formulaVars(sf) for sf in f.subf()))
コード例 #12
    def test_formula_fn_registry_args(self):
        f = Formula()

        def a(b, c):
            return b + c

        self.assertEqual(f.get_fn_by_name('a')[f.__ARGS_KEY__][1], ['b', 'c'])
コード例 #13
    def test_formula_fn_registry_call(self):
        f = Formula()

        def a(b):
            return b ** 2

        self.assertEqual(f.get_fn_by_name('a')[f.__CALL_KEY__][1](2), 4)
コード例 #14
    def add_fixed_topics_formulas(self, topics, prob_thresh=0.5):
        # Adds fixed topics by matching on chemical formulas
        from formula import Formula
        print "Matching topics based on formulas"
        ti = [(topic, self.topic_index[topic]) for topic in self.topic_index]
        ti = sorted(ti, key=lambda x: x[1])
        topic_reverse, _ = zip(*ti)
        self.beta_matrix = np.zeros((self.K, len(self.word_index)), np.float)
        self.n_fixed_topics = 0

        frag_formulas = {}
        loss_formulas = {}

        for word in self.word_index:
            split_word = word.split('_')
            if len(split_word) == 3:
                formula = Formula(split_word[2])
                if word.startswith('loss'):
                    loss_formulas[str(formula)] = word
                    frag_formulas[str(formula)] = word

        for topic in topics['beta']:
            matched_probability = 0.0
            matches = {}
            for word, probability in topics['beta'][topic].items():
                split_word = word.split('_')
                if len(split_word) == 3:  # it has a formula
                    formula_string = str(Formula(split_word[2]))
                    matched_word = None
                    if word.startswith(
                            'loss') and formula_string in loss_formulas:
                        matched_word = loss_formulas[formula_string]
                    elif word.startswith(
                            'fragment') and formula_string in frag_formulas:
                        matched_word = frag_formulas[formula_string]
                    if not matched_word == None:
                        matches[word] = matched_word
                        matched_probability += probability

            print "Topic: {}, {} probability matched ({})".format(
                topic, matched_probability,
                topics['topic_metadata'][topic].get('annotation', ""))
            if matched_probability > prob_thresh:
                # We have a match
                for word in matches:
                                     self.word_index[matches[word]]] = topics[
                # Normalise
                self.beta_matrix[self.n_fixed_topics, :] /= self.beta_matrix[
                    self.n_fixed_topics, :].sum()
                topic_here = topic_reverse[self.n_fixed_topics]
                print "Match accepted, storing as {}".format(topic_here)
                self.topic_metadata[topic_here]['type'] = 'fixed'
                for key, val in topics['topic_metadata'][topic].items():
                    self.topic_metadata[topic_here][key] = val
                self.n_fixed_topics += 1
コード例 #15
    def test_formula_param_add_when_fn_call_outside_formula(self):
        f = Formula()

        def a(b, c):
            return b - c

        a(100, 98)

        self.assertEqual(f.get_params(), {'a': 2, 'b': 100, 'c': 98})
コード例 #16
def parseToTree(symbol, node):

    if symbol not in operatorList or symbol == "~":
        if symbol == ")":
            while 1:
                node = node.parent
                if node.symbol != "~":
            if node.symbol == None:
                if node.parent != None and node.parent.symbol != "~":
                    node.parent.right = node.left
                    node.parent.left = node.left

                return node
                return node
        elif node.symbol == None or node.symbol == "~":
            if symbol == "(":
                node.left = Formula(None, None, node)
            elif symbol == "~":
                node.left = Negation(None, symbol, node)
                node.left = Atom(None, symbol, node)
            return node.left
            if symbol == "(":
                node.right = Formula(None, None, node)
            elif symbol == "~":
                node.right = Negation(None, symbol, node)
                node.right = Atom(None, symbol, node)
            return node.right
    elif symbol in operatorList and symbol != "~":
        while 1:
            node = node.parent
            if node.symbol != "~":
        if symbol == "^":
            node = Conjunction(node)
        elif symbol == "v":
            node = Disjunction(node)
        elif symbol == "=>":
            node = Implication(node)
            node = Biconditional(node)
        node.left.parent = node
        if node.parent:
            if not node.parent.symbol or node.parent.symbol == "~":
                node.parent.left = node
                node.parent.right = node
        return node
    return node
コード例 #17
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: reflowHQ/django-formulas
 def get_prep_value(self, value):
     if value is None:
         return value
     if isinstance(value, tuple):
         formula, value = value
         value = Formula(formula, value)
         value = value.value
     elif self.formula:
         value = Formula(self.formula, value)
         value = value.value
     return value
コード例 #18
def prog_28(fname):

    # TODO:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    from formula import Formula
    import solver

    formulas = {}

    f = open(fname)

    ns = eval(f.readline().strip())

    for i in xrange(ns):
        formula = Formula()

        line = f.readline().strip()
        cnt = 0
        while line:
            if cnt == 0:
                line = f.readline().strip()
                cnt +=1
            e1,e2 = map(int, line.split())
            line = f.readline().strip()

        formulas[i] = formula


    # print random_formula(2,6)

    for i in xrange(ns):
        formula = formulas[i]
        # print formula
        flg = solver.satisfiable(formula)
        if flg:
            print 1,
            sg = max(solver.find_component(formula), key=len)

            for n in sorted(sg):
                print n,

            print 0,

コード例 #19
def test_simple_subtract(var1, var2, expected_result, precision):
    """Calculating the subtraction of two numbers."""

    assert expected_result == Formula("var1 - var2", precision).get(
        {"var1": var1, "var2": var2}
    assert expected_result == Formula("var1 - var2", precision).get(
        {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "addition": "12345"}
    assert expected_result == Formula(var1 + "-" + var2, precision).get()
    assert expected_result == Formula(var1 + "-" + var2, precision).get({})
    assert expected_result == Formula(var1 + "-" + var2, precision).get(
        {u"asdf_фыва": "-1", u"й": "1e-100500"}
コード例 #20
def compute_J(protocol, valuation, disabled, F, mem, graph, vertices):
    key = (valuation, frozenset(disabled))

    if key in mem:
        return mem[key]

    newM = set()
    M = set()
    sF = set(F)
    distance = shortest_distance(graph, directed=True)
    while not (len(newM) == len(sF)):
        newM = nextH(newM, sF.difference(newM), distance, vertices)
        M = newM
        stable = (len(M) == 0)

        while not stable:
            to_remove = set()

            for pair in M:  # AB
                constraints = []

                for t in protocol.transitions:
                    if (t.post == pair):
                        constraints.append(([], [], t.pre))
                    elif len(set(pair) & t.postset) == 1:
                        p = tuple(set(pair) & t.postset)[0]  # E
                        q = pair.other(p)  # F
                        q_ = t.post.other(p)  # G

                        if (q_ != q):  # G != F
                            if p != q:  # E != F
                                constraints.append(([Var(q)], [Var(p)], t.pre))
                            elif p not in t.pre:  # E = F and E not in AB
                                constraints.append(([Var(p, True)], [], t.pre))

                formula = Formula(valuation, disabled | M)

                if not formula.tautology_check(constraints):

            if len(to_remove) > 0:
                M -= to_remove
                stable = True
        if len(M) > 0:

    mem[key] = M

    return M
コード例 #21
def test_simple_sum(var1, var2, expected_result, precision):
    """Calculating the sum of two numbers."""

    assert expected_result == Formula("var1 + var2", precision).get(
        {"var1": var1, "var2": var2}
    assert expected_result == Formula("var1 + var2", precision).get(
        {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "addition": "1e5000000"}
    assert expected_result == Formula(var1 + "+" + var2, precision).get()
    assert expected_result == Formula(var1 + "+" + var2, precision).get({})
    assert expected_result == Formula(var1 + "+" + var2, precision).get(
        {"qwer": "-1", u"й": "0"}
コード例 #22
def __get_ispl_update(fluent_tuple_list, p1_action_tuple_list, p2_action_tuple_list, model):

	universe, assignment, default_value = model
	ispl_fluent_list = ['%s%s'%(f,'_'.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list]
	fluent_list = ['%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list]

	predicates = context_operator.get_predicates()
	fun_fluent_list = [('%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)), sort) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list if f not in predicates]
	pred_fluent_list = ['%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list if f in predicates and f!='turn']
	#print fun_fluent_list
	#print pred_fluent_list
	fluent_value_list = sum([list(itertools.product([fluent],universe[sort])) \
		for fluent, sort in fun_fluent_list] ,[])
	fluent_value_list = ['%s=%s'%(fluent,value) for fluent, value in fluent_value_list]

	ispl_p1_action_list = ['Player1.Action = %s%s'%(a,'_'.join(para_list)) for a, para_list in p1_action_tuple_list]
	p1_action_list = ['%s(%s)'%(a,','.join(para_list)) for a, para_list in p1_action_tuple_list]
	ispl_p2_action_list = ['Player2.Action = %s%s'%(a,'_'.join(para_list)) for a, para_list in p2_action_tuple_list]
	p2_action_list = ['%s(%s)'%(a,','.join(para_list)) for a, para_list in p2_action_tuple_list]

	action_pair_list = [(a,b) for a, b in zip(p1_action_list+p2_action_list, ispl_p1_action_list+ispl_p2_action_list)]
	update_pair_list = [ (a,b,c) for a, (b,c) in itertools.product(fluent_value_list, action_pair_list)]
	update_pair_list = [ (fluent, atomic_regress.poss_or_ssa(action, fluent), ispl_action) \
						for fluent, action, ispl_action in update_pair_list]
	# transform (=>) to (not or)
	update_pair_list = [ (a, Formula.transform_entailment(b), c) for a, b, c in update_pair_list]
	update_pair_list = [ (a, Formula.grounding(b,model), c) for a, b, c in update_pair_list]
	update_pair_list = [ (a, ____ispl_simplify(b,'Player1.Action'), c) for a, b, c in update_pair_list]
	#update_pair_list = [ (a, b, c) for a, b, c in update_pair_list if b is not None]

	pred_fluent_list = ['%s(%s)'%(f,','.join(para_list)) for f, para_list, sort in fluent_tuple_list if f in predicates]
	# add =true to each predicates
	update_pair_list = [ (fluent, ____to_ispl_preds(update, pred_fluent_list), ispl_action) for fluent, update, ispl_action in  update_pair_list]

	fun_update_pair_list = [ (fluent, update, ispl_action) for fluent, update, ispl_action in  update_pair_list if fluent not in pred_fluent_list and update !='false'] 
	pred_update_pair_list = [ (fluent, update, ispl_action) for fluent, update, ispl_action in  update_pair_list if fluent in pred_fluent_list] 

	update_list = ['%s if (%s) and %s;'%(fluent, update, ispl_action) for fluent, update, ispl_action in  fun_update_pair_list ]
	update_list += ['%s=true if (%s) and %s;'%(fluent, update, ispl_action) for fluent, update, ispl_action in  pred_update_pair_list if update !='false' ]
	update_list += ['%s=false if !(%s) and %s;'%(fluent, update, ispl_action) for fluent, update, ispl_action in  pred_update_pair_list if update !='false' ]
	update_list += ['%s=false if %s;'%(fluent, ispl_action) for fluent, update, ispl_action in  pred_update_pair_list if update =='false' ]
	update_list += turn_list
	#update_list = [____add_env(formula, fluent_list) for formula in update_list]
	update_list = [ Util.endecode_string(formula, fluent_list, ispl_fluent_list) for formula in update_list]
	update_list = [ ____to_ispl_logic(formula) for formula in update_list]

	#return '\n    '.join(update_list)
	return update_list
コード例 #23
    def test_formula_reset_params(self):
        f = Formula()
        calc = Calc(f)

        def a(b):
            return b ** 2

        f({'b': 5})



        self.assertEqual(f.get_params(), {})
コード例 #24
def main() -> None:
        logging.basicConfig(filename='logs/run%s.log' %
                            re.sub('\W+', '_', str(datetime.now())),
    except FileNotFoundError:
    logging.info('original file is:')
    n, M = parse()
    fm = Formula(n, M)
    if fm.solve():
        print('s SATISFIABLE')
        print('s UNSATISFIABLE')
コード例 #25
    def next_rule(self):
        for state in self.states.values():
            if not state.cloned:
                state.cloned = True
                if state.is_consistent():
                    next_formulas = state.get_next_formulas()
                    if len(next_formulas) == 0:
                        next_formulas = {Formula(TruthValue.TRUE.value)}

                    found_pre_state = False
                    for pre_state in self.pre_states.values():
                        if next_formulas == pre_state.formulas:
                            found_pre_state = True

                    if not found_pre_state:
                        new_node = Node(tableau=self,
コード例 #26
ファイル: ancova.py プロジェクト: jarrodmillman/formula
    def contrasts(self):
        Return the canonical contrasts of the ANCOVA.
        The order is determined by the sorted order of 
        numerical terms in the ANCOVA.
        Each numerical term yields several 

        >>> x = Term('x'); f = Factor('f', [2,1,3]) ; h =Factor('h', range(2))
        >>> a = ANCOVA((x,f), (x,(f,h)))
        >>> a.contrasts
        {'I(x):f': Formula([f_1*x, f_3*x, f_2*x]), 'I(1):1': Formula([1]), 'I(x):f:h': Formula([f_2*h_1*x, f_1*h_1*x, f_3*h_1*x])}

        if not hasattr(self, "_contrasts"):
            self._contrasts = {}
            self._contrast_reps = []
            self._formulae = []
            for expr in sorted(self.graded_dict.keys()):
                formulae = get_contributions(self.codings[expr],
                for formula, srep in formulae:
                    v = formula * Formula([expr])
                    sexpr = "I(%s)" % str(expr)
                    if srep:
                        crep = ':'.join([sexpr,srep])
                        crep = sexpr
                    self._contrasts[crep] = v
        return self._contrasts
コード例 #27
 def from_json(comp_id: int, ref_id=None):
     """Reads competition from json result file
     takes com_id as argument"""
     from db.tables import TblResultFile as R
     with db_session() as db:
         if ref_id:
             file = db.query(R).get(ref_id).filename
             file = db.query(R.filename).filter(and_(R.comp_id == comp_id,
                                                     R.task_id.is_(None), R.active == 1)).scalar()
     if file:
         comp = Comp(comp_id=comp_id)
         with open(path.join(RESULTDIR, file), 'r') as f:
             '''read task json file'''
             data = json.load(f)
             for k, v in data['info'].items():
                 # not using update to intercept changing in formats
                 if hasattr(comp, k):
                     setattr(comp, k, v)
             # comp.as_dict().update(data['info'])
             comp.stats = dict(**data['stats'])
             comp.formula = Formula.from_dict(data['formula'])
             comp.data = dict(**data['file_stats'])
             results = []
             for p in data['results']:
                 '''get participants'''
                 participant = Participant(comp_id=comp_id)
             # should already be ordered, so probably not necessary
             comp.participants = sorted(results, key=lambda k: k.score, reverse=True)
         return comp
コード例 #28
    def read(img: Union[str, PicHandler], path: str='D:\\Project\\') -> ElemBlock:
        if isinstance(img, str):
            ph = PicHandler(img, path=path)
            ph = img
        blocks = Parser.parse(ph.blocksOfPixels(), sensivity=4, merge='math')
        elemBlocks = [FormulaRecognizer.recBlock(block) for block in blocks]

            f = Formula(elemBlocks)
            return ElemBlock('', Position(0, 0, 0, 0), ok=False)
        return f.getFormula()
コード例 #29
ファイル: terms.py プロジェクト: jarrodmillman/formula
 def _getmaineffect(self, ref=-1):
     if not hasattr(self, "_main_effect"):
         terms = [FactorTerm(self.name, l) for l in self.levels]
         ref_term = terms[ref]
         self._main_effect = Formula([term - ref_term for term in terms])
     return self._main_effect
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_simple.py プロジェクト: hozblok/formula
def test_getting_variables():
    """Check that formula return correct varables."""
    formula = Formula("a*b+c+D/qwe+s_s_s.*16+3^йцу4^f^t+a+xx+x+x+x")
    assert formula.variables() == {
        u"йцу4",  # support python2.7. It's not necessary in python3+
コード例 #31
    def read(cls, fp, short_name=None, keep_task_path=False, from_CIVL=False):
        """ A XML reader to read FSDB files
            Unfortunately the fsdb format isn't published so much of this is simply an
            exercise in reverse engineering.

