コード例 #1
ファイル: crossover.py プロジェクト: ralphbean/ms-thesis
def fft_unpack(org1, org2):
    o1, o2, a1, a2 = unpack(org1, org2)

    avg_len = (len(o1) + len(o2))/2.0
    std_len = abs(len(o1) - avg_len)

    child_len = -1
    while (child_len < 1):
        child_len = int(abs(gauss( avg_len, std_len )))

    # Find the next power of 2 greater than the longest length
    if len(o1) > len(o2):
        pow = nextpow2(len(o1))
        pow = nextpow2(len(o2))

    # Deep copy
    tmp1 = [ele for ele in o1]
    tmp2 = [ele for ele in o2]
    # Zero-pad
    tmp1.extend([0 for i in range(pow - len(tmp1))])
    tmp2.extend([0 for i in range(pow - len(tmp2))])
    o1, o2 = tmp1, tmp2

    o1 = fft(o1)
    o2 = fft(o2)

    return avg_len, std_len, child_len, pow, o1, o2, a1, a2
コード例 #2
def align_symmetryEEE(V,symop,max_radwn= 10,verbose=0, cuda_dev=0):
	#if not cudaworker.cuda_init_done:
	import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray 
	N = V.shape[0]
	if max_radwn is None:max_radwn = N/2 - 1
	premult3 = sigproc.generate_premultiplier(N, 3)
	print('length', len(premult3))
	fVnopre = fourier.fft(V).astype(n.complex64)
	fV = fourier.fft(V/premult3).astype(n.complex64)
	with cudaworker.GPUContext():
		stream   = cudaworker.cudrv.Stream()
		gfV            = (gpuarray.to_gpu(n.copy(fV.real).astype(n.float32)), gpuarray.to_gpu(n.copy(fV.imag).astype(n.float32)))
		gfVnopre       = (gpuarray.to_gpu(n.copy(fVnopre.real).astype(n.float32)), gpuarray.to_gpu(n.copy(fVnopre.imag).astype(n.float32)))
	delta_R_thresh = 5e-2*geometry.angle_at_radwn(max_radwn)
	r_factor = 1.0/8.0
	init_r_grid = 32
	radwn = 50
	rs, dr = geometry.gen_rs(init_r_grid, symop)
	best_R = None
	import time
	tic = time.time()
	for it in range(5000):
		print('iter ...', it)
		radwn_ang = geometry.angle_at_radwn(radwn)
		if True:
			print 'Aligning at radwn = {0}, N_R = {1}'.format(radwn,rs.shape[0])
			print '  dr = {0}'.format(dr),
		errs = compute_symmetry_errs(rs,symop,gfV,gfVnopre,radwn,stream=None)
		if dr>=0.13:
			errs_best   = errs.min()
			errs_best_r = errs.argmin()
			prevbest_R  = best_R
			best_R = geometry.expmap(rs[errs_best_r])
			if prevbest_R is not None:
				delta_R = min([n.arccos(n.clip(0.5*(n.trace(prevbest_R.T.dot(symR.dot(best_R))) - 1),-1,1)) \
					 for symR in symop.get_rotations()])
				delta_R = n.inf
			if verbose > 0:
				print ', delta_R = {0}'.format(delta_R)
			best_thresh = (2.25 - float(radwn)/max_radwn)*errs_best
			subd_R = (delta_R >= delta_R_thresh or dr >= radwn_ang) and dr > 0.25*radwn_ang
			if it<=3:
				if subd_R:
					r_thresh = min(n.percentile(errs, 100*r_factor),best_thresh)
					rs = rs[errs <= r_thresh]
					rs, dr = geometry.subdivde(rs, dr)
				if radwn == max_radwn and ((not subd_R) or \
										   (delta_R < delta_R_thresh)):
				if dr < radwn_ang:
					radwn = n.minimum(radwn + 5, 10)#max_radwn)
	return best_R, n.zeros(3)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, samples, sample_rate=44100.0, c_size=1024):
        input_chunk_size = c_size # Number of samples to take from "samples" per fft
        input_chunk_count = len(samples) // input_chunk_size
        input_padding = 8192 # Number of zeros to pad each chunk with (multiple of 2)
        padded_chunk_size = input_chunk_size + input_padding # Number of frequency bins in the fft output

