def recover(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/franka_control/error_recovery/goal', ErrorRecoveryActionGoal, queue_size=10) goal = ErrorRecoveryActionGoal() goal.goal = {} pub.publish(goal)
def recover(self): """ Call the error reset action server. """ if self.simulation: raise ValueError( 'Simulations do not require error recovery, ' 'set simulation=True if you want to run on the real robot.') self.reset_publisher.publish(ErrorRecoveryActionGoal()) rospy.sleep(3.0)
def check_rosout(log): client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("franka_control/error_recovery", ErrorRecoveryAction) client.wait_for_server() goal = ErrorRecoveryActionGoal() robot_state = log.level goal.header.stamp.secs = 0 goal.header.stamp.nsecs = 0 goal.header.frame_id = '' goal.goal_id.stamp.secs = 0 goal.goal_id.stamp.nsecs = 0 = '' goal.goal = {} print 'Pandas Level: ', robot_state if robot_state == 8: print 'Sending state recover to our kind Panda!' # 2s delay to wait for the robot state to be published as ERROR on the Logging and then send the Action time.sleep(2) client.send_goal(goal) '''
def _toggle_enabled(self, status): pub = rospy.Publisher('{}/franka_control/error_recovery/goal'.format(self._ns), ErrorRecoveryActionGoal, queue_size=10) if self._enabled == status: rospy.loginfo("Robot is already %s"%self.state()) franka_dataflow.wait_for( test=lambda: self._enabled == status, timeout=5.0, timeout_msg=("Failed to %sable robot" % ('en' if status else 'dis',)), body=lambda: pub.publish(ErrorRecoveryActionGoal()), ) rospy.loginfo("Robot %s", ('Enabled' if status else 'Disabled'))
def loops(self, plantId): err_rec_msg = ErrorRecoveryActionGoal() msg_true = Bool() = True no_error = True pose = self.pose_start success_u = self.plan_to_pose(pose.position, pose.orientation) while (success_u == False): self.error_recovery_pub.publish(err_rec_msg) time.sleep(0.2) success_u = self.plan_to_pose(pose.position, pose.orientation) for pose in self.pose_list: self.touch_id += 1 success_u = self.plan_to_pose(pose.position, pose.orientation) print("Touch id " + str(self.touch_id) + " success: " + str(success_u)) while (success_u == False): self.error_recovery_pub.publish(err_rec_msg) time.sleep(0.2) success_u = self.plan_to_pose(pose.position, pose.orientation) time.sleep(0.4) time.sleep(0.5) msg_touchid = String() = str(1000 * plantId + self.touch_id) self.touch_id_pub.publish(msg_touchid) self.start_recording_pub.publish(msg_true) time.sleep(0.3) filename = self.outfolder + "pose_" + + ".txt" with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write("position:\n") f.write("x: " + str(pose.position.x) + "\n") f.write("y: " + str(pose.position.y) + "\n") f.write("z: " + str(pose.position.z) + "\n") f.write("orientation:\n") f.write("x: " + str(pose.orientation.x) + "\n") f.write("y: " + str(pose.orientation.y) + "\n") f.write("z: " + str(pose.orientation.z) + "\n") f.write("w: " + str(pose.orientation.w) + "\n")
def main(): try: experiment = plantRecord() roll = 180 pitch = 0 yaw = -45 q = euler_to_quaternion(yaw, pitch, roll) pose_start = pose_start.orientation.x = q.x pose_start.orientation.y = q.y pose_start.orientation.z = q.z pose_start.orientation.w = q.w pose_start.position.x = 0.1 pose_start.position.y = 0.0 pose_start.position.z = 0.8 success = False i = 0 while (success == False) and (i < 5): plan, fraction = [pose_start], # waypoints to follow 0.01, # eef_step 0.0) print("fraction:") print(fraction) execute = raw_input("execute?") if (execute == 'y') or (execute == 'Y'): success = experiment.execute_plan(plan) elif (execute == 'n'): return i = i + 1 if i == 5: return experiment.pose_start = time.sleep(2.) # record points pose_list = [] while True: execute = raw_input("Record new point? [y/n]. No. of points: " + str(len(pose_list)) + "\n") if (execute == 'y') or (execute == 'Y'): print("\n") execute = raw_input( "Press ENTER when ready to record pose... ") pose_list.append( elif (execute == 'n') or (execute == 'N') or (execute == 'q'): print("Done recording. Recorded " + str(len(pose_list)) + " poses.") break print("Open safety switch.") while True: execute = raw_input("Ready? [y/n]") if (execute == 'y') or (execute == 'Y'): err_rec_msg = ErrorRecoveryActionGoal() experiment.error_recovery_pub.publish(err_rec_msg) break else: print("retrying... when safety switch opened, type y") experiment.pose_list = pose_list i_plant = 0 while True: execute = raw_input("Record another plant? ") if (execute == 'y') or (execute == 'Y'): print("\n") execute = raw_input("Press ENTER when new plant is placed...") i_plant += 1 experiment.loops(i_plant) elif (execute == 'n') or (execute == 'N') or (execute == 'q'): print("Done recording. Recorded " + str(i_plant) + " plants.") break except rospy.ROSInterruptException: return except KeyboardInterrupt: print "this is a KeyboardInterrupt that we never catch" print("============ Python experiment demo complete!") return
def recover(self): """ Call the error reset action server. """ self.reset_publisher.publish(ErrorRecoveryActionGoal()) rospy.sleep(3.0)
def reset(self, msg): self.carry_on_routine = True recovery_goal = ErrorRecoveryActionGoal() self.recovery_pub.publish(recovery_goal)
def loops(self, yaws, z_levels, z_step = 0.001, reps = 0): err_rec_msg = ErrorRecoveryActionGoal() msg_true = Bool() = True no_error = True roll = -180.0 pitch = 0.0 yaw = -135.0 yaw_initial = -135.0 pos_up = pos_up.z = pos_up.z + 0.03 q = try: pos_down = copy.deepcopy(pos_up) for dyaw in yaws: yaw_ = yaw + dyaw print([yaw_, pitch, roll]) q = euler_to_quaternion(yaw_, pitch, roll) print(q) success_u = False success_u = self.plan_to_pose(pos_up, q) print(success_u) while (success_u == False): self.error_recovery_pub.publish(err_rec_msg) time.sleep(0.2) success_u = self.plan_to_pose(pos_up, q) time.sleep(0.4) fail = False msg_touchid = String() = str(-1) print("=========") print(yaw_) for iz in xrange(z_levels): pos_down.x = pos_up.x pos_down.y = pos_up.y delta_z = - (z_step * iz) pos_down.z = pos_up.z + delta_z - 0.03 # print(pos_down.z) rep = 0 fail = False success_d = False success_u = False while (rep < reps) and (fail == False): print('rep:') print(rep) self.start_recording_pub.publish(msg_true) success_d = self.plan_to_pose(pos_down, q) time.sleep(0.3) #kad dode dole success_u = self.plan_to_pose(pos_up, q) time.sleep(0.1) # kad dode gore fail = not success_u or not success_d if (fail == True): self.error_recovery_pub.publish(err_rec_msg) time.sleep(0.2) self.go_to_pose(pos_up, q) time.sleep(0.4) fail = False msg_touchid = String() = str(-1) else: rep += 1 self.touch_id += 1 msg_touchid = String() = str(self.touch_id) self.touch_id_pub.publish(msg_touchid) time.sleep(0.1) self.stop_recording_pub.publish(msg_true) outFolder = "/home/franka/ivona_dipl/labels/" #print('ovo je yaw') #print(yaw) #print('ovo je yaw_') #print(yaw_) yaw_spremi= yaw_-yaw print('yaw_ koji se sprema') print(yaw_spremi) # da se ponisti yaw_depth_arr = [yaw_spremi, delta_z] pathOut = outFolder + "yaw_depth_" + str(self.touch_id) + ".txt" with open(pathOut, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(yaw_depth_arr, fp) except KeyboardInterrupt: return
def sendErrorRecover(self): msg = ErrorRecoveryActionGoal() self.error_recover_publisher.publish(msg)