コード例 #1
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: andrewgordeev/osu-hydro-pce
def run_single_event(ic, pce=False):
    fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(ic, grid_max, 0.5)
    surface = run_hydro(fs, event_size=27, coarse=3)
    resdict = dict(zip(['x', 'sigma', 'v'], np.hsplit(surface, [3,6,8])))
    rmax = math.sqrt((resdict['x'][:,1:3]**2).sum(axis=1).max())
    if pce:
        results = run_hydro_pce(fs, event_size=rmax)
        results = run_hydro(fs, event_size=rmax)
    return results
コード例 #2
	def run_single_event(ic, nb, event_number):
		Run the initial condition event contained in HDF5 dataset object `ic`
		and save observables to `results`.

		results['initial_entropy'] = ic.sum() * grid_step**2
		results['Ncoll'] = nb.sum() * grid_step**2
		logging.info("Nb %d", results['Ncoll'])
		assert all(n == grid_n for n in ic.shape)

			'free streaming initial condition for %.3f fm',
		fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(ic, grid_max, args.tau_fs)

		# run coarse event on large grid and determine max radius
		rmax = math.sqrt((
			run_hydro(ic, event_size=27, coarse=3)['x'][:, 1:3]**2
		logging.info('rmax = %.3f fm', rmax)

		# now run normal event with size set to the max radius
		# and create sampler surface object
		surface = frzout.Surface(**run_hydro(ic, event_size=rmax), ymax=2)
		logging.info('%d freeze-out cells', len(surface))

		# Sampling particle for UrQMD events
		logging.info('sampling surface with frzout')
		minsamples, maxsamples = 10, 400  # reasonable range for nsamples
		minparts = 10**5  # min number of particles to sample
		nparts = 0  # for tracking total number of sampled particles
		with open('particles_in.dat', 'w') as f:
			for nsamples in range(1, maxsamples + 1):
				parts = frzout.sample(surface, hrg)
				if parts.size == 0:
				nparts += parts.size
				print('#', parts.size, file=f)
				for p in parts:
					print(p['ID'], *p['x'], *p['p'], file=f)
				if nparts >= minparts and nsamples >= minsamples:

		results['nsamples'] = nsamples
		logging.info('produced %d particles in %d samples', nparts, nsamples)

		if nparts == 0:
			raise StopEvent('no particles produced')

		# ==================Heavy Flavor===========================
		# Run Pythia+Lido
		prefix = os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME')
                        '-y {:s}/pythia-setting.txt'.format(prefix),
                        '-i ./initial.hdf',
                        '-j {:d}'.format(0 if args.nevents is None else event_number-1),
                        '--hydro ./JetData.h5',
                        '-s {:s}/settings.xml'.format(prefix),
                        '-t {:s}'.format(args.table_path),
                        '-n {:d}'.format(args.NPythiaEvents),

		# hadronization
		hq = 'c'
		prefix = os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME')+"/hvq-hadronization/"
		os.environ["ftn20"] = "{}-meson-frzout.dat".format(hq)
		os.environ["ftn30"] = prefix+"parameters_{}_hd.dat".format(hq)
		os.environ["ftn40"] = prefix+"recomb_{}_tot.dat".format(hq)
		os.environ["ftn50"] = prefix+"recomb_{}_BR1.dat".format(hq)
		subprocess.run("hvq-hadronization", stdin=open("{}-quark-frzout.dat".format(hq)))

		# ==================Heavy + Soft --> UrQMD===========================
		run_cmd('convert_format {} particles_in.dat c-meson-frzout.dat'.format(nsamples))
		run_cmd('run_urqmd urqmd_input.dat particles_out.dat')	

		# read final particle data
		ID, charge, fmass, px, py, pz, y, eta, pT0, y0, w, _ = (
			np.array(col, dtype=dtype) for (col, dtype) in
				(2*[int] + 10*[float])
		# pT, phi, and id cut
		pT = np.sqrt(px**2+py**2)
		phi = np.arctan2(py, px)
		ET = fmass**2 + pT**2
		charged = (charge != 0)
		abs_eta = np.fabs(eta)
		abs_ID = np.abs(ID)
		# It may be redunant to find b-hadron at this stage since UrQMD has
		# not included them yet
		heavy_pid = [pid for (_, pid) in species.get('heavy')]
		is_heavy = np.array([u in heavy_pid for u in abs_ID], dtype=bool)
		is_light = np.logical_not(is_heavy)

		#============for soft particles======================
		results['dNch_deta'] = np.count_nonzero(charged & (abs_eta<.5) & is_light) / nsamples
		ET_eta = .6
		results['dET_deta'] = ET[abs_eta < ET_eta].sum() / (2*ET_eta) / nsamples

		for s, pid in species.get('light'):
			cut = (abs_ID == pid) & (abs_eta < 0.5)
			N = np.count_nonzero(cut)
			results['dN_dy'][s] = N / nsamples
			results['mean_pT'][s] = (0. if N == 0 else pT[cut].mean())

		pT_alice = pT[charged & (abs_eta < .8) & (.15 < pT) & (pT < 2.)]
		results['pT_fluct']['N'] = pT_alice.size
		results['pT_fluct']['sum_pT'] = pT_alice.sum()
		results['pT_fluct']['sum_pTsq'] = np.inner(pT_alice, pT_alice)

		phi_alice = phi[charged & (abs_eta < .8) & (.2 < pT) & (pT < 5.)]
		results['Qn_soft']['M'] = phi_alice.size
		results['Qn_soft']['Qn'] = [np.exp(1j*n*phi_alice).sum()
				for n in range(1, results.dtype['Qn_soft']['Qn'].shape[0] + 1)]

