def main(pargs): """ Run """ import warnings import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from import fits from astropy import units from frb import frb from frb.figures import galaxies as ffgal from frb.figures import utils as ffutils from linetools.scripts.utils import coord_arg_to_coord # Load up hdu = icoord = coord_arg_to_coord(pargs.frb_coord) # Parse if pargs.vmnx is not None: tstr = pargs.vmnx.split(',') vmnx = (float(tstr[0]), float(tstr[1])) else: vmnx = (None, None) # Dummy FRB object FRB = frb.FRB('TMP', icoord, 0.) FRB.set_ee(1.0, 1.0, 0., 95.) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) ffutils.set_mplrc() ffgal.sub_image(fig, hdu, FRB, vmnx=vmnx, cmap='gist_heat', frb_clr='white', imsize=pargs.imsize) #img_center=HG190608.coord, # Layout and save plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.1, w_pad=0.1) plt.savefig(pargs.outfile, dpi=300) plt.close() print('Wrote {:s}'.format(pargs.outfile))
def generate(image, wcs, title, flip_ra=False, flip_dec=False, log_stretch=False, cutout=None, primary_coord=None, secondary_coord=None, third_coord=None, slit=None, vmnx=None, extra_text=None, outfile=None): """ Basic method to generate a Finder chart figure Args: image (np.ndarray): Image for the finder wcs (astropy.wcs.WCS): WCS solution title (str): Title; typically the name of the primary source flip_ra (bool, default False): Flip the RA (x-axis). Useful for southern hemisphere finders. flip_dec (bool, default False): Flip the Dec (y-axis). Useful for southern hemisphere finders. log_stretch (bool, optional): Use a log stretch for the image display cutout (tuple, optional): SkyCoord (center coordinate) and Quantity (image angular size) for a cutout from the input image. primary_coord (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional): If provided, place a mark in red at this coordinate secondary_coord (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional): If provided, place a mark in cyan at this coordinate Assume it is an offset star (i.e. calculate offsets) third_coord (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional): If provided, place a mark in yellow at this coordinate slit (tuple, optional): If provided, places a rectangular slit with specified coordinates, width, length, and position angle on image (from North to East) [SkyCoords('21h44m25.255s',-40d54m00.1s', frame='icrs'), 1*u.arcsec, 10*u.arcsec, 20*u.deg] vmnx (tuple, optional): Used for scaling the image. Otherwise, the image is analyzed for these values. extra_text : str Extra text to be added at the bottom of the Figure. e.g. `DSS r-filter` outfile (str, optional): Filename for the figure. File type will be according to the extension Returns: matplotlib.pyplot.figure, matplotlib.pyplot.Axis """ utils.set_mplrc() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 8.5)) # fig.set_size_inches(7.5,10.5) # Cutout? if cutout is not None: cutout_img = Cutout2D(image, cutout[0], cutout[1], wcs=wcs) # Overwrite wcs = cutout_img.wcs image = # Axis ax = fig.add_axes([0.10, 0.20, 0.75, 0.5], projection=wcs) # Show if log_stretch: norm = mplnorm.ImageNormalize(stretch=LogStretch()) else: norm = None cimg = ax.imshow(image, cmap='Greys', norm=norm) # Flip so RA increases to the left if flip_ra is True: ax.invert_xaxis() if flip_dec is True: ax.invert_yaxis() # N/E overlay = ax.get_coords_overlay('icrs') overlay['ra'].set_ticks(color='white') overlay['dec'].set_ticks(color='white') overlay['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension') overlay['dec'].set_axislabel('Declination') overlay.grid(color='green', linestyle='solid', alpha=0.5) # Contrast if vmnx is None: mean, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats( image ) # Also set clipping level and number of iterations here if necessary # vmnx = (median - stddev, median + 2 * stddev ) # sky level - 1 sigma and +2 sigma above sky level print("Using vmnx = {} based on the image stats".format(vmnx)) cimg.set_clim(vmnx[0], vmnx[1]) # Add Primary if primary_coord is not None: c = SphericalCircle((primary_coord.ra, primary_coord.dec), 2 * units.arcsec, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), edgecolor='red', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(c) # Text jname = ltu.name_from_coord(primary_coord) ax.text(0.5, 1.34, jname, fontsize=28, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Secondary if secondary_coord is not None: c_S1 = SphericalCircle((secondary_coord.ra, secondary_coord.dec), 2 * units.arcsec, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), edgecolor='cyan', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(c_S1) # Text jname = ltu.name_from_coord(secondary_coord) ax.text(0.5, 1.24, jname, fontsize=22, color='blue', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Print offsets if primary_coord is not None: sep = primary_coord.separation(secondary_coord).to('arcsec') PA = primary_coord.position_angle(secondary_coord) # RA/DEC dec_off = np.cos(PA) * sep # arcsec ra_off = np.sin(PA) * sep # arcsec (East is *higher* RA) ax.text( 0.5, 1.22, 'Offset from Ref. Star (cyan) to Target (red):\nRA(to targ) = {:.2f} DEC(to targ) = {:.2f}' .format(-1 *'arcsec'), -1 *'arcsec')), fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, color='blue', va='top') # Add tertiary if third_coord is not None: c = SphericalCircle((third_coord.ra, third_coord.dec), 2 * units.arcsec, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), edgecolor='yellow', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(c) # Slit if ((slit is not None) and (flag_photu is True)): # List of values - [coodinates, width, length, PA], # e.g. [SkyCoords('21h44m25.255s',-40d54m00.1s', frame='icrs'), 1*u.arcsec, 10*u.arcsec, 20*u.deg] slit_coords, width, length, pa = slit pa_deg ='deg').value aper = SkyRectangularAperture( positions=slit_coords, w=length, h=width, theta=pa ) # For theta=0, width goes North-South, which is slit length apermap = aper.to_pixel(wcs) apermap.plot(color='purple', lw=1) plt.text(0.5, -0.1, 'Slit PA={} deg'.format(pa_deg), color='purple', fontsize=15, ha='center', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes) if ((slit is not None) and (flag_photu is False)): raise IOError('Slit cannot be placed without photutils package') # Title ax.text(0.5, 1.44, title, fontsize=32, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Extra text if extra_text is not None: ax.text(-0.1, -0.25, extra_text, fontsize=20, horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax.transAxes) # Sources # Labels #ax.set_xlabel(r'\textbf{DEC (EAST direction)}') #ax.set_ylabel(r'\textbf{RA (SOUTH direction)}') if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) plt.close() else: # Return return fig, ax
def sub_sfms(ax_M, galaxies, clrs, markers): """ Generate a SF vs. M* plot on top of PRIMUS galaxies Args: ax_M (matplotlib.axis): galaxies (list): List of FRB.galaxies.frbgalaxy.FRBGalaxy objects clrs (list): List of matplotlib colors markers (list): List of matplotlib marker types """ utils.set_mplrc() # Load up primus_zcat = os.path.join(primus_path, 'PRIMUS_2013_zcat_v1.fits.gz')) primus_mass = os.path.join(primus_path, 'PRIMUS_2014_mass_v1.fits.gz')) gdz = (primus_zcat['Z'] > 0.2) & (primus_zcat['Z'] < 0.4) gd_mag = primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][:, 0] != 0. good_mass = primus_mass['ISGOOD'] == 1 # PRIMUS # Photometry gd_color = gdz & gd_mag u_r = primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][gd_color, 0] - primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][gd_color, 2] rmag = primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][gd_color, 2] # Mass/SFR gd_msfr = good_mass & gdz mass = primus_mass['MASS'][gd_msfr] sfr = primus_mass['SFR'][gd_msfr] # Plot ms = 22. # Histogram xbins = 50 ybins = 50 counts, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(mass, sfr, bins=(xbins, ybins)) #cm = plt.get_cmap('Reds') cm = plt.get_cmap('Greys') # SF mplt = ax_M.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, counts.transpose(), cmap=cm) # Relation logm_star = np.linspace(8, 12) logsfr = lambda logm_star: -0.49 + 0.65 * (logm_star - 10) + 1.07 * (0.35 - 0.1) ax_M.plot(logm_star, logsfr(logm_star), "k--", lw=3) #, label="Moustakas et al 2013") # Galaxies for kk, galaxy in enumerate(galaxies): # M* if 'Mstar' in galaxy.derived.keys(): logM, sig_logM = utils.log_me(galaxy.derived['Mstar'], galaxy.derived['Mstar_err']) elif 'Mstar_spec' in galaxy.derived.keys(): logM, sig_logM = np.log10(galaxy.derived['Mstar_spec']), 0.3 else: continue # SFR if 'SFR_nebular_err' in galaxy.derived.keys(): logS, sig_logS = utils.log_me(galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular'], galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular_err']) else: logS, sig_logS = utils.log_me(galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular'], 0.3 * galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular']) # Plot ax_M.errorbar([logM], [logS], xerr=sig_logM, yerr=sig_logS, color=clrs[kk], marker=markers[kk], markersize="12", capsize=3, if sig_logS is None: # Down arrow plt.arrow(logM, logS, 0., -0.2, fc=clrs[kk], ec=clrs[kk], head_width=0.02 * 4, head_length=0.05 * 2) ax_M.annotate(r"\textbf{Star forming}", (8.5, 0.8), fontsize=13.) ax_M.annotate(r"\textbf{Quiescent}", (11, -0.9), fontsize=13.) ax_M.set_xlabel("$\log \, (M_*/M_\odot)$") ax_M.set_ylabel("$\log \, SFR (M_\odot$/yr)") ax_M.legend(loc='lower left') ax_M.set_xlim(7.5, 11.8) ax_M.set_ylim(-2.5, 1.2)
def generate(image, wcs, title, log_stretch=False, cutout=None, primary_coord=None, secondary_coord=None, third_coord=None, vmnx=None, outfile=None): """ Basic method to generate a Finder chart figure Args: image (np.ndarray): Image for the finder wcs (astropy.wcs.WCS): WCS solution title (str): TItle; typically the name of the primry source log_stretch (bool, optional): Use a log stretch for the image display cutout (tuple, optional): SkyCoord (center coordinate) and Quantity (image angular size) for a cutout from the input image. primary_coord (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional): If provided, place a mark in red at this coordinate secondary_coord (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional): If provided, place a mark in cyan at this coordinate Assume it is an offset star (i.e. calculate offsets) third_coord (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional): If provided, place a mark in yellow at this coordinate vmnx (tuple, optional): Used for scaling the image. Otherwise, the image is analyzed for these values. outfile (str, optional): Filename for the figure. File type will be according to the extension Returns: matplotlib.pyplot.figure, matplotlib.pyplot.Axis """ utils.set_mplrc() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(dpi=600) fig.set_size_inches(7.5, 10.5) # Cutout? if cutout is not None: cutout_img = Cutout2D(image, cutout[0], cutout[1], wcs=wcs) # Overwrite wcs = cutout_img.wcs image = # Axis ax = fig.add_axes([0.10, 0.20, 0.80, 0.5], projection=wcs) # Show if log_stretch: norm = mplnorm.ImageNormalize(stretch=LogStretch()) else: norm = None cimg = ax.imshow(image, cmap='Greys', norm=norm) # Flip so RA increases to the left ax.invert_xaxis() # N/E overlay = ax.get_coords_overlay('icrs') overlay['ra'].set_ticks(color='white') overlay['dec'].set_ticks(color='white') overlay['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension') overlay['dec'].set_axislabel('Declination') overlay.grid(color='green', linestyle='solid', alpha=0.5) # Contrast if vmnx is None: mean, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats( image ) # Also set clipping level and number of iterations here if necessary # vmnx = (median - stddev, median + 2 * stddev ) # sky level - 1 sigma and +2 sigma above sky level print("Using vmnx = {} based on the image stats".format(vmnx)) cimg.set_clim(vmnx[0], vmnx[1]) # Add Primary if primary_coord is not None: c = SphericalCircle((primary_coord.ra, primary_coord.dec), 2 * units.arcsec, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), edgecolor='red', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(c) # Text jname = ltu.name_from_coord(primary_coord) ax.text(0.5, 1.34, jname, fontsize=28, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Secondary if secondary_coord is not None: c_S1 = SphericalCircle((secondary_coord.ra, secondary_coord.dec), 2 * units.arcsec, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), edgecolor='cyan', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(c_S1) # Text jname = ltu.name_from_coord(secondary_coord) ax.text(0.5, 1.24, jname, fontsize=22, color='blue', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Print offsets if primary_coord is not None: sep = primary_coord.separation(secondary_coord).to('arcsec') PA = primary_coord.position_angle(secondary_coord) # RA/DEC dec_off = np.cos(PA) * sep # arcsec ra_off = np.sin(PA) * sep # arcsec (East is *higher* RA) ax.text(0.5, 1.14, 'RA(to targ) = {:.2f} DEC(to targ) = {:.2f}'.format( -1 *'arcsec'), -1 *'arcsec')), fontsize=18, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Add tertiary if third_coord is not None: c = SphericalCircle((third_coord.ra, third_coord.dec), 2 * units.arcsec, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), edgecolor='yellow', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(c) # Slit? ''' if slit is not None: r = Rectangle((primary_coord.ra.value, primary_coord.dec.value), slit[0]/3600., slit[1]/3600., angle=360-slit[2], transform=ax.get_transform('icrs'), facecolor='none', edgecolor='red') ax.add_patch(r) ''' # Title ax.text(0.5, 1.44, title, fontsize=32, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # Sources # Labels #ax.set_xlabel(r'\textbf{DEC (EAST direction)}') #ax.set_ylabel(r'\textbf{RA (SOUTH direction)}') if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) plt.close() else: # Return return fig, ax
def fig_cosmic(frbs, clrs=None, outfile=None, multi_model=False, no_curves=False, widen=False, show_nuisance=False, ax=None, show_sigmaDM=False, cl=(16,84), beta=3., gold_only=True, gold_frbs=None): """ Args: frbs (list): list of FRB objects clrs (list, optional): outfile (str, optional): multi_model (deprecated): no_curves (bool, optional): If True, just show the data widen (bool, optional): If True, make the plot wide show_nuisance (bool, optional): if True, add a label giving the Nuiscance value show_sigmaDM (bool, optional): If True, show a model estimate of the scatter in the DM relation cl (tuple, optional): Confidence limits for the scatter beta (float, optional): Parameter to the DM scatter estimation gold_only (bool, optional): If True, limit to the gold standard sample gold_frbs (list, optional): List of gold standard FRBs ax (matplotlib.Axis, optional): Use this axis instead of creating one Returns: """ # Init if gold_frbs is None: gold_frbs = cosmic.gold_frbs # Plotting ff_utils.set_mplrc() bias_clr = 'darkgray' # Start the plot if ax is None: if widen: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() # DM_cosmic from cosmology zmax = 0.75 DM_cosmic, zeval = frb_igm.average_DM(zmax, cumul=True) DMc_spl = IUS(zeval, DM_cosmic) if not no_curves: #ax.plot(zeval, DM_cosmic, 