def complete(self, context): return [ NullComplete('name='), EnumComplete('layout=', VOLUME_LAYOUTS.keys()), EnumComplete('type=', VOLUME_LAYOUTS.keys()), EnumComplete('encryption=', ['yes', 'no']), NullComplete('password='******'disks=', 'disk', lambda d: d['name'], ['auto'], list=True), EntitySubscriberComplete('cache=', 'disk', lambda d: d['name'], ['auto'], list=True), EntitySubscriberComplete('log=', 'disk', lambda d: d['name'], ['auto'], list=True), ]
def __init__(self, name, context): super(DockerConfigNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.config_call = "docker.config.get_config" self.update_task = 'docker.config.update' self.add_property( descr='Default Docker host', name='default_host', get=lambda o: self.get_host({'host': o['default_host']}), set=lambda o, v: q.set(o, 'default_host', self.set_host({}, v)), complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('default_host=', '', lambda d: d['name']), usage=_('''\ Name of a Docker host selected by default for any container or container image operations when there is no `host` parameter set explicitly in a command.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Forward Docker remote API to host', name='api_forwarding', get=lambda o: self.get_host({'host': o['default_host']}), set=lambda o, v: q.set(o, 'default_host', self.set_host({}, v)), complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('default_host=', '', lambda d: d['name']), usage=_('''\ Defines which (if any) Docker host - Virtual Machine hosting a Docker service - should expose their standard remote HTTP API at FreeNAS's default network interface.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Docker remote API forwarding', name='api_forwarding_enable', get='api_forwarding_enable', set='api_forwarding_enable', type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('''\ Used for enabling/disabling Docker HTTP API forwarding to FreeNAS's default network interface.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Default DockerHub collection', name='default_collection', get='default_collection', set='default_collection', usage=_('''\ Used for setting a default DockerHub container images collection, which later is being used in tab completion in other 'docker' namespaces. Collection equals to DockerHub username''') )
def __init__(self, name): super(PeerComplete, self).__init__( name, (EntitySubscriberComplete( name, 'peer', lambda o: o['name'] if o['type'] == 'freenas' else None), RpcComplete(name, 'system.general.get_config', lambda o: o['hostname'])))
def complete(self, context, **kwargs): props = [] name = q.get(kwargs, 'kwargs.image') if name: image = context.entity_subscribers['docker.image'].query(('names', 'in', name), single=True) if not image: image = q.query(DockerImageNamespace.default_images, ('name', '=', name), single=True) if image and image['presets']: presets = image['presets'] props += [NullComplete('{id}='.format(**i)) for i in presets['settings']] props += [NullComplete('volume:{container_path}='.format(**v)) for v in presets['volumes']] props += [NullComplete('port:{container_port}/{protocol}='.format(**v)) for v in presets['ports']] available_images = q.query(DockerImageNamespace.default_images, select='name') available_images += context.entity_subscribers['docker.image'].query(select='names.0') available_images = list(set(available_images)) return props + [ NullComplete('name='), NullComplete('command='), NullComplete('hostname='), NullComplete('volume:'), NullComplete('port:'), EnumComplete('image=', available_images), EntitySubscriberComplete('host=', '', lambda i: q.get(i, 'name')), EnumComplete('interactive=', ['yes', 'no']), EnumComplete('autostart=', ['yes', 'no']), EnumComplete('expose_ports=', ['yes', 'no']), ]
def add_properties(self): super(VMDeviceNicPropertiesMixin, self).add_properties() self.add_property( descr='NIC mode', name='nic_mode', get='properties.mode', enum=['NAT', 'BRIDGED', 'MANAGEMENT'], list=False, usage=_("Mode of NIC device [NAT|BRIDGED|MANAGEMENT]"), condition=lambda o: o['type'] == 'NIC', ) self.add_property( descr='Emulated device type', name='nic_device_type', get='properties.device', enum=['VIRTIO', 'E1000', 'NE2K'], list=False, usage=_("The type of virtual NIC emulation [VIRTIO|E1000|NE2K]"), condition=lambda o: o['type'] == 'NIC', ) self.add_property( descr='Bridge with', name='nic_bridge', get='properties.bridge', list=False, complete=MultipleSourceComplete( 'bridge=', ( EntitySubscriberComplete('bridge=', 'network.interface', lambda i: i['id']), EntitySubscriberComplete('bridge=', 'network.interface', lambda i: i['name']) ), extra=['default'] ), usage=_("The interface to bridge NIC device with (if this NIC device is in BRIDGED mode)"), condition=lambda o: o['type'] == 'NIC', ) self.add_property( descr='MAC address', name='nic_macaddr', get='properties.link_address', list=False, usage=_("Mac address of NIC device"), condition=lambda o: o['type'] == 'NIC', )
def __init__(self, name, context): super(SystemUINamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.context = context self.config_call = 'system.ui.get_config' self.update_task = 'system.ui.update' self.add_property( descr='Redirect http to https', name='redirect_https', get='webui_http_redirect_https', type=ValueType.BOOLEAN ) self.add_property( descr='Web GUI Protocols in use', name='protocols', get='webui_protocol', type=ValueType.SET, enum=['HTTP', 'HTTPS'] ) self.add_property( descr='Web GUI IP Address (IPv4 and/or IPv6)', name='ip_addresses', get='webui_listen', type=ValueType.SET ) self.add_property( descr='HTTP port', name='http_port', get='webui_http_port', type=ValueType.NUMBER ) self.add_property( descr='HTTPS port', name='https_port', get='webui_https_port', type=ValueType.NUMBER ) self.add_property( descr='HTTPS certificate', name='https_certificate', get=lambda o: get_related(self.context, 'crypto.certificate', o, 'webui_https_certificate'), set=lambda o, v: set_related(self.context, 'crypto.certificate', o, 'webui_https_certificate', v), usage=_("""\ Name of the certificate """), complete=EntitySubscriberComplete( 'https_certificate=', 'crypto.certificate', lambda o: o['name'] if o['type'] != 'CERT_CSR' else None ), type=ValueType.STRING )
def __init__(self, name, context): super(SmartNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.extra_query_params = [('task', '=', 'disk.parallel_test')] self.required_props.extend(['disks', 'test_type']) self.skeleton_entity['task'] = 'disk.parallel_test' self.task_args_helper = ['disks', 'test_type'] self.localdoc['CreateEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: create <name> disks=<disks> test_type=<test_type> <property>=<value> Examples: create mysmart disks=ada0,ada1,ada2 test_type=SHORT create somesmart disks=ada0,ada1,ada2 test_type=LONG schedule={"hour":"*/4"} create somesmart disks=ada0,ada1,ada2 test_type=LONG schedule={"hour":"3,20"} Creates a SMART calendar task. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['SetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: set <property>=<value> ... Examples: set test_type=LONG set disks=ada1,ada2 set enabled=true Sets a SMART calendar task property. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['GetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: get <field> Examples: get test_type get disks Display value of specified field.""") self.add_property(descr='Disks', name='disks', get=lambda obj: self.get_disks(obj), list=True, type=ValueType.SET, set=lambda obj, val: self.set_disks(obj, val), complete=EntitySubscriberComplete( 'disks=', 'disk', lambda i: i['name'])) self.add_property( descr='SMART Test Type', name='test_type', get=lambda obj: self.get_task_args(obj, 'test_type'), list=True, set=lambda obj, val: self.set_task_args(obj, val, 'test_type'), enum=['SHORT', 'LONG', 'CONVEYANCE', 'OFFLINE'])
def __init__(self, name, context): super(ReplicationNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.extra_query_params = [('task', '=', 'replication.sync')] self.required_props.extend(['replication']) self.skeleton_entity['task'] = 'replication.sync' self.task_args_helper = ['replication'] self.add_property( descr='Replication', name='replication', get=lambda obj: self.get_task_args(obj, 'replication'), set=lambda obj, val: self.set_task_args(obj, val, 'replication'), list=True, complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('replication=', 'replication', lambda o: o['name']), usage= _('Name of the replication object to be used in the replication calendar task.' ))
def __init__(self, name, context): super(BackupNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.extra_query_params = [('task', '=', 'backup.sync')] self.required_props.extend(['backup']) self.skeleton_entity['task'] = 'backup.sync' self.task_args_helper = ['backup'] self.localdoc['CreateEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: create <name> backup=<backup_name> <property>=<value> Examples: create sshbackup_job backup=mysshbackup create s3backup_job backup=mys3backup schedule={"hour":2,"day_of_week":5} create s3backup_job backup=mys3backup schedule={"hour":2,"day_of_week":"1,5"} Creates a backup calendar task. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['SetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: set <property>=<value> ... Examples: set name=otherbackup set enabled=true Sets a backup calendar task property. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['GetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: get <field> Examples: get backup get name Display value of specified field.""") self.add_property( descr='Backup', name='backup', get=lambda obj: objid2name(self.context, 'backup', self.get_task_args(obj, 'backup')), list=True, set=lambda obj, val: self.set_task_args( obj, objname2id(self.context, 'backup', val), 'backup'), complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('backup=', 'backup', lambda i: i['name']))
def __init__(self, name, context): super(ScrubNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.extra_query_params = [('task', '=', 'volume.scrub')] self.required_props.extend(['volume']) self.skeleton_entity['task'] = 'volume.scrub' self.task_args_helper = ['volume'] self.localdoc['CreateEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: create <name> disks=<disks> volume=<volume> <property>=<value> Examples: create myscrub volume=mypool create somescrub volume=somepool schedule={"hour":2,"day_of_week":5} create somescrub volume=somepool schedule={"hour":"2,12","day_of_week":5} Creates a scrub calendar task. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['SetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: set <property>=<value> ... Examples: set name=otherscrub set enabled=true Sets a scrub calendar task property. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['GetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: get <field> Examples: get volume get name Display value of specified field.""") self.add_property( descr='Volume', name='volume', get=lambda obj: self.get_task_args(obj, 'volume'), list=True, set=lambda obj, val: self.set_task_args(obj, val, 'volume'), complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('volume=', 'volume'))
def add_properties(self): super(BackupSSHPropertiesMixin, self).add_properties() self.add_property(descr='Peer', name='ssh_peer', usage=_("Peer name. Must match a peer of type ssh"), get=lambda o: get_related(self.context, 'peer', o, 'properties.peer'), set=lambda o, v: set_related(self.context, 'peer', o, 'properties.peer', v), list=False, condition=lambda o: o['provider'] == 'ssh', complete=EntitySubscriberComplete( 'ssh_peer=', 'peer', lambda i: i['name'])) self.add_property(descr='Directory', name='ssh_directory', usage=_("""\ Name of existing directory to save the backups to."""), get='', list=False, condition=lambda o: o['provider'] == 'ssh')
def __init__(self, name, context): super(DockerContainerNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.entity_subscriber_name = 'docker.container' self.create_task = 'docker.container.create' self.delete_task = 'docker.container.delete' self.allow_edit = False self.primary_key_name = 'names.0' self.required_props = ['name', 'image'] self.skeleton_entity = { 'command': [] } self.entity_localdoc['DeleteEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: delete Deletes the specified Docker container.""") self.localdoc['ListCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: show Lists all Docker containers. Optionally, filter or sort by property. Use 'help properties' to list available properties. Examples: show show | search name == foo""") def get_ports(o): return ['{0}/{2}={1}'.format(i['container_port'], i['host_port'], i['protocol']) for i in o['ports']] def get_volumes(o): return ['{0}={1}'.format(i['container_path'], i['host_path']) for i in o['volumes']] self.add_property( descr='Name', name='name', get='names.0', usersetable=False, list=True, usage=_('Name of a container instance.') ) self.add_property( descr='Image name', name='image', get='image', usersetable=False, list=True, complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('image=', 'docker.image', lambda i: q.get(i, 'names.0')), strict=False, usage=_('Name of container image used to create an instance of a container.') ) self.add_property( descr='Command', name='command', get='command', usersetable=False, list=True, type=ValueType.ARRAY, usage=_('''\ Command being run on a container (like /bin/sh). Can be a single string or a list of strings.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Environment', name='environment', get='environment', set='environment', list=False, type=ValueType.ARRAY, usage=_('''\ Array of strings formed as KEY=VALUE. These are being converted to environment variables visible to a running container instance.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Status', name='status', get='status', set=None, usersetable=False, list=True, usage=_('String status of a container returned by a Docker service.') ) self.add_property( descr='Web UI URL', name='web_ui_url', get='web_ui_url', set=None, usersetable=False, list=True, ) self.add_property( descr='Container host name', name='hostname', get='hostname', set=None, usersetable=False, list=False, usage=_('''\ Used to set host name of a container - like my_ubuntu_container. If not set explicitly it defaults in most cases to generating a random string as a container's host name.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Host', name='host', get=self.get_host, set=self.set_host, usersetable=False, list=True, complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('host=', '', lambda d: d['name']), usage=_('''\ Name of Docker host instance owning container instance. Docker host name equals to name of Virtual Machine hosting Docker service.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Ports', name='ports', get=get_ports, usersetable=False, list=True, type=ValueType.SET, usage=_('''\ Array of strings used for defining network ports forwarding. Each of values should be formatted like: <container_port_number>/<tcp/udp>=<freenas_port_number> Ports are always being forwarded to a default FreeNAS box's network interface.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Expose ports', name='expose_ports', get='expose_ports', usersetable=False, list=True, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('''\ Property defining whether or not ports which are defined in `ports` should be actually forwarded to FreeNAS (host machine).''') ) self.add_property( descr='Autostart container', name='autostart', get='autostart', usersetable=False, list=True, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('''\ Defines if a container should be started automatically when a Docker host related to it goes UP''') ) self.add_property( descr='Interactive', name='interactive', get='interactive', usersetable=False, list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('''\ Defines if container's standard input should act like it is open even if no console is attached to a container. Useful to keep alive a process (command) being run on a container which immediately exits when there is no standard input opened to it (i.e. /bin/bash or any other shell).''') ) self.add_property( descr='Volumes', name='volumes', get=get_volumes, usersetable=False, list=True, type=ValueType.SET, usage=_('''\ List of strings formatted like: <container_path>=<freenas_path> Defines which of FreeNAS paths should be exposed to a container.''') ) self.primary_key = self.get_mapping('name') self.entity_commands = self.get_entity_commands
def __init__(self, name, context): super(VMNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.entity_subscriber_name = 'vm' self.create_task = 'vm.create' self.update_task = 'vm.update' self.delete_task = 'vm.delete' self.required_props = ['name', 'volume'] self.primary_key_name = 'name' self.localdoc['CreateEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: create <name> volume=<volume> <property>=<value> ... Examples: create myvm volume=myvolume create myfreebsd volume=myvolume template=freebsd-11-zfs Creates a virtual machine. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'. For a list of templates see '/ vm template show'""") self.entity_localdoc['SetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: set <property>=<value> ... Examples: set memsize=2GB set cores=4 set guest_type=freebsd64 set bootloader=GRUB Sets a virtual machine property. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""") self.entity_localdoc['DeleteEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: delete Deletes the specified virtual machine.""") self.localdoc['ListCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: show Lists all virtual machines. Optionally, filter or sort by property. Use 'help properties' to list available properties. Examples: show show | search name == foo""") def set_memsize(o, v): set(o, 'config.memsize', int(v / 1024 / 1024)) self.skeleton_entity = { 'devices': [], 'config': {} } self.add_property( descr='VM Name', name='name', get='name', list=True, usage=_("Name of the VM") ) self.add_property( descr='Template name', name='template', get='', complete=RpcComplete('template=', 'vm.template.query', lambda i: get(i, '')), usage=_("Name of the template used to create the VM from") ) self.add_property( descr='State', name='state', get='status.state', set=None, usage=_("The current state of the VM [RUNNING|STOPPED]") ) self.add_property( descr='Volume', name='volume', get='target', createsetable=True, usersetable=False, complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('volume=', 'volume', lambda i: i['id']), usage=_("The volume on which the VM is stored") ) self.add_property( descr='Description', name='description', get='description', list=False, usage=_("Its a description D'OH!") ) self.add_property( descr='Memory size (MB)', name='memsize', get=lambda o: get(o, 'config.memsize') * 1024 * 1024, set=set_memsize, list=True, type=ValueType.SIZE, usage=_("Size of the Memory allocated to the VM") ) self.add_property( descr='CPU cores', name='cores', get='config.ncpus', list=True, type=ValueType.NUMBER, usage=_("Number of cpu cores assigned to the VM") ) self.add_property( descr='Start on boot', name='autostart', get='config.autostart', type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_("Property that controls whether the VM is autostarted on System Boot up") ) self.add_property( descr='Boot device', name='boot_device', get='config.boot_device', list=False, usage=_("The device from the devices namespace from which to boot from"), complete=RpcComplete( 'boot_device=', 'vm.query', lambda o: [i['name'] for i in o['devices'] if i['type'] in ('DISK', 'CDROM')] ) ) self.add_property( descr='Boot directory (for GRUB)', name='boot_directory', get='config.boot_directory', list=False, usage=_("The directory in VM's dataset under the files directory that contains grub.cfg") ) self.add_property( descr='Boot partition (for GRUB)', name='boot_partition', get='config.boot_partition', list=False, usage=_("The partition on the os's boot device to boot from (i.e. msdos1 for the first partition of a BIOS partition layout)") ) self.add_property( descr='Bootloader type', name='bootloader', get='config.bootloader', list=False, enum=['BHYVELOAD', 'GRUB', 'UEFI', 'UEFI_CSM'], usage=_("Type of Bootloader"), ) self.add_property( descr='Guest type', name='guest_type', get='guest_type', list=False, enum=[ 'linux64', 'freebsd32', 'freebsd64', 'netbsd64', 'openbsd32', 'openbsd64', 'windows64', 'solaris64', 'other' ], usage=_("Type of the guest os (i.e. freebsd32, windows64, linux64, etc.)") ) self.add_property( descr='Cloud-init data', name='cloud_init', get='config.cloud_init', list=False, usage=_("Bread goes in, Toast comes out. You can't explain that (or