コード例 #1
ファイル: confibula.py プロジェクト: Anselmatus/confibula
    def getSoundSource(self):
        A, B, C trois points du systeme pondéré { (A,a), (B,b), (C,c) }.
        Pour tout point M du plan défini par A, B, C : aMA + bMB + cMC = (a+b+c)MG
        Avec G le barycentre des points A, B, C.

        On obtient ses coordonnées :

             axA + bxB + cxC
        xG = ---------------
              a  +  b  +  c

             ayA + byB + cyC
        yG = ---------------
              a  +  b  +  c

             azA + bzB + czC
        zG = ---------------
              a  +  b  +  c

        Bon, ici la coordonnée en z ne nous sert pas puisqu'on travaille dans le plan.

        On peut généraliser ce calcul pour n points.
        xG, yG, weightSum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # weightSum = a+b+c = sum of the weight of each point
        for frog in self.frogs:
            if frog.state == 'singing' :
                pos = frog.getLocation()
                weight = frog.voicePower
                xG += weight*pos.x # calculating the numerators, for the x coordinate
                yG += weight*pos.y # for the y one
                weightSum += weight # denominator (same for every coord)
        xG /= weightSum
        yG /= weightSum
        return breve.vector(xG, yG, 0.01) # simulation coordinates
コード例 #2
ファイル: confibula.py プロジェクト: Anselmatus/confibula
 def getSoundLevel(self, location):
     location : position in the simulation (location.x & location.y)
     SPL = 0
     for frog in self.frogs:
         if frog.state == 'singing' :
             #pos = self.worldToImage(frog.getLocation())
             pos = frog.getLocation()
             dist = (location.x - pos.x)**2 + (location.y - pos.y)**2
             if dist <= 0:
                 sndLvl = frog.voicePower
                 sndLvl = frog.voicePower - 10*log10(dist)
             SPL += 10**(sndLvl/10) # SPL = 10^(SPL1/10) + 10^(SPL2/10) + ...
     if SPL == 0 :
         return 0
     level = 10 * log10(SPL)  # I = 10 * log( SPL) dB
     return level