		#============for heavy flavors=======================
		for exp in ['ALICE', 'CMS']:
			#=========Event plane Q-vector from UrQMD events======================
			phi_light = phi[charged & is_light \
				& (JEC[exp]['vn_ref']['ybins'][0] < eta) \
				& (eta < JEC[exp]['vn_ref']['ybins'][1]) \
				& (JEC[exp]['vn_ref']['pTbins'][0] < pT) \
				& (pT < JEC[exp]['vn_ref']['pTbins'][1])]
			results['Qn_ref_'+exp]['M'] = phi_light.shape[0]
			results['Qn_ref_'+exp]['Qn'] = np.array([np.exp(1j*n*phi_light).sum() 
											for n in range(1, 5)])
			#===========For heavy particles======================
			# For charmed hadrons, use info after urqmd
			HF_dict = { 'pid': abs_ID[is_heavy],
						'pT' : pT[is_heavy],
						'y'  : y[is_heavy],
						'phi': phi[is_heavy],
						'w' : w[is_heavy] # normalized to an area units
			POI = [pid for (_, pid) in species.get('heavy')]
			flow = JLP.Qvector(HF_dict, JEC[exp]['vn_HF']['pTbins'],
								JEC[exp]['vn_HF']['ybins'], POI, order=4)
			Yield = JLP.Yield(HF_dict, JEC[exp]['Raa']['pTbins'],
								JEC[exp]['Raa']['ybins'], POI)
			for (s, pid) in species.get('heavy'):
				results['dX_dpT_dy_'+exp][s] = Yield[pid][:,0]
				results['Qn_poi_'+exp][s]['M'] = flow[pid]['M'][:,0]
				results['Qn_poi_'+exp][s]['Qn'] = flow[pid]['Qn'][:,0,:]

		# For full pT prediction
		#=========Use high precision Q-vector at the end of hydro==============
		# oversample to get a high percision event plane at freezeout
		ophi_light = np.empty(0)
		while ophi_light.size < 10**6 and nloop < 100000:
			nloop += 1
			oE, opx, opy, opz = frzout.sample(surface, hrg)['p'].T
			oM, opT, oy, ophi = JLP.fourvec_to_curvelinear(opx, opy, opz, oE)
			ophi = ophi[(-2 < oy) & (oy < 2) & (0.2 < opT) & (opT <5.0)]
			ophi_light = np.append(ophi_light, ophi)
		results['Qn_ref_pred']['M'] = ophi_light.shape[0]
		results['Qn_ref_pred']['Qn'] = np.array([np.exp(1j*n*ophi_light).sum() 
							 for n in range(1, 5)])
		del ophi_light
		#===========For heavy particles======================
		# For charmed hadrons, use info after urqmd
		HF_dict = { 'pid': abs_ID[is_heavy],
					'pT' : pT[is_heavy],
					'y'  : y[is_heavy],
					'phi': phi[is_heavy],
					'w' : w[is_heavy]
		POI = [pid for (_, pid) in species.get('heavy')]
		flow = JLP.Qvector(HF_dict, JEC['pred-pT'], [[-2,2]], POI, order=4)
		Yield = JLP.Yield(HF_dict, JEC['pred-pT'], [[-1,1]], POI)
		for (s, pid) in species.get('heavy'):
			results['dX_dpT_dy_pred'][s] = Yield[pid][:,0]
			results['Qn_poi_pred'][s]['M'] = flow[pid]['M'][:,0]
			results['Qn_poi_pred'][s]['Qn'] = flow[pid]['Qn'][:,0]
コード例 #3
	def save_fs_with_hydro(ic):
		# roll ic by index 1 to match hydro
		#ic = np.roll(np.roll(ic, shift=-1, axis=0), shift=-1, axis=1)
		# use same grid settings as hydro output
		with h5py.File('JetData.h5','a') as f:
			taufs = f['Event'].attrs['Tau0'][0]
			dtau = f['Event'].attrs['dTau'][0]
			dxy = f['Event'].attrs['DX'][0]
			ls = f['Event'].attrs['XH'][0]
			n = 2*ls + 1
			coarse = int(dxy/grid_step+.5)
			# [tau0, tau0+dtau, tau0+2*dtau, ..., taufs - dtau] + hydro steps...
			nsteps = int(taufs/dtau)
			tau0 = taufs-dtau*nsteps
			if tau0 < 1e-2: # if tau0 too small, skip the first step
				tau0 += dtau
				nsteps -= 1
			taus = np.linspace(tau0, taufs-dtau, nsteps)
			# First, rename hydro frames and leave the first few name slots to FS
			event_gp = f['Event']
			for i in range(len(event_gp.keys()))[::-1]:
				old_name = 'Frame_{:04d}'.format(i)
				new_name = 'Frame_{:04d}'.format(i+nsteps)
				event_gp.move(old_name, new_name)
			# Second, overwrite tau0 with FS starting time, and save taufs where
			# FS and hydro is separated
			event_gp.attrs.create('Tau0', [tau0])
			event_gp.attrs.create('TauFS', [taufs])
			# Thrid, fill the first few steps with Freestreaming results
			for itau, tau in enumerate(taus):
				frame = event_gp.create_group('Frame_{:04d}'.format(itau))
				fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(ic, grid_max, tau)
				for fmt, data, arglist in [
					('e', fs.energy_density, [()]),
					('V{}', fs.flow_velocity, [(1,), (2,)]),
					('Pi{}{}', fs.shear_tensor, [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2),
														(1,1), (1,2),
															   (2,2)] ),
					for a in arglist:
						X = data(*a).T # to get the correct x-y with vishnew
						if fmt == 'V{}': # Convert u1, u2 to v1, v2
							X = X/data(0).T
						X = X[::coarse, ::coarse]
						diff = X.shape[0] - n
						start = int(abs(diff)/2)
						if diff > 0:
							# original grid is larger -> cut out middle square
							s = slice(start, start + n)
							X = X[s, s]
						elif diff < 0:
							# original grid is smaller
							#  -> create new array and place original grid in middle
							Xn = np.zeros((n, n))
							s = slice(start, start + X.shape[0])
							Xn[s, s] = X
							X = Xn
						if fmt == 'V{}':
							Comp = {1:'x', 2:'y'}
							frame.create_dataset(fmt.format(Comp[a[0]]), data=X)
						if fmt == 'e':
							frame.create_dataset(fmt.format(*a), data=X)
							frame.create_dataset('P', data=X/3.)
							frame.create_dataset('BulkPi', data=X*0.)
							prefactor = 1.0/15.62687/5.068**3 
							frame.create_dataset('Temp', data=(X*prefactor)**0.25)
							s = (X + frame['P'].value)/(frame['Temp'].value+1e-14)
							frame.create_dataset('s', data=s)
						if fmt == 'Pi{}{}': 
							frame.create_dataset(fmt.format(*a), data=X)
				pi33 = -(frame['Pi00'].value + frame['Pi11'].value \
											 + frame['Pi22'].value)
				frame.create_dataset('Pi33', data=pi33)
				pi3Z = np.zeros_like(pi33)
				frame.create_dataset('Pi03', data=pi3Z)
				frame.create_dataset('Pi13', data=pi3Z)
				frame.create_dataset('Pi23', data=pi3Z)
コード例 #4
	def run_hydro(ic, event_size, coarse=False, dt_ratio=.25):
		Run the initial condition contained in FreeStreamer object `fs` through
		osu-hydro on a grid with approximate physical size `event_size` [fm].
		Return a dict of freeze-out surface data suitable for passing directly
		to frzout.Surface.

