def main(tickers=['AAPL'], start=None, end=None): data = OrderedDict() for ticker in tickers: data[ticker] = fc.get_time_series(ticker, start, end) # log_returns data[ticker]['log_returns'] = np.log( data[ticker]['adj_close'] / data[ticker]['adj_close'].shift(1)) data[ticker]['log_returns'].dropna(inplace=True) # plotting the histogram of returns fc.plot_histogram(y=data[ticker]['log_returns'], ticker=ticker) fc.plot_time_series(y=data[ticker]['log_returns'], lags=30, ticker=ticker)
def main(tickers='AAPL', start=None, end=None, n_steps=21): data = OrderedDict() pred_data = OrderedDict() forecast_data = OrderedDict() for ticker in tickers: data[ticker] = fc.get_time_series(ticker, start, end) # log_returns data[ticker]['log_returns'] = np.log( data[ticker]['adj_close'] / data[ticker]['adj_close'].shift(1)) data[ticker]['log_returns'].dropna(inplace=True) # plotting the histogram of returns fc.plot_histogram(data[ticker]['log_returns']) fc.plot_time_series(data[ticker]['log_returns'], lags=30) print("{} Series\n" "-------------\n" "mean: {:.3f}\n" "median: {:.3f}\n" "maximum: {:.3f}\n" "minimum: {:.3f}\n" "variance: {:.3f}\n" "standard deviation: {:.3f}\n" "skewness: {:.3f}\n" "kurtosis: {:.3f}".format(ticker, data[ticker]['adj_close'].mean(), data[ticker]['adj_close'].median(), data[ticker]['adj_close'].max(), data[ticker]['adj_close'].min(), data[ticker]['adj_close'].var(), data[ticker]['adj_close'].std(), data[ticker]['adj_close'].skew(), data[ticker]['adj_close'].kurtosis())) adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, resstore, dagostino_results, shapiro_results, ks_results, anderson_results, kpss_results = fc.get_stationarity_statistics( data[ticker]['log_returns'].values) print( "{} Stationarity Statistics\n" "-------------\n" "Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test: {}\n" "MacKinnon’s approximate p-value: {}\n" "Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels: {}\n" "D’Agostino and Pearson’s normality test: {}\n" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test: {}\n" "Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test: {}\n" "Anderson-Darling test: {}\n" "Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) stationarity test: {}" .format(ticker, adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, dagostino_results, shapiro_results, ks_results, anderson_results, kpss_results)) # Fit ARMA model to AAPL returns res_tup = fc.get_best_arma_model(data[ticker]['log_returns']) res_tup[2].summary() # verify stationarity adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, resstore, dagostino_results, shapiro_results, ks_results, anderson_results, kpss_results = fc.get_stationarity_statistics( res_tup[2].resid.values) print( "Stationarity Statistics\n" "-------------\n" "Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test: {}\n" "MacKinnon’s approximate p-value: {}\n" "Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels: {}\n" "D’Agostino and Pearson’s normality test: {}\n" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test: {}\n" "Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test: {}\n" "Anderson-Darling test: {}\n" "Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) stationarity test: {}" .format(adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, dagostino_results, shapiro_results, ks_results, anderson_results, kpss_results)) fc.plot_histogram(y=res_tup[2].resid, ticker=ticker, title='ARMA') fc.plot_time_series(y=res_tup[2].resid, lags=30, ticker=ticker, title='ARMA') # cross-validation testing split = rand.uniform(0.60, 0.80) train_size = int(len(data[ticker]) * split) train, test = data[ticker][0:train_size], data[ticker][ train_size:len(data[ticker])] # in-sample prediction pred_data[ticker] = res_tup[2].predict(start=len(train), end=len(train) + len(test) - 1) pred_results = pd.DataFrame(data=dict( original=test['log_returns'], prediction=pred_data[ticker].values), index=test.index) print('{} Original Sharpe Ratio:'.format(ticker), fc.get_sharpe_ratio(returns=pred_results['original'])) print('{} Prediction Sharpe Ratio:'.format(ticker), fc.get_sharpe_ratio(returns=pred_results['prediction'])) # prediction plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(pred_results['original']) ax.plot(pred_results['prediction']) ax.set(title='{} ARMA{} In-Sample Return Prediction'.format( ticker, res_tup[1]), xlabel='time', ylabel='$') ax.legend(['Original', 'Prediction']) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( 'charts/{}-ARMA-In-Sample-Return-Prediction'.format(ticker)) # out-of-sample forecast forecast_data[ticker] = res_tup[2].forecast(steps=n_steps) # forecast plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(forecast_data[ticker][0]) ax.set( title='{} Day {} ARMA{} Out-of-Sample Return Forecast.png'.format( n_steps, ticker, res_tup[1]), xlabel='time', ylabel='$') ax.legend(['Forecast']) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( 'charts/{}-Day-{}-ARMA-Out-of-Sample-Return-Forecast.png'.format( n_steps, ticker)) # end of day plot of all tickers fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for ticker in tickers: ax.plot(data[ticker]['adj_close']) ax.set(title='Time series plot', xlabel='time', ylabel='$') ax.legend(tickers) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('charts/stocks.png') return forecast_data
