コード例 #1
def thesis_presentation_pictures():
    #Pictures for presentation
    # write_xyz(calc[('hs332C.f','93', 1)].end, repeat = 2, analysis = 'imp_surrounding',nnumber = 6,topview = 0, boundbox = None,
    # specialcommand = 'select all\nwireframe 0.1\nselect Ti*\ncpk 200\nselect C*\ncpk 230\ncolor red\n',
    # orientation = 'moveto /* time, axisAngle */ 1.0 { 233 510 828 162.65} /* zoom, translation */  75.61 0.0 0.0  /* center, rotationRadius */ {3.396805 2.94223 3.50884} 3.7937615 /* navigation center, translation, depth */ {0 0 0} 0 0 0 /* cameraDepth, cameraX, cameraY */  3.0 0.0 0.0;' )
    write_xyz(calc[('hs443C.f','93', 1)].init, repeat = 2, topview = 0 )
コード例 #2
def seg_energy_vs_voronoi(calc, conv, varset, plot = 0):
    Was used to calculate all segregation energies vs voronoi volume to find some dependence
    plot - if 1: than plot dependence

    aggregate_list = []

    if 0:
        """1. Start processing of calculation specific information"""

        #base = 't111gCOv2'
        base = 't111gCvOvms'
        coseg_list = ['t111gCOi1.4-3', 't111gOCi1.4-3', 't111gCOi2.2-1', 't111gOCi2.2-1', 't111gCOi3.4-1', 't111gOCi3.4-1', \
        't111gCOi4.4-4is','t111gCOi5.2-2is', 't111gCOi6.1-1is', 't111gCOi7.3-3is','t111gCOi8.2-3','t111gOCi8.2-3',  \
        't111gCOi9.4-4ms','t111gCOi10.2-2ms','t111gCOi11.4-3', 't111gOCi11.4-3', \
        't111gCOi12.1-3', 't111gOCi12.1-3', 't111gCOi13.4-2', 't111gOCi13.4-2', 't111gCOi14.2-1', 't111gOCi14.2-1', 't111gCOi15.4-4is','t111gCOi16.2-2is']

        seg_list  = ['t111gCi1Ov', 't111gCi2Ov','t111gCi3Ov','t111gCi4Ov','t111gOi1Cv','t111gOi2Cv','t111gOi3Cv','t111gOi4Cv',] 

        bulk_list = ['t111gCOv2', 't111gCOv5' ]

        list = res_loop(base,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )
        # os._exit(0)
        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        # res_loop('t112gCOi6.1-1is','93kp9',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', ('t112gCvOvms',)  )

        base = 'c1gCvOvms'
        coseg_list = [
        bulk_list = ['c1gCOv2',

        seg_list = ['c1gCi1Ov', 'c1gCi2Ov', 'c1gOi1Cv', 'c1gOi2Cv', ]

        list = res_loop(base,'93kp7',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,), voronoi = True  )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93kp7',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )


        base = 't111sgCvOvms'
        seg_list = ['t111sgCi1Ov', 't111sgCi2Ov', 't111sgCi3Ov', 't111sgCi4Ov', 't111sgCi5Ov', 't111sgCi6Ov', 't111sgCi7Ov', 't111sgOi1Cv', 't111sgOi2Cv', 't111sgOi3Cv', 't111sgOi4Cv', 't111sgOi5Cv', 't111sgOi6Cv', 't111sgOi7Cv', ]
        list = res_loop(base,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93kp9',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )


        base = 't21gCvOvms'
        seg_list = ['t21gCi1Ov', 't21gCi2Ov', 't21gCi3Ov', 't21gCi4Ov', 't21gOi1Cv', 't21gOi2Cv', 't21gOi3Cv', 't21gOi4Cv', ]
        list = res_loop(base,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,), voronoi = True  )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )
            write_xyz( replic(calc[(key, '93', 1)].end, (1,2,2)), )
        base = 'csl71sgCvOvms'
        seg_list = ['csl71sgCi1Ov', 'csl71sgCi2Ov', 'csl71sgCi3Ov', 'csl71sgCi4Ov', 'csl71sgCi5Ov', 'csl71sgCi6Ov', 'csl71sgOi1Cv', 'csl71sgOi2Cv', 'csl71sgOi3Cv', 'csl71sgOi4Cv', 'csl71sgOi5Cv', 'csl71sgOi6Cv', ]
        list = res_loop(base,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        for key in seg_list:
            # print key
            # if 'Oi' in key: continue
            list = res_loop(key,'93',range(2,3),calc,conv,varset, 'coseg', (base,) , voronoi = True )

        calc['voronoi'] = aggregate_list

        aggregate_list = calc['voronoi']

    if 1:

        # print res_loop('hs221C','83',101,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True )
        # # print res_loop('hs221.f','83',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True )
        # # print res_loop('csl71b_r','83kp8',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True )
        # print res_loop('hs221C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.25 But the sum of Voronoi volume for hexagonal cell is wrong!!!
        # print res_loop('hs332C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.18 But volume for internal atoms seems to be OK, 
        # print res_loop('hs443C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.13 But for edge atoms it is even zero.
        # print res_loop('hs554C.f','93',1,calc,conv,varset, voronoi = True ) #9.14 It seems that Voronoi module does not recognize oblique cell geometry.

        """2. Analysis"""

        esegC    = [float(x[1]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Oi' not in x[0]] # C segregation including CvOvms
        vorovolC = [float(x[2]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Oi' not in x[0]]
        # print esegC, 
        esegO    = [float(x[1]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Ci' not in x[0]] # O segregation including CvOvms
        vorovolO = [float(x[4]) for x in aggregate_list if 'Ci' not in x[0]]

        """Plot dependence"""

        name = 'Voronoi volume - segregation energy'

        set = 'Eng'
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)
        if set == 'Rus':
            matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})

            xlabel = u'Энергия сегрегации (мэВ)'
            # print xlabel
            ylabel = u'Объем Вороного  ($\AA^3$)'
            label1 = u'Рассчет'
            label2 = u'Аппроксимация'
            title1 = u'Углерод'
            title2 = u'Кислород'
            xlabel = 'Segregation energy (meV)'
            ylabel = 'Voronoi volume  ($\AA^3$)'
            label1 = 'Calculated'
            label2 = 'Fitted'
            title1 = 'Carbon'
            title2 = 'Oxygen'
        # plt.figure()

        ax1.plot(esegC, vorovolC, 'o',label = label1)
        k, b = np.polyfit(esegC, vorovolC, 1)        

        ax1.plot(esegC, np.asarray(esegC) * k + b, '-r',label = label2)

        # ax1.legend(loc =4)
        # image_name = 'eseg_vorovol_C'

        # plt.savefig('images/'+str(image_name)+'.png',format='png', dpi = 300)            
        # plt.cla()
        # plt.ylabel(ylabel)
        # plt.xlabel(xlabel)
        ax2.plot(esegO, vorovolO, 'o',label = label1)

        k, b = np.polyfit(esegO, vorovolO, 1)        

        ax2.plot(esegO, np.asarray(esegO) * k + b, '-r',label = label2)
        # ax2.legend(loc =4)

        # image_name = 'eseg_vorovol_O'
        plt.figtext(0.03, 0.5, ylabel, ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical')

        # fig.set_ylabel(ylabel, va ='center')
        # plt.yaxis.set_label_coords(0, 0.5)
        # plt.xlabel(xlabel)
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom = 0.15)

        image_name = 'eseg_vorovol_CandO'

        plt.savefig('images/'+str(image_name)+'.png',format='png', dpi = 300) 

コード例 #3
ファイル: neb.py プロジェクト: dimonaks/siman
def add_neb(starting_calc = None, st = None, 
    it_new = None, ise_new = None, i_atom_to_move = None, 
    up = 'up1',
    search_type = 'vacancy_creation',
    images  = 3, r_impurity = None, corenum = 15, 
    calc_method = ['neb'], 
    inherit_option  = None, mag_config = None, i_void_start = None, i_void_final = None, 
    atom_to_insert = None,
    replicate = None,
    it_new_folder = None,
    inherit_magmom = False,
    x_start = None, xr_start = None,
    x_final = None, xr_final = None,
    upload_vts = False,
    run = False

    Prepare needed files for NEB
    Provides several regimes controlled by *search_type* flag:
        - existing_voids - search for voids around atom and use them as a final position 
        - vacancy_creation - search for neighbors of the same type and make a vacancy as a start position
        - interstitial_insertion - search for two neighboring voids; use them as start and final positions
                                    by inserting atom *atom_to_insert*

        - starting_calc (Calculation) - Calculation object with structure
        - st (Structure) - structure, can be used instead of Calculation
            - it_new (str) - name for calculation

        - i_atom_to_move (int) - number of atom for moving;
        - *mag_config* (int ) - choose magnetic configuration - allows to obtain different localizations of electron
        - *replicate* (tuple 3*int) - replicate cell along rprimd
        - i_void_start,  i_void_final (int) - number of voids from the suggested lists
        - atom_to_insert  (str) - element name of atom to insert
        - it_new_folder  (str) - section folder
        - inherit_option (str) - passed only to add_loop
        - inherit_magmom (bool) - if True than magmom from starting_calc is used, else from set

        - calc_method (list)
            - 'neb'
            - 'only_neb' - run only footer

        - x_start, x_final (array) - explicit coordinates of moving atom for starting and final positions, combined with atom_to_insert
        - upload_vts (bool) - if True upload Vasp.pm and nebmake.pl to server
        - run (bool)  - run on server



    please take care of manually provided i_atom_to_move in case of replicate flag using init_numbers 

    calc = header.calc
    struct_des = header.struct_des
    varset = header.varset

    if not hasattr(calc_method, '__iter__'):
        calc_method = [calc_method]

    if starting_calc and st:
        printlog('Warning! both *starting_calc* and *st* are provided. I use *starting_calc*')
        st = copy.deepcopy(starting_calc.end)

    elif starting_calc:
        st = copy.deepcopy(starting_calc.end)
        printlog('I use *starting_calc*')

    elif st:
        printlog('I use *st*')

        printlog('Error! no input structure. Use either *starting_calc* or *st*')

    if corenum:
        # header.corenum = corenum
        corenum = header.CORENUM

    if corenum % images > 0:
        print_and_log('Error! Number of cores should be dividable by number of IMAGES')

    name_suffix = ''
    st_pores = []


    """Replicate cell """
    if replicate:
        print_and_log('You have chosen to replicate the structure by', replicate)

        st = replic(st, mul = replicate)
        name_suffix += str(replicate[0])+str(replicate[1])+str(replicate[2])

