import socket; import sys; import os; from friendEngine import Engine; engine = Engine(); # creating the main socket variable engine.connectEngine(); # creating a session and getting sessionID engine.createSession(); print("sessionID received = %s" % (engine.sessionID)); # reading the actual run number if (len(sys.argv)>1): option = str(sys.argv[1]); else: option = "1"; PIPELINE = int(option); # changing the MNI mask engine.setVariable('MNIMask', 'studydirhmat_spm_PM.nii.gz'); # changing the MNI template engine.setVariable('MNITemplate', 'studydirMNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz'); if (PIPELINE > 1): # changing the mask type engine.setVariable('ActivationLevelMaskType', '1');
class PyGameVisualizer(RoiVisualizer): """ Handle pygame setup""" designObj = design() engine = Engine() cueDisplayTime = 1 cueDisplaying = False useEngine = False delay = 2 # this is in units of TRs - e.g., 1 means get feedback from 1 TR ago feedbackMapping = [] logfile = '' def __init__(self, TR=2, timeout=0): super(PyGameVisualizer, self).__init__(timeout) self.bg_color = (0, 0, 0) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.state = 0 self.tic = 0 self.rate = 100 self.period = 2000 # how often to refresh state self.pygame_live = False self.TR = 2 self.lastVolumeIndex = -1 self.lastBlockStartTime = 0 self.dry_run = True def log_eventtime(self, eventname='event'): if self.logfile: if os.path.isfile(self.logfile): f = open(self.logfile, 'a+') else: f = open(self.logfile, 'w') f.write(str( + ', ' + eventname + '\n') f.close() def setBaseline(self, condition): self.designObj.baselineCondition = condition def readDesignFile(self, filename): self.designObj.readFile(filename) def halt(self): self.alive = False if self.pygame_live: pygame.display.quit() pygame.quit() self.pygame_live = False def loadFont(self, fontName='Comic Sans MS', size=30): self.myfont = pygame.font.SysFont(fontName, size) def start_display(self, width=800, height=600, title='NeuroFeedback'): pygame.init() display_width, display_height = (int(width), int(height)) self.display_width = display_width self.display_height = display_height self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width, display_height), pygame.RESIZABLE) pygame.display.set_caption(title) self.loadFont() self.pygame_live = True def text_objects(self, text, color=white): textSurface = self.myfont.render(text, True, color) return textSurface, textSurface.get_rect() def start(self): self.lastVolumeIndex = -1 if not self.dry_run: start_scanner() print("STARTED SCANNER") self.startTime = time.time() self.log_eventtime('start time') if (not self.pygame_live): self.start_display() def connectEngine(self): # creating the main socket variable self.engine.connectEngine() # creating a session and getting sessionID self.engine.createSession() print("sessionID received = %s" % (self.engine.sessionID)) # right now its rigged to the an example scanned. We need to generalize it # plugInType=3 is the motor plugin def configureEngine(self, option=1, plugInType=3, additionalFeedbacks=1): # initiating processing self.engine.doTrain = False self.engine.doGLM = True self.engine.doFeatureSelection = True self.engine.additionalFeedbacks = additionalFeedbacks self.engine.setPlugInInformation(plugInType) self.engine.phase = 1 self.engine.actualVolume = 1 # call the finalization engine steps def processEndRun(self): self.engine.processEndRun() def processPhase(self, feedbackRun=True): self.engine.processPhase(feedbackRun) # only leave the loop when the preproc phase is finished def startEngine(self, feedbackRun=True): while (self.engine.phase != 2): self.engine.processPhase(feedbackRun, True) time.sleep(self.engine.TR / 7) self.engine.processPhase(feedbackRun, True) def actualVolumeIndex(self): return ((time.time() - self.startTime) // self.TR) + 1 def hasNewVolume(self): actualIndex = self.actualVolumeIndex() if (actualIndex > self.lastVolumeIndex): self.lastVolumeIndex = actualIndex return True else: return False def displayCue(self): self.clearDisplay() self.message_display(self.designObj.actualCondition()) self.cueDisplaying = True def clearDisplay(self, color=black): self.screen.fill(color) def message_display(self, text): TextSurf, TextRect = self.text_objects(text) = ((self.display_width / 2), (self.display_height / 2)) self.screen.blit(TextSurf, TextRect) pygame.display.update() def refreshDisplay(self): if (self.cueDisplaying) and ( (time.time() - self.lastBlockStartTime) > self.cueDisplayTime): self.clearDisplay() self.message_display(" ") self.cueDisplaying = False def displayActivation(self): return True # verifies the scan end def endScan(self): return self.designObj.scanEnd(self.actualVolumeIndex()) def changeInternalState(self): index = self.actualVolumeIndex() if (self.designObj.blockStart(index)): self.lastBlockStartTime = time.time() self.designObj.setActualBlock(index) self.displayCue() else: if (not self.cueDisplaying) and (self.designObj.activationBlock()): self.displayActivation()
import socket; import sys; import os; from friendEngine import Engine; engine = Engine(); # creating the main socket variable engine.connectEngine(); # creating a session and getting sessionID engine.createSession(); print("sessionID received = %s" % (engine.sessionID)); # reading the actual run number if (len(sys.argv)>1): option = str(sys.argv[1]); else: option = "1"; PIPELINE = int(option); # changing the MNI mask engine.setVariable('MNIMask', 'studydirhmat_spm_final.nii'); # changing the MNI template engine.setVariable('MNITemplate', 'studydirMNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz'); # changing the directory of the volumes engine.setVariable('Prefix', 'outputdirRUN0' + option + os.path.sep + 'DRIN-');
import socket; import sys; import os; from friendEngine import Engine; engine = Engine(); # creating the main socket variable engine.connectEngine(); # creating a session and getting sessionID engine.createSession(); print("sessionID received = %s" % (engine.sessionID)); # reading the actual run number if (len(sys.argv)>1): option = str(sys.argv[1]); else: option = "1"; PIPELINE = int(option); if (PIPELINE > 1): # changing the directory of the volumes engine.setVariable('Prefix', 'outputdirRUN0' + option + os.path.sep + 'DRIN-'); # changing the current suffix engine.setVariable('ModelRunSuffix', 'RUN01'); # changing the current suffix engine.setVariable('CurrentRunSuffix', 'RUN0' + option); # not using all the subject mask
import socket import sys import os from friendEngine import Engine engine = Engine() # creating the main socket variable engine.connectEngine() # creating a session and getting sessionID engine.createSession() print("sessionID received = %s" % (engine.sessionID)) # reading the actual run number if (len(sys.argv) > 1): option = str(sys.argv[1]) else: option = "1" PIPELINE = int(option) # changing the MNI mask engine.setVariable('MNIMask', 'studydirhmat_spm_final.nii') # changing the MNI template engine.setVariable('MNITemplate', 'studydirMNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz') # changing the directory of the volumes engine.setVariable('Prefix', 'outputdirRUN0' + option + os.path.sep + 'DRIN-')
import socket import sys import os from friendEngine import Engine engine = Engine() # creating the main socket variable engine.connectEngine() # creating a session and getting sessionID engine.createSession() print("sessionID received = %s" % (engine.sessionID)) # reading the actual run number if (len(sys.argv) > 1): option = str(sys.argv[1]) else: option = "1" PIPELINE = int(option) # changing the MNI mask engine.setVariable('MNIMask', 'studydirhmat_spm_PM.nii.gz') # changing the MNI template engine.setVariable('MNITemplate', 'studydirMNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz') if (PIPELINE > 1): # changing the mask type engine.setVariable('ActivationLevelMaskType', '1')