def line_search(step_sizes, diff_pre): """ Does a line search for given step sizes using the previous movement vector(v_pre) and the current projected gradient(u) Inputs: :[double] step_sizes: list of step sizes for line search :double diff_pre: value of g_l(x) at previous iteration Outputs: :double s: the chosen step size :double chosen_diff: the g_l(x) for step size s :Tensor I_chosen: the transformed image for step size s :int k_I: the label of I_chosen """ if I_org.is_cuda: I_batch = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(torch.Size((batch_size,))+I_org.size()) else: I_batch = torch.FloatTensor(torch.Size((batch_size,))+I_org.size()) diff_max = -np.inf for ind in range(0,len(step_sizes),batch_size): # Generate transformed images for i,s in enumerate(step_sizes[ind:ind+batch_size]): v_t = s*u + gamma*v_pre tfm_ = tfm.compose(g.para2tfm(-v_t,mode,1)) I_batch[i,:,:,:] = tfm_(I_org) if crop: I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I_batch,crop) else: I_c = I_batch # Calculate g_l in batch and find the minimizing step size x = Variable(I_c, requires_grad = True) output = net(x) f_org =[:,k_org] diff_curr = f_org -[:,target] diff_x, s = torch.max((diff_pre - diff_curr),0) if diff_max < diff_x[0]: diff_max = diff_x[0] s_final = s + ind k_I = get_output_label(output,s[0]) chosen_diff = diff_curr[s[0]] I_chosen = I_batch[s[0],:].clone() s = s_final[0] return step_sizes[s], chosen_diff, I_chosen, k_I
maxIter=maxIt, step_sizes = step_sizes, gamma = 0, geo_step = 0.05, batch_size=3, cuda_on=True, crop=224, numerical = True) elapsed = time.time()-t k_org = out['org_label'] k_f = out['fooling_label'] tar = out['target'] geo_dist = out['geo_dist'] II = out['output_image'] print('\n\n\nFinal Result -- Multi Target:') if k_org != tar: print("Original Output: {}({})\nTarget {}({})\nNew Output: {}({})".format( k_org, classes[k_org], tar, classes[tar], k_f, classes[k_f])) print("Geodesic Score: {}".format(geo_dist)) print('Time elapsed: {} seconds'.format(time.time() - t)) else: print("Max iteration reached before fooling") im_c = center_crop_tensor(im,224) compare_images(im_c, II.cpu(), classes[k_org], classes[k_f], mean, std) input('Press Enter to end:')
def manifool(I_org, net, mode, maxIter = 501, step_sizes = [0.2], gamma = 0.9, batch_size=None, cuda_on=True, crop = None, numerical = False, verbose = 1, geo_step = 0.05, N_c = 10): """ Implements the mutliclass ManiFool algorithm found in [1] for finding adversarial transformations for a given network, a given image and a target label on this network. Inputs: :Tensor I_org: the input image for the network(net) :Module net: network (input: image, output: values of activation BEFORE softmax) :string mode: transformation set (see for available transformations) :int maxIter: maximum number of iterations :[double] step_sizes: list of step sizes for line search :double gamma: momentum coefficient :int batch_size: batch size for line search :bool cuda_on: use GPU if True :(int,int) crop: tuple for the crop size. If it is a single integer, then (crop,crop) used as the size :bool numerical: use numerically or arithmetically calculated gradient :int verbose: the value of verbosity(0:no print, 1:only general, 2:everything) :double geo_step: step size for calculating geodesic distance :int N_c: number of classes for which the binary ManiFool is run Output: The output of the function is given as a dictionary. The outputs are labeled as: :int org_label: the original label of the image :int fooling_label: the label of the fooling image :int target: the target used for finding the fooling image :double geo_dist: the geodesic score of the output transformation :Transform tfm: the adversarial transformation :Tensor output_image: image transformed by the adversarial transformation If target == org_label at the output, it indicates that the algorithm has failed to find a fooling transformation example. [1] C. Kanbak, S.-M. Moosavi-Dezfooli, P. Frossard,"Geometric robustness of deep networks:analysis and improvement", arxiv:1711.09115[cs],Nov. 2017. url: """ out = {} if cuda_on: net.cuda() I_org = I_org.cuda() I = I_org.clone() if crop: I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop) else: I_c = I x = Variable(I_c.unsqueeze(0),requires_grad = True) output = net(x) _, inds =, descending=True) top_inds = inds[1:N_c+1] #choose top N_c labels for running binary ManiFool out['org_label'] = inds[0] min_geo_dist = np.inf # Main Loop for target in top_inds: if verbose: print('---------- Target = {} ----------'.format(target)) # Run binary ManiFool k_f, k_org, it_f, tfm, II = manifool_single_target( I_org,net,mode,target, maxIter=maxIter, step_sizes = step_sizes, gamma = gamma, batch_size = batch_size, cuda_on=cuda_on, crop = crop, numerical= numerical, verbose = verbose ) # If binary case is successful calculate the geodesic score and update the minimum accordingly if it_f < maxIter: geo_dist = geodesic_distance(I_org, geo_step, tfm.tform_matrix, mode)[0]/I_org.norm() if verbose: print("Net fooled.\nOriginal Output: {}\n" "New Output: {}\nIterations: {}".format(k_org, k_f, it_f)) print('Geodesic Distance: {}'.format(geo_dist)) if min_geo_dist > geo_dist: min_geo_dist = geo_dist min_tar = target min_out_label = k_f min_tfm = tfm min_fooled_im = II elif verbose: print("Max iteration reached before fooling") # Failure conditions if min_geo_dist == np.inf: min_geo_dist = np.inf min_tar = inds[0] min_out_label = None min_tfm = None min_fooled_im = None if verbose: print("ManiFool failed to find a fooling trasform") out.update({'fooling_label':min_out_label, 'target':min_tar, 'geo_dist':min_geo_dist, 'tfm':min_tfm, 'output_image':min_fooled_im}) return out
def manifool_single_target(I_org, net, mode, target, maxIter = 501, step_sizes = [0.2], gamma = 0.9, batch_size=None, cuda_on=True, crop = None, numerical = False, verbose = 2): """ Implements the binary ManiFool algorithm found in [1] for finding adversarial transformations for a given network, a given image and a target label on this network. Inputs: :Tensor I_org: the input image for the network(net) :Module net: network (input: image, output: values of activation BEFORE softmax) :string mode: transformation set (see for available transformations) :int target: target label l from the network to get binary classifier g_l(x) = f_{k_org}(x)-f_l(x). :int maxIter: maximum number of iterations :[double] step_sizes: list of step sizes for line search :double gamma: momentum coefficient :int batch_size: batch size for line search :bool cuda_on: use GPU if True :(int,int) crop: tuple for the crop size. If it is a single integer, then (crop,crop) used as the size :bool numerical: use numerically or arithmetically calculated gradient :int verbose: the value of verbosity(0:no print, 1:only general, 2:everything) Output: :int k_I: the output label of the fooled image :int k_org: the output label of the input image :int it: number of iterations for finding an example :Transform tfm2: fooling transformation example :Tensor I_c: image transformed with tfm2 If it == maxIter at the output, it indicates that the algorithm has failed to find a fooling transformation example. [1] C. Kanbak, S.-M. Moosavi-Dezfooli, P. Frossard,"Geometric robustness of deep networks:analysis and improvement", arxiv:1711.09115[cs],Nov. 2017. url: """ def get_gradient(): """ Calculates the gradient of the classifier(network) and projects it onto the tangential space of the image appearance manifold at current image. Output: :Tensor u_tar: projected gradient :double dist: relative distance to the boundary(for linearized classifier on the tangential space) """ net.zero_grad() if x.grad is not None: if cuda_on: gg = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([1,-1]) else: gg = torch.FloatTensor([1,-1]) output[:,[k_org,target]].backward(gg,retain_graph=True) w_tar = + 0 w_tar = w_tar.view(n,1) try: u_tar = torch.gels(w_tar,J_n)[0] u_tar = u_tar[:J_n.size()[1]] try: dist = abs([0, target] -[0, k_org]) / ( except ZeroDivisionError: dist = np.inf u_tar.squeeze_() except Exception as e: u_tar = None dist = np.inf return u_tar, dist def line_search(step_sizes, diff_pre): """ Does a line search for given step sizes using the previous movement vector(v_pre) and the current projected gradient(u) Inputs: :[double] step_sizes: list of step sizes for line search :double diff_pre: value of g_l(x) at previous iteration Outputs: :double s: the chosen step size :double chosen_diff: the g_l(x) for step size s :Tensor I_chosen: the transformed image for step size s :int k_I: the label of I_chosen """ if I_org.is_cuda: I_batch = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(torch.Size((batch_size,))+I_org.size()) else: I_batch = torch.FloatTensor(torch.Size((batch_size,))+I_org.size()) diff_max = -np.inf for ind in range(0,len(step_sizes),batch_size): # Generate transformed images for i,s in enumerate(step_sizes[ind:ind+batch_size]): v_t = s*u + gamma*v_pre tfm_ = tfm.compose(g.para2tfm(-v_t,mode,1)) I_batch[i,:,:,:] = tfm_(I_org) if crop: I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I_batch,crop) else: I_c = I_batch # Calculate g_l in batch and find the minimizing step size x = Variable(I_c, requires_grad = True) output = net(x) f_org =[:,k_org] diff_curr = f_org -[:,target] diff_x, s = torch.max((diff_pre - diff_curr),0) if diff_max < diff_x[0]: diff_max = diff_x[0] s_final = s + ind k_I = get_output_label(output,s[0]) chosen_diff = diff_curr[s[0]] I_chosen = I_batch[s[0],:].clone() s = s_final[0] return step_sizes[s], chosen_diff, I_chosen, k_I #START OF MANIFOOL if not batch_size: batch_size = len(step_sizes) if cuda_on: net.cuda() I_org = I_org.cuda() I = I_org.clone() if crop: I_org_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I_org,crop+2) I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop) else: I_c = I n = functools.reduce(operator.mul, I_c.size(), 1) x = Variable(I_c.unsqueeze(0),requires_grad = True) output = net(x) k_org = get_output_label(output) k_I = k_org tau = g.init_param(mode) tfm = g.para2tfm(tau,mode,1) v_pre = tau if cuda_on: v_pre = v_pre.cuda() it = 0 diff = 2*torch.max( while k_org == k_I and it < maxIter: #Find Jacobian if crop: if numerical: J = g.jacobian(I_org_c,g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop+2),tfm,mode,interp_order=1) else: J = g.jacobian_from_gradient(g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop+2),mode) J = J[:,:,1:crop+1,1:crop+1] else: if numerical: J = g.jacobian(I_org,I,tfm,mode,interp_order=1) else: J = g.jacobian_from_gradient(I,mode) J_n = J.resize_(J.size()[0],n).transpose(0,1) # Choose min gradient on the manifold u, dist = get_gradient() # If dist is infinity (i.e. if u is perpendicular to the manifold) stop iterating as the alg. wont converge. if dist == np.inf: it = maxIter -1 # Normalize the gradient if dist == 0.: dist += 1e-5 u = u/u.norm() #Transform the image accordingly s, diff, I, k_I = line_search(step_sizes, diff) v_t = s*u + gamma*v_pre tfm.compose_(g.para2tfm(-v_t,mode,1)) if crop: I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop) else: I_c = I x = Variable(I_c.unsqueeze(0), requires_grad = True) output = net(x) k_I = get_output_label(output) if I_c.norm() == 0: it = maxIter-1 if verbose == 2: print(diff, dist, torch.max(s*u.abs())) it += 1 v_pre = v_t.clone() if it == maxIter: return k_I, k_org, it, tfm, I_c # Normally, the update step of the movement direction(u) tries to maximize the decrease of the classifier, however, # in the last iteration, we want to get a point close to the boundary and not as low as we can get. Thus, the we do # a backtrack to get a smaller vector at the last step. tfm2 = tfm.compose(g.para2tfm(v_t,mode,1))#reverse the last step I = tfm2(I_org) if crop: I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop) else: I_c = I x = Variable(I_c.unsqueeze(0), requires_grad = True) output = net(x) _, k_I = torch.max(,1) k_I = k_I[0] #Backtrack loop while k_org == k_I: v_t = 0.8*v_t tfm2 = tfm.compose(g.para2tfm(v_t,mode,1)) I = tfm2(I_org) if crop: I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop) else: I_c = I x = Variable(I_c.unsqueeze(0), requires_grad = True) output = net(x) _, k_I = torch.max(,1) k_I = k_I[0] if crop: I_c = g.center_crop_tensor(I,crop) else: I_c = I return k_I, k_org, it, tfm2, I_c