コード例 #1
def test_pass_statement_2(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = '''
    Test the pass statement. Try stupid but legal cases.
    - The pass statement should just do nothing. 
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import (Interpreter, siml_isinstance, 
                                     CallableObject, TypeObject, IFloat)
    from freeode.ast import DotName

    prog_text = \
#class with definition after pass statement
class A:
    data x: Float role_unknown

data a:A
a.x = 2

#function with statement after pass statement
func add2(x):
    return x + 2
data four: Float const
four = add2(2)

    #create the interpreter
    intp = Interpreter()
    intp.interpret_module_string(prog_text, None, 'test')
    #test the module a bit
    mod = intp.modules['test']
    #print mod
    class_A = mod.get_attribute(DotName('A'))
    a = mod.get_attribute(DotName('a'))
    a_x = a.get_attribute(DotName('x'))
    add2 = mod.get_attribute(DotName('add2'))
    four = mod.get_attribute(DotName('four'))
    assert isinstance(class_A, TypeObject)
    assert siml_isinstance(a, class_A)
    assert isinstance(a_x, IFloat)
    assert a_x.value == 2
    assert isinstance(add2, CallableObject)
    assert isinstance(four, IFloat)
    assert four.value == 4
コード例 #2
def test_pass_statement_1(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = '''
    Test the pass statement. Try the normal use case.
    - The pass statement does nothing it is necessary to create empty 
    functions and classes. 
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import (Interpreter, siml_isinstance, 
                                     CallableObject, TypeObject, IFloat)
    from freeode.ast import DotName

    prog_text = \
#empty class body
class Dummy:

data d: Dummy const

#empty function body
func f_dummy():
#call class with pass statement in compiled code
class A:
    data x: Float 
    data d: Dummy
    func foo(this):
    func dynamic(this):
        $x = 1

compile A

    #create the interpreter
    intp = Interpreter()
    intp.interpret_module_string(prog_text, None, 'test')
    #test the module a bit
    mod = intp.modules['test']
    #print mod
    class_Dummy = mod.get_attribute(DotName('Dummy'))
    d = mod.get_attribute(DotName('d'))
    f_dummy = mod.get_attribute(DotName('f_dummy'))
    class_A = mod.get_attribute(DotName('A'))
    assert siml_isinstance(d, class_Dummy)
    assert isinstance(f_dummy, CallableObject)
    assert isinstance(class_A, TypeObject)

    #Test the compiled object
    flat_A = intp.get_compiled_objects()[0] 
    #print flat_A
    x = flat_A.get_attribute(DotName('x'))
    x_time = flat_A.get_attribute(DotName('x$time'))
    assert isinstance(x, IFloat)
    assert isinstance(x_time, IFloat)
    assert len(flat_A.attributes) == 5