def setup(the_scenario, logger): logger.debug("start: setup") start_time ="Scenario Name: \t{}".format(the_scenario.scenario_name)) logger.debug("Scenario Description: \t{}".format( the_scenario.scenario_description))"Scenario Start Date/Time: \t{}".format(start_time)) # create a folder for debug and intermediate files # delete everything in there if it exists # ------------------------------------------------ debug_directory = os.path.join(the_scenario.scenario_run_directory, "debug") if os.path.exists(debug_directory): logger.debug("deleting debug_directory and contents.") rmtree(debug_directory) if not os.path.exists(debug_directory): os.makedirs(debug_directory) logger.debug("creating debug_directory.") # create the scenario database main.db create_main_db(logger, the_scenario) # create the scenario geodatabase; main.gdb create_main_gdb(logger, the_scenario) logger.debug("finish: SETUP: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time)))
def export_fcs_from_main_gdb(the_scenario, logger): # export fcs from the main.GDB to individual shapefiles"start: export_fcs_from_main_gdb") start_time = # export network and locations fc's to shapefiles main_gdb = the_scenario.main_gdb output_path = the_scenario.lyr_files_dir input_features = "\"" logger.debug("delete the temp_networkx_shp_files dir") if os.path.exists(output_path): logger.debug("deleting temp_networkx_shp_files directory.") rmtree(output_path) if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) logger.debug("finished: create_temp_gdbs_dir") # get the locations and network feature layers for fc in ['\\locations;', '\\network\\intermodal;', '\\network\\locks;', '\\network\\pipeline_prod_trf_rts;', '\\network\\pipeline_crude_trf_rts;', '\\network\\water;', '\\network\\rail;', '\\network\\road']: input_features += main_gdb + fc input_features += "\"" arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(Input_Features=input_features, Output_Folder=output_path) logger.debug("finished: export_fcs_from_main_gdb: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time)))
def gis_populate_fc(the_scenario, logger):"start: gis_populate_fc") start_time = # populate the destinations fc in main.gdb gis_ultimate_destinations_setup_fc(the_scenario, logger) # populate the RMPs fc in main.gdb gis_rmp_setup_fc(the_scenario, logger) # populate the processors fc in main.gdb gis_processors_setup_fc(the_scenario, logger) logger.debug("finished: gis_populate_fc: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time)))
def make_networkx_graph(the_scenario, logger): # High level work flow: # ------------------------ # make_networkx_graph # create the multidigraph # convert the node labels to integers # reverse the graph and compose with self"start: make_networkx_graph") start_time = # read the shapefiles in the customized read_shp method input_path = the_scenario.lyr_files_dir logger.debug("start: read_shp") G = read_shp(input_path, logger) # note this custom and not nx.read_shp() # cleanup the node labels logger.debug("start: convert node labels") G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, first_label=0, ordering='default', label_attribute="x_y_location") # create a reversed graph logger.debug("start: reverse G graph to H") H = G.reverse() # this is a reversed version of the graph. # set the a new attribute for every edge that says its a "reversed" link # we will use this to delete edges that shouldn't be reversed later. logger.debug("start: set 'reversed' attribute in H") nx.set_edge_attributes(H, 1, "REVERSED") # add the two graphs together logger.debug("start: compose G and H") G = nx.compose(G, H) # print out some stats on the Graph"Number of nodes in the raw graph: {}".format(G.order()))"Number of edges in the raw graph: {}".format(G.size())) logger.debug("finished: make_networkx_graph: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time))) return G
def gis_clean_fc(the_scenario, logger):"start: gis_clean_fc") start_time = # clear the destinations gis_clear_feature_class(the_scenario.destinations_fc, logger) # clear the RMPs gis_clear_feature_class(the_scenario.rmp_fc, logger) # clear the processors gis_clear_feature_class(the_scenario.processors_fc, logger) # clear the processors gis_clear_feature_class(the_scenario.locations_fc, logger) logger.debug("finished: gis_clean_fc: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time)))
except: stack_trace = traceback.format_exc() split_stack_trace = stack_trace.split('\n') logger.error( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCEPTION RAISED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ) for i in range(0, len(split_stack_trace)): trace_line = split_stack_trace[i].rstrip() if trace_line != "": # issue #182 - check if the line is blank. if it isn't, record it in the log. logger.error(trace_line) logger.error( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCEPTION RAISED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ) sys.exit(1) "======================== FTOT RUN FINISHED: {:2} ==================================" .format(str(args.task).upper())) "======================== Total Runtime (HMS): \t{} \t ".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time))) "=================================================================================" ) logger.runtime("{} Step - Total Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( args.task, ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time))) logging.shutdown()
def clean_networkx_graph(the_scenario, G, logger): # VERSION 3: # renamed clean_networkx_graph () # remove reversed links for pipeline # selectivity remove links for location _IN and _OUT nodes # preserve the route_cost_scaling factor in an attribute by phase of matter # -------------------------------------------------------------------------"start: clean_networkx_graph") start_time = logger.debug("Processing the {} edges in the uncosted graph.".format(G.size())) # use the artificial and reversed attribute to determine if # the link is kept # ------------------------------------------------------------- edge_attrs = {} # for storing the edge attributes which are set all at once deleted_edge_count = 0 # note: For digraphs, edges=out_edges # for some reason it shows up as out_edges in the debugger, but # when caching to the database both in_edges and out_edges are stored. for u, v, keys, artificial in G.edges(data='Artificial', keys=True): # initialize the route_cost_scaling variable to something # absurd so we know if its getting set properly in the loop: route_cost_scaling = -999999999 # check if the link is reversed if 'REVERSED' in G.edges[u, v, keys]: reversed_link = G.edges[u, v, keys]['REVERSED'] else: reversed_link = 0 # check if capacity is 0 # Network Edges - artificial == 0 # ----------------------------------- if artificial == 0: # check the mode type # ---------------------- mode_type = G.edges[u, v, keys]['MODE_TYPE'] # set the mode specific weights # ----------------------------- if mode_type == "rail": d_code = G.edges[u, v, keys]["DENSITY_CO"] if d_code in [7]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_7 elif d_code in [6]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_6 elif d_code in [5]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_5 elif d_code in [4]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_4 elif d_code in [3]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_3 elif d_code in [2]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_2 elif d_code in [1]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_1 elif d_code in [0]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.rail_dc_0 else: logger.warning("The d_code {} is not supported".format(d_code)) elif mode_type == "water": # get the total vol of water traffic tot_vol = G.edges[u, v, keys]['TOT_UP_DWN'] if tot_vol >= 10000000: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.water_high_vol elif 1000000 <= tot_vol < 10000000: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.water_med_vol elif 1 <= tot_vol < 1000000: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.water_low_vol else: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.water_no_vol elif mode_type == "road": # get fclass fclass = G.edges[u, v, keys]['FCLASS'] if fclass in [1]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.truck_interstate elif fclass in [2, 3]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.truck_pr_art elif fclass in [4]: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.truck_m_art else: route_cost_scaling = the_scenario.truck_local elif 'pipeline' in mode_type: if reversed_link == 1: G.remove_edge(u, v, keys) deleted_edge_count += 1 continue # move on to the next edge else: route_cost_scaling = (((float(G.edges[u, v, keys]['base_rate']) / 100) / 42.0) * 1000.0) # Intermodal Edges - artificial == 2 # ------------------------------------ elif artificial == 2: # set it to 1 because we'll multiply by the appropriate # link_cost later for transloading route_cost_scaling = 1 # nothing else to do with intermodal edges. # they need to be unscaled in both directions # Artificial Edge - artificial == 1 # ---------------------------------- # need to check if its an IN location or an OUT location and delete selectively. # assume always connecting from the node to the network. # so _OUT locations should delete the reversed link # _IN locations should delete the non-reversed link. elif artificial == 1: # delete edges we dont want try: if G.edges[u, v, keys]['LOCATION_1'].find("_OUT") > -1 and reversed_link == 1: G.remove_edge(u, v, keys) deleted_edge_count += 1 continue # move on to the next edge elif G.edges[u, v, keys]['LOCATION_1'].find("_IN") > -1 and reversed_link == 0: G.remove_edge(u, v, keys) deleted_edge_count += 1 continue # move on to the next edge # there is no scaling of artificial links. # the cost_penalty is calculated in get_network_link_cost() else: route_cost_scaling = 1 except: logger.warning("the following keys didn't work:u - {}, v- {}".format(u, v)) else: logger.warning("found an edge without artificial attribute: {} ") continue edge_attrs[u, v, keys] = { 'route_cost_scaling': route_cost_scaling } nx.set_edge_attributes(G, edge_attrs) # print out some stats on the Graph"Number of nodes in the clean graph: {}".format(G.order()))"Number of edges in the clean graph: {}".format(G.size())) logger.debug("finished: clean_networkx_graph: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time))) return G
def gis_processors_setup_fc(the_scenario, logger):"start: gis_processors_setup_fc") start_time = if str(the_scenario.base_processors_layer).lower() == "null" or \ str(the_scenario.base_processors_layer).lower() == "none": # create an empty processors layer # ------------------------- processors_fc = the_scenario.processors_fc if arcpy.Exists(processors_fc): arcpy.Delete_management(processors_fc) logger.debug("deleted existing {} layer".format(processors_fc)) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(the_scenario.main_gdb, "processors", \ "POINT", "#", "DISABLED", "DISABLED", ftot_supporting_gis.LCC_PROJ, "#", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.AddField_management(processors_fc, "Facility_Name", "TEXT", "#", "#", "25", "#", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "#") arcpy.AddField_management(processors_fc, "Candidate", "SHORT") #"note: processors layer specified in the XML: {}".format(the_scenario.base_processors_layer)) # empty_processors_fc = str("{}\\facilities\\test_facilities.gdb\\test_processors_empty" # .format(the_scenario.common_data_folder)) # processors_fc = the_scenario.processors_fc # arcpy.Project_management(empty_processors_fc, processors_fc, ftot_supporting_gis.LCC_PROJ) else: # copy the processors from the baseline data to the working gdb # ---------------------------------------------------------------- if not arcpy.Exists(the_scenario.base_processors_layer): error = "can't