                - fp:           STR: filepath
                - from_CIVL:    BOOL: look for pilot on CIVL database
        """read the fsdb file"""
            tree = ET.parse(fp)
            root = tree.getroot()
        except ET.Error:
            print("FSDB Read Error.")
            return None

        pilots = []
        tasks = []
        """Comp Info"""
        print("Getting Comp Info...")
        fs_comp = root.find('FsCompetition')
        comp = Comp.from_fsdb(fs_comp, short_name)
        comp.formula = Formula.from_fsdb(fs_comp)
        comp.formula.comp_class = comp.comp_class
        print("Getting Pilots Info...")
        if from_CIVL:
            print('*** get from CIVL database')
        p = root.find('FsCompetition').find('FsParticipants')
        for pil in p.iter('FsParticipant'):
            pilot = Participant.from_fsdb(pil, from_CIVL=from_CIVL)
            # pp(pilot.as_dict())

        comp.participants = pilots
        print("Getting Tasks Info...")
        t = root.find('FsCompetition').find('FsTasks')
        for tas in t.iter('FsTask'):
            '''create task obj'''
            task = Task.from_fsdb(tas, comp.time_offset, keep_task_path)
            '''check if task was valid'''
            if task is not None:
                if not task.task_path:
                # task.time_offset = int(comp.time_offset)
                """Task Results"""
                node = tas.find('FsParticipants')
                if node is not None:
                    task.pilots = []
                    print("Getting Results Info...")
                    for res in node.iter('FsParticipant'):
                        '''pilots results'''
                        pilot = FlightResult.from_fsdb(res, task)

        return cls(comp, tasks, fp)
コード例 #32
ファイル: database_finder.py プロジェクト: jerkos/eledelphe
    def assign_formula(self, features, for_adducts, with_tol_ppm=10.0):
        assign molecular formula to features using multiprocessing module
        :param for_adducts: string adducts list
        :param features: list or set ? of features
        :param with_tol_ppm: mz tolerance in order to perform the look up
        :return: dictionary with key: feature, value: list of metabolites
        m_count, not_found = 0, 0
        for for_adduct in for_adducts:
            formula = Formula.from_str(for_adduct)
            logging.info("searching for adducts: {}".format(str(formula)))

            # pool = billiard.Pool(processes=billiard.cpu_count())
            # args = [(self.HMDB_FILE, f, formula, with_tol_ppm) for f in features]
            # metabs = pool.map(search_metabolites_for, args, chunksize=20)
            # pool.close()

            #DEBUG CODE
            metabolites = []
            for f in features:
                metabolites.append(search_metabolites_for((self.HMDB_FILE, f, formula, with_tol_ppm)))

            # create Annotation objects

            for f, metabs in izip(features, metabolites):
                if not metabs:
                    not_found += 1
                    m_count += len(metabs)
                for_adducts_str = '[M{}{}]='.format('-' if f.polarity > 0 else '+', formula)
                f.annotations += [Annotation(m, for_adducts_str) for m in metabs]
        return m_count, not_found
コード例 #33
ファイル: terms.py プロジェクト: jarrodmillman/formula
 def drop_first(self):
     ref = 0
     if not hasattr(self, "_drop1"):
         terms = [FactorTerm(self.name, l) for l in self.levels]
         ref_term = terms[ref]
         self._drop1 = Formula(terms)
     return self._drop1
コード例 #34
def is_fast(protocol, valuation, disabled):
    graph, vertices, edges = transformation_graph(protocol, valuation,
    components, _, is_bottom = label_components(graph, attractors=True)

    U = {q for q in vertices if not is_bottom[components[vertices[q]]]}
    R = {q: set() for q in vertices}
    expV = set()

    for (p, q) in edges:
        if components[vertices[p]] != components[vertices[q]]:
            for t in edges[p, q]:

                if t.pre not in disabled:
                    for r in (set(t.pre) & U):

    for q in U:
        formula = Formula(valuation, disabled)

        if not formula.implies_some_present_tautology_check(R[q]):
            return False

    return True
コード例 #35
ファイル: terms.py プロジェクト: jarrodmillman/formula
 def formula(self):
     Create a formula.
     if not hasattr(self, "_formula"):
         self._formula = Formula(
             [FactorTerm(self.name, l) for l in self.levels],
     return self._formula
コード例 #36
def main():
    """Quick tests."""
    from relationsymbol import RelationSymbol
    from vocabulary import Vocabulary

    ahead_rs = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
    behind_rs = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
    pm_rs = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
    vocabulary = Vocabulary(
        ['C1', 'C2'], [ahead_rs, behind_rs, pm_rs], ['V1', 'V2'])

    f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')
    f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'C1')

