コード例 #1
def s1c3():
    bestscore = 0
    beststring = ""
    for key in string.ascii_letters: #iterate key possibilities
        result = ""

        for j in range(0,length):
            part = cipher[j] #get a byte from cipher
            xorpart = (part ^ ord(key))# xor int form
            result = result + chr(xorpart)
        # decide the likleyhood the string is deciphered
        x = getStringScore(result)
        if(x >= bestscore):
            bestscore = x
            beststring = result
    return 0
コード例 #2
def runkeys(ln):

    global bestscore
    global bestline 

        #iterate all possible keys
    for k in string.printable:
        result = ""

        key = ord(k) #letter to int
        # apply xor across the string
        for j in range(0,len(ln)):
            part = (key ^ ln[j]) #xor byte
            result = result + chr(part) #concat the bytes
        #determine the greatest possible score for the line
        x = getStringScore(result)
        if(x > bestscore):
            bestscore = x
            bestline = result        

    return 0