コード例 #1
def smooth_series(series_data, window_len=11, window='hanning'):
    # uses the smoothing function in functions.py to return a series with the data smoothed and the index left alone
    data = series_data.values
    indices = series_data.index

    smooth_data = f.smooth(data, window_len, window)[1]  # uses numpy function convolve
    smooth_ts = pd.Series(data=smooth_data, index=indices)

    return smooth_ts
コード例 #2
def smooth_series(series_data, window_len=11, window='hanning'):
    # uses the smoothing function in functions.py to return a series with the data smoothed and the index left alone
    data = series_data.values
    indices = series_data.index

    smooth_data = f.smooth(data, window_len, window)[1]  # uses numpy function convolve
    smooth_ts = pd.Series(data=smooth_data, index=indices)

    return smooth_ts
コード例 #3
r_new = np.linspace(np.amin(r),np.amax(r),npts)

tstamp('files loading')

#setting up shorthand repeatedly used in kernel evaluation
def wig_red(m1,m2,m3):
	'''3j symbol with upper row fixed'''
	return fn.wig(l_,s,l,m1,m2,m3)
om = fn.omega
p = (-1)**(l+l_+s) #parity of selected modes
prefac = np.sqrt((2*l_+1.) * (2*s+1.) * (2*l+1.) / (4.* np.pi)) * wig_red(-m_,t,m)


U,dU,d2U = fn.smooth(U,r,window,order,npts)
V,dV,d2V = fn.smooth(V,r,window,order,npts)

U_,dU_,d2U_ = fn.smooth(U_,r,window,order,npts)
V_,dV_,d2V_ = fn.smooth(V_,r,window,order,npts)

rho_sm, __, __ = fn.smooth(rho,r,window,order,npts)
#re-assigning with smoothened variables
r = r_new
rho = rho_sm

##no smoothing
#dU, dV = np.gradient(U,r), np.gradient(V,r)
#dU_, dV_ = np.gradient(U_,r), np.gradient(V_,r)
#d2U_,d2V = 0.,0.
コード例 #4
ファイル: print_class.py プロジェクト: benattie/Doctorado
    def __init__(self, files, rings, cmwp_results):
        m = 0
        # archivo con las soluciones del ajuste
        for i in range(0, rings.numphases):
            outfile = "%s%sCMWP_SOL_PF_P%d.mtex" \
                % (files.pathout, files.input_file, i)
            fp_sol = open(outfile, "w")
            fp_sol.write("IDEA CMWP --- RESULT FILE --- %s\n"
                         % time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S"))
            fp_sol.write("Row 2theta theta omega gamma alpha beta ")
            fp_sol.write("a a_err b b_err c c_err d d_err e e_err stpr stpr_err\n")

        # archivo con las soluciones fisicas
        outfile = "%s%sCMWP_PHYSSOL_PF.mtex" % (files.pathout, files.input_file)
        fp_physsol = open(outfile, "w")
        fp_physsol.write("IDEA CMWP --- RESULT FILE --- %s\n" % time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S"))
        fp_physsol.write("Row 2theta theta omega gamma alpha beta ")
        for field in cmwp_results.header:
            fp_physsol.write("%s " % field)

        # archivo con los parametros de calidad de ajuste
        outfile = "%s%sCMWP_FITVAR_PF.mtex" % (files.pathout, files.input_file)
        fp_fitvar = open(outfile, "w")
        fp_fitvar.write("IDEA CMWP --- RESULT FIT FILE --- %s\n" % time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S"))
        fp_fitvar.write("Row 2theta theta omega gamma alpha beta WSSR rms redchisq\n")

        k = 0  # contador del archivo mtex
        spr = rings.spr_i  # indice que me marca el spr
        ptrn_i = rings.pattern_i + rings.delta_pattern
        ptrn_f = rings.pattern_f
        # tranformacion angular (gamma, omega) -> (alpha, beta)
        for omega in range(rings.omega_i, rings.omega_f + 1, rings.delta_omega):
            pattern = rings.pattern_i
            for pattern in range(rings.pattern_i, rings.pattern_f + 1, rings.delta_pattern):
                alpha = winkel_al(rings.dtheta[m] * 0.5, omega, pattern)
                beta = winkel_be(rings.dtheta[m] * 0.5, omega, pattern, alpha)
                if(beta < 0):
                    beta = 360 + beta

                for i in range(0, rings.numphases):
                    outfile = "%s%sCMWP_SOL_PF_P%d.mtex" \
                        % (files.pathout, files.input_file, i)
                    fp_sol = open(outfile, "a")
                    # salida al archivo con los valores del ajuste
                    fp_sol.write("%d %8.3f %8.3f %8.1f %8.1f %8.4f %8.4f "
                                 % (k + 1, rings.dtheta[m], rings.dtheta[m] * 0.5, omega, pattern, alpha, beta))
                    for j in range(0, cmwp_results.sol.shape[3]):
                        # soluciones matematicas del ajuste
                        fp_sol.write("%8.5e %8.5e "
                                     % (cmwp_results.sol[(spr - rings.spr_i) / rings.delta_spr][(pattern - ptrn_i) / rings.delta_pattern][i][j],
                                        cmwp_results.solerr[(spr - rings.spr_i) / rings.delta_spr][(pattern - ptrn_i) / rings.delta_pattern][i][j]))

                # salida al archivo con las soluciones fisicas
                fp_physsol.write("%d %8.3f %8.3f %8.1f %8.1f %8.4f %8.4f " % (k + 1, rings.dtheta[m], rings.dtheta[m] * 0.5, omega, pattern, alpha, beta))
                for i in range(0, cmwp_results.physsol.shape[2]):
                    ini_x = (rings.spr_i - rings.spr_i) / rings.delta_spr
                    x = (spr - rings.spr_i) / rings.delta_spr
                    end_x = (rings.spr_f - rings.spr_i) / rings.delta_spr
                    ini_y = (ptrn_i - ptrn_i) / rings.delta_pattern
                    y = (pattern - ptrn_i) / rings.delta_pattern
                    end_y = (ptrn_f - ptrn_i) / rings.delta_pattern
                    ps = cmwp_results.physsol[x][y][i]
                    flag = return_flag()
                    if(ps == flag):
                        smooth(cmwp_results.physsol, ini_x, x, end_x, ini_y, y, end_y, i, flag)
                        fp_physsol.write("%8.5e " % (cmwp_results.physsol[x][y][i]))
                        fp_physsol.write("%8.5e " % (cmwp_results.physsol[x][y][i]))


                # salida al archivo con los parametros de calidad de ajuste
                fp_fitvar.write("%d %8.3f %8.3f %8.1f %8.1f %8.4f %8.4f " % (k + 1, rings.dtheta[0], rings.dtheta[0] * 0.5, omega, pattern, alpha, beta))
                for i in range(0, cmwp_results.fitvar.shape[2]):
                    fp_fitvar.write("%8.5e " % (cmwp_results.fitvar[(spr - rings.spr_i) / rings.delta_spr][(pattern - ptrn_i) / rings.delta_pattern][i]))

                # siguiente dato
                k += 1
            spr += rings.delta_spr
        self.exit = 0
コード例 #5
    def ret_kerns_axis_symm(self, smoothen=False, a_coeffkerns=False):
        n, l, m, n_, l_ = self.n, self.l, self.mm, self.n_, self.l_
        m_ = m
        r_start, r_end = self.r_range
        nl = fn.find_nl(n, l)
        nl_ = fn.find_nl(n_, l_)

        len_m, len_s = np.shape(self.ss_o)

        #Savitsky golay filter for smoothening
        window = 45  #must be odd
        order = 3

        if (nl == None or nl_ == None):
            print("Mode not found. Exiting.")

        om = np.vectorize(fn.omega)
        parity_fac = (-1)**(l + l_ + self.ss_o)  #parity of selected modes
        if (a_coeffkerns == True):
            prefac = ((-1.)**l)/(4.* np.pi) * np.sqrt((2*l_+1.) * (2*self.ss_o+1.) * (2*l+1.) \
                    / (4.* np.pi)) * self.wig_red_o(-l,0,l) / l
            prefac = 1./(4.* np.pi) * np.sqrt((2*l_+1.) * (2*self.ss_o+1.) * (2*l+1.) \
                    / (4.* np.pi)) * self.wig_red_o(-m,0,m)

        tstamp('prefac computation')



