コード例 #1
def print_config():
    print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome temperature")
    print("graph_vlabel degrees Celsius")
    print("graph_category sensors")
    print("graph_scale no")
    server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
    user = os.environ['fritzbox_user']
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    data = fh.get_page_content(session_id, PAGE)
    root = etree.fromstring(data)
    for d in root:
        id = d.xpath("@id")[0]
        identifier = d.xpath("@identifier")[0]
        name = d.xpath("name/text()")[0]
        name = unidecode(unicode(name))
        pname = d.xpath("@productname")[0]

        print("t{}.label {}".format(id, name))
        print("t{}.type GAUGE".format(id))
        print("t{}.graph LINE".format(id))
        print("t{}.info Temperature [{} - {}]".format(id, pname, identifier))
    if os.environ.get('host_name'):
        print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
コード例 #2
def get_connected_wifi_devices():
    """gets the numbrer of currently connected wifi devices"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    data = fh.get_page_content(session_id, PAGE)
    m = re.search(pattern, data)
    if m:
        connected_devices = int(m.group(1))
        print('wifi.value %d' % connected_devices)
コード例 #3
def get_cpu_temperature():
    """get the current cpu temperature"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    data = fh.get_page_content(session_id, PAGE)

    m = re.search(pattern, data)
    if m:
        print('temp.value %d' % (int(m.group(1))))
コード例 #4
def get_memory_usage():
    """get the current memory usage"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    data = fh.get_page_content(session_id, PAGE)
    matches = re.finditer(pattern, data)
    if matches:
        data = zip(USAGE, [m.group(1) for m in matches])
        for d in data:
            print('%s.value %s' % (d[0], d[1]))
コード例 #5
def get_power_consumption():
    """get the current power consumption usage"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    data = fh.get_page_content(session_id, PAGE)
    matches = re.finditer(pattern, data)
    if matches:
        data = zip(DEVICES, [m.group(4) for m in matches])
        for d in data:
            print('%s.value %s' % (d[0], d[1]))
コード例 #6
def get_smart_home_temperature(debug=False):
    """get the current cpu temperature"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    data = fh.get_page_content(session_id, PAGE)
    root = etree.fromstring(data)
    if debug:
        print(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
    for d in root:
        id = d.xpath("@id")[0]
        present = int(d.xpath("present/text()")[0])
        if present:
            temp = float(d.xpath("temperature/celsius/text()")[0]) / 10
            print("t{}.value {}".format(id, temp))
コード例 #7
def get_uptime():
    """get the current uptime"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    data = fh.get_page_content(session_id, PAGE)
    matches = re.finditer(pattern, data)
    if matches:
        hours = 0.0
        for m in matches:
            if m.group(2) == dayLoc[locale]:
                hours += 24 * int(m.group(1))
            if m.group(2) == hourLoc[locale]:
                hours += int(m.group(1))
            if m.group(2) == minutesLoc[locale]:
                hours += int(m.group(1)) / 60.0
        uptime = hours / 24
        print "uptime.value %.2f" % uptime