		Initial condition arrays are cropped or padded as necessary.

		If `coarse` is an integer > 1, use only every `coarse`th cell from the
		initial condition arrays (thus increasing the physical grid step size
		by a factor of `coarse`).  Ignore the user input `hydro_args` and
		instead run ideal hydro down to a low temperature.

		`dt_ratio` sets the timestep as a fraction of the spatial step
		(dt = dt_ratio * dxy).  The SHASTA algorithm requires dt_ratio < 1/2.

		# first freestream
		fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(ic, grid_max, args.tau_fs)
		dxy = grid_step * (coarse or 1)
		ls = math.ceil(event_size/dxy)  # the osu-hydro "ls" parameter
		n = 2*ls + 1  # actual number of grid cells
		for fmt, f, arglist in [
				('ed', fs.energy_density, [()]),
				('u{}', fs.flow_velocity, [(1,), (2,)]),
				('pi{}{}', fs.shear_tensor, [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]),
			for a in arglist:
				X = f(*a)

				if coarse:
					X = X[::coarse, ::coarse]

				diff = X.shape[0] - n
				start = int(abs(diff)/2)

				if diff > 0:
					# original grid is larger -> cut out middle square
					s = slice(start, start + n)
					X = X[s, s]
				elif diff < 0:
					# original grid is smaller
					#  -> create new array and place original grid in middle
					Xn = np.zeros((n, n))
					s = slice(start, start + X.shape[0])
					Xn[s, s] = X
					X = Xn

				X.tofile(fmt.format(*a) + '.dat')

		dt = dxy*dt_ratio
			't0={} dt={} dxy={} nls={}'.format(args.tau_fs, dt, dxy, ls),
			*(hydro_args_coarse if coarse else hydro_args)
		surface = np.fromfile('surface.dat', dtype='f8').reshape(-1, 26)
		# surface columns:
		#   0	 1  2  3    
		#   tau  x  y  eta  
		#   4         5         6         7
		#   dsigma_t  dsigma_x  dsigma_y  dsigma_z
		#   8    9    10
		#   v_x  v_y  v_z
		#   11    12    13    14    
		#   pitt  pitx  pity  pitz
		#         15    16    17
		#         pixx  pixy  pixz
		#               18    19
		#               piyy  piyz
		#                     20
		#                     pizz
		#   21   22   23   24   25
		#   Pi   T    e    P    muB
		if not coarse:
			logging.info("Save free streaming history with hydro histroy")

		# end event if the surface is empty -- this occurs in ultra-peripheral
		# events where the initial condition doesn't exceed Tswitch
		if surface.size == 0:
			raise StopEvent('empty surface')