        # Calculate the frequency information
        frequency_bins = int(5000*padded_chunk_size/sample_rate)
        # frequency_bins = padded_chunk_size // 2 # The number of frequency bins (trim off the top half)
        frequency_bin_size = sample_rate / padded_chunk_size # The difference in max and min Hz per frequency bin
        frequencies = fourier.freqs(padded_chunk_size, sample_rate)[:frequency_bins]

        # output matrix
        self.amplitudes = np.zeros((input_chunk_count, len(frequencies))) # 2D array containing amp in terms of frequency at a time

        window = np.hamming(input_chunk_size)
        with ProgressBar("Performing STFT") as bar:
            for i in range(0, input_chunk_count*input_chunk_size, input_chunk_size):
                amps = fourier.fft(np.pad(window*samples[i:i+input_chunk_size], (input_padding/2, input_padding/2), 'constant'))
                amps = (np.array(amps) / padded_chunk_size).tolist()
                amps = [abs(x.real) for x in amps] # use real part only
                amps = amps[:frequency_bins]
                self.amplitudes[i/input_chunk_size] = amps

        # Set old variables
        self.chunk_size = input_chunk_size
        self.chunk_count = input_chunk_count
        self.frequency_precision = frequency_bin_size
        self.frequencies = frequencies
        self.frequency_cutoff_index = frequency_bins-1
        self.frequency_cutoff = frequencies[frequency_bins-1]
コード例 #4
ファイル: hilbert.py プロジェクト: veteman/thepython2blob
def test4():
    N = 1024
    f = 510
    signal = [math.sin(2*f*math.pi*x/N) for x in xrange(N)]
    cspect = fourier.fft(signal)
    magspect = [abs(comp) for comp in cspect]
コード例 #5
def kernel(F, G, t=None):

    assert len(F) == len(G), "Input arrays must have equal length"
    if len(t) == 0: t = np.arange(len(F))

    # Calculate the fourier transforms of F and G
    FF, f = fft(F, t)
    FG, _ = fft(G, t)

    # Calculate the inverse fourier transform of the quotient
    k, tt = ifft(FG / FF, f)
    k = np.real(k)

    # Sort results by time value
    sort = np.argsort(tt)
    k = k[sort]
    tt = tt[sort]

    return k, tt
コード例 #6
def calcTimeAndOutput(numSignalLengths, fourierAlgo):
    outputs, outputsTime = [], []
    for i in range(numSignalLengths):
        time_start = time.time()
        if (fourierAlgo == 'FFT'):
        elif (fourierAlgo == 'FT'):
        time_end = time.time()
        outputsTime.append(time_end - time_start)
    return outputs, outputsTime
コード例 #7
def signal_recomp(data):

    Va_modulo, Va_fase = fft(data['Va'], data['time'], 60, 128)
    Vb_modulo, Vb_fase = fft(data['Vb'], data['time'], 60, 128)
    Vc_modulo, Vc_fase = fft(data['Vc'], data['time'], 60, 128)

    Ia_modulo, Ia_fase = fft(data['Ia'], data['time'], 60, 128)
    Ib_modulo, Ib_fase = fft(data['Ib'], data['time'], 60, 128)
    Ic_modulo, Ic_fase = fft(data['Ic'], data['time'], 60, 128)

    Va1H = np.zeros((len(Ia_modulo), 1))
    Vb1H = np.zeros((len(Ia_modulo), 1))
    Vc1H = np.zeros((len(Ia_modulo), 1))
    Ia1H = np.zeros((len(Ia_modulo), 1))
    Ib1H = np.zeros((len(Ia_modulo), 1))
    Ic1H = np.zeros((len(Ia_modulo), 1))

    for i in range(0, len(Ia_modulo), 1):
        Va1H[i] = Va_modulo[i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * data['time'][i] + Va_fase[i]*(np.pi/180))
        Vb1H[i] = Vb_modulo[i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * data['time'][i] + Vb_fase[i]*(np.pi/180))
        Vc1H[i] = Vc_modulo[i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * data['time'][i] + Vc_fase[i]*(np.pi/180))