this!)") ) self.add_property( descr='Enabled', name='enabled', get='enabled', list=True, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_("Enables/Disables the VM") ) self.add_property( descr='Immutable', name='immutable', get='immutable', list=False, usersetable=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_("Sets VM as immutable") ) self.add_property( descr='Readme', name='readme', get='config.readme', set='config.readme', list=False, type=ValueType.TEXT_FILE, usage=_("Information about this VM including instructions on how to login, username and password, etc.") ) self.add_property( descr='NAT IP address', name='nat_ip', get='status.nat_lease.client_ip', set=None, list=False, condition=lambda o: get(o, 'status.state') != 'STOPPED' and get(o, 'status.nat_lease'), usage=_("Displays the natted IP address of the VM (if any)") ) self.add_property( descr='VM tools available', name='vm_tools_available', get='status.vm_tools_available', set=None, list=False, condition=lambda o: get(o, 'status.state') != 'STOPPED', usage=_("Shows whether freenas-vm-tools are running on the VM"), type=ValueType.BOOLEAN ) self.add_property( descr='Guest health', name='health', get='', set=None, list=False, condition=lambda o: get(o, 'status.state') != 'STOPPED', usage=_("Shows guest health status") ) self.primary_key = self.get_mapping('name') self.entity_namespaces = self.get_entity_namespaces self.entity_commands = self.get_entity_commands self.extra_commands = { 'import': ImportVMCommand(self) }
def __init__(self, name, context): super(CryptoNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.context = context self.entity_subscriber_name = 'crypto.certificate' self.primary_key_name = 'name' self.create_task = 'crypto.certificate.create' self.update_task = 'crypto.certificate.update' self.import_task = 'crypto.certificate.import' self.delete_task = 'crypto.certificate.delete' self.localdoc['CreateEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Crates a Certificate or Certificate Authority. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'. Usage: create type=<cert-type> name=<cert-name> <property>=<value> Examples: Create root CA Certificate : create type=CA_INTERNAL name=myRootCA selfsigned=yes key_length=2048 digest_algorithm=SHA256 lifetime=3650 country=PL state=Slaskie city=Czerwionka-Leszczyny organization=myCAOrg [email protected] common=my_CA_Server Create intermediate CA Certificate : create type=CA_INTERMEDIATE signing_ca_name=myRootCA name=myInterCA key_length=2048 digest_algorithm=SHA256 lifetime=365 country=PL state=Slaskie city=Czerwionka-Leszczyny organization=myorg [email protected] common=MyCommonName Create self-signed server certificate without CA: create type=CERT_INTERNAL name=mySelfSignedServerCert selfsigned=yes key_length=2048 digest_algorithm=SHA256 lifetime=365 country=PL state=Slaskie city=Czerwionka-Leszczyny organization=myorg [email protected] Create server certificate signed by internal root CA Certificate: create type=CERT_INTERNAL name=myCASignedServerCert signing_ca_name=myRootCA key_length=2048 digest_algorithm=SHA256 lifetime=365 country=PL state=Slaskie city=Czerwionka-Leszczyny organization=myorg [email protected]""") self.entity_localdoc['DeleteEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: delete Examples: delete Deletes the specified certificate. !WARNING! Deleting the CA certificate will cause recursive delete of all the certificates signed by that CA.""") self.localdoc['ListCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: show Examples: show show | search type == CERT_INTERNAL show | search type == CA_EXISTING | sort name Lists all certificates, optionally doing filtering and sorting. """) self.entity_commands = lambda this: { 'export_certificate': ExportCertificateCommand(this), 'export_privatekey': ExportPrivatekeyCommand(this) } self.extra_commands = {'import': ImportCertificateCommand(self)} self.skeleton_entity = { 'type': None, } self.add_property( descr='Name', name='name', get='name', set='name', usage=_("""\ Name of the certificate. """), list=True, ) self.add_property( descr='Type', name='type', get='type', set='type', usage=_("""\ Certificate type """), enum=[ 'CERT_CSR', 'CERT_INTERMEDIATE', 'CERT_INTERNAL', 'CA_INTERMEDIATE', 'CA_INTERNAL' ], list=True, ) self.add_property( descr='Serial Number', name='serial', get='serial', set=None, usage=_("""\ Unique serial number of the certificate """), usersetable=False, list=True, ) self.add_property( descr='Certificate', name='certificate', get='certificate', set='certificate', usage=_("""\ Certificate contents. """), type=ValueType.TEXT_FILE, createsetable=False, usersetable=lambda e: e['type'] in ('CA_EXISTING', 'CERT_EXISTING'), list=False, ) self.add_property( descr='Certificate Path', name='certificate_path', get='certificate_path', set=None, usage=_("""\ Path to the certificate file. """), type=ValueType.STRING, createsetable=False, usersetable=False, list=False, ) self.add_property( descr='Private Key', name='privatekey', get='privatekey', set='privatekey', usage=_("""\ Private key associated with the certificate. """), type=ValueType.PASSWORD, createsetable=False, usersetable=lambda e: e['type'] in ('CA_EXISTING', 