    a = AssumptionBase(f1, f2)
    a2 = AssumptionBase(f2, f1)

    print a2
コード例 #37
def sat_formula(model, formula):

    universe, assignment, default_value = model
    formula = __to_python_formula(formula)
    #print '1,---------',formula
    formula = Formula.transform_entailment(formula)
    #print '2,---------',formula
    ground_formula = Formula.grounding(formula, model)
    #print '3,--------',ground_formula
    logical_formula = __assignment(ground_formula, assignment)
    #print '4,--------model replace',logical_formula
    #print 'kkkk',context_operator.get_sort_symbols_dict()
    #logger.debug("Checking formula %s with model %s \n formula after grounding: %s \n after model_replace %s"%(formula,model,ground_formula,logical_formula))
    scope = __get_const_value(context_operator.get_sort_symbols_dict(),
                              context_operator.get_fluents(), assignment)
    flag = eval(logical_formula, scope)
    #logger.debug('sat?: \n%s'%flag)
    return flag
コード例 #38
ファイル: domain.py プロジェクト: Rydra/rftg-tracker
    def _compute_actual_statistic(self, statname, properties):
        statistic = self.statistics[statname]
        current_value = statistic.value

        multiplicators = sum(
            self._compute_property_value(property) for property in properties
            if property['factor'] == 'multiplicative')
        additions = sum(
            self._compute_property_value(property) for property in properties
            if property['factor'] == 'additive')
        formulas = [
            Formula(property['formula']) for property in properties
            if property['factor'] == 'custom'

        # Usually used for percentages that should not ever reach 100%
        additive_multiplicatively = [
            self._compute_property_value(property) for property in properties
            if property['factor'] == 'additive-multiplicatively'

        if additive_multiplicatively:
            additive_multiplicatively_value = reduce(
                lambda x, y: x + x * y, sorted(additive_multiplicatively))
            additive_multiplicatively_value = 0

        if not formulas:
            current_value = statistic.value * max(
                multiplicators) + additions + additive_multiplicatively_value

            formula_keywords = {
            for formula in formulas:
                variables = set(formula.variables) - formula_keywords
                locals = dict((variable, self.get_keyword_count(variable))
                              for variable in variables)
                    max(1, multiplicators),
                current_value = formula.evaluate(locals)

        return ActualStatistic(
            statname, statistic.value,
            if statistic.needs_rounding else current_value)
コード例 #39
def getTreeList(RList):
    KBList = []
    for R in RList:
        node = Formula(None)
        for symbol in R:
            node = parseToTree(symbol, node)
        node = findRoot(node)
    return KBList
コード例 #40
    def test_calc(self):
        f = Formula()
        calc = Calc(f)

        def a(b, c):
            return b + c

        def b(c):
            return c * 2

        f({'c': 4})


        self.assertEqual(f('a'), 12)
        self.assertEqual(f.get_param('b'), 8)
コード例 #41
ファイル: databases.py プロジェクト: sdrogers/ms1fun
	def load(self):
		with open(self.std_file,'rU') as f:
		    for i in range(9):
		        f.readline() # remove heads
		    for line in f:
		        split_line = line.split(',')
		        polarity = split_line[4]
		        rts = split_line[9] # observed, not predicted
		        if rts == '-':
		            rt = 0.0
		            rt = float(rts)
		        if polarity == '+' and rt > 0.0:
		            name = split_line[2]
		            formula = split_line[3]
		            f = Formula(formula)
		            new_mol = Mol(name,formula,f.compute_exact_mass(),rt*60.0)
			self.mols = sorted(self.mols,key = lambda x: x.mass)
コード例 #42
ファイル: test_formula.py プロジェクト: xica/formula
 def test_tokenize(self):
     data = [
         ('A',  ('A',)),
         ('A + B * C',  ('A', '+', 'B', '*', 'C')),
         ('A+B*C',      ('A', '+', 'B', '*', 'C')),
         ('(r*r)*3.14',  ('(', 'r', '*', 'r', ')', '*', '3.14')),
         ('((A+1)-B)',  ('(', '(',  'A', '+', '1', ')', '-', 'B', ')')),
     for string, result in data:
         self.assertEqual(Formula.tokenize(string), result)
コード例 #43
ファイル: test_formula.py プロジェクト: xica/formula
 def test_parse(self):
     data = [
         (('A',), ('A',)),
         (('A', '+', 'B', '*', 'C'), ('A', 'B', 'C', '*', '+')),
         (('A', '/', 'B', '*', 'C'), ('A', 'B', '/', 'C', '*')),
         (('A', '*', 'B', '+', 'C'), ('A', 'B', '*', 'C', '+')),
         (('A', '*', '(', 'B', '+', 'C', ')'), ('A', 'B', 'C', '+', '*')),
         (('(', 'A', '-', 'B', ')', '+', 'C'), ('A', 'B', '-', 'C', '+')),
         (('10', '/', '(', '1.0', '-', '0.5', ')'), ('10', '1.0', '0.5', '-', '/'))
     for tokens, result in data:
         self.assertEqual(Formula.parse(tokens), result)
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_formula.py プロジェクト: xica/formula
    def test_safe_eval(self):
        data = [
            ('A', {'A': 1}, 1),
            ('A + B * C', {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}, 7),
            ('A / B * C', {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}, 1.5),
            ('A * B + C', {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}, 5),
            ('A * (B + C)', {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}, 5),
            ('A * A * 3.141592', {'A': 2}, 12.566368),
            ('100 / ( 1.0 - 0.5 )', None, 200.0)
        for expr, namespace, result in data:
            formula = Formula(expr)
            self.assertEqual(formula.safe_eval(namespace), result)

        # Test for division by zero
        self.assertTrue(math.isnan(Formula('1 / 0').safe_eval()))

        # Invalid expressions
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Formula('A + 3').safe_eval(None)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Formula('B A + 3').safe_eval({'A': 1, 'B': 2})
コード例 #45
def isNextState(nextFormulas, nextAtom):
        Checks if an atom satisfies a list of formulas with next operator as main connective. 

