def upload(request): # print(request.POST) file_name = os.path.join('robot_app', 'static', 'audio_file', request.POST['name']) file = request.FILES['file'] with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: f.write( text = audio2text(file_name) index = get_high_sim(text) if index is not None: answer = read_answer(index) else: answer = get_roboot_answer(text) hecheng_name = os.path.join('robot_app', 'static', 'audio_file', 'hecheng' + request.POST['name']) if text2audio(answer, hecheng_name): print('合成成功!') res_name = hecheng_name.strip('robot_app//') else: print('合成失败!') res_name = '' res_str = {'play_tpe': 'talk', 'res_name': res_name, 'content': text} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res_str), content_type='application/json')
def upload(request): # print(request.POST) file_name = os.path.join('robot_app', 'static', 'audio_file', request.POST['name']) file = request.FILES['file'] print(request) with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: f.write( text = audio2text(file_name) print('识别结果', text) index = get_high_sim(text) if index is not None: answer = read_answer(index) if index == 3: os.popen('notepad') elif index == 4: os.popen(qq_exe) # os.popen(r'D:\日常应用\QQ\Bin\QQScLauncher.exe') elif index==5: os.popen(kill_qq) elif index==6: os.popen(music_exe) # os.popen(r'D:\音乐\CloudMusic\cloudmusic.exe') elif index==7: os.popen(kill_music) elif index == 8: keyword = text[text.rfind('音乐') + 2:] print('播放音乐keyword:',keyword) song_name = play_song(keyword) print('songname:',song_name) if song_name: print('好的', song_name) # return '好的', song_name else: mysearch_kw(keyword) print('好不到歌曲,百度搜索中···') # return search_kw('杨宗纬 - 越过山丘'), elif 9 <= index <= 13: play_function(index) elif index==14: # 等待一秒调整截图屏幕,转到要截图的界面 time.sleep(1) capture() elif index==15: keyword = text[text.rfind('搜索') + 2:] # print('搜索keyword:',keyword) # shurl= r'{}'.format(keyword) # print('搜索的url:',shurl) # shcmd='explorer "'+shurl+'"' # print('搜索cmd:',shcmd) # os.popen(shcmd) mysearch_kw(keyword) else: answer = get_myroboot_answer(text) hecheng_name = os.path.join('robot_app', 'static', 'audio_file', 'hecheng' + request.POST['name']) if text2audio(answer.replace('<br>',' '), hecheng_name): print('合成成功!') res_name = hecheng_name.strip('robot_app//') else: print('合成失败!') res_name = '' res_str = { 'play_tpe': 'talk', 'res_name': res_name, 'content': answer, 'history':text } return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res_str), content_type='application/json')
def upload(request): # print(request.POST) file_name = os.path.join('robot_app', 'static', 'audio_file', request.POST['name']) file = request.FILES['file'] with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: f.write( text = audio2text(file_name) if text[0:2] == '搜索' or text[0:2] == '发送' or text[0:2] == '播放': index = get_high_sim(text[0:2]) else: index = get_high_sim(text) if index is not None: answer = read_answer(index) if index == 4: os.popen('notepad') if index == 3: os.popen('G:\QQ\Bin\QQScLauncher.exe') time.sleep(5) win32api.keybd_event(13, 0, 0, 0) # enter键位码是86 win32api.keybd_event(13, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) if index == 5: driver = webdriver.Chrome() # 利用浏览器 driver.get("") # 打开get到的网址 time.sleep(3) # t停顿3秒,即3秒内一直在这个界面 # print("网站的名称:",driver.title) # 获取网站名称并输出 #打开keyword.txt文件,并一行行读取数据:keyword.txt中可以存放任意关键字,比如:selenium python 赵丽颖(ps:一个关键字占一行) driver.find_element('id', 'kw').send_keys(text[2:]) # 通过输入框的id为kw,定位到输入框,输入”selenium” driver.find_element('id', 'su').click() # 通过搜索按钮的id为su定位到搜索按钮,点击按钮 # time.sleep(5) # 停顿5秒 if index == 6: picture_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", time.localtime(time.time())) directory_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(time.time())) print(picture_time) print(directory_time) # 打印文件目录 print(os.getcwd()) # 获取到当前文件的目录,并检查是否有 directory_time 文件夹,如果不存在则自动新建 directory_time 文件 try: File_Path = os.getcwd() + '\\' + directory_time + '\\' if not os.path.exists(File_Path): os.makedirs(File_Path) print("目录新建成功:%s" % File_Path) else: print("目录已存在!!!") except BaseException as msg: print("新建目录失败:%s" % msg) driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get("") try: url = driver.save_screenshot('.\\' + directory_time + '\\' + picture_time + '.png') print("%s :截图成功!!!" % url) except BaseException as pic_msg: print("截图失败:%s" % pic_msg) time.sleep(2) driver.quit() if index == 7: os.popen('G:\CloudMusic\cloudmusic.exe') time.sleep(8) start() if index == 8: x=text.index('给') int(x) to_who=text[x+1:] msg=text[2:x] qq(to_who) send_qq(to_who,msg) if index == 9: stop() if index == 10: last() if index == 11: next() if index == 12: turn_up() if index == 13: turn_down() if index == 14: love() if index == 15: show_words() if index == 16: shoutsown_words() if index == 17: os.system(r'taskkill /f /t /im cloudmusic.exe') if index == 18: start() if index == 19: music=text[2:] find_music() time.sleep(1) play_music(music) else: answer = get_roboot_answer(text) con[text]=answer hecheng_name = os.path.join('robot_app', 'static', 'audio_file', 'hecheng' + request.POST['name']) if text2audio(answer, hecheng_name): print('合成成功!') res_name = hecheng_name.strip('robot_app//') else: print('合成失败!') res_name = '' res_str = { 'play_tpe': 'talk', 'res_name': res_name, 'content': answer } return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res_str), content_type='application/json')'Lsi_matrix.index') return index def get_high_sim(doc): doc_test_list = list(jieba.cut(doc)) # 将需要寻找相似度的分词列表 做成 语料库 doc_test_vec doc_test_vec = dictionary.doc2bow(doc_test_list) sim = index[lsi[doc_test_vec]] # 对下标和相似度结果进行一个排序,拿出相似度最高的结果 cc = sorted(enumerate(sim), key=lambda item: -item[1]) print(cc) high_score = cc[0] text = raw_docs[high_score[0]] print(doc, '-------', text) print('相似度:', high_score[1]) if high_score[1] > sim_degree: return cc[0][0] index = get_index_matrix() if __name__ == '__main__': doc = '你今年多大了' index = get_high_sim(doc) print(read_answer(index))