コード例 #1
def CheckForUpdates(root = None, handler = None):
    Check for an updated manifest.
    Very simple, uses the configuration module.
    Returns the new manifest if there is an update,
    and None otherwise.
    (It determines if there is an update if the latest-found
    manifeset's sequence number is larger than the current
    sequence number.)
    The optional argument handler is a function that
    will be called for each difference in the new manifest
    (if there is one); it will be called with three
    arguments:  operation, package, old package.
    operation will be "delete", "upgrade", or "install";
    old package will be None for delete and install.
    conf = Configuration.Configuration(root)
    cur = conf.SystemManifest()
    m = conf.FindLatestManifest()
    print >> sys.stderr, "Current sequence = %d, available sequence = %d" % (cur.Sequence(), m.Sequence() if m is not None else 0)
    if m is not None and m.Sequence() > cur.Sequence():
        if handler is not None:
            diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(cur, m)
            for (pkg, op, old) in diffs:
                handler(op, pkg, old)
        return m
    return None
コード例 #2
def PendingUpdates(directory):
    Return a list (a la CheckForUpdates handler right now) of
    changes between the currently installed system and the
    downloaded contents in <directory>.  If <directory>'s values
    are incomplete or invalid for whatever reason, return
    None.  "Incomplete" means a necessary file for upgrading
    from the current system is not present; "Invalid" means that
    one part of it is invalid -- manifest is not valid, signature isn't
    valid, checksum for a file is invalid, or the stashed sequence
    number does not match the current system's sequence.
    mani_file = None
    conf = Configuration.Configuration()
        mani_file = VerifyUpdate(directory)
    except UpdateBusyCacheException:
        log.debug("Cache directory %s is busy, so no update available" %
        return None
    except (UpdateIncompleteCacheException, UpdateInvalidCacheException) as e:
        return None
    except BaseException as e:
            "Got exception %s while trying to determine pending updates" %
        return None
    if mani_file:
        new_manifest = Manifest.Manifest()
        diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(conf.SystemManifest(), new_manifest)
        return diffs
    return None
コード例 #3
def CheckForUpdates(root = None, handler = None):
    Check for an updated manifest.
    Very simple, uses the configuration module.
    Returns the new manifest if there is an update,
    and None otherwise.
    (It determines if there is an update if the latest-found
    manifest contains differences from the current system
    The optional argument handler is a function that
    will be called for each difference in the new manifest
    (if there is one); it will be called with three
    arguments:  operation, package, old package.
    operation will be "delete", "upgrade", or "install";
    old package will be None for delete and install.
    conf = Configuration.Configuration(root)
    cur = conf.SystemManifest()
    m = conf.FindLatestManifest()
    log.debug("Current sequence = %s, available sequence = %s" % (cur.Sequence(), m.Sequence()
                                                                             if m is not None else "None"))
    if m is None:
        raise ValueError("Manifest could not be found!")
    diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(cur, m)
    update = False
    for (pkg, op,old) in diffs:
        update = True
        if handler is not None:
            handler(op, pkg, old)
    return m if update else None
コード例 #4
def CheckForUpdates(root=None, handler=None, train=None, cache_dir=None):
    Check for an updated manifest.
    Very simple, uses the configuration module.
    Returns the new manifest if there is an update,
    and None otherwise.
    (It determines if there is an update if the latest-found
    manifest contains differences from the current system
    The optional argument handler is a function that
    will be called for each difference in the new manifest
    (if there is one); it will be called with three
    arguments:  operation, package, old package.
    operation will be "delete", "upgrade", or "install";
    old package will be None for delete and install.
    The optional cache_dir parameter indicates that it
    should look in that directory first, rather than
    going over the network.  (Unlike the similar code
    in freenas-update, this will not [at this time]
    download the package files and store them in
    conf = Configuration.Configuration(root)
    cur = conf.SystemManifest()
    m = None
    # Let's check cache_dir if it is set
    if cache_dir and (not train or train == cur.Train()):
        if os.path.exists(cache_dir + "/MANIFEST"):
            # Okay, let's load it up.
            m = Manifest.Manifest()
                m.LoadPath(cache_dir + "/MANIFEST")
                if m.Train() != cur.Train():
                    # Should we get rid of the cache?
                    m = None
                m = None

    if m is None:
        m = conf.FindLatestManifest(train=train)

    log.debug("Current sequence = %s, available sequence = %s" %
              (cur.Sequence(), m.Sequence() if m is not None else "None"))
    if m is None:
        raise ValueError("Manifest could not be found!")
    diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(cur, m)
    update = False
    for (pkg, op, old) in diffs:
        update = True
        if handler is not None:
            handler(op, pkg, old)
    return m if update else None
コード例 #5
def VerifyUpdate(directory):
    Verify the update in the directory is valid -- the manifest
    is sane, any signature is valid, the package files necessary to
    update are present, and have a valid checksum.  Returns either
    a file object if it's valid (the file object is locked), None
    if it doesn't exist, or it raises an exception -- one of
    UpdateIncompleteCacheException or UpdateInvalidCacheException --
    if necessary.
    import fcntl

