def __init__(self, device, ip, port, p_type=1): super(MQTTClient_Process, self).__init__() self.ip = str(ip) self.init_event = multiprocessing.Event() self.update_event = multiprocessing.Event() self.init_event.clear() self.p_type = p_type self.port = port self.missed_msg = 0 self.daemon = True self.json_lock = threading.RLock() self.init = 0 self.device_name = str(device) self.device = DeviceProfile(device, "MQTT") self.profile = '' self.dev_topic = '' self.start_time = # self.event_handler = JsonHandler(self.update_event) # = Observer() if(self.p_type == 0): self.profile = jsonpickle.encode(self.device) self.dev_topic = str(self.device.read_object( 'Dev_Name')) + '/' + str(int(self.device.read_object('Dev_HW_Ver'))) elif(self.p_type == 1 or self.p_type == 2): temp_topic = re.split('_', str(device)) self.dev_topic = str(temp_topic[0] + '/' + temp_topic[1]) if(sys.platform == 'win32'): print("Running on Windows")
class MQTTClient_Process(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, device, ip, port, p_type=1): super(MQTTClient_Process, self).__init__() self.ip = str(ip) self.init_event = multiprocessing.Event() self.update_event = multiprocessing.Event() self.init_event.clear() self.p_type = p_type self.port = port self.missed_msg = 0 self.daemon = True self.json_lock = threading.RLock() self.init = 0 self.device_name = str(device) self.device = DeviceProfile(device, "MQTT") self.profile = '' self.dev_topic = '' self.start_time = # self.event_handler = JsonHandler(self.update_event) # = Observer() if(self.p_type == 0): self.profile = jsonpickle.encode(self.device) self.dev_topic = str(self.device.read_object( 'Dev_Name')) + '/' + str(int(self.device.read_object('Dev_HW_Ver'))) elif(self.p_type == 1 or self.p_type == 2): temp_topic = re.split('_', str(device)) self.dev_topic = str(temp_topic[0] + '/' + temp_topic[1]) if(sys.platform == 'win32'): print("Running on Windows") def on_connect(self, mqttc, obj, flags, rc): if rc == 0: print("Connected") print("rc: " + str(rc)) if(self.p_type == 0): # Current Device's Datapoint Publisher self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/AIN/#') print("Sub AIN") self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/DIN/#') print("Sub DIN") self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/ACK') print("Sub ACK") if(self.init == 0): self.mqttc.publish( 'join/' + str(self.dev_topic), 'Connect') print("Pub Join") elif(self.p_type == 1): self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/AOUT/#') print("Sub AOUT") self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/DOUT/#') print("Sub DOUT") self.mqttc.publish(str(self.dev_topic) + '/ACK', 'ACK') print("Pub ACK") self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/JSON/#') print("Sub JSON") elif(self.p_type == 2): self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/AIN/#') self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/DIN/#') self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/DOUT/#') self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/AOUT/#') print("Sub to ALL") self.mqttc.publish(str(self.dev_topic) + '/ACK', 'ACK') print("Pub ACK") self.mqttc.subscribe(str(self.dev_topic) + '/JSON/#') print("Sub JSON") else: print("Error in connect") def on_publish(self, mqttc, obj, mid): print("mid: " + str(mid)) def on_subscribe(self, mqttc, obj, mid, granted_qos): print("Subscribed: " + str(mid) + " " + str(granted_qos)) def on_message(self, mqttc, obj, msg): print(msg.topic + " " + str(msg.qos) + " " + str(msg.payload)) if(sys.version_info[0] == 3): msg.payload = msg.payload.decode('utf-8') split_topic = re.split('/', msg.topic) if(self.p_type == 0): if(split_topic[2] == 'ACK'): if(msg.payload == 'ACK'): self.mqttc.publish( str(self.dev_topic) + '/JSON', str(self.profile)) if not (self.init_event.is_set()): self.init_event.set() self.init = 1 else: self.read_command(msg) elif(self.p_type == 1 or self.p_type == 2 ): if(split_topic[2] == 'JSON'): file_name = str(split_topic[0]) + \ '_' + str(split_topic[1]) + '.json' file_name = 'json/' + str(file_name) f = open(file_name, 'a') f.truncate() f.write(msg.payload) f.close() if not (self.init_event.is_set()): self.init_event.set() self.init = 1 else: self.read_command(msg) def on_log(self, mqttc, obj, level, string): print(string) def send_commands(self): while True: obj_topic = self.device.Delete_Change() log("Object to be sent " + str(obj_topic), DEBUG) if(obj_topic == 'Error'): return sp_topic = re.split('/', obj_topic) try: msg =[0], int(sp_topic[1])) except ValueError as e: print(e) print(msg) datalog(msg,obj_topic,self.device_name,TX,( self.mqttc.publish(str(self.dev_topic) + '/' + obj_topic, msg) def read_command(self, msg): self.rx_msg = msg log("Trying to Acquire JSON file", DEBUG,( #self.json_lock.acquire() sp_msg = re.split('/', self.rx_msg.topic) try: log("Write " + str(sp_msg[2]) + str(sp_msg[3]) + "to JSON File", DEBUG,( datalog(self.rx_msg.payload,str(sp_msg[2])+ '/' + str(sp_msg[3]),self.device_name,RX,( self.device.write(self.rx_msg.payload, sp_msg[2], int(sp_msg[3])) except ValueError as e: print(e) #self.json_lock.release() def run(self): self.mqttc = mqtt.Client( client_id="", clean_session=True, userdata=None, protocol=3) self.mqttc.on_connect = self.on_connect self.mqttc.on_publish = self.on_publish self.mqttc.on_subscribe = self.on_subscribe self.mqttc.on_message = self.on_message # Uncomment to enable debug messages self.mqttc.on_log = self.on_log self.mqttc.connect(self.ip, self.port) # mqttc.connect('',8883) self.mqttc.loop_start() self.init_event.wait() self.currtime = time.time() #, 'json/' , recursive=True) # while True: time.sleep(1) try: # self.update_event.wait() if((time.time() - self.currtime) > TIME_CONSTANT): log("Trying to Acquire JSON file", DEBUG,( #self.json_lock.acquire() try: log("Check JSON for Update", DEBUG, ( self.device.update_object() except ValueError as e: print(e) continue if(self.device.updated()): log("Sending Commands", EVENT, ( self.send_commands() self.currtime = time.time() #self.json_lock.release() # self.update_event.clear() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.mqttc.loop_stop() self.mqttc.disconnect() print("Exited Process") break