コード例 #1
def test_dag_cached() -> None:
    """Test that DAG caching works."""
    serv = MockServer()
    with Fun(serv, defaults=options(distributed=False)):
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(lambda x: x.decode().upper().encode(), dat)
        step2b = shell("echo 'not'", inp=dict(file1=step1))
        merge = shell("cat file1 file2",
                      inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=step2b.stdout),

    with Fun(serv, defaults=options(distributed=False, evaluate=False)):
        # Same as above, should run through with no evaluation
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(lambda x: x.decode().upper().encode(), dat)
        step2b = shell("echo 'not'", inp=dict(file1=step1))
        merge = shell("cat file1 file2",
                      inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=step2b.stdout),

    with Fun(serv, defaults=options(distributed=False, evaluate=False)):
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(lambda x: x.decode().upper().encode(), dat)
        # DIFFERENT HERE: Trigger re-evaluation and raise
        step2b = shell("echo 'knot'", inp=dict(file1=step1))
        merge = shell("cat file1 file2",
                      inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=step2b.stdout),
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
コード例 #2
def test_toposort() -> None:
    """Test that we can topologically sort the subset."""
    with Fun(MockServer(), options(distributed=False)) as db:
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(capitalize, dat)
        step2 = shell("cat file1 file2", inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=dat))

        # random not included ops
        stepA = shell("echo 'bla'")
        _ = concat(dat, dat)
        _ = morph(capitalize, b"another word")

        final = shell("cat file1 file2",
                          "file1": stepA.stdout,
                          "file2": step2.stdout

        ops = _p._parametrize_subgraph(db, {"input": dat},
                                       {"output": final.stdout})
        edges = _p._subgraph_edges(db, ops)
        sorted_ops = _p._subgraph_toposort(ops, edges)
        assert sorted_ops[0] == step1.parent
        assert sorted_ops[1] == step2.hash
        assert sorted_ops[2] == final.hash
コード例 #3
def test_error_propagation_morph() -> None:
    """Test propagation of errors."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        s1 = funsies.shell("cp file1 file3",

        def fun_strict(inp: bytes) -> bytes:
            return inp

        def fun_lax(inp: Result[bytes]) -> bytes:
            return b"bla bla"

        s2 = funsies.morph(fun_strict, s1.out["file2"])
        s3 = funsies.morph(fun_lax, s1.out["file2"])
        s4 = funsies.morph(fun_lax, s1.out["file2"], strict=False)

        run_op(db, store, s1.op.hash)
        run_op(db, store, s2.parent)

        out = funsies.take(s2, strict=False)
        assert isinstance(out, Error)
        assert out.source == s1.op.hash

        run_op(db, store, s3.parent)
        out = funsies.take(s3, strict=False)
        assert isinstance(out, Error)
        assert out.source == s1.op.hash

        run_op(db, store, s4.parent)
        out = funsies.take(s4)
        assert out == b"bla bla"
コード例 #4
def test_dag_dump() -> None:
    """Test simple DAG dump to file."""
    with Fun(MockServer(), options(distributed=False)) as db:
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        dat2 = put(b"blaXbla")
        errorstep = morph(raises, dat2)
        step1 = morph(upper, dat)
        step2 = shell("cat file1 file2", inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=dat))
        step2b = utils.concat(step2.stdout, errorstep, strict=False)
        step3 = shell("cat file1", inp=dict(file1=step2b))

        step4 = shell("cat file1", inp=dict(file1=step1))
        step4b = shell("cat file2", inp=dict(file2=step4.stdout))

        out = utils.concat(step1, dat, step2.stdout, step3.stdout)

        _dag.build_dag(db, out.hash)
        wait_for(step4b, 1.0)

        nodes, artefacts, labels, links = _graphviz.export(
            db, [out.hash, step4b.hash])
        dot = _graphviz.format_dot(nodes, artefacts, labels, links,
                                   [out.hash, step4b.hash])
        assert len(dot) > 0
        assert len(nodes) == 8
        assert len(labels) == 8

        # TODO pass through dot for testing?
        with open("g.dot", "w") as f:
コード例 #5
def test_subgraph() -> None:
    """Test that we can isolate the required operators for parametrization."""
    with Fun(MockServer(), options(distributed=False)) as db:
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(capitalize, dat)
        step2 = shell("cat file1 file2", inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=dat))