'k-', label=r'DM$_{\rm cosmic} (z) \;\; [\rm Planck15]$') ax.plot(zeval, DM_cosmic, 'k-', label='Planck15') if multi_model: # Change Omega_b cosmo_highOb = FlatLambdaCDM(Ob0=Planck15.Ob0*1.2, Om0=Planck15.Om0, H0=Planck15.H0) DM_cosmic_high, zeval_high = frb_igm.average_DM(zmax, cumul=True, cosmo=cosmo_highOb) ax.plot(zeval_high, DM_cosmic_high, '--', color='gray', label=r'DM$_{\rm cosmic} (z) \;\; [1.2 \times \Omega_b]$') # Change H0 cosmo_lowH0 = FlatLambdaCDM(Ob0=Planck15.Ob0, Om0=Planck15.Om0, H0=Planck15.H0/1.2) DM_cosmic_lowH0, zeval_lowH0 = frb_igm.average_DM(zmax, cumul=True, cosmo=cosmo_lowH0) ax.plot(zeval_lowH0, DM_cosmic_lowH0, ':', color='gray', label=r'DM$_{\rm cosmic} (z) \;\; [H_0/1.2]$') if show_sigmaDM: #f_C0 = frb_cosmology.build_C0_spline() f_C0_3 = cosmic.grab_C0_spline(beta=3.) # Updated F = 0.2 nstep=50 sigma_DM = F * zeval**(-0.5) #* DM_cosmic.value sub_sigma_DM = sigma_DM[::nstep] sub_z = zeval[::nstep] sub_DM = DM_cosmic.value[::nstep] # Loop me sigmas, C0s, sigma_lo, sigma_hi = [], [], [], [] for kk, isigma in enumerate(sub_sigma_DM): #res = frb_cosmology.minimize_scalar(frb_cosmology.deviate2, args=(f_C0, isigma)) #sigmas.append(res.x) sigmas.append(isigma) C0s.append(float(f_C0_3(isigma))) # PDF PDF = cosmic.DMcosmic_PDF(cosmic.Delta_values, C0s[-1], sigma=sigmas[-1], beta=beta) cumsum = np.cumsum(PDF) / np.sum(PDF) #if sub_DM[kk] > 200.: # embed(header='131') # DO it DM = cosmic.Delta_values * sub_DM[kk] sigma_lo.append(DM[np.argmin(np.abs(cumsum-cl[0]/100))]) sigma_hi.append(DM[np.argmin(np.abs(cumsum-cl[1]/100))]) # Plot ax.fill_between(sub_z, sigma_lo, sigma_hi, # DM_cosmic.value-sigma_DM, DM_cosmic.value+sigma_DM, color='gray', alpha=0.3) # Do each FRB DM_subs = [] for ifrb in frbs: DM_sub = ifrb.DM - ifrb.DMISM DM_subs.append(DM_sub.value) DM_subs = np.array(DM_subs) # chi2 DMs_MW_host = np.linspace(30., 100., 100) zs = np.array([ifrb.z for ifrb in frbs]) DM_theory = DMc_spl(zs) chi2 = np.zeros_like(DMs_MW_host) for kk,DM_MW_host in enumerate(DMs_MW_host): chi2[kk] = np.sum(((DM_subs-DM_MW_host)-DM_theory)**2) imin = np.argmin(chi2) DM_MW_host_chisq = DMs_MW_host[imin] print("DM_nuisance = {}".format(DM_MW_host)) # MW + Host term def DM_MW_host(z, min_chisq=False): if min_chisq: return DM_MW_host_chisq else: return 50. + 50./(1+z) # Gold FRBs for kk,ifrb in enumerate(frbs): if ifrb.frb_name not in gold_frbs: continue if clrs is not None: clr = clrs[kk] else: clr = None ax.scatter([ifrb.z], [DM_subs[kk]-DM_MW_host(ifrb.z)], label=ifrb.frb_name, marker='s', s=90, color=clr) # ################################ # Other FRBs s_other = 90 if not gold_only: labeled = False for kk, ifrb in enumerate(frbs): if ifrb.frb_name in gold_frbs: continue if not labeled: lbl = "Others" labeled = True else: lbl = None ax.scatter([ifrb.z], [ifrb.DM.value - ifrb.DMISM.value - DM_MW_host(ifrb.z)], label=lbl, marker='o', s=s_other, color=bias_clr) legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left', scatterpoints=1, borderpad=0.2, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize=19) ax.set_xlim(0, 0.7) ax.set_ylim(0, 1000.) #ax.set_xlabel(r'$z_{\rm FRB}$', fontname='DejaVu Sans') ax.set_xlabel(r'$z_{\rm FRB}$', fontname='DejaVu Sans') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\rm DM_{cosmic} \; (pc \, cm^{-3})$', fontname='DejaVu Sans') # if show_nuisance: ax.text(0.05, 0.60, r'$\rm DM_{MW,halo} + DM_{host} = $'+' {:02d} pc '.format(int(DM_MW_host))+r'cm$^{-3}$', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=23, ha='left', color='black') ff_utils.set_fontsize(ax, 23.) # Layout and save if outfile is not None: plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2,h_pad=0.1,w_pad=0.1) plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=400) print('Wrote {:s}'.format(outfile)) plt.close() else: return ax