        :param nextFormulas: List of formulas with next operator as main connective.
        :type nextFormulas: List of :py:class:`~formula.Formula`

        :param nextAtom: Atom.
        :type nextAtom: List of :py:class:`~formula.Formula`

        :returns: ``True`` if the atom satisfies the termporal formulas or ``False`` otherwise.
        :rtype: Boolean


        >>> from modelCheckingGraph import *
        >>> atom = [Formula({'o': {'<>': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}}),
        ... Formula({'': 'in=true'}), Formula({'o': 'x=2'}), Formula({'': 'x=2'}),
        ... Formula({'<>': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}),
        ... Formula({'~': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}})]
        >>> formulas = [Formula({'o': 'x=2'})]
        >>> isNextState(formulas,atom)

        .. note::
            We say that an atom satisfies a list of formulas when for all the formulas :math:`\circ\phi` in the list we found a formula :math:`\phi` in the atom.

        .. seealso::

    for formula in nextFormulas:
        next = Formula(formula.getValues())
        if not isInAtom(next.getFormula(), nextAtom):
            return False
    return True
コード例 #46
ファイル: bonus01test.py プロジェクト: Aethrias/udvl
    def test(self, formula, string, cases):
        print("Testing %s" % (string))

        parsed = Formula.parse(string)

        self.compare(parsed.toString(), string, "Formula.parse(XXX).toString() == XXX")

        # This expects subf() to work correctly, if it doesn't
        # we still will catch the difference in toplevel formulas
        # or evals below.
        self.compareFormulas(parsed, formula)

        for interpretation, result in cases:
            print(" interpretation %s:" % (repr(interpretation),))
            self.compare(parsed.eval(interpretation), result, "eval")
コード例 #47
ファイル: derivative.py プロジェクト: jcraigblain/pept_pol
class Derivative:
	derivatives = {} #will load from config/derivatives.yaml during __init__.py
	def __init__(self, code):
		self.code = code
		self.formula = Formula(Derivative.derivatives[code]['formula'])
	def form(self):
		return Formula(self.formula)
	def name(self):
		return Derivative.derivatives[self.code]['name']
	def code(self):
		return self.code
	def __str__(self):
		return self.code
	def mass(self):
		return self.formula.mass()
コード例 #48
ファイル: factorio.py プロジェクト: wenley/FactorioFormulas
parser.add_option("-t", "--ticks", type="float", dest="ticks", default=None,
    help="Number of ticks allowed per batch. 1 tick = 0.5 sec. Defaults to the recipe time.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

  if options.list_recipes:
    for recipe in recipes:
      if all(map(lambda t: t in recipe.tags, options.tags)):
        line = [recipe.name]

        remaining_tags = set(recipe.tags) - set(options.tags)
        if remaining_tags and options.verbose:
          line.append("[%s]" % (",".join(remaining_tags),))
        print " ".join(line)
  elif options.recipe_requested is not None:
    recipe = recipe_for_item(options.recipe_requested)

    if recipe:
      print recipe
      print "Could not find recipe with name %s" % (options.recipe_requested,)
  elif options.build_target is not None:
    ticks = options.ticks or recipe_for_item(options.build_target).ticks

    formula = Formula(options.build_target, amount=options.amount, ticks=ticks)
    print formula
コード例 #49
ファイル: inference_rules.py プロジェクト: nickmarton/pyVivid
def diagrammatic_to_sentential(context, F, named_states, attribute_interpretation, variable_assignment, *formulae):
    Verify that on the basis of the present diagram :math:`(\sigma;\\rho)` of
    the Context object :math:`(\\beta;(\sigma;\\rho))` in the ``context``
    parameter and some set of Formula objects
    :math:`F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}, k \ge 0` provided as optional positional
    arguments in the ``formulae`` parameter, that for each NamedState object
    :math:`(\sigma_{1}; \\rho_{1}), \ldots,(\sigma_{n}; \\rho_{n}), n > 0`,
    contained in the ``named_states`` parameter, a Formula object :math:`F`
    provided in the ``F`` parameter can be derived in every one of these
    :math:`n` cases.

    This is rule :math:`[C_{3}]`.

    This function works as follows:

    1. If :math:`k > 0` (i.e., if at least one Formula object is provided as an
    optional positional argument to the ``formulae`` parameter),  compute the
    basis :math:`\mathcal{B}(F_{1}, \\rho, \chi) ~ \cup ~ \cdots ~ \cup ~ \
    \mathcal{B}(F_{k}, \\rho, \chi)` of :math:`F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}` and
    determine if the NamedState objects
    :math:`(\sigma_{1}; \\rho_{1}), \ldots,(\sigma_{n}; \\rho_{n})`
    provided in the ``named_states`` parameter form an exhuastive set of
    possibilities on this basis.