        #interpolation params

        if (smoothen == True):

            npts = 300  #should be less than the len(r) in r.dat
            r_new = np.linspace(np.amin(self.r), np.amax(self.r), npts)
            self.ss_i, __ = np.meshgrid(self.s, r_new, indexing='ij')

            Ui, dUi, d2Ui = fn.smooth(self.Ui, self.r, window, order, npts)
            Vi, dVi, d2Vi = fn.smooth(self.Vi, self.r, window, order, npts)

            Ui_, dUi_, d2Ui_ = fn.smooth(self.Ui_, self.r, window, order, npts)
            Vi_, dVi_, d2Vi_ = fn.smooth(self.Vi_, self.r, window, order, npts)

            rho_sm, __, __ = fn.smooth(self.rho, self.r, window, order, npts)
            #re-assigning with smoothened variables
            r = r_new
            rho = rho_sm

        #no smoothing


            r = self.r
            rho = self.rho
            Ui = self.Ui
            Vi = self.Vi
            Ui_ = self.Ui_
            Vi_ = self.Vi_

            dUi, dVi = np.gradient(Ui, r), np.gradient(Vi, r)
            dUi_, dVi_ = np.gradient(Ui_, r), np.gradient(Vi_, r)
            d2Ui_, d2Vi_ = np.gradient(dUi_, r), np.gradient(dVi_, r)


        tstamp('load eigfiles')

        #making U,U_,V,V_,dU,dU_,dV,dV_,d2U,d2U_,d2V,d2V_ of same shape

        U = np.tile(Ui, (len_s, 1))
        V = np.tile(Vi, (len_s, 1))
        dU = np.tile(dUi, (len_s, 1))
        dV = np.tile(dVi, (len_s, 1))
        U_ = np.tile(Ui_, (len_s, 1))
        V_ = np.tile(Vi_, (len_s, 1))
        dU_ = np.tile(dUi_, (len_s, 1))
        dV_ = np.tile(dVi_, (len_s, 1))
        d2U_ = np.tile(d2Ui_, (len_s, 1))
        d2V_ = np.tile(d2Vi_, (len_s, 1))
        r = np.tile(r, (len_s, 1))


        #B-- EXPRESSION
        Bmm = self.wig_red(3, -2, -1) * om(l, 0) * om(l_, 0) * om(l_, 2) * om(
            l_, 3) * V * V_
        Bmm += self.wig_red(0, -2, 2) * om(l, 0) * om(l, 2) * r * V * dU_
        Bmm += self.wig_red(1, -2, 1) * om(l_, 0) * om(
            l, 0) * (-U * U_ + U * V_ + om(l_, 2)**2 * V * V_ - r * U * dV_)
        Bmm += self.wig_red(2, -2, 0) * om(l_, 0) * om(
            l_, 2) * (U * V_ + r * dU * V_ - r * U * dV_)
        Bmm = (((-1)**np.abs(1+m_))*prefac)[:,:,np.newaxis] \
                 * (Bmm/r**2)[np.newaxis,:,:]
        #tstamp('Bmm done')

        #B0- EXPRESSION
        B0m = self.wig_red(0, -1, 1) * om(
            l, 0) * (2 * U * U_ + om(l_, 2)**2 * V * U_ + om(l_, 0)**2 *
                     (-2 * U * V_ - V * V_ + r * V * dV_) + r *
                     (-U - V + r * dV) * dU_)
        B0m += self.wig_red(-1, -1, 2) * om(l, 0) * om(l_, 0) * om(
            l, 2) * V * (U_ - V_ + r * dV_)
        B0m += self.wig_red(2, -1, -1) * om(l, 0) * om(l_, 0) * om(
            l_, 2) * (V * U_ - 3 * V * V_ + r * V * dV_ + 2 * r * dV * V_)
        B0m -= self.wig_red(1, -1, 0) * om(
            l_, 0) * (-2 * U * U_ + om(l_, 0)**2 * V * U_ + om(l, 0)**2 *
                      (-V * V_ + r * V * dV_) + U *
                      (2 * V_ + r * (dU_ - 2 * dV_ + r * d2V_)))
        B0m = (0.5*((-1)**np.abs(m_))*prefac)[:,:,np.newaxis] \
                * (B0m/r**2)[np.newaxis,:]
        #tstamp('B0m done')

        #        print(np.shape(self.wig_red(-1,-0,1)))
        #        exit()

        #B00 EXPRESSION
        B00 = -(self.wig_red(-1, 0, 1) + self.wig_red(1, 0, -1)) * om(
            l_, 0) * om(l, 0) * (V *
                                 (-4 * U_ + 2 * (1 + om(l_, 0)**2) * V_ + r *
                                  (dU_ - 2 * dV_)) + 2 * r * dV *
                                 (U_ - V_ + r * dV_))
        B00 += self.wig_red(0, 0, 0) * (
            (6 * U - 4 * om(l, 0)**2 * V - 2 * r * dU) * U_ +
            2 * om(l_, 0)**2 *
            ((-3 * U + 2 * om(l, 0)**2 * V + r * dU) * V_ + r * U * dV_) + r *
            ((-4 * U + 2 * om(l, 0)**2 * V + r * dU) * dU_ + r * U * d2U_))
        B00 = (0.5*((-1)**np.abs(m_))*prefac)[:,:,np.newaxis] \
                * (B00/r**2)[np.newaxis,:]
        #tstamp('B00 done')

        #B+- EXPRESSION
        Bpm = -2 * (self.wig_red(-2, 0, 2) + self.wig_red(2, 0, -2)) * om(
            l_, 0) * om(l, 0) * om(l_, 2) * om(l, 2) * V * V_
        Bpm += (self.wig_red(-1, 0, 1) + self.wig_red(1, 0, -1)) * om(
            l_, 0) * om(l, 0) * (-r * V * dU_ + U * (U_ - V_ + r * dV_))
        Bpm += self.wig_red(0, 0, 0) * r * r * (-dU * dU_ + U * d2U_)
        Bpm = (0.5*((-1)**np.abs(m_))*prefac)[:,:,np.newaxis] \
                * (Bpm/r**2)[np.newaxis,:]
        #tstamp('Bpm done')

        Bmm = Bmm.astype('float64')
        B0m = B0m.astype('float64')
        B00 = B00.astype('float64')
        Bpm = Bpm.astype('float64')

        #constructing the other two components of the kernel
        Bpp = parity_fac[:, :, np.newaxis] * Bmm
        Bp0 = parity_fac[:, :, np.newaxis] * B0m

        if (a_coeffkerns == True):
            return rho, Bmm, B0m, B00, Bpm, Bp0, Bpp
            return Bmm, B0m, B00, Bpm, Bp0, Bpp
コード例 #6

wl1 = 50
wl2 = 100

df_dx = pd.DataFrame()

all_files = [
    load_data.file14, load_data.file15, load_data.file16, load_data.file17,
    load_data.file19, load_data.file20, load_data.file21, load_data.file22,

for i, j in enumerate([14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]):
    df_dx['x%(j)s' % {"j": j}] = all_files[i]['x_shifted']
    df_dx['y%(j)s' % {"j": j}] = functions.smooth(all_files[i]['y_norm'], wl1)
    df_dx['derivative y%(j)s' %{"j": j}] = np.divide(df_dx['y%(j)s'% {"j": j}].diff(), \
                                                     df_dx['x%(j)s'% {"j": j}].diff())
    df_dx['smooth derivative y%(j)s' % {
        "j": j
    }] = functions.smooth(df_dx['derivative y%(j)s' % {
        "j": j
    }], wl2)

li = []

for i in ([14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21]):
    crossing = df_dx[(df_dx['derivative y%(i)s' % {
        "i": i
    }] > 0) & (df_dx['x%(i)s' % {
        "i": i
コード例 #7
def main_2(t=0, time=100, path="./"):
    t_las_begin = 86
    t_begin = 80

    direct = os.listdir(path)
    peak_loc_array = np.array([])
    peak_loc_tuples = []
    x1ym = np.array([])
    x1y = np.array([])

    # For all files in directory #
    for d in direct:
        if d.split('_')[0] == "data":
            dir = d
            dir_parse = dir.split('_')
            YLoc = int(dir_parse[2])
            XLoc = int(dir_parse[1])
            dens_variance = np.zeros(time)

            # Assemble Tiles #
            for t in range(0, time):
                data0 = ut.getTile(t, (0, 1), path + "/" + dir)
                data1 = ut.getTile(t, (0, 2), path + "/" + dir)
                Z0 = np.log(data0['data'][:, :,
                                          ut.data_v['rh'] + 1]) / np.log(10)
                Z1 = np.log(data1['data'][:, :,
                                          ut.data_v['rh'] + 1]) / np.log(10)
                Z0 = Z0[:, Z0.shape[1] - int(Z0.shape[1] * (1 / 3)):]
                Z1 = Z1[:, :int(Z1.shape[1] * (1 / 3))]
                Z_ry0 = ut.reduce_y(Z0)
                Z_ry1 = ut.reduce_y(Z1)
                Z_ry_rod = np.zeros((Z_ry0.size + Z_ry1.size))
                Z_ry_rod[0:Z_ry0.size] = Z_ry0
                Z_ry_rod[Z_ry0.size:] = Z_ry1
                Y = np.arange(-Z_ry_rod.size / 2,
                              Z_ry_rod.size / 2) * data0['L0/dxi']
                dens_row_norm = Z_ry_rod / Z_ry_rod.max()
                dens_variance[t] = np.var(Z_ry_rod)
                if t == 0:
                    peak_dens = dens_row_norm
                    peak_dens = np.vstack((dens_row_norm, peak_dens))
                    # rho_crit_fact = ut.find_critical_dens_fact(532, Z, 6 * 10 ** 21)
                    # min = rho_crit_fact.min()
                    # print(rho_crit_fact.min())
                if False:
                    rho_crit_fact = ut.find_critical_dens_fact(
                        532, Z, 6 * 10**21)
                    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
                    im = ax.imshow(rho_crit_fact,
                    # fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
                    # ax2.plot(Z_ry, color='k')

            # Smooth Data #
            smooth_variance = ut.smooth(dens_variance,
            smooth_var_t = np.arange(0, time,
                                     (time - 0) / smooth_variance.size)

            # Find Inflection Points (first one) #
            i = ut.find_inflect(smooth_variance, thresh=20.0)
            i = len(dens_variance) - i
            # Use this inflection point as the time lock, now find the location of the peak density #
            x_max, dens_max = ut.find_peak(
                ut.smooth(peak_dens[i, :], window_len=2, window='hanning'))
            peak_loc_array = np.append(peak_loc_array, x_max * data0['L0/dxi'])
            peak_loc_tuples.append((XLoc, YLoc, x_max))

            x1y = np.append(x1y, dl * YLoc + las_loc_start)
            x1ym = np.append(x1ym,
                             (x_max - Z_ry_rod.size / 2) * data0['L0/dxi'])
            # ax.plot(XLoc, x_max-Z_ry_rod.size/2, 'xb')

            # Plot Results #
            if True:
                fig, ax11 = plt.subplots()
                im11 = ax11.plot(1000 * Y, 255 * peak_dens[i, :], 'k')
                ax11.plot(1000 * Y[x_max], 255 * dens_max, 'rx')

                print("x_laser= %f, x_peak= %f " %
                      (1000 * (las_loc_start + dl * YLoc), 1000 * Y[x_max]))
                f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
                ax1.imshow(255 * peak_dens[:, :],
                           extent=[1000 * Y[0], 1000 * Y[-1], 0, time * dt0],

                ax1.set_title('Time v. Ion Density')
                ax1.axvline(x=las_loc_start * 1000 + dl * YLoc * 1000,
                ax1.axvline(x=1000 * Y[x_max], color='blue')
                tlas = (t_las_begin - t_begin)

                ax1.axhline(y=tlas, color='red')
                ax2.plot(smooth_variance, smooth_var_t * dt0, 'k')
                ax2.plot(smooth_variance[len(dens_variance) - i],
                         smooth_var_t[len(dens_variance) - i] * dt0, 'xk')
                ax2.set_title('Ion Density Variance')

    corry1, _ = pearsonr(x1y, x1ym)