		# pack surface data into a dict suitable for passing to frzout.Surface
		return dict(
				x=surface[:, 0:3],
				sigma=surface[:, 4:7],
				v=surface[:, 8:10],
				pi=dict(xx=surface.T[15],xy=surface.T[16], yy=surface.T[18]),
コード例 #5
ファイル: run-events_cD.py プロジェクト: Yingru/CICI-SAFE
def main():
    collision_sys = 'PbPb5020'
    spectraFile = '%s/spectra/LHC5020-AA2ccbar.dat' % share

    # ==== parse the config file ============================================
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        config = parseConfig(sys.argv[1])
        jobID = sys.argv[2]
        config = {}
        jobID = 0

    # ====== set up grid size variables ======================================
    grid_step = 0.1
    grid_max = 15.05
    dtau = 0.25 * grid_step
    Nhalf = int(grid_max / grid_step)

    tau_fs = float(config.get('tau_fs'))
    xi_fs = float(config.get('xi_fs'))
    nevents = int(config.get('nevents'))

    # ========== initial condition ============================================
    proj = collision_sys[:2]
    targ = collision_sys[2:4]

    run_cmd('trento {} {}'.format(proj, targ), str(nevents),
            '--grid-step {} --grid-max {}'.format(grid_step, grid_max),
            '--output {}'.format('initial.hdf5'),
            config.get('trento_args', ''))

    # set up sampler HRG object
    Tswitch = float(config.get('Tswitch'))
    hrg = frzout.HRG(Tswitch, species='urqmd', res_width=True)
    eswitch = hrg.energy_density()

    finitial = h5py.File('initial.hdf5', 'r')

    for (ievent, dset) in enumerate(finitial.values()):
        resultFile = 'result_{}-{}.hdf5'.format(jobID, ievent)
        fresult = h5py.File(resultFile, 'w')
        print('# event: ', ievent)
        ic = [dset['matter_density'].value, dset['Ncoll_density'].value]
        event_gp = fresult.create_group('initial')
        event_gp.attrs.create('initial_entropy', grid_step**2 * ic[0].sum())
        event_gp.attrs.create('N_coll', grid_step**2 * ic[1].sum())
        for (k, v) in list(finitial['event_{}'.format(ievent)].attrs.items()):
            event_gp.attrs.create(k, v)

        # =============== Freestreaming ===========================================
        fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(ic[0], grid_max, tau_fs)
        e = fs.energy_density()
        e_above = e[e > eswitch].sum()
                              e.sum() / e_above if e_above > 0 else 1)

        # calculate the participant plane angle
        participant_plane_angle(e, int(grid_max))

        for i in [1, 2]:
        for ij in [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]:

        # ============== vishnew hydro ===========================================
            'vishnew initialuread=1 iein=0',
            't0={} dt={} dxy={} nls={}'.format(tau_fs, dtau, grid_step, Nhalf),
            config.get('hydro_args', ''))

        # ============= frzout sampler =========================================
        surface_data = np.fromfile('surface.dat', dtype='f8').reshape(-1, 16)
        if surface_data.size == 0:
            print("empty event")
        print('surface_data.size: ', surface_data.size)

        surface = frzout.Surface(**dict(
            zip(['x', 'sigma', 'v'], np.hsplit(surface_data, [3, 6, 8])),
            pi=dict(zip(['xx', 'xy', 'yy'], surface_data.T[11:14])),

        minsamples, maxsamples = 10, 100
        minparts = 30000
        nparts = 0  # for tracking total number of sampeld particles

        # sample soft particles and write to file
        with open('particle_in.dat', 'w') as f:
            nsamples = 0
            while nsamples < maxsamples + 1:
                parts = frzout.sample(surface, hrg)
                if parts.size == 0:
                    nsamples += 1
                    nparts += parts.size
                    print("#", parts.size, file=f)
                    for p in parts:
                              *itertools.chain(p['x'], p['p']),

                    if nparts >= minparts and nsamples >= minsamples:

        event_gp.attrs.create('nsamples', nsamples, dtype=np.int)

        # =============== HQ initial position sampling ===========================
        initial_TAA = ic[1]
        np.savetxt('initial_Ncoll_density.dat', initial_TAA)
        HQ_sample_conf = {'IC_file': 'initial_Ncoll_density.dat',\
                          'XY_file': 'initial_HQ.dat', \
                          'IC_Nx_max': initial_TAA.shape[0], \
                          'IC_Ny_max': initial_TAA.shape[1], \
                          'IC_dx': grid_step, \
                          'IC_dy': grid_step, \
                          'IC_tau0': 0, \
                          'N_sample': 60000, \
                          'N_scale': 0.05, \
                          'scale_flag': 0}

        ftmp = open('HQ_sample.conf', 'w')
        for (key, value) in zip(HQ_sample_conf.keys(),
            inputline = ' = '.join([str(key), str(value)]) + '\n'

        run_cmd('HQ_sample HQ_sample.conf')

        # ================ HQ evolution (pre-equilibirum stages) =================
        os.environ['ftn00'] = 'FreeStream.h5'
        os.environ['ftn10'] = '%s/dNg_over_dt_cD6.dat' % share
        os.environ['ftn20'] = 'HQ_AAcY_preQ.dat'
        os.environ['ftn30'] = 'initial_HQ.dat'
        run_cmd('diffusion hq_input=3.0 initt={}'.format(tau_fs * xi_fs),
                config.get('diffusion_args', ''))