        # random not included ops
        stepA = shell("echo 'bla'")
        _ = concat(dat, dat)
        _ = morph(capitalize, b"another word")

        final = shell("cat file1 file2",
                          "file1": stepA.stdout,
                          "file2": step2.stdout

        ops = _p._parametrize_subgraph(db, {"input": dat},
                                       {"output": final.stdout})
        assert len(ops) == 3
        assert step1.parent in ops
        assert step2.hash in ops
        assert final.hash in ops

        # get edges
        edges = _p._subgraph_edges(db, ops)
コード例 #6
def test_rm() -> None:
    """Test rm."""
    with Fun(MockServer(), options(distributed=False)):
        dat = ui.put("bla bla")
        # removing const artefact raises
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):

        def upper(x: str) -> str:
            return x.upper()

        m1 = fp.morph(upper, dat)
        m2 = fp.morph(lambda x: x + x, m1)
        assert ui.take(m2) == "BLA BLABLA BLA"

        with pytest.raises(UnwrapError):
            # deletion works

        with pytest.raises(UnwrapError):
            # and it's recursive

        # re run
        assert ui.take(m2) == "BLA BLABLA BLA"
コード例 #7
def test_subdag() -> None:
    """Test that subdags execute properly."""
    def cap(inp: bytes) -> bytes:
        return inp.upper()

    def map_reduce(
            inputs: dict[str, bytes]) -> dict[str, _graph.Artefact[bytes]]:
        """Basic map reduce."""
        inp_data = inputs["inp"].split(b" ")
        out: list[_graph.Artefact[bytes]] = []
        for el in inp_data:
            out += [morph(cap, el, opt=options(distributed=False))]
        return {"out": concat(*out, join="-")}

    with Fun(MockServer(), defaults=options(distributed=False)) as db:
        dat = put(b"bla bla lol what")
        inp = {"inp": dat}
        cmd = _subdag.subdag_funsie(map_reduce, {"inp": Encoding.blob},
                                    {"out": Encoding.blob})
        operation = _graph.make_op(db, cmd, inp, options())
        out = _graph.Artefact[bytes].grab(db, operation.out["out"])

        final = shell(
            "cat file1 file2",
            inp=dict(file1=out, file2=b"something"),

        data = take(final.stdout)
        assert data == b"BLA-BLA-LOL-WHATsomething"
コード例 #8
def test_template() -> None:
    """Basic test of chevron templating."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        t = "Hello, {{ mustache }}!"
        result = template(t, {"mustache": "world"})
        run_op(db, store, result.parent)
        assert take(result) == b"Hello, world!"
コード例 #9
def test_store_cache() -> None:
    """Test store for caching."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        s = ui.put("bla bla")
        s2 = ui.put(b"bla bla")
        assert s != s2  # type:ignore
        assert ui.take(s) == "bla bla"
        assert ui.take(s2) == b"bla bla"
コード例 #10
def test_store_takeout() -> None:
    """Test store for caching."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        s = ui.put(3)
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
            ui.takeout(s, f.name)
            with open(f.name, "r") as f2:
                assert json.loads(f2.read()) == 3
コード例 #11
def test_truncate() -> None:
    """Test truncation."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        inp = "\n".join([f"{k}" for k in range(10)])
        dat1 = put(inp.encode())
        trunc = utils.truncate(dat1, 2, 3)
        run_op(db, store, trunc.parent)
        assert take(trunc) == ("\n".join(inp.split("\n")[2:-3])).encode()
コード例 #12
def test_store_cache_jsons() -> None:
    """Test store for caching."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        # more complex data types
        li = ui.put([1, 2, 3])
        assert ui.take(li) == [1, 2, 3]

        di = ui.put({"fun": 3})
        assert ui.take(di) == {"fun": 3}
コード例 #13
def test_wait() -> None:
    """Test waiting on things."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = _context.get_connection()
        s = ui.shell("cp file1 file2", inp={"file1": "wawa"}, out=["file2"])
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            ui.wait_for(s.stdout, timeout=0)
        run_op(db, store, s.op.hash)
        ui.wait_for(s.stdout, timeout=0)
        ui.wait_for(s, timeout=0)
コード例 #14
def test_not_generated() -> None:
    """What happens when an artefact is not generated?"""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        s = funsies.shell("cp file1 file2",
        run_op(db, store, s.op.hash)
        assert funsies.take(s.returncode) == 0
        with pytest.raises(UnwrapError):
コード例 #15
def test_shell_run() -> None:
    """Test shell command."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = _context.get_connection()
        s = ui.shell("cp file1 file2", inp={"file1": b"wawa"}, out=["file2"])
        run_op(db, store, s.hash)
        assert _graph.get_data(db, store, s.stderr) == b""
        assert _graph.get_data(db, store, s.returncode) == 0
        assert _graph.get_data(db, store, s.inp["file1"]) == b"wawa"
        assert _graph.get_data(db, store, s.stdout) == b""
        assert ui.take(s.out["file2"]) == b"wawa"
コード例 #16
def test_parametric_store_recall() -> None:
    """Test storing and recalling parametrics."""
    serv = MockServer()
    with Fun(serv, options(distributed=False)):
        a = put(3)
        b = put(4)

        s = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, a, b)
        s2 = morph(lambda x: 3 * x, s)

        assert take(s2) == 21

        # parametrize
        p.commit("math", inp=dict(a=a, b=b), out=dict(s=s, s2=s2))

    with Fun(serv, options(distributed=False)):
        out = p.recall("math", inp=dict(a=5, b=8))
        assert take(out["s2"]) == 39
コード例 #17
def test_dag_execute() -> None:
    """Test execution of a _dag."""
    with Fun(MockServer(), defaults=options(distributed=False)):
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(lambda x: x.decode().upper().encode(), dat)
        step2 = shell("cat file1 file2", inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=dat))
        output = step2.stdout

        # make queue
        out = take(output)
        assert out == b"BLA BLAbla bla"
コード例 #18
def test_morph() -> None:
    """Test store for caching."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = _context.get_connection()
        dat = ui.put(b"bla bla")
        morph = fp.morph(lambda x: x.decode().upper().encode(), dat)
        run_op(db, store, morph.parent)
        assert ui.take(morph) == b"BLA BLA"

        dat = ui.put("bla bla")
        morph = fp.morph(lambda x: x.upper(), dat, name="CAPITALIZE_THIS")
        run_op(db, store, morph.parent)
        assert ui.take(morph) == "BLA BLA"
コード例 #19
def test_shell_norun() -> None:
    """Test run on a shell command that didn't run."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        cmd = shell("cat file1", inp={"file1": b"bla bla"}, out=["bla"])

        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
            debug.shell(cmd, d)
            n = os.listdir(d)
            assert "input_files" in n
            assert "output_files" in n

            with open(os.path.join(d, "errors.json"), "r") as f:
                assert "NotFound" in f.read()
コード例 #20
def test_concat() -> None:
    """Test concatenation."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        dat1 = put(b"bla")
        dat2 = put(b"bla")
        cat = utils.concat(dat1, dat2)
        run_op(db, store, cat.parent)
        assert take(cat) == b"blabla"

        cat = utils.concat(dat1, dat1, dat1, join=b" ")
        run_op(db, store, cat.parent)
        assert take(cat) == b"bla bla bla"
コード例 #21
def test_parametric_store_recall_optional() -> None:
    """Test storing a parametric with optional parameters."""
    serv = MockServer()
    with Fun(serv, options(distributed=False)):
        a = put(3)
        b = put("fun")

        s = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, a, b)
        s2 = morph(lambda x: x.upper(), s)

        # parametrize
        p.commit("fun", inp=dict(a=a, b=b), out=dict(s=s2))

    with Fun(serv, options(distributed=False)):
        out = p.recall("fun", inp=dict(a=5))
        assert take(out["s"]) == "FUNFUNFUNFUNFUN"

        # nested
        out = p.recall("fun", inp=dict(b="lol"))
        out = p.recall("fun", inp=dict(b=out["s"], a=2))
        assert take(out["s"]) == "LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL"
コード例 #22
def test_reduce() -> None:
    """Test store for caching."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = _context.get_connection()
        dat = ui.put("bla bla")
        morph = fp.morph(lambda x: x.upper(), dat)

        def join(x: str, y: str) -> str:
            return x + y

        red = fp.reduce(join, morph, dat)

        run_op(db, store, morph.parent)
        run_op(db, store, red.parent)
        assert ui.take(red) == "BLA BLAbla bla"
コード例 #23
def test_shell_run2() -> None:
    """Test shell command output side cases."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = _context.get_connection()
        s = ui.shell("cp file1 file2", "cat file2", inp={"file1": b"wawa"})
        run_op(db, store, s.hash)
        assert _graph.get_data(db, store, s.inp["file1"]) == b"wawa"
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            _graph.get_data(db, store, s.stdout)
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            _graph.get_data(db, store, s.stderr)
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            _graph.get_data(db, store, s.returncode)