find baseline data processors layer {}".format( the_scenario.base_processors_layer) raise IOError(error) processors_fc = the_scenario.processors_fc arcpy.Project_management(the_scenario.base_processors_layer, processors_fc, ftot_supporting_gis.LCC_PROJ) arcpy.AddField_management(processors_fc, "Candidate", "SHORT") # Delete features with no data in csv-- cleans up GIS output and eliminates unnecessary GIS processing # -------------------------------------------------------------- # create a temp dict to store values from CSV temp_facility_commodities_dict = {} counter = 0 # read through facility_commodities input CSV import csv with open(the_scenario.processors_commodity_data, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: facility_name = str(row["facility_name"]) commodity_quantity = row["value"] if facility_name not in temp_facility_commodities_dict.keys(): if commodity_quantity > 0: temp_facility_commodities_dict[facility_name] = True with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(processors_fc, ['Facility_Name']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] in temp_facility_commodities_dict: pass else: cursor.deleteRow() counter += 1 del cursor logger.config( "Number of processors removed due to lack of commodity data: \t{}". format(counter)) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor( processors_fc, ['Facility_Name', 'SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y']) as scursor: for row in scursor: # Check if coordinates of facility are roughly within North America if -6500000 < row[1] < 6500000 and -3000000 < row[2] < 5000000: pass else: logger.warning( "Facility: {} is not located in North America.".format( row[0])) "remove the facility from the scenario or make adjustments to the facility's location " "in the processors feature class: {}".format( the_scenario.base_processors_layer)) error = "Facilities outside North America are not supported in FTOT" logger.error(error) raise Exception(error) del scursor # check for candidates or other processors specified in either XML or layers_to_merge = [] # add the candidates_for_merging if they exists. if arcpy.Exists(the_scenario.processor_candidates_fc): "adding {} candidate processors to the processors fc".format( gis_get_feature_count(the_scenario.processor_candidates_fc, logger))) layers_to_merge.append(the_scenario.processor_candidates_fc) gis_merge_processor_fc(the_scenario, layers_to_merge, logger) result = gis_get_feature_count(processors_fc, logger) logger.config("Number of Processors: \t{}".format(result)) logger.debug("finish: gis_processors_setup_fc: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time)))
def gis_rmp_setup_fc(the_scenario, logger):"start: gis_rmp_setup_fc") start_time = # copy the rmp from the baseline data to the working gdb # ---------------------------------------------------------------- if not arcpy.Exists(the_scenario.base_rmp_layer): error = "can't find baseline data rmp layer {}".format( the_scenario.base_rmp_layer) raise IOError(error) rmp_fc = the_scenario.rmp_fc arcpy.Project_management(the_scenario.base_rmp_layer, rmp_fc, ftot_supporting_gis.LCC_PROJ) # Delete features with no data in csv-- cleans up GIS output and eliminates unnecessary GIS processing # -------------------------------------------------------------- # create a temp dict to store values from CSV temp_facility_commodities_dict = {} counter = 0 # read through facility_commodities input CSV import csv with open(the_scenario.rmp_commodity_data, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: facility_name = str(row["facility_name"]) commodity_quantity = row["value"] if not facility_name in temp_facility_commodities_dict.keys(): if commodity_quantity > 0: temp_facility_commodities_dict[facility_name] = True with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(rmp_fc, ['Facility_Name']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] in temp_facility_commodities_dict: pass else: cursor.deleteRow() counter += 1 del cursor logger.config( "Number of RMPs removed due to lack of commodity data: \t{}".format( counter)) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor( rmp_fc, ['Facility_Name', 'SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y']) as scursor: for row in scursor: # Check if coordinates of facility are roughly within North America if -6500000 < row[1] < 6500000 and -3000000 < row[2] < 5000000: pass else: logger.warning( "Facility: {} is not located in North America.".format( row[0])) "remove the facility from the scenario or make adjustments to the facility's location in " "the RMP feature class: {}".format( the_scenario.base_rmp_layer)) error = "Facilities outside North America are not supported in FTOT" logger.error(error) raise Exception(error) del scursor result = gis_get_feature_count(rmp_fc, logger) logger.config("Number of RMPs: \t{}".format(result)) logger.debug("finished: gis_rmp_setup_fc: Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time)))
elif args.task == "m": from ftot_maps import new_map_creation new_map_creation(the_scenario, logger) # Time and Commodity Mapping elif args.task == "m2": from ftot_maps import prepare_time_commodity_subsets_for_mapping prepare_time_commodity_subsets_for_mapping(the_scenario, logger) elif args.task == "test":"in the test case") except: stack_trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") logger.error("\n\n" + stack_trace) logger.error("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") sys.exit(1)"======================== FTOT RUN FINISHED: {:2} ==================================".format( str(args.task).upper()))"======================== Total Runtime (HMS): \t{} \t ".format( ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time)))"=================================================================================") logger.runtime( "{} Step - Total Runtime (HMS): \t{}".format(args.task, ftot_supporting.get_total_runtime_string(start_time))) logging.shutdown()