    """1. Choose  atom (or insert) for moving """

    atoms_to_move = []

    for i, typ, x in zip(range(st.natom), st.typat, st.xcart): #try to find automatically
        if st.znucl[typ-1] == 3: #Li
            atoms_to_move.append([i, 'Li', x])

        if st.znucl[typ-1] == 11: #
            atoms_to_move.append([i, 'Na', x])

        if st.znucl[typ-1] == 19: #
            atoms_to_move.append([i, 'K', x])

    if is_list_like(xr_start):
        x_start = xred2xcart([xr_start], st.rprimd)[0]
        st1 = st.add_atoms([x_start], atom_to_insert)
        x_m = x_start
        write_xyz(st1, file_name = st.name+'_manually_start')
        printlog('Start position is created manually by adding xr_start', xr_start, x_start)

    elif not atoms_to_move:
        print_and_log('No atoms to move found, you probably gave me intercalated structure', important = 'y')
        print_and_log('Searching for voids', important = 'y')
        st_pores = find_pores(st, r_matrix = 0.5, r_impurity = r_impurity, fine = 1, calctype = 'all_pores')

        print_and_log('List of found voids:\n', np.array(st_pores.xcart) )
        write_xyz(st.add_atoms(st_pores.xcart, 'H'), file_name = st.name+'_possible_positions')
        write_xyz(st.add_atoms(st_pores.xcart, 'H'), replications = (2,2,2), file_name = st.name+'_possible_positions_replicated')

        sums = []
        avds = []
        for x in st_pores.xcart:
            summ = local_surrounding(x, st, n_neighbours = 6, control = 'sum', periodic  = True)
            avd = local_surrounding(x, st, n_neighbours = 6, control = 'av_dev', periodic  = True)
            # print sur,
        # print
        sums = np.array(sums)
        avds  = np.array(avds).round(0)
        print_and_log('Sum of distances to 6 neighboring atoms for each void (A):\n', sums, imp ='y')
        print_and_log('Distortion of voids (0 - is symmetrical):\n', avds, imp ='y')
        crude_prec = 1
        sums_crude = np.unique(sums.round(crude_prec))
        print_and_log('The unique voids based on the sums:', 
            '\nwith 0.01 A prec:',np.unique(sums.round(2)),
            '\nwith 0.1  A prec:',sums_crude,
            imp ='y')
        print_and_log('Based on crude criteria only', len(sums_crude),'types of void are relevant') 

        print_and_log('Please use *i_void_start* to choose the void for atom insertion from this Table:', 
            end = '\n', imp = 'Y')

        insert_positions = []
        start_table = []
        for i, s in enumerate(sums_crude):
            index_of_first =  np.where(sums.round(crude_prec)==s)[0][0]

            start_table.append([i,  st_pores.xcart[index_of_first].round(2), index_of_first,
            avds[index_of_first], sums[index_of_first]     ])

            insert_positions.append( st_pores.xcart[index_of_first] )

        print_and_log( tabulate(start_table, headers = ['Start void #', 'Cart.', 'Index', 'Dev.', 'Sum'], tablefmt='psql'), imp = 'Y' )

        if i_void_start == None:

        st = st.add_atoms([insert_positions[i_void_start],], atom_to_insert)


        i_m = st.natom-1
        x_m = st.xcart[i_m]

        search_type = 'existing_voids'
        type_atom_to_move = atom_to_insert
        el_num_suffix = ''


        print_and_log('I have found', len(atoms_to_move), ' anion atoms', important = 'n')
        print_and_log( 'Sums of bond lengths around these atoms:',)
        sums = []
        for a in atoms_to_move:
            summ = local_surrounding(a[2], st, n_neighbours = 6, control = 'sum', periodic  = True)
            # print( summ, end = '')
        print_and_log('\nAmong them only',len(set(sums)), 'unique' , important = 'n')
        # if 
        print_and_log('Choosing the first' , important = 'n')

        type_atom_to_move = atoms_to_move[0][1]
        i_atom_to_move = atoms_to_move[0][0]+1
        el_num_suffix =  type_atom_to_move +str(i_atom_to_move)

        i_m = i_atom_to_move-1
        x_m = st.xcart[i_m]

        #highlight the moving atom for user for double-check
        # st_new = st.change_atom_z(i_m, new_z = 100)
        # search_type = 'vacancy_creation'

    """2. Choose final position"""

    if is_list_like(xr_final):
        x_final = xred2xcart([xr_final], st.rprimd)[0]
        st2 = st.add_atoms([x_final], atom_to_insert)
        x_del = x_final 
        search_type = 'manual_insertion'
        write_xyz(st2, file_name = st.name+'_manually_final')
        printlog('Final position is created manually by adding xr_final', xr_final, x_del)

    elif search_type == 'existing_voids':
        #Search for voids around choosen atoms
        if not st_pores: 
            st_pores = find_pores(st, r_matrix = 0.5, r_impurity = r_impurity, fine = 2, calctype = 'all_pores')

        sur = local_surrounding(x_m, st_pores, n_neighbours = len(st_pores.xcart), control = 'atoms', periodic  = True)
        # print sur

        'I can suggest you '+str (len(sur[0])-1 )+' end positions.' )
        # The distances to them are : '+str(np.round(sur[3], 2) )+' A\n ',
        # 'Openning Jmol end positions are highlighted by inserting H ', important = 'y')
        # print x_m
        # print sur[0]
        print_and_log('Please choose *i_void_final* from the following Table:', end = '\n', imp = 'Y')
        final_table = []

        for i, (x, d, ind) in enumerate( zip(sur[0], sur[3], sur[2])[1:] ):
            final_table.append([i, np.array(x).round(2), round(d, 2), avds[ind], sums[ind] ]  )

        print_and_log( tabulate(final_table, headers = ['Final void #', 'Cart.', 'Dist', 'Dev.', 'Sum'], tablefmt='psql'), imp = 'Y' )
        if i_void_final == None:

        x_final = sur[0][i_void_final+1] # +1 because first element is x_m atom itself

        write_xyz(st.add_atoms([ x_final], 'H'), replications = (2,2,2), file_name = st.name+'_possible_positions2_replicated')
        # sys.exit()        
        # write_xyz(st.add_atoms(sur[0][2:3], 'H'), analysis = 'imp_surrounding', show_around = 230,nnumber = 10, replications = (2,2,2), file_name = 'local230')
        # # write_xyz(st.add_atoms(sur[0][0:1], 'H'), analysis = 'imp_surrounding', show_around = 226,nnumber = 10, replications = (2,2,2), file_name = 'local')
        # run_jmol
        print_and_log('Choosing the closest position as end', important = 'n')
        # i_void_final = 0

        st1 = st

        # print st1.natom
        # sys.exit()

        st2 = st.mov_atoms(i_m, x_final)
        name_suffix += el_num_suffix+'e'+str(i_void_final)+atom_to_insert

        st1 = return_atoms_to_cell(st1)
        st2 = return_atoms_to_cell(st2)

        write_xyz(st1, file_name = st1.name+name_suffix +'_start')

        write_xyz(st2, file_name = st2.name+name_suffix +'_final')

    elif search_type == 'vacancy_creation':
        #Create vacancy by removing some neibouring atom of the same type 
        print_and_log('You have chosen vacancy_creation mode of add_neb tool', important = 'Y')

        print_and_log( 'Type of atom to move = ', type_atom_to_move, imp = 'y')
        # print 'List of left atoms = ', np.array(st.leave_only(type_atom_to_move).xcart)
        sur = local_surrounding(x_m, st.leave_only(type_atom_to_move) , n_neighbours = 4, control = 'atoms', 
            periodic  = False)
        # print 'xcart of moving atom', x_m
        # print 'Local surround = ', sur
        # print 'len', len(sur[0])
        if len(sur[0]) < 3:
            # print 'rprimd = \n',np.array(st.rprimd)
            # print 'r lengths = \n',( [np.linalg.norm(r) for r in st.rprimd] )
            # print 'xred = \n', np.array(st.xred)
            # print 'xcart = \n', np.array(st.xcart)

            print_and_log('The supercell is too small, I increase it 8 times!')
            st = replic(st, mul = (2,2,2) )
            sur = local_surrounding(x_m, st.leave_only(type_atom_to_move) , n_neighbours = 4, control = 'atoms', 
                periodic  = False)
            # print 'xcart of moving atom', x_m
            write_xyz(st, file_name = st.name+'_replicated')#replications = (2,2,2))

            # print 'Local surround = ', sur
            # sys.exit()

        'I can suggest you '+str (len(sur[0]) )+' end positions. The distances to them are : '+str(np.round(sur[3], 2) )+' A\n ',
        'They are all', type_atom_to_move, 'atoms', important = 'y')

        print_and_log('Choosing the closest position as end', important = 'n')
        neb_config = 1 #cause the first item in sur is moving atom itself
        x_del = sur[0][neb_config]
        i_del = st.find_atom_num_by_xcart(x_del)

        print_and_log('Making vacancy at end position for starting configuration', important = 'n')
        print_and_log( 'number of atom to delete = ', i_del)
        # print st.magmom
        st1 = st.del_atom(i_del)
        # print st1.magmom

        print_and_log('Making vacancy at start position for final configuration', important = 'n')

        st2 = st.mov_atoms(i_m, x_del) # i_m and sur[0][neb_config] should coincide
        st2 = st2.del_atom(i_del) # these two steps provide the same order

        name_suffix += el_num_suffix+'v'+str(neb_config)

        write_xyz(st1, file_name = st1.name+'_start')# replications = (2,2,2))
        write_xyz(st2, file_name = st2.name+'_end')# replications = (2,2,2))

        # sys.exit()

    # sys.exit()

    """ Determining magnetic moments  """
    if varset[ise_new].vasp_params['ISPIN'] == 2:
        print_and_log('Magnetic calculation detected. Preparing spin modifications ...', imp = 'y')
        cl_test = CalculationVasp(varset[ise_new])
        cl_test.init = st1
        # print 'asdfsdfasdfsadfsadf', st1.magmom
        if inherit_magmom and hasattr(st, 'magmom') and st.magmom and any(st.magmom):
            print_and_log('inherit_magmom=True: You have chosen MAGMOM from provided structure', imp = 'y')
            name_suffix+='mp' #Magmom from Previous
            cl_test.init.magmom = None
            print_and_log('inherit_magmom=False or no magmom in input structure : MAGMOM will be determined  from set', imp = 'y')
            name_suffix+='ms' #Magmom from Set

        cl_test.actualize_set() #find magmom for current structure

        st1.magmom = copy.deepcopy(cl_test.init.magmom)
        st2.magmom = copy.deepcopy(cl_test.init.magmom)

        # sys.exit()
        # print_and_log('The magnetic moments from set:')
        # print cl_test.init.magmom

        #checking for closest atoms now only for Fe, Mn, Ni, Co
        sur   = local_surrounding(x_m, st1, n_neighbours = 3, control = 'atoms', 
        periodic  = True, only_elements = header.TRANSITION_ELEMENTS)

        dist = np.array(sur[3]).round(2)
        numb = np.array(sur[2])
        a = zip(numb, dist )
        # a=  np.array(a)
        # print a[1]
        # a = np.apply_along_axis(np.unique, 1, a)
        # print a
        def unique_by_key(elements, key=None):
            if key is None:
                # no key: the whole element must be unique
                key = lambda e: e
            return list ( {key(el): el for el in elements}.values() )
        # print a
        mag_atoms_dists = unique_by_key(a, key=itemgetter(1))
        # print (mag_atoms_dists)
        # a = unique_by_key(a, key=itemgetter(1))
        print_and_log( 'I change spin for the following atoms:\ni atom     dist\n', np.round(mag_atoms_dists, 2) , imp = 'y' )
        # print 'I have found closest Fe atoms'
        muls = [(1.2, 0.6), (0.6, 1.2)]
        mag_moments_variants = []
        for mm in muls:
            mags = copy.deepcopy(cl_test.init.magmom)
            # print mags
            for a, m in zip(mag_atoms_dists, mm):
                # print t[1]
                mags[a[0]] = mags[a[0]]*m

        print_and_log( 'The list of possible mag_moments:', imp = 'y' )
        for i, mag in enumerate(mag_moments_variants):
            print_and_log( i, mag)
        print_and_log( 'Please use *mag_config* arg to choose desired config' , imp = 'y' )

        if mag_config != None:

            st1.magmom = copy.deepcopy(mag_moments_variants[mag_config])
            st2.magmom = copy.deepcopy(mag_moments_variants[mag_config])
            print_and_log('You have chosen mag configuration #',mag_config,imp = 'y')

        print_and_log('Non-magnetic calculation continue ...')

    """3. Add to struct_des, create geo files, check set, add_loop """

    if starting_calc:
        it = starting_calc.id[0]
        it_new = it+'v'+str(starting_calc.id[2])+'.'+name_suffix

        if not it_new_folder:
            it_new_folder = struct_des[it].sfolder+'/neb/'
        obtained_from = str(starting_calc.id) 

        if not ise_new:
            print_and_log('I will run add_loop() using the same set', important = 'Y')
            ise_new = cl.id[1]

    elif st:
        if not it_new:
            printlog('Error! please provide *it_new* - name for your calculation', important = 'Y')

        it = None
        obtained_from = st.name
        if not ise_new:
            printlog('Error! please provide *ise_new*', important = 'Y')

        if not it_new_folder:
            printlog('Error! please provide *it_new_folder* - folder for your new calculation', important = 'Y')

    if it_new not in struct_des:
        add_des(struct_des, it_new, it_new_folder, 'Automatically created and added from '+obtained_from  )

    print_and_log('Creating geo files for starting and final configurations (versions 1 and 2) ', important = 'y')

    # if starting_calc:
    #     cl = copy.deepcopy(starting_calc)
    # else:

    cl = CalculationVasp()

    #write start position

    struct_des[it_new].x_m_ion_start = x_m
    struct_des[it_new].xr_m_ion_start = xcart2xred([x_m], st1.rprimd)[0]

    cl.end = st1
    ver_new = 1
    cl.version = ver_new
    cl.path["input_geo"] = header.geo_folder + struct_des[it_new].sfolder + '/' + \
    cl.write_siman_geo(geotype = 'end', description = 'Starting conf. for neb from '+obtained_from, override = True)

    #write final position

    struct_des[it_new].x_m_ion_final = x_del
    struct_des[it_new].xr_m_ion_final = xcart2xred([x_del], st2.rprimd)[0]

    cl.end = st2
    ver_new = 2
    cl.version = ver_new
    cl.path["input_geo"] = header.geo_folder + struct_des[it_new].sfolder + '/' + \
    cl.write_siman_geo(geotype = 'end', description = 'Final conf. for neb from '+obtained_from, override = True)

    #prepare calculations

    #Check if nebmake is avail
    # if int(runBash('ssh '+cluster_address+' test -e '+project_path_cluster+'/tools/vts/nebmake.pl; echo $?') ):

    #     ''
    #     print_and_log('Please upload vtsttools to ',cluster_address, project_path_cluster+'/tools/vts/')
    #     raise RuntimeError

    #     copy_to_server(path_to_wrapper+'/vtstscripts/nebmake.pl', to = project_path_cluster+'/tools/',  addr = cluster_address)
    # if  int(runBash('ssh '+cluster_address+' test -e '+project_path_cluster+'/tools/Vasp.pm; echo $?') ):
    #     copy_to_server(path_to_wrapper+'/vtstscripts/Vasp.pm', to = project_path_cluster+'/tools/',  addr = cluster_address)

    inherit_ngkpt(it_new, it, varset[ise_new])

    add_loop(it_new, ise_new, verlist = [1,2], up = up, calc_method = calc_method, savefile = 'ov', inherit_option = inherit_option, n_neb_images = images, corenum = corenum, run =run  )
    if upload_vts:
        siman_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        # print(upload_vts)
        push_to_server([siman_dir+'/cluster_tools/nebmake.pl', siman_dir+'/cluster_tools/Vasp.pm'], to = header.cluster_home+'/tools/vts',  addr = header.cluster_address)
        print_and_log('Please be sure that vtsttools are at',header.cluster_address, header.cluster_home+'/tools/vts/', imp = 'Y')

    return it_new 
コード例 #4
ファイル: impurity.py プロジェクト: DarthFeiwante/siman
def insert_cluster(insertion, i_center, matrix, m_center):
    Take care of orientation; typat should be consistent
    insertion -  object of class Structure(), which is supposed to be inserted in matrix
    in such a way that i_center will be combined with m_center.
    matrix - object of class Structure().
    i_center, m_center - numpy arrays (3).
    ins = copy.deepcopy(insertion)
    mat = copy.deepcopy(matrix)
    r = mat.rprimd

    for i, z in enumerate(ins.znucl):
        if z not in mat.znucl:
            mat.nznucl.append( ins.nznucl[i]  )

    hproj = [ (r[0][i]+r[1][i]+r[2][i]) * 0.5 for i in 0,1,2 ] #projection of vectors on three axis

    for i, x in enumerate(ins.xcart):
        ins.xcart[i] = x - i_center

    for i, x in enumerate(mat.xcart):
        mat.xcart[i] = x - m_center

    max_dis = 1
    for i_x, ix in enumerate(ins.xcart):
        dv_min = max_dis
        print "Insertion atom ",ix,
        for j, mx in enumerate(mat.xcart):
            dv = mx - ix
            for i in 0,1,2:
                if dv[i] >  hproj[i]: dv = dv - mat.rprimd[i] #periodic boundary conditions - can be not correct (in the sense that closest image can lie not 100 % in the neighbourhood image cell ) for oblique cells and large absolute values of dv 
                if dv[i] < -hproj[i]: dv = dv + mat.rprimd[i]
            len1 = np.linalg.norm(dv)
            len2, second_len2 = image_distance(mx, ix, r, 2) #check len1
            #print "Lengths calculated with two methods ", len1, len2
            len1 = len2 #just use second method
            #assert np.around(len1,1) == np.around(len2,1)

            if len1 < dv_min: 
                dv_min = len1;   
                j_r = j # number of matrix atom to replace

        if dv_min == max_dis:
            print " is more far away from any matrix atom than ",dv_min," A; I insert it"
            mat.xcart.append( ix )
            print 'type of added atom is ', ins.typat[i_x]
            mat.typat.append( ins.typat[i_x]   )
            print "will replace martix atom", mat.xcart[j_r] 
            mat.xcart[j_r] = ix.copy()

    mat.xred = xcart2xred(mat.xcart, r)
    mat.natom = len(mat.xcart)
    mat.name = 'test_of_insert'
    return mat
コード例 #5
ファイル: impurity.py プロジェクト: DarthFeiwante/siman
def insert(it_ins, ise_ins, mat_path, it_new, calc, type_of_insertion = "xcart" ):
    """For insertion of atoms to cells with changed lateral sizes
    'type_of_insertion = xred' used to add xred coordinates  
    mat_path - path to geo files which are supposed to be changed
    it_ins - already existed calculation; xred will be used from this calculation.
    it_new - new folder in geo folder for obtained structure
    This function finds version of calculation in folder mat_path and tries to use the same version of it_ins

    if not os.path.exists(mat_path):
        print_and_log("Error! Path "+mat_path+" does not exist\n\n")
        raise RuntimeError

    if it_ins not in mat_path and it_ins not in it_new: 
        print it_ins, mat_path, it_new
        print_and_log("Error! you are trying to insert coordinates from cell with different name\n\n")
        #raise RuntimeError       

    hstring = ("%s    #on %s"% (traceback.extract_stack(None, 2)[0][3],   datetime.date.today() ) )
    if hstring != header.history[-1]: header.history.append( hstring  )

    geofilelist = runBash('find '+mat_path+'/target -name "*.geo*" ').splitlines()
    if geofilelist == []:
        print_and_log("Warning! Target folder is empty. Trying to find in root folder ...")
        geofilelist = runBash('find '+mat_path+'/ -name "*.geo*" ').splitlines()

    ins = None
    for mat_geofile in geofilelist:
        mat = CalculationVasp()
        mat.name = mat_geofile
        #step = 0.27
        #r_pore = 0.56
        #r_mat = mat.hex_a / 2 - step
        #pores = find_pores(mat.init, r_mat, r_pore, step, 0.3, 'central') #octahedral
        #mat.xcart.append ( pores.xcart[0] )
            ins_working = ins
            ins = calc[(it_ins, ise_ins, mat.version)]
        except KeyError: 
            print "No key", (it_ins, ise_ins, mat.version), "I use previous working version !!!"
            ins = ins_working
        #ins.end.znucl = ins.znucl
        #ins.end.nznucl = ins.nznucl
        #ins.end.ntypat = ins.ntypat
        #ins.end.typat = ins.typat
        #print ins.xcart[-1]
        mat_geopath = geo_folder+struct_des[it_new].sfolder + '/'

        if type_of_insertion == "xcart":
            #Please update here!
            mat_filename = '/'+it_new+"."+"inserted."+str(mat.version)+'.'+'geo'
            v = np.zeros(3)
            result = insert_cluster(ins.end, v, mat.init, v )
            mat.end = result
            mat.init = result
            # mat.znucl  =   mat.end.znucl
            # mat.nznucl =   mat.end.nznucl
            # mat.ntypat =   mat.end.ntypat
            # mat.typat  =   mat.end.typat
            # mat.natom = len(mat.end.xred)    
            #mat.version = ins.version
            des = ins.name+" was inserted to "+mat_geofile
        elif type_of_insertion == "xred":

            mat_filename = '/from/'+it_new+".xred."+str(mat.version)+'.'+'geo'
            #mat.end.rprimd = mat.rprimd
            #mat.init.xred  = copy.deepcopy(ins.end.xred)
            #mat.init.typat = copy.deepcopy(ins.end.)
            #print ins.end.xcart
            rprimd   = copy.deepcopy(mat.init.rprimd)
            #build    = mat.build
            mat.init = copy.deepcopy(ins.end)
            #mat.build = build
            mat.init.rprimd = rprimd #return initial rprimd
            mat.init.xcart = xred2xcart(mat.init.xred, mat.init.rprimd) #calculate xcart with new rprimd
            des = "atoms with reduced coord. from "+ins.name+" was fully copied to "+mat_geofile
            mat.init.name = 'test_insert_xred'+str(mat.version)

        mat.path["input_geo"] = mat_geopath + it_new + mat_filename
        if not mat.write_geometry("init",des): continue
        print_and_log("Xred from "+it_ins+" was inserted in "+mat_geofile+" and saved as "+mat_filename+" \n\n")

コード例 #6
ファイル: impurity.py プロジェクト: DarthFeiwante/siman
    def add(znucl, xyzpath = "", new = None, write_geo = True, put_exactly_to = None):
        "if put_exactly_to is True, then atom just added and nothing are searched"

        if write_geo and os.path.exists(new.path["input_geo"]):
            print_and_log("add: File '"+new.path["input_geo"]+"' already exists; continue\n");
            return new

        #new.init = return_atoms_to_cell(new.init)

        new_before = copy.deepcopy(new)
        # new.init.xcart[-2][0]-=0.9 #was made once manually for c1gCOi10.1
        # new.init.xcart[-2][2]+=0.2
        # new.init.xred = xcart2xred(new.init.xcart, new.init.rprimd)
        #step = 0.042
        step = 0.06
        #r_pore = 0.56
        #fine = 0.3 # for visualisation of pores
        #fine = 4   #controls small steps; the steps are smaller for larger numbers
        #r_pore = 0.54
        prec = 0.004 # precision of center Angs
        if new.hex_a == None:
            r_mat = 1.48 -step
            r_mat = new.hex_a / 2 - step

        if put_exactly_to:
            pores_xred = [np.array(put_exactly_to),]
            print 'Inmpurity just put in ', pores_xred
            pores = find_pores(new.init, r_mat, r_pore, step, fine, prec,  addtype, new.gbpos, find_close_to, check_pore_vol) #octahedral
            pores_xred = pores.xred

        npores = len(pores_xred)
        st = new.init

        #delete last oxygen; was made once manually for c1gCOi10.1
        # st.natom-=1
        # del st.xred[-1]
        # del st.typat[-1]

        st.natom += npores
        st.xred.extend( pores_xred )

        if znucl in st.znucl:
            print "znucl of added impurity is already in cell"
            ind = st.znucl.index(znucl)
            typat = ind+1
            st.ntypat +=1
            typat = st.ntypat
            st.znucl.append( znucl )
            st.nznucl.append( npores )

        for i in range( npores  ):
            st.typat.append( typat )

        st.xcart = xred2xcart(st.xred, st.rprimd)

        new.init = st

        #print "Add impurity: len(xred ", len(new.init.xred)
        #print "natom", new.init.natom

        #For automatisation of fit
            if new.build.nadded == None:      new.build.nadded=npores
            else: new.build.nadded+=npores
            if new.build.listadded == [None]: new.build.listadded = range(new.natom - npores, new.natom) #list of atoms which were added
            else: new.build.listadded.extend( range(new.natom - npores, new.natom) )
            #print "Warning!!! Information about added impurities rewritten"
        except AttributeError: 

        #new.init.znucl = new.znucl
        #new.init.typat = new.typat
        #write_xyz(replic(new.init, (2,1,2))  , xyzpath)

        #test_adding_of_impurities(new, new_before, v)

        print_and_log("Impurity with Z="+str(znucl)+" has been added to the found pore in "+new.name+"\n\n")
        if write_geo:
            write_xyz(new.init , xyzpath)

        print "\n"

        return new
コード例 #7
ファイル: pairs.py プロジェクト: DarthFeiwante/siman
    def write_geometry_files(
        """Creating files
        dlist - list of pairs with distances and numbers
        in_calc - base calculation without pores

        tlist - list of additional atoms in the case of triples; list of structures
        configver - if True each configuration saved as a new version
        add_typat - manually determined; please automatize!