    # First thing we do is get the systen configuration and
    # systen manifest
    conf = Configuration.Configuration()
    mani = conf.SystemManifest()

    # Next, let's see if the directory exists.
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
        return None
    # Open up the manifest file.  Assuming it exists.
        mani_file = open(directory + "/MANIFEST", "r+")
        # Doesn't exist.  Or we can't get to it, which would be weird.
        return None
    # Let's try getting an exclusive lock on the manifest
        fcntl.lockf(mani_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB, 0, 0)
        # Well, if we can't acquire the lock, someone else has it.
        # Throw an incomplete exception
        raise UpdateBusyCacheException("Cache directory %s is being modified" %
    cached_mani = Manifest.Manifest()
    except Exception as e:
        # If we got an exception, it's invalid.
        log.error("Could not load cached manifest file: %s" % str(e))
        raise UpdateInvalidCacheException

    # First easy thing to do:  look for the SEQUENCE file.
        cached_sequence = open(directory + "/SEQUENCE", "r").read().rstrip()
    except (IOError, Exception) as e:
        log.error("Could not sequence file in cache directory %s: %s" %
                  (directory, str(e)))
        raise UpdateIncompleteCacheException(
            "Cache directory %s does not have a sequence file" % directory)

    # Now let's see if the sequence matches us.
    if cached_sequence != mani.Sequence():
        log.error("Cached sequence, %s, does not match system sequence, %s" %
                  (cached_sequence, mani.Sequence()))
        raise UpdateInvalidCacheException(
            "Cached sequence does not match system sequence")

    # Next thing to do is go through the manifest, and decide which package files we need.
    diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(mani, cached_mani)
    # This gives us an array to examine.
    for (pkg, op, old) in diffs:
        if op == "delete":
            # Deleted package, so we don't need to do any verification here
        if op == "install":
            # New package, being installed, so we need the full package
            cur_vers = None
        if op == "upgrade":
            # Package being updated, so we can look for the delta package.
            cur_vers = old.Version()
        new_vers = pkg.Version()
        # This is slightly redundant -- if cur_vers is None, it'll check
        # the same filename twice.
        if not os.path.exists(directory + "/" + pkg.FileName())  and \
           not os.path.exists(directory + "/" + pkg.FileName(cur_vers)):
            # Neither exists, so incoplete
            log.error("Cache %s  directory missing files for package %s" %
                      (directory, pkg.Name()))
            raise UpdateIncompleteCacheException(
                "Cache directory %s missing files for package %s" %
                (directory, pkg.Name()))
        # Okay, at least one of them exists.
        # Let's try the full file first
            with open(directory + "/" + pkg.FileName()) as f:
                if pkg.Checksum():
                    cksum = Configuration.ChecksumFile(f)
                    if cksum == pkg.Checksum():

        if cur_vers is None:
            e = "Cache directory %s missing files for package %s" % (
                directory, pkg.Name())
            raise UpdateIncompleteCacheException(e)

        # Now we try the delta file
        # To do that, we need to find the right dictionary in the pkg
        upd_cksum = None
        found = False
        for update_dict in pkg.Updates():
            if update_dict[Package.VERSION_KEY] == cur_vers:
                if Package.CHECKSUM_KEY in update_dict:
                    upd_cksum = update_dict[Package.CHECKSUM_KEY]
                        with open(directory + "/" +
                                  pkg.FileName(cur_vers)) as f:
                            cksum = Configuration.ChecksumFile(f)
                            if upd_cksum == cksum:
                                found = True
                    found = True
        if found is False:
            # If we got here, we are missing this file
            log_msg = "Cache directory %s is missing package %s" % (directory,
            raise UpdateIncompleteCacheException(log_msg)
    # And if we got here, then we have found all of the packages, the manifest is fine,
    # and the sequence tag is correct.
    return mani_file
コード例 #6
def DownloadUpdate(train, directory, get_handler=None, check_handler=None):
    Download, if necessary, the LATEST update for train; download
    delta packages if possible.  Checks to see if the existing content
    is the right version.  In addition to the current caching code, it
    will also stash the current sequence when it downloads; this will
    allow it to determine if a reboot into a different boot environment
    has happened.  This will remove the existing content if it decides
    it has to redownload for any reason.
    import shutil
    import fcntl

    conf = Configuration.Configuration()
    mani = conf.SystemManifest()
    # First thing, let's get the latest manifest
    latest_mani = conf.FindLatestManifest(train)
    if latest_mani is None:
        # That really shouldnt happen
        log.error("Unable to find latest manifest for train %s" % train)
        return False

    cache_mani = Manifest.Manifest()
        mani_file = VerifyUpdate(directory)
        if mani_file:
            if cache_mani.Sequence() == latest_mani.Sequence():
                # Woohoo!
                return True
            # Not the latest
        mani_file = None
    except UpdateBusyCacheException:
        log.debug("Cache directory %s is busy, so no update available" %
        return False
    except (UpdateIncompleteCacheException, UpdateInvalidCacheException) as e:
        # It's incomplete, so we need to remove it
        log.error("DownloadUpdate(%s, %s):  Got exception %s; removing cache" %
                  (train, directory, str(e)))
    except BaseException as e:
        log.error("Got exception %s while trying to prepare update cache" %
        raise e
    # If we're here, then we don't have a (valid) cached update.
    except BaseException as e:
        log.error("Unable to create directory %s: %s" % (directory, str(e)))
        return False

        mani_file = open(directory + "/MANIFEST", "wxb")
    except (IOError, Exception) as e:
        log.error("Unale to create manifest file in directory %s" %
                  (directory, str(e)))
        return False
        fcntl.lockf(mani_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB, 0, 0)
    except (IOError, Exception) as e:
        log.debug("Unable to lock manifest file: %s" % str(e))
        return False

    # Find out what differences there are
    diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(mani, latest_mani)
    download_packages = []
    for pkg, op, old in diffs:
        if op == "delete":

    # Next steps:  download the package files.
    for indx, pkg in enumerate(download_packages):
        if check_handler:
            check_handler(indx + 1, pkg=pkg, pkgList=download_packages)
        pkg_file = conf.FindPackageFile(pkg,
        if pkg_file is None:
            log.error("Could not download package file for %s" % pkg.Name())
            return False

    # Then save the manifest file.
    # Create the SEQUENCE file.
    with open(directory + "/SEQUENCE", "w") as f:
        f.write("%s" % conf.SystemManifest().Sequence())
    # Then return True!
    return True
コード例 #7
def Update(root=None,
    Perform an update.  If cache_dir is set, and contains a valid
    set of files (MANIFEST exists, and is for the current train, and
    the sequence is not the same as the system sequence), it will
    use that, rather than downloading.  It calls CheckForUpdates() otherwise,
    to see if there are any. If there are, then magic happens.

    log.debug("Update(root = %s, conf = %s, train = %s, cache_dir = %s)" %
              (root, conf, train, cache_dir))
    if conf is None:
        conf = Configuration.Configuration(root)

    deleted_packages = []
    process_packages = []

    def UpdateHandler(op, pkg, old):
        if op == "delete":
        if check_handler is not None:
            check_handler(op, pkg, old)

    new_man = None
    if cache_dir:
        if os.path.exists(cache_dir + "/MANIFEST"):
                cur = conf.SystemManifest()
                new_man = Manifest.Manifest()
                new_man.LoadPath(cache_dir + "/MANIFEST")
                if new_man.Train() != cur.Train():
                    new_man = None
                    cache_dir = None
                    diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(cur, new_man)
                    for (pkg, op, old) in diffs:
                        UpdateHandler(op, pkg, old)
            except Exception as e:
                log.debug("Caught exception %s" % str(e))
                new_man = None
                cache_dir = None

    if new_man is None:
        new_man = CheckForUpdates(root, handler=UpdateHandler, train=train)

    if new_man is None:

    if len(deleted_packages) == 0 and len(process_packages) == 0:
        # We have a case where a manifest was updated, but we
        # don't actually have any changes to the packages.  We
        # should install the new manifest, and be done -- it
        # may have new release notes, or other issues.
        # Right now, I'm not quite sure how to do this.
        log.debug("Updated manifest but no package differences")

    # Now we have a list of deleted packages, and a list
    # of update/install packages.
    # The task is to delete the first set of packages,
    # and then run through the others to install/update.
    # First, however, we need to get the files.
    # We want to use the system configuration, unless one has been
    # specified -- we don't want to use the target root's.
    if conf is None:
        conf = Configuration.Configuration()

