def fenliu2note(dfall): cfpzysm, inizysmpath = getcfp('everzysm') zhfromini = [[x, cfpzysm.get('支付宝账户', x).split()] for x in cfpzysm.options('支付宝账户')] # print(zhfromini) zhonlyone = [x for x in zhfromini if len(x[1][0].split(',')) == 1] print(zhonlyone) zhmulti = [x for x in zhfromini if len(x[1][0].split(',')) > 1] print(zhmulti) zhmultichaifen = [[[x[0], [y, x[1][1]]] for y in x[1][0].split(',')] for x in zhmulti] print(zhmultichaifen) zhmultichaifenchild = [x for y in zhmultichaifen for x in y] print(zhmultichaifenchild) zhresult = zhonlyone + zhmultichaifenchild print(zhresult) # zhfine = [x for y in zhresult for x in y] zhfine = [[x[0], ','.join([y for y in x[1]])] for x in zhresult] print(zhfine) zhdf = pd.DataFrame(zhfine, columns=['name', 'codename']) zhdf.index = zhdf['name'] zhds = zhdf['codename'] dfall['账户名称'] = dfall['对方账户'] + ',' + dfall['对方名称'] dfall['名称'] = dfall['账户名称'].map(lambda x: zhds[zhds == x].index.values[ 0] if len(zhds[zhds == x].index.values) > 0 else np.NaN) dfall.sort_values('日期', ascending=False, inplace=True) cls = list(dfall.columns) # clsnew = cls[:-2] + [cls[-1]] clsnew = cls print(clsnew) dfout = dfall.loc[:, clsnew] # dfout['date'] = dfout['日期'].map(lambda x : pd.to_datetime(x.strftime('%F'))) dfout['date'] = dfout['日期'] dfout['ru'] = dfout['收入(+元)'].map(lambda x: False if x == ' ' else True) dfout['jine'] = dfout['收入(+元)'] + dfout['支出(-元)'] def showmingmu(ru, shangpinmingcheng, beizhu, zhanghumingcheng, mingcheng): if not ru: return if pd.isnull(mingcheng) & (zhanghumingcheng != ' , '): return '货款,' + '|'.join( [shangpinmingcheng, beizhu, zhanghumingcheng]) elif (mingcheng != '白晔峰') & (not pd.isnull(mingcheng)): return '货款,' + '|'.join([ shangpinmingcheng, beizhu, zhanghumingcheng ]) + ',经手人' + mingcheng else: return dfout['mingmu'] = dfout.apply( lambda x: showmingmu(, x.商品名称, x.备注, x.账户名称, x.名称), axis=1) dfout['card'] = '支付宝白晔峰流水条目' dfout['guid'] = 'f5bad0ca-d7e4-4148-99ac-d3472f1c8d80' dffine = dfout[dfout.mingmu.isnull() == False].loc[:, ['date', 'ru', 'jine', 'mingmu', 'card', 'guid']] return dffine
def alipay2note(): cnxp = lite.connect(dbpathdingdanmingxi) pathalipay = dirmainpath / 'data' / 'finance' / 'alipay' dfall = chulidataindir(cnxp, 'alipay', '支付宝流水', '2088802968197536', '支付宝', pathalipay, chulixls_zhifubao) zhds = fenliu2note(dfall) cnxp.close() financesection = '财务流水账' item = '支付宝白晔峰流水条目' cfpzysm, inizysmpath = getcfp('everzysm') if not cfpzysm.has_option(financesection, item): count = 0 else: count = cfpzysm.getint(financesection, item) if count == zhds.shape[0]:'{item}\t{zhds.shape[0]}\t无内容更新。') return zhds else:'{item}\t{zhds.shape[0]}\t内容有更新。') nowstr ='%F %T') imglist2note( get_notestore(), [], 'f5bad0ca-d7e4-4148-99ac-d3472f1c8d80', f'支付宝白晔峰流水({nowstr})', tablehtml2evernote(zhds, tabeltitle='支付宝白晔峰流水', withindex=False)) cfpzysm.set(financesection, item, f'{zhds.shape[0]}') cfpzysm.write(open(inizysmpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) return zhds