        print "Warning! add_typat", add_typat
        if tlist == []:  # convert dlist to tlist - to do earlier
            for el in dlist:
                config = Structure()
                config.name = el[2]
                config.length = el[0]
                config.typat = add_typat
                config.xcart = [el[7], el[8]]

        for i, el in enumerate(tlist):  # by all found structures
            print "el name is ", el.name
            stn = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.init)
            calc = copy.deepcopy(in_calc)


            stn.xred = xcart2xred(stn.xcart, stn.rprimd)

            xcart_check = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)
            assert len(xcart_check) == len(stn.xcart)  # test

            assert all(
                [all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8)) for (v1, v2) in zip(stn.xcart, xcart_check)]
            )  # check if xcart2xred(stn.xcart,r) and xred2xcart(stn.xred,r) are working correctly up to the eight digits after

            stn.natom = len(stn.xcart)

            """Adapt new rprimd"""
            print "take final rprimd is ", take_final_rprimd_from
            if take_final_rprimd_from:  # read final rprimd and version
                print "Start to read rprimd and version from " + take_final_rprimd_from
                in_calc_rprimd = CalculationVasp()
                in_calc_rprimd.name = "temp"

                stn.rprimd = in_calc_rprimd.init.rprimd
                stn.xcart = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)

                calc.version = in_calc_rprimd.version
            elif configver:
                calc.version = i + 1

            calc.init = stn

            des = (
                " was obtained by the insertion of C-O pair into "
                + in_calc_name
                + "; final vectors taken from corresponding ver"

            calc.build.ipairlen = el.length  # Initial length of pair
            if not hasattr(calc.build, "nadded") or calc.build.nadded == None:
                calc.build.nadded = 2
                calc.build.nadded += 2
            if not hasattr(calc.build, "listadded") or calc.build.listadded == [None]:
                calc.build.listadded = range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom)  # list of atoms which were added
                calc.build.listadded.extend(range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom))

            structure_name = calc.name + el.name.split(".")[0]
            # calc.name = add_name_before+calc.name+ '.' +el[2]+'.'+str(calc.version)
            print "Structure_name", structure_name
            if structure_name in struct_des:

                if configver:
                    fname = structure_name  # calc.name+'C2O2'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = (
                        + struct_des[fname].sfolder
                        + "/"
                        + fname
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "."
                        + segtyp
                        + "."
                        + str(calc.version)
                        + ".geo"
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = (
                        + struct_des[structure_name].sfolder
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "."
                        + segtyp
                        + "."
                        + str(calc.version)
                        + ".geo"
                print "write geo to ", calc.path["input_geo"]
                calc.write_geometry("init", des)

            print "write_geometry_files(): name ", el.name
            stn.name = add_name_before + calc.name + "" + str(el.name) + "." + str(calc.version)
            # stn = replic(stn, (1,2,2))
            print "__________________________\n\n\n"
コード例 #8
ファイル: pairs.py プロジェクト: DarthFeiwante/siman
def find_pairs(
    target_znucl=[22, 6, 8],
    add_typat=[2, 3],
    Find uniq pairs of atoms and analyse them
    segtyp - 
    three regimes for cells with grain boundaries:
    'segreg' assumes that in_calc contains carbon atom in grain volume, and creates all cases; 
    'coseg' assumes pure cell and creates only coseg cases.
    cosegregation cases of course should be the same for two regimes, however co-segregation configuations after 'coseg' is more easy to relax.
    'grainvol' - searching for pairs in grain volume

    two regimes for bulk cells:
    'bulk_triple' - used for bulk cells without grain boundaries; first step is searching for pairs, second step for triples.
    'bulk_pairs' - used for bulk cells without grain boundaries; searching for pairs.

    new_name - name of created structures; at first should be added to struct_des[]
    in_calc - Calculation() type or path to geo file
    region - list of numbers which determine region
    central_atoms - list of atoms for which pairs are constructed (Warinig! numbers in new array xcart_pores!);
    - parameter to change mode;

    xcart1imp - coordinates of first interstitial in the  grain interior 

    input_dlist_coseg - list of configurations with cosegregation cases. Needed to construct corresponding segregation cases. the format is quiet tricky

    prec - precision of lengths used to determine unique positions.

    gvolume_config_num - number of configuration with two atoms in grain volume choosen by user (usually should be the most favourable) 

    gbpos - position of grain boundary

    take_final_rprimd_from - path to geo file from which rprimd will be used

    target_znucl - numbers of target atoms

    max_dist_between_atoms - now at least used for 'bulk_pairs' and 'bulk_triple'; maximum length of found pairs.

    add_typat - mannualy set please update


    def write_geometry_files(
        """Creating files
        dlist - list of pairs with distances and numbers
        in_calc - base calculation without pores

        tlist - list of additional atoms in the case of triples; list of structures
        configver - if True each configuration saved as a new version
        add_typat - manually determined; please automatize!

        print "Warning! add_typat", add_typat
        if tlist == []:  # convert dlist to tlist - to do earlier
            for el in dlist:
                config = Structure()
                config.name = el[2]
                config.length = el[0]
                config.typat = add_typat
                config.xcart = [el[7], el[8]]

        for i, el in enumerate(tlist):  # by all found structures
            print "el name is ", el.name
            stn = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.init)
            calc = copy.deepcopy(in_calc)


            stn.xred = xcart2xred(stn.xcart, stn.rprimd)

            xcart_check = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)
            assert len(xcart_check) == len(stn.xcart)  # test

            assert all(
                [all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8)) for (v1, v2) in zip(stn.xcart, xcart_check)]
            )  # check if xcart2xred(stn.xcart,r) and xred2xcart(stn.xred,r) are working correctly up to the eight digits after

            stn.natom = len(stn.xcart)

            """Adapt new rprimd"""
            print "take final rprimd is ", take_final_rprimd_from
            if take_final_rprimd_from:  # read final rprimd and version
                print "Start to read rprimd and version from " + take_final_rprimd_from
                in_calc_rprimd = CalculationVasp()
                in_calc_rprimd.name = "temp"

                stn.rprimd = in_calc_rprimd.init.rprimd
                stn.xcart = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)

                calc.version = in_calc_rprimd.version
            elif configver:
                calc.version = i + 1

            calc.init = stn

            des = (
                " was obtained by the insertion of C-O pair into "
                + in_calc_name
                + "; final vectors taken from corresponding ver"

            calc.build.ipairlen = el.length  # Initial length of pair
            if not hasattr(calc.build, "nadded") or calc.build.nadded == None:
                calc.build.nadded = 2
                calc.build.nadded += 2
            if not hasattr(calc.build, "listadded") or calc.build.listadded == [None]:
                calc.build.listadded = range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom)  # list of atoms which were added
                calc.build.listadded.extend(range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom))

            structure_name = calc.name + el.name.split(".")[0]
            # calc.name = add_name_before+calc.name+ '.' +el[2]+'.'+str(calc.version)
            print "Structure_name", structure_name
            if structure_name in struct_des:

                if configver:
                    fname = structure_name  # calc.name+'C2O2'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = (
                        + struct_des[fname].sfolder
                        + "/"
                        + fname
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "."
                        + segtyp
                        + "."
                        + str(calc.version)
                        + ".geo"
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = (
                        + struct_des[structure_name].sfolder
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "/"
                        + structure_name
                        + "."
                        + segtyp
                        + "."
                        + str(calc.version)
                        + ".geo"
                print "write geo to ", calc.path["input_geo"]
                calc.write_geometry("init", des)

            print "write_geometry_files(): name ", el.name
            stn.name = add_name_before + calc.name + "" + str(el.name) + "." + str(calc.version)
            # stn = replic(stn, (1,2,2))
            print "__________________________\n\n\n"

    def min_diff(f, list, diffprec):
        calculates difference between one number and list of other numbers. return the index of number with smallest difference.
        if difference is smaller than diffprec returns true as the second argument.  
        # print list
        if list == []:
            return 0, False
        mind = min([abs(f - l) for l in list])
        with_i = np.asarray([abs(f - l) for l in list]).argmin()
        return with_i, (mind < diffprec)

    def pairs(in_calc, xcart_pores, central_atoms, prec=2, max_dist=20, max_dist_from_gb=4, pairtyp="gvol"):
        Searhing for pairs and make list of distances and numbers of atoms
        prec - precision, allows to control which distances can be related to the same configurations
        max_dist - maximum distance between atoms in pair
        max_dist_from_gb - 
        pairtyp - 'gvol' assumes that central_atoms are in the grain volume, 'gb' assumes that central_atoms are in the grain boundary region

        st = in_calc.init
        st_replic = replic(st, (2, 2, 2))
        st_replic = replic(st_replic, (2, 2, 2), -1)  # replic in negative direction also
        r1x = in_calc.rprimd[0][0]
        r3z = in_calc.rprimd[2][2]
        print "Half length of r1x is", r1x / 2

        if segtyp in ["segreg", "coseg", "grainvol"]:
            gbpos2 = in_calc.gbpos
            gbpos1 = gbpos2 - r1x / 2.0
            print "\n\nPositions of boundaries gb1 and gb2", gbpos1, gbpos2
            print "Maximum possible distance between boundary and impurity", r1x / 4
            gbpos2 = 0
            gbpos1 = 0

        dlist = []
        d1list = []
        d2list = []
        dgb2list = []

        n_neighbours = 8  # number of atoms to calculate sums

        sumrulist = []  # list of sums (sumr1 or sumr2) of unique pores
        unique_pores = []  # the same list but also with coordinates of pores

        sumrlist = []  # list of sumr1+sumr2

        k = 1
        d2diff = 0
        d1diff = 0
        # z1 = 6 #charge of added impurity
        # z2 = 8

        diffprec = 0.02

        # print xcart_pores

        for i, x1 in enumerate(xcart_pores):
            if i not in central_atoms:
            # iz = z1
            for j, x2 in enumerate(xcart_pores):
                if all(x1 == x2):

                d = abs(x2[0] - in_calc.gbpos)
                if pairtyp == "gb" and d > max_dist_from_gb:
                    continue  # second atom is too far from grain boundary

                d1, d2 = image_distance(x1, x2, st.rprimd, 2)  # the minimum distance and the next minimum dist
                if d1 > max_dist:
                if (d1, d2) != image_distance(x1, x2, st.rprimd, 3):
                    raise RuntimeError  # test, searching in father images

                # d1 = round(d1,prec)
                # d2 = round(d2,prec)
                dgb1 = round(x2[0] - gbpos1, prec)
                dgb2 = round(gbpos2 - x2[0], prec)

                sumr1 = local_surrounding(x1, st_replic, n_neighbours)  # sum of distances to surrounding atoms
                sumr2 = local_surrounding(x2, st_replic, n_neighbours)
                sumr = sumr2 + sumr1

                if sumr1 not in sumrulist:
                    unique_pores.append((sumr1, x1))  # determine unique pores

                if sumr2 not in sumrulist:
                    unique_pores.append((sumr2, x2))  # determine unique pores

                # if d1 in d1list: continue
                if sumr in sumrlist:  # new condition based on sumr
                    ind = sumrlist.index(sumr)
                    i_min, smaller = min_diff(d1, d1list, diffprec)
                    if smaller:

                # if 0:#d1list:
                #     i_min, smaller = min_diff(d1, d1list, diffprec)# d1 has the smallest difference with di
                #     #print "exist"
                #     d2diff = abs(d2list[i_min]-d2)
                #     #print abs(d2list[i_min]-d2)
                #     #print central_atoms
                #     if smaller and abs(d2list[i_min]-d2) < diffprec*2  : continue #and abs(dgb2list[i_min]-dgb2) < diffprec

                #     i_min, smaller = min_diff(d2, d2list, diffprec)# d1 has the smallest difference with di
                #     d1diff = abs(d1list[i_min]-d1)
                #     if smaller and abs(d1list[i_min]-d1) < diffprec*2  : continue

                # print "skiped"
                # di, smaller = min_diff(d2, d2list, diffprec)
                # if di != None and smaller: continue
                # if min_diff(d2, d2list, diffprec): continue # be carefull here. this condition can pass some unique configrations; should make additional check like below
                # if d2 in d2list and dgb2list[d2list.index(d2)] == dgb2: continue
                # jz = z2

                # d2list.append(d2)
                # dgb2list.append(dgb2)

                sym = ""
                if 0:  # mannualy switched off
                    if abs(x1[1] - x2[1]) < diffprec:  # Find symmetry
                        if abs(x1[2] - x2[2]) < diffprec:
                            sym = "ms"  # if y and z are the same, than mirror symmetry
                        elif abs(x1[2] - x2[2]) - r3z < diffprec:
                            sym = "is"  # inverse symmtry
                        elif (
                            abs(x1[2] + x2[2]) - 0.5 * r3z < diffprec
                        ):  # only for t111g; should be extended for general case of existing periods along y or z
                            sym = "is"