        Ia1H[i] = Ia_modulo[i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * data['time'][i] + Ia_fase[i]*(np.pi/180))
        Ib1H[i] = Ib_modulo[i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * data['time'][i] + Ib_fase[i]*(np.pi/180))
        Ic1H[i] = Ic_modulo[i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 60 * data['time'][i] + Ic_fase[i]*(np.pi/180))

    data_1h = {'Va': Va1H, 'Vb': Vb1H, 'Vc': Vc1H,
               'Ia': Ia1H, 'Ib': Ib1H, 'Ic': Ic1H,
               'time': data['time'][128:, 0]}

    return data_1h
コード例 #8
ファイル: hilbert.py プロジェクト: veteman/thepython2blob
def test6():
    N = 1024
    f = 10
    signal = [math.sin(2*f*math.pi*x/N) for x in xrange(N)]
    Fsignal = fourier.fft(signal)
    H = genfhilbert(N)
    HFsignal = [Fsignal[i]*H[i] for i in xrange(len(Fsignal))]
    hsignalc = fourier.ifft(HFsignal)
    hsignal = [samp.real for samp in hsignalc]
    mag = [math.sqrt(signal[x]*signal[x] + hsignal[x]*hsignal[x]) for x in xrange(len(hsignal))]
    fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1)
コード例 #9
ファイル: hilbert.py プロジェクト: veteman/thepython2blob
def test10():
    N = 1024
    f = 25
    dd = N/2
    nn = N/10
    signal = [math.exp(-((dd-x)/nn)**2/2)*math.sin(2*f*math.pi*x/N) for x in xrange(N)]
    Fsignal = fourier.fft(signal)
    H = genf2hilbert(N)
    HFsignal = [Fsignal[i]*H[i] for i in xrange(len(Fsignal))]
    hsignalc = fourier.ifft(HFsignal)
    hsignal = [samp.imag for samp in hsignalc]
    rsignal = [samp.real for samp in hsignalc]
    mag = [abs(hsignalc[x]) for x in xrange(len(hsignalc))]
    fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1)
コード例 #10
ファイル: codec.py プロジェクト: abreen/wispr
def decode_chord(samples):
    """Given a list of samples, interpret the samples as one chord and
    return a tuple (ctrl, bytes) where ctrl is the control note byte
    in the chord and bytes is a list of bytes of the remaining data notes.

    map = bands.get_frequency_map()

    spec = fourier.fft(samples)

    # Compute amplitudes for each sample in window.
    amps = []
    for i in range(len(spec)):
        amps.append(sqrt(pow(spec[i].real, 2) + pow(spec[i].imag, 2)))

    # Determine whether the amplitudes indicate 0 or 1. 
    j = 0
    chord = []
    inRange = False
    foundBit = False

    # For all indices under the Nyquist Limit.
    for i in range(len(amps) // 2):

        # While the frequency is within some range around
        # a frequency in the frequency map.
        while abs(map[j] - i * wavetools.SAMPLE_RATE / \
                  fourier.WINDOW_SIZE) <= FREQ_RANGE:

            inRange = True

            # If one of the amplitudes within this frequency range
            # is above a threshold, then the bit should be a 1.
            if amps[i] > AMP_THRESHOLD:
                foundBit = True
            i += 1

        if inRange:
            chord.append(1 if foundBit else 0)
            inRange = False
            foundBit = False
            j += 1

        if j == len(map): break

    # From our list of bits in the chord, construct bytes by slicing the
    # bit list in byte-sized sublists and convert them to bytes.
    notes = []
    for n in range(chords.CHORD_SIZE):
        note_start = (n * 8)
        note_end = note_start + 8

        note_bits = chord[note_start:note_end]


    # The first note is the control note, so we return it separately
    # from the other notes.
    return (notes[0], notes[1:])
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: mtavares/EpicycleDrawing
Python implementation of Drawing With Fourier Epicycles, based on Coding Train Tutorial by Daniel Shiffman:

Uses drawing coordinate extraction algorithm from Randy Olson:

MIT License
import epicycles
import fourier

# This is just a simple box drawn in paint.  You can adjust num_indicies and indices_step_size to trade speed for
# accuracy. There is also a read_json_as_complex that will read in coordinates in JSON format directly.  You can modify
# Daniel's Coding Train JavaScript coordinates to be JSON and that will run well.
z = epicycles.Epicycles.read_image_as_complex("box.png",
fourier_data = fourier.fft(z)

# Sort so that largest epicycles are at the center, and the smaller ones are at the location of the drawing points
fourier_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.amplitude, reverse=True)
epicycles = epicycles.Epicycles(fourier_data, plot_size=[1024, 1024])