    # If root is None, then we will try to create a clone
    # environment.  (If the caller wants to install into the
    # current boot environment, set root = "" or "/".)
    clone_name = None
    mount_point = None
        if root is None:
            # We clone the existing boot environment to
            # "Avatar()-<sequence>"
            clone_name = "%s-%s" % (Avatar(), new_man.Sequence())
            if CreateClone(clone_name) is False:
                log.error("Unable to create boot-environment %s" % clone_name)
                raise Exception("Unable to create new boot-environment %s" %

            mount_point = MountClone(clone_name)
            if mount_point is None:
                log.error("Unable to mount boot-environment %s" % clone_name)
                raise Exception("Unable to mount boot-environment %s" %
                root = mount_point
            mount_point = None

        for pkg in deleted_packages:
            log.debug("Want to delete package %s" % pkg.Name())
            if conf.PackageDB(root).RemovePackageContents(pkg) == False:
                log.error("Unable to remove contents package %s" % pkg.Name())
                if mount_point:
                    UnmountClone(clone_name, mount_point)
                    mount_point = None
                raise Exception("Unable to remove contents for package %s" %

        installer = Installer.Installer(manifest=new_man,
        installer.GetPackages(process_packages, handler=get_handler)

        log.debug("Packages = %s" % installer._packages)

        # Now let's actually install them.
        # Only change on success
        rv = False
        if installer.InstallPackages(handler=install_handler) is False:
            log.error("Unable to install packages")
            if mount_point is not None:
                if UnmountClone(clone_name, mount_point) is False:
                    log.error("Unable to mount clone enivironment %s" %
                    mount_point = None
                    if ActivateClone(clone_name) is False:
                        log.error("Could not activate clone environment %s" %
                        # Downloaded package files are open-unlinked, so don't
                        # have to be cleaned up.  If there's a cache directory,
                        # however, we need to get rid of it.
                        if cache_dir:
                            import shutil
                            if os.path.exists(cache_dir):
                                except Exception as e:
                                    # If that doesn't work, for now at least we'll
                                    # simply ignore the error.
                                        "Tried to remove cache directory %s, got exception %s"
                                        % (cache_dir, str(e)))
                        rv = True
                        # Start a scrub.  We ignore the return value.
                        RunCommand("/sbin/zpool", ["scrub", "freenas-boot"])

    except BaseException as e:
        log.error("Update got exception during update: %s" % str(e))
        if clone_name:
            if mount_point:
                # Ignore the error here
                UnmountClone(clone_name, mount_point)
        raise e

    # Clean up
    # That just leaves the clone, which
    # we should unmount, and destroy if necessary.
    # Unmounting attempts to delete the mount point that was created.
    if rv is False:
        if clone_name and DeleteClone(clone_name) is False:
            log.error("Unable to delete boot environment %s in failure case" %

    return rv
コード例 #8
ファイル: Update.py プロジェクト: joliotchu/freenas
def CheckForUpdates(handler=None, train=None, cache_dir=None):
    Check for an updated manifest.  If cache_dir is none, then we try
    to download just the latest manifest for the given train, and
    compare it to the current system.  If cache_dir is set, then we
    use the manifest in that directory.

    conf = Configuration.Configuration()
    new_manifest = None
    if cache_dir:
            mfile = VerifyUpdate(cache_dir)
            if mfile is None:
                return None
        except UpdateBusyCacheException:
            log.debug("Cache directory %s is busy, so no update available" %
            return None
        except (UpdateIncompleteCacheException,
                UpdateInvalidCacheException) as e:
                "CheckForUpdate(train = %s, cache_dir = %s):  Got exception %s, removing cache"
                % (train, cache_dir, str(e)))
            return None
        except BaseException as e:
                "CheckForUpdate(train=%s, cache_dir = %s):  Got exception %s" %
                (train, cache_dir, str(e)))
            raise e
        # We always want a valid signature when doing an update
        new_manifest = Manifest.Manifest(require_signature=True)
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Could not load manifest due to %s" % str(e))
            raise e
            new_manifest = conf.FindLatestManifest(train=train,
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Could not find latest manifest due to %s" % str(e))

    if new_manifest is None:
        raise UpdateManifestNotFound("Manifest could not be found!")

    # If new_manifest is not the requested train, then we don't have an update to do
    if train and train != new_manifest.Train():
            "CheckForUpdate(train = %s, cache_dir = %s):  Wrong train in caache (%s)"
            % (train, cache_dir, new_manifest.Train()))
        return None

    diffs = Manifest.CompareManifests(conf.SystemManifest(), new_manifest)
    if diffs is None or len(diffs) == 0:
        return None
    if handler:
        for (pkg, op, old) in diffs:
            handler(op, pkg, old)
    return new_manifest