コード例 #1
    def gameStatus(self, status, playerStatus, players, passengers):
        Called to send an update message to this A.I.  We do NOT have to send a response.

        status -- The status message.
        playerStatus -- The player this status is about. THIS MAY NOT BE YOU.
        players -- The status of all players.
        passengers -- The status of all passengers.


        # bugbug - Framework.cs updates the object's in this object's Players,
        # Passengers, and Companies lists. This works fine as long as this app
        # is single threaded. However, if you create worker thread(s) or
        # respond to multiple status messages simultaneously then you need to
        # split these out and synchronize access to the saved list objects.

            # bugbug - we return if not us because the below code is only for
            # when we need a new path or our limo hits a bus stop. If you want
            # to act on other players arriving at bus stops, you need to
            # remove this. But make sure you use self.me, not playerStatus for
            # the Player you are updating (particularly to determine what tile
            # to start your path from).
            if playerStatus != self.me:

            ptDest = None
            pickup = []
            if    status == "UPDATE":
            elif ((status == "PASSENGER_NO_ACTION" or
                  status == "NO_PATH") and playerStatus == self.me):
                if playerStatus.limo.passenger is None:
                    pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, passengers, players)
                    ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
                    ptDest = playerStatus.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
            elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or
                  status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED"):
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, passengers, players)
                ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
            elif  status == "PASSENGER_REFUSED":
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, passengers, players)
                ptDest = pickup[0].lobby
            elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or
                  status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP"):
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, passengers, players)
                ptDest = self.me.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
                raise TypeError("unknown status %r", status)

            # get the path from where we are to the dest.
            path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, ptDest)
            sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)
        except Exception as e:
            printrap ("somefin' bad, foo'!")
            raise e
コード例 #2
ファイル: myPlayerBrain.py プロジェクト: Tarrasch/windward
    def setup(self, gMap, me, allPlayers, companies, passengers, client):
        Called at the start of the game; initializes instance variables.

        gMap -- The game map.
        me -- Your Player object.
        allPlayers -- List of all Player objects (including you).
        companies -- The companies on the map.
        passengers -- The passengers that need a lift.
        client -- TcpClient to use to send orders to the server.

        self.gameMap = gMap
        self.players = allPlayers
        self.me = me
        self.companies = companies
        self.passengers = passengers
        self.client = client

        self.pickup = pickup = self.allPickups(me, passengers)


        # i = 3 #self.makeId(x1,y1,d1)
        # j = 8 #self.makeId(x2,y2,d2)
        # r = nx.shortest_path(self.G, None, None, weight="weight")
        # print r

        # get the path from where we are to the dest.
        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(me, pickup[0].lobby.busStop)
        sendOrders(self, "ready", path, pickup)
コード例 #3
ファイル: myPlayerBrain.py プロジェクト: dmrd/windward
    def setup(self, gMap, me, allPlayers, companies, passengers, client, stores, powerUpDeck, framework):
        Called at the start of the game; initializes instance variables.

        gMap -- The game map.
        me -- Your Player object.
        allPlayers -- List of all Player objects (including you).
        companies -- The companies on the map.
        passengers -- The passengers that need a lift.
        client -- TcpClient to use to send orders to the server.
        stores -- All the coffee stores.
        powerUpDeck -- The powerups this player has in their hand (may have to wait before playing it).
        powerUpHand -- The powerups this player can draw.
        myPassenger -- The passenger currently in my limo, none to start.
        MAX_TRIPS_BEFORE_REFILL -- The maximum number of trips allowed before a refill is required.

        self.framework = framework
        self.gameMap = gMap
        self.players = allPlayers
        self.me = me
        self.companies = companies
        self.passengers = passengers
        self.client = client
        self.stores = stores
        self.powerUpDeck = powerUpDeck
        self.powerUpHand = []
        self.myPassenger = None
        self.MAX_TRIPS_BEFORE_REFILL = 3

        self.status = dict() # Set of status flags

        self.carrying = { player.guid : None for player in self.players }
        self.carried = { player.guid : set() for player in self.players }
        # self.pickup = pickup = dest.allPickups(me, passengers)
        target = dest.getBestStrategy(self)

        # get the path from where we are to the dest.

        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(me, target)
        sendOrders(self, "ready", path, self.pickup)
コード例 #4
    def setup(self, gMap, me, allPlayers, companies, passengers, client, stores, powerUpDeck, framework):
        Called at the start of the game; initializes instance variables.

        gMap -- The game map.
        me -- Your Player object.
        allPlayers -- List of all Player objects (including you).
        companies -- The companies on the map.
        passengers -- The passengers that need a lift.
        client -- TcpClient to use to send orders to the server.
        stores -- All the coffee stores.
        powerUpDeck -- The powerups this player has in their hand (may have to wait before playing it).
        powerUpHand -- The powerups this player can draw.
        myPassenger -- The passenger currently in my limo, none to start.
        MAX_TRIPS_BEFORE_REFILL -- The maximum number of trips allowed before a refill is required.
        self.framework = framework
        self.gameMap = gMap
        self.players = allPlayers
        self.me = me
        self.companies = companies
        self.passengers = passengers
        self.client = client
        self.stores = stores 
        self.powerUpManager = powerUpManager(self, powerUpDeck)
        self.powerUpHand = self.powerUpManager.hand
        self.powerUpDeck = self.powerUpManager.deck
        print self.powerUpManager
        self.myPassenger = None
        self.MAX_TRIPS_BEFORE_REFILL = 3
        self.coffee_lock = False
        self.coffee_state = 0

        self.pickup = pickup = self.allPickups(me, passengers)

        # get the path from where we are to the dest.

        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(me, pickup[0].lobby.busStop)
        sendOrders(self, "ready", path, pickup)
コード例 #5
    def setup(self, gMap, me, allPlayers, companies, passengers, client):
        Called at the start of the game; initializes instance variables.

        gMap -- The game map.
        me -- Your Player object.
        allPlayers -- List of all Player objects (including you).
        companies -- The companies on the map.
        passengers -- The passengers that need a lift.
        client -- TcpClient to use to send orders to the server.
        self.gameMap = gMap
        self.players = allPlayers
        self.me = me
        self.companies = companies
        self.passengers = passengers
        self.client = client

        self.pickup = pickup = self.allPickups(me, passengers, self.players)

        # get the path from where we are to the dest.
        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(me, pickup[0].lobby.busStop)
        sendOrders(self, "ready", path, pickup)
コード例 #6
ファイル: myPlayerBrain.py プロジェクト: TejasM/windward2014
    def gameStatus(self, status, playerStatus):
        Called to send an update message to this A.I.  We do NOT have to send a response.

        status -- The status message.
        playerStatus -- The player this status is about. THIS MAY NOT BE YOU.
        players -- The status of all players.
        passengers -- The status of all passengers.


        # bugbug - Framework.cs updates the object's in this object's Players,
        # Passengers, and Companies lists. This works fine as long as this app
        # is single threaded. However, if you create worker thread(s) or
        # respond to multiple status messages simultaneously then you need to
        # split these out and synchronize access to the saved list objects.

            # bugbug - we return if not us because the below code is only for
            # when we need a new path or our limo hits a bus stop. If you want
            # to act on other players arriving at bus stops, you need to
            # remove this. But make sure you use self.me, not playerStatus for
            # the Player you are updating (particularly to determine what tile
            # to start your path from).
            if playerStatus != self.me:

            ptDest = None
            pickup = []
            if status == "UPDATE":
            self.displayStatus(status, playerStatus)
            if (status == "PASSENGER_NO_ACTION" or status == "NO_PATH"):
                if self.me.limo.passenger is None:
                    pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                    ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
                    ptDest = self.me.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
            elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or
                  status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED"):
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
            elif  status == "PASSENGER_REFUSED_ENEMY":
                ptDest = rand.choice(filter(lambda c: c != self.me.limo.passenger.destination,
            elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or
                  status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP"):
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                ptDest = self.me.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
            # coffee store override
            if(status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED"):
                if(self.me.limo.coffeeServings <= 0):
                    ptDest = rand.choice(self.stores).busStop
                ptDest = rand.choice(self.stores).busStop
            elif(status == "COFFEE_STORE_CAR_RESTOCKED"):
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                if len(pickup) != 0:
                    ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
            if(ptDest == None):
            # get the path from where we are to the dest.
            path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, ptDest)

            sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)
        except Exception as e:
            print traceback.format_exc()
            raise e
コード例 #7
ファイル: myPlayerBrain.py プロジェクト: dmrd/windward
    def gameStatus(self, status, playerStatus):
        Called to send an update message to this A.I.  We do NOT have to send a response.

        status -- The status message.
        playerStatus -- The player this status is about. THIS MAY NOT BE YOU.
        players -- The status of all players.
        passengers -- The status of all passengers.

        # bugbug - Framework.cs updates the object's in this object's Players,
        # Passengers, and Companies lists. This works fine as long as this app
        # is single threaded. However, if you create worker thread(s) or
        # respond to multiple status messages simultaneously then you need to
        # split these out and synchronize access to the saved list objects.

            # bugbug - we return if not us because the below code is only for
            # when we need a new path or our limo hits a bus stop. If you want
            # to act on other players arriving at bus stops, you need to
            # remove this. But make sure you use self.me, not playerStatus for
            # the Player you are updating (particularly to determine what tile
            # to start your path from).

            if status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP":
                self.carrying[playerStatus.guid] = playerStatus.limo.passenger
            if status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED":
                self.carrying[playerStatus.guid] = None
            if status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED":
                self.carrying[playerStatus.guid] = None
            if status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP":
                self.carrying[playerStatus.guid] = playerStatus.limo.passenger

            if playerStatus != self.me:
                # print("Ignoring player status...")

            ptDest = None
            pickup = []
            if status == "UPDATE":
                # print("Current passenger: {}".format(self.me.limo.passenger))
                # print(self.me.limo.path)
                # print("UPDATE TICK")
                # self.maybePlayPowerUp()

            self.displayStatus(status, playerStatus)

            if (status == "PASSENGER_NO_ACTION" or status == "NO_PATH"):
                if self.me.limo.passenger is None:
                    ptDest = dest.getBestStrategy(self)
                    print("WHY NO PATH")    
            elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or
                  status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED"):
                ptDest = dest.getBestStrategy(self)
            elif  status == "PASSENGER_REFUSED_ENEMY":
                ptDest = dest.handleRefusedEnemy(self)
            elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or
                  status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP"):
                ptDest = dest.getBestStrategy(self)
                # ptDest = handleCurrentPassenger(self)
            elif(status == "PASSENGER_REFUSED_NO_COFFEE" or
                 status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICK_UP_REFUSED"):
                # coffee store override
                print("Passenger refused coffee!")
                ptDest = planCoffee(self)
            elif(status == "COFFEE_STORE_CAR_RESTOCKED"):
                ptDest = dest.getBestStrategy(self)

            if(ptDest == None):
                print("No path set!")


            # get the path from where we are to the dest.
            path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, ptDest)
            print("Pickup: {}".format(self.pickup))
            sendOrders(self, "move", path, self.pickup)
        except Exception as e:
            print traceback.format_exc()
            raise e
コード例 #8
ファイル: myPlayerBrain.py プロジェクト: EStorm21/WeThePeople
    def gameStatus(self, status, playerStatus):
        Called to send an update message to this A.I.  We do NOT have to send a response.

        status -- The status message.
        playerStatus -- The player this status is about. THIS MAY NOT BE YOU.
        players -- The status of all players.
        passengers -- The status of all passengers.


        if self.me.score < 0.5:

        # bugbug - Framework.cs updates the object's in this object's Players,
        # Passengers, and Companies lists. This works fine as long as this app
        # is single threaded. However, if you create worker thread(s) or
        # respond to multiple status messages simultaneously then you need to
        # split these out and synchronize access to the saved list objects.

