def _calcChordThread(self, begin, end): self.updateProgressText.emit("Opening wave...") wave = wave2.Wave([begin:end], self.wave.sampleRate) self.updateProgressText.emit("Analyzing frequencies...") freqs = freqSet.fromWave(wave) self.updateProgress.emit(40) self.updateProgressText.emit("Grouping into notes...") notes = noteset.fromFreqSet(freqs) self.updateProgress.emit(80) self.updateProgressText.emit("Finding chords...") chords = scalefinder.findTriad(notes) self.updateProgress.emit(85) self.updateProgressText.emit("Correcting weights...") chords = functions.makeWeightsCorrect(chords) self.updateProgress.emit(90) self.updateProgressText.emit("Sorting to likeliness...") chords = sorted(chords, key=lambda x: x[1]) self.updateProgress.emit(0) self.updateProgressText.emit("") self.updateResult.emit(ResultTypes.CHORDS, chords)
return wave2.getFromFile(filename) else: print 'File name not specified.' return def _calcChord(wave, begin, end): '''Analyzes the chords between begin and end point of the wave object @param wave: wave data @param begin: beginning point of the wave @param end: ending point of the wave''' _wave = wave2.Wave([begin:end], wave.sampleRate) freqs = freqSet.fromWave(_wave) notes = noteset.fromFreqSet(freqs) chords = scalefinder.findTriad(notes) chords = functions.makeWeightsCorrect(chords) chords = sorted(chords, key=lambda x : x[1]) # The first element in the tuple being the most accurate chord return (chords[-1][0], chords[-2][0], chords[-3][0]) if __name__ == '__main__': filename = raw_input("Enter the WAV file name to analyze : ") [wave, totaltime] = _openWave(filename) beat = # function to find the beat of the music intervals = _determineIntervals(beat, totaltime) result = [] for t in intervals: