def process_other_set(hdf5_file, which_set, image_archive, patch_archive, groundtruth, offset): """Process the validation or test set. Parameters ---------- hdf5_file : :class:`h5py.File` instance HDF5 file handle to which to write. Assumes `features`, `targets` and `filenames` already exist and have first dimension larger than `sum(images_per_class)`. which_set : str Which set of images is being processed. One of 'train', 'valid', 'test'. Used for extracting the appropriate images from the patch archive. image_archive : str or file-like object The filename or file-handle for the TAR archive containing images. patch_archive : str or file-like object Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of patch images. groundtruth : iterable Iterable container containing scalar 0-based class index for each image, sorted by filename. offset : int The offset in the HDF5 datasets at which to start writing. """ producer = partial(other_set_producer, image_archive=image_archive, patch_archive=patch_archive, groundtruth=groundtruth, which_set=which_set) consumer = partial(image_consumer, hdf5_file=hdf5_file, num_expected=len(groundtruth), offset=offset) producer_consumer(producer, consumer)
def process_train_set(hdf5_file, train_archive, patch_archive, n_train, wnid_map, shuffle_seed=None): """Process the ILSVRC2010 training set. Parameters ---------- hdf5_file : :class:`h5py.File` instance HDF5 file handle to which to write. Assumes `features`, `targets` and `filenames` already exist and have first dimension larger than `n_train`. train_archive : str or file-like object Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of training images. patch_archive : str or file-like object Filename or file handle for the TAR archive of patch images. n_train : int The number of items in the training set. wnid_map : dict A dictionary mapping WordNet IDs to class indices. shuffle_seed : int or sequence, optional Seed for a NumPy random number generator that permutes the training set on disk. If `None`, no permutation is performed (this is the default). """ producer = partial(train_set_producer, train_archive=train_archive, patch_archive=patch_archive, wnid_map=wnid_map) consumer = partial(image_consumer, hdf5_file=hdf5_file, num_expected=n_train, shuffle_seed=shuffle_seed) producer_consumer(producer, consumer)
def test_producer_consumer(): assert (producer_consumer(partial(send_integers, n=2000), receive_integers) == sum(i ** 2 for i in range(2000)))
def test_producer_consumer(): assert (producer_consumer(partial(send_integers, n=2000), receive_integers) == sum(i**2 for i in range(2000)))