def main(files, out): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict(var='eng') # load engineering variables # for nc in list_files: # print nc # the engine that xarray uses can be changed as specified here # with xr.open_mfdataset(list_files, engine='netcdf4') as ds_disk: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds_disk = ds_disk.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds_disk.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') save_dir = os.path.join(out, ds_disk.subsite, ds_disk.node,, 'pcolor') cf.create_dir(save_dir) # t0, t1 = cf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = t0 + t1 - (t0 / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] # time_list = [[t0, t1]] # for period in time_list: # tt0 = period[0] # tt1 = period[1] # sub_ds = ds_disk.sel(time=slice(str(tt0), str(tt1))) bins = ds_disk['bin_depths'] north = ds_disk['northward_seawater_velocity'] east = ds_disk['eastward_seawater_velocity'] # up = ds_disk['upward_seawater_velocity'] # error = ds_disk['error_velocity'] time = dict(data=ds_disk['time'].data, info=dict(label=ds_disk['time'].standard_name, units='GMT')) bins = dict(, info=dict(label=bins.long_name, units=bins.units)) north = dict(, info=dict(label=north.long_name, units=north.units)) east = dict(, info=dict(label=east.long_name, units=east.units)) # up = dict(, info=dict(label=up.long_name, units=up.units)) # error = dict(, info=dict(label=error.long_name, units=error.units)) sname = save_pre + 'ADCP' title = title_pre fig, axs = pf.adcp(time, bins, north, east, title) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure pf.save_fig(save_dir, sname, res=250) # Save figure plt.close('all')
info=dict(label=v, units=y.units, var=v, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(t_dict, y_dict, title, stdev=None, line_style='.', g_range=True, color=None) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure # format date axis df = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(df) fig.autofmt_xdate() save_file = os.path.join(save_dir, fName + '_' + v) plt.savefig(str(save_file), dpi=150) # save figure plt.close('all') # plot timeseries with outliers removed fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(t_dict, y_dict, title, stdev=3,
def main(files, out, time_break, depth): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict(var='eng') # load engineering variables for nc in list_files: print nc with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') platform = ds.subsite node = ds.node sensor = ds.sensor deployment = 'D0000{}'.format(str(np.unique(ds.deployment)[0])) stream = save_dir = os.path.join(out, platform, deployment, node, sensor, stream, 'depth_profiles') cf.create_dir(save_dir) # try: # eng = stream_vars[stream] # select specific streams engineering variables # except KeyError: # eng = [''] misc = ['quality', 'string', 'timestamp', 'deployment', 'id', 'provenance', 'qc', 'time', 'mission', 'obs', 'volt', 'ref', 'sig', 'amp', 'rph', 'calphase', 'phase', 'therm'] # reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(eng+misc)) # make regular expression reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(misc)) # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] # t0, t1 = pf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = (pd.to_datetime(t0) + (pd.to_datetime(t1) - pd.to_datetime(t0)) / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop('comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load y = dict(data=ds[depth].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Pressure', units='dbar', var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) try: z_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: z_lab = sci.standard_name z = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=z_lab, units=sci.units, var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.depth_cross_section(z, y, x, title=title) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # try: # y_lab = sci.standard_name # except AttributeError: # y_lab = var # y = dict(, info=dict(label=y_lab, units=sci.units)) del x, y
yVars = [s for s in varList if not] for v in yVars: print v t = f['time'].data t_dict = dict(data = t, info = dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) y = f[v] y_dict = dict(data =, info = dict(label=v, units = y.units, var = v, platform = platform, node = node, sensor = sensor)) # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(t_dict, y_dict, title, stdev=None, line_style='.', g_range=True, color=None) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure # format date axis df = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(df) fig.autofmt_xdate() save_file = os.path.join(save_dir, fName + '_' + v) plt.savefig(str(save_file),dpi=150) # save figure plt.close('all') # plot timeseries with outliers removed fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(t_dict, y_dict, title, stdev=3, line_style='.', g_range=True, color=None) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure # format date axis
def main(files, out, east_var, north_var, up_var, err_var): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict(var='eng') # load engineering variables # for nc in list_files: # print nc # the engine that xarray uses can be changed as specified here # for nc in list_files: print nc with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds_disk: #with xr.open_mfdataset(nc, engine='netcdf4') as ds_disk: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds_disk = ds_disk.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds_disk.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data deployment = 'D0000{}'.format(str(numpy.unique(ds_disk.deployment)[0])) title_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') save_dir = os.path.join(out, ds_disk.subsite, deployment, ds_disk.node,, 'pcolor') cf.create_dir(save_dir) # t0, t1 = cf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = t0 + t1 - (t0 / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] # time_list = [[t0, t1]] # for period in time_list: # tt0 = period[0] # tt1 = period[1] # sub_ds = ds_disk.sel(time=slice(str(tt0), str(tt1))) north = ds_disk[north_var] east = ds_disk[east_var] up = ds_disk[up_var] error = ds_disk[err_var] try: bins = ds_disk['bin_depths'] bins = dict(, info=dict(label=bins.long_name, units=bins.units)) except KeyError: # use the matrix indices to plot bins = numpy.zeros_like( for i, item in enumerate(east): for jj, xtem in enumerate(east[i]): bins[i][jj] = jj bins = numpy.reshape(bins,(bins.shape[-1],bins.shape[0])) bins = dict(data=bins, label='bin_indices', units='') # the correct way to do this is to calculate the bin_depths, for that you need: # 9 First Cell Range(meters) (rounded bin_1_distance average, m) # 73 deployment depth of the ADCP instrument (pull from asset-management, depth in m) # 21 number of bins (num_cells, m) # 4 cell length (cell_length, m) # equation with the numbers above would be: # depths = 73 - 9 - ([1:21]-1)*4; time = dict(data=ds_disk['time'].data, info=dict(label=ds_disk['time'].standard_name, units='GMT')) #bins = dict(, info=dict(label=bins.long_name, units=bins.units)) north = dict(, info=dict(label=north.long_name, units=north.units)) east = dict(, info=dict(label=east.long_name, units=east.units)) up = dict(, info=dict(label=up.long_name, units=up.units)) error = dict(, info=dict(label=error.long_name, units=error.units)) sname_ew = save_pre + 'E-W-ADCP' title = title_pre fig, axs = pf.adcp(time, bins, north, east, title) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure pf.save_fig(save_dir, sname_ew, res=250) # Save figure sname_ur = save_pre + 'U-R-ADCP' fig, axs = pf.adcp(time, bins, up, error, title) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure pf.save_fig(save_dir, sname_ur, res=250) # Save figure plt.close('all')
def main(files, out): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict( var='eng') # load engineering variables # for nc in list_files: # print nc # the engine that xarray uses can be changed as specified here # with xr.open_mfdataset(list_files, engine='netcdf4') as ds_disk: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds_disk = ds_disk.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds_disk.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') save_dir = os.path.join(out, ds_disk.subsite, ds_disk.node,, 'pcolor') cf.create_dir(save_dir) # t0, t1 = cf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = t0 + t1 - (t0 / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] # time_list = [[t0, t1]] # for period in time_list: # tt0 = period[0] # tt1 = period[1] # sub_ds = ds_disk.sel(time=slice(str(tt0), str(tt1))) bins = ds_disk['bin_depths'] north = ds_disk['northward_seawater_velocity'] east = ds_disk['eastward_seawater_velocity'] # up = ds_disk['upward_seawater_velocity'] # error = ds_disk['error_velocity'] time = dict(data=ds_disk['time'].data, info=dict(label=ds_disk['time'].standard_name, units='GMT')) bins = dict(, info=dict(label=bins.long_name, units=bins.units)) north = dict(, info=dict(label=north.long_name, units=north.units)) east = dict(, info=dict(label=east.long_name, units=east.units)) # up = dict(, info=dict(label=up.long_name, units=up.units)) # error = dict(, info=dict(label=error.long_name, units=error.units)) sname = save_pre + 'ADCP' title = title_pre fig, axs = pf.adcp(time, bins, north, east, title) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure pf.save_fig(save_dir, sname, res=250) # Save figure plt.close('all')
def main(folder, out, time_break): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ with xr.open_mfdataset(folder, mask_and_scale=False) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') platform = ds.subsite node = ds.node sensor = ds.sensor save_dir = os.path.join(out, ds.subsite, ds.node,, 'timeseries') cf.create_dir(save_dir) try: eng = stream_vars[ stream] # select specific streams engineering variables except KeyError: eng = [''] misc = [ 'timestamp', 'provenance', 'qc', 'id', 'obs', 'deployment', 'volts', 'counts', 'quality_flag' ] reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(eng + misc)) # make regular expression # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] # t0, t1 = pf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = (pd.to_datetime(t0) + (pd.to_datetime(t1) - pd.to_datetime(t0)) / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop('comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load # define possible pressure variables pressure_vars = [ 'seawater_pressure', 'sci_water_pressure_dbar', 'ctdgv_m_glider_instrument_recovered-sci_water_pressure_dbar', 'ctdgv_m_glider_instrument-sci_water_pressure_dbar' ] rePressure = re.compile('|'.join(pressure_vars)) # define y as pressure variable pressure = [s for s in sci.variables if] pressure = ''.join(pressure) y = sci.variables[pressure] yN = pressure y_units = sci.units try: y_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: y_lab = sci.standard_name y = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=y_lab, units=sci.units, var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=None, line_style='r-o', g_range=True) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # plot z variable each time fig, ax = pf.depth_cross_section(x, y, title, stdev=1, line_style='r-o', g_range=True) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}_outliers_removed'.format( platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') del x, y
def main(files, out, time_break, depth, start, end, interactive): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict( var='eng') # load engineering variables for nc in list_files: print nc with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') platform = ds.subsite node = ds.node sensor = ds.sensor # save_dir = os.path.join(out,'xsection_depth_profiles') save_dir = os.path.join( out, ds.subsite, ds.subsite + '-' + ds.node + '-' + ds.sensor,, 'xsection_depth_profiles') cf.create_dir(save_dir) misc = [ 'quality', 'string', 'timestamp', 'deployment', 'id', 'provenance', 'qc', 'time', 'mission', 'obs', 'volt', 'ref', 'sig', 'amp', 'rph', 'calphase', 'phase', 'therm', 'light' ] reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(misc)) # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] if not time_break == None: times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop( 'comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load y = dict(data=ds[depth].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Pressure', units='dbar', var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) try: z_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: z_lab = sci.standard_name z = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=z_lab, units=str(sci.units), var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.depth_glider_cross_section(x, y, z, title=title) if interactive == True: fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', lambda event: pf.onpick3( event, x['data'], y['data'], z['data'])) else: pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format( platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') else: ds = ds.sel(time=slice(start, end)) for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[:], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop( 'comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load y = dict(data=ds[depth].data[:], info=dict(label='Pressure', units='dbar', var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) try: z_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: z_lab = sci.standard_name z = dict([:], info=dict(label=z_lab, units=sci.units, var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.depth_glider_cross_section( x, y, z, title=title, interactive=interactive) if interactive == True: fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', lambda event: pf.onpick3( event, x['data'], y['data'], z['data'])) else: pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format( platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all')
def main(files, out, time_break, depth, start, end, interactive): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict(var='eng') # load engineering variables for nc in list_files: print nc with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') platform = ds.subsite node = ds.node sensor = ds.sensor # save_dir = os.path.join(out,'xsection_depth_profiles') save_dir = os.path.join(out, ds.subsite, ds.subsite + '-' + ds.node + '-' + ds.sensor,, 'xsection_depth_profiles') cf.create_dir(save_dir) misc = ['quality', 'string', 'timestamp', 'deployment', 'id', 'provenance', 'qc', 'time', 'mission', 'obs', 'volt', 'ref', 'sig', 'amp', 'rph', 'calphase', 'phase', 'therm', 'light'] reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(misc)) # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] if not time_break == None: times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop('comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load y = dict(data=ds[depth].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Pressure', units='dbar', var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) try: z_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: z_lab = sci.standard_name z = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=z_lab, units=str(sci.units), var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.depth_glider_cross_section(x, y, z, title=title) if interactive == True: fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', lambda event: pf.onpick3(event, x['data'], y['data'], z['data'])) else: pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') else: ds = ds.sel(time=slice(start, end)) for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[:], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop('comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load y = dict(data=ds[depth].data[:], info=dict(label='Pressure', units='dbar', var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) try: z_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: z_lab = sci.standard_name z = dict([:], info=dict(label=z_lab, units=sci.units, var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.depth_glider_cross_section(x, y, z, title=title, interactive=interactive) if interactive == True: fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', lambda event: pf.onpick3(event, x['data'], y['data'], z['data'])) else: pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all')
def main(nc, directory, out, time_break, breakdown): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ list_files = directory + "/*.nc" # list_files = ['', # ''] # print list_files stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict(var='eng') # load engineering variables with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds_ncfile: stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds_ncfile.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds_ncfile.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') platform = ds_ncfile.subsite node = ds_ncfile.node sensor = ds_ncfile.sensor # save_dir = os.path.join(out, platform, node, stream, 'xsection_depth_profiles') save_dir = os.path.join(out,'timeseries',breakdown) cf.create_dir(save_dir) with xr.open_mfdataset(list_files) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables # try: # eng = stream_vars[stream] # select specific streams engineering variables # except KeyError: # eng = [''] misc = ['quality', 'string', 'timestamp', 'deployment', 'id', 'provenance', 'qc', 'time', 'mission', 'obs', 'volt', 'ref', 'sig', 'amp', 'rph', 'calphase', 'phase', 'therm'] # reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(eng+misc)) # make regular expression reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(misc)) # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] # t0, t1 = pf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = (pd.to_datetime(t0) + (pd.to_datetime(t1) - pd.to_datetime(t0)) / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop('comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load try: y_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: y_lab = sci.standard_name y = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=y_lab, units=str(sci.units), var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=None, line_style='.', g_range=True) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # try: # y_lab = sci.standard_name # except AttributeError: # y_lab = var # y = dict(, info=dict(label=y_lab, units=sci.units)) # plot timeseries with outliers removed # fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=1, line_style='.', g_range=True) # pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure # save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}_outliers_removed'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) # pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure # plt.close('all') del x, y
def main(nc, directory, out, time_break, breakdown): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ list_files = directory + "/*.nc" # list_files = ['', # ''] # print list_files stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict( var='eng') # load engineering variables with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds_ncfile: stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds_ncfile.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds_ncfile.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') platform = ds_ncfile.subsite node = ds_ncfile.node sensor = ds_ncfile.sensor # save_dir = os.path.join(out, platform, node, stream, 'xsection_depth_profiles') save_dir = os.path.join(out, 'timeseries', breakdown) cf.create_dir(save_dir) with xr.open_mfdataset(list_files) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables # try: # eng = stream_vars[stream] # select specific streams engineering variables # except KeyError: # eng = [''] misc = [ 'quality', 'string', 'timestamp', 'deployment', 'id', 'provenance', 'qc', 'time', 'mission', 'obs', 'volt', 'ref', 'sig', 'amp', 'rph', 'calphase', 'phase', 'therm' ] # reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(eng+misc)) # make regular expression reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(misc)) # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] # t0, t1 = pf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = (pd.to_datetime(t0) + (pd.to_datetime(t1) - pd.to_datetime(t0)) / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop('comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load try: y_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: y_lab = sci.standard_name y = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=y_lab, units=str(sci.units), var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=None, line_style='.', g_range=True) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # try: # y_lab = sci.standard_name # except AttributeError: # y_lab = var # y = dict(, info=dict(label=y_lab, units=sci.units)) # plot timeseries with outliers removed # fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=1, line_style='.', g_range=True) # pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure # save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}_outliers_removed'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) # pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure # plt.close('all') del x, y
def main(files, out, east_var, north_var, up_var, err_var): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict( var='eng') # load engineering variables # for nc in list_files: # print nc # the engine that xarray uses can be changed as specified here # for nc in list_files: print nc with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds_disk: #with xr.open_mfdataset(nc, engine='netcdf4') as ds_disk: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds_disk = ds_disk.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds_disk.data_vars.keys( ) # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data deployment = 'D0000{}'.format( str(numpy.unique(ds_disk.deployment)[0])) title_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds_disk.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') save_dir = os.path.join(out, ds_disk.subsite, deployment, ds_disk.node,, 'pcolor') cf.create_dir(save_dir) # t0, t1 = cf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = t0 + t1 - (t0 / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] # time_list = [[t0, t1]] # for period in time_list: # tt0 = period[0] # tt1 = period[1] # sub_ds = ds_disk.sel(time=slice(str(tt0), str(tt1))) north = ds_disk[north_var] east = ds_disk[east_var] up = ds_disk[up_var] error = ds_disk[err_var] try: bins = ds_disk['bin_depths'] bins = dict(, info=dict(label=bins.long_name, units=bins.units)) except KeyError: # use the matrix indices to plot bins = numpy.zeros_like( for i, item in enumerate(east): for jj, xtem in enumerate(east[i]): bins[i][jj] = jj bins = numpy.reshape(bins, (bins.shape[-1], bins.shape[0])) bins = dict(data=bins, label='bin_indices', units='') # the correct way to do this is to calculate the bin_depths, for that you need: # 9 First Cell Range(meters) (rounded bin_1_distance average, m) # 73 deployment depth of the ADCP instrument (pull from asset-management, depth in m) # 21 number of bins (num_cells, m) # 4 cell length (cell_length, m) # equation with the numbers above would be: # depths = 73 - 9 - ([1:21]-1)*4; time = dict(data=ds_disk['time'].data, info=dict(label=ds_disk['time'].standard_name, units='GMT')) #bins = dict(, info=dict(label=bins.long_name, units=bins.units)) north = dict(, info=dict(label=north.long_name, units=north.units)) east = dict(, info=dict(label=east.long_name, units=east.units)) up = dict(, info=dict(label=up.long_name, units=up.units)) error = dict(, info=dict(label=error.long_name, units=error.units)) sname_ew = save_pre + 'E-W-ADCP' title = title_pre fig, axs = pf.adcp(time, bins, north, east, title) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure pf.save_fig(save_dir, sname_ew, res=250) # Save figure sname_ur = save_pre + 'U-R-ADCP' fig, axs = pf.adcp(time, bins, up, error, title) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure pf.save_fig(save_dir, sname_ur, res=250) # Save figure plt.close('all')
def main(folder, out, time_break): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ with xr.open_mfdataset(folder, mask_and_scale=False) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables stream = # List stream name associated with the data title_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') save_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 's') # , var, tt0, tt1, 's') platform = ds.subsite node = ds.node sensor = ds.sensor save_dir = os.path.join(out, ds.subsite, ds.node,, 'timeseries') cf.create_dir(save_dir) try: eng = stream_vars[stream] # select specific streams engineering variables except KeyError: eng = [''] misc = ['timestamp', 'provenance', 'qc', 'id', 'obs', 'deployment', 'volts', 'counts', 'quality_flag'] reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(eng+misc)) # make regular expression # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] # t0, t1 = pf.get_rounded_start_and_end_times(ds_disk['time'].data) # tI = (pd.to_datetime(t0) + (pd.to_datetime(t1) - pd.to_datetime(t0)) / 2) # time_list = [[t0, t1], [t0, tI], [tI, t1]] times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime(x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var # sci = sub_ds[var] except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop('comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load # define possible pressure variables pressure_vars = ['seawater_pressure', 'sci_water_pressure_dbar', 'ctdgv_m_glider_instrument_recovered-sci_water_pressure_dbar', 'ctdgv_m_glider_instrument-sci_water_pressure_dbar'] rePressure = re.compile('|'.join(pressure_vars)) # define y as pressure variable pressure = [s for s in sci.variables if] pressure = ''.join(pressure) y = sci.variables[pressure] yN = pressure y_units = sci.units try: y_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: y_lab = sci.standard_name y = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=y_lab, units=sci.units, var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=None, line_style='r-o', g_range=True) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # plot z variable each time fig, ax = pf.depth_cross_section(x, y, title, stdev=1, line_style='r-o', g_range=True) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}_outliers_removed'.format(platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') del x, y
def main(files, out, start, end, time_break='full', stdev=None, color=None, interactive=False): """ files: url to an .nc/.ncml file or the path to a text file containing .nc/.ncml links. A # at the front will skip links in the text file. out: Directory to save plots """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext in '.nc': list_files = [files] elif ext in '.ncml': list_files = [files] else: list_files = read_file(files) stream_vars = pf.load_variable_dict( var='eng') # load engineering variables for nc in list_files: print nc with xr.open_dataset(nc, mask_and_scale=False) as ds: # change dimensions from 'obs' to 'time' ds = ds.swap_dims({'obs': 'time'}) ds_variables = ds.data_vars.keys() # List of dataset variables title_pre = mk_str(ds.attrs, 't') # , var, tt0, tt1, 't') platform = ds.subsite node = ds.node sensor = ds.sensor deployment = 'D0000{}'.format(str(np.unique(ds.deployment)[0])) stream = save_dir = os.path.join(out, platform, deployment, node, sensor, stream, 'timeseries') cf.create_dir(save_dir) misc = [ 'quality', 'string', 'timestamp', 'deployment', 'id', 'provenance', 'qc', 'time', 'mission', 'obs', 'volt', 'ref', 'sig', 'amp', 'rph', 'calphase', 'phase', 'therm', 'description' ] # reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(eng+misc)) # make regular expression reg_ex = re.compile('|'.join(misc)) # keep variables that are not in the regular expression sci_vars = [s for s in ds_variables if not] # if not time_break is 'full' and not None: # times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) # else: # times = [0] if not time_break == None: times = np.unique(ds[time_break]) for t in times: if not time_break is 'full': time_ind = t == ds[time_break].data else: time_ind = np.ones( ds['time'].data.shape, dtype=bool) # index all times to be set to True for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[time_ind], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop( 'comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load try: y_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: try: y_lab = sci.standard_name except AttributeError: print 'attribute list is not complete. long_ and standard_ names are not available' y_lab = var try: y_unit = str(sci.units) except AttributeError: print 'attribute list is not complete. missing units' y_unit = 'missing' y = dict([time_ind], info=dict(label=y_lab, units=y_unit, var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=None, line_style='.', g_range=True, color=color) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format( platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # plot timeseries with outliers removed fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=stdev, line_style='.', g_range=True, color=color) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}_outliers_removed'.format( platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # del x, y else: ds = ds.sel(time=slice(start, end)) for var in sci_vars: x = dict(data=ds['time'].data[:], info=dict(label='Time', units='GMT')) t0 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') t1 = pd.to_datetime( x['data'].max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%00') try: sci = ds[var] print var except UnicodeEncodeError: # some comments have latex characters ds[var].attrs.pop( 'comment') # remove from the attributes sci = ds[var] # or else the variable won't load try: y_lab = sci.long_name except AttributeError: try: y_lab = sci.standard_name except AttributeError: print 'attribute list is not complete. long_ and standard_ names are not available' y_lab = var try: y_unit = sci.units except AttributeError: print 'attribute list is not complete. units are missing' y_unit = 'missing' y = dict([:], info=dict(label=y_lab, units=y_unit, var=var, platform=platform, node=node, sensor=sensor)) title = title_pre + var # plot timeseries with outliers fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=None, line_style='.', g_range=True, color=color) pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}'.format( platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all') # plot timeseries with outliers removed fig, ax = pf.auto_plot(x, y, title, stdev=stdev, line_style='.', g_range=True, color=color, interactive=interactive) if interactive == True: fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', lambda event: pf.onpick2( event, x['data'], y['data'])) else: pf.resize(width=12, height=8.5) # Resize figure save_name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}-{}_outliers_removed'.format( platform, node, sensor, var, t0, t1) pf.save_fig(save_dir, save_name, res=150) # Save figure plt.close('all')