コード例 #1
def lines_to_vtk_polydata(lines, colors=None):
    """Create a vtkPolyData with lines and colors.

    lines : list
        list of N curves represented as 2D ndarrays
    colors : array (N, 3), list of arrays, tuple (3,), array (K,)
        If None or False, a standard orientation colormap is used for every
        If one tuple of color is used. Then all streamlines will have the same
        If an array (N, 3) is given, where N is equal to the number of lines.
        Then every line is coloured with a different RGB color.
        If a list of RGB arrays is given then every point of every line takes
        a different color.
        If an array (K, 3) is given, where K is the number of points of all
        lines then every point is colored with a different RGB color.
        If an array (K,) is given, where K is the number of points of all
        lines then these are considered as the values to be used by the
        If an array (L,) is given, where L is the number of streamlines then
        these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap per
        If an array (X, Y, Z) or (X, Y, Z, 3) is given then the values for the
        colormap are interpolated automatically using trilinear interpolation.

    poly_data : vtkPolyData
    color_is_scalar : bool, true if the color array is a single scalar
        Scalar array could be used with a colormap lut
        None if no color was used

    # Get the 3d points_array
    points_array = np.vstack(lines)

    # Set Points to vtk array format
    vtk_points = numpy_to_vtk_points(points_array)

    # Set Lines to vtk array format
    vtk_cell_array = numpy_to_vtk_cells(lines)

    # Create the poly_data
    poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData()

    # Get colors_array (reformat to have colors for each points)
    #           - if/else tested and work in normal simple case
    nb_points = len(points_array)
    nb_lines = len(lines)
    lines_range = range(nb_lines)
    points_per_line = [len(lines[i]) for i in lines_range]
    points_per_line = np.array(points_per_line, np.intp)
    color_is_scalar = False
    if colors is None or colors is False:
        # set automatic rgb colors
        cols_arr = line_colors(lines)
        colors_mapper = np.repeat(lines_range, points_per_line, axis=0)
        vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr[colors_mapper])
        cols_arr = np.asarray(colors)
        if cols_arr.dtype == np.object:  # colors is a list of colors
            vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * np.vstack(colors))
            if len(cols_arr) == nb_points:
                if cols_arr.ndim == 1:  # values for every point
                    vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arr,
                    color_is_scalar = True
                elif cols_arr.ndim == 2:  # map color to each point
                    vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr)

            elif cols_arr.ndim == 1:
                if len(cols_arr) == nb_lines:  # values for every streamline
                    cols_arrx = []
                    for (i, value) in enumerate(colors):
                        cols_arrx += lines[i].shape[0] * [value]
                    cols_arrx = np.array(cols_arrx)
                    vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arrx,
                    color_is_scalar = True
                else:  # the same colors for all points
                    vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(
                        np.tile(255 * cols_arr, (nb_points, 1)))

            elif cols_arr.ndim == 2:  # map color to each line
                colors_mapper = np.repeat(lines_range, points_per_line, axis=0)
                vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr[colors_mapper])
            else:  # colormap
                #  get colors for each vertex
                cols_arr = map_coordinates_3d_4d(cols_arr, points_array)
                vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arr, deep=True)
                color_is_scalar = True

    return poly_data, color_is_scalar
コード例 #2
def test_contour_from_roi():

    # Render volume
    scene = window.Scene()
    data = np.zeros((50, 50, 50))
    data[20:30, 25, 25] = 1.
    data[25, 20:30, 25] = 1.
    affine = np.eye(4)
    surface = actor.contour_from_roi(data, affine,
                                     color=np.array([1, 0, 1]),

    # window.show(scene)

    # Test binarization
    scene2 = window.Scene()
    data2 = np.zeros((50, 50, 50))
    data2[20:30, 25, 25] = 1.
    data2[35:40, 25, 25] = 1.
    affine = np.eye(4)
    surface2 = actor.contour_from_roi(data2, affine,
                                      color=np.array([0, 1, 1]),

    # window.show(scene2)

    arr = window.snapshot(scene, 'test_surface.png', offscreen=True)
    arr2 = window.snapshot(scene2, 'test_surface2.png', offscreen=True)

    report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, find_objects=True)
    report2 = window.analyze_snapshot(arr2, find_objects=True)

    npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1)
    npt.assert_equal(report2.objects, 2)

    # test on real streamlines using tracking example
    from dipy.data import read_stanford_labels
    from dipy.reconst.shm import CsaOdfModel
    from dipy.data import default_sphere
    from dipy.direction import peaks_from_model
    from dipy.tracking.local import ThresholdTissueClassifier
    from dipy.tracking import utils
    from dipy.tracking.local import LocalTracking
    from fury.colormap import line_colors

    hardi_img, gtab, labels_img = read_stanford_labels()
    data = hardi_img.get_data()
    labels = labels_img.get_data()
    affine = hardi_img.affine

    white_matter = (labels == 1) | (labels == 2)

    csa_model = CsaOdfModel(gtab, sh_order=6)
    csa_peaks = peaks_from_model(csa_model, data, default_sphere,

    classifier = ThresholdTissueClassifier(csa_peaks.gfa, .25)

    seed_mask = labels == 2
    seeds = utils.seeds_from_mask(seed_mask, density=[1, 1, 1], affine=affine)

    # Initialization of LocalTracking.
    # The computation happens in the next step.
    streamlines = LocalTracking(csa_peaks, classifier, seeds, affine,

    # Compute streamlines and store as a list.
    streamlines = list(streamlines)

    # Prepare the display objects.
    streamlines_actor = actor.line(streamlines, line_colors(streamlines))
    seedroi_actor = actor.contour_from_roi(seed_mask, affine, [0, 1, 1], 0.5)

    # Create the 3d display.
    r = window.Scene()
    r2 = window.Scene()
    arr3 = window.snapshot(r, 'test_surface3.png', offscreen=True)
    report3 = window.analyze_snapshot(arr3, find_objects=True)
    arr4 = window.snapshot(r2, 'test_surface4.png', offscreen=True)
    report4 = window.analyze_snapshot(arr4, find_objects=True)

    # assert that the seed ROI rendering is not far
    # away from the streamlines (affine error)
    npt.assert_equal(report3.objects, report4.objects)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fury_backend.py プロジェクト: gkiar/pyAFQ
def visualize_bundles(sft, affine=None, n_points=None, bundle_dict=None,
                      bundle=None, colors=None, color_by_volume=None,
                      cbv_lims=[None, None], figure=None, background=(1, 1, 1),
                      interact=False, inline=False):
    Visualize bundles in 3D using VTK

    sft : Stateful Tractogram, str
        A Stateful Tractogram containing streamline information
        or a path to a trk file
        In order to visualize individual bundles, the Stateful Tractogram
        must contain a bundle key in it's data_per_streamline which is a list
        of bundle `'uid'`.

    affine : ndarray, optional
       An affine transformation to apply to the streamlines before
       visualization. Default: no transform.

    n_points : int or None
        n_points to resample streamlines to before plotting. If None, no
        resampling is done.

    bundle_dict : dict, optional
        Keys are names of bundles and values are dicts that should include
        a key `'uid'` with values as integers for selection from the sft
        metadata. Default: bundles are either not identified, or identified
        only as unique integers in the metadata.

    bundle : str or int, optional
        The name of a bundle to select from among the keys in `bundle_dict`
        or an integer for selection from the sft metadata.

    colors : dict or list
        If this is a dict, keys are bundle names and values are RGB tuples.
        If this is a list, each item is an RGB tuple. Defaults to a list
        with Tableau 20 RGB values if bundle_dict is None, or dict from
        bundles to Tableau 20 RGB values if bundle_dict is not None.

    color_by_volume : ndarray or str, optional
        3d volume use to shade the bundles. If None, no shading
        is performed. Only works when using the plotly backend.
        Default: None

    cbv_lims : ndarray
        Of the form (lower bound, upper bound). Shading based on
        color_by_volume will only differentiate values within these bounds.
        If lower bound is None, will default to 0.
        If upper bound is None, will default to the maximum value in
        Default: [None, None]

    background : tuple, optional
        RGB values for the background. Default: (1, 1, 1), which is white

    figure : fury Scene object, optional
        If provided, the visualization will be added to this Scene. Default:
        Initialize a new Scene.

    interact : bool
        Whether to provide an interactive VTK window for interaction.
        Default: False

    inline : bool
        Whether to embed the visualization inline in a notebook. Only works
        in the notebook context. Default: False.

    Fury Scene object

    if figure is None:
        figure = window.Scene()

    figure.SetBackground(background[0], background[1], background[2])

    for (sls, color, name, _) in vut.tract_generator(
            sft, affine, bundle, bundle_dict, colors, n_points):
        sls = list(sls)
        if name == "all_bundles":
            color = line_colors(sls)

        sl_actor = actor.line(sls, color)

    return _inline_interact(figure, inline, interact)
コード例 #4
def lines_to_vtk_polydata(lines, colors="RGB"):
    """Create a vtkPolyData with lines and colors.

    lines : list
        list of N curves represented as 2D ndarrays
    colors : array (N, 3), list of arrays, tuple (3,), array (K,), "RGB"
        If None or False, no coloring is done
        If "RGB" then a standard orientation colormap is used for every line.
        If one tuple of color is used. Then all streamlines will have the same
        If an array (N, 3) is given, where N is equal to the number of lines.
        Then every line is coloured with a different RGB color.
        If a list of RGB arrays is given then every point of every line takes
        a different color.
        If an array (K, 3) is given, where K is the number of points of all
        lines then every point is colored with a different RGB color.
        If an array (K,) is given, where K is the number of points of all
        lines then these are considered as the values to be used by the
        If an array (L,) is given, where L is the number of streamlines then
        these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap per
        If an array (X, Y, Z) or (X, Y, Z, 3) is given then the values for the
        colormap are interpolated automatically using trilinear interpolation.

    poly_data : vtkPolyData
    color_is_scalar : bool, true if the color array is a single scalar
        Scalar array could be used with a colormap lut
        None if no color was used

    # Get the 3d points_array
    points_array = np.vstack(lines)

    nb_lines = len(lines)
    nb_points = len(points_array)

    lines_range = range(nb_lines)

    # Get lines_array in vtk input format
    lines_array = []
    # Using np.intp (instead of int64), because of a bug in numpy:
    # https://github.com/nipy/dipy/pull/789
    # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/4384
    points_per_line = np.zeros([nb_lines], np.intp)
    current_position = 0
    for i in lines_range:
        current_len = len(lines[i])
        points_per_line[i] = current_len

        end_position = current_position + current_len
        lines_array += [current_len]
        lines_array += range(current_position, end_position)
        current_position = end_position

    lines_array = np.array(lines_array)

    # Set Points to vtk array format
    vtk_points = numpy_to_vtk_points(points_array)

    # Set Lines to vtk array format
    vtk_lines = vtk.vtkCellArray()

    # Create the poly_data
    poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData()

    # Get colors_array (reformat to have colors for each points)
    #           - if/else tested and work in normal simple case
    color_is_scalar = False
    if colors is None or colors is False:
        # No color array is used
        return poly_data, None
    elif isinstance(colors, str) and colors.lower() == "rgb":
        # set automatic rgb colors
        cols_arr = line_colors(lines)
        colors_mapper = np.repeat(lines_range, points_per_line, axis=0)
        vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr[colors_mapper])
        cols_arr = np.asarray(colors)
        if cols_arr.dtype == np.object:  # colors is a list of colors
            vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * np.vstack(colors))
            if len(cols_arr) == nb_points:
                if cols_arr.ndim == 1:  # values for every point
                    vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arr,
                    color_is_scalar = True
                elif cols_arr.ndim == 2:  # map color to each point
                    vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr)

            elif cols_arr.ndim == 1:
                if len(cols_arr) == nb_lines:  # values for every streamline
                    cols_arrx = []
                    for (i, value) in enumerate(colors):
                        cols_arrx += lines[i].shape[0] * [value]
                    cols_arrx = np.array(cols_arrx)
                    vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arrx,
                    color_is_scalar = True
                else:  # the same colors for all points
                    vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(
                        np.tile(255 * cols_arr, (nb_points, 1)))

            elif cols_arr.ndim == 2:  # map color to each line
                colors_mapper = np.repeat(lines_range, points_per_line, axis=0)
                vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr[colors_mapper])
            else:  # colormap
                #  get colors for each vertex
                cols_arr = map_coordinates_3d_4d(cols_arr, points_array)
                vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arr, deep=True)
                color_is_scalar = True

    return poly_data, color_is_scalar
コード例 #5
ファイル: viz_roi_contour.py プロジェクト: furious-atoms/fury
classifier = ThresholdTissueClassifier(csa_peaks.gfa, .25)

seed_mask = labels == 2
seeds = utils.seeds_from_mask(seed_mask, density=[1, 1, 1], affine=affine)