def get_features_and_positions(image_rgb, rotation_angle=0, classifier=1, rotation_invariance=1, class_names=[]): """ Returns the position of the objects in the given image, with their meaning (its class label) Parameters ---------- image_rgb : RBG image as np.array Input image where to look for the objects. rotation_angle : float, optional Every image is randomly rotated by a angle within this range (for assessment of the robustness). The default is 0. classifier : int, optional, either 1 or 2 Index of the classifier to use. The default is 1. rotation_invariance : Bool, optional if 1 or 'True', then f-folds with 37 rotated images are averaged to classify more robustly. The default is 1. class_names : [String], optional Just for debugging. The default is []. Returns ------- list position of the objects in the given image, with their meaning (its class label). """ fc.plot_image(image_rgb) image = rgb2gray(image_rgb) t = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(image) + 0.05 bw = image < t fc.plot_image(bw, name="debuging/bw.png") fc.plot_histogram(image) # label image regions label_image = label(bw) regions = regionprops(label_image) fc.plot_image(label_image, name="debuging/label_image.png") # remove from the labels the 'useless' ones for i, region in enumerate(regions): minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox if maxr - minr > 200 or region.eccentricity > 0.99: coords = region.coords label_image[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] = 0 regions = np.array(regionprops(label_image)) # Find the position of the robot robot_region = None for i, region in enumerate(regions): minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox if region.area > 400: robot_region = region # Remove from the label map the robot region_centers = [np.array(r.centroid) for r in regions] robot_center = np.array(robot_region.centroid) distances_from_robot = np.array( [np.linalg.norm(c - robot_center) for c in region_centers]) regions_to_remove = regions[distances_from_robot < 60] for region in regions_to_remove: coords = region.coords label_image[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] = 0 regions = np.array(regionprops(label_image)) # Merge labels that are really close # (So we create a distance matrix, for all the left regions...) region_centers = [np.array(r.centroid) for r in regions] distance_matrix = np.array( [[np.linalg.norm(x - y) for y in region_centers] for x in region_centers]) close_regions = np.logical_and(distance_matrix > 0, distance_matrix < 30) close_regions = np.triu(close_regions) regions_to_merge = np.argwhere(close_regions) for set in regions_to_merge: r1, r2 = regions[set[0]], regions[set[1]] coords = r1.coords label_image[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] = r2.label regions = np.array(regionprops(label_image)) # Remove the regions with not enough points for i, region in enumerate(regions): if region.area < 40: coords = region.coords label_image[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] = 0 regions = np.array(regionprops(label_image)) # Draw all of this on a single figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6)) ax.imshow(label_image, cmap='jet') for region in regions: minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=2) ax.add_patch(rect) # Extract the images (and check if it is blue or not) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(regions)) imgs = [] imgs_rgb = [] blue_images = np.zeros(len(regions)) for i, region in enumerate(regions): img = fc.rescale_feature(region.image) bb = region.bbox img_rgb = image_rgb[bb[0]:bb[2], bb[1]:bb[3], :] if fc.blue_detect(image_rgb[region.coords[:, 0], region.coords[:, 1], :]): blue_images[i] = 1 imgs.append(img) imgs_rgb.append(img_rgb) axs[i].imshow(img) axs[i].axis('off') imgs = np.array(imgs)"imgs", imgs) # Randomly rotate the images obtained (for rotation invariance) for i, img in enumerate(imgs): angle = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * rotation_angle imgs[i] = rotate(img, angle) # Classification print("- classification with classifier {}".format(classifier)) if classifier == 1: model = keras.models.load_model('cnn_classifier_with_operators') classes = classifiers.classifier_1( imgs, model=model, rotation_invariance=rotation_invariance) if classifier == 2: model = keras.models.load_model('cnn_classifier_without_operator') classes = classifiers.classifier_2( imgs, blue_images, model=model, rotation_invariance=rotation_invariance) # Plotting classification results fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(imgs)) for i, img in enumerate(imgs): axs[i].imshow(img[:, :]) axs[i].axis('off') title = '{}'.format(class_names[int(classes[i])]) axs[i].set_title(title) fig.savefig("debuging/objects.png") return [(np.array(r.centroid), int(c)) for r, c in zip(regions, classes)]