                    [round(d1, prec), round(d2, prec), sym, sumr1, sumr2, dgb1, dgb2, x1, x2, sumr1, sumr2]
                )  # the first sumr1, sumr2 below replaced by their types

                k += 1


        print "Number of unique pores     is", len(unique_pores)
        print "Pores have the following sums: ", unique_pores

        print "Searching for similar pairs but with different distances ..."
        print "number, d1, d2, name,  sumr1, sumr2, dgb1, dgb2; parallel pair with larger distances"

        bname = element_name_inv(target_znucl[1]) + element_name_inv(target_znucl[2])
        for i, el1 in enumerate(dlist):

            typ1 = sumrulist.index(el1[3]) + 1  # typ of pore of the first atom
            typ2 = sumrulist.index(el1[4]) + 1
            el1[3] = typ1
            el1[4] = typ2

            if pairtyp == "gb":
                dlist[i][2] = bname + "i" + str(i + 1) + "." + str(el1[3]) + "-" + str(el1[4]) + dlist[i][2]

            elif pairtyp == "gvol":
                dlist[i][2] = bname + ".v" + str(i + 1) + dlist[i][2]

            print i + 1, el1[:3], el1[-2:], el1[-6], el1[-5],  # number, d1, d2, name,  sumr1, sumr2, dgb1, dgb2

            for (
            ) in (
            ):  # this loop looks for pairs which are parallel to the same direction as el1 but have larger interdistances

                if el1 == el2:

                mod = el2[0] / el1[0] % 1

                if (mod < 0.005 or mod > 0.995) and abs(el1[0] - el2[0]) > dlist[0][
                ]:  # only multiple distances and if difference is larger than smallest distance
                    # if round(el1[2],prec-1) != round(el2[2],prec-1): continue #In either case the sum the distances should be the same for the same direction
                    if el1[0] == el2[1]:
                    print el2[0] / el1[0],  # el2, this pair of atoms is analogus to el1 but have larger interdistance
        print "Total number of structures is", len(dlist)

        if 0:
            print "\n\nSearching for pairs with equal distances by periodic boundary conditions:"
            for el1 in dlist:
                if el1[0] == el1[1]:
                    print el1

            print "\nSearching for pairs with not equal distances by periodic boundary conditions:"
            for el1 in dlist:
                if el1[0] != el1[1]:
                    print el1

            print "\nSearching for pairs with d2/d1>2:"
            for el1 in dlist:
                if el1[1] / el1[0] > 2:
                    print el1

        dlist[0].append(unique_pores)  # last element of dlist[0] is sum and coordinates of unique pores

        return dlist

    """0. BEGIN-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""

    hstring = "%s    #on %s" % (traceback.extract_stack(None, 2)[0][3], datetime.date.today())
    if hstring != header.history[-1]:

    print_and_log("\n\n------Starting find_pairs()-----------...\n")

    if type(central_atoms) == int:  # not in [tuple, list]:

        central_atoms = [central_atoms]
        # transform to list

    if type(in_calc) == str:
        in_calc_name = in_calc
        in_calc = CalculationVasp()
        # in_calc.name = str(in_calc_name)

        in_calc.name = base_name
        print "in_calc name is ", in_calc.name

        if gbpos:
            in_calc.gbpos = gbpos  # rewrite gbpos

        st = in_calc.init
        """End relaxed structure is used!!!"""
        st = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.end)
        in_calc_name = str(in_calc.id)

    """1. Create separate list of pores and remove them from xcart--------------------------------------------------------"""

    if "hcp_octa_xred":
        in_calc.init.name = segtyp + "_all_pores"
        rep = replic(in_calc.init, (2, 2, 2), -1)
        write_xyz(rep)  # just to check

        """Coordinates of octapores provided in xcart; znucl = 200;"""
        xcart = st.xcart
        typat = st.typat
        st.typat = []
        st.xcart = []
        xcart_pores = []

        # clean structure from pores with z == 200 and construct xcart_pores
        for i, x in enumerate(xcart):
            z = st.znucl[typat[i] - 1]
            if z == 200:
                # print "Found pore"
        st.natom = len(st.xcart)
        print "Number of found pores with znucl = 200 is ", len(xcart_pores)
        for n in central_atoms:
            if n >= len(xcart_pores):
                raise RuntimeError

    """2. Preprocess segreg and grainvol cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    # in_calc can be of two types: pure and with C in grain volume; using pure we construct co-segregation cases; using carbon in volume we can construct segregation cases

    if segtyp in ("segreg", "grainvol"):

        if 2 in st.typat:  # impurity in grain volume; (now assume that Carbon)

            iimp = st.typat.index(2)

            xcart1imp = st.xcart[iimp]  # save coordinates of carbon atom

            del st.xcart[iimp]
            del st.typat[iimp]
            st.natom -= 1  # and remove it
            # del st.xred[iimp]
            st.ntypat -= 1
            del st.znucl[1]

            print "Impurity atom was removed from cell"

        if xcart1imp:  # for compatibility with previous cases; better not to use

            imp1 = len(xcart_pores)

            xcart2imp = (
                xcart1imp - 0.5 * st.rprimd[0]
            )  # determine coordinates of second impurity assuming that we have mirror symmetry
            if xcart2imp[0] < 0:
                xcart2imp = xcart1imp + 0.5 * st.rprimd[0]

            imp2 = imp1 + 1

        else:  # new version; both central pores are found in the pure cell!!!

            # We have pure cell here; Find central pore in 1st grain and 2nd grain:
            xcen1 = in_calc.gbpos - 0.25 * st.rprimd[0][0]  # x center of the first grain
            xcen2 = in_calc.gbpos - 0.75 * st.rprimd[0][0]  # z center of the second grain
            # print "xcen", xcen1, xcen2

            d1l = []
            d2l = []
            rpxx05 = st.rprimd[0][0] * 0.5
            for x in xcart_pores:
                d1 = xcen1 - x[0]
                d2 = xcen2 - x[0]
                if d2 < -rpxx05:
                    d2 += st.rprimd[0][0]  # assuming that periodic boundary conditions needed only here

                # print d1,d2
            imp1 = np.argmin(d1l)  # needed numbers of pores
            imp2 = np.argmin(d2l)
            # print imp1, imp2
            xcart1imp = xcart_pores[imp1]
            xcart2imp = xcart_pores[imp2]
            # print "xcartimp", xcart1imp, xcart2imp

    """3. Define central atoms for segregation and co-segregation cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    max_dist_from_gb = 100
    if segtyp in ("segreg", "coseg"):

        # central_atoms = []

        max_dist_between_atoms = 4.8
        max_dist_from_gb = 3  # main controls

        for i, x in enumerate(xcart_pores):  # generate central atoms
            d = abs(x[0] - in_calc.gbpos)
            if d < max_dist_from_gb:

    """4. Assume that we always have target_znucl, but only three !!!--------------------------------------------------------"""

    st.znucl = target_znucl  # Please make this part more general
    st.ntypat = len(set(st.znucl))
    print "Warning! Found only ", st.ntypat, "of unique atoms in target_znucl"

    st.xred = xcart2xred(st.xcart, st.rprimd)

    """5. Find segreg and co-segreg cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    in_calc.init = st

    dlist_coseg = []
    if segtyp == "coseg":
        print "\nStart searching pairs in  gb"
        # main_path = 'T2/CO/' #! please make more general

        dlist_coseg = pairs(
            in_calc, xcart_pores, central_atoms, prec, max_dist_between_atoms, max_dist_from_gb, pairtyp="gb"

        dlist_coseg_exc = []
        for el in copy.deepcopy(dlist_coseg):  # Exchange C and O only for unsymmetrical cases
            if "s" in el[2]:
                continue  # not needed for symmetrical cases
            el[2] = el[2].replace("C", "x")
            el[2] = el[2].replace("O", "C")
            el[2] = el[2].replace("x", "O")
            el[7], el[8] = el[8], el[7]
            el[3], el[4] = el[4], el[3]

        for el in dlist_coseg + dlist_coseg_exc:  # Helper
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + "_coseg"
            print (
                    "struct_des['{0:s}'] = des('{1:s}', 'co-segregation configurations; made from " + based_on + "'   )"
                ).format(stname, path)

        for el in dlist_coseg + dlist_coseg_exc:  # Helper
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + "_coseg"
            print "add_loop('" + stname + "','" + based_on.split(".")[
            ] + "',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'up1', inherit_option = 'inherit_xred')"

            dlist_coseg + dlist_coseg_exc, in_calc, xcart_pores, segtyp, take_final_rprimd_from, add_typat=add_typat

    elif segtyp == "segreg":

        """Produce segregation cases only in the case of segreg"""
        print "\nStart producing segragation cases"

        dlist_segreg = []
        # dlist_segreg1 = copy.deepcopy(input_dlist_coseg) #in this case we use input_dlist with co-segragation cases from pure cell.
        # dlist_segreg2 = copy.deepcopy(input_dlist_coseg) #There is small error, because positions of pores at grain boundary
        #                                            #differs in pure cell and cell with impurity in grain volume
        # for i, el in enumerate(input_dlist_coseg):
        #     sym = ''
        #     if   'is' in el[2]: sym = 'is'
        #     elif 'ms' in el[2]: sym = 'ms'
        #     dlist_segreg1[i][7] =  xcart1imp
        #     dlist_segreg1[i][2] = 'CvOi'+str(i+1)+sym

        #     dlist_segreg2[i][8] =  xcart1imp

        #     dlist_segreg2[i][2] = 'CiOv'+str(i+1)+sym

        """new determination based on input_dlist_coseg[0][-1]"""
        el = copy.deepcopy(input_dlist_coseg[0])
        unique = el[-1]  # sums and coordinates of unique pores
        print "unique", unique
        for i, sx in enumerate(unique):
            el[2] = "Ci" + str(i + 1) + "Ov"
            el[7] = sx[1]
            d1, dnext = image_distance(sx[1], xcart1imp, st.rprimd, 2)
            d2, dnext = image_distance(sx[1], xcart2imp, st.rprimd, 2)
            if d1 > d2:
                el[8] = xcart1imp
                el[8] = xcart2imp  # the farthest impurity in grain volume is used


        # dlist_segreg = dlist_segreg1 + dlist_segreg2 #Segregation of the first impurity and of the second

        dlist_segreg_exc = []
        for el in copy.deepcopy(dlist_segreg):  # Exchange C and O only for unsymmetrical cases
            if "s" in el[2]:
                continue  # not needed for symmetrical cases
            el[2] = el[2].replace("C", "x")
            el[2] = el[2].replace("O", "C")
            el[2] = el[2].replace("x", "O")
            el[7], el[8] = el[8], el[7]
            el[3], el[4] = el[4], el[3]

        # helper
        for el in dlist_segreg + dlist_segreg_exc:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + "_segreg"
            print (
                    "struct_des['{0:s}'] = des('{1:s}', 'co-segregation configurations; made from " + based_on + "'   )"
                ).format(stname, path)

        for el in dlist_segreg + dlist_segreg_exc:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + "_segreg"

            print "add_loop('" + stname + "','" + based_on.split(".")[
            ] + "',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'up1', inherit_option = 'inherit_xred')"

            dlist_segreg + dlist_segreg_exc, in_calc, xcart_pores, segtyp, take_final_rprimd_from, add_typat=add_typat

    """6. Find volume cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    # this part for construction volume cases
    if segtyp == "grainvol":  # take care that you have only one carbon atom in the grain
        print "\nStart searching pairs in the volume"
        central_atoms = [imp1]
        max_dist_between_atoms = 4.0
        # gvolume_config_num = 0 #please choose manually

        dlist = pairs(
            in_calc, xcart_pores, central_atoms, prec, max_dist_between_atoms, max_dist_from_gb, pairtyp="gvol"

        # dlist = [dlist[0], copy.deepcopy(dlist[gvolume_config_num-1])  ]

        # dlist[0][4] = imp2 #no matter wht was dlist[0]; used for vv case
        dlist[-1][8] = xcart2imp  # last element for both atoms in grain volumes
        dlist[-1][2] = "CvOvms"