def mailfun(txtorfile, tonotek=False): cfpew, cfpewpath = getcfp('everwork') host = cfpew.get('gmail', 'host') username = cfpew.get('gmail', 'username') password = cfpew.get('gmail', 'password') # print(f"{username}") yag_imap_connecttion = yagmail.SMTP(user=username, password=password, host=host) mail2lst = re.split('[,,]', getinivaluefromnote('mail', 'mailto')) if tonotek: mail2lst.append(getinivaluefromnote('mail', 'mailtonote')) print(mail2lst) subject = str(txtorfile) if os.path.exists(subject): print(f"{subject}是个文件") if subject.endswith('.txt'): flhd = open(txtorfile, 'r') txtcontent = flhd.close() else: txtcontent = subject contents = [txtcontent, str(txtorfile)] else: contents = [txtorfile] subject = txtorfile[:30] # print(f"{mail2lst}") yag_imap_connecttion.send(mail2lst, subject, contents) yag_imap_connecttion.close()
def fixnamebyguestid(inputdf: pd.DataFrame, guestidcl: str = 'guestid'): """ 根据guestid更新用户名 """ rstdf1: pd.DataFrame = inputdf.copy(deep=True) # print(rstdf1.dtypes) guestidalllst = rstdf1.groupby(guestidcl).first().index.values # print(guestidalllst) gidds = rstdf1.groupby( ['guestid', 'guest']).count().groupby(level='guestid').count()['roomid'] guestidduplst = [str(guestid) for guestid in gidds[gidds > 1].index] if len(guestidduplst) > 0: print(guestidduplst) # 存在一人多号情况,所以需要无差别更新所有id的对应用户名 cfpini, cfpinipath = getcfp('everinifromnote') gamedict = dict(cfpini.items('game')) # print(gamedict) print(f"name correctted by id from evernote ini...", end='\t') for nameid in guestidalllst: if str(nameid) in gamedict.keys(): namez = gamedict[str(nameid)] needdf = rstdf1[rstdf1.guestid == nameid] # print(nameid, namez, needdf.shape[0]) rstdf1.loc[list(needdf.index), 'guest'] = namez print('Done!') return rstdf1
def pinpaifenxido(): cnx = lite.connect(dbpathquandan) dataokay(cnx) readinifromnote() namestr = 'brand' cfpininote, cfpininotepath = getcfp('everinifromnote') if cfpininote.has_option(namestr, 'brandcount'): brandcount = cfpininote.getint(namestr, 'brandcount') else: brandcount = 5 fenbuorquyu = getinivaluefromnote('brand', 'fenbuorquyu') pinpaifenxi(cnx, daysbefore=5, brandnum=brandcount, fenbu=fenbuorquyu) cnx.close()
def chuliquandan(): """ 处理全单文件 """ workpath = dirmainpath / 'data/work' khqdnamelst = [x for x in os.listdir(workpath) if x.find('全单统计管理') >= 0] # print(khqdnamelst) # 对获取的合格文件根据时间进行排序,升序 khqdnamelst.sort(key=lambda fn: os.path.getmtime(workpath / fn)) newestonlyname = khqdnamelst[-1] newestfn = workpath / newestonlyname targetfn = dirmainpath / 'data' / '全单统计管理最新.xlsm' cfpdata, cfpdatapath = getcfp('everdata') if not cfpdata.has_section('dataraw'): cfpdata.add_section('dataraw') cfpdata.write(open(cfpdatapath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) if not cfpdata.has_option('dataraw', 'quandannewestname'): cfpdata.set('dataraw', 'quandannewestname', '') cfpdata.write(open(cfpdatapath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) if cfpdata.get('dataraw', 'quandannewestname') != newestonlyname: shutil.copy(newestfn, targetfn) cfpdata.set('dataraw', 'quandannewestname', newestonlyname) cfpdata.write(open(cfpdatapath, 'w', encoding='utf-8'))"《全单统计管理》有新文件:{newestonlyname}") cnx = lite.connect(dbpathquandan) if gengxinfou(targetfn, cnx, 'fileread'): # or True: # workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(targetfn, encoding_override="cp936") # workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(targetfn) # sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('全单统计管理') # # sheet的名称,行数,列数 # print (,sheet.nrows,sheet.ncols) # datafromsheet = [sheet.row_values(i, 0 ,sheet.ncols) for i in # range(0, sheet.nrows)] # # print(datafromsheet[:5]) # df = pd.DataFrame(datafromsheet[1:], columns=datafromsheet[0]) # df = df.loc[:, ['往来单位全名', '往来单位编号', '联系人', '联系电话', '地址']] df = pd.read_excel(targetfn, sheet_name='全单统计管理', parse_dates=['订单日期', '送达日期', '收款日期']) print(df) itemnumberfromnote = getinivaluefromnote('datasource', 'randomnumber4customer') itemnunber2show = len( df) if len(df) < itemnumberfromnote else itemnumberfromnote print(df.loc[random.sample(range(0, len(df)), itemnunber2show), :]) df.to_sql(name='quandantjgl', con=cnx, if_exists='replace')"写入{len(df)}条记录到quandantjgl数据表中") # read_excel()对于无指定编码的excel文件读取时一直无法解决编码的问题 # df = pd.read_excel(targetfn, encoding='cp936') # print(df) cnx.close()
def notification2df(items): split_items = list() for itemstr in items: split_items.append(itemstr.strip().split('||| ')) dfnoti = pd.DataFrame(split_items, columns=('atime', 'shuxing', 'topic', 'content')) dfnoti['received'] = True # global log'系统提醒记录有%d条。' % dfnoti.shape[0]) # descdb(dfnoti) dfnoti.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)'系统提醒记录去重后有%d条。' % dfnoti.shape[0]) dfnoti.index = dfnoti['atime'].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime( datetime.datetime.strptime(x.strip(), '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M%p')) if len( x.split('at')) > 1 else pd.to_datetime( datetime.datetime.strptime(x.strip(), '%B %d, %Y'))) # dfnoti.index = dfnoti['atime'] del dfnoti['atime'] dfnoti.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True) # descdb(dfnoti) dfout = dfnoti # b3a3e458-f05b-424d-8ec1-604a3e916724 try: notestore = get_notestore() xiangmu = ['微信', '支付宝', 'QQ', '日历'] cfplife, inilifepath = getcfp('everlife') for xm in xiangmu: biaoti = '系统提醒(%s)记录' % xm dfxm = dfnoti[dfnoti.shuxing == xm] if cfplife.has_option('lifenotecount', xm): ready2update = dfxm.shape[0] > cfplife.getint( 'lifenotecount', xm) else: ready2update = True print('%d\t%s\t%s' % (dfxm.shape[0], ready2update, biaoti)) if ready2update: imglist2note(notestore, [], cfplife.get('notesguid', xm), biaoti, tablehtml2evernote(dfxm[:1000], biaoti)) cfplife.set('lifenotecount', xm, '%d' % dfxm.shape[0]) cfplife.write(open(inilifepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) except Exception as ee: log.critical('更新系统提醒笔记时出现错误。%s' % str(ee)) return dfout
def readinifromnote(): cfpeverwork, cfpeverworkpath = getcfp('everwork') noteguid_inifromnote = cfpeverwork.get('evernote', 'ininoteguid') # noteguid_inifromnote = 'e0565861-db9e-4efd-be00-cbce06d0cf98' global note_store note_store = get_notestore() soup = BeautifulSoup(note_store.getNoteContent(noteguid_inifromnote), "html.parser") # print(soup) ptn = u'<div>(.*?)</div>' # ptn = u'<div>' itemsource = re.findall(ptn, str(soup)) print(itemsource) items = [x for x in itemsource if not'<.*?>', x)] print(items) fileobj = open(str(dirmainpath / 'data' / 'everinifromnote.ini'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') for item in items: fileobj.write(item + '\n') fileobj.close()