        # ================ HQ evolution (in medium evolution) ====================
        os.environ['ftn00'] = 'JetData.h5'
        os.environ['ftn10'] = '%s/dNg_over_dt_cD6.dat' % share
        os.environ['ftn20'] = 'HQ_AAcY.dat'
        os.environ['ftn30'] = 'HQ_AAcY_preQ.dat'
        run_cmd('diffusion hq_input=4.0 initt={}'.format(tau_fs),
                config.get('diffusion_args', ''))

        # ============== Heavy quark hardonization ==============================
        os.environ['ftn20'] = 'Dmeson_AAcY.dat'
        child1 = 'cat HQ_AAcY.dat'
        p1 = subprocess.Popen(child1.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        p2 = subprocess.Popen('fragPLUSrecomb', stdin=p1.stdout)
        output = p2.communicate()[0]

        # ============ Heavy + soft UrQMD =================================
            'afterburner {} urqmd_final.dat particle_in.dat Dmeson_AAcY.dat'.

        # =========== processing data ====================================
        calculate_beforeUrQMD(spectraFile, 'Dmeson_AAcY.dat', resultFile,
                              'beforeUrQMD/Dmeson', 1.0, 'a')
        calculate_beforeUrQMD(spectraFile, 'HQ_AAcY.dat', resultFile,
                              'beforeUrQMD/HQ', 1.0, 'a')
        calculate_beforeUrQMD(spectraFile, 'HQ_AAcY_preQ.dat', resultFile,
                              'beforeUrQMD/HQ_preQ', 1.0, 'a')
        if nsamples != 0:
            calculate_afterUrQMD(spectraFile, 'urqmd_final.dat', resultFile,
                                 'afterUrQMD/Dmeson', 1.0, 'a')

                    'urqmd_final{}-{}.dat'.format(jobID, ievent))
                    'Dmeson_AAcY{}-{}.dat'.format(jobID, ievent))
        shutil.move('HQ_AAcY.dat', 'HQ_AAcY{}-{}.dat'.format(jobID, ievent))
                    'HQ_AAcY_preQ{}-{}.dat'.format(jobID, ievent))

    #=== after everything, save initial profile (depends on how large the size if, I may choose to forward this step)
    shutil.move('initial.hdf5', 'initial_{}.hdf5'.format(jobID))
コード例 #6
 def __call__(self, n):
     t = n * self.dt
     print('frame {:d} / {:d}, t = {:1.2f} fm'.format(n, self.nframes, t))
     fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(self.initial, self.grid_max, t)
     return t, fs.Tuv(0, 0)
コード例 #7
ファイル: run-events_cD.py プロジェクト: Yingru/CICI-SAFE
def save_fs_history(ic,
    f = h5py.File('FreeStream.h5', 'w')
    dxy = grid_step * (coarse or 1)
    ls = math.ceil(event_size / dxy)
    n = 2 * ls + 1
    NX, NY = ic.shape
    # roll ic by index 1 to match hydro
    ix = np.roll(np.roll(ic, shift=-1, axis=0), shift=-1, axis=1)
    tau0 = tau_fs * xi
    taus = np.linspace(tau0, tau_fs, steps)
    dtau = taus[1] - taus[0]
    gp = f.create_group('Event')
    gp.attrs.create('XL', [-ls])
    gp.attrs.create('XH', [ls])
    gp.attrs.create('YL', [-ls])
    gp.attrs.create('YH', [ls])
    gp.attrs.create('Tau0', [tau0])
    gp.attrs.create('dTau', [dtau])
    gp.attrs.create('DX', [dxy])
    gp.attrs.create('DY', [dxy])
    gp.attrs.create('NTau', [steps])
    gp.attrs.create('OutputViscousFlag', [1])

    for itau, tau in enumerate(taus):
        frame = gp.create_group('Frame_{:04d}'.format(itau))
        fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(ic, grid_max, tau)
        for fmt, data, arglist in [('e', fs.energy_density, [()]),
                                   ('V{}', fs.flow_velocity, [(1, ), (2, )]),
                                   ('Pi{}{}', fs.shear_tensor, [(0, 0), (0, 1),
                                                                (0, 2), (1, 1),
                                                                (1, 2),
                                                                (2, 2)])]:
            for a in arglist:
                X = data(
                ).T  # to get the correct x-y with vishnew?? (need to check this)
                if fmt == 'V{}':
                    X = X / data(0).T
                if coarse:
                    X = X[::coarse, ::coarse]
                diff = X.shape[0] - n
                start = int(abs(diff) / 2)

                if diff > 0:
                    # original grid is larger -> cut out middle square
                    s = slice(start, start + n)
                    X = X[s, s]
                elif diff < 0:
                    # original grid is smaller -> create new array and place original grid in middle
                    Xn = np.zeros((n, n))
                    s = slice(start, start + X.shape[0])
                    Xn[s, s] = X
                    X = Xn

                if fmt == 'V{}':
                    Comp = {1: 'x', 2: 'y'}
                    frame.create_dataset(fmt.format(Comp[a[0]]), data=X)
                if fmt == 'e':
                    frame.create_dataset(fmt.format(*a), data=X)
                    frame.create_dataset('P', data=X / 3.)
                    frame.create_dataset('BulkPi', data=X * 0.)
                    prefactor = 1.0 / 15.62687 / 5.068**3
                    frame.create_dataset('Temp', data=(X * prefactor)**0.25)
                    s = (X + frame['P'].value) / (frame['Temp'].value + 1e-14)
                    frame.create_dataset('s', data=s)
                if fmt == 'Pi{}{}':
                    frame.create_dataset(fmt.format(*a), data=X)
        pi33 = -(frame['Pi00'].value + frame['Pi11'].value +
        frame.create_dataset('Pi33', data=pi33)
        pi3z = np.zeros_like(pi33)
        frame.create_dataset('Pi03', data=pi3z)
        frame.create_dataset('Pi13', data=pi3z)
        frame.create_dataset('Pi23', data=pi3z)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: victor-gonzalez/freestream
def test_gaussian():
    check symmetric gaussian against analytic solution

    # sample random thermalization time and Gaussian width
    t0 = np.random.uniform(0.01, 1.5)
    sigma = np.random.uniform(0.4, 1.0)
    sigma_sq = sigma*sigma

    xymax = 5*sigma + 2*t0
    nsteps = 2*int(xymax/0.1) + 1
    s = np.s_[-xymax:xymax:nsteps*1j]
    Y, X = np.mgrid[s, s]
    grid_max = xymax/(1 - 1/nsteps)

    for var in ['t0', 'sigma', 'xymax', 'nsteps']:
        print(var, '=', eval(var))

    initial = np.exp(-(X*X + Y*Y)/(2*sigma_sq)) / (2*np.pi*sigma_sq)

    fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(initial, grid_max, t0)

    initial_sum = initial.sum()
    final_sum = fs.Tuv(0, 0).sum() * t0
    assert abs(initial_sum/final_sum - 1) < 1e-6, \
        'particle number is not conserved: {} != {}'.format(initial_sum,

    # compare all quantities to analytic solution along the positive x-axis
    # skip the outermost cells where everything is tiny
    pos_x = np.s_[int(nsteps/2), int(nsteps/2)+1:int(0.95*nsteps)]
    x = X[pos_x]

    # T^uv can be computed analytically on the x-axis starting from a symmetric
    # Gaussian initial state.  After appropriate change of the variables the
    # integrals become Bessel functions.

    # This prefactor multiplies the entire matrix.
    prefactor = np.exp(-(x*x + t0*t0)/(2*sigma_sq)) / (2*np.pi*sigma_sq*t0)

    # Dimensionless variable that appears often.
    w = x*t0/sigma_sq

    # Bessel functions I_0 and I_1.
    i0 = special.i0(w)
    i1 = special.i1(w)

    # Compare to exact results for T^uv.
    for (u, v, Tuv_exact) in [
            (0, 0, i0),
            (0, 1, i1),
            (0, 2, 0),
            (1, 1, i0 - i1/w),
            (1, 2, 0),
            (2, 2, i1/w),
        assert_allclose(fs.Tuv(u, v)[pos_x], prefactor*Tuv_exact,
                        'T{}{}'.format(u, v))

    # The Landau matching eigenvalue problem can also be solved analytically.
    # This discriminant "d" from the characteristic equation appears frequently
    # in the remaining expressions.
    d = np.sqrt(i1*i1 - 4*i0*i1*w + 4*(i0-i1)*(i0+i1)*w*w)

    # Verify energy density (eigenvalue).
    energy_density = prefactor/(2*w) * (i1 + d)
    assert_allclose(fs.energy_density()[pos_x], energy_density,
                    'energy density')

    # Verify flow velocity (eigenvector).
    u0, u1, u2 = fs.flow_velocity().T
    assert np.allclose(u0*u0 - u1*u1 - u2*u2, 1), \
        'flow velocities are not normalized'

    v0 = i0/i1 - 1/(2*w) + d/(2*i1*w)
    v1 = 1
    v2 = 0
    v_norm = np.sqrt(v0*v0 - v1*v1 - v2*v2)

    for i, v in enumerate([v0, v1, v2]):
        assert_allclose(fs.flow_velocity(i)[pos_x], v/v_norm,
                        'flow velocity u{}'.format(i))

    # The shear tensor pi^uv can also be computed analytically, although the
    # expressions are somewhat tedious...
    for (u, v, piuv_exact) in [
            (0, 0, (i1*i1*(1 + 4*w*w) + i1*d + 2*i0*w*(d - 2*i0*w))/(6*w*d)),
            (0, 1, i1/3 * (1 - 2*i1/d)),
            (0, 2, 0),
            (1, 1, (i1*i1*(3 - 4*w*w) + 2*i0*w*(2*i0*w + d) -
                    i1*(8*i0*w + 3*d))/(6*w*d)),
            (1, 2, 0),
            (2, 2, (5*i1 - d)/(6*w)),
        assert_allclose(fs.shear_tensor(u, v)[pos_x], prefactor*piuv_exact,
                        'shear tensor pi{}{}'.format(u, v))


    # Bulk pressure is zero for ideal eos...
    assert_allclose(fs.bulk_pressure(), 0, 'ideal bulk pressure',
                    rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-10)

