bFilename = True # line colour for traces if "-C" in sArg: sColour = sArg[2:] # grid on if "-G" in sArg: bGrid = True # nodes on if "-N" in sArg: bNode = True # filename is mandatory if not bFilename: sys.exit('Usage: python3 -I<inputfilename>') # get the x,y nodes from the file nodes = fpq.getNodes(fn) nodexlist = nodes[0] nodeylist = nodes[1] # get some stats nTraces = int(len(nodexlist)) nNodes = int(sum(len(x) for x in nodexlist)) # get plot limits nodelist = nodexlist.copy() nodelist.extend(nodeylist.copy()) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = fpq.getPlotLimits(nodelist) # plot the traces plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) for node in range(0, len(nodexlist)): plt.plot(nodexlist[node], nodeylist[node], sColour)
# sigma1 stress if "-S1" in sArg: fSigma1 = float(sArg[3:]) # sigma2 stress if "-S2" in sArg: fSigma2 = float(sArg[3:]) # theta, in degrees if "-T" in sArg: fTheta = float(sArg[2:]) # filename is mandatory if not bFilename: sys.exit('Usage: python3 -I<inputfilename>') # get the x,y nodes & calculate angles from the file data nodelist = fpq.getNodes(fn) xnodelist = nodelist[0] ynodelist = nodelist[1] segangle = fpq.getSegAngles(xnodelist, ynodelist) # get the cmocean 'thermal' colour map, scaled from 0-100% start = 0.0 stop = 1.0 number_of_lines = 101 cm_subsection = np.linspace(start, stop, number_of_lines) colours = [ for x in cm_subsection] # slip tendency # calculate max. possible slip tendency for these stresses nAlpha = np.arange(1, 180, 1) Tsmax = max(
def plot_folds(linear_filename, bbox): import fracpaq as fpq import matplotlib.pylab as plt import sys import numpy as np linear = gpd.read_file(linear_filename) folds = linear[linear['feature'].str.contains("Fold")] folds = folds.dropna(subset=['geometry']) f = open('fold.txt', 'w') for inf, fold in folds.iterrows(): for coords in fold['geometry'].coords: ostr = "{}\t{}\t".format(coords[0], coords[1]) f.write(ostr) f.write('\n') f.close() fn = 'fold.txt' # defaults CM2INCHES = 0.3937 bGrid = False bEqualArea = False nBinWidth = 5 sColour = 'C0' xSize = 15.0 * CM2INCHES ySize = 15.0 * CM2INCHES # get nodes and calculate angles from nodes nodelist = fpq.getNodes(fn) xnodelist = nodelist[0] ynodelist = nodelist[1] segangle = fpq.getSegAngles(xnodelist, ynodelist) nSegs = len(segangle) if (nSegs > 0): # bin the data and find maximum per bin nBins = int(round(360 / nBinWidth)) segangleDoubled = np.zeros(len(segangle)) segangleDoubled = np.copy(segangle) segangleDoubled = np.concatenate( [segangleDoubled, segangleDoubled + 180.0]) n, b = plt.histogram(segangleDoubled, nBins) nMax = max(n) # plot the segment angle distribution plt.figure(figsize=(xSize, ySize)) plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') coll = fpq.rose(segangle, bins=nBins, bidirectional=True, eqarea=True, color=sColour) plt.xticks(np.radians(range(0, 360, 45)), ['0', '45', '90', '135', '180', '215', '270', '315']) if (nMax > 6): plt.rgrids(range(0, int(round(nMax * 1.1)), int(round((nMax * 1.1) / 5))), angle=330) plt.ylim(0, int(round(nMax * 1.1))) plt.title('Segment strikes, n=%i' % nSegs) plt.savefig("folds_rose.pdf") #folds.plot(figsize=(7,7),edgecolor='#ff0000',linewidth=0.3) #print('Plotted %5d segments & angles' % nSegs) #plt.savefig('folds.pdf') plt.title('Fold axial traces')