# Initialization of LocalTracking. The computation happens in the next step.
streamlines = LocalTracking(csa_peaks, classifier, seeds, affine, step_size=2)

# Compute streamlines and store as a list.
streamlines = Streamlines(streamlines)

# We will create a streamline actor from the streamlines.

streamlines_actor = actor.line(streamlines, line_colors(streamlines))

# Next, we create a surface actor from the corpus callosum seed ROI. We
# provide the ROI data, the affine, the color in [R,G,B], and the opacity as
# a decimal between zero and one. Here, we set the color as blue/green with
# 50% opacity.

surface_opacity = 0.5
surface_color = [0, 1, 1]

seedroi_actor = actor.contour_from_roi(seed_mask, affine, surface_color,

# Next, we initialize a ''Renderer'' object and add both actors
コード例 #6
ファイル: viz.py プロジェクト: weiwei-wch/pyAFQ
def visualize_bundles(trk,
                      background=(1, 1, 1),
    Visualize bundles in 3D using VTK

    trk : str, list, or Streamlines
        The streamline information

    affine : ndarray, optional
       An affine transformation to apply to the streamlines before
       visualization. Default: no transform.

    bundle_dict : dict, optional
        Keys are names of bundles and values are dicts that should include
        a key `'uid'` with values as integers for selection from the trk
        metadata. Default: bundles are either not identified, or identified
        only as unique integers in the metadata.

    bundle : str or int, optional
        The name of a bundle to select from among the keys in `bundle_dict`
        or an integer for selection from the trk metadata.

    colors : dict or list
        If this is a dict, keys are bundle names and values are RGB tuples.
        If this is a list, each item is an RGB tuple. Defaults to a list
        with Tableau 20 RGB values

    background : tuple, optional
        RGB values for the background. Default: (1, 1, 1), which is white

    scene : fury Scene object, optional
        If provided, the visualization will be added to this Scene. Default:
        Initialize a new Scene.

    interact : bool
        Whether to provide an interactive VTK window for interaction.
        Default: False

    inline : bool
        Whether to embed the visualization inline in a notebook. Only works
        in the notebook context. Default: False.

    Fury Scene object
    if isinstance(trk, str):
        trk = nib.streamlines.load(trk)
        tg = trk.tractogram
        # Assume these are streamlines (as list or Streamlines object):
        tg = nib.streamlines.Tractogram(trk)

    if affine is not None:
        tg = tg.apply_affine(np.linalg.inv(affine))

    streamlines = tg.streamlines

    if scene is None:
        scene = window.Scene()

    scene.SetBackground(background[0], background[1], background[2])

    if colors is None:
        # Use the color dict provided
        colors = color_dict

    def _color_selector(bundle_dict, colors, b):
        """Helper function """
        if bundle_dict is None:
            # We'll choose a color from a rotating list:
            if isinstance(colors, list):
                color = colors[np.mod(len(colors), int(b))]
                color_list = colors.values()
                color = color_list[np.mod(len(colors), int(b))]
            # We have a mapping from UIDs to bundle names:
            for b_name_iter, b_iter in bundle_dict.items():
                if b_iter['uid'] == b:
                    b_name = b_name_iter
            color = colors[b_name]
        return color

    if list(tg.data_per_streamline.keys()) == []:
        # There are no bundles in here:
        streamlines = list(streamlines)
        # Visualize all the streamlines with directionally assigned RGB:
        sl_actor = actor.line(streamlines, line_colors(streamlines))

        # There are bundles:
        if bundle is None:
            # No selection: visualize all of them:
            for b in np.unique(tg.data_per_streamline['bundle']):
                idx = np.where(tg.data_per_streamline['bundle'] == b)[0]
                this_sl = list(streamlines[idx])
                color = _color_selector(bundle_dict, colors, b)
                sl_actor = actor.line(this_sl, color)

            # Select just one to visualize:
            if isinstance(bundle, str):
                # We need to find the UID:
                uid = bundle_dict[bundle]['uid']
                # It's already a UID:
                uid = bundle

            idx = np.where(tg.data_per_streamline['bundle'] == uid)[0]
            this_sl = list(streamlines[idx])
            color = _color_selector(bundle_dict, colors, uid)
            sl_actor = actor.line(this_sl, color)

    return _inline_interact(scene, inline, interact)