def setup_manager(self): """ Create the tabs manager """ self.manager = Manager(self.application) self.layout.pack_start(self.manager)
def setup_manager (self): """ Create the tabs manager """ self.manager = Manager (self.application) () self.layout.pack_start (self.manager)
class MainWindow (gtk.Window): """ The GTK+ main window """ ui_string = """<ui> <menubar> <menu action="Translation"> <menuitem action="Text" /> <menuitem action="Web" /> <menuitem action="Suggestions" /> <separator /> <menuitem action="Close" /> </menu> <menu action="Edit"> <menuitem action="Preferences" /> </menu> <menu action="Help"> <menuitem action="Contents" /> <menuitem action="About" /> </menu> </menubar> <toolbar> <toolitem action="Text" /> <toolitem action="Web" /> <toolitem action="Suggestions" /> <separator /> <toolitem action="Preferences" /> </toolbar> <accelerator action="Text" /> <accelerator action="Web" /> <accelerator action="Suggestions" /> <accelerator action="Preferences" /> <accelerator action="Contents" /> </ui>""" def __init__(self, application): gtk.Window.__init__ (self) self.application = application self.setup_window () self.setup_layout () self.application.globalkeybinding.connect ('activate', self.on_keybinding_activate) def setup_window (self): """ Setup the basics of the window, like title and something else """ self.connect ('delete-event', self.on_delete_event) icon = self.application.icon_theme.load_icon (defs.PACKAGE, 64, 0) self.set_icon (icon) self.set_title ('FreeSpeak') def setup_layout (self): """ Setup the layout and the window actions """ self.layout = gtk.VBox () self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup ('WindowActions') actions = ( ('Translation', None, _("Translation")), ('Edit', None, _("_Edit")), ('Help', None, _("_Help")), ('Text', None, _('_Text'), "<Control>t", _('New translation'), None), ('Web', None, _('We_b'), "<Control>b", _('New web page translation'), None), ('Suggestions', None, _('_Suggestions'), "<Control>s", _('New translation suggestions'), None), ('Preferences', gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, None, "<Control>p", _('FreeSpeak preferences'), self.on_settings), ('Close', gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, _("_Close this translation"), None, _("Close the active translation page"), self.on_close), ('Contents', gtk.STOCK_HELP, _("_Contents"), "F1", None, self.on_contents), ('About', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, None, None, _('About FreeSpeak'), self.on_about), ) self.action_group.add_actions (actions) self.application.configure_actions (self.action_group) self.ui = gtk.UIManager () self.ui.insert_action_group (self.action_group, 0) self.ui.add_ui_from_string (self.ui_string) self.accel_group = self.ui.get_accel_group () self.add_accel_group (self.accel_group) self.setup_menubar () self.setup_toolbar () self.setup_manager () self.setup_intro () () self.add (self.layout) def setup_menubar (self): """ Add the menubar """ action = self.action_group.get_action ("Text") action.set_property ('icon-name', 'text-x-generic') action = self.action_group.get_action ("Web") action.set_property ('icon-name', 'text-html') action = self.action_group.get_action ("Suggestions") action.set_property ('icon-name', 'package-x-generic') self.menubar = self.ui.get_widget ("/menubar") () self.layout.pack_start (self.menubar, False) def setup_toolbar (self): """ Add the toolbar """ self.toolbar = self.ui.get_widget ("/toolbar") () self.layout.pack_start (self.toolbar, False) def setup_manager (self): """ Create the tabs manager """ self.manager = Manager (self.application) () self.layout.pack_start (self.manager) def setup_intro (self): """ Create the introduction container """ self.intro = Intro (self.application, self.manager) () self.layout.pack_start (self.intro) def open_translation (self, type): """ Open a new tab in the notebook and start a new translation """ if type == self.application.TEXT_TRANSLATION: TextTranslation (self.application, self.manager) elif type == self.application.WEB_TRANSLATION: WebTranslation (self.application, self.manager) elif type == self.application.TRANSLATION_SUGGESTIONS: TranslationSuggestions (self.application, self.manager) else: return False self.present () return True # Events def on_keybinding_activate (self, keybinding): """ Global keybinding has been activated """ if self.application.clipboard.has_text_contents (): TextTranslation (self.application, self.manager) elif self.application.clipboard.has_url_contents (): WebTranslation (self.application, self.manager) else: return self.manager.switch_to_latest () timestamp = int (time.time ()) self.present_with_time (timestamp) def on_settings(self, w): """ FreeSpeak preferences """ Settings (self.application) def on_close (self, w): """ Close the active translation page """ self.manager.close_current_translation () def on_contents (self, w): """ Help contents """ gtk.show_uri (self.window.get_screen(), "ghelp:freespeak", 0) def on_about (self, w): """ Open an AboutDialog for this software """ About (self.application) def on_delete_event (self, *w): """ Let applications decide """ self.application.closed () return True
class MainWindow(gtk.Window): """ The GTK+ main window """ ui_string = """<ui> <menubar> <menu action="Translation"> <menuitem action="Text" /> <menuitem action="Web" /> <menuitem action="Suggestions" /> <separator /> <menuitem action="Close" /> </menu> <menu action="Edit"> <menuitem action="Preferences" /> </menu> <menu action="Help"> <menuitem action="Contents" /> <menuitem action="About" /> </menu> </menubar> <toolbar> <toolitem action="Text" /> <toolitem action="Web" /> <toolitem action="Suggestions" /> <separator /> <toolitem action="Preferences" /> </toolbar> <accelerator action="Text" /> <accelerator action="Web" /> <accelerator action="Suggestions" /> <accelerator action="Preferences" /> <accelerator action="Contents" /> </ui>""" def __init__(self, application): gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.application = application self.setup_window() self.setup_layout() self.application.globalkeybinding.connect('activate', self.on_keybinding_activate) def setup_window(self): """ Setup the basics of the window, like title and something else """ self.connect('delete-event', self.on_delete_event) icon = self.application.icon_theme.load_icon(defs.PACKAGE, 64, 0) self.set_icon(icon) self.set_title('FreeSpeak') def setup_layout(self): """ Setup the layout and the window actions """ self.layout = gtk.VBox() self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup('WindowActions') actions = ( ('Translation', None, _("Translation")), ('Edit', None, _("_Edit")), ('Help', None, _("_Help")), ('Text', None, _('_Text'), "<Control>t", _('New translation'), None), ('Web', None, _('We_b'), "<Control>b", _('New web page translation'), None), ('Suggestions', None, _('_Suggestions'), "<Control>s", _('New translation suggestions'), None), ('Preferences', gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, None, "<Control>p", _('FreeSpeak preferences'), self.on_settings), ('Close', gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, _("_Close this translation"), None, _("Close the active translation page"), self.on_close), ('Contents', gtk.STOCK_HELP, _("_Contents"), "F1", None, self.on_contents), ('About', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, None, None, _('About FreeSpeak'), self.on_about), ) self.action_group.add_actions(actions) self.application.configure_actions(self.action_group) self.ui = gtk.UIManager() self.ui.insert_action_group(self.action_group, 0) self.ui.add_ui_from_string(self.ui_string) self.accel_group = self.ui.get_accel_group() self.add_accel_group(self.accel_group) self.setup_menubar() self.setup_toolbar() self.setup_manager() self.setup_intro() self.add(self.layout) def setup_menubar(self): """ Add the menubar """ action = self.action_group.get_action("Text") action.set_property('icon-name', 'text-x-generic') action = self.action_group.get_action("Web") action.set_property('icon-name', 'text-html') action = self.action_group.get_action("Suggestions") action.set_property('icon-name', 'package-x-generic') self.menubar = self.ui.get_widget("/menubar") self.layout.pack_start(self.menubar, False) def setup_toolbar(self): """ Add the toolbar """ self.toolbar = self.ui.get_widget("/toolbar") self.layout.pack_start(self.toolbar, False) def setup_manager(self): """ Create the tabs manager """ self.manager = Manager(self.application) self.layout.pack_start(self.manager) def setup_intro(self): """ Create the introduction container """ self.intro = Intro(self.application, self.manager) self.layout.pack_start(self.intro) def open_translation(self, type): """ Open a new tab in the notebook and start a new translation """ if type == self.application.TEXT_TRANSLATION: TextTranslation(self.application, self.manager) elif type == self.application.WEB_TRANSLATION: WebTranslation(self.application, self.manager) elif type == self.application.TRANSLATION_SUGGESTIONS: TranslationSuggestions(self.application, self.manager) else: return False self.present() return True # Events def on_keybinding_activate(self, keybinding): """ Global keybinding has been activated """ if self.application.clipboard.has_text_contents(): TextTranslation(self.application, self.manager) elif self.application.clipboard.has_url_contents(): WebTranslation(self.application, self.manager) else: return self.manager.switch_to_latest() timestamp = int(time.time()) self.present_with_time(timestamp) def on_settings(self, w): """ FreeSpeak preferences """ Settings(self.application) def on_close(self, w): """ Close the active translation page """ self.manager.close_current_translation() def on_contents(self, w): """ Help contents """ gtk.show_uri(self.window.get_screen(), "ghelp:freespeak", 0) def on_about(self, w): """ Open an AboutDialog for this software """ About(self.application) def on_delete_event(self, *w): """ Let applications decide """ self.application.closed() return True