            # bugbug - we return if not us because the below code is only for
            # when we need a new path or our limo hits a bus stop. If you want
            # to act on other players arriving at bus stops, you need to
            # remove this. But make sure you use self.me, not playerStatus for
            # the Player you are updating (particularly to determine what tile
            # to start your path from).
            if playerStatus != self.me:
                if status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP":

                    if playerStatus.limo.passenger == self.me.pickup[0] and self.me.limo.coffeeServings > 0:
                        pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                        print "Changing targets because someone else picked up ours"
                        print "Now picking up"
                        print pickup[0]
                        ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop

                        # get the path from where we are to the dest.
                        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, ptDest)

                        sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)
                    elif self.me.limo.coffeeServings <= 0:
                        print "Gotta get more coffee"
                        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, self.findClosestStore().busStop)
                        pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                        sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)

            ptDest = None
            pickup = []

            if status == "UPDATE" and self.me.limo.coffeeServings > 0:
                if self.me.limo.passenger:  # if passenger in limo
                    if self.enemyAtDestination(self.me.limo.passenger):
                        print "enemy deposited at destination, changing passenger"
                        pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                        ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop

                        # get the path from where we are to the dest.
                        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, ptDest)

                        sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)
                elif self.me.limo.coffeeServings <= 0:  # no passenger in limo
                    print "No passenger in limo. Heading for "
                    print self.me.pickup[0]
            elif self.me.limo.coffeeServings <= 0:
                print "Gotta get more coffee"
                path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, self.findClosestStore().busStop)
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)


            self.displayStatus(status, playerStatus)

            print "status:"
            print status

            if status == "PASSENGER_NO_ACTION" or status == "NO_PATH":
                if self.me.limo.passenger is None:
                    pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                    ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
                    print "Now picking up"
                    print pickup[0]
                    ptDest = self.me.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
            elif status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED":
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
            elif status == "PASSENGER_REFUSED_ENEMY":
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
            elif status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP":
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                ptDest = self.me.limo.passenger.destination.busStop

            # coffee store override
            if (
                status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP"
                or status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED"
                or status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED"
                if self.me.limo.coffeeServings <= 0:
                    ptDest = self.findClosestStore().busStop
                ptDest = self.findClosestStore().busStop
            elif status == "COFFEE_STORE_CAR_RESTOCKED":
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                if len(pickup) != 0:
                    ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop

            if ptDest == None:



            # get the path from where we are to the dest.
            path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, ptDest)
            sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)
        except Exception as e:
            print traceback.format_exc()
            raise e
コード例 #9
    def gameStatus(self, status, playerStatus):
        Called to send an update message to this A.I.  We do NOT have to send a response.

        status -- The status message.
        playerStatus -- The player this status is about. THIS MAY NOT BE YOU.
        players -- The status of all players.
        passengers -- The status of all passengers.


        # bugbug - Framework.cs updates the object's in this object's Players,
        # Passengers, and Companies lists. This works fine as long as this app
        # is single threaded. However, if you create worker thread(s) or
        # respond to multiple status messages simultaneously then you need to
        # split these out and synchronize access to the saved list objects.

            # bugbug - we return if not us because the below code is only for
            # when we need a new path or our limo hits a bus stop. If you want
            # to act on other players arriving at bus stops, you need to
            # remove this. But make sure you use self.me, not playerStatus for
            # the Player you are updating (particularly to determine what tile
            # to start your path from).
            if playerStatus != self.me:

            ptDest = None
            pickup = []

            path = None
            if status == "UPDATE":
            self.displayStatus(status, playerStatus)
            if not self.coffee_lock:
                # get passengers
                if (status == "PASSENGER_NO_ACTION" or status == "NO_PATH"):
                    if self.me.limo.passenger is None:
                        pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                        ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
                        ptDest = self.me.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
                elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or
                      status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED"):
                    pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                    ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
                elif  status == "PASSENGER_REFUSED_ENEMY":
                    all_but_current = filter(lambda c: c != self.me.limo.passenger.destination, self.companies)
                    closest_next = self.findClosest(all_but_current)
                    ptDest = closest_next['destination']
                    path = closest_next['path']
                elif (status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or
                      status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP"):
                    pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                    ptDest = self.me.limo.passenger.destination.busStop

            # coffee store override
            if(status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED"):
                if(self.me.limo.coffeeServings <= 0):
                    self.updateCoffeeState(True, 1, -1)
                elif (self.me.limo.coffeeServings == 1 and bool(rand.getrandbits(1))):
                    self.updateCoffeeState(True, 1, 15)
                self.updateCoffeeState(True, 1, -1)
            elif(status == "COFFEE_STORE_CAR_RESTOCKED"):
                self.updateCoffeeState(False, 0, -1)
                pickup = self.allPickups(self.me, self.passengers)
                if len(pickup) != 0:
                    ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop

            if self.coffee_lock and self.coffee_state is 1:
                print "<--------- COFFEE LOCK IN EFFECT :D"
                pickup = []
                closest_store = self.findClosestStore()
                # distance mod
                if self.coffee_dist == -1 or closest_store['distance'] < self.coffee_dist:
                    ptDest = closest_store['destination']
                    path = closest_store['path']
                    self.updateCoffeeState(True, 2, -1)
                    print "<--------- COFFEE too far.. Will get it later"
                    self.updateCoffeeState(False, 0, -1)

            if(ptDest == None):
            # get the path from where we are to the dest.
            if path is None:
                path = self.calculatePathPlus1(self.me, ptDest)

            sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)
        except Exception as e:
            print traceback.format_exc()
            raise e
コード例 #10
ファイル: myPlayerBrain.py プロジェクト: Tarrasch/windward
    def gameStatus(self, status, playerStatus, players, passengers):
        Called to send an update message to this A.I.  We do NOT have to send a response.

        status -- The status message.
        playerStatus -- The player this status is about. THIS MAY NOT BE YOU.
        players -- The status of all players.
        passengers -- The status of all passengers.


        # bugbug - Framework.cs updates the object's in this object's Players,
        # Passengers, and Companies lists. This works fine as long as this app
        # is single threaded. However, if you create worker thread(s) or
        # respond to multiple status messages simultaneously then you need to
        # split these out and synchronize access to the saved list objects.

        # bugbug - we return if not us because the below code is only for
        # when we need a new path or our limo hits a bus stop. If you want
        # to act on other players arriving at bus stops, you need to
        # remove this. But make sure you use self.me, not playerStatus for
        # the Player you are updating (particularly to determine what tile
        # to start your path from).
        print ("hello")
        self.status = status
        self.playerStatus = playerStatus
        self.players = players
        self.passenger = passengers
        if playerStatus != self.me:

        print ("Now i'm me")

        ptDest = None
        pickup = []
        if status == "UPDATE":
        elif status == "PASSENGER_NO_ACTION" or status == "NO_PATH":
            if playerStatus.limo.passenger is None:
                pickup = self.allPickups(playerStatus, passengers)
                ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
                ptDest = playerStatus.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
        elif status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED" or status == "PASSENGER_ABANDONED":
            pickup = self.allPickups(playerStatus, passengers)
            ptDest = pickup[0].lobby.busStop
        elif status == "PASSENGER_REFUSED":
            ptDest = random.choice(
                filter(lambda c: c != playerStatus.limo.passenger.destination, self.companies)
        elif status == "PASSENGER_DELIVERED_AND_PICKED_UP" or status == "PASSENGER_PICKED_UP":
            pickup = self.allPickups(playerStatus, passengers)
            ptDest = playerStatus.limo.passenger.destination.busStop
            raise TypeError("unknown status %r", status)

        print ("1")
        combs = []
        for ceo in passengers:
            for end in self.companies:
                print ("hi")
                combs += [(self.getCost(ceo, end), ceo, end)]
        print ("2")


        self.getCost(passengers[0], passengers[0].destination)

        # get the path from where we are to the dest.
        path = self.calculatePathPlus1(playerStatus, ptDest)

        sendOrders(self, "move", path, pickup)