コード例 #1
ファイル: spectralindex.py プロジェクト: zhengmeyer/PyBDSF
    def fit_specindex(self, freqarr, fluxarr, efluxarr, do_log=False):
        """ Fits spectral index to data.

        do_log is True/False implies you fit spectral index in logFlux vs logFreq space or not."""
        import functions as func
        import math
        from scipy.optimize import leastsq

        x = freqarr
        flux = fluxarr
        eflux = efluxarr
        f0 = N.median(x)
        mask = N.zeros(len(fluxarr), dtype=bool)

        if do_log:
          x = N.log10(x/f0); y = N.log10(flux); sig = N.abs(eflux/flux)/2.303
          funct = func.poly
          x = x/f0; y = flux; sig = eflux
          funct = func.sp_in

        spin, espin = func.fit_mask_1d(x, y, sig, mask, funct, do_err=True, order=1)

        if do_log:
          spin[0] = math.pow(10.0, spin[0])
          espin[0] = spin[0]*math.log(10.0)*espin[0]

        return spin[0], spin[1], espin[1]
コード例 #2
def shapelet_getroot(xfn, yfn, xco, xcen, ycen):
    """ This finds the root for finding the shapelet centre. If there are multiple roots, takes
    that which closest to the 'centre', taken as the intensity barycentre. This is the python
    version of getroot.f of anaamika."""
    import functions as func

    root = None
    npoint = len(xfn)
    error = 0
    if npoint == 0:
        error = 1
    elif yfn.max() * yfn.min() >= 0.:
        error = 1

    minint = 0
    minintold = 0
    for i in range(1, npoint):
        if yfn[i - 1] * yfn[i] < 0.:
            if minintold == 0:  # so take nearest to centre
                if abs(yfn[i - 1]) < abs(yfn[i]):
                    minint = i - 1
                    minint = i
                dnew = func.dist_2pt([xco, xfn[i]], [xcen, ycen])
                dold = func.dist_2pt([xco, xfn[minintold]], [xcen, ycen])
                if dnew <= dold:
                    minint = i
                    minint = minintold
            minintold = minint

    if minint < 1 or minint > npoint: error = 1
    if error != 1:
        low = minint - min(2, minint)  #-1)
        up = minint + min(2,
                          npoint - 1 - minint)  # python array indexing rubbish
        nfit = up - low + 1
        xfit = xfn[low:low + nfit]
        yfit = yfn[low:low + nfit]
        sig = N.ones(nfit)
        smask = N.zeros(nfit, dtype=bool)
        xx = [i for i in range(low, low + nfit)]

        [c, m], errors = func.fit_mask_1d(xfit,
        root = -c / m
        if root < xfn[low] or root > xfn[up]: error = 1

    return root, error
コード例 #3
ファイル: shapelets.py プロジェクト: saiyanprince/pyimager
def shapelet_getroot(xfn, yfn, xco, xcen, ycen):
    """ This finds the root for finding the shapelet centre. If there are multiple roots, takes
    that which closest to the 'centre', taken as the intensity barycentre. This is the python
    version of getroot.f of anaamika."""
    import functions as func

    root = None
    npoint = len(xfn)
    error = 0
    if npoint == 0:
        error = 1
    elif yfn.max() * yfn.min() >= 0.0:
        error = 1

    minint = 0
    minintold = 0
    for i in range(1, npoint):
        if yfn[i - 1] * yfn[i] < 0.0:
            if minintold == 0:  # so take nearest to centre
                if abs(yfn[i - 1]) < abs(yfn[i]):
                    minint = i - 1
                    minint = i
                dnew = func.dist_2pt([xco, xfn[i]], [xcen, ycen])
                dold = func.dist_2pt([xco, xfn[minintold]], [xcen, ycen])
                if dnew <= dold:
                    minint = i
                    minint = minintold
            minintold = minint

    if minint < 1 or minint > npoint:
        error = 1
    if error != 1:
        low = minint - min(2, minint)  # -1)
        up = minint + min(2, npoint - 1 - minint)  # python array indexing rubbish
        nfit = up - low + 1
        xfit = xfn[low : low + nfit]
        yfit = yfn[low : low + nfit]
        sig = N.ones(nfit)
        smask = N.zeros(nfit, dtype=bool)
        xx = [i for i in range(low, low + nfit)]

        [c, m], errors = func.fit_mask_1d(xfit, yfit, sig, smask, func.poly, do_err=False, order=1)
        root = -c / m
        if root < xfn[low] or root > xfn[up]:
            error = 1

    return root, error
コード例 #4
ファイル: shapelets.py プロジェクト: saiyanprince/pyimager
def shape_findcen(image, mask, basis, beta, nmax, beam_pix):  # + check_cen_shapelet
    """ Finds the optimal centre for shapelet decomposition. Minimising various
    combinations of c12 and c21, as in literature doesnt work for all cases.
    Hence, for the c1 image, we find the zero crossing for every vertical line
    and for the c2 image, the zero crossing for every horizontal line, and then
    we find intersection point of these two. This seems to work even for highly
    non-gaussian cases. """
    import functions as func
    import sys

    hc = []
    hc = shapelet_coeff(nmax, basis)

    msk = N.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=bool)
    for i, v in N.ndenumerate(mask):
        msk[i] = not v

    n, m = image.shape
    cf12 = N.zeros(image.shape, dtype=N.float32)
    cf21 = N.zeros(image.shape, dtype=N.float32)
    index = [(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(m)]
    for coord in index:
        if msk[coord]:
            B12 = shapelet_image(basis, beta, coord, hc, 0, 1, image.shape)
            cf12[coord] = N.sum(image * B12 * msk)

            if coord == (27, 51):
                dumpy = B12

            B21 = shapelet_image(basis, beta, coord, hc, 1, 0, image.shape)
            cf21[coord] = N.sum(image * B21 * msk)
            cf12[coord] = None
            cf21[coord] = None

    (xmax, ymax) = N.unravel_index(image.argmax(), image.shape)  #  FIX  with mask
    if xmax in [1, n] or ymax in [1, m]:
        (m1, m2, m3) = func.moment(mask)
        xmax, ymax = N.round(m2)

    # in high snr area, get zero crossings for each horizontal and vertical line for c1, c2 resp
    tr_mask = mask.transpose()
    tr_cf21 = cf21.transpose()
        (x1, y1) = getzeroes_matrix(mask, cf12, ymax, xmax)  # y1 is array of zero crossings
        (y2, x2) = getzeroes_matrix(tr_mask, tr_cf21, xmax, ymax)  # x2 is array of zero crossings

        # find nominal intersection pt as integers
        xind = N.where(x1 == xmax)
        yind = N.where(y2 == ymax)
        xind = xind[0][0]
        yind = yind[0][0]

        # now take 2 before and 2 after, fit straight lines, get proper intersection
        ninter = 5
        if xind < 3 or yind < 3 or xind > n - 2 or yind > m - 2:
            ninter = 3
        xft1 = x1[xind - (ninter - 1) / 2 : xind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        yft1 = y1[xind - (ninter - 1) / 2 : xind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        xft2 = x2[yind - (ninter - 1) / 2 : yind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        yft2 = y2[yind - (ninter - 1) / 2 : yind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        sig = N.ones(ninter, dtype=float)
        smask1 = N.array([r == 0 for r in yft1])
        smask2 = N.array([r == 0 for r in xft2])
        cen = [0.0] * 2
        if sum(smask1) < len(yft1) and sum(smask2) < len(xft2):
            [c1, m1], errors = func.fit_mask_1d(xft1, yft1, sig, smask1, func.poly, do_err=False, order=1)
            [c2, m2], errors = func.fit_mask_1d(xft2, yft2, sig, smask2, func.poly, do_err=False, order=1)
            if m2 - m1 == 0:
                cen[0] = cen[1] = 0.0
                cen[0] = (c1 - c2) / (m2 - m1)
                cen[1] = c1 + m1 * cen[0]
            cen[0] = cen[1] = 0.0

        # check if estimated centre makes sense
        error = shapelet_check_centre(image, mask, cen, beam_pix)
        error = 1
    if error > 0:
        # print 'Error '+str(error)+' in finding centre, will take 1st moment instead.'
        (m1, m2, m3) = func.moment(image, mask)
        cen = m2

    return cen
コード例 #5
def shape_findcen(image, mask, basis, beta, nmax,
                  beam_pix):  # + check_cen_shapelet
    """ Finds the optimal centre for shapelet decomposition. Minimising various
    combinations of c12 and c21, as in literature doesnt work for all cases.
    Hence, for the c1 image, we find the zero crossing for every vertical line
    and for the c2 image, the zero crossing for every horizontal line, and then
    we find intersection point of these two. This seems to work even for highly
    non-gaussian cases. """
    import functions as func
    import sys

    hc = []
    hc = shapelet_coeff(nmax, basis)

    msk = N.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=bool)
    for i, v in N.ndenumerate(mask):
        msk[i] = not v

    n, m = image.shape
    cf12 = N.zeros(image.shape, dtype=N.float32)
    cf21 = N.zeros(image.shape, dtype=N.float32)
    index = [(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(m)]
    for coord in index:
        if msk[coord]:
            B12 = shapelet_image(basis, beta, coord, hc, 0, 1, image.shape)
            cf12[coord] = N.sum(image * B12 * msk)

            if coord == (27, 51): dumpy = B12

            B21 = shapelet_image(basis, beta, coord, hc, 1, 0, image.shape)
            cf21[coord] = N.sum(image * B21 * msk)
            cf12[coord] = None
            cf21[coord] = None

    (xmax, ymax) = N.unravel_index(image.argmax(),
                                   image.shape)  #  FIX  with mask
    if xmax in [1, n] or ymax in [1, m]:
        (m1, m2, m3) = func.moment(mask)
        xmax, ymax = N.round(m2)

    # in high snr area, get zero crossings for each horizontal and vertical line for c1, c2 resp
    tr_mask = mask.transpose()
    tr_cf21 = cf21.transpose()
        (x1, y1) = getzeroes_matrix(mask, cf12, ymax,
                                    xmax)  # y1 is array of zero crossings
        (y2, x2) = getzeroes_matrix(tr_mask, tr_cf21, xmax,
                                    ymax)  # x2 is array of zero crossings

        # find nominal intersection pt as integers
        xind = N.where(x1 == xmax)
        yind = N.where(y2 == ymax)
        xind = xind[0][0]
        yind = yind[0][0]

        # now take 2 before and 2 after, fit straight lines, get proper intersection
        ninter = 5
        if xind < 3 or yind < 3 or xind > n - 2 or yind > m - 2:
            ninter = 3
        xft1 = x1[xind - (ninter - 1) / 2:xind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        yft1 = y1[xind - (ninter - 1) / 2:xind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        xft2 = x2[yind - (ninter - 1) / 2:yind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        yft2 = y2[yind - (ninter - 1) / 2:yind + (ninter - 1) / 2 + 1]
        sig = N.ones(ninter, dtype=float)
        smask1 = N.array([r == 0 for r in yft1])
        smask2 = N.array([r == 0 for r in xft2])
        cen = [0.] * 2
        if sum(smask1) < len(yft1) and sum(smask2) < len(xft2):
            [c1, m1], errors = func.fit_mask_1d(xft1,
            [c2, m2], errors = func.fit_mask_1d(xft2,
            if m2 - m1 == 0:
                cen[0] = cen[1] = 0.0
                cen[0] = (c1 - c2) / (m2 - m1)
                cen[1] = c1 + m1 * cen[0]
            cen[0] = cen[1] = 0.0

        # check if estimated centre makes sense
        error = shapelet_check_centre(image, mask, cen, beam_pix)
        error = 1
    if error > 0:
        #print 'Error '+str(error)+' in finding centre, will take 1st moment instead.'
        (m1, m2, m3) = func.moment(image, mask)
        cen = m2

    return cen