fulfill_html.fulfill(file_date,0,0,form,company_sk,eh_sk) print "html fulfill complete" fulfill_raw.fulfill_raw(file_date,0,0,form,company_sk,eh_sk,"","") #Tweet about it if symbol != "NA": try: tweet.tweet(name, exchange, symbol, form) except: print "no tweets!" print "Attempting to fulfill id (pre validation) raw and html" print " fulfill_id.fulfill(\""+file_date+"\",0,1,\""+str(form)+"\","+str(company_sk)+","+str(form)+")" num_companies = fulfill_id.fulfill(file_date,0,0,form,company_sk,eh_sk,"","") if num_companies == "1": print "insert into validation (company_sk, form, status, date_id, stamp_created,stamp_updated) values ("+str(company_sk)+",\""+form+"\",\"N\", "+str(date_id)+",null,null" cursor.execute("insert into validation (company_sk, form, status, date_id, stamp_created,stamp_updated,eh_sk) values ("+str(company_sk)+",\""+form+"\",\"N\", "+str(date_id)+",null,null,"+str(eh_sk)+")") conn.commit() else: print "Rss says period is "+period print "Error! Moving to: "+error_fn company_sk = -1 html_link, html_fn = pull_html(symbol,form,cik,file_date,temp_path,html_base_fn,html_extension_fn,link) shutil.move(file,error_fn) try: print "Inserting error into insert extract history value:" #cursor.execute("insert into extract_history (`cik`,`name`,`period`,`form`,`date_id`,`html`,`html_link`,`status`) values (\""+str(cik)+"\",\""+name+"\", \""+period+"\", \""+str(form)+"\", "+str(date_id)+",\""+html_fn+"\",\""+html_link+"\",\"E\")")
cik + "\"") company_sk = cursor.fetchone()[0] print "fulfilling raw and html" #PMB FIGURE OUT WHERE THESE ARE LANDING THEIR DATA.. MANIPULATE? print "html fulfill complete" fulfill_raw.fulfill_raw(file_date, 0, 0, form, company_sk, eh_sk, loaded_path, basename + "_parsed.csv") print "Attempting to fulfill id (pre validation) raw and html" print " fulfill_id.fulfill(\"" + file_date + "\",0,1,\"" + str( form) + "\"," + str(company_sk) + "," + str( form) + ")" num_companies = fulfill_id.fulfill( file_date, 1, 1, form, company_sk, eh_sk, loaded_path, basename + "_instrumental.csv") sys.exit(0) else: print "Rss says period is " + period print "Error! Moving to: " + error_fn company_sk = -1 html_link, html_fn = pull_html(symbol, form, cik, file_date, temp_path, html_base_fn, html_extension_fn, link) shutil.move(file, error_fn) try: print "Inserting error into insert extract history value:"