    # ...and nonzero for any other eos.
        fs.bulk_pressure(eos=lambda e: e/6)[pos_x], energy_density/6,
        'nonideal bulk pressure', rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-7
コード例 #9
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: victor-gonzalez/freestream
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='plot freestream test cases')

    parser.add_argument('plot', choices=['gaussian1', 'gaussian2', 'random'],
                        help='test case to plot')
    parser.add_argument('output', help='plot output file')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    grid_max = 5.0
    nsteps = 100
    xymax = grid_max*(1 - 1/nsteps)
    s = np.s_[-xymax:xymax:nsteps*1j]
    Y, X = np.mgrid[s, s]

    if args.plot == 'gaussian1':
        initial = np.exp(-(X*X + Y*Y)/(2*0.5**2))
    elif args.plot == 'gaussian2':
        initial = np.exp(-(np.square(X - 0.5) + 3*np.square(Y - 1)))
    elif args.plot == 'random':
        Y, X = np.mgrid[s, s]
        initial = np.zeros_like(X)
        sigmasq = .4**2
        # truncate gaussians at several widths (mimics typical IC models)
        rsqmax = 5**2 * sigmasq
        for x0, y0 in np.random.standard_normal((25, 2)):
            rsq = (X - x0)**2 + (Y - y0)**2
            cut = rsq < rsqmax
            initial[cut] += np.exp(-.5*rsq[cut]/sigmasq)

    fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(initial, grid_max, 1.0)


    def pcolorfast(arr, ax=None, title=None, vrange=None):
        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()

        arrmax = np.abs(arr).max()

            vmin, vmax = vrange
        except TypeError:
            vmax = arrmax if vrange is None else vrange
            vmin = -vmax
            vmin = 2*vmin - vmax

        ax.pcolorfast((-grid_max, grid_max), (-grid_max, grid_max), arr,
                      vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=plt.cm.RdBu_r)

        ax.text(-0.9*grid_max, 0.9*grid_max, 'max = {:g}'.format(arrmax),
                ha='left', va='top')

        ax.set_xlim(-grid_max, grid_max)
        ax.set_ylim(-grid_max, grid_max)

        if title is not None:

    with PdfPages(args.output) as pdf:
        def finish():

        gamma_max = np.percentile(fs.flow_velocity(0), 90)

        for arr, title, vrange in [
            (initial, 'initial state', None),
            (fs.energy_density(), r'energy density', None),
            (fs.flow_velocity(0), r'$u^0$', (1, gamma_max)),
            (fs.flow_velocity(1), r'$u^1$', gamma_max),
            (fs.flow_velocity(2), r'$u^2$', gamma_max),
            (fs.bulk_pressure(), r'$\Pi$', 1e-15),
            plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))

            pcolorfast(arr, title=title, vrange=vrange)

            plt.xlabel(r'$x$ [fm]')
            plt.ylabel(r'$y$ [fm]')


        for (tensor, name) in [(fs.Tuv, 'T'), (fs.shear_tensor, r'\pi')]:
            fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3,
                                     sharex='col', sharey='row',
                                     figsize=(12, 12))

            for (u, v), ax in np.ndenumerate(axes):
                if u < v:
                    pcolorfast(tensor(u, v), ax,
                               r'${}^{{{}{}}}$'.format(name, u, v))

                if ax.is_last_row():
                    ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$ [fm]')
                if ax.is_first_col():
                    ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$ [fm]')

コード例 #10
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: victor-gonzalez/freestream
def test_random():
    check random initial condition against non-interpolated solution

    for bad_shape in [10, (10, 12), (10, 10, 2)]:
        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            freestream.FreeStreamer(np.empty(bad_shape), 10, 1)

    # Test the algorithm on a more interesting initial state that cannot be
    # solved analytically.

    # Construct a random initial state by sampling normally-distributed
    # positions for Gaussian blobs.
    t0 = np.random.uniform(0.01, 1.5)
    sigma = np.random.uniform(0.4, 0.8)

    xy0 = np.random.standard_normal(50).reshape(-1, 2)

    # Define function that evaluates the initial density at (x, y) points.
    def f(x, y):
        z = np.zeros_like(x)
        for (x0, y0) in xy0:
            z += np.exp(-(np.square(x - x0) + np.square(y - y0))/(2*sigma**2))
        z /= 2*np.pi*sigma**2
        return z

    # Discretize the function onto a grid.
    xymax = np.max(xy0) + 5*sigma + 2*t0
    nsteps = int(2*xymax/0.1) + 2
    grid_max = xymax/(1 - 1/nsteps)
    s = np.s_[-xymax:xymax:nsteps*1j]
    Y, X = np.mgrid[s, s]

    for var in ['t0', 'sigma', 'xymax', 'grid_max', 'nsteps']:
        print(var, '=', eval(var))

    initial = f(X, Y)
    fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(initial, grid_max, t0)

    initial_sum = initial.sum()
    final_sum = fs.Tuv(0, 0).sum() * t0
    assert abs(initial_sum/final_sum - 1) < 1e-6, \
        'particle number is not conserved: {} != {}'.format(initial_sum,

    # Pick some random grid points to check near the middle-ish of the grid.
    check_indices = np.random.randint(0.25*nsteps, 0.75*nsteps, (10, 2))
    check_Tuv = fs.Tuv()[check_indices.T[1], check_indices.T[0]]
    check_xy = (check_indices + 0.5)*2*grid_max/nsteps - grid_max

    print('check indices and points:')
    for (ix, iy), (x, y) in zip(check_indices, check_xy):
        print('{: 5d}{: 4d}{: 7.2f}{: 6.2f}'.format(ix, iy, x, y))

