コード例 #1
def fix_duplicate_key_value(records):
	Detect whether there are duplicate keyvalues for different records,
	if there are, modify the keyvalues to make all keys unique.
    keys = []
    for record in records:
        i = 1
        temp_key = record['KeyValue']
        while temp_key in keys:
            temp_key = record['KeyValue'] + '_' + str(i)
            i = i + 1

        record['KeyValue'] = temp_key
        record['UserTranId1'] = temp_key

    # check again
    keys = []
    for record in records:
        if record['KeyValue'] in keys:
                'fix_duplicate_key_value(): duplicate keys still exists, key={0}, investment={1}'
                .format(record['KeyValue'], record['Investment']))
            raise DuplicateKeys()

コード例 #2
ファイル: fx.py プロジェクト: ZhangSteven/ft_converter
def create_fx_pairs(transaction_list):
	Since FXPurch/FXSale always occur in pairs, read the transaction_list,
	create a list of such fx buy/sell pairs.
    buy_list, sell_list = filter_fx_trade_list(transaction_list)
    if len(buy_list) != len(sell_list):
            'create_fx_pairs(): {0} fx buy, {1} fx sell, not equal'.format(
                len(buy_list), len(sell_list)))
        raise InconsistentFXTrades()

    return match(buy_list, sell_list, is_fx_trade_pair)
コード例 #3
def get_LocationAccount(portfolio_id):
    boc_portfolios = ['12229', '12366', '12528', '12630', '12732', '12733']
    jpm_portfolios = ['12548']

    if portfolio_id in boc_portfolios:
        return 'BOCHK'
    elif portfolio_id in jpm_portfolios:
        return 'JPM'
            'get_LocationAccount(): no LocationAccount found for portfolio id {0}'
        raise LocationAccountNotFound()
コード例 #4
def get_holding(portfolio_id, isin, holding_date):
	Get the quantity of holding of a position which needs paydown in a portfolio, 
	as of certain date.
	if portfolio_id == '12229' and holding_date > datetime(2015,10,8) \
		and holding_date < datetime(2017,1,16) and isin == 'USG8116KAB82':
		# this bond was bought on 2015-10-9, no other buy/sell or transfers
		# occurred after that, before 2017-1-16
		return 5320000

	# information not found
	logger.error('get_holding(): could not find holding info for portfolio {0}, isin {1}, on {2}'.
					format(portfolio_id, isin, holding_date))
	raise HoldingInfoNotFound()
コード例 #5
def get_geneva_investment_id(trade_info):
	Get the Geneva investment ID for a security in FT file.

	If a security has ISIN code, use its ISIN code to load its Geneva id,
	otherwise use FT's unique security id to load the Geneva id.
    if trade_info['SCTYID_ISIN'] != '':
        return get_investment_Ids(trade_info['ACCT_ACNO'], 'ISIN',
    elif trade_info['SCTYID_SMSEQ'] != '':
        return get_investment_Ids(trade_info['ACCT_ACNO'], 'FT',
            'get_geneva_investment_id(): no security identifier found.')
        raise InvestmentIdNotFound()
コード例 #6
def find_paydown_factor(paydown):
	Find factor for a paydown transaction.
	if abs(paydown['QTY']/paydown['GROSSLCL'] - 1) > 0.000001:
		# pay amount != quantity, then the bond is not repaying at par, 
		# so pay down loss type cannot be 'no loss'.
		logger.error('find_paydown_factors(): not repaying at par, isin={0}, on {1}'.
						format(paydown['SCTYID_ISIN'], paydown['TRDDATE']))
		raise InvalidPaydownType()
	holding = get_holding(paydown['ACCT_ACNO'], paydown['SCTYID_ISIN'], paydown['TRDDATE'])
	factor = (holding - paydown['QTY'])/holding
	if abs(factor - get_factor_Bloomberg(paydown['SCTYID_ISIN'], paydown['TRDDATE'])) > 0.0001:
		logger.error('find_paydown_factors(): paydown factor {0} differs from Bloomberg {1}'.
						format(factor, get_factor_Bloomberg(paydown['SCTYID_ISIN'], paydown['TRDDATE'])))
		raise InconsistentPaydownFactor()

	return factor
コード例 #7
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: ZhangSteven/ft_converter
def validate_cash(line_info):
	Validate cash related transactions, namely:

	1. FXPurch, FXSale: buy one currency and sell another at the same time.
		They always occur in pairs.
	2. CashAdd: Cash deposit.
	3. CashWth: Cash withdrawal.
	4. IATCA, IATCW: cash transfers among accounts under FT control.
		These two transactions always occur in pairs.
	if line_info['GROSSBAS'] != 0 and line_info['PRINB'] != 0 and line_info['GROSSLCL'] != 0 \
		and line_info['FXRATE'] > 0:
		logger.error('validate_cash(): GROSSBAS={0}, PRINB={1}, GROSSLCL={2}, fx={3} is not valid'.
						format(line_info['GROSSBAS'], line_info['PRINB'], 
								line_info['GROSSLCL'], line_info['FXRATE']))
		raise InvalidCashTransaction()
コード例 #8
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: ZhangSteven/ft_converter
def validate_trade(line_info):
	Validate buy/sell transactions.

	if line_info['QTY'] > 0 and line_info['TRADEPRC'] > 0 and line_info['PRINB'] > 0 \
		and line_info['FXRATE'] > 0:
		logger.error('validate_trade(): quantity={0}, price={1}, prinb={2}, fx={3} is not valid'.
						format(line_info['QTY'], line_info['TRADEPRC'], 
								line_info['PRINB'], line_info['FXRATE']))
		raise InvalidTradeInfo()

	diff = abs(line_info['GROSSBAS'] * line_info['FXRATE'] - line_info['GROSSLCL'])
	if diff > 0.01:
		logger.error('validate_line_info(): FX validation failed, diff={0}'.format(diff))
		raise InvalidTradeInfo()

	# for equity trade
	diff2 = abs(line_info['PRINB']*line_info['FXRATE']) - line_info['QTY']*line_info['TRADEPRC']
	# for bond trade
	diff3 = abs(line_info['PRINB']*line_info['FXRATE']) - line_info['QTY']/100*line_info['TRADEPRC']
	# print('diff2={0}, diff3={1}'.format(diff2, diff3))
	if (abs(diff2) > 0.01 and abs(diff3) > 0.01):
		logger.error('validate_trade(): price validation failed')
		raise InvalidTradeInfo()
コード例 #9
ファイル: match.py プロジェクト: ZhangSteven/ft_converter
def match(list_a, list_b, matching_function):
	Match items in list_a to items in list_b. If all items in list_a find a 
	matched item in list_b, then a list of tuples are returned, as:

	(item_a1, item_b1), (item_a2, item_b2), ... (item_aN, item_bN)

	where item_a1 and item_b1 are matched items, etc. Two items in list_a
	cannot match to the same item in list_b.

	matching_function is a user supplied function to determine whether
	an item from list_a is matched to another item in list_b.

	If any item in list_a doesn't find a matched item in list_b, then 
	an exception is thrown.
    matched_position = []
    for i in range(len(list_a)):
        if i < len(matched_position):

        matched = False
        for j in range(len(list_b)):
            if not j in matched_position and matching_function(
                    list_a[i], list_b[j]):
                matched = True

        if not matched:
                'item {0} in list_a: {1} does not find a matched item in list_b'
                .format(i, list_a[i]))
            raise MatchedItemNotFound()

    # print(matched_position)
    return create_matched_list(list_a, list_b, matched_position)
コード例 #10
ファイル: match.py プロジェクト: ZhangSteven/ft_converter
def match_repeat(list_a, list_b, matching_function):
	Match items in list_a to items in list_b. If all items in list_a find a 
	matched item in list_b, then a list of tuples are returned, as:

	(item_a1, item_b1), (item_a2, item_b2), ... (item_aN, item_bN)

	The difference between this function and the match() function is that
	an item in list_b can be matched repeatedly, i.e., two items in list_a
	can match to the same item in list_b.

	For those items in list_a that don't find a matched item in list_b, they
	are returned as a separate list.
    matched_position = []
    unmatched_position = []
    for i in range(len(list_a)):
        if i < len(matched_position):

        matched = False
        for j in range(len(list_b)):
            if matching_function(list_a[i], list_b[j]):
                matched = True

        if not matched:
                'item {0} in list_a: {1} does not find a matched item in list_b'
                .format(i, list_a[i]))

    # print(matched_position)
    return create_matched_list(list_a, list_b, matched_position, unmatched_position), \
      [list_a[i] for i in unmatched_position]
コード例 #11
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: ZhangSteven/ft_converter
def validate_line_info(line_info):

	for fld in line_info:
				and not isinstance(line_info[fld], str):
			logger.error('validate_line_info(): field {0} should be string, value={1}'.
							format(fld, line_info[fld]))
			raise InvalidLineInfo()

				and not isinstance(line_info[fld], float):
			logger.error('validate_line_info(): field {0} should be float, value={1}'.
								format(fld, line_info[fld]))
			raise InvalidLineInfo()

		if fld in [ 'TRDDATE', 'STLDATE', 'ENTRDATE'] \
				and not isinstance(line_info[fld], datetime):
			logger.error('validate_line_info(): field {0} should be of type datetime, value={1}'.
								format(fld, line_info[fld]))
			raise InvalidLineInfo()		

		if line_info['STLDATE'] < line_info['TRDDATE'] or line_info['ENTRDATE'] < line_info['TRDDATE']:
			logger.error('validate_line_info(): invalid dates, trade date={0}, settle day={1}, enterday={2}'.
							format(line_info['TRDDATE'], line_info['STLDATE'], line_info['ENTRDATE']))
			raise InvalidLineInfo()

	# now validate further based on transaction type
	if line_info['TRANTYP'] in ['Purch', 'Sale']:
	elif line_info['TRANTYP'] in ['IATCW', 'IATCA', 'CashAdd', 'CashWth', 
									'FXSale', 'FXPurch']: