コード例 #1
def callback():
    # make sure the response came from Spotify
    if request.args.get('state') != session['state_key']:
        return render_template('index.html', error='State failed.')
    if request.args.get('error'):
        return render_template('index.html', error='Spotify error.')
        code = request.args.get('code')
        session.pop('state_key', None)

        # get access token to make requests on behalf of the user
        payload = getToken(code)
        if payload != None:
            session['token'] = payload[0]
            session['refresh_token'] = payload[1]
            session['token_expiration'] = time.time() + payload[2]
            return render_template('index.html',
                                   error='Failed to access token.')

    current_user = getUserInformation(session)
    session['user_id'] = current_user['id']
    logging.info('new user:'******'user_id'])

    return redirect(session['previous_url'])
コード例 #2
import functions, codecs

#Server Information - specify the REST endpoint and desired URL protocol ("SOAP" or "REST")
restURL = "http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services"
protocol = "REST"

#If you wish to use a token, set getToken to true and specify following parameters
getToken = False
tokenURL = "http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/tokens/generateToken"
username = "******"
password = "******"

#Get Token and Service List from Server
if getToken == True:
    token = functions.getToken(tokenURL, username, password)['token']
    serviceList = functions.restCrawl(restURL, token, protocol)
    serviceList = functions.restCrawl(restURL, "", protocol)

#Write service list to text file
log = codecs.open("services.txt",encoding='utf-8', mode="w+")
for service in serviceList:
    print service
    log.write(service + "\n")