def log2notetimer(jiangemiao): print(getdirmain()) pathlog = getdirmain() / 'log' files = os.listdir(str(pathlog)) loglines = [] for fname in files[::-1]: with open(pathlog / fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as flog: loglines = loglines + [ line.strip() for line in flog if line.find('CRITICAL') >= 0 ] print(f'日志共有{len(loglines)}条记录') # global cfp, inifilepath cfp, cfppath = getcfp('everwork') everlogc = cfp.getint('evernote', 'everlogc') if len(loglines) == everlogc: # <=调整为==,用来应对log文件崩溃重建的情况'暂无新记录,不更新everworklog笔记。') else: loglinestr = '\n'.join(loglines[::-1]) loglinestr = loglinestr.replace('<', '《') loglinestr = loglinestr.replace('>', '》') loglinestr = loglinestr.replace('&', '并符') loglinestr = loglinestr.replace('=', '等于') loglinestr = '<pre>' + loglinestr + '</pre>' # print(loglinestr) noteguid_lognote = '4a940ff2-74a8-4584-be46-aa6d68a4fa53' try: nstore = get_notestore() imglist2note(nstore, [], noteguid_lognote, 'everwork日志严重错误信息', loglinestr) cfp.set('evernote', 'everlogc', '%d' % len(loglines)) cfp.write(open(cfppath, 'w', encoding='utf-8'))'新的log错误信息成功更新入笔记,将于%d秒后再次自动检查并更新' % jiangemiao) except Exception as eeee: log.critical('处理新log错误信息到笔记时出现未名错误。%s' % (str(eeee))) global timer_log2note timer_log2note = Timer(jiangemiao, log2notetimer, [jiangemiao]) timer_log2note.start()
def fixnamealias(inputdf: pd.DataFrame, clname: str): ''' 更新df中的别名为规范名称 :param inputdf: :param clname: :return: ''' rstdf1: pd.DataFrame = inputdf.copy(deep=True) # print(rstdf1.dtypes) namelst = rstdf1.groupby(clname).first().index.values # print(namelst) cfpini, cfpinipath = getcfp('everinifromnote') gamedict = dict(cfpini.items('game')) print(f"id to name correctring...") for name in namelst: if name in gamedict.keys(): namez = gamedict[name] namedf = rstdf1[rstdf1[clname] == name].copy(deep=True) print(name, namez, namedf.shape[0]) # print(namedf) for ix in namedf.index: rstdf1.loc[ix, [clname]] = namez return rstdf1
def callsms2df(itemstr): # 读取老记录 # global dirmainpath with open(str(dirmainpath / 'data' / 'ifttt' / 'smslog_gmail_all.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fsms: items = [line.strip() for line in fsms if len(line.strip()) > 0] itemstr = itemstr + items'电话短信记录有%d条。' % len(itemstr)) itemstrjoin = '\n'.join(itemstr) pattern = re.compile( r'^(.*?)(?:(\w+ \d+, \d{4} at \d{2}:\d{2}[A|P]M)|(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\+08:00))(.*?)$', re.U | re.M) slices = re.split(pattern, itemstrjoin) slices = slices[1:] # print(len(slices)) # for i in range(15): # print("%d\t%s" %(i,slices[i])) # pattern = re.compile(r'^(?:\w*?)(?:\s*?)@SMS \+(?:\s+)(\w+ \d+, \d{4} at \d{2}:\d{2}[A|P]M)(?:\s*?),' # r'(.*?)(?:\s+)(.*?)(?:\s+)([\d|-]+)(?:.*?)(?:\s+)(\d+)(?:\s+)(?:.*?)$', re.U|re.M) # slices = re.split(pattern, itemstr) # print(len(slices)) # for i in range(30): # print(slices[i].strip()) # split_items = list() for i in range(int(len(slices) / 5)): item = list() # print(slices[i*5:i*5+5]) itemtimestr = slices[i * 5 + 1] if itemtimestr is None: itemtimestr = slices[i * 5 + 2].strip() itemtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(itemtimestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+08:00') # itemtime = pd.to_datetime(itemtimestr) else: itemtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(slices[i * 5 + 1].strip(), '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M%p') itemname = '' itemnumber = '' itemshuxing = '电话' itemreceived = True itemcontentstr = slices[i * 5 + 3].strip() itemcontent = itemcontentstr patternsms = re.compile(r':(.*),(\w*)\|\|\| (\d+)', re.U) splititem = re.split(patternsms, itemcontentstr) if len(splititem) == 5: # :抱歉 明天见,||| 13554015554 # ['', '抱歉 明天见', '', '13554015554', ''] itemcontent = splititem[1] itemname = splititem[2] itemnumber = splititem[3] itemshuxing = '短信' if len(itemname) == 0: itemnamestr = slices[i * 5 + 0].strip() if itemnamestr.endswith('@SMS +'): [itemname, *__] = itemnamestr.split('@SMS +') patterncall7 = re.compile( '^,?(?:(电话打给)|(电话来自))\s+(?:(.+?)\s+)?(\d+),时长\s+(\d+)\s+秒$', re.U) splititem = re.split(patterncall7, itemcontentstr) # print(len(splititem)) # splititem = itemcontentstr.split() if len(splititem) == 7: # ,电话打给 陈益 15623759390,时长 42 秒 # ['', '电话打给', None, '陈益', '15623759390', '42', ''] # ,电话来自 18671454792,时长 29 秒 # ['', None, '电话来自', None, '18671454792', '29', ''] # ,电话打给 黄兆钢 15337282888,时长 42 秒 # ['', '电话打给', None, '黄兆钢', '15337282888', '42', ''] # ,电话来自 白天军 13949452849,时长 35 秒 # ['', None, '电话来自', '白天军', '13949452849', '35', ''] itemshuxing = '电话' itemname = splititem[3] itemnumber = splititem[4] itemcontent = splititem[5] if splititem[1]: itemreceived = False # else: patterncall5 = re.compile('(错过来电)\s+(?:(.+?)\s+)?(\d+)', re.U) splititem = re.split(patterncall5, itemcontentstr) if len(splititem) == 5: # 错过来电 曹树强 13971167977 # ['', '错过来电', '曹树强', '13971167977', ''] # 错过来电 18903752832 # ['', '错过来电', None, '18903752832', ''] itemshuxing = '电话' itemname = splititem[2] itemnumber = splititem[3] itemreceived = True itemcontent = None elif itemnamestr.endswith('的通话记录'): [_, itemname, *__] = itemnamestr.split() patterncall6 = re.compile( r',(?:(\+?\d+)s\s\(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\))?(\+?\d+)\s\((?:(已接来电)|(已拨电话)|(未接来电))\)' ) splititem = re.split(patterncall6, itemcontent) if len(splititem) == 7: itemshuxing = '电话' itemnumber = splititem[2] itemcontent = splititem[1] if splititem[4] is not None: itemreceived = False else: pass elif itemnamestr.startswith('SMS with'): itemshuxing = '短信' [*__, itemname] = itemnamestr.split() if itemcontent.startswith('收到'): itemreceived = True weiyi = 4 elif itemcontent.startswith('发出'): itemreceived = False weiyi = 4 else: weiyi = 1 itemcontent = itemcontentstr[weiyi:] # print(itemname + '\t' + str(itemtime) + '\t' + itemcontent) # print(splititem) item.append(itemtime) if itemname is None: itemname = itemnumber item.append(itemname) item.append(itemnumber) item.append(itemshuxing) item.append(itemreceived) item.append(itemcontent) # print(slices[i*5].strip()+'\t'+slices[i*5+1].strip()+'\t'+slices[i*5+2].strip()+'\t'+slices[i*5+4].strip()) split_items.append(item) dfnoti = pd.DataFrame(split_items, columns=('atime', 'name', 'number', 'shuxing', 'received', 'content'))'电话短信记录整理后有%d条。' % dfnoti.shape[0]) dfnoti.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)'电话短信记录去重后有%d条。' % dfnoti.shape[0]) dfnoti.sort_values(['atime'], ascending=False, inplace=True) # dfnoti.index = dfnoti['time'] # del dfnoti['time'] dfout = dfnoti # b3a3e458-f05b-424d-8ec1-604a3e916724 try: notestore = get_notestore() cfplife, inilifepath = getcfp('everlilfe') if cfplife.has_option('allsets', 'callsms'): ready2update = dfout.shape[0] > cfplife.getint( 'allsets', 'callsms') else: ready2update = True if ready2update: xiangmu = '电话短信' imglist2note(notestore, [], cfplife.get('notesguid', xiangmu), xiangmu, tablehtml2evernote(dfout[:1000], xiangmu)) cfplife.set('allsets', 'callsms', '%d' % dfout.shape[0]) cfplife.write(open(inilifepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) except Exception as eee: log.critical('更新人脉记录笔记时出现错误。%s' % str(eee)) return dfout
def chulidataindir(cnxp, tablename, mingmu, fnstart, notestr, pathorder: Path, chulixls): """ :param cnxp: 数据库连接 :param tablename: 表名 :param mingmu: 名目 :param fnstart: 文件名起字符串 :param notestr: section名称 :param pathorder: 待处理文件目录 :param chulixls: 处理原始数据的函数 :return: """ sqlstr = "select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name = '%s'" % tablename tablexists = pd.read_sql_query(sqlstr, cnxp).iloc[0, 0] > 0 if tablexists: # dfresult = pd.DataFrame() dfresult = pd.read_sql('select * from \'%s\'' % tablename, cnxp, parse_dates=['日期'])'{mingmu}数据表{tablename}已存在, 从中读取{dfresult.shape[0]}条数据记录。') else:'{mingmu}数据表{tablename}不存在,将创建之。') dfresult = pd.DataFrame() # print(dfresult) cfpzysm, inizysmpath = getcfp('everzysm') if cfpzysm.has_section(notestr) is False: cfpzysm.add_section(notestr) cfpzysm.write(open(inizysmpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) files = os.listdir(str(pathorder)) for fname in files: if fname.startswith(fnstart) and (fname.endswith('xls') or fname.endswith('xlsx')): yichulifilelist = list() if cfpzysm.has_option(notestr, '已处理文件清单'): yichulifilelist = cfpzysm.get(notestr, '已处理文件清单').split() if fname in yichulifilelist: continue print(fname, end='\t') dffname = chulixls(str(pathorder / fname)) if dffname is None: continue dfresult = dfresult.append(dffname) print(dffname.shape[0], end='\t') print(dfresult.shape[0]) yichulifilelist.append(fname) cfpzysm.set(notestr, '已处理文件清单', '%s' % '\n'.join(yichulifilelist)) cfpzysm.write(open(inizysmpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) # dfresult.drop_duplicates(['单据编号', '日期', '订单编号', '客户名称', '业务人员', '订单金额', '部门'], inplace=True) print(f'除重前有{dfresult.shape[0]}条记录,', end='\t') dfresult.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # descdb(dfresult) dateqiyu = min(dfresult['日期']) datezhiyu = max(dfresult['日期']) print(f'除重后有{dfresult.shape[0]}条记录;数据起于{dateqiyu},止于{datezhiyu}') dfttt = dfresult.drop_duplicates() if cfpzysm.has_option(notestr, '记录数'): jilucount = cfpzysm.getint(notestr, '记录数') else: jilucount = 0 if dfttt.shape[0] > jilucount: dfttt.to_sql(tablename, cnxp, index=False, if_exists='replace') cfpzysm.set(notestr, '记录数', '%d' % dfttt.shape[0]) cfpzysm.write(open(inizysmpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8'))'增加有效{mingmu}明细数据{dfttt.shape[0] - jilucount}条。') cnxp.close() return dfttt
rstdf.to_excel(excelwriter, index=False, encoding='utf-8') excelwriter.close() # ##### 调试名号错位问题 from func.evernttest import trycounttimes2, getinivaluefromnote from muse.majjianghuojie import fetchmjurl, getsinglepage, updateurllst, fixnamebyguestid ownername = "heart5" zjurllst = fetchmjurl(ownername) recentquandf = getsinglepage(zjurllst[0]) recentquandf # 一次读取所有game下的items用于名称替换,避免一次次读取文件读取网络的效率损耗,也即为减少IO from func.configpr import getcfp cfpme, cfpmepath = getcfp('everinifromnote') gamedict = dict(cfpme.items('game')) gamedict '1088457' in gamedict.keys() guestidcl = 'guestid' rstdf1: pd.DataFrame = recorddf.copy(deep=True) # print(rstdf1) guestidalllst = rstdf1.groupby(guestidcl).first().index.values print(guestidalllst) gidds = rstdf1.groupby(['guestid', 'guest']).count().groupby(level='guestid').count()['roomid'] print(gidds) guestidlst = [str(guestid) for guestid in gidds.index] print(guestidlst) for nameid in guestidlst: if nameid in gamedict.keys():