    2. Determine if the proviso
    :math:`(\sigma;\\rho) \\Vvdash_{\{F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}\}} \
    \{(\sigma_{1}; \\rho_{1}), \ldots,(\sigma_{n}; \\rho_{n})\}` (where
    :math:`k \ge 0`) holds.

    3. Return the evaluation of
    :math:`(\\beta \cup \{F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}\};(\sigma;\\rho)) \models F`.

    :param context: The Context object :math:`(\\beta;(\sigma;\\rho))` from \
    which the present diagram :math:`(\sigma;\\rho)` comes from.
    :type  context: Context
    :param F: The Formula object :math:`F` derivable in the :math:`n > 0` \
    cases provided by the NamedState objects \
    :math:`(\sigma_{1}; \\rho_{1}), \ldots,(\sigma_{n}; \\rho_{n})` in the \
    ``named_state`` parameter.
    :type  F: Formula
    :param named_states: The NamedState objects \
    :math:`(\sigma_{1}; \\rho_{1}), \ldots,(\sigma_{n}; \\rho_{n}), n > 0` \
    functioning as the set of :math:`n` exhaustive cases from which :math:`F` \
    can be derived.
    :type  named_states: ``list``
    :param attribute_interpretation: The AttributeInterpretation object \
    :math:`I` to use for the interpretation of truth values and the \
    computation of the basis of :math:`F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}`.
    :type  attribute_interpretation: AttributeInterpretation
    :param variable_assignment: The VariableAssignment object :math:`\chi` to \
    consider when computing the basis \
    :math:`\mathcal{B}(F_{1}, \\rho, \chi) ~ \cup ~ \cdots ~ \cup ~ \
    \mathcal{B}(F_{k}, \\rho, \chi)` of :math:`F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}` or \
    ``None`` if all terms of the :math:`F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}` are in \
    :type  variable_assignment: VariableAssignment | ``None``
    :param formulae: The :math:`{k \ge 0}` Formula objects \
    :math:`F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}` to use in the computation of the basis, \
    computation of the proviso and the evaluation of \
    :math:`{(\\beta \cup \{F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}\};(\sigma;\\rho)) \models F}`.
    :type  formulae: Formula

    :return: The result of the evaluation of \
    :math:`(\\beta \cup \{F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}\};(\sigma;\\rho)) \models F`.
    :rtype: ``bool``

    :raises ValueError: If :math:`{k > 0}`, the NamedState objects \
    :math:`{(\sigma_{1}; \\rho_{1}), \ldots,(\sigma_{n}; \\rho_{n}), n > 0}` \
    are not exhaustive on the basis of the Formula objects \
    :math:`F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}` or the proviso \
    :math:`{(\sigma;\\rho) \\Vvdash_{\{F_{1}, \ldots, F_{k}\}} \
    \{(\sigma_{1}; \\rho_{1}), \ldots,(\sigma_{n}; \\rho_{n})\}}` (where \
    :math:`k \ge 0`) does not hold.

    if formulae:
        constant_assignment = context._named_state._p
        basis = Formula.get_basis(constant_assignment, variable_assignment, attribute_interpretation, *formulae)

        if not context._named_state.is_exhaustive(basis, *named_states):
            raise ValueError("named states are not exahustive on basis of formulae.")

        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(*formulae)
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(context._assumption_base._vocabulary)

    proviso = context._named_state.is_named_entailment(assumption_base, attribute_interpretation, *named_states)

    if not proviso:
        raise ValueError("[C3] proviso does not hold")

    formulae_union = context._assumption_base._formulae + list(formulae)
    if formulae_union:
        assumption_base_union = AssumptionBase(*formulae_union)
        assumption_base_union = AssumptionBase(context._assumption_base._vocabulary)

    # Determine if (β ∪ {F1,...,Fk}; (σ; ρ)) |= F; proviso holds at this point
    extended_context = Context(assumption_base_union, context._named_state)
    if extended_context.entails_formula(F, attribute_interpretation):
        return True
        return False
コード例 #50
ファイル: residue.py プロジェクト: jcraigblain/pept_pol
	def __init__(self, code):
		self.residue = code
		formula = Formula(Residue.residues[code]['formula'])
		self.formula = formula
コード例 #51
ファイル: derivative.py プロジェクト: jcraigblain/pept_pol
	def __init__(self, code):
		self.code = code
		self.formula = Formula(Derivative.derivatives[code]['formula'])
コード例 #52
def getClosure(formula, closure):

    Function that generates the closure of a temporal formula.
    :param formula: Temporal formula that we want to find the closure 
    :param closure: Empty list to store the subformulas of the closure
    :type formula: Formula
    :type closure: List
    >>> from closure import *
    >>> phi = Formula({"<>": {"^":{"":"in=true","~":{"o":"x=2"}}}})
    >>> closure = []
    >>> getClosure(phi,closure)
    >>> for formula in closure:
    ...     print formula.getFormula()
    {'<>': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}
    {'~': {'<>': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}}
    {'o': {'<>': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}}
    {'~': {'o': {'<>': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}}}
    {'o': {'~': {'<>': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}}}
    {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}
    {'~': {'^': {'': 'in=true', '~': {'o': 'x=2'}}}}
    {'': 'in=true'}
    {'~': 'in=true'}
    {'o': 'x=2'}
    {'~': {'o': 'x=2'}}
    {'o': {'~': 'x=2'}}
    {'': 'x=2'}
    {'~': 'x=2'}
    .. note::
        This function is based on the conditions shown in the section 6.1 of the thesis document.

    if formula.isNegativeFormula():
        formula = Formula(formula.getValues())

    subformula = formula.getValues()

    if formula.isProposition(): # PROPOSITION rule
        closure.append(Formula({"": subformula})) # p
        closure.append(Formula({"~": subformula})) # ~p

    elif formula.getConnective() == "^" : # AND rule
        subformulas = formula.getSubFormulas()
        closure.append(Formula({"^": subformula})) # phi ^ psi
        closure.append(Formula({"~": {"^": subformula}})) # ~ (phi ^ psi)

    elif formula.getConnective() == "v" : # OR rule
        subformulas = formula.getSubFormulas()
        closure.append(Formula({"v": subformula})) # phi v psi
        closure.append(Formula({"~": {"v": subformula}})) # ~ (phi v psi)
    elif formula.getConnective() == "o" : # NEXT rule
        closure.append(Formula({"o": subformula})) # o phi
        closure.append(Formula({"~": {"o": subformula}})) # ~o phi
        closure.append(Formula({"o": {"~": subformula}})) # o~ phi

    elif formula.getConnective() == "<>": # FUTURE rule
        closure.append(Formula({"<>": subformula})) # <> phi
        closure.append(Formula({"~": {"<>": subformula}})) # ~<> phi
        closure.append(Formula({"o": {"<>": subformula}})) # o<> phi
        closure.append(Formula({"~": {"o": {"<>": subformula}}})) # ~o<> phi
        closure.append(Formula({"o": {"~": {"<>": subformula}}})) # o~<> phi

    elif formula.getConnective() == "[]": # GLOBALLY rule
        closure.append(Formula({"[]": subformula})) # [] phi
        closure.append(Formula({"~": {"[]": subformula}})) # ~[] phi
        closure.append(Formula({"o": {"[]": subformula}})) # o[] phi
        closure.append(Formula({"~": {"o": {"[]": subformula}}})) # ~o[] phi
        closure.append(Formula({"o": {"~": {"[]": subformula}}})) # o~[] phi
コード例 #53
ファイル: parse.py プロジェクト: tinyms/310game
    def parse_baseface(self, row, f_name):
        row["last_mix_total_10"] = ""
        row["last_10_text_style"] = ""
        row["last_6_text_style"] = ""
        row["last_4_text_style"] = ""
        row["last_4_status_text_style"] = ""

        row["formula_total"] = Formula(Formula.TYPE_TOTAL)
        row["formula_last10"] = Formula(Formula.TYPE_LAST10)
        row["formula_last6"] = Formula(Formula.TYPE_LAST6)
        row["formula_last4"] = Formula(Formula.TYPE_LAST4)
        row["formula_last_mid"] = Formula(Formula.TYPE_LAST_MID)

        parser = soup(f_name)
        if not parser:
        row["match_date"] = self.parse_match_date(parser)
        row["asian"] = self.parse_asian_odds(parser)


        avg_balls = self.parse_balls_io_total_10(parser)
        if len(avg_balls)==4:

            row["formula_total"].main_force = avg_balls[0]
            row["formula_total"].client_force = avg_balls[2]
            row["formula_total"].main_defence = defence_main
            row["formula_total"].client_defence = defence_client

            win = "%.1f,%.1f" % (avg_balls[0],defence_main)
            lost = "%.1f,%.1f" % (avg_balls[2],defence_client)
            row["last_mix_total_10"] = "(%s)/(%s)" % (win,lost)

        main_data = self.count_team_battle_balls_io("team_zhanji2_1",parser)
        client_data = self.count_team_battle_balls_io("team_zhanji2_0",parser)

        row["last_4_status_text_style"] = "(%s)/(%s)" % ("".join(main_data["status"]),"".join(client_data["status"]))
        row["last_10_text_style"] = "(%.1f,%.1f)/(%.1f,%.1f)" % (main_data["last_10"]["win"],main_data["last_10"]["percentage"],client_data["last_10"]["win"],client_data["last_10"]["percentage"])
        row["last_6_text_style"] = "(%.1f,%.1f)/(%.1f,%.1f)" % (main_data["last_6"]["win"],main_data["last_6"]["percentage"],client_data["last_6"]["win"],client_data["last_6"]["percentage"])
        row["last_4_text_style"] = "(%.1f,%.1f)/(%.1f,%.1f)" % (main_data["last_4"]["win"],main_data["last_4"]["percentage"],client_data["last_4"]["win"],client_data["last_4"]["percentage"])

        for last_n in [10,6,4]:
            formula_key = "formula_last%i" % last_n
            data_key = "last_%i" % last_n
            row[formula_key].main_force = main_data[data_key]["win"]
            row[formula_key].main_defence = main_data[data_key]["percentage"]
            row[formula_key].client_force = client_data[data_key]["win"]
            row[formula_key].client_defence = client_data[data_key]["percentage"]
        row["formula_last_mid"].main_force = main_data["last_mid"]["win"]
        row["formula_last_mid"].main_defence = main_data["last_mid"]["percentage"]
        row["formula_last_mid"].client_force = client_data["last_mid"]["win"]
        row["formula_last_mid"].client_defence = client_data["last_mid"]["percentage"]