'CERT_EXISTING'), list=False, ) self.add_property( descr='Private Key Path', name='privatekey_path', get='privatekey_path', set=None, usage=_("""\ Path to the private key associated with the certificate. """), type=ValueType.STRING, createsetable=False, usersetable=False, list=False, ) self.add_property( descr="Self-signed", name='selfsigned', get='selfsigned', set='selfsigned', usage=_("""\ Boolean value. True if the certificate is 'self-signed', meaning that the certificate was not signed by any external Certificate Authority. """), type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, createsetable=True, usersetable=False, list=True, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, 'CERT_CSR', 'CERT_INTERMEDIATE', 'CA_INTERMEDIATE')) self.add_property(descr="Signing CA", name='signing_ca_name', get='signing_ca_name', set='signing_ca_name', usage=_("""\ Name of the CA signing this certificate. """), complete=EntitySubscriberComplete( 'signing_ca_name=', self.entity_subscriber_name, lambda o: o['name'] if o['type'] in ('CA_INTERNAL', 'CA_INTERMEDIATE') else None), createsetable=True, usersetable=False, list=True, condition=lambda e: e['type'] in ('CA_INTERMEDIATE', 'CERT_INTERMEDIATE', 'CA_INTERNAL', 'CERT_INTERNAL')) self.add_property( descr="Signing CA's ID", name='signing_ca_id', get='signing_ca_id', set='signing_ca_id', usage=_("""\ ID of the CA signing this certificate. This field is not user-settable. """), createsetable=False, usersetable=False, list=False, ) self.add_property( descr='Key length', name='key_length', get='key_length', set='key_length', usage=_("""\ Key length, for security reasons minimun of 2048 is recommanded. """), type=ValueType.NUMBER, usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Digest algorithm', name='digest_algorithm', get='digest_algorithm', set='digest_algorithm', usage=_("""\ Digest alghoritm for the certificate. """), enum=['SHA1', 'SHA224', 'SHA256', 'SHA384', 'SHA512'], usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Not Before', name='not_before', get='not_before', set='not_before', usage=_("""\ Certificate's lifetime 'valid from' date. """), usersetable=False, list=True, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Not After', name='not_after', get='not_after', set='not_after', usage=_("""\ Certificate's lifetime 'valid to' date. """), usersetable=False, list=True, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Lifetime', name='lifetime', get='lifetime', set='lifetime', usage=_("""\ Certificate lifetime in days, accepts number values"""), type=ValueType.NUMBER, usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Country', name='country', get='country', set='country', usage=_("""\ Country of the organization"""), usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='State', name='state', get='state', set='state', usage=_("""\ State or province of the organization """), usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='City', name='city', get='city', set='city', usage=_("""\ Location of the organization """), usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Organization', name='organization', get='organization', set='organization', usage=_("""\ Name of the company or organization """), usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Common Name', name='common', get='common', set='common', usage=_("""\ Fully qualified domain name of FreeNAS system """), usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.add_property( descr='Email', name='email', get='email', set='email', usage=_("""\ Email address of the person responsible for the certificate """), usersetable=False, list=False, condition=lambda e: e['type'] not in (None, ), ) self.primary_key = self.get_mapping('name')
def __init__(self, name, context): super(ReplicationNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) class PeerComplete(MultipleSourceComplete): def __init__(self, name): super(PeerComplete, self).__init__( name, ( EntitySubscriberComplete(name, 'peer', lambda o: o['name'] if o['type'] == 'freenas' else None), RpcComplete(name, 'system.general.get_config', lambda o: o['hostname']) ) ) self.primary_key_name = 'name' self.entity_subscriber_name = 'replication' self.create_task = 'replication.create' self.update_task = 'replication.update' self.delete_task = 'replication.delete' self.required_props = ['datasets', 'master', 'slave'] self.localdoc['CreateEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: create <name> master=<master> slave=<slave> recursive=<recursive> bidirectional=<bidirectional> auto_recover=<auto_recover> replicate_services=<replicate_services> encrypt=<encrypt> compress=<fast/default/best> throttle=<throttle> snapshot_lifetime=<snapshot_lifetime> follow_delete=<follow_delete> Example: create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool,mypool/dataset create my_replication master=freenas-1.local slave=freenas-2.local datasets=source:target,source2/data:target2 create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool recursive=yes create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool bidirectional=yes create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool,mypool2 bidirectional=yes recursive=yes create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool,mypool2 