def test_aesthetics(self): # Emily goes to the home page self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) self.browser.set_window_size(1024, 768) list_page = ListPage(self) # She notices the input box is nicely centered input_box = list_page.get_item_input_box() self.assertAlmostEqual(input_box.location['x'] + input_box.size['width'] / 2, 512, delta=20) # She starts a new list and sees the input is nicely centered there too new_text = 'random item' list_page.add_list_item(new_text) input_box = list_page.get_item_input_box() self.assertAlmostEqual(input_box.location['x'] + input_box.size['width'] / 2, 512, delta=20)
def test_can_share_a_list_with_another_user(self): # Emily is a logged in user self.create_pre_authenticated_session(TEST_EMAIL_1) emily_browser = self.browser self.addCleanup(lambda: quit_if_possible(emily_browser)) # Her friend Oniciferous is also hanging out on the lists site oni_browser = get_webdriver() self.addCleanup(lambda: quit_if_possible(oni_browser)) self.browser = oni_browser self.create_pre_authenticated_session(TEST_EMAIL_2) # Emily goes to the home page and starts a list self.browser = emily_browser self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) list_page = ListPage(self).add_list_item('Get help') # She notices a "Share this list" option share_box = list_page.get_share_box() self.assertEqual(share_box.get_attribute('placeholder'), '*****@*****.**') # She shares her list. The page updates to say that it's shared with Oniciferous list_page.share_list_with(TEST_EMAIL_2) # Oniciferous now goes to the lists page with his browser self.browser = oni_browser MyListsPage(self).go_to_my_lists_page() # He sees Edith's list in there! self.browser.find_element_by_link_text('Get help').click() # On the list page, Oniciferous can see it says that it's Edit's list self.wait_for( lambda: self.assertEqual(list_page.get_list_owner(), TEST_EMAIL_1)) # He adds an item to the list list_page.add_list_item(TEST_ITEM) # When Edith refreshes the page, she sees Oniciferou's addition self.browser = emily_browser self.browser.refresh() list_page.wait_for_row_in_list_table(TEST_ITEM, 2)
def test_multiple_users_can_start_lists_at_different_urls(self): # Emily starts a new to-do list self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) list_page = ListPage(self).add_list_item(E_ITEM_1) # She notices that her list has a unique URL. emily_list_url = self.browser.current_url self.assertRegex(emily_list_url, '/lists/.+') # Now a new user, Felipe, comes along to the site. # # We use a new browser session to make sure that no information of Emily's is coming through from cookies, self.browser.refresh() self.browser.quit() self.browser = get_webdriver() # Felipe visits the home page. There is no sign of Emily's list self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) page_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('body').text self.assertNotIn(E_ITEM_1, page_text) self.assertNotIn(E_ITEM_2, page_text) # Felipe starts a new list by entering a new item. He is into techy stuff... list_page.add_list_item(F_ITEM_1) # Felipe gets his own unique URL felipe_list_url = self.browser.current_url self.assertRegex(felipe_list_url, '/lists/.+') self.assertNotEqual(felipe_list_url, emily_list_url) # Again, there is no trace of Emily's list page_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('body').text self.assertNotIn(E_ITEM_1, page_text) self.assertNotIn(E_ITEM_2, page_text)