        assert ui.take(s.stdouts[1]) == b"wawa"
コード例 #24
def test_dag_execute_same_root() -> None:
    """Test execution of two dags that share the same origin."""
    with Fun(MockServer(), defaults=options(distributed=False)):
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(lambda x: x.decode().upper().encode(), dat)
        step2 = shell("cat file1 file2", inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=dat))
        step2b = shell("cat file1", inp=dict(file1=step1))

        out = take(step2.stdout)
        assert out == b"BLA BLAbla bla"

        out = take(step2b.stdout)
        assert out == b"BLA BLA"
コード例 #25
def test_error_propagation() -> None:
    """Test propagation of errors."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        s1 = funsies.shell("cp file1 file3",
        s2 = funsies.shell("cat file1 file2",
                           inp=dict(file1="a file", file2=s1.out["file2"]))
        run_op(db, store, s1.op.hash)
        run_op(db, store, s2.op.hash)
        out = funsies.take(s2.stdout, strict=False)
        assert isinstance(out, Error)
        assert out.source == s1.op.hash
コード例 #26
def test_parametric() -> None:
    """Test that parametric DAGs work."""
    with Fun(MockServer(), options(distributed=False)) as db:
        dat = put(b"bla bla")
        step1 = morph(capitalize, dat)
        step2 = shell("cat file1 file2", inp=dict(file1=step1, file2=dat))
        final = shell("cat file1 file3",
                          "file1": step1,
                          "file3": step2.stdout

        param = _p.make_parametric(db, "param", {"input": dat},
                                   {"output": final.stdout})
        param2 = _p.Parametric.grab(db, param.hash)
        assert param == param2
コード例 #27
def test_dag_large() -> None:
    """Test that DAG building doesn't do extra work for large operations."""
    with Fun(MockServer()) as db:
        outputs = []
        for i in range(100):
            dat = put(f"bla{i}".encode())
            step1 = morph(lambda x: x.decode().upper().encode(), dat)
            step2 = shell(
                "cat file1 file2",
                inp=dict(file1=step1, file2="something"),
            outputs += [concat(step1, step1, step2.stdout, join=b" ")]

        final = concat(*outputs, join=b"\n")
        _dag.build_dag(db, final.hash)
        assert len(_dag._dag_dependents(db, final.hash, hash_t("root"))) == 100
コード例 #28
def test_shell_run() -> None:
    """Test run on a shell command."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        cmd = shell("cat file1", inp={"file1": b"bla bla"}, out=["bla"])
        _ = run_op(db, store, cmd.hash)

        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
            debug.shell(cmd, d)
            n = os.listdir(d)
            assert "stdout0" in n
            assert "stderr0" in n
            assert "input_files" in n
            assert "output_files" in n

            with open(os.path.join(d, "errors.json"), "r") as f:
                assert "MissingOutput" in f.read()
コード例 #29
def test_template_complicated() -> None:
    """Test templating with funky types."""
    with Fun(MockServer()):
        db, store = get_connection()
        t = "wazzaa, {{ mustache }}!"
        result = template(t, {"mustache": put(b"people")})
        run_op(db, store, result.parent)
        assert take(result) == b"wazzaa, people!"

        t = "{{a}}{{b}}{{c}}"
        result = template(t, dict(a=2, b="cool", c="4me"))
        run_op(db, store, result.parent)
        assert take(result) == b"2cool4me"

        t = ""
        result = template(t, dict(a=2, b="cool", c="4me"))
        run_op(db, store, result.parent)
        assert take(result) == b""
コード例 #30
def test_artefact() -> None:
    """Test artefact debug."""
    with Fun(MockServer()) as db:
        cmd = shell("cat file1", inp={"file1": b"bla bla"}, out=["bla"])

        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
            debug.artefact(cmd.stdout, d, connection=db)
            n = os.listdir(d)
            assert "metadata.json" in n
            assert "error.json" in n
            assert "data" not in n

        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
            debug.artefact(cmd.inp["file1"], d, connection=db)
            n = os.listdir(d)
            assert "metadata.json" in n
            assert "error.json" not in n
            assert "data" in n