bidirectional=yes recursive=yes replicate_services=yes create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool,mypool2 bidirectional=yes recursive=yes replicate_services=yes auto_recover=yes create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool encrypt=AES128 create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool compress=best create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool throttle=10MiB create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool encrypt=AES128 compress=best throttle=10MiB create my_replication master= slave= datasets=mypool snapshot_lifetime=1:10:10 followdelete=yes Creates a replication link entry. Link contains configuration data used in later replication process. All ZFS pools referenced in 'datasets' property must exist on both slave and master at creation time. Datasets can be defined as a simple list of datasets available on master (source) eg. mypool/mydataset,mypool2/mydataset2, or a list of {source}:{target} eg. mypool/ds:targetpool/ds2,otherpool:targetpool2. First example could be expanded to: mypool/mydataset:mypool/mydataset,mypool2/mydataset2:mypool2mydataset2 It would have the same meaning. Bidirectional replication is accepting only identical master and slave (source and target) datasets trees eg mypool:mypool,mypool2:mypool2. Created replication is implicitly: unidirectional, non-recursive, does not recover automatically and does not replicate services along with datasets. One of: master, slave parameters must represent one of current machine's IP addresses. Both these parameters must be defined, because unidirectional replication link can be promoted to become bi-directional link. Recursive parameter set to 'yes' informs that every child dataset of datasets defined in 'datasets' parameter will be replicated along with provided parents. Only in bi-directional replication service replication and automatic recovery are available. When automatic recovery is selected it is not possible to switch hosts roles manually. It's being done automatically each time 'master' goes down or up again. Creates a replication task. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""") self.entity_localdoc['SetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: set <property>=<value> ... Examples: set bidirectional=yes set throttle=1M set encrypt=AES256 set datasets=mypool1,mypool2/dataset1 Sets a replication property. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""") self.localdoc['ListCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: show Lists all replications. Optionally, filter or sort by property. Use 'help properties' to list available properties. Examples: show show | search name == foo""") self.entity_localdoc['DeleteEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: delete scrub=<scrub> Examples: delete delete scrub=yes Delete current entity. Scrub allows to delete related datasets at slave side.""") self.skeleton_entity = { 'bidirectional': False, 'recursive': False, 'replicate_services': False, 'transport_options': [] } def get_transport_option(obj, name): options = obj['transport_options'] for o in options: if name in o['%type'].lower(): return o return None def get_compress(obj): compress = get_transport_option(obj, 'compress') if compress: return compress['level'] else: return None def get_throttle(obj): throttle = get_transport_option(obj, 'throttle') if throttle: return throttle['buffer_size'] else: return None def get_encrypt(obj): encrypt = get_transport_option(obj, 'encrypt') if encrypt: return encrypt['type'] else: return None def set_transport_option(obj, oldval, val): if oldval: obj['transport_options'].remove(oldval) if val: obj['transport_options'].append(val) def set_compress(obj, val): opt = None if val != 'no': opt = { '%type': 'CompressReplicationTransportOption', 'level': val } set_transport_option(obj, get_transport_option(obj, 'compress'), opt) def set_throttle(obj, val): opt = { '%type': 'ThrottleReplicationTransportOption', 'buffer_size': val } set_transport_option(obj, get_transport_option(obj, 'throttle'), opt) def set_encrypt(obj, val): opt = None if val != 'no': opt = { '%type': 'EncryptReplicationTransportOption', 'type': val } set_transport_option(obj, get_transport_option(obj, 'encrypt'), opt) def get_peer(obj, role): if obj[role] == self.context.call_sync(''): return self.context.call_sync('system.general.get_config')['hostname'] else: return self.context.entity_subscribers['peer'].query( ('id', '=', obj[role]), single=True, select='name' ) def set_peer(obj, val, role): if val == self.context.call_sync('system.general.get_config')['hostname']: obj[role] = self.context.call_sync('') else: peer_id = self.context.entity_subscribers['peer'].query( ('name', '=', val), ('type', '=', 'freenas'), single=True, select='id' ) obj[role] = peer_id def get_datasets(obj): return ['{0}:{1}'.format(i['master'], i['slave']) for i in obj['datasets']] def set_datasets(obj, value): datasets = [] for ds in value: sp_dataset = ds.split(':', 1) datasets.append({ 'master': sp_dataset[0], 'slave': sp_dataset[int(bool(len(sp_dataset) == 2 and sp_dataset[1]))] }) obj['datasets'] = datasets def get_initial_master(obj): if