    # Check the components of T^uv against adaptive quadrature integration of
    # the actual continuous function.
    for u, v, w in [
            (0, 0, lambda phi: 1),
            (0, 1, np.cos),
            (0, 2, np.sin),
            (1, 1, lambda phi: np.square(np.cos(phi))),
            (1, 2, lambda phi: np.cos(phi)*np.sin(phi)),
            (2, 2, lambda phi: np.square(np.sin(phi))),
        approx = check_Tuv[:, u, v] * t0
        exact = [
                lambda phi: f(x0 - t0*np.cos(phi), y0 - t0*np.sin(phi))*w(phi),
                0, 2*np.pi
            )[0]/(2*np.pi) for (x0, y0) in check_xy
        assert_allclose(approx, exact, 'T{}{}'.format(u, v))

    # check basic class functionality and properties

    # check energy-momentum tensor
    T00 = fs.Tuv(0, 0)
    assert all([
        T00.base is fs.Tuv(),
        T00.shape == fs.Tuv().shape[:2],
        np.all(T00 == fs.Tuv()[..., 0, 0]),
    ]), 'T00 is not a view of Tuv'

    assert_raises(ValueError, fs.Tuv, 0)

    # check flow velocity
    u0, u1, u2 = fs.flow_velocity().transpose(2, 0, 1)

    assert all([
        u1.base is fs.flow_velocity(),
        u1.shape == fs.flow_velocity().shape[:2],
        np.all(u1 == fs.flow_velocity()[..., 1]),
    ]), 'u1 is not a view of flow_velocity'

    assert np.allclose(u0*u0 - u1*u1 - u2*u2, 1), \
        'flow velocities are not normalized'

    # check shear tensor
    pi11 = fs.shear_tensor(1, 1)
    assert all([
        pi11.base is fs.shear_tensor(),
        pi11.shape == fs.shear_tensor().shape[:2],
        np.all(pi11 == fs.shear_tensor()[..., 1, 1]),
    ]), 'pi11 is not a view of shear_tensor'


    assert_raises(ValueError, fs.shear_tensor, 2)

    # check bulk pressure
    assert_allclose(fs.bulk_pressure(), 0, 'ideal bulk pressure',
                    rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-10)

        fs.bulk_pressure(eos=lambda e: e/6), fs.energy_density()/6,
        'nonideal bulk pressure', rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-10

    # check definition of Tuv
    e = fs.energy_density()[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    uu = np.einsum('...i,...j', fs.flow_velocity(), fs.flow_velocity())
    Delta = np.diag([1., -1., -1.]) - uu
    Peff = e/3 + fs.bulk_pressure()[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    Tuv_calc = e*uu - Peff*Delta + fs.shear_tensor()
    assert np.allclose(fs.Tuv(), Tuv_calc), \
        'Tuv does not match the sum of its parts'
コード例 #11
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: KevinVan720/Duke-Lido-Docker
def run_hydro(initial_density,
    # first freestream
    fs = freestream.FreeStreamer(initial_density, ic_grid_max, args.tau_fs)
    ls = math.ceil(hydro_grid_max / dxy)  # the osu-hydro "ls" parameter
    n = 2 * ls + 1  # actual number of grid cells
    for fmt, f, arglist in [
        ('ed', fs.energy_density, [()]),
        ('u{}', fs.flow_velocity, [(1, ), (2, )]),
        ('pi{}{}', fs.shear_tensor, [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]),
        for a in arglist:
            X = f(*a)
            diff = X.shape[0] - n
            start = int(abs(diff) / 2)

            if diff > 0:
                # original grid is larger -> cut out middle square
                s = slice(start, start + n)
                X = X[s, s]
            elif diff < 0:
                # original grid is smaller
                #  -> create new array and place original grid in middle
                Xn = np.zeros((n, n))
                s = slice(start, start + X.shape[0])
                Xn[s, s] = X
                X = Xn

            X.tofile(fmt.format(*a) + '.dat')

    dt = dxy * 0.25
            't0={} dt={} dxy={} nls={}'.format(args.tau_fs, dt, dxy,
                                               ls), args.hydro_args)
    surface = np.fromfile('surface.dat', dtype='f8').reshape(-1, 26)
    # surface columns:
    #   0	 1  2  3
    #   tau  x  y  eta
    #   4         5         6         7
    #   dsigma_t  dsigma_x  dsigma_y  dsigma_z
    #   8    9    10
    #   v_x  v_y  v_z
    #   11    12    13    14
    #   pitt  pitx  pity  pitz
    #         15    16    17
    #         pixx  pixy  pixz
    #               18    19
    #               piyy  piyz
    #                     20
    #                     pizz
    #   21   22   23   24   25
    #   Pi   T    e    P    muB
    logging.info("Save free streaming history with hydro histroy")
    save_fs_with_hydro(initial_density, ic_grid_max)

    # end event if the surface is empty -- this occurs in ultra-peripheral
    # events where the initial condition doesn't exceed Tswitch
    if surface.size == 0:
        raise StopEvent('empty surface')

    # pack surface data into a dict suitable for passing to frzout.Surface
    return dict(x=surface[:, 0:3],
                sigma=surface[:, 4:7],
                v=surface[:, 8:10],
                pi=dict(xx=surface.T[15], xy=surface.T[16], yy=surface.T[18]),