コード例 #1
def handleMessage(message):
  print "handleMessage from " + message.author.name

  savedReplayName = "tmp/working.SC2Replay"

  replayLink = funcs.isMessageBodyValidLink(message)

  if not replayLink:
    funcs.messageReply(message, "replay link not found in message")
    return False

  urllib.urlretrieve(replayLink, savedReplayName)

  archive = mpyq.MPQArchive(savedReplayName)
  # Read the protocol header, this can be read with any protocol
  contents = archive.header['user_data_header']['content']
  header = protocol15405.decode_replay_header(contents)

  # The header's baseBuild determines which protocol to use
  baseBuild = header['m_version']['m_baseBuild']
    _temp = __import__('s2protocol', globals(), locals(), ['protocol%s' % (baseBuild,)])
    protocol = getattr(_temp, 'protocol%s' % (baseBuild,))
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Unsupported base build: %d' % baseBuild

  contents = archive.read_file('replay.details')
  details = protocol.decode_replay_details(contents)
  events = protocol.decode_replay_message_events(archive.read_file('replay.message.events'))
  return handleReplayDetails(details, message, events)
コード例 #2
def handleReplayDetails(details, message, events):
  if (len(details['m_playerList']) != 1):
    funcs.messageReply(message, "Wrong number of players in replay, please host the game by yourself")
    return False
  realm = details['m_playerList'][0]['m_toon']['m_realm']
  regionInt = details['m_playerList'][0]['m_toon']['m_region']
  playerInt = details['m_playerList'][0]['m_toon']['m_id']
  playerName = details['m_playerList'][0]['m_name']

  playerName = funcs.stripOutClan(playerName)

  redditname = funcs.FindRedditName(events)
  if not (redditname):
    funcs.messageReply(message, "Reddit name not found in replay. Be sure to type out your reddit name in the exact format specified.")
    return False
  if redditname.lower() != message.author.name.lower():
    funcs.messageReply(message, "The reddit name in the replay is not the same reddit name you sent this message as. Be sure to type out your reddit name exactly" )
    return False

  regionName = funcs.RegionNameFromId(regionInt)
  if regionName == None:
    funcs.messageReply(message, "Your region is not supported. Go yell at the programmer responsible")
    return False

  playerBnetUrl = '{0}/{1}/{2}/'.format(playerInt, realm, playerName)
  leagueData = funcs.getLeague(settings.regions[regionName], playerBnetUrl)
  if not (leagueData):
    funcs.messageReply(message, "Error: {DD6B39E6-857C-11E3-9693-7A7328D43830}")
    return False

  f = open("accounts.txt","a")
  f.write('{0},{1},{2},\n'.format(playerBnetUrl, redditname, regionName))
  r.set_flair(subreddit, redditname, playerName, leagueData[0].title() + " "+regionName+" " + leagueData[1] + "-" + leagueData[2] + "-" + leagueData[3])
  funcs.messageReply(message, "Your flair has been set. Account link is a success!")
  return True