obj['initial_master'] == obj['master']: return get_peer(obj, 'master') elif obj['initial_master'] == obj['slave']: return get_peer(obj, 'slave') else: return self.add_property( descr='Name', name='name', get='name', usersetable=False, list=True, usage=_('Name of a replication task') ) self.add_property( descr='Master', name='master', get=lambda o: get_peer(o, 'master'), set=lambda o, v: set_peer(o, v, 'master'), usersetable=False, list=True, complete=PeerComplete('master='), usage=_('Name of FreeNAS machine (peer) acting as a sending side.') ) self.add_property( descr='Slave', name='slave', get=lambda o: get_peer(o, 'slave'), set=lambda o, v: set_peer(o, v, 'slave'), usersetable=False, list=True, complete=PeerComplete('slave='), usage=_('Name of FreeNAS machine (peer) acting as a receiving side.') ) self.add_property( descr='Datasets', name='datasets', get=get_datasets, set=set_datasets, list=False, strict=False, type=ValueType.SET, complete=EntitySubscriberComplete('datasets=', 'volume.dataset', lambda o: o['name'] + ':'), usage=_('List of datasets to be replicated.') ) self.add_property( descr='Bi-directional', name='bidirectional', get='bidirectional', set='bidirectional', list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('Defines if a replication task does support inverting master/slave roles.') ) self.add_property( descr='Automatic recovery', name='auto_recover', get='auto_recover', set='auto_recover', condition=lambda o: o.get('bidirectional'), list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('''\ Enables automatic replication stream invert when initial master becomes down/unreachable. Once initial master goes back online replication streams are being inverted again to match initial direction.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Initial master side', name='initial_master', get=get_initial_master, usersetable=False, createsetable=False, list=False, usage=_('Informs which host was initially selected a replication master.') ) self.add_property( descr='Recursive', name='recursive', get='recursive', set='recursive', list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('Defines if selected datasets should be replicated recursively.') ) self.add_property( descr='Services replication', name='replicate_services', get='replicate_services', set='replicate_services', condition=lambda o: o.get('bidirectional'), list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('''\ When set, in bidirectional replication case, enables FreeNAS machines to attempt to recreate services (such as shares) on new master after role swap.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Transfer encryption', name='encryption', get=get_encrypt, set=set_encrypt, enum=['no', 'AES128', 'AES192', 'AES256'], list=False, usage=_('''\ Encryption algorithm used during replication stream send operation. Can be one of: 'no', 'AES128', 'AES192', 'AES256'.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Transfer throttle', name='throttle', get=get_throttle, set=set_throttle, list=False, type=ValueType.SIZE, usage=_('Maximum transfer speed during replication. Value in B/s.') ) self.add_property( descr='Transfer compression', name='compression', get=get_compress, set=set_compress, enum=['no', 'FAST', 'DEFAULT', 'BEST'], list=False, usage=_('''\ Compression algorithm used during replication stream send operation. Can be one of: 'no', 'FAST', 'DEFAULT', 'BEST'.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Snapshot lifetime', name='snapshot_lifetime', get='snapshot_lifetime', set=lambda o, v: q.set(o, 'snapshot_lifetime', parse_timedelta(str(v)).seconds), list=False, type=ValueType.NUMBER, usage=_('Lifetime of snapshots created for replication purposes.') ) self.add_property( descr='Follow delete', name='followdelete', get='followdelete', set='followdelete', list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN, usage=_('''\ Defines if replication should automatically remove stale snapshots at slave side.''') ) self.add_property( descr='Current status', name='status', get='current_state.status', usersetable=False, createsetable=False, list=False, type=ValueType.STRING, usage=_('Current status of replication.') ) self.add_property( descr='Current progress', name='progress', get=lambda o: '{0:.2f}'.format(round(q.get(o, 'current_state.progress'), 2)) + '%', usersetable=False, createsetable=False, list=False, type=ValueType.STRING, condition=lambda o: q.get(o, 'current_state.status') == 'RUNNING', usage=_('Current progress of replication.') ) self.add_property( descr='Last speed', name='speed', get='current_state.speed', usersetable=False, createsetable=False, list=False, type=ValueType.STRING, condition=lambda o: q.get(o, 'current_state.status') == 'RUNNING', usage=_('Transfer speed of current replication run.') ) self.primary_key = self.get_mapping('name') self.entity_commands = self.get_entity_commands
def complete(self, context, **kwargs): return [ EnumComplete('name=', q.query(DockerImageNamespace.default_images, select='name')), EntitySubscriberComplete('host=', '', lambda d: d['name']) ]
def complete(self, context, **kwargs): return [ EntitySubscriberComplete('dataset=', 'volume.dataset'), NullComplete('snapshot=') ]