        # helper
        for el in dlist:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + "_gvol"  # grain volume
            print "add_loop('" + stname + "','" + based_on.split(".")[
            ] + "',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'up1', inherit_option = 'inherit_xred')"

        for el in dlist:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + "_gvol"  # grain volume
            print (
                    "struct_des['{0:s}'] = des('{1:s}', 'co-segregation configurations; made from " + based_on + "'   )"
                ).format(stname, path)

        write_geometry_files(dlist, in_calc, xcart_pores, segtyp, take_final_rprimd_from, add_typat=add_typat)

    """. Triple cases--------------------------------------------------------"""

    def triples(addatom=("O", 3), dlist=[], tlist=[], in_calc=None, xcart_pores=[], max_dist_to_next_atom=3):
        Add addatom to all configurations in tlist; 

        addatom[1] - type of atom in typat
        dlist - list of configurations with two impurity atoms; Used if tlist == []; the format of dlist is quiet special
        tlist - list of configurations with arbirtary number of atoms;

        tlist - list of configurations with add atoms
        st = in_calc.init

        if dlist and tlist == []:
            for el in dlist:
                par = el
                print "pair 1", par,
                x1 = par[7]
                x2 = par[8]
                print "x1 = ", x1
                print "x2 = ", x2
                config = Structure()
                config.xcart = [x1, x2]
                config.typat = [2, 3]
                config.name = el[2]

        tlist_new = []
        for config in tlist:
            xcart = config.xcart
            typat = config.typat
            name = config.name
            print "\n\n\nStart to adding atom to ", name

            i = 1
            dlistlist = []

            diffprec = 0.001

            [dlistlist.append([]) for x in xcart]
            print len(dlistlist)

            for xpor in xcart_pores:

                skip = True
                for j, x in enumerate(xcart):  # list of 2 or 3 initial atoms to which additional atom will be added
                    if all(np.around(xpor, 5) == np.around(x, 5)):
                        skip = True

                    d1, d2 = image_distance(x, xpor, st.rprimd, 2)  # the minimum distance and the next minimum dist
                    if d1 > max_dist_to_next_atom:
                        skip = True
                        break  # if only one pore is larger from atom than limit, the pore is skiped

                    # suml = d11+d21+par[0]
                    # for dl in dlistlist:
                    # print 'j is ', j

                    i_min, smaller = min_diff(
                        d1, dlistlist[j], diffprec
                    )  # old condition - bad - removes unique configurations
                    # if smaller: skip = True; continue # symmetrical pores deleted

                    skip = False  # all conditions are fullfilled - this configuration is unique
                # else:
                # print 'List of distances to atoms'
                if skip:
                    continue  #

                # print "Pore can be used", xpor #sum of distances for triple

                new = Structure()
                new.name = name + addatom[0] + str(i)
                new.xcart = copy.deepcopy(xcart)
                new.typat = copy.deepcopy(typat)
                # print 'new.typat  =', new.typat

                # calculate sum of lengths
                new.length = 0
                new.lengthCO = 0
                new.lengthCC = 0
                new.lengthOO = 0
                new.xcartC = []
                new.xcartO = []
                for m, x1 in enumerate(new.xcart):
                    if new.typat[m] == 2:
                    if new.typat[m] == 3:

                    for x2 in new.xcart:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(x1, x2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.length += d1

                for xC in new.xcartC:
                    for xO in new.xcartO:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC, xO, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCO += d1

                for xC1 in new.xcartC:
                    for xC2 in new.xcartC:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC1, xC2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCC += d1

                for xO1 in new.xcartO:
                    for xO2 in new.xcartO:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xO1, xO2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthOO += d1

                skip = False
                n = len(new.xcart)

                """additional conditions to leave only unique configurations"""
                for config in tlist_new:
                    if 1:
                        nr = 0
                        for (v1, t1) in zip(new.xcart, new.typat):
                            for (v2, t2) in zip(config.xcart, config.typat):
                                if all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8)) and t1 == t2:
                                    nr += 1
                        if nr == n:
                            print "The configurations", new.name, "and", config.name, "consist of the same atoms, continue"
                            skip = True

                    # print  all([ all( np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8) ) for (v1, v2) in zip(new.xcart, config.xcart) ])

                    # check identity using sum of distances
                    # i_min, smaller = min_diff(config.length, [new.length], diffprec)
                    # if smaller:
                    #     print "Configuration ", new.name, "has the same sum of lengths as", config.name
                    i_min, smaller1 = min_diff(config.lengthCO, [new.lengthCO], diffprec)
                    i_min, smaller2 = min_diff(config.lengthCC, [new.lengthCC], diffprec)
                    i_min, smaller3 = min_diff(config.lengthOO, [new.lengthOO], diffprec)
                    # print 'Compare', new.name, config.name, smaller1, smaller2, smaller3
                    if smaller1 and smaller2 and smaller3:
                        print "\nConfiguration ", new.name, "has the same sum of C-O, C-C  and O-O lengths as", config.name
                        skip = True

                if skip:
                print "\nSum of CO lengths in :", new.name, new.lengthCC, new.lengthOO, new.lengthCO


                i += 1

        return tlist_new

    if segtyp == "bulk_triple" or segtyp == "bulk_pairs":

        # max_dist_between_atoms = 4.8

        print "\nSearching pairs ..."
        dlist = pairs(in_calc, xcart_pores, central_atoms, prec, max_dist_between_atoms, pairtyp="gvol")

    if segtyp == "bulk_pairs":
            dlist, in_calc, xcart_pores, segtyp, take_final_rprimd_from, configver=True, add_typat=add_typat

    if segtyp == "bulk_triple":

        max_dist_to_next_atom = 5.5
        print "\nSearching triples ..."  # , tlist
        tlist = []
        tlist = triples(("O", 3), dlist, tlist, in_calc, xcart_pores, max_dist_to_next_atom)

        tlist = triples(("C", 2), dlist, tlist, in_calc, xcart_pores, max_dist_to_next_atom)


    return dlist_coseg, xcart_pores
コード例 #9
ファイル: pairs.py プロジェクト: dimonaks/simanaks
    def write_geometry_files(dlist,
        """Creating files
        dlist - list of pairs with distances and numbers
        in_calc - base calculation without pores

        tlist - list of additional atoms in the case of triples; list of structures
        configver - if True each configuration saved as a new version
        add_typat - manually determined; please automatize!

        print "Warning! add_typat", add_typat
        if tlist == []:  #convert dlist to tlist - to do earlier
            for el in dlist:
                config = Structure()
                config.name = el[2]
                config.length = el[0]
                config.typat = add_typat
                config.xcart = [el[7], el[8]]

        for i, el in enumerate(tlist):  #by all found structures
            print "el name is ", el.name
            stn = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.init)
            calc = copy.deepcopy(in_calc)


            stn.xred = xcart2xred(stn.xcart, stn.rprimd)

            xcart_check = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)
            assert len(xcart_check) == len(stn.xcart)  #test

            assert all(
                    all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8))
                    for (v1, v2) in zip(stn.xcart, xcart_check)
            )  #check if xcart2xred(stn.xcart,r) and xred2xcart(stn.xred,r) are working correctly up to the eight digits after

            stn.natom = len(stn.xcart)
            """Adapt new rprimd"""
            print "take final rprimd is ", take_final_rprimd_from
            if take_final_rprimd_from:  #read final rprimd and version
                print "Start to read rprimd and version from " + take_final_rprimd_from
                in_calc_rprimd = CalculationVasp()
                in_calc_rprimd.name = 'temp'

                stn.rprimd = in_calc_rprimd.init.rprimd
                stn.xcart = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)

                calc.version = in_calc_rprimd.version
            elif configver:
                calc.version = i + 1

            calc.init = stn

            des = ' was obtained by the insertion of C-O pair into ' + in_calc_name + '; final vectors taken from corresponding ver'

            calc.build.ipairlen = el.length  # Initial length of pair
            if not hasattr(calc.build, 'nadded') or calc.build.nadded == None:
                calc.build.nadded = 2
                calc.build.nadded += 2
            if not hasattr(calc.build,
                           'listadded') or calc.build.listadded == [None]:
                calc.build.listadded = range(
                    stn.natom - 2, stn.natom)  #list of atoms which were added
                calc.build.listadded.extend(range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom))

            structure_name = calc.name + el.name.split('.')[0]
            #calc.name = add_name_before+calc.name+ '.' +el[2]+'.'+str(calc.version)
            print 'Structure_name', structure_name
            if structure_name in struct_des:

                if configver:
                    fname = structure_name  # calc.name+'C2O2'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = geo_folder + struct_des[
                        fname].sfolder + '/' + fname + '/' + structure_name + '.' + segtyp + '.' + str(
                            calc.version) + '.geo'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = geo_folder + struct_des[
                        structure_name].sfolder + '/' + structure_name + '/' + structure_name + '.' + segtyp + '.' + str(
                            calc.version) + '.geo'
                print "write geo to ", calc.path["input_geo"]
                calc.write_geometry('init', des)

            print "write_geometry_files(): name ", el.name
            stn.name = add_name_before + calc.name + '' + str(
                el.name) + '.' + str(calc.version)
            #stn = replic(stn, (1,2,2))
            print "__________________________\n\n\n"
コード例 #10
ファイル: pairs.py プロジェクト: dimonaks/simanaks
def find_pairs(base_name,
               target_znucl=[22, 6, 8],
               add_typat=[2, 3]):
    Find uniq pairs of atoms and analyse them
    segtyp - 
    three regimes for cells with grain boundaries:
    'segreg' assumes that in_calc contains carbon atom in grain volume, and creates all cases; 
    'coseg' assumes pure cell and creates only coseg cases.
    cosegregation cases of course should be the same for two regimes, however co-segregation configuations after 'coseg' is more easy to relax.
    'grainvol' - searching for pairs in grain volume

    two regimes for bulk cells:
    'bulk_triple' - used for bulk cells without grain boundaries; first step is searching for pairs, second step for triples.
    'bulk_pairs' - used for bulk cells without grain boundaries; searching for pairs.

    new_name - name of created structures; at first should be added to struct_des[]
    in_calc - Calculation() type or path to geo file
    region - list of numbers which determine region
    central_atoms - list of atoms for which pairs are constructed (Warinig! numbers in new array xcart_pores!);
    - parameter to change mode;

    xcart1imp - coordinates of first interstitial in the  grain interior 

    input_dlist_coseg - list of configurations with cosegregation cases. Needed to construct corresponding segregation cases. the format is quiet tricky

    prec - precision of lengths used to determine unique positions.

    gvolume_config_num - number of configuration with two atoms in grain volume choosen by user (usually should be the most favourable) 

    gbpos - position of grain boundary

    take_final_rprimd_from - path to geo file from which rprimd will be used

    target_znucl - numbers of target atoms

    max_dist_between_atoms - now at least used for 'bulk_pairs' and 'bulk_triple'; maximum length of found pairs.

    add_typat - mannualy set please update

    def write_geometry_files(dlist,
        """Creating files
        dlist - list of pairs with distances and numbers
        in_calc - base calculation without pores

        tlist - list of additional atoms in the case of triples; list of structures
        configver - if True each configuration saved as a new version
        add_typat - manually determined; please automatize!

        print "Warning! add_typat", add_typat
        if tlist == []:  #convert dlist to tlist - to do earlier
            for el in dlist:
                config = Structure()
                config.name = el[2]
                config.length = el[0]
                config.typat = add_typat
                config.xcart = [el[7], el[8]]

        for i, el in enumerate(tlist):  #by all found structures
            print "el name is ", el.name
            stn = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.init)
            calc = copy.deepcopy(in_calc)


            stn.xred = xcart2xred(stn.xcart, stn.rprimd)

            xcart_check = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)
            assert len(xcart_check) == len(stn.xcart)  #test

            assert all(
                    all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8))
                    for (v1, v2) in zip(stn.xcart, xcart_check)
            )  #check if xcart2xred(stn.xcart,r) and xred2xcart(stn.xred,r) are working correctly up to the eight digits after

            stn.natom = len(stn.xcart)
            """Adapt new rprimd"""
            print "take final rprimd is ", take_final_rprimd_from
            if take_final_rprimd_from:  #read final rprimd and version
                print "Start to read rprimd and version from " + take_final_rprimd_from
                in_calc_rprimd = CalculationVasp()
                in_calc_rprimd.name = 'temp'

                stn.rprimd = in_calc_rprimd.init.rprimd
                stn.xcart = xred2xcart(stn.xred, stn.rprimd)

                calc.version = in_calc_rprimd.version
            elif configver:
                calc.version = i + 1

            calc.init = stn

            des = ' was obtained by the insertion of C-O pair into ' + in_calc_name + '; final vectors taken from corresponding ver'

            calc.build.ipairlen = el.length  # Initial length of pair
            if not hasattr(calc.build, 'nadded') or calc.build.nadded == None:
                calc.build.nadded = 2
                calc.build.nadded += 2
            if not hasattr(calc.build,
                           'listadded') or calc.build.listadded == [None]:
                calc.build.listadded = range(
                    stn.natom - 2, stn.natom)  #list of atoms which were added
                calc.build.listadded.extend(range(stn.natom - 2, stn.natom))

            structure_name = calc.name + el.name.split('.')[0]
            #calc.name = add_name_before+calc.name+ '.' +el[2]+'.'+str(calc.version)
            print 'Structure_name', structure_name
            if structure_name in struct_des:

                if configver:
                    fname = structure_name  # calc.name+'C2O2'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = geo_folder + struct_des[
                        fname].sfolder + '/' + fname + '/' + structure_name + '.' + segtyp + '.' + str(
                            calc.version) + '.geo'
                    calc.path["input_geo"] = geo_folder + struct_des[
                        structure_name].sfolder + '/' + structure_name + '/' + structure_name + '.' + segtyp + '.' + str(
                            calc.version) + '.geo'
                print "write geo to ", calc.path["input_geo"]
                calc.write_geometry('init', des)

            print "write_geometry_files(): name ", el.name
            stn.name = add_name_before + calc.name + '' + str(
                el.name) + '.' + str(calc.version)
            #stn = replic(stn, (1,2,2))
            print "__________________________\n\n\n"

    def min_diff(f, list, diffprec):
        calculates difference between one number and list of other numbers. return the index of number with smallest difference.
        if difference is smaller than diffprec returns true as the second argument.  
        #print list
        if list == []: return 0, False
        mind = min([abs(f - l) for l in list])
        with_i = np.asarray([abs(f - l) for l in list]).argmin()
        return with_i, (mind < diffprec)

    def pairs(in_calc,
        Searhing for pairs and make list of distances and numbers of atoms
        prec - precision, allows to control which distances can be related to the same configurations
        max_dist - maximum distance between atoms in pair
        max_dist_from_gb - 
        pairtyp - 'gvol' assumes that central_atoms are in the grain volume, 'gb' assumes that central_atoms are in the grain boundary region

        st = in_calc.init
        st_replic = replic(st, (2, 2, 2))
        st_replic = replic(st_replic, (2, 2, 2),
                           -1)  #replic in negative direction also
        r1x = in_calc.rprimd[0][0]
        r3z = in_calc.rprimd[2][2]
        print "Half length of r1x is", r1x / 2

        if segtyp in ['segreg', 'coseg', 'grainvol']:
            gbpos2 = in_calc.gbpos
            gbpos1 = gbpos2 - r1x / 2.
            print "\n\nPositions of boundaries gb1 and gb2", gbpos1, gbpos2
            print "Maximum possible distance between boundary and impurity", r1x / 4
            gbpos2 = 0
            gbpos1 = 0

        dlist = []
        d1list = []
        d2list = []
        dgb2list = []

        n_neighbours = 8  # number of atoms to calculate sums

        sumrulist = []  #list of sums (sumr1 or sumr2) of unique pores
        unique_pores = []  #the same list but also with coordinates of pores

        sumrlist = []  #list of sumr1+sumr2

        k = 1
        d2diff = 0
        d1diff = 0
        #z1 = 6 #charge of added impurity
        #z2 = 8

        diffprec = 0.02

        # print xcart_pores

        for i, x1 in enumerate(xcart_pores):
            if i not in central_atoms: continue
            #iz = z1
            for j, x2 in enumerate(xcart_pores):
                if all(x1 == x2): continue

                d = abs(x2[0] - in_calc.gbpos)
                if pairtyp == 'gb' and d > max_dist_from_gb:
                    continue  #second atom is too far from grain boundary

                d1, d2 = image_distance(
                    x1, x2, st.rprimd,
                    2)  # the minimum distance and the next minimum dist
                if d1 > max_dist: continue
                if (d1, d2) != image_distance(x1, x2, st.rprimd, 3):
                    raise RuntimeError  #test, searching in father images

                #d1 = round(d1,prec)
                #d2 = round(d2,prec)
                dgb1 = round(x2[0] - gbpos1, prec)
                dgb2 = round(gbpos2 - x2[0], prec)

                sumr1 = local_surrounding(
                    x1, st_replic,
                    n_neighbours)  # sum of distances to surrounding atoms
                sumr2 = local_surrounding(x2, st_replic, n_neighbours)
                sumr = sumr2 + sumr1

                if sumr1 not in sumrulist:
                    unique_pores.append((sumr1, x1))  #determine unique pores

                if sumr2 not in sumrulist:
                    unique_pores.append((sumr2, x2))  #determine unique pores

                #if d1 in d1list: continue
                if sumr in sumrlist:  # new condition based on sumr
                    ind = sumrlist.index(sumr)
                    i_min, smaller = min_diff(d1, d1list, diffprec)
                    if smaller: continue

                # if 0:#d1list:
                #     i_min, smaller = min_diff(d1, d1list, diffprec)# d1 has the smallest difference with di
                #     #print "exist"
                #     d2diff = abs(d2list[i_min]-d2)
                #     #print abs(d2list[i_min]-d2)
                #     #print central_atoms
                #     if smaller and abs(d2list[i_min]-d2) < diffprec*2  : continue #and abs(dgb2list[i_min]-dgb2) < diffprec

                #     i_min, smaller = min_diff(d2, d2list, diffprec)# d1 has the smallest difference with di
                #     d1diff = abs(d1list[i_min]-d1)
                #     if smaller and abs(d1list[i_min]-d1) < diffprec*2  : continue

                #print "skiped"
                #di, smaller = min_diff(d2, d2list, diffprec)
                #if di != None and smaller: continue
                #if min_diff(d2, d2list, diffprec): continue # be carefull here. this condition can pass some unique configrations; should make additional check like below
                #if d2 in d2list and dgb2list[d2list.index(d2)] == dgb2: continue
                #jz = z2

                # d2list.append(d2)
                # dgb2list.append(dgb2)

                sym = ''
                if 0:  #mannualy switched off
                    if abs(x1[1] - x2[1]) < diffprec:  #Find symmetry
                        if abs(x1[2] - x2[2]) < diffprec:
                            sym = 'ms'  # if y and z are the same, than mirror symmetry
                        elif abs(x1[2] - x2[2]) - r3z < diffprec:
                            sym = 'is'  # inverse symmtry
                        elif abs(
                                x1[2] + x2[2]
                        ) - 0.5 * r3z < diffprec:  # only for t111g; should be extended for general case of existing periods along y or z
                            sym = 'is'

                    round(d1, prec),
                    round(d2, prec), sym, sumr1, sumr2, dgb1, dgb2, x1, x2,
                    sumr1, sumr2
                ])  #the first sumr1, sumr2 below replaced by their types

                k += 1


        print 'Number of unique pores     is', len(unique_pores)
        print 'Pores have the following sums: ', unique_pores

        print "Searching for similar pairs but with different distances ..."
        print "number, d1, d2, name,  sumr1, sumr2, dgb1, dgb2; parallel pair with larger distances"

        bname = element_name_inv(target_znucl[1]) + element_name_inv(
        for i, el1 in enumerate(dlist):

            typ1 = sumrulist.index(el1[3]) + 1  #typ of pore of the first atom
            typ2 = sumrulist.index(el1[4]) + 1
            el1[3] = typ1
            el1[4] = typ2

            if pairtyp == 'gb':
                dlist[i][2] = bname + 'i' + str(i + 1) + '.' + str(
                    el1[3]) + '-' + str(el1[4]) + dlist[i][2]

            elif pairtyp == 'gvol':
                dlist[i][2] = bname + '.v' + str(i + 1) + dlist[i][2]

            print i + 1, el1[:3], el1[-2:], el1[-6], el1[
                -5],  #number, d1, d2, name,  sumr1, sumr2, dgb1, dgb2

            for el2 in dlist:  #this loop looks for pairs which are parallel to the same direction as el1 but have larger interdistances

                if el1 == el2: continue

                mod = el2[0] / el1[0] % 1

                if (mod < 0.005 or mod > 0.995
                    ) and abs(el1[0] - el2[0]) > dlist[0][
                        0]:  #only multiple distances and if difference is larger than smallest distance
                    #if round(el1[2],prec-1) != round(el2[2],prec-1): continue #In either case the sum the distances should be the same for the same direction
                    if el1[0] == el2[1]: continue
                    print el2[0] / el1[
                        0],  # el2, this pair of atoms is analogus to el1 but have larger interdistance
        print 'Total number of structures is', len(dlist)

        if 0:
            print "\n\nSearching for pairs with equal distances by periodic boundary conditions:"
            for el1 in dlist:
                if el1[0] == el1[1]:
                    print el1

            print "\nSearching for pairs with not equal distances by periodic boundary conditions:"
            for el1 in dlist:
                if el1[0] != el1[1]:
                    print el1

            print "\nSearching for pairs with d2/d1>2:"
            for el1 in dlist:
                if el1[1] / el1[0] > 2:
                    print el1

        )  # last element of dlist[0] is sum and coordinates of unique pores

        return dlist

    """0. BEGIN-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""

    hstring = ("%s    #on %s" %
               (traceback.extract_stack(None, 2)[0][3], datetime.date.today()))
    if hstring != header.history[-1]: header.history.append(hstring)

    print_and_log("\n\n------Starting find_pairs()-----------...\n")

    if type(central_atoms) == int:  #not in [tuple, list]:

        central_atoms = [central_atoms]
        #transform to list

    if type(in_calc) == str:
        in_calc_name = in_calc
        in_calc = CalculationVasp()
        #in_calc.name = str(in_calc_name)

        in_calc.name = base_name
        print "in_calc name is ", in_calc.name

        if gbpos: in_calc.gbpos = gbpos  #rewrite gbpos

        st = in_calc.init
        """End relaxed structure is used!!!"""
        st = copy.deepcopy(in_calc.end)
        in_calc_name = str(in_calc.id)
    """1. Create separate list of pores and remove them from xcart--------------------------------------------------------"""

    if "hcp_octa_xred":
        in_calc.init.name = segtyp + '_all_pores'
        rep = replic(in_calc.init, (2, 2, 2), -1)
        write_xyz(rep)  #just to check
        """Coordinates of octapores provided in xcart; znucl = 200;"""
        xcart = st.xcart
        typat = st.typat
        st.typat = []
        st.xcart = []
        xcart_pores = []

        #clean structure from pores with z == 200 and construct xcart_pores
        for i, x in enumerate(xcart):
            z = st.znucl[typat[i] - 1]
            if z == 200:
                #print "Found pore"
        st.natom = len(st.xcart)
        print 'Number of found pores with znucl = 200 is ', len(xcart_pores)
        for n in central_atoms:
            if n >= len(xcart_pores):
                raise RuntimeError
    """2. Preprocess segreg and grainvol cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    # in_calc can be of two types: pure and with C in grain volume; using pure we construct co-segregation cases; using carbon in volume we can construct segregation cases

    if segtyp in ('segreg', 'grainvol'):

        if 2 in st.typat:  # impurity in grain volume; (now assume that Carbon)

            iimp = st.typat.index(2)

            xcart1imp = st.xcart[iimp]  #save coordinates of carbon atom

            del st.xcart[iimp]
            del st.typat[iimp]
            st.natom -= 1  #and remove it
            #del st.xred[iimp]
            st.ntypat -= 1
            del st.znucl[1]

            print "Impurity atom was removed from cell"

        if xcart1imp:  #for compatibility with previous cases; better not to use

            imp1 = len(xcart_pores)

            xcart2imp = xcart1imp - 0.5 * st.rprimd[
                0]  #determine coordinates of second impurity assuming that we have mirror symmetry
            if xcart2imp[0] < 0: xcart2imp = xcart1imp + 0.5 * st.rprimd[0]

            imp2 = imp1 + 1

        else:  #new version; both central pores are found in the pure cell!!!

            #We have pure cell here; Find central pore in 1st grain and 2nd grain:
            xcen1 = in_calc.gbpos - 0.25 * st.rprimd[0][
                0]  #x center of the first grain
            xcen2 = in_calc.gbpos - 0.75 * st.rprimd[0][
                0]  #z center of the second grain
            # print "xcen", xcen1, xcen2

            d1l = []
            d2l = []
            rpxx05 = st.rprimd[0][0] * 0.5
            for x in xcart_pores:
                d1 = xcen1 - x[0]
                d2 = xcen2 - x[0]
                if d2 < -rpxx05:
                    d2 += st.rprimd[0][
                        0]  # assuming that periodic boundary conditions needed only here

                # print d1,d2
            imp1 = np.argmin(d1l)  #needed numbers of pores
            imp2 = np.argmin(d2l)
            # print imp1, imp2
            xcart1imp = xcart_pores[imp1]
            xcart2imp = xcart_pores[imp2]
            # print "xcartimp", xcart1imp, xcart2imp
    """3. Define central atoms for segregation and co-segregation cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    max_dist_from_gb = 100
    if segtyp in ('segreg', 'coseg'):

        # central_atoms = []

        max_dist_between_atoms = 4.8
        max_dist_from_gb = 3  #main controls

        for i, x in enumerate(xcart_pores):  #generate central atoms
            d = abs(x[0] - in_calc.gbpos)
            if d < max_dist_from_gb:
    """4. Assume that we always have target_znucl, but only three !!!--------------------------------------------------------"""

    st.znucl = target_znucl  #Please make this part more general
    st.ntypat = len(set(st.znucl))
    print 'Warning! Found only ', st.ntypat, 'of unique atoms in target_znucl'

    st.xred = xcart2xred(st.xcart, st.rprimd)
    """5. Find segreg and co-segreg cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    in_calc.init = st

    dlist_coseg = []
    if segtyp == 'coseg':
        print "\nStart searching pairs in  gb"
        # main_path = 'T2/CO/' #! please make more general

        dlist_coseg = pairs(in_calc,

        dlist_coseg_exc = []
        for el in copy.deepcopy(
                dlist_coseg):  #Exchange C and O only for unsymmetrical cases
            if 's' in el[2]: continue  # not needed for symmetrical cases
            el[2] = el[2].replace('C', 'x')
            el[2] = el[2].replace('O', 'C')
            el[2] = el[2].replace('x', 'O')
            el[7], el[8] = el[8], el[7]
            el[3], el[4] = el[4], el[3]

        for el in dlist_coseg + dlist_coseg_exc:  # Helper
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + '_coseg'
                "struct_des['{0:s}'] = des('{1:s}', 'co-segregation configurations; made from "
                + based_on + "'   )").format(stname, path))

        for el in dlist_coseg + dlist_coseg_exc:  # Helper
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + '_coseg'
            print "add_loop('" + stname + "','" + based_on.split(
            )[1] + "',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'up1', inherit_option = 'inherit_xred')"

        write_geometry_files(dlist_coseg + dlist_coseg_exc,

    elif segtyp == 'segreg':
        """Produce segregation cases only in the case of segreg"""
        print "\nStart producing segragation cases"

        dlist_segreg = []
        # dlist_segreg1 = copy.deepcopy(input_dlist_coseg) #in this case we use input_dlist with co-segragation cases from pure cell.
        # dlist_segreg2 = copy.deepcopy(input_dlist_coseg) #There is small error, because positions of pores at grain boundary
        #                                            #differs in pure cell and cell with impurity in grain volume
        # for i, el in enumerate(input_dlist_coseg):
        #     sym = ''
        #     if   'is' in el[2]: sym = 'is'
        #     elif 'ms' in el[2]: sym = 'ms'
        #     dlist_segreg1[i][7] =  xcart1imp
        #     dlist_segreg1[i][2] = 'CvOi'+str(i+1)+sym

        #     dlist_segreg2[i][8] =  xcart1imp

        #     dlist_segreg2[i][2] = 'CiOv'+str(i+1)+sym
        """new determination based on input_dlist_coseg[0][-1]"""
        el = copy.deepcopy(input_dlist_coseg[0])
        unique = el[-1]  #sums and coordinates of unique pores
        print "unique", unique
        for i, sx in enumerate(unique):
            el[2] = 'Ci' + str(i + 1) + 'Ov'
            el[7] = sx[1]
            d1, dnext = image_distance(sx[1], xcart1imp, st.rprimd, 2)
            d2, dnext = image_distance(sx[1], xcart2imp, st.rprimd, 2)
            if d1 > d2:
                el[8] = xcart1imp
                el[8] = xcart2imp  # the farthest impurity in grain volume is used


        #dlist_segreg = dlist_segreg1 + dlist_segreg2 #Segregation of the first impurity and of the second

        dlist_segreg_exc = []
        for el in copy.deepcopy(
                dlist_segreg):  #Exchange C and O only for unsymmetrical cases
            if 's' in el[2]: continue  # not needed for symmetrical cases
            el[2] = el[2].replace('C', 'x')
            el[2] = el[2].replace('O', 'C')
            el[2] = el[2].replace('x', 'O')
            el[7], el[8] = el[8], el[7]
            el[3], el[4] = el[4], el[3]

        for el in dlist_segreg + dlist_segreg_exc:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + '_segreg'
                "struct_des['{0:s}'] = des('{1:s}', 'co-segregation configurations; made from "
                + based_on + "'   )").format(stname, path))

        for el in dlist_segreg + dlist_segreg_exc:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + '_segreg'

            print "add_loop('" + stname + "','" + based_on.split(
            )[1] + "',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'up1', inherit_option = 'inherit_xred')"

        write_geometry_files(dlist_segreg + dlist_segreg_exc,
    """6. Find volume cases--------------------------------------------------------"""
    # this part for construction volume cases
    if segtyp == "grainvol":  #take care that you have only one carbon atom in the grain
        print "\nStart searching pairs in the volume"
        central_atoms = [imp1]
        max_dist_between_atoms = 4.
        #gvolume_config_num = 0 #please choose manually

        dlist = pairs(in_calc,

        #dlist = [dlist[0], copy.deepcopy(dlist[gvolume_config_num-1])  ]

        #dlist[0][4] = imp2 #no matter wht was dlist[0]; used for vv case
        dlist[-1][8] = xcart2imp  #last element for both atoms in grain volumes
        dlist[-1][2] = 'CvOvms'

        for el in dlist:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + '_gvol'  #grain volume
            print "add_loop('" + stname + "','" + based_on.split(
            )[1] + "',range(1,5),calc,conv,varset, 'up1', inherit_option = 'inherit_xred')"

        for el in dlist:
            stname = base_name + el[2]
            path = main_path + base_name + '_gvol'  #grain volume
                "struct_des['{0:s}'] = des('{1:s}', 'co-segregation configurations; made from "
                + based_on + "'   )").format(stname, path))

    """. Triple cases--------------------------------------------------------"""

    def triples(addatom=('O', 3),
        Add addatom to all configurations in tlist; 

        addatom[1] - type of atom in typat
        dlist - list of configurations with two impurity atoms; Used if tlist == []; the format of dlist is quiet special
        tlist - list of configurations with arbirtary number of atoms;

        tlist - list of configurations with add atoms
        st = in_calc.init

        if dlist and tlist == []:
            for el in dlist:
                par = el
                print 'pair 1', par,
                x1 = par[7]
                x2 = par[8]
                print 'x1 = ', x1
                print 'x2 = ', x2
                config = Structure()
                config.xcart = [x1, x2]
                config.typat = [2, 3]
                config.name = el[2]

        tlist_new = []
        for config in tlist:
            xcart = config.xcart
            typat = config.typat
            name = config.name
            print '\n\n\nStart to adding atom to ', name

            i = 1
            dlistlist = []

            diffprec = 0.001

            [dlistlist.append([]) for x in xcart]
            print len(dlistlist)

            for xpor in xcart_pores:

                skip = True
                for j, x in enumerate(
                ):  # list of 2 or 3 initial atoms to which additional atom will be added
                    if all(np.around(xpor, 5) == np.around(x, 5)):
                        skip = True

                    d1, d2 = image_distance(
                        x, xpor, st.rprimd,
                        2)  # the minimum distance and the next minimum dist
                    if d1 > max_dist_to_next_atom:
                        skip = True
                        break  #if only one pore is larger from atom than limit, the pore is skiped

                    # suml = d11+d21+par[0]
                    # for dl in dlistlist:
                    # print 'j is ', j

                    i_min, smaller = min_diff(
                        d1, dlistlist[j], diffprec
                    )  #old condition - bad - removes unique configurations
                    #if smaller: skip = True; continue # symmetrical pores deleted

                    skip = False  # all conditions are fullfilled - this configuration is unique
                # else:
                # print 'List of distances to atoms'
                if skip: continue  #

                #print "Pore can be used", xpor #sum of distances for triple

                new = Structure()
                new.name = name + addatom[0] + str(i)
                new.xcart = copy.deepcopy(xcart)
                new.typat = copy.deepcopy(typat)
                # print 'new.typat  =', new.typat

                #calculate sum of lengths
                new.length = 0
                new.lengthCO = 0
                new.lengthCC = 0
                new.lengthOO = 0
                new.xcartC = []
                new.xcartO = []
                for m, x1 in enumerate(new.xcart):
                    if new.typat[m] == 2: new.xcartC.append(x1)
                    if new.typat[m] == 3: new.xcartO.append(x1)

                    for x2 in new.xcart:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(x1, x2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.length += d1

                for xC in new.xcartC:
                    for xO in new.xcartO:
                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC, xO, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCO += d1

                for xC1 in new.xcartC:
                    for xC2 in new.xcartC:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xC1, xC2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthCC += d1

                for xO1 in new.xcartO:
                    for xO2 in new.xcartO:

                        d1, d2 = image_distance(xO1, xO2, st.rprimd, 2)
                        new.lengthOO += d1

                skip = False
                n = len(new.xcart)
                """additional conditions to leave only unique configurations"""
                for config in tlist_new:
                    if 1:
                        nr = 0
                        for (v1, t1) in zip(new.xcart, new.typat):
                            for (v2, t2) in zip(config.xcart, config.typat):
                                if all(np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(
                                        v2, 8)) and t1 == t2:
                                    nr += 1
                        if nr == n:
                            print "The configurations", new.name, 'and', config.name, 'consist of the same atoms, continue'
                            skip = True

                    # print  all([ all( np.around(v1, 8) == np.around(v2, 8) ) for (v1, v2) in zip(new.xcart, config.xcart) ])

                    #check identity using sum of distances
                    # i_min, smaller = min_diff(config.length, [new.length], diffprec)
                    # if smaller:
                    #     print "Configuration ", new.name, "has the same sum of lengths as", config.name
                    i_min, smaller1 = min_diff(config.lengthCO, [new.lengthCO],
                    i_min, smaller2 = min_diff(config.lengthCC, [new.lengthCC],
                    i_min, smaller3 = min_diff(config.lengthOO, [new.lengthOO],
                    # print 'Compare', new.name, config.name, smaller1, smaller2, smaller3
                    if smaller1 and smaller2 and smaller3:
                        print "\nConfiguration ", new.name, "has the same sum of C-O, C-C  and O-O lengths as", config.name
                        skip = True

                if skip: continue
                print '\nSum of CO lengths in :', new.name, new.lengthCC, new.lengthOO, new.lengthCO


                i += 1

        return tlist_new

    if segtyp == "bulk_triple" or segtyp == "bulk_pairs":

        # max_dist_between_atoms = 4.8

        print "\nSearching pairs ..."
        dlist = pairs(in_calc,

    if segtyp == "bulk_pairs":

    if segtyp == "bulk_triple":

        max_dist_to_next_atom = 5.5
        print "\nSearching triples ..."  #, tlist
        tlist = []
        tlist = triples(('O', 3), dlist, tlist, in_calc, xcart_pores,

        tlist = triples(('C', 2), dlist, tlist, in_calc, xcart_